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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1897)
THE AMERICAN THE I KOUMD I.AD. WkyU TtaiUt, Trairlcr ad Ma4rt SbM TUU I t. There re two mwnii, rltter one f which ought U U mcluWe ilb very American cilirro JVrat.- The trip from IVntr U L'uh 1 Hlo GranUo Urn, "Gnat Suit Lftk Kout," U tho franJ.-t u h louoil ant abort" on the contlmtil. N" Kuriyan trip of eoua! Injr:ti can com pr with it in variety anJ f ramU'iir of onnery anJ wi tilth of no el lnU'rvt SefTm.f -YoufhoulJ to Nfue.when you hare niiule thia wonuVrful trln, you Will find l"Uh at the end of it ltah. OMOf the world faino.i s'U, and a Und of fold. iIit, epM'r, iron and 001; of luftjr mountain and frrllle ''al ley; of Tlncjardit, fruit, and Unworn. Salt Lake City, the capita!, l of great Intercut on acrountof It hiftorleal nd rellgiouH aMH-Utioiw Here are Hot Thermal Springs. Warm Krlnjf, Sul phur Spring'. Sanitarium, Parks, Drive, Canyon and the mot health ful climate on earth. Great Suit Lake, with the new and tNautlful SalUlr Beach lUwirl, of Mnorii-ta del(D, baa 0 equal in A merle. Write to K. A WaJlelch, Salt Lake City, for oopleaof pamphleU, i't. - f 2WMHI IN .U1.1 t.lVKN. Or tiptvlal Interest to MudenU and Tetuiien. It II. Woodward Company, of Haiti more, Md., are making a moet liberal offer of 1-00 00 to anyone who will Roll tUO copie of "Gema of Ilolljjlour ThouRhl." a new hook by Talmane. Thla li one of the mtat popular book ever publltthod. Three edition aold lo 90 day. Amenta oll 10 to 15 coplca a day. An Estey organ, retail price 1270, given for selling 1 10 coplea In 3 months. K 1100 bicycle given for veiling K0 ooplea In 2 months. A gold watch for elllng 60 ooplea in one month. Thlf premium In addition to commission Complete outfit 35 cent. Freight paid. Credit given. Agcnta wanted also for "Talkt toChildrenJAboutJeaua." One hundred and fifty thousand ooplea bold. It la now selling faster than ever Same term and condition! as or "Gema of Ilollgloua Thought." Other popular hooka and niblea also. The Offer apeclal and most liberal rates to tudenU and teachera for summer va oatlon. During last summer a largi aumber of students and teachers can Vftaaeu for their books. Among the list there were 23 who made over 1200, 67 who won the 1200 premium, and 7f aade over 1150 for their summer work. Write them Immediately tf What C 1. l'otter Shy. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31, 185.-The Howard Medicine Company. Gen tie sen: I desire to say to all who feel tht strength of their manhood slowly slip ping away, whose ambition Is at tu lowest ebb, whot-e mind is beclouded Md the senses dulled, when you foe) dyspeptic, and lose your self-respect, that your blood Is out of order, and all you need Is some of Howard's Vegetone Blood I'owder to lone up your system It will act almost Instantly upon tht Dlood; you will feel the renewed lift and vigor coursing through your sys tem; you will feel the old-time grip in jour hands; your mind will be as actlvi a ever; your friends will observe thr flag of health flying In your face, arm you will feel like a new being, t havi not felt so well for five year, as I dt lnoe taking one package of your HUhh) Powder, and I feel as strong and aciivi at ever. I weigh 15 pounds more thai: aver In my life. The change Is so marked that It is the subject of com ment when meeting my friends 1 recommend Howard's Vegetone Bloou Powder to be, as I believe, the greatest blood-purifier on earth. C. A Potter 1302 Farram Street is the Union Pa Clflc City Tick 't Office. 8At'MKHS At MACKAHliAM). AvUrnevs, 14K1 Ksrnani Street. SPECIAL MASTFK COMM1SSIONFHS ShI". t'nder ami by virtue of hii order of tale or decree of forecloBiirw of mortgage Issued out of the district court for IHiuglns County, Nebraska. Hint to me directed. I will, on the l"th day of January A I. IMT. nt on o'clock P. M of said day, at the (CAST front door of Ihe county cou-t house. In thertty of CiniihH. IHmglas county. Nebrsska. sell Ht pulillo auction to the high est bidder for rash, the property described In said rder of le follows, uv-wlt.: Lot seven iTi In block three hundred and eight (Diixi of the original ulat of ihe city of Onmha. Douglas county. Nehritska. Said property to be sold tosatlsfy I'hlllp I.. Johnson, plalnlllT herein, the sum of Bve hundred and eleven and M-HU dollars 51 1 8 with Interest thereon at the rate of err (7) per cent prr annum from Septeu. her 17th. Ism. To satisfy ccsts In said case taxed at forty three and Si-HD dollars i43 .ls. tegetl er with accruing C(t according to a judgment rendered by the district ecu rt of said Doug las county, at tt eepteniber term A. D. l(4. In acert'n act'on then and there pending, wherein I'hlllp L Johnson was plaintiff, and Charles H. Hmwn and Mrs.- Krown. Brat name unknown, his wife, were de fendants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, IVcember lsth, A D. 18W4. GEOKGKW. HOLRUOOK. Spei-lal Master Commissioner. Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys for plain tiff. Johnson vs. Brown. Doc. 43; No. Ml. IS-18 5 J. T. PATCH, Attorney. Uoom 22 ratterson Block. T KGAL NOTKK.-ln the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska. Lettle Davis, vs. Charles B. Davis. har es B. Davis, defendant will tke notice that on the nth dav of Deeemtier. 1S.. Lettle Davis, plaintiff herein, tiled her peti tion In the district c urt of Douglas county. Nebraska, agaiEst said defendant, thet tiject and prayer of which are that she n'liy be divorced from the defendant on the grounds of desertion, and for such fur' her and other relief as he may be emitted to. You are reguired to answer said petition on or before the 1Mb day of January, 18'.7. bated, Iecember nth, nam. LETTIE DAVIS. By J.T. Patch, htt attorney. 12-11-4 .! MtllH M K. HI. M. Attorney lum tau. ftrwt i-H kilt CAI Kv virtue allaa Q r te iu.-U mil i'f thr m.lri. I 1 ,-nuri !.!. ... -miniv . Netirwka. and l ii.r U r.vt. .1 I mil ..n llir HklT ' uar. A I' al I"' u'clm k ' ' at tlir r l irum a. -or in ...uri I1..11 la tlirriiy t.f 'n nha l"Ml ,-uin.t, l rnk mIi piiWii' U'H'i u ll.r l.i.l.. l I. i.l. i. r f it. l. it" ir..( ri U, . riiJ In U ,.r.l. r ,.f ! f.i.. tu- it 111 utl.'t .Mrl.l nf ll'i- 'Ul---! i.itin i.f Uir iuilii-i K r-i-r ..Ivriii i.l t,ibh'p lifu--u I ' riU rtiiif ti' r-i .f ihil-im I'rla- MfrulUo. fMimln In ll H 4-rc .i,-iriltn in lit- Him riim'-i't ur,-r. l.tfrMln r iitiall l-n-iitil. Ii-r'ill an -l iiil i.url iiiir- llr,'t. t'li.Uk'lliil- ur ! v.iall l liJ rr. or.1" tl. l llul-U In Ihiuk'lHK.'iiunlf Kinln.f NrliriM.k ..! jir. (htiv i. Im .ilf to Minify Alt.ln W K i'.,lnitiT l.i n ln itn- ui.i of l.i lliuiia' .1 h' nihil ti ti-rour mm II li .1 IUr I ' li Jil- Kiin in . l h Hi H r. l iii-r ou hi rir i.r u i ' " ni ,iir milium from t.'p t-inU'r Si'il. Iv.' 1 ti ii.ouiil or l van i i'H iiiiik i i-u up n iill r it t - lit ill . Til it III allV I'liVIU m rv.tii lill Mill in-ri-iu. Ih- aillii of ltirt-t t!niiml Ihri-f fll' H H anil IIV i'ii'0 Mi ll .ih I.U iiiinni it. I 4i ImlifiiK'iii lull rt-ni Hi. rum l rm-in li .In. n-r .--ni iM-r kiiiiuiii fruii rroi,'inivr tril Ip: wli'rti miiioiiiiI U it M-i'oiiii vllil tint tit 11 uuiii i ri-al t-Nit' itlHiv ili-M-rit il. mill nul'.wl imljf li tin' iH'ii Ihf li).,li-rv tin' -..ill. or mi i w.i nn -.1 iuii l..llr ht-n-lu toiri-il i r itli w- i-ruiim 'oii Ai'i'orilliitf t i h tuiltf nl ttn- .;i'r, .l l. il, iliHirn i roiirl of s.iti.1 ! uvlnt. I'olllll V. HI II f-I'lHi'liltNT liTIII. A li l'i.i In .-. rlHlu b. ii. ii l hi ii huh iiii i-c plll'llll ln All.; t y I lililnlllT Hint hi' tf. Hit.'k l .i puny lit i iir(ortli.ii nr- VHtlr.l nil. I.r III" li,H of llii' IH of f - lirHkit. luiiu Klui'k mill ivlU M I rr ri' drfi-iulillilH CIllkllH Ni'lTMNlll. I HM'fllllilT 11 h l'l JOHN W Mi iim.II. Mn r ffu' Hiiiiuliiit t 'oiinlr . Ni'1-rni.kH H ii lull r 9c M i'f .irlHiiii. hi lor hi y . H .lol.H K Kl..k I'll rial (ikv au. N.i -A'! :! IN NtlMHKS A M A I A Itl. M. AUornryM. 1414 Kiirniiii Mn-i-l HIIKKIKK'S SAl.K-l:y virnir of ;in oriliT of Ma lo Imn-il out of I In- liitnrt I'ourl for I loiiKtiiH I 'ounl y, Ni-l.r.iHk.i. iin.l In im' .III. . I. .I. I will, mi Hi.- :'i.lti il.iy of J.inuiiry, A. I1 tvii". at ion o i lo. k n in , of i.. i l.l .l.i y . nt Mo- KiiNt front it. .or of I li I 'ounl. v I'oiirt lloum. Ill I In' I'Hy of diiiului. IMiiikI'is loiinty, NiliniMkii. i-ll at pulillr mi. 11. hi to tin' hlclii'Kt lil.l.l.T for i'jihIi, tin- iiroiM-rly ili-Mrnln-il In Haul oiilor tif hiiIo us r.illiiHN, io Lots llilrl.'. n (I II unit foul li'i n III! In liliH'k two CI In Amos I'liirc, nil a.l.lllwul lo tin- illy of Omaha, n.i hiii vi-yiit. plat- li-.l mill roi' nil hIIiiiiIi-iI In IIoiikIiih ,-ouniy. Ktulo of Ni-lii aikii. Salil lot llillliin till In lilmk two (2) III AniiH I'lai-c. an nil.lllloii In tin' rlly of Oinnlia nfori-Hiil.t. to l- Holil In satisfy llarrv J. TwIiiIIiik. plaintiff IhtvIii, tin' mini of two Iniiiilroil nn.l t mil y mill M UNI itL'Jii Ml ilollars iil. Willi Hiti n-Mt iIiiti-oii in tin- rati- of tin ilm por rout pit iinniiiii from S.-ti-iiili-r iMIi. U'H'i, an. I to Hiillsfy I ! fiirtlii-r sum of twenly-two Hint fi lim iH.- itollars ntmrni'ys ron. Halil lot l.iiirl.'i-n 1141 In hlo. k two l-l. Aiiii-n riarf, mi n. 1. 11(1. in to (li.- city of Omaha, to ho nnlil to satisfy salil Marry .1. Twliitlnit. plnlulllT lii'ii'ln, I lu Hum of fonrliiii ami T-hi ilH.iii'i Hli liili-rcst tlii'iinii Ht tht' rati" of ti-n (HI) por i-fiit por minimi from Sipli'tuhiT ism IMHi, toKothi r wlih llio fuillii.r sum of our- ninl 4ii-pm III. 4UI attorneys roes. 'I'o millHfv tin' sum of forty-live anil iB-liid (Ji:. !.:! ilolhiis rosts liin lii. toKftlu-r w ith ii. i i iiliik' i-osts, iii'i-orilliiK to a .nnitf-nu-nl by thn Plslrlot Court of salil 1oiikIii rollllly, lit Its Siplomhi-r term. A. 1 1. tsmi. In n rertnlii m-tloii Ihi'ti ami tln-re pi'inllnir, wln-roln Marry J. Tw luting Is plalnlllT an. I MiikkIo 1.. Hun tor ami Mr. Humor. Ilrst ami roal mime unknown, her hushanil. are ilefeml unts. OhiiiIiii. Nebraska. Ieeemlier '.'lih lVHi. JOHN V Hi'IhIN At.r. Sheriff of lioiiKlas County. Nebraska. Haunilerx Maef.irlaml. niorueys. 'rwlntimt vs. Milliter et ill. line. ,'i7 No. 117. I2 !."i-.'i hAUMIKKS Ai M. l''AltIi.M. AttorneyH. UnA Ksrnain Street. 8I1KKIK1-' S SAI.K.-lly virtue of an onler of sale Issueil out of the llstrlet Court for I 'oiii;las . oulily, Nebraska, anil lo me dlreeleil. 1 will, on the Llilh ilay of Janunrv. A. 1. lMii. at ten o eloek a. m. of ii 1,1 tiny, at the east front iloor of the County Court Mouse. Ill I he rlly of Omaha. lioui;las fount v. Nebraska, sell at nubile nuetlon to the hlt-'liesi bl.l.l for cash, the property described In said order of sale, as follows, to-wll: Lots live tfil and six nil. In block four teen (141. In Carl hate l'lace. an mlilillon to the cltv of Omaha, as surveye.t. plat led and recorded, nil situated In liounlas coiinlv. slate of Nebraska. Said lot live iM In block fourteen (141 CartluiKi' l'lace. lo be sold lo satisfy llarrv J. Twlnlltm. plalnlllT herein, tin sum of eleven and Hfi-liw iJll.Hfil dollars Judgment, with interest thereon at Ihe rate of ten (101 per cent per annum from September Stlli. Wm, together with tin further sum of one mid lH-ldO (SI li at torney's foes. Said lot six nil In block fourteen (Hi, Carthage l'lace. to be sold to satisfy sai l Mwrrv J. TwInlliiK. plaintiff herein. Ihe sum of eleven und ft.-lntl (Ill HiM dollars linliriiifiit. with Interest thereon al the rate of ten (l per cent per annum from Seiileniber 2Mh. IsWi. together with the further sum of one and lil-liKI (Jl.lHl dol lurw ullornev's fees. To satisfy the mini of Twenty-six .mil ti-imi (JLH mil dollars costs herein, together u-ith iiccriitni? costs, according lo a. luiiu' ment reiideied by Ihe 1 "strict Court of said iHiuglas county at Its September term. A. 1. lli. Ill il certain action then mil there nemling. wherein Marry J. Twlnting Is plaintiff and Charles H. liroed and Mrs. I treed. Ills wiff Hirst and real name unknownl. are de fendants. Omaha. Nebraska IVcember Wth. Is'.ki. JOHN V. MclHiN'Al.H. Sheriff of liouglas County. Nebraska. Saunders ,V Macfarland. attorneys. Twintiiig vs. lined et al. Hoc. No. is. 12-r.-' W.H ltl'SSKMi. Attornev. mil New York Life Hutldlng. C1KCIAI. MASTKK COMVISSIONFHS O Sale. Pnder and bv virtue of an orfier of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court f. r Douglas r-onnty.slate of Nebra- ka.nd to me directed 1 win. on the l'.Uh day of .lanuiry. A D. IS'i; t one o'clock r. M of said d iy. at the NtiKTH front do-r "f tin' count y cou-t house. In the cltv of Omaha. Dougbn county Ne- linutt sell Ht mi Hi' auction t ) the highest e.dd r for rash, the tiroperty tesoriled Id said order of sale as follows, to-w t: Lot seven (7i In Anlsrield Addition to the City of Omaha. I. ug as county Nebraska, assurvtyed. plat'ed and recorded. Said property to be sold to satisfy K.lla.t. f ' intuc . plaintiff herein. Ihe um of one thousand two hundred and eight v-one dol lar at d ninety-seven tents J1.2M Hi. with Interest thereon at the rate of ten ilOMier cent per annua fro . the 4th day of Keb- ru iry. A. n. lwm. To satisfy the sum of nineteen dollars and Ihlrty-thre- cents if IV 33i costs, together with accrulrgcosts. according to a judgment ren dered by the district court of said Douglas county, at lt.s February term, A. U. WW. In a certain action then and there pending. wherein Ella J Shattuck was piaintin. anu Charles M. Miller et al were defendant. Dated at Ouiaha, Nebraska December, A-UW' ISAAC N. WATSON. Special Master Coin m issloner. Wm. H. Russell, attorney for plaintiff. Shattuck vs Miller. lKc .52; No. r:o. IM NOTICE TO NON-KEi-IDENT DEFF.NI ant To Thomas Wluslow, non-resident defendant: You are hereby roCHed that, on the 15th day of December. A. D. WW. Jennie Wlnslow. plaintiff, tiled her petition In the district court within and for Douglas county, state of Nebraska, aga-nst Thomas Wlnslo. defend ant the object and prayer of which Is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds that you have wilfully desertd and abandoned the plaintiff fur more than two years last past without jut cause, and 1li:C you have com mitted the crime of adultery with d:vers and sundry persons whose real names are to the plnlnt'tff unknown. You are further notified that you are re quired to answer said petltlor on or before the 2th day of January. A D. W7. Dated at Ouiaha, Nebraska, December 15th, A. 1. im. ., , jt.l.llt. ni.iiuai. 12-1S-I Plaintiff. W. II. IH KhKI.I.. Aiuirnry l V Vurk Lift Huilatat SH f klr ir HA I E - Hy vlrlue i.f an onlei of laiyi il oih of I lie Cut Net I ourl for iH'iKIH county .Nel-m.kH. Hl.d ui me dl reel. . I I "III. on H i l.'ih day of lanuaty A. l I K7 Hi leu o I l.' of "SI'l ilay Hi ti l ft. AT from door of Hie count y inial hoiiar In il.r rill ui Oii'tlia. liougla cuiliity Ne tirakH a-ll Hi put. In auction. In lie lifglieal tii.iiii-i for cttli. ihe pr.ii-riy iliM-rlt-ed li Ha:d . rdi-r of aaU Ha f.iiloHW. ti-H: Tl e rt'l i.ot'-l Hif 'i of l -i nun l r I eniy-i-Ul.l In hii pii-l Add ll n III I lie I'll y of tltm tin lli'ligla i-liuetv, Net.raa'--i. h int. ynl. and ris-ordau ail In Ikiug- a en int v alale of rai-liraa a r-H d uroperty be Hold to Hallkfy Jul a WiMalford ptHllillff lierelo. the i-illn of Her, n hiiliilrt il ami fifty 111,- al.. -It Im . Lilian. .S.''i -Jut judgn eul, Hllll InlereHl itierton Hi rnte of ten . In. a-r rem per hiiuuiii from H- p lent tier tli. I-!; tthl.'ti Hlnount la tlrnt Inn up. n llieH'ai e ilea ' Ibed ri-ale'tHte. In .llry ihe -i-i.r-ka .-shuoiihi khiih defetiilHItl heri-tn. Ilie aun of Kfiv one Hint t Im did am .(.I 4ii judgnient. wild Inlereal ih. rii-n hi rale of ten - In. per cent per huh mi fron iN-ceint-er -ud. IKU: wi.l.-h hiuoiiiiI la h w.'on.l HIil an.) rtlsllng lien uhiii aald ri a' rslHie ioper y alMive di-acrllM-d. To aatlsry Ui am of lw,-.ty- gnt ane H Im dollar .fas in coal a herein. gethel with accruing coaia h. cording Ui a liidgnieri rellilereil tiy Ihe illalrict conn nf anld iNnig laacnuiily HI iln r-epleu. t r leriu. A. II tsa. in a ferlHln action then and there pi nil ng ulierelii John la pi lit Iff. nml I lank tl (Hi"!. Anna I. I'lKen John I Hr. asler. ll.-ery Horn larger. William K Maei-r.,. f'Heeiy I. Is Hlfeinrs Hl.d renl iiHiue u ii kin win. M Kn.l. I h Wnii-iliai I reamery Aa-uM-la'-nin, Tne Kir I National Hm.k of tie Hh and Tu Not.ra-.ka Nail nial Hank are i!i-(. mlaiits. lnaha Netiraaa a. lh-cen la' ll. si Ji ill N W. Mi ImiN ALU o erlff of Douglas County. Nebr tska Win II Kusa-ll ..llorn.y Wis. ford i Usenet al lh- dS: No -"-'S 11-11 & V II. Ill SSKl-l.. Attorney, "lit New York Life Kulld ng SH FKIFl 'S SA I.E. - Hy virtue of an eecu lion on Iranwrlpl Issued onl of Ihe ills trl -I couri of Ikniglaa i-oiiiiiy Nebraska, to me directed. I have levied upon the fol lowing described lauds aid teneiii-lit a. to wn : I...I-. eight iSi In tilis-k ten .Im In Jetter's Addition lo Ihe city of South Omaha n sur veyed, platted mid reconleil. all situated in Uiiiiguia coiimy. sliite of Nebraska, as Ihe proH'rty of Martha Brown and C harles J. Itrown. defendants h'-n-ln And I will, on the Itl h day of January. A. D lsw7. al Klo'cliM-U A. at of said day al the EWT front ilisTof the count y court house. In Ihe cltyof Omaha. Douglas county. Ne. bruska. sell at public auction Ihe pruHTlv above described. lo satisfy Frederick A. Weed, plaint I If heif In.thchiiiii of alitv-elght a"d ') 2Ui damiigi s.and four and tft- inn dollar if4liro i-ohis of suit, which by Ihe Judgment of Eben K. Ijing. Justice of the Peace In and for said county, on the auth day of October. WW (a transcript of which judgment was on Ihe :ui h day of Of-tolH-r ISWi. duly tiled and i.h kele.l In Ihe distil. -I court within and for said cuuinv by which said Frederick A. Weed, plainttlf herein, recovered against the said Martha Ur.iwn and Charlea J. Krown. defendants herein, with line-est thereon at the ra e of ten (KM per cent per annum from theUuih, day of October. Isim. un I' paid: and alsothe further sum of one dollar and ten cents fl lilt the ciihis of Increase on said Judg ment, and 'he accrii ng costs thereon Omaha, Nebraska. December lath. WW. JOHN W. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W II. liu sell, attorney. Weed vs Brown el al. Ex. Dim'. X: Nu. HI 12 IS S W. II. ItrSMKI.I. II. K. HI UN AM, Attorneys Alt) New York Life llulliling SHEUII'F'SSAI E.-By virtue of an order of ssle Issued out of the district. court for Douglas count y. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will, on I he IDth day of January. A. Il W.i7. at ten o'clock A. M. of said day. at the EAST frontdoor of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Ne braska se.l at public auction ti the highest bidder for cash the property described In said order of H"t. ' tllows to-wlt : Li t mi' li lit iSi In block ten Mill in Hitchcock's ton. Addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, i lat led and recorded, all situated In Douglas county, state of Ne braska. Maid property ti lie sold to satisfy C. A. Kent, plab'tiff herein Ihe sum of one thou sand and tiny six and :u-HW dollars .l a' ;i;n tudgnient with Interest thereon at rate of len din percent per annum from September 2Hth. WW. To satisfy the sum of thirty-one and W-lOO dollars tf.ll.AN) costs herein, together with ac cruing cos's a cording t" a judgment ren dered by the district en r' of salil Di uglas county, et lis Sopti in' er term. A I. WW. In a certain action then and there pending, w herein 0. A. Kent Is plaintiff, and Michael Kannuse, unknown i e is of Margaret II Kanouse. ileiv as. t', otto h. Lang rson. Mattle K M.-ni.'i. D ui Savings Bank and Charlet F. Ilarilnin. Uo.-e ver of the Dime Savings Bank, are dcf." darts. Omaha, Nebraska. December 1st h, WW JOHN W. McD N AI.D, Sheriff of Hoi'gias County. Nebrtska Wm II. Hisell A ii. E Hurnam, attorneys. 0 II. Ki-nt vs. Kanouse et al. Doc. 86; No 2h 12-IS-5 SAUNDKItH X MACKAKIiANO. Attorneys. 14(K! Farnain Street. SI1EKIFFS SALE By virtue of an alias ordet of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the 29th day of De cember, A. D IS'W at 10 o'clock A. m. of said day. st Ihe EAST fro I door of the county i-iiiiri houe. in t he city of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska-, sell at public auction to the highest b'dder for cash, the property de scribed in said order of sile, as follows, to wlt : 1 ots one (D. tw i (21. three ilP. four (4), five 5I, six (lil. seven (7i, t ight (SI. nine idi and ten (HI) In block eight, im in Boyd's Addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded all In Douglas couuty. slate of Ne nri.ska Said property to be sold to satisfy .lames V Dvorsky. plaintiff herein, the sum of two hundred and ninety five and lill-iim dollars ($210 til'i Judgment, with Interest, thereon at raieof ten i ltd per cent per annum from May 4th WW, which amoun s tire a first valid and existing lieu upon said above described pr pcriy Tosatl.fv the sum of ninety six and 77 I(X) dollars iJ'.W 77i ccsts In rein, together with ac crulng c.ts, accord in to a judgment ren in' red hy the d strict i cirl of said Douglas, county. Nebraska, at lis .viay term A. D ism In a certain acil. in then and there pending, wherein .lames W. Itvorsky is plait tilt, a id Mary E. Biaiiv and William A Beany, her hoi-baii.l, are defi tulittits. Omaha. Ne r.u-ka. November 27th. WW. JOHN W. Mi 'DONALD. Sheriff of ll.nigl sCiioniy N iira.-ka. S.'iuiiil rv Mcfarlanil. attoiiu ys. Dorskv vs Hi utty et al. Doc. .Vi; N . 17li. 11 ?-ft II. K. I'Ot'HU.W, Atti r ey rtU New Yoi Life Building SIIEKIKK'S SAI.K. Hy virtue of an ex ecution on transcript issued out of the District Court ot Oouglas county, Ne braska, mid to me directed, I have levied upon the following described lands and tenements as property of Andro Million and James Million, as follows, to-wit: Lot four (4 In block seven (7) in Pat terson l'ark. an addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and record ed, all situated ill DoukIus county, state of Nebraska. And I will, on the 2tith day of January, A. 1. W'7, ut lu o'clock a. m. of said day, at the east front door of the County Court Mouse in the city of Omaha, I.ioiik 1ns county, Nebraska, sell at public auc tion the property above described, to sat isfy H. K. Cochran, plaintiff herein, the sum of ninety-two and 30-liK) J:'2.3ul dol lars damages, and four and 2i-K) ($4 .2M dollars costs herein, which bv the judg ment of George C. Cockrell, a justice of the peace in and for said county, on the Hth day ot necemoer, iNm. ta transcript of which judgment was on the day of liecemlh r. ls'.'ii. duly tiled and docketed in the Histrtct Court within and tor said Douglas county. Nebraska), wherein the said li. K. Cochran, plaintiff heroin, re covered auainst the said Andro Million and James Million, defendants herein, with Interest thereon at the rate of seven (7) er cent per annum from the Hth day of December. A. I '. W, until paid; and also the further sum of sixty cents ($'.iiu). the costs of increase on said judgment, and the accruing costs in said sale. Omaha, Nebraska, December 2.'.th. W'6. John w. McDonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. II. K. Cochran, attorney. Cochran vs. Million et al. Kxi Docket "X"; No. IM. 12-25-5 1510 M4- I .t nntr '-r t f m ti 4nntt . ri il l- hhjh W riu ) P '. M Ink- !- in if U -1 v V. 4- tiUtti. t...--f Hi- t aiiM- lnl! Ir t H M 1 i: whHir Ai i iM n,;,lnu Mi J lm. I tj-r I 1 41 im.-. m Mj triUrvrt, Uatuui, t , $m m Un. hiuu Bart, t w.iiitJtKl, V $500 GOLD mil t 'I'li-'fr f "..', V on 1 1 r Jjrt MtT t rn Mh 1 1 i v will i lw w iu ir..,. u tu -r i ! t tnL ttt- Ur.'.-t li-t ( wr-U h Hi r t M'-r ti4 ii -t H IN. I Kl l hiS ; i f. r n. I Ur-t.'t-t ; lit lit r . ij ... tin i-it thr- lrr I (fcwtc h -l lit !.. i 1 tir-. rm-li .1 !Iih- i- it f Ittvfj : flv mj i. . h l th n.' it mti, f,,J ft an u hi't llf ui t -rt v i4rr-M iKiy-itf rt Hi iM t. lit- fi-i i... Uri,'.--! IihIk ItuHi tti ihiuk roii 14 fca our f ihr li-mr f l--u 'M-- tli tnnLnitf th h. 1 h t. ir l.r tlir prif V 1 hr- rt-t.ar1 mr iriv-n livf mm without r.'iii.lrmtinn f. r th 'urw'- f ur tiiik.' aitt'iifi.n ! ' ' IT tiMft'tn'Ttir Nttt Ti atHtfn. Il'irt -Un ! lhirl H rJM tl fcr N liUtltllik.' f ltr I' It if --IlHlili, lfl iititril 1'1,'inil iiintiaT. ) inf ifi -ti' ri wi. ri- f lw t-i aittlfr : trir l ' w-r -r It i u v . -r v .it. to -i-r th -"iit-i. i. -ihI cnt , - .i f - ' r-l-r. .le-r r -tn t. r m t)Fr- iiK..tftw trul t r-H-rii tt ii with yunr ht ! supU, inl a-Vf-ry r"ri -ii lltiif th S6t't- ami i i'-i . f t- t t w- pN -r iit- r- t" .":jimriit-l an .ir iTrui ti n-ttirn umM tin Mitii n t tli intriii-, 1 ltw-puft- U--k. "IIKwilK lIK IKlWlK if(U H Hi -II ' M " tM t I m V I.m( I t,i- '-- attract-.! m -r- ntntion In tttr I nttci Mul. thau an - i-f r-itr r a . -i . f 1- I- unai'i-M mI tnti.., luioly n., fiiu-1 riiilt-.1 ht i-tiM'tlfU riMraiit-!! In i-vit 4-a--4 ir ui"hf r (iiful.-.! -fi -ui. J !- 'i a iik,.i,' in t ifltt-rt:,!! Ai-ril " I (. i,anir mini allr' .f .ihN-.liil nl lant ill i-nnttt ii tti-, i-ti'lft. tt !"! Jt i '' i I '!. .-i'li-h.-4i f-n -ar Vi- r-tr w i an v mi-ri'ait'fl- nniuy li-r our Maitiiin- Aw jf nr h-t k J M I - II t I I M t Hi. I v-li-hrr, -'A vt-.T 1Vn.!.- i'.-urt li'ill.lm--, Nt- V. rfc My. I It. AMKI.VS. At on y Ho. N w Yora l.lfe BulldlDK. SIII-.KII- C S I.K.- ll virtue of an all. is l-aeclltliill oil irall script Issued out ol the Disttiit Court of Initial. is county. N I. task. I. and to me ilirecti-il I have li- - lid U the follow IUK llesil Ibid pi opi I I of I'll. tiles II. lyObi-ck, executor ol Ihe i-S- t.tte of otto Ixiln i k. iji-ci-ased. and C . I,..l".k. as follows, lo-wlt: Lots l.niitn ii 1 4 In bin. k one ill in lloppe's lioiiaiiza adilitioii lo the city of South omali.i, i-ouuty, Nebras ka, also tot seven lil III block one 111 in ThirtoeiH h Sireet addition to South ouiaha. Ni-br.isk.i, also the south oiu-- h.ill 1 1 -1 of lot lo iJl ill blink live t.,l. I I... i ll s sei iind .i.l.lil loll to tlie city of ouiaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, as the properly of Charles i. I...I..-. k ami Charles o. l..iln. K, adtuinistr.iior ot in. state of Olio laibeck, subject tu a inort- Jjaue of twelve hundred 11. 3.I. I'll dollars, and also lot tifteen (l;il III block two li. Sauiiib r's At 1 1 i hi. 1 .1 iik ti s Mount l'leas ant addition to the city of om.iha, as the property of the above named haries o. l.i. I. .. k. executor, and '. o. l.oln-. k. as surveyed, plaited anil recorueu, an snu aied in Douglas county, state of Ne braska. And I will, on the ;th day of January, A. li. IMIi, at 111 o'clock a. in. of said day. at the east front door of the County Court House In Ihe city of Omaha. Douk county. Nebraska, sell at public auc tion the properly above described, to sat isfy 1. It. Andrews, planum Herein, mo sum of til'ly-slx und no-luu U.Mi.nOi dollars damaK'-s herein, and three and i.-iij till .?.' dollars costs of suit, which by the Judgment of Kben K. I.onu. a justice of Ihe peace 111 ami lor Hani couniy. on ine 7i h dav of November, lv.ifi. (a transcript of which judgment was on the 7th day of November. l.s;iii. duly Hied anil uocKoieu in the District (Hurt within and tor Haul count yl. in which the said 1. K. Andrews. plaint iff herein, recovered uttaitisl the said Charles o. Uibeck, administrator of the estate of Otto Lobeck. deceased, and C. O. laibeck. defi iidants herein, Willi in terest thereon at the rate of ten (liu per cent per annum from the 7th day of No vember, A. D. ImCi. until paid, and also the further Hum of four dollars and thirty cents (tl.:!UI, the costs of Increase on fuiid Juilmneiit, and the accruing costs in nam cause. Omaha, Nebraska. December Sfi, 1S!Ki. JOHN V. MclMiNAI.D, Sheriff of DotiKlas County, Nebraska. I. U. Andrews, attorney. AndrewH vs. l.obeck et al. Kx. Docket "V"; No. I'M. 12-25-5 YV. II. KUMSKI.Ii, Attorney, i 111 New York Life Uulldlnii. SIIKKIKK'S SAl K. Hy virtue of a second pi ii r les . rii. ' of snip Issued out of the district court for DouiiIkk count. Nebraska ind to tne directed. I will, on the 2th day of December. A. I) IHMt hi ten o'clock M. of said oity. at the KASI' front door of th . ounty court bouse In the city of OinaliH. DoukIhb county NebmsliH. sell at p ibllc auction to tlie hiehest bidder for cash, the property ceacrlned In said order of sale as follow, to-wlt: Lot. one ill In blocs' rive if.) In Mlssouu Aveuue Paik. an addition to the city of Hi uth Ouiaha as surveyed, platted Hnn re corded, all in Douxlas coumy, state of Ne lr us hi tl (ald property ti be sold lo siitlsfy Kred II. Kent, plaintiff herein, ihe sum of seven hundred forty lx and ;i-l() dollars i74():ii Judgment, wuh Interest thereon Ht rate of ten 1 1 0i per cent per anuuui from the 4th day of May. 1HIHI. To satisfy the sum of se.entv and Hl-trO dol ara ttTO 25 1 costs herein, w thin Interest thereon tit r vteof t n illh per rem pr nnnum from .li 2ftih day of .nine IH'.W. u til paid toKeilur with ac. ruinn cost, accord in 'O a Judumeut rendered by the disiri 't court of said I) uirla county, nt lt My term, A. 0 ISWi. In H certain action then and there i end ing, wherein Kred li. Kent was plaintiff, and Attt.'.l. Keail and Adalbert J. It ad were de eudants. Omuha, Nebraska, Novfmber27th 18W3. JOHN VV. MolHINALO, riherlff of Dnuulas Couuiy. Nehraska Wm. H. KtisHi'll, attorney. Kent vs. I4ad. Doc. vV; No. SS. 11-27-?. . II. Hl ShKLI, it II. K. HtKNAM. Attorneys 818 New York Life Hulldlnir. SH KKIKK'H SALK. By Irtueof an ordi r of sale issued out of the district court for IIoukIhs county. Nebraska and to me di rected. 1 will, on the lmh day of January. A. 1. 1MI7. at ten o'clock A. at. of said day. at he KAS r front door of the count j court ho ise In the city of Omaha, lloutflas county. Ne braska, soli at public miction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in s Id order of si e as foil ws. to-wlt: The nor n one-half Cti of lot num'ertwo (2) in block numbi r one I') In Klrst Addition to the city of South Omaha, as surveyed, p atted and recorded, all to llouRlas county, state of Nebraska, Said property to be sold to satisfy C. A. Kent, plaintiff hen In. thesumof one thou sand and elKhty-seven and 4-lit) dollars if I CK7.4HI judmnent. with interest thereon at rate of ten din per cent per miium from Sep tember '-'st h. lS'.Hi. To satisfv he sum of thirty-six and 7s-lll0 dollars tir 7x1 costs herein, totte' her with ai -crulnir costi. accordinir to a jud.'ii.ent ren dered by the distitct court of said liouitlas ci tint y. nt Its s,p emberterui. A. H. lsit. In a certain action then and there pendlDK" wherein C. A. Kent is plain ill', and Mary J. Wallwork. Joi n II Wallwi rk and John M urphv are defeiuinnts. Onii.lia. Nu.l.ri'.-Ka. December lih. I Hill. JOHN W. Mi U' IN A I.D. Sheriff of Pouuiits County. Nebraska. Win. R. Kussi II H . K. Hurnaiii, allot leys. 1'. A. Kei t vs. Wul'work et al. Do,-. '5; No, -'Hi. 12 ls-S Ill'.XTKU li. THOMAS, At orney. 4UI ll Hulldlns. SIIEKIKK'S S.Li.-Bv vir. ue of an execu lion Issued ml of the district court of Don fins county. Nebraska, and to mo di rected. I have levied up ui the following de scribed property (if Isaacs Hasi'Hll to-wit: The east tif'v ifsJi feet of the south OLe half (4) of lot seventeen d7i In block three CP and the south one f unh (') of lot number one d) In block four (4. all 'n Hsscsll's s ih divis'on, la secth n five (5) In townshlo four teen (14i. north of raniie thirteen tbti east: snd also lot thirteen diii In block one d) in Kent's Addition to South Omaha; and also lots one ili ai d two i2) In block thr e Cti. and lots elirhi 1K1 and nine ii tn blix-k one (1). all In First Addition to Mount Douf'as. as sur veyed, pi .tied and recorded, all In DjukIhs couaty. state of Nebraska. And I will, on the 2iith day of January, A. II. 1SH7. at ten o'clock A. at. of said day. Ht the KAST front dour of the county court house lu the city of Omaha, P.nnilas county. Ne braska, sell at public au-tiim the property above described, to satisfy Henry D. N.-ely. plaintiff herein, the sum of one thn sai d three liu-rired and thirty-one and S" lull dollars ill Sll.sil tudenient. and the furthtr sum of fifteen and IH-I'H dollars sl.iO 1 costs of suit, which bv the judirmr nt of he district cou t in and for fald county, by which the Said Henry li Neely recovered uualnst ths said saac S. Hascall the sum of 01 e thou a. d li ne hundred and thirty-one and sS-UK) dollars il ;MI.5i. with inti rest here n at Ihe late of elitht .si per .-ent per annum, troui the 21st day of Septe-nter. A. 1). 'SHI. mm; paid: and alsothe further sum of tifteen dollars and 1 hree cents f 15 Kb. the costs of Increase on mid judKiuent. and tie accru na costs thereon. Omaha. Nebraska. He H-mher 24th , I .1, .ion v w. McDonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. Dexter L Thonms. attomiy. Neely v9. Hascall. Loc. 2. ; Ne. ot3 12-24-4 LJ tu it i - ainl 1 1 1 ltv wn wr.iv iir- lit iu ttrvsu Ih- i-rt -gfiiri. i Twin, 61 Prizes, aggregating S500; a Genuine Bona-Fide Offer. rTw iitif htntf ltit cm-U 1 -n N trh Hit- in mir ir'ilt.'n W h -mn f'fiii th irrtt nauv---r (rt-in (vttt-na in I N sTIil (' 1 1 t N ? ait inaka tntf i-r in. rv rilw. mun aii4 if vu-' )-n Ml r -ui- m rt-l rvitri Im tn.i u mny kittr tti-.rv tinnitittn il tl'-r la ilm wuiL I I.--iatiiTiAvt- fiivi'l Kltvii-h M.-rdk -itl Itkf, "il mltli dli1t-rut m-aiiliiknt. t Ivuml tut iU4. 1 tt'i) tii- ti nj.r I'ltir l. iT'iri"iih. Ik-uiik. Tia. .Krtm. iir-Jif-. nHi, kvtj tui irt'ir uuuiafm. n jiiih-r: 1 - 1 hi 11 ! 'N : lit. I'm. Inn. ir.. AMERICAN GOLD MINING EMIL LING COMPANY 1G15 Howard Street, Omaha Neb. Capital Stock $2,000,000 CLAIMS LOCATED ON NIPPLE MOUNTAIN ... AND IN HIGH PARK ..... IN THE GREAT Cri j j 1 O' claims are surround.-d by some of the richest strikes of recent years, and are un.loubti dly as rich as nv In th. whole district. They were located by a practical miner, one in whom the Denver mint people had so much confidence that they hired him to loc;i'e several claims for them, from which rich ore has Deen taken Surface Itock on our Nipple Mountain und High Park claims assays $2.00 per ton; down eiht feet it alvances in vluj to more than $7.00 per ton and the Indications are that these claiss will bj as rich as the richest claims in the Cripple Creek district. Here is an opportunity seldom met with for the Investment of money ic a mining enterprise near at home, where any who choose may visit the mines mil see for themselves just what is being doue. The mines are located within 200 feet, of a railroad. If vou want to MAKE MONEY buy stock In this company. Tt is a safe and sure investment, and WILL PAY DIVIDENDS TO EVERY STOCK HOLDER, il th ' mines pin out as rich as present indications warrant us lo nellevirg thera to be. We court the fullest investig tton. Pull information will be sent by mail upon application from those who cannot call at office. Fill out the coupon (o md below, giving the number of shares you desire to purchase, and inclose it with a P. O. money order, or an express order, or with money in registered letter, and maii it to us, maklni? all money or jors payable to JOHN C THOHPSON, President. 1 I Enclosed please find to pay i I for sh ires of stock in the American Gold Mining and Milling NAME is TC t OOQ4, DO YOU WANT Bishop Coxes S2H Satolli Letters ENTITLE!) The Jesuit Party in Exposed and Expounded, Being a series of eight letters written by BISHOP A. CLEVE LAND COXE, of Buffalo, New York, to the Papal Ablegate This little pamphlet contains 72 pages of excellent patriotic literature. Price, 20 Cents per Single Copy, postpaid; $10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B. Cash Must Accompay all Orders. AMSRICAK FUBLISHIHG CO. The Priest, the W oman, And the Confessional, By Rkv. Chas. Chiniquy, This book particularly deals with the practices of the Roman Catholic Church with regard to Women and the Confessional. It is neatly bound in cloth and will be sent to any address in the United States on leceipt of $1.00. Remit by bank draft, postal or express money order, or by regis tered letter to the AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. ' DVJ .iirr ii Trr wrlnmiiaf lt-l ti prim, mad H atiil ut.i lik u - u!ilic(i lli fjitiriH an J 1 in m r mil Ifili-r I fir-! riM'tt Iti U I 4ur IT ttliiiaf N utrtra. V ili't, Varhit. Vl ; l3u w K II llurl, Vk-4 Wiufiil X. 1 Li u u our UrhjHayt auU Imi tvui-L Hnv h.m. hir. h.-i ii. linn. I x.rt'- Tin V" 1N U4CI.AKKN. Par Value of Shares $1 eaoh Al i ri i i i 13it-ti'ict Co., at 5c per thare. ATJ FTATE. American Polities