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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1895)
"""" V . v , - XrKeirra !M Smi f a ItmI. Awtwdlnf loth r.!lJi''t.i I'uUte , Xftffr, It'rop Mi-Ccnrrn dtlUfrtxl Uciur en March 11 h in lUrrM'urjf. 11a. H!unctund h n-l k-l.m-rb kill wllh 1 hrlli frvm lb arwoal ot hU i pluvj si irji mriil 1U- U k j but !w-tredurtrr m-cutl. n, h rt red. r Jir(T h-r uf . tvrirg ty UlrR ujx-e thr V tuHi f hT j prrM cuu.r. In Ibr w-ur of bU; riPiik, ) rlt'at. of hiM"' w,,i the buoUr and Cher, and batrtd lo tb great lli-rium k: , (;jime l( ,,.ntiu jn ti,e mountain., and ilUmart-k of I ho m n band. lourlhJ iUv.l!( fllIrI ,worln wilh trouti timo, tut llh s man;j CMsirj ; mclli d fivra i'H pint: tb rpiltrloim ir their dm. t drove tlam t ut f the chooW, hi'Hl. nd -jlum, and exjelU'd tbun fom tlu ir home, kin dred and ra'lve land, atid In the fWd tldo of rwHMitli'n. bn cautioned apaliibt t-)rilrK to tht'so txtrtmo maurr, in the aclf ponfldriuHS v( a tyrant he UUd that be would not go toCanowa. Yftbe did go, and ).aid bomaroUi tie wer hi- bail dfOod. and n turm d, but not with the tn-nl-U'ntial spirit of Henry IV., and iw hurled from oftlee and now moulder in hfccurity. The F.(iip-nr of Germany Ma at bl rlht band Cardinal dochowckl, whom lUcmank expelltd from hU ee In lWn, and, with royal munlflcecoe, premnted blra with ijold Hnuff box, iwt with jewels. The reltploua In their earb are returning to Germany and dotng busi noxii at the old stand; a Catholic, for the Drt time In the dynasty of tho Jlohenjiollern, l Chanct llor." If Hrother MeGovern only would have waited a few daya longer, he would have spared himself thU hunillintion. Rismarek mouldering away? Well, the fetea In hit honor on April 1st, his emperor pain(i In military review be fore blm; twenty-two universities of Europe, sending their delegations to congratulate him on his 8Kh birthday, 6,000 student giving him an ovation never tquallod In the history of, the world, hundreds of thousands of people flocking from all parts of the empire to regale themselves with a view of the old man on his birthday. All this does not look like mouldering away in ob acurity, Mr. MeGovern. The Roman IsU and socialists In the rolchstag wore the only ones who refused to share in the general outbreak of enthusiasm to honor the old maker of the destinies of Eurore. The antic of the latter will serve as an eye-openor to Emperor William, who will relegate them, with their tin order but awarded the other day, to the oblivion they so well de serve. Bismarck gone to Canossa? When? At the time that William gave the red eagle to a brace, of cardinals? AH right, have it vour own wav. One refreshing thing MeGovern says In connection with Canossa, namely, that Henry IV. returned from his Ca nossa with a penitential spirit. So even you, Mr. MeGovern. are not slow to attribute the treachery of thote days to Gregory VII. We'll shake hands, old man; nature will out sometimes In spite of Rome's muzzling the thought and speech. But we nearly forgot to mention that Bimarck received another shock of dis approval, marring the honors b stowed on blm, the like of which have never been recorded in history. We refer to the scathing demonstrations made by Xlerr Moi-t and his unkempt, beer drinking gang atClarendon Hall on the last day of March. The fates have favored you to some extent, Mr. McG., and you ought never to forget Mr. Most and others of the httling-under tho-bed fraternity. Vet, after all, you'd better give up your posing as prophet; It Is not your forte; the Increase of your cathedratl cum will suit you better. Bismarck Is on top, Lrdochowskl got the snuff-box and Krupp and Krcmenta their tin decorations. And the Jesuits are far from borne, though the religious garb bill has been passed in the lower house. An raw, niv Lord! 2Vf'mit,ve Catholic Boycott In lirouklyn. Mayor Suhleren is getting a beautiful reputation in Brooklyn. Under the new regulations governing the speed of trolley cars, which is limited to eight miles an hour, every motorman who runs his car beyond that speed is spotted and arrested. On Friday three men were arres'ed and seven Indict d, under complaints for running cars faster than the law allowed. These men were thrown in jail, refused bail, and sub jected to the insults and abuse of the Komish ruffians employed as keepers by the papist sheriff of Kings eounty, William J. Buttling. Now it trans pires that every man arrested and in dieted is accused of being an A. P. A man, and that they have been spotted as such by the labor unions of Brooklyn. Whether they are members of the A. P. A. or not is an open question; but there Is no doubt but what they are be ing persecuted because they are ac cused of being members ot that organ ization, and that the inspectors hired by the city are carefully picking out the men whom the Irish Roman Catb olic labor unions report as being A. P, A. suspects. Mayor Schieren has been appealed to, but refuses to Interfere, and the persecution of these probably innocent men continues. The A. P. A. councils of Brooklyn intend to take a hand in the dispute, and when the in' former appears against these men In Tjourt. m li will hav U) do, be'will t'endwl 1 "Tbrce Star" la Cili:. , T, 1(W ,,1,, t i.Mt,g Ro4 ' pr eltbwPf for lhlll niu,.r, will ! iU,B,y of UM, (or , th ilf H(irl , MlHinUlns Borlh Bnj w,.,t t,f Sheridan, j vyo , on the Ilnr lr.n Iloute's New j sh(rl T ,m, u, MmbUm Bni tbn I'clBc ! N()r,j,w,.sti . Xo wwllon f lh, UhIUmI SUU'i to j whU,B,j, snJ ke. Ju-t to illuctralo thini;: In Mr. Richard Kimball, of Oiraha, caught t'.'H trout In four days; his best record for a day was '2X fi-h, all of thera booked in lea than eight hour. And Mr. E. A. Whitney, president of the Firt NaUocal Hank, of Sheridan, has in his poMelon a trout which, when caught, Weighed six pounds aad nine ouihn n, and which was doomed worthy of exhibition at the World's Fair. Sheridan, the gateway to these "happy hunting grounds" la only a duy ' ride from Omaha, Lincoln, Ktnsaa City and St. Joseph; round trip tickets at very low ruttts are at all times on sale at Burlington Route ticket oftlces, and the extreme advlslablilty f this summer upending a fortnight In the Big Horns I rooctfully urged upon every man who loves the excitement of the chase or the restful pleasure of the rod. J. Franci'i, general passenger and ticket ajront, Omaha, Neb., will gladly furnlth further Information. The Tope's Mbduke. The late encyclical of t ho Roman Pontiff to the archbishops ami bish ops of the ''Italian mission" in the United States speaks of "the well known friendship atul familiar in tercourse which subsisted between" the first Koman bishop in the United StateK--tho Kt. Kev. Dr. John Car roll, of HiiUiiiiore and Washington. In the interest of historical accuracy it may be well to stale that it is y et to be known that these two men ever met, or corresponded, or, in fact ever had any intercourse, familiar or otherwise, whatever. In this state ment of his holiness infallibility lias erred; and it is indicative of the growing spirit of independence even among Roman Catholic writers and students in our land that the atten tion to this historical inaccuracy was first of all called in the columns of a Roman Catholic newspaper Gri lliii's Journal, Philadelphia- -and the blunder of his holiness pointed out in the interest of historical truth. Churchman. Hood Kldilnnce. Sr. Louis, Mo., May 13.-State Senator l'eter U. Morissey was shot and iuatantlv killed at 3:30 this morning by Maud Lewis, his mistress. The tragedy took place in her room on the second floor of 2719 Wash ington street. Morissey went to the house at a very late hour anJ had retired when the crime was com mitted. The woman had been men tally unbalanced for some time, ac cording to the statement of her neighbors. She is supposed to have been insane at the lime. Everything indicates that Morissey was asleep when he met his death. The deceased was born in St. Louis Aug. 14, 1859, and was educated at St. Louis university. In 1885 he was elected to the municipal assembly, and at the time of his death he was a member of the Missouri state sen ate. 1 1 ts business was that of saloon and lodging-house keeper. Let them go- A Hypnotized Press. The silence cf the political and secular press in the matter of papal aggression and papal arrogance in this country is ominous of the po tency ot Romanism in politics. Un less the spirit of patriotism is re vived and our free institutions are guarded by persistent vigilance and at every point, the pope will Mexi canize the United States. Already the press is hypnotized and politi cians stupefied by the magnetic touch of priestcraft. Political manipula tors will trample over each other in order to catch the Catholic vote. Any man or body of men who openly oppose Roman influence in our poli tical affairs, can find no favor in party councils. To criticise the con fessional or the celibacy of the priests, is pronounced intolerance. "Ei-priest," "ex-nun" and A. P. A, are dreaded as much as small pox or yellow fever. Arkansas Baptist. rnworthy Priest Deposed. Denver, May 11. Father Mariano Lepore, pastor of the Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, North Den- ! ir, la do longer a prieL I lie eccirai aotieal court appointed by HUbop Mat i to inq lire into the charge against blm ha arrived at a det Uion. They find I that he has been guilty of conduct un- becoming a prient of the Roman (,'ath (lie church. He was accuted of being unduly Inti mate with a woman on the North Side, and also w it b being dishonest lo poli tic. Affidavits were presented to the court from the citizens of Jersey City, N. J., containing scriouscl argesagaiunt the prioet. The trouble which led to these accu sations original d about a month ago. The Italian paper, La llma, published a cartoon of Father La pore and made a number of allegations against his char acter. Father La pore had the editor arretted, but be was discharged. lateutlon vs. the Corporation. Invention l Ik' AluilKhly's plan, lie, luM of all, cnnU d iuⅈ ii do not mean I lie "U" ot apnea 1 mean tli Drat of human race). The Hum and tuUttance of II l skill Kndow'd with art to do 111 will. 'TIs iroKrtK p.'uk I lit. will ill vine, I-et man. HI thought, then all combine, Thent In no limit to lift way The mora Ulvt-rae, the more the praise. By grace and klndneu It Ii won, for want of thews. Is not tx-min; All pow'r l itlven at ihi lr command. Thus pii)lr live, thus oatlonit Dtand. M't fool, the proud, the rich, dt-rlde. Invention, nythiK all atlile; And point wllh evt'rlatliit pride. That where ttiow' live, 'tlx moHt denied, Mitn'a not a heant, to breed and thrive, Mmi'b here to keep all thouKht alive. Now itlve to talent all Its claim, A million talent, knowledge, name. 'Tls kuowlvdKe writes Invention ways. Anil poet bow to aliix her pialse: Our epic, our Invent Ions, Krand, To till, all time, and air, and land; To thread their name In tliounht and verse, That future llmen may oft reheane; Our Illble' theme InHrui'tlnn man. And mau's Invention, all IU plan. Invention 1 blext nature' child, NeceHslty was thus beKulled. A Tubal' Mlss--liiiine--iHlilne, stole--And poet f uols debauched the whole: 'Twa thus they n ade achurch In state. Debauching thought, defying fate: This Is the monster, breeding hell. Ah history all through should tell: "Where'er can corporation dwell, 'Tls there they're on the way to hell" An "Idol." formed for greed and gain, All "II I bio's" hate, will best explain, Its "treasure" page was wrote by Sago, Against the "Corporation Age;" How soon all learning passed away Beneat h the corporation's swuyl 'Tls now revlv'd, again assaU'd; Arise! and write: Again has fall'd. N. A. List. The "UulTersal Prayer" A lollar or Two. This intricate world, as we trudge our way through, 1 And seek for contentment as other folks do,--May we ever be blest with, and able to view The benevolent face of a dollar or two. Kor an excellent thing Is a dollar or two, No friend Is so true as a dollar or two, Through country and town, as we pass up and down, No passport so good as a dollar or two. Would you read yourself out of the bachelor's crew, And the hand of agentle divinity sue? You must always be ready tho handsome to do, Although It may cost you a dollar or two. Love's arrows are tlpp'd with a dollar or two, And wedlock Is gained by a dollar or tow. Should you wish to withdraw from your mother-in-law, There is nothing will draw like a dollar or two. Would you Join In the throng of the sanctified few. And seek for salvation, as many folks do? To enjoy a good name and a well-cushioned pew Vou must freely come down with a dollar or two. The gospel Is preached for a dollar or two, Salvation is reached by a dollar or two, You may bin at some times, but the worst of all crimes. Is to And yourself short of a dollar or two. A BlMKTAI.l.IST. Pamphlet. Extracts from United States Con gressional Record, containing address of Hon. W. S. Linton and discussion in congress upon sectarian appropriations if national money to Indian education, and the vote thereon; also remarks made respecting a requirement to teach the English language in New Mexico after admission to statehood, and two separate votes rejecting such a require ment. Address, Gen. Green Clay Smith, I'. O. Box 333, Washington, D. C. Price, postage paid, (2.50 per thousand, or 6 oopies 10 cents. Angry Man's Deed. In the city of Lowell, Mass., recently, the children of Mr. Thomas Richard son, a section boss on the Boston & Maine railroad, raised a white flag in scribed "A. P. A." in the yard of their residence. Next morning Patrick Con roy threw two handfuls of lime into Richardson's face, saying: "Now will you take down your A. P. A. flag?" Physicians think Richardson will lose the sight of one eye and that the other will be injured. The police are look ing for Conroy. What Can't Be Cnred must be endured. But before you make up your mind to endure what you think nothing can cure, give the waters of Hot Springs, S. D., a trial. And take the Burlington Route when you go If ycu want information about rates, trains, etc., write to J. Francis, city passenger and ticket agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. Beautifully illustrated folder descrip tive of Hot Springs sent to any address on request. Tb New York Christian ltvjuirtr ays: "The time U coming when there will he an overhauling of tbiegs, and we shall see how far the daily press Is controlled by Home. Oo the U(T of every great paper In New York are Ilomaa Catholics, as i ahown by the craven tone and aupcrcilioua subserv iency to the papacy. The bid len hand of the 'apontolate of the press' reveal itself in many ways pointed out. Priests and parson are spoken of In quite dif ferent terms. The misdemeanors of the 'good father' are gloMcd over, and the sins of a Protestant minister are her alded by extravagant headline and enlarged upon with vulture like acerb ity." Americans, sit op on! tl.etei no more to fear from Roman Catholics in politi cal power than from a lunatic In a Mjaler mill with a ligbUd torch in his hand. Vote them Into office! The wise shepherd always sets a wolf to watch his shtep, and a cat is a splendid guar dian of young mice. That's right! don't bolt the door, the burglar never en'ers the bouse by the window when the front door Is 0en. Danger? Why there is no more danger in giving Rome unlimited swav, than in putting a fox in the hen house to watch the chickens. Anuricim PU tot. Sir. J. V. Bell, tanaratotnie, Kan, wife of the editor of The Graphic, the lead ing local paper of Miami county, writes "I tru troubled trith heart disease for tlx years, severe palpitations, short ness of breath, together with such ex treme nervousness, that, at times 1 would walk the floor nearly all night. We consulted the best medical talent. They Ha id there, wita mo help forme, that 1 had organic disease of the heart for which there was no remedy. I had read your advertisement in The Graphic and a year aj:o, as a last resort, tried one bottleof ir. Jtileu' Sew I'ure for the. Heart, which convinced me that there was true merit in It. I look three bottles each of the Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine and It completely cured me. I sleep well at nlht, my heart beats regularly and I have no more smothering spells. I wish to any to all who are suffering as I did; there's relief untold for them If tbey will only give yottr remedies Just one trial." Pr. Miles Heart Ctire is sold on a positive guarantee that the hrst bottle will V-nelit. All druggists sell it at II, S Isittles for 5, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the lit. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health TO IMPROVE THE COMLEXION! Use Howard's Face Bleach worn m DARK and SALLOW SKIN and SUNBURN This bleach removes all discoloration and Impurities from the skin, such as freckles Moth Patches, Sunburn Sallowness, Flesh worn, s and Pimples. For sale by all first class DruKgists. Price $1.50 oer Bottle. $00.00 WILL BE GIVEN For an Incurable case of Black Heads or Pimples. HOWARD MEDICINE CO., lWXi St. Atary'm Ave , OMAHA, NEB. Mention psper n writln? to advertiser. MARIA MONK. Paper Cover 60 Cents. This little volume relates the terrible ei perlence of a nun who was confined In thi r'Rlack Nunnery" of Montreal It ha prob ably the largest sale of any work of the klnf ever published, and several Attempts to Suppress It have beeb made. The price In cloth 1 tlCC and in papei 30 cents. For sale by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1615 Howard Street, Omaha, Nat Main St.. Kansas Oity. Mo. SUPREME CABINET American Orange Knights. OBJECTS. This order Is formed of persons whose ob Jects Is to maintain the supremacy of law order and cnustltutlonal freedom; to pre serve Inviolate the cit lien's franchise; K fierpetuate and defend the precepts and fret nstltutlons of civil and religious liberty guaranteed by the Constitution of the Cnltec tales and established by our forefather. pbo aris it rocis. For Information regarding the formation of new Oommanderles, or supplies, writ the supreme secretary. M. L. AK)K. See', . M. Banker, C. O., 1615 Howard St.. Saganaw. Mich. Omaha. Neb Fifty Years -IN TH Church of Rom6 BT bkv. chas. CHINIQUY. This Is a standard work on Romanism ant it secret workings, written by one who ought to know. The story of the assassination 0-. Abraham Lincoln ty the paid tool of tht Koman Catholic Church I told In a clear ant convincing manner. It also relate mani facta regarding the practices of priest an? nuns in the convents and monasteries. II ha 844 12mo. pages, and Is sent postpaid 0 receipt of COO, Dy AMERICAN PUBL1BH INQ CO., 1615 Howard Street, Omaha Neb. or, Cor. Clark and Randolph, Chicago, 111 The Priest, The Woman, And the Confessional, By Kev. Chas. Chixiquy, This book particularly deals with the practices of the Roman Catholic Church with regard to Women and the ConfessionaL It is neatly bound in cloth and will be sent to any address in the United States on receipt of $1.00. Remit by bank draft, postal or express money order, or by regis tered letter to the AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. A NEW BOOK" ENTITLED, THE Errors m Roman Catholic Church, PRICE, IN CLOTH, $2.50. This is the latest and best books published, being compiled and edited by some of the best known writers and ministers. It contains nothing of a sensational character, but is a clear and con cise statement of facts which are matters of history. It points out the causes which have led to the formation of patriotic organ izations and their fight agaimt Romanism. It is profusely I LTUSTRATED, Elegantly bound in cloth and printed in good, clear type and on good paper. In fact it is worthy of a place in any library. For sale by the AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO CAPRICE 15- CENTS f9 ftp jpyY Comblele IMPOSE or THb or THE PRINCIPLES a OBJECTS AMERICAN PROTECTIVE ASSOCbTOl FOR SALE BY AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY- THE BLACK POPE," OR THE Jesuit's Conspiracy vs. A.mei icanlsm, 18 IN THE THIRD EDITION. This was the book that the Romanists burned while in the bindery. Nearly 300 pages. Over 100 pictures. Speeches from worthy representatives from most of the patriotic orders. IT WAS THE FIRST A. P. A. BOOK EVER PRINTED FIICE IN CLOTH, $LOO. A cheap paper cover edition is being prepared at 50 cents. FOR SALE BY AMERICAN PUULISIUNG CO. A. P. A. SONGSTER. Only One in Existence. BY REV. O. E. MURRAY, A. M. B. D. The best collection of Patriotic Music ei offered to the public (or Patriotic gather ings, homes, schools and all who love oui nation. Words and Mualo, 100 Pages, 102 Sonis. Price S Cents, Postpaid. t balk bt THE AMERICAN. (Copyrighted, THE CHEROKEE STRIP. OKLAHOMA, FT.SMITflj LITTLE ROCK and HOT SPRING ark Ticket 01fic.l. E. Corner uh and Parn.m Rti FOR KUWXDS P TW Akfiiufiu mil, ST. LOUIS 52,dn SOUTH Ano SOUTHEAST. Ticket Office. I.E. Corner 13la and Farnan IIP U4"ttt 'BIT