The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 22, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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Kmrml kt IV!.. -. .oil clitM niH r
W. C Kill t. l.o! Vuurr
Omaha, cbraka.
IMS HowaM llwl. I Mnsha. Nrli
K.iifu Mn.u Mnl kaun" I'll J. Mil.
K.KM1I .V K KnJiIih Miwl, t'lil-
C !, lit.
Tin- ral- lir ilfT1"fiin-m 1 ! cuni
t.liml ilirrf r.lii!.iii of T Amihicak r lu
p"iil prr i.-at-' lii.rrwh liim-rllutt ill 1 1
Ml lu I Ik h. nil rii!ti of rlclil woiila
l lhi lllii'l. A iIIm-iiiiiiI if 10 wr ifiit.
t !!. nl mi ii.l wrliNi'ini'iiti. running Hire
month or more
I,k i, li tin mi Sunt 'M l renin x'r line.
iK-h Iiimtiiiiii. set In In v Iff tyi. No l'i-
C-UXT frmii tlil rn.
V4 kluill luskn mi deviation from lliew
rt- In mi you, unit dverii-.liit hui iHj will
nvt'rn tlii'iiiM-lv k-inr1lni:1 y. AililreM nil
tr!rn.i AMHUlAN IT HI.IMI I Nil .
MIS Howard SI .
iml.-IM) IHr'T. liiimlin. Ni'li.
MARCH 22. mV
From anil after March 15, 1Wi, agents
will have no authority to receipt In our
name fur money collected on auhperip
(Ion. All receipt will be (tent from
this office. If you want to hold us re
sponsible, be sure to retain the official
receipt. Amkuican Piumsiiinu Co.
All premie in offers will Ihi withdrawn
after April f, ISO.'i. If you desire to
take advantage of them, NOW is the
time, a wo shall not honor any order
received at this office after that date.
You will never have another opjKirtun
Ity to pet an American paer and one
of those books for the price wo are of
fering them Unlay. Don't pet mixed
up a to the date of the discontinuance
of our book offer, for if you do it will bo
your Iocs. April 5, IS'W, all offers of
THE Amkiucan one year and a book
for the price of the paior will bo with
drawn. Don't ask for premium books
after that date. They will be sold only
at retail.
Corkiuan got 'l,0(0 fur marrying
Anna Gould to a Homan Catholic count.
Many a Protestant preacher would have
thought he whs wll paid If he received
$10 for a similar job.
THK A. P. A. elected all but two of
their candidates in Oakland, Cal, the
11th inst. They elected the mayor,
city attorney, city engineer, seven
school directors and other minor of
ficers. Thk Xtirit-'lii'pMic has published
"Kamlnski's record." As an offset we
suggest that it publish Dick Scannell's
record. Wo doubt not if the truth were
told about him, it would revolt much
that would bo salacious. Will the
Xetcs-Ktptttilic please tell an anxious
public why a man an ex-Catholic
who opposes Rome- is always branded
as a t.Hil or a knave? Can no go d come
out of the Roman Cat.hllo church?
Because a man ceases to be a Roman
Catholic does ho become an outlaw and
an outcast?
In a private letter from Rev. Nounan,
of Wilmington, 111,, we aro Informed
that In addition to entering sultagainst
Archbishop Feehan, ho will also enter
theUeturo field, and give the whole
policy of the church of Rome to the
public, that It may jidge as to his
wrongs and her designs. Rome has
reached her last days, for tho voice of
the Lord Is being heard and answered
by hundreds and thousands of Rome's
former tons and daughters, who are
refusing longer to bo partakers of her
iniquities. Ere long the man of sin
will sUnd reveatod.
Our friends in Boston have won a
decided victory, If the dit patch pub
lished In another column regarding the
translation of Bishop Spalding provis
to be the truth. It shows that the con'
stant dripping of American sentiment
on the rock of Rome, in that ' part of
3od's kingdom, has had the effect of
awakenlngthe"only true church" to the
necessity of defining and defending her
iwsition toward Americans and Ameri
an inf titutlons, and it will be the worst
for Ri me when she begins to explain
In silence Is her only hope of life. Dis
cussion will open the eyes of her dupes.
The limes-Herald says: ' The Dom
ocrats coxpleted their campaign com'
mlttee last night. Every man upon It
has pledged himself to da his utmost
to smash the maekine and give the
people a business administration to be
secured by Mr. Wenter's election." The
committee is headed by John P, Hop
kins, and has such well known names
as J. Coughlin, M. C. McDonald, II.
Rubens, J. J. Kern, F. S. Peabody,
O'Malley, Sullivan, O'Suilivan, Qainn,
O'Donoghue, Condon, Gaulter, Bodie,
Gleason, McGillen and about 300 others
whom some people have imagined were
members of the very machine they are
now credited with being opposed to.
But the people like to be humbugged,
o these gentlemen might as well do
the job, and do it artistically, as to
leave it in the hands of a lot of tyros.
By all means, gentlemen, smash the
machine. Chicago American.
There i a real lively coolest on in
Rovk'ord, llUnoU, for the city ffi..v.
Heretofore the city ledum has turn
a vei v tame affair, but thl year It
promlwa Ui bo as lively as any person
cou'd iih it to he. A rect-nt dispatch
from that city announce that there l
an ami- A. P. A. candidate for mayor
whoe nominating paper contains
more than a majority ol the entire vol
lug I oimlatlon of tho city. As an anti
A. P A. candidate cannot be anything
but a Human I atlmMc or a sympathizer,
it will not I hi cut of jdace to eall the
attention of the great majority of the
ile who are neither members of the
A. P. A. or lu sxmpa'.hy with Roman
Catholic Interference in our affairs of
Mate to a few points. Tho A. P. A's
believe in a free public school system
Ruiiiaiilnm is opHsed to It Tne A.
P. A. Iielieve in free sHi ch Roman
Imii U iiiiiiOM'd to it. Th! A. P A. be
lieve in a free press Romanism ha"
declared that also. Tho A. P.
A. believes in restricting immigration
Romanism opKos it, because a very
large msjortty of the Romanists are
foreign born. The A. P. A. believes a
man cannot lie absolved from his outh
of allegiance Roman li.ui U aches that
no oath to a heretical prince, state or
commonwealth Is binding ou a Roman
ist. The A, P. A. does not believe a
man can be a Roman Catholic first and
a clti.t n afterward Romanism makes
that claim. Tho A. P. A. does not be
lieve that tho wives id Protestants are
concubines and their children bustards
Romanism has declared that they are.
The A. P. A. doe not believe that the
laws of tho church aro to bo obeyed
whenever they conflict with tho laws of
the state Romanism has declared thnt
treasonable dootr! no as a rule of faith.
Tho A. P. A. does not bcl evo that
politics is a part of morals and are not
to tie participated in except upon the
advice of tho church Romanism holds
to that doctrine. If there Is a man in
Rockford who believesdifferent to what
tho A. P. A. does, we advise hlra to
vote for tho antl-A, P. A. candidate,
snd endorse tho cardinal doctrines of
Romanism as set forth a'xive.
While reading a religious journal a
few days ago wo ran across a little item
that started us to thinking seriously up
on the practice of saying nice things of
every person who dies; and we have
resolved to say nlco, pleasant things
about tho living and leavo the eulogiz
ing of tho dead except whero we have
personally learned to love and respect
the deceased during life for the hypo
critical and insincere.. The item to
wh'ch we refer read as follows: "Bish
op Potter tells a little story, whose
moral has a very wide application. The
story Is this: Several years ago some
of us were assembled In Calvary church,
New York, to bear our testimony to the
great Influence of the late Dr. Edward
Washburn. I may venture now to vlo
lutu the confidence of a domestic In
cident which transpired then, ind
which I think you will own to have Its
s'gnillcanco and appropriateness here
One aftor another, Phillips Brooks and
others like him, rose in their places In
that crowded study to tell what they
owed to the genius, to the high spirit,
to the unswerving loyalty to duty, to
the splendid courage, t.) the rare schol
arship, to the philosophic insight, to
the prophetic utterances of Edward
Washburn. Tho testimony was done.
At the door all the lime there stood a
slender woman, who had stood, during
his life, nearest to him of whom we
spoke. I never shall forgot her face
the passion of it, and the pathos of it
nor the power, tender but reproachful,
with which she spoke, when at length
we were still: "Oh, if you loved Ed
a d so, why didn't yon tell him of it
while ho lived?"
One of our subscribers bands us the
following opinion of the annual cele
bration of St. Patrick's day in Kansas
City. He says, "as usual it.passed oil
with many a knock down, many a fight
and many a cut head. No doubt they
are nursing their wounds on tho seat of
repentance, and deploring the day that
brings nothing but strife and trouble to
those unfortunates who are so weak
minded, to superstitious, and so narrow
minded as to be controlled by a Romish
hierarchy whoso sole aim, object and
thought Is to keep the sons of Erin In
Ignorance, so as to use them as they
please. To the silent observer of pass
ing events, Sunday will ever be remem
bered as a day when the orange color
reigned supreme against its competitor
the green. As both belong to the
same Isle, it was to be expected there
would be a clash, but no clash came,
except when a dupe of Rome, filled to
the brim with whisky, would assault a
poor, inoffensive man who was wending
his way home from church wiih Bible
In hand, meditating on the scripture
that had been propounded to him by
his pastor. The ruffian on Walnut
street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth,
who would deliberately, cowardly and
maliciously assault a poor, old, Inoffen
sive man withamt a word of warning,
should have been treated as they
treated the negro, George Mack, some
years ago, in Great Bend, Kansas."
The Jr. O. U. A. M. in Kansas City
Is alive to the issue of the hour and Is
steadily increasing in membership,
which goes to show that it is a pure
American organization, whose sole aim
Is to inculcate American ideas into the
mind and heart of thoe tienightcd
dup of Rome, w bo are and have been
misled tiy a bliUd and debauched
"Heaiikr of Tun Amkkk an'," It is
neceary for u to have your name and
H.hlri-s before printing your articles,
.vu anonymous communications are
i :
We have received a copy of a letter
of congratulation sent to Mayor Meyers,
of Savannah, Ga , hy Muncie, Ind.,
Council No. 3!, of the A. P. A., which
conmciiiU his action durimr the at
tempt of the Roman Catholics to mob
ex-Priest Slattery.
To the ll'twtrnhle M'tipir of the city of
rxNiiiii, ft. i.:
We, law abiding citizens, desire toex
press to you our sincere and hearty a
provul of the action you have taken in
your lat trouble. We feel that you
havo.estublished a precedent that will
and should ) followed all over this
broad America wherever and whenever
occasion demands the uttering of free
sjieueh on such a vital tin mo as was the
ono in your city. Tho good cl l.ons
every whero commend you for tho no
ble stand you have taken, and tho s ac
cess that has attended it, in suppress
ing, seemingly, ono of tho worst mobs
of hoodlums and villians which has
recently disgraced this country. We
do feel that this irlorious America
would not be free if there could now be
no safety in free iooch on some of the
most Important subjects of this govern
ment. Again let us thank you for your
pure loyally to the flag and to the right.
Met Willi General Approrul.
Savannah, Ga., March, 15, 18ur,
Mr. John C. Thompson, Omaha, Neb.,
Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge receipt
of your fluttering communication of the
tith inst. It affords me great pleasure
to know that my action in upholding
tho laws of our country has met with
such general approval. With thanks
for your courtesy, I am,
Yours very truly,
Herman Myers,
An Uniuha Incident.
Omaha, Neb., March 20th, 18!)5,
Editor The American: Some time
ago the chief of the tire department is
sued an order that all firemen could
havo a chance to go to church every
other Sunday, but that tho time was to
be spent for church purposes only. This
order did not please ono of tho pope's
servants. When Sunday rolled around
one of the men (a Protestant) reported
to the captain that it was his Sunday to
go to church, but the captain said he
oeuid not let him go that day. The
fireman waited for two weeks and re
ported again, but was Informed by the
captain that he could not go as it was
10 o'clock. The fireman called his at
tention to the fact that there was noth
ing In tho order from 'the chief as to
the time of day they wore i to ba ex
cused, but tho captain said -that he
would not let any man off -after 10
o'clock. Protestants can take the hint.
The slaves of the pope generally go to
mass before 10 o'clock, and.the Protes
tants goto wurshlp God aftor that. O,
how long, dear Lord, wilt, thou keep
thy children under Roman Catholic
officers in this city? FIREMAN.
Order your premium book now. Offer
will be withdrawn April 5.
A Secret Let Out,
Some years sgo a Catholic gentleman
gave a bat quet, and among them were
a numbjr of priests. During the even
ing, the subject of conversation was
The Confess ton a1." It was ot the gen
eral opinion that it had .'great power
over the people, and to illustrate it, a
priest by the name of Murphy said that
the first penitent he ever had was a man
of high stand ng in tbe community,
who coifdssed to him that ho was a
murderer. A few moments later while
the conversation was upon another sub-
juct, a gentleman came in and they all
adjourned to the supper table.
During the speech making, many
complimeuts were bestowed upon the
priests, and the late comer arose and
made a speech in which ho lauded Fa
ther Murphy, and remarked that he
had the honor of being Father Murphy's
first penitent. He noticed a greatcom-
motion, and asking for an explanation.
One of the gentlemen stated thecircu.n
stances. Tne man fairly trembled, and
Father Murphy aros9 and apologized
for what he bad said, and required a
solemn promisj of each one present
that the matter should be kept a secret.
Woman's Yoke.
PtK'trme of Indulgences.
The inner light, which radiated in
the heart of Martin Luther, came pri
marily from his study of the Word of
God. The corrupiiuns, extravagance
and idolatry connected with the papacy,
at first surprised, then pained, then
alarmed and began to arouse him. But
it may be reckoned that It was the sale
of Indulgences, which broke the spell of
his reserve, and let the great light,
within his own soul, pour over Europe.
The enormous evils, connected with
this barter In Germany, are familiar to
all readers of reformation history
"The origin of indulgences" dates some
400 years before Luther. The first re
corded instance we have of an act au
thorlzlng It, was in the Eleventh cen
tury by Pone Alexander II. At first
they were, by spell act of tho po-s, a
rtltase from the temporal punishment,
for sin, lull iced by the church. Then
there grew up the vague 1 ea, that in
tome way an had a n medial
fleet upon sin iteelf. By the lime of
the reformation, and In Germany and
Spain at least, the people were taught
to believe that to purchase Indulgences
was an easy av out of sins committed,
or which w.Hiid be com nit ted, and
equally efficacious in helping souls out
of purgatory. The only reason we can
find for this, was that of malting money
for the church. Tne siing of tho popes
in tho Sixteenth century might have
been, as lu fact was their spirit, that of
money, money, money, money; money
from the princes, and money from their
purs s: give us money, oh ye oopIe, or
you have our curs s.
The cath dral of St. Peter's at Rome
was to bo completed, and the extrava
gant pleasures of the papal court had to
bo paid for. This seems in fa :t tocover
tho situation.
An edict of ClemoutVll declared the
new doctrine an article of faith. The
statement of the doctrine was somewhat
like this: Christ had shed more blood
than was really necessary. This addi
tional, or surplus blood, the oes had
at their disposal, to whoever would buy.
Regular receipts wera given, show
ing, in some instances, that the money
was paid for certain dead persons. The
usual form ran:
"Because you, , have
giyen the said two reals for the soul of
, and have received this
bull, tho said graces and Plenary In
dulgence are granted to the soul, for
which you have given this sum."
A graduated scale of prices was usvd
by Tetzel In Germany. He sold Indul
gences, lifting tho sin from polygamy
for (expressed in our standard) $0 00,
perjury ,$'.) 00; murdcr,JH.o0; and witch
craft, $2.00. In Switzerland, Samson
only asked Jl 00 for tho murder of a
Indulgences aro yet sold by the
church, no i only in Spain, Ireland and
tho Roman Cutholic countries of Eu
rope, but in Mexico, and in the United
States. There is on my table, a form of
indulgence issued in the Interest of the
sisters of charity at Ballaghaderin, Ire
land; also a circular issued by a priest
In Pittsburgh, advertising the benefits,
cost and way to procure certain Indul
gences, also a circular from Buffalo;
and an indulgence, which a friend of
mine, with red hair and face, and Irish
breguo, bought for me in this city.
John Milner, an eminent Roman
theologian, says that "an indulgence is
an actual remission by God Himself."
Tlie present pope, upon tho occasion of
his golden jubilee, Issued a general In
dulgence to all pilgrims at Rome, "full
Indulgence and remission of all their
sins." This is his language. It is diffi
cult to conceive of a greater evil, or a
more stupendous fraud.
Boston, Mass., March 19, 1805.
The Instruction!) of Judge Keysor Got
Mixed I p In the Jurors' Minds With
Church Law.
An effort to secure another trial of
the will contest in the estate of James
M. Ryan will hi made by the propon-
ants of the will. Some highly interest
ing points In cccl siastical law have
been raised. Judge Keysor in instruct
ing the j iry referred to the Baltimore
decree respecting the disposition of
property by priests, holding in tffect
that if this rule was the means of caus
ing him to make the will and regarded
by Mm as of a binding obligation that
it would invalidate it.
Bishop Scannell pave a translation of
this decree on which the case seemed
to hinge in thee words:
"Although not required by any rule
of law or justice, nevertheless tue spirit
of the gospels and Christianity demands
that priests contribute from their su
perfluous property for the puroso of
promoting pious causes, and that at the
time of death they dispose of at least a
part of the substance which they may
posse.-s for that Yet, however,
it of ten happens, either owing to care
lessness or neglect, that priests at the
time of their death forget to remember
either the church or the poor. Nay, it
sometimes happens lhat they leave the
property of the church mixed with
their own personal property, and thus
to the great scandal of the faithful and
of religion, and to their own spiritual
loss, they allow their heirs to become
rich. Therefore the third provincial
council of New York, in the sixth de
cree thereof, exhotts all priests to make
a will of their property, if they should
have any, In due season, and according
to the law of the land. This exhorta
tion, because it has beer, neglected
hitherto, we most earnestly inculcate,
and at the same time admonish all
priests that they should not put this
matter off to tho last moment, for this
reason, among others, tha,t In some
states the laws do not acknowledge
testamentary dispositions for pious
causes unless they have been made at
least two months before the death of
the person."
After giving the foregoing transla
tion of tbe decree, the bishop then
asked: "You may state whetheror not
there Is any rule, decree or provision of
law in tbe Catholic church command
ing or requiring under pain of any
K.-naity, a priest to make a will." An
swerI am not aware of any law of'that
Q. You may state to tho court what
spiritual cons- quences, If any, so far as
your jurldiciion over Fu'.her Ryan was
concerned, would have followed if he
had disobeyed your order to make a
will? A. S far as 1 am concerned, no
consequences at ail would have followed
from his rt fusal to do o.
Q You may state wnether or not as
bishop of the d'ueese of Oina-ia, and,
thcr. fore, as the ecclesiastical sujicrior
of Faiher Ryan, you haj authority to
visit upon him any spiritual penalty be
cause of his refusal to mako a will, if he
bad refused? A. None whatever.
Q What directions, If any, did you
give him with reference to making his
will? A. I said to him, "I supiMse
you hive several relatives here. I also
understand you have some property,
therefore, I wish you to settle your
temporal affairs in order not to have
disputes or quarrels, or law suits." "Of
course," I said, "you are entirely free
to make any disposition yoj wish of
your propei ty. I have nothing to say
ai out that, but I wish you to makeyour
It will be claimed that the judge's in
structions misled the jury.
Our premium book effer will be with
drawn April 5.
Through tho courtesy of the Loyal
Publishing Company of Toledo, Ohio,
wo have been afforded an opportunity to
review "America or Rome Christ or
the Pope," a very interesting and in
structive work from the pen of Rev.
John L. Brandt, pastor of tho Central
Christian church of Toledo. Tlie in
troductory is written by Supreme Presl
dent W. J. H. Traynor, of the A. P. A.,
and Rev. J. G. White, who Is well and
favorably known to all our readers. Tho
book is printed on good paper from clear
type, handsomely bound in cloth, and
copiout-ly illustrated. It is such a book
as any American can read with profit,
as will be seen by the following extract
from page 372:
"Roino has made the attack; she has
sent her generals to lead an army that
couots Its numbers by the millions
against our national institutions. Tho
battle is on. And unless Rome calls off
her dogs o: war this whole continent
will soon be In tho throes of a terrlole
struggle. Rome has started an agita
tion in this country that is awakening
tho largest lion on the face of the eartu
Protestant America and remember
my words, when this lion is fa rly
aroused, shakes his mane, lifts his paw,
and gives his roaring command, the
struggle will continue until every Jes
uit will be forever banished from this
beautiful and fair land.
"SHall lever cease to praisa our pub
lie schools? Shall 1 forget the old
school house at the cross-roads that I
attended for twelve years? Shall I for
get those happy days? Shall I forget
how the children mingled together in
their innocent sports? Shall I forget
how they pluckel the wild grapes as
they grew purple in the kisses of tne
autumn sun? II jw they vied with each
other in their studies? And how they
were taught to love our greal country,
witu Us common interests and common
perils? My right hand will forget Its
cunning before I shall forget that old
schoolboue, and my tongue will cleave
to my moutn before I shall cease to
sound the praises of our public schools.
Out from tnese schools have come our
ab.est men, our strongest patriots, our
purest daughters, our sweetest wives,
and mot devoted mothers. And tbe
man that dares to call t&em 'Godless,'
'eternally debauched,' and 'grossly 1m
moral,' may just as well call our consti
tution 'Godless,' and our people 'God
less,' and he may just as well take yoj
by the throat ani raise the assassin's
"This question mean' a life or death
struggle to Protestantism or Romanism
in America. It has resolved into a few
simple questions: Shall the patriotic
Roman Catholic laymen be cheated out
of their birthrights by a foreign poten
tate? Shall Protestants permit this
Italian meddler and his bishops and
priests to throw dust in their eyes?
Shall they give up the public school
for the parochial school? Shall they
surrender their accurate histories for
falsified histories? Shall they exchange
hon. st school boards and honest leach-
ers for packed school boards and in
timidated teachers?
"Shall they surrender the stars and
stripes for the papal emblem? Shall
ineygive up meir uuerues kj P""
interference? Sha'l they permit tho
pope to make his future home in Amer
ica? Shall we be loyal to our con.-titu
tion or to the papal hierarchy? Shall
we stand for the land of independence,
or for the laod of poies, hnnd-organs,
monkeys, ignorance and ase:is?ins?
"Shall we sit idly by, or speak like
patriotic christian citizens until there
shall bo such a volume of public senti
ment created against Satolll that he
will hasten back to Italy, where he may
wear his little red hat and enjoy the
papal influence that has reduced the
citizens of Italy to such alow level that
scarcely ten per cent, are abla to read
and write?"
"The Co-Operative Commonwealth,"
by Laurence Gronlund, published by
Lee & Shepherd, New York, Is a new
work on social anarchy which has found
its way to our desk for a review. If one
docs not agree with ail lhat M Gron
lund has set forth in print in that little
volume, he must be given credit for
presenting his Ideas in a very pleasant
and Interesting manner. We do not
find in It what we expected. We do
not find tho pages (-leaking figura
tively) dripping with biood, encasing
-tile.uir, covering bombs or ringing
with appeals for murder, arson aye,
with treason. We find, rath r, a calm,
uuimpaseloned statement of the wrongs
of the masses for the benefit of a pre
ferred class. To give you an idea of
wnat the book really contains, read the
following excerpt:
In tue ancient suites where the civili
zation of our race commenced there was
no wage-system; there was slavery. The
master was lord of the persons of his
slaves, lord of the soil and owner of the
Instruments of labor. We who have
reached a higher stage of development
look very properly back with horror on
this ancient slavery; and yet we should
not forget that we are indebted to this
same slavery for our civilization.
Progress takes place only when either
. ome individuals control other individ
uals, or when they voluntarily co oper
ate together. But voluntary co-operation
is a hard lesion for men to learn;
and, therelore, progress has to com
mence with compulsory co-operation;
with control of everything with slav
ery. Look at our Indian tribes. They
work, in their way, as well as civilized
people do. Yet they are strangers to
progress. Why? Because they never
accumulate any wealth. And they ac
cumulated no wealth because they
worked as isolated Individuals; because
they never have known any division of
labor. Now slavery was to our race
tbe first division of labor; it was the
first form of co-operation; for it is too
often overlooked that the division of
labor is at the same time co-operation
in labor. The ruling principle during
slavery was, of course, despotism, the
Irresponsible will of the lord.
Feudalism and serfdom constitute the
next great period In the history of our
race, coming incoutemporaneously with
the ascendancy of Christianity and the
dominion of the northern barbarians.
Under it the lords of tho soil were the
dominant class; but the persons of the
workers were free, though they were
attached to tho soil where they were
born. This change conferred an im
mense gain on the working multitude.
They were now invested with the most
elementary right of all; thatof creating
a family for themselves. And their be
longing to the soil was far from being
altogether an evil, Bince it conferred on
them the right to claim support from
the soil.
' Un-American Immigration'' Is the
title of a well-written volume printed
by Chas. H. Kerr & Company, of 175
Monroe street, Chicago. It is from the
pen of Rena Michaels Atchison, Ph. D.,
with an introductory by Rev. Joseph
Cook. The subjsct treated is one of
vital interest to every American citi
zen; one that should be studied, so that
the porpet il y ot our country and its
free institutions would cease being a
mooted question and become as settled
ia the minds of our people as is the
knowledge of the presence of countless
insidious enemies, who seek its over
throw and the destruction of its free
institutions. The price of tue book is
$1.2). From page 131 we take the fol
lowing extract:
"No ono would more gladly give all
just and generous praise to our foreign
i orn heroes of tho sixties than the
writer of these pages. But we must al
so remember that the large proportion
of the immigrants who had come to us
before the sixties, were from the best
that is, the middle classes of Europe.
They represented the best intelligence,
morals and artizanship of their native
land, and they brought to America,
their adopted mother-country, a full
appreciation of her opportunities for in
dividual and national development..
These were the foreign born volunteers
who fought In the armies of the Potom
ac and the Tennessee, with a valor and
a patriotism that made them then if
not before, part of the very bone aud
sinew of our body politic. Henceforth,
the flag they had followed and fought
for and bled for, it may bo, was their
flag, and America their country. No
one feelg more keenly today than taese
very Americans and their descendants,
the insidious dangers that threatens
the stability of our body politic from
this flood tide of immigratiou from the
lowest industrial and social ranks of
j vjri),),
"Nor can we forget that even in the
sixties minor streams from this latter
class had already begua to flow iuto
America, aud even then gave menace
of present daugers, We cannot forget
those disloyal foreign mobs iu New
Vork, which rtquired the recall i,f
troops from the lront even when the
m tion was in such a lite anu death
struggle as tho battle of Gettysburg,
VVe cannot forget that we had even
then a forelgnized press, disloyal, in
the words of Grant, "to the point of
op-sn treason." We must not forget that
since 1SU0 there have come to Amorlca
over eleven millions of iramigranus and
these, too, largely from tho portions of
Europe where the politico social senti
ment of the lower classes Is in direct
t. ' '