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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1896)
THE AMERICAN AMUSEMENTS. jTTTTTTTTTTTf Special IEaMacc SQUdag K 2:38. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, MAT 14. 18. . , Tba EwiB'Bl Comedian. . . M. B. CURTIS, U Bis Original Crratloa, iSaiiVIof Poscnf Th$ Drummer up to Date. Pupportrd by ALBFNA OH MEtt and a Superb Cub pan jr. IVr Urumuivr I the mc Innocent D1BB on In road." Ntht prier. . M. and SUM. MhUdw- F1rt floor, tu null "he; bul Cony, n ttic. (u now ob aala. Creighton Theatre Talaphon ISSI. PAXTON BURQE88, Mgrm. four NlfMa, CMMBtKClltf Sunday, May 24th, The Comedian, EZRA KENDALL, In HI Laughing HucecN. ! A Pair of Kids I Beats now on sale. Price, 25, 35, ti. , II 00, Mu BS-UOi Jolin Drew. X .av A a A A AAA. A AAA A. A. A A A A A A A A AAA A 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAbAAAJiIIaAI TTTTTTTTf TtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Jeweler and Optician! J ; 317 N. 16th STREET, . , MARIS a ersoiaivv o . ; ; Fine Watch Repairing :: French Clocks.:: ; ; Exclusive Wttck Examiner for F., E. ; ; , , ud M. V. R. R. Co. ', , iAbVaMAAAaJ-bVIAAAAAAAAAIIAAi i ' ttttttttt i i i t tt i i i i i CITY AND STATE Captain II. E. Palmer returned from ft bustneM trip to Norfolk Thursday venlnf. A lister of Ex-Treasurer Bolln was prostrated by the news of his convic tion and died the following day. Do not forget the Republican pri maries next Thursday afternoon. They will be held at the usual polling places. Mrs. George F. Comstock and chil dren are visiting relatives In Denver, where they expect to remain until July. The express companies demand 1345 from the city to deliver the late issue of city funding bonds to the New York purchasers. The county primaries to select dele gates to the congressional convention will be held July 7th and the county convention on July 8th. Attorney Macfarland went to Lin coln Thursday in the interest of Ex Treasurer Bolln. The case will be ap pealed to the supreme court. The Republican Blmetallo League propose to bold a seiies of ward meet ings in the interest of the two metals. Judge Gregory is the speaker at Pat terson hall to-night. A few of the friends of Mayor Broatch held a meeting at Idlewllde hall Wed nesday evening for the purpose of or ganizing to secure a delegation from the Sixth ward in his interest. AH the supreme judges and commis sioners have decided to grant a stay of proceedings in the Bolln case, as they believe there was "probable error" in the record and in the court's instruc tion. President Perkins of the C. B. & Q. railroad ia heartily in favor of the Union depot project in this city. The Burlington Company are usually ready to do their part in any matter of pub lic Improvement. The board of education hold a meet ing to-night (Friday) for the purpose of electing teachers for the next school year. It is reported that about thirty teachers will be dropped and their places supplied with others. The matter of confirmation of the sale of the Water Works plant in this city will be heard before Judge Shiras in the United States court next Wed nesday. It is understood that Mr. Vennor intends to oppose the sale at that time. The Stoetzel Stove Company are hav ing a rush on their "Gem" Dangler New Gasoline Stove. Gasoline has been reduced in price and many people who never thought of using a gasoline stove are now beginning to use them, because the "Gem" is a perfect gaso line stove. Tuesday evening, May 26, 1896, Columbia Council No. 3, will give a stereopticon entertainment for the benefit of the National Orphans Home of the Jr. O. U. A. M. at Tiffin, Ohio. AdmWon 5 cents; children IS cents Re. S. Wrlfhl Duller will deliver the lecture, and Mr. W. J. Sieveos will operate the stereopticon. The F. E. A M. V. railroad company will shortly remove their headquarters from the Merchant National Bank building to the United Slates National Bank building, at the corner of Twelfth and Farnam street. The latter build ing wa recently purchased by Cyrus McCormlck and 1 now being re mod eled. Died, at the family residence 1610 North Nineteenth street, Bradley A Seward, aged 20 year 10 months, after a short illness. Deceased was brother of Paul B. Seward of this city and had many warm personal friends, who will greatly regret hi death. In terment was made at Forest Lawn, Tuesday, May 12th. June 14 there will be a special and sacred concert in the Y. M. C A. hall, presided over by Rev. S. Wright But ler, for the accommodation of the Juniors who will be pausing through the city on their way to Denver to at tend the annual council. All the Juniors of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs are expected to be present. Mrs. M. O. Maul has returned to her old home in Pennsylvania on a sad mission that of burying her brother, W. P. Sol Id ay, who died at his home In this olty May 16. The cause of death was congestion of the brain. Mr. Sollday was but 81 years of age, but he had a host of friends in this city and in Honover, Pa., where he was born and raised. We all sympathize with Mrs. Maul in her affliction. The primaries for the Republican county convention to elect delegates to the state convention will be held next Thursday, May 28th, and the county convention will be held at Washington hall on the 20th. The delegate appor tionment will remain the same as here tofore. All petitlona for delegates must be in the hands of the secretary of the county central committee not later than noon Monday, May 25th. Ex-Congress man Bryan won his suit in the district court enjoining the city Of Lincoln from issuing something over 1500,000 in gold refunding bonds. Mr. Bryan did not question the legality of the bonds only so far aa gold provision was concerned, he maintaining that coin bonds were sufficient. Judge Holmes sustained this view insofar as it referred to payment in gold, and made the injunction perpetual. The case may be appealed. fuller of laugh than eve. Where U old version was to a degree inconsistent and faulty ia construction, the new edition bat all tbce defect remedied, and is now coherent and strong la dra matic unity. Many new line and bright scene have been interpolated, and they are of strictly up-to-date qualities. The old Sam'l was identified with diamonds. The new one i of the pink pearl, star, amethyst and pigeon blood ruby variety. Miss Alblna De Mer, the charming wife of M. B. Cur tlss, wno essays her old role of "Cel este" in the present cast, will wear some beautiful gowns especially created by Felix & Worth for this character. Her display of jewelry will be magnifi cent and will Include the famous pigeon blood ruby. She will also wear a necklace of steel white picked dia monds, and a superb tiara of big pearls and star amethysts. Mrs. Curtis shares the honors with her husband, and her rendition of "Celeste," the French adventuress, Is unquestionably one of the most artistic performances on the stage of the present day. Mrs. Curtiss is one of the bett dressers on the stage. We can count upon our two hands women of the stage who are rightly entitled to the credit of being appropriate dressers. There are many who are stunning and chlo, but very seldom do actresses as a class, impress ua with the relationship existing be. tween the verbal and textile appearing of their roles. Mrs. Curtiss makes study of the probable personal tastes of the character of plays, and the result ia that her dressing is a legitimate scene lor a descriptive pencil. Her jewels are also among the most costly and famous in the profession. W Slt SMClIAMtialI ff , ' - mm Wa Want tha Patrtxtaj fj "",0"' 1 A Dollar s Worth for a Dollar. 1 ".o a in g Friends, Patronize Patriots! SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. SUITS Retailed at OlHObESAliE Prices. j Always Patronize Americans! American Clothing Co., We want to m If It It rt'allT true lhataconrera cannot afford toad vert'i trial v nail- Kutuao , t hoiti paiwr. SO Dearborn Street, OFFICE: Room 103. CHICAGO, ILL "TT"!sTTd"To8rn7Ta,nT! succeed wbo patronizes j the Americas paper. Do you believe this as-: senior t On Tuesday, Irish comedy, June 2d, the rattling "The Wicklow Post man," with Eugene O'Rourke, a master of Irish comedy acting, and John L. Sullivan and Paddy Ryan, the ex champion pugilists, will be the attrac tion at Boyd's Theatre, and they will undoubtedly draw from all classes of people. On June 10th, Primrose & West's great minstrel organization will be the attraction at Boyd's Theatre. AMUSEMENTS. Ezra Kendall, the well-known co median will open a four-night engage ment at the Creighton Theatre, Sun day night, May 24, presenting his laughing success, "A Pair of Kids." John Drew and his excellent com pany, or wmcn Miss wauo. Aaams is still the leading lady, will begin a three-night engagement at the Creigh ton Theatre next Thursday night, ap pearing in one of hia new comedy suc cesses, "Christopher jr." it was in this play that Mr. Drew appeared for 20 weeks at Charles Frohman's Empire Theatre, New York, to crowded houses, the balance of his seven months' season there the longest any star has yet played in the metropolis being given to R. C. Carton's comedy of married woman's foolishness, "The Squire of Dames." With this comedy, in which Mr. Drew made a triumph, he will fol low "Christopher Jr.," the story of which may be briefly given as follows: Christopher Sr. is a hard-hearted man of business, and he wants his son, who bears the same name, to be the same kind of a man, but the young fel low has no taste for business and pur sues a course that brings about the father's dislike. Not only that, but he gets himself into a bad scrape. Going to Trinidad once on a time, by mistake he went to sleep In the upper berth of a stateroom. Hearing a snore, which he does not recognize as his own, he awakes and discovers that a lady is in the lower berth. He rushes out of the room, but the lady's father is on board; he does not kill Christopher, but marries him to the daughter under impossible circumstances, such that neither party sees the other, and Christopher signs the name of a friend of his to the certificate. The two never meet till three years later, when, under assumed names, they fall in love, and through a series of amusing com plications, reaching a comedy climax in the last act, discover their condition and are happy. Christopher Sr., who has filled his son's life full of hardships ail the while, is won over in time to bless the young couple and provide handsomely for them. "'. Mr. M. B. Curtiss' "Sam'l of Posen," the drummer up-to-date, who will be seen at Boyd's Theatre for three days, beginning with a cheap price matinee on to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 2:30, is virtually a new play, for while the title is the same, the New Drummer has been brought strictly abreast of the times. Since his last appearance here the play has' gone through a radical reconstruction, both as to plot, dialogue and situation. It Is now said to be brighter and funnier than before, and ! False Economy la praotlced bypeople who buy inferior artioles of food. The Gall Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk Is the best infant food. Infant Health is the title of a valuable pamphlet for mothers. Sent free by the New York Condensed Milk Co., N. Y. Summer Resorts. There are many of them on the line of THE UNION PACIFIC, and before arranging for your summer outing you should make inquiry aa to rates and routes. For full information, call at City Ticket Office, 1302 Farnam St. Department Store Prices Best which describes the rates at O. GREAT . . DISCOUNT BE A HAN! After you have been Imposed upon by fraud ulent concerns. blackmailers and Klve-sometlitnir-for-noth-'.dk people, write us. Weakness of men re sulting from youthful Indiscretion, cured; aiso an private aiseases 01 any Kind, we restore you to com Diet, vigorous n anhood- cure certaln-at less cost than by your local pnysician, ana your trouoie Known to your- sena ror diagnosis, iree. we nave self onlv the best Pile art. Write, best treatment for Constipation. and Catarrh known to medical Write, Home Treatment Company, KALAMAZOO, MICH. "Where shall I spend the summer?" Our tourist publications will help you solve the pro blem. We have one about HOT SPRINGS. SO. DAK. In the heart of the Black Hills; famous for Its pic turesque surroundings, atrr eable climate. fine drives, good hotels and well equipped bath-houses. Another about E8TES PARK. COLO. One of the most beautiful spots on earth the very best place In the United States tor consumptives. A third about YELLOWSTONE PARK Everybody knows about It. These publications are free. .. jlch do you want? 3. Francis, Oen'l l'au'r A "rent, Omaha, Neb. lipid T$!bi$wba( ails you? 0) Have you a feel ing of weight In ' the Stomach i Bloating after eating Belch ing of Wind i Vemitlngof Food i Waterbrash ) Heartburn Bad Taste in the Month . la the Mornlag Palpitation of the Heart, due to Distension of Stomach ( Cankered Mouth Gas in the Bowels J Loss of Flesh Fickle Appetite " Depressed, Irritable Condition of the 1 Hind DiMiness Hcadachs Csa-! stipation or Diarrhoea? Then yon have ' DYSPEPSIA . la . tt It aiaav ferau, Th. an sutUvt J ' cart tar una iutmui complaint Is Acker's Dyspepsia tablets kj Bftll, ptTjatd, receipt f ctats. rlt.M fi.MCtT. Hrttl TmnavHal Vows- i Tort.wiTs: 'I tttrpred horribly from dv- ( ftpepdU, but Acker's Table U, Utkea alier . ' meats. Haw cureu ate. t Acker Medicine Ce., 16-18 Chamber St. S. T. DR. WITHERS Is doing all kinds of Dental Work. Set Teeth 5 00 Best Set Teeth 7 50 Gold Fillings 11.00 and up Silver Fillings 1 00 Gold Crowns 5 00 Teeth Extracted 25 Teeth out in the morning Sew Onem Same Day, .. 4 ' All work at about Half what other Dentists Charge.' " ' 16 Years' Experience 16 Dr. WITHERS, Dentist. Fourth Floor Brown Blk., Sixteenth and Douglas (Streets. -TELEPHONE 177- CHRIST. HAAiAN. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty 6 ii3 South 16 Street OMAHA. NEB. DR. C GEE WET What Relatives Of my Patients Have 1 Sav- One of My Great Cures During The Month of October, 1895. Read the following convinc ing testimonial from two oromlnent Omaha Citizens: Judire Isaac 8. Hascall and R. F. Williams have thl8tosay. We consider Dr. O. Gee Wo of 619 North 16th St.. Omaha, Neb., one of the best physicians in t he city for toe following reasons: Four vears atro our daughter be came very nervous and at times sick and unaDie to control nerseir. we a oc lore a wun and consulted nine of the leading physicians of this city, but she gradually grew worse, until on the 7th of October, 1895, she was at tacked with spasms. She was unconclous and delirious for weeks following the attack, and at a consultation of physicians they agreed that she could not get well. We then employed Dr.C. Oee Wo, and the patient be gan to Improve at once, and In a remarkably abort time was up. She la feeling better than she has for a long time. She Is Improv ing every day and bids fair to get entirely well. R- F. William. Father, Isaac S. Hascall, a near Relative. 8108 S. 13th St. EX-OONSTABLK S. B. CLARK, Office 319 S .says: I can't say too much for Dr. O. G.'Wo. My little boy and girl had dyptherla and other physicians said they could not re cover. I then called In Dr. C. Gee Wo, and In iess than 24 hours tbey were out of danger. He also cured myself of Lagrlpp and gen eral debility, and my wife of inflammation of the oowels and female weakness, from which she had suffered many years. I can't thank him enough for what he has done in my family. S. B. Clark and Wifs. Mrs. H. A. Dug at, 1812 Clark St. Heart trouble and nervous dlblllty of many years standing. Johs Brooks. 534 N. 18th St. Of sprained back, liver and kidney trouble of three years standing. Is now a well man. Mrs. Anna Park. 2109 S. 13th 8t.-Cured of spasms and female weakness of seven years 8tFRANK HOMJB. Schuyler, Neb.Cured of rheumatism of one year's standing, and was given up s Incurable. Consultation Frki. Send Set stamp for book and question blank. Anyone wanting advice can write to above addresses or call upon DK. C GEE WO. 619 N. 16th St. Omaha, Neb FARM LANDS FOR SALE. Have you any sense? Then add them to dollars and buy a farm. 160 acres In Dawes county, 50 acres In cul tivation. S0 cash takes the whole farm; Ntf acres In Holt county, a fine farm. 80 acres In cultivation. KiOO cash takes It all. I have a few more at the same low price. Residence lot; old price cut in two twice. Alntthat hard enough? hard times). Haid time prices. I will sell you property at one-third old prices. Give me a chance. 1 can place a few choice loans at 8 per cent net to those who have money to loan, wno nave mu LyMAN WATERMAN, Real-Estate and Financial Agent, New York Life Building. Omaha, Neb. You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases the next thirty days. You get $5.00 Shoes for $3.50 I You get $4.00 Shoes for You get $3.00 Shoes for $2.25 You get $2.00 Shoes for Youths' $2.00 Shoes for $1.50. Ladies' Shoes in the same proportionate prices. a for $2.75 $1.50 G. LANG, 718 So." Sixteenth St. i ETT CO. A Lucky Dollar. EVERY time you can make a dollar huy more than it is worthr you win a few steps over your dilatory neighbor. You call it luck when you find a dollar bill. Any one can be lucky who takes advantage of the genuine bargains at The Big Bennett Store. Every Department Is Bristling With Low Prices: Refrigerators of the latest make, t6.S Ice Cream Freezers. Lawn Mowers and Lawn Hose. Ready-Mixed House Paints. Low Priced Furniture. Cook Stoves the latest improved. Hammocks from 48c up. Baby Carriages from $2.98 up. Six-foot Extension Table, 13.38. Trunks, a good strong one, $1.98. Air-Gun., the latest, 84c. 50 Cigars in box for 50c. Children's Garden Sets, 9c. Clothes Wringers, $1.50. Glass Sets of 6 pieces, 19o. A Good Watch for 98c. W.R.BENNETT CO.- 1 502-1 2 Capitol Avnue, OMAHA, NEB. SPECIAL SALE. -OF- LADIES' OXFORDS From 50c to $1.50 AT- W. N. WHITNEY'S 207 South Sixteenth Street. RUPTURE BELL Positively CURED by the HERNIA or RUPTURE CURE No knife. No syriDpe. No detention from business. Business confi dential. Send for circular and references. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE OR TRADE. 6. W. BELL & Son, INVENTORS AND PATENTEES, 15 West Ninth Street. KANSAS CITY. MO. D.I.Hayden CARPENTER 22- BUILDER. REPAIRING DOORS AND WINDOW SCREENS. Shop, 809 S. 16th St. . Omaha M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases. Cloth ing cleaned dyed and remodeled. 501 X. lGth St., OMAHA, NEB