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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1895)
o , imam? a Otcdttm a ivr A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. "AMERICA FOR AMERICANS." We hold lhal alt nu n nr.' A nerlran wliu Sfr Allegiance to tho United SUUn without a mental reservation in favor of the Poie. PRK K FIVE IF. NT VOLCMK V. OMAHA, XKUKASKA, FKIDAY, MAKl'll 1'., ISH.'.. NlJMBKK 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS. The selection of u paj'ii-t by the caxe of Malone to be a nt of the university of New York plea-e's the pope. Iues it pleas. A me ricaiis? One of a series ul so-called A. P. A. bills has been favorably re porU d in the Michigan house, having already passed the sena'e'. It provides for re pealing the act under which female juvenile offenders may, at the parent' option, be sentenced to the House of the Good Shepherd, a Roman Catholic institution, at Detroit, or the State In dustrial school for girls. Another A. P, A. bill providing for the ineorora tion of Loyal Orange Institutions was agreed to in the committee of tha whole. Even the worst Roman-ruled dailies often make a good )oiiit proba bly by mistake in favor of American Ism and against the outrageous bigotry of Itomanism. That this is so we only have to quote an editorial from the St. Paul riotivtr-l'roui, a paper which has for more than a score of years been con 8idered the mouth-piece of John Ire land. That editorial while passing some severe and undeserved strictures uH)n Slattery. at the same time utters some merited reproo' to the Roman bigots who sought to suppress free speech in Savannah by brute force. The I'rciss said: "Just what were the subjects of the lectures of Slattery and his wife which called forth the riotous i.emon stration of the mob of excited Catholics at Savannah and made It necessary to call out the police and the military to protect them from assault, we do not know. The same man was in this city two or three years ago, and It was said that his lectures were made up chiefly of slanderous attacks upon the chastity of the Catholic sisterhoods and priests. Whether this is the burden of his song at Savannah, we do not know; but we do know that nothing he could say against the Catholic religion ana no calumnies -he could utter against its ministers and servants could do a thous andth part as much harm to Catholi cism in this country as the txibition of fanatical fury with which this mob of its abherents at Savannah undertook to silence the offending speaker. There is nothing in Slattery's antecedents or career io give weight or credibility to his accusations. lie was indited in Pittsburg some years ago for selling ob scene literature. His mission is to stir up sectarian rancor and bitterness. All he is after is the notoriety which his crusade against the priests and nuns will give him, and money which notor iety will cnab'e him to procure. The Catholics o! Savannah have done all they could to help him to both. If he had been allowed to sayhls say and go his way, all he would have left behind him would have been the contempt of the community. But they chose to dig nify him by making a martyr of him: to assail' the sacred rights of free speech in his person; to make it necessary to call tohis aid the forces of law and or der to protect him- from violence, and to arouse a 6entiment of indignation among the 'Protestant portion of the co i munity, and have thus succeeded in exalting him for the moment to the character-of a Joharapion of American liberty. Narrow zealots on the Prot istant side have seized upon the mis takes of'the n&rrow zealots on the other, and it is not surprising to learn that the first fruits of this outbreak of Cath olic wrath against their denouncer is the organization of the A. P. A. in Sa vannah under the leadershiD of this emissary of that secret anti-Catholic society. A Catholic correspondent, while not justfying the outbreak of mob violence against this man in Savannah, seems to think it quite natural and ex cusablejmanifestations of resentment in view of the nature of the provocation and the hot Southern temper which it excited. If he had said that, in the South, the rights of free discussion had been so often outraged in political mat ters, it was natural that violence should he resorted to to suppress it in religious controversies, the argument would be intelligible. But no provocation can excuse the attempt to suppress free speech on American soil. The proper and only effectual answer to slander and falsehood, when they cannot be reached by legal process, is to expose and denounce them on the same arena where their weapons are employed. To silence the speaker by force is the remedy only of the ignoran :e and bru tality which cannot answer hischargs. English hlstoryjhas hardly produced a grea'er scoundrel and libertine than John Wilkes. But around his person, and in causes In whiuh j was defend ant against the whole power of the crown, was fought the great battle for the liberty of the press in England. This man Slattery might be even a less reputable character than he is said to be, but the Catholics of Savannah have clothed him with the dignity of re pre- j seutirg one of the most precious rights 01 American el! :'lisli) r. And wo ne- lievo that their course in this matter will he a generally condemned by the) intelligent Catholic ci'izen o' thin country as by any of the Protest int brethren "Satoi.i.i in Polities." Such was the heading that graced an article in a leading daily ptiicr a few days ago. The article itself Inire out the idea contained in the beading, and should speak in such thunderous tones as to awaken what few Protestants still re main asleep to the true intent of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Satolli was writing to officials of Guatemala, and took occasion to say: "In the first place a'low me to su.'gest that to re establish diplomatic relations between the holy see and your government, a 'concordant' would not be necessary, but that they could be reestablished, and maintained without it. Besides, it is wi ll to it fleet that the holy father en joys always, In fi'ct and by international right, the prerogatives of sovereignty. In the second place, the separation be tween the church and the state (sane tioned by the constitution) excluded the action of one power over another in civil matters la regard to the church, and in religious matters in respect to the state, but does not exclude official relations between the one power and the other, unless by separation is meant the inevitable hostility or open wrong of the civil power toward the church and its ministry. It is also to the point to consider that any nations (although they bavo in their constitutions the said principle of separation between state ar.d chureh) maintains neverthe less amicable reports and relations with the holy see, and I can also add that although the holy see has no diplomatic reports with the empires of China and Japan, it has certainly found no oflicial obstacles In their diversity of religion. And the condition of the Catholic church in the United States, in w hose constitution was inserted the article of separation of the state from any relig ious 6ect, cannot escape our considera tion. If up to date no oflicial relations exist between the government and the holy Bee, ii is because the majority of the population is anti Catholic. In the meantime the church here is attaining possibly greater development and lib erty than in other countries." Besides this direct reference to the United States, it is said that Mgr. Sa'olU's argument as to the propriety of ( Hicial relations between Guatemala and Rome applies also to the United Sta es. Uesays the constitutional provision of both countries is the same resptcting church and state. As to the concern of the pope forthechuich in Central America, the document says: "I am happy to state that the holy father, with much pleasure, learns that the ancient violent prejudice and opposition to the church are daily disappearing. Moreover, I must assure you of the lively concern of his holiness to see the condition of the Catholic church in your state, the great importance of which in Central America ii well known, improved. Therefore, the holy father regards as the greatest import ance, religious and civil, the good ex istence and frii ndly relations, and he is not averse to making all such con cessions as may be compatible with, the doctrine of the church with the welfare of the faithful, and with the prosperity of your country. And, therefore, his holiness consents to proceed to the nomination of an apostolic administra tion to the see of Guatemala, who, being a stranger to every faction, and without personal preoccupation, should put in order the religious affairs of the various archdioceses, which has been so many years without its urgent needs. The apostolic administrator should be a European, selected from among notable prelates or monks, and of tried piety and prudence being such he should more readily succeed in his difficult mission." Speaking of the desirability of rendering less burdensome the con dition of the church in Guatemala, Mgr. Satolli says: "Apropos of which, allow me to recall to your consideration the numerous deem s issued from the 12th of December, 1871, up to 1S4, and other dispositions up to 1887: decrees and dispositions of law more or le.-s gravely prejudicial to religious liberty, that the church, by divine right and almost, I may say, by the right of man kind traditional for centuries, has pos sessed always and everywhere: decrees and laws that with mature examination must be recognized as exceptional, pos sibly accounted for by temporary cir cumstances, or that the government might secure Itself agtiinst a supposed adversary, which unfortunately the Catholic church in Guatemala In those times was believed to be, because other wise it would be impossible to under stand how such decrees and laws accord with the separation of the church from the state, honestly and rationally considered. And, therefore, with the i constitution t stalilisticu u lu-j lmmui- able basis of rhiM--public of Gua'omala. it will not Ih difficult to become, ecu- vineed that the laws and decr-s re ferred to alove should K- t least modified, or in the in tiler uf theso laws and decrees there should lj mime amieitble adjustment with the holy woe. The constitution anJ government would thus receive a most notable seal and guarantee for the future through the desired agreement between tin govern ment and the holy s-e; an agreement that harmonizes excellently with the declared separation between the church and slate, and an accord that would bring peace to the souls of tho nopula lion of Guatemala, which is for the greater part Catholic." Thecommunl cation closes as follows: "I have lei lieved it expedient to premise the above expressed considerations, and thus ful fill the duty imposed uwn mo by the holy see, to beg you to refer to your government the intentions of tho holy father, and his anxiety to improve in a way the conditions of the church in Guatemala, to succeed to the full satis faction of your government, and to great advantage of all the republic, religious and civil. Finally, accept the confidential communication that the government of Nicaragua has already sent to Rune by Dr. Modesto Barrios, as its envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the holy see, for the purpose of Initiating and completing with the greatest expediency the good relations between the same government and tho holy see. I hope that your governmentof Guatemala will not allow much time to pass before taking the same resolution." It is said that this is the first time, so 'ar as is known, that Mgr. Satolli's mission has been ex tended outside of spiritual questions and has dealt with governmental sub jects. Rev. Fkancis Noon an of Wil mington, III., proK)ses to maintain his good name even if he has to call in the strong arm of the law A daily paper published in Chicago, says: "Arch bishop Patrick A. F ehan is made de fendant in a $.'0.0K) suit brought in the circuit court by tho Rev. Francis Noo nan. It is stated that the complaining priest came to Chicago from southern Illinois in 1 Still. He was officially re cognized by Archbishop Feehan and was assigned to read mass in the church at Wilmington, Hi. According to the Baltimore council there are two ways by which a priest may beudopt d as a child of a diocese. Oi.e is by actual adopt ion in a formul manner; tho oher is by uninterrupted discharge of priestly du ties for the period o' three years. Noo nun claims that the latter method is that by which he became related to the diocise. This is a very important fea ture in the clergyman's suit a- a basis for his action against the head of the diocese. It is one of the. peculiarities ef this case that it is to determine the right of a priest to resort to a court of law to recovc r his regular p.ty and dam age s for his loss of a church position. It is told that there was another priest who had an eye on the place held by Father Nim nan. This was Fathtr Thomas O'Girra. He was so desirous of getting the parish tuat he kept a close watch on NoonaD's conduct. Fa ther Noonan had in his home tvo at tractive young women who were known to the good people as the lovable i.ieces of the pastor. It Is td eged that O'Gar ra in trying to supplant Father Noonan said some raughty things and tv n went so far as to declare that the wo men in the sacred precincts of the rec tory were rot the priest's nieces. This reflected seriously against the priest. There was much and scandalous talk as the result. Then O Gtrra succeeded in securing the desired appointment, and, it is alleged, became the master of the situation by getting on his muscle and literally throwing Father Noonan out. The father having exhausted all church remedies now turns with his injured feelings to the courts for redress. He sues the archbishop as the representa tive of the diocese which he claims has wronged him. He will also bring suit in Will county against Father O'Garra for libei. The Keening Xen's of Detroit, Mich., published, the lllth, a three-column sensational Interview with a prom inent ex-member of the American Pro tective Association, in which it is al leged that a well known official of the order received some$G,0(K) from Colonel Bliss, one of the candidates for nomina tion as governor last year, and various sums from other candidates. It is also charged tnat an attempt was made to secure $titX) monthly from United States Senator McMillan during the senatorial campaign last winter. Facsimile let tors between Beatty and members of the American Protective Association state political committee are published to substantiate tho charges. Other al- working" lht candidates ami impropriating llie iiriHvi da ( set ; forth In detail I VI'ICAI. HOMlMM. A Miirderoiix Assaull Made tut I lie Imlr. prudent 1'oli-ll Priest. There was a sunt' 1 sled riot at the St. Paul's Polish Cutholie church in this city la.'t Tuesday morning, It s i ins that a plan hitd been prearruiigt d to eject tho priest in charge of Un church, and just after tho usiutl dully leiiU-n service had closed and tho con gregation had departed, a party of thirty-tlvo men who an- understood to belong to tho faction suportiiig the bishep entered the church and ordered the priest, Rev. SU phen Kamhiskl, to leave the church. This the priest re fused to do, and ordered the men to leave the place. Instead of complying with his request the men hcim to threaten him with bodily harm. The priest, fearing that an offort would bo made upon his life, since he received several threatening letters, arii'ed himself with a revolvcrand again requested them to leave, but was an swered by several shots directed at. him, and in self defense he returned the lire. During the general commotion that followed no less that thirty shots are said to have been exchanged tictweou the priest and tho attacking party Joseph Dargauz 'wskl tho leader of the latter was shot In the right knee and ankle and severely injured. This in censed the crowd and several more shots were directed toward the priest, but they failed to reach him, so tbey cried hang him! But he was safely barricaded behind the altar. The attacking party finding they were unable to cope with the Rev. Kamlnski withdrew from the church, and the in jured man crawled out on his hands and knees and was removed to an ajolning house where ho rccleved medical at tention. In a short time tho church whs sur rouded by hundreds of men, women and children armed with clubs and revol vers, and an effort was mude to gain ad mission, but the priest held the fort, and no one had tho courage to enter the c hurch. The crowd then oiitented itself wiih breaking all the window ligh's out on the wist side of the, church a' d 'bursting open the do r. By this time Detective Hudson ar rived a"d attempted to quiet the div Uii'tmne-', but his efforts only increased the lury of the mob, and a riot call wa4 sent to the ollce station, and six police officers were sect to the sconce, arriving tlicio just as some of U.o hot-headed Polantlers were culling upon others to aid them in taking the priest from the church and hang him. At the rear of the church whs a small ga'herirg of the faithful followers of the priest who stood guard at the back entrance. A woman is said to have led the attack on thee by throwing a tin can at one of them, which was a signal for a general fu.-ilade of rock), brick bats and other mis-i'es, which was soon quelled by the arrest of two boligerarits who were belaboring each other with pitchfork handles. The church yard was then cleared and the crowd gather ed on the outside of the fence and con tinued to discuss t he trouble. Soon after a warrant was sworn oui, by a brother of the man who was shot, for the priest, and he was arrested and taken to the station, but was released on b;til a short time afterward. The priest, in relating the occurrence to a reporter, said: ''I had just Finished the morning mass when a doz-n men entered the church, and the leader, Joseph Novitski, said as he approached me, 'Hold up your hands,' at the same time ixiinting a re volver at me. I was not disconcerted In the least and told him to leave the church. The party marched as far as the middle of tho church, and I then feared that it was their intention to kill me, or do me bodily harm. I again warned them to depart and was answer ed with a volley of bullets. Of course,I had to defend myself, and returned the fire, not, however, with the intention of killing anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. I shot at the men's legs and understand I wounded one of them. I had reason to believe my life was in danger, be aose I have received several threatening letters in which I was warned to leave the city at once or suf fer death. Joseph Novitski was the leader of the attacking party, and to him may be attributed ah the trouble. He has said he would kill me aid has Incensed the people up to the pitch of murdering me. I am sorrj the trouble occurred, but would conduct mvself in the same manner If attacked by a large body of men who had designs upon my life." Tho trouble arises out of the litiga tion which has been in progress in the district court for some time, in which the bishop and his followers are en deavoring tj secure possession of St. legations of Paul' Polish church roperty, which in held under an order issued by Judge Seott giving posx'ssion to the tipNsiiig faction, pending an h ul from the decision of Judee Anihro-o civing the INinst' vdon to the bishop's followers, but under i!n rules of law St. Paul' Polish church bud twenty days In which Ui lile their notice of apcal and foriil-h a Uuid, which hit already Is -en made, the priest and his followers were in rightful possession of the pienilses, and an Interference with this right was certainly In contempt of court. It Is currently rcorted that C. J. Smyth had previously advised the at tacking party to "take possession of tho church peaceably If possible, ami by force If necessary." If this U so, Sni) the Is equally guilty, and sho ild Ik dealt w ith tho sumo as other law breakers. Wo understand that Uilh factioi.H have lieslejied the (Nillce court for the arrest of the participants in the trouble. ( aid inul Yiiiiuhiui As Arliitrutor. At tho Bow, London, county court, today, an action was brought by Mrs. I.aidlow agaiiiht the R'V. 1). Fleming, a Roman Catholic clergyman, to recover II oi), tho amount of a deposit note on Barker's bank which plaiuti IT alleged had been given to her by her friend, Miss Donovan, since deceased, and which the defendant, as trustee of tho state of Miss Donovan's father, refused to deliver up. This was tho case In which Cardinal Vaughan arbitrated. His honor, in giving judgment, said that the case at first sight boomed to bo surrounded with difficulties. Father Donovan hud doubtless acted In the case with a strict regard to what was right as administrator of the estate. He (the learned judge) had no reason to doubt the truth of the evidence given by Mrs. Laidlow, and therefore he gave judgment for the plaintiff with costs. Tho Eiiylixh Churchman of this week makes tho following statement: Wo have reason to believe that Cardinal Vaughan Is pushing the claims of the papacy in every department of English life. Information reaches us that he now holds courts and exercises judicial functions. On one recent occasion he sat in great slate wearing the well known historic rohes of a papal prince, and having the assistance of two of her majesty's county court judges as legal assessors. We can state that one of these judges is a Iloman Catholic, and wo should say that tho other U of the same religion, although we are not h bio to identify him. But before this court, deriving its authority from a foreign power, there appeared some learned counsel, and amongst them was one very eminent queen's counsel, who is a churchman and a member of par liament. The trial had relation to a dispute concerning some mimibtio scandals, but we arc less concerned with the subject matter of .t than with the fact that such a coio t has been set up in England, and has been recognized by some of her majesty's judges and counsel. The proetedir.g deserve I a question in the house of commons. Monsignor Johnson, secretary to his eminence, Cardinal Vaughan, Roman Catholic archbishop of Westminster, made a statement to a representa tive of the pre-s respecting certain al legations of tho Et.ylislt Chiirchniin newspaper. That organ charges the cardinal with pushing the claims of papacy in every department of English life, aid with having on a recent oc casion held a court, with the assistance of two county court judgi s as legal as sessors. "Belore this court," says iuc Emlink Churchman, "deriving its au thority from a foreign iwwer, there ap peared some learned counsel." Cardinal Vaughan has left England for Rome, but Monsignor Johnson, upon having his attention directed to the statement aliova quoted, said, "It would be impos sible for Cardinal Vaughan to contra dict all the lying charges which are from time to time made against the Catholic body in this country. There seems to be a continually growing de parture from the old English habit of speaking the truth." The monsignor proceeded to cite cases which had oc curred during the life of Cardinal Man ning, when Catholics desiring to save law costs came to the cardinal, who acted as a friendly arbitrator. With regard to the particular case mentioned by the English. Churchman, It was true that a Catholic in the diocese preferred a complaint against a priest and de m inded an inquiry. Cardinal Vaughan readily granted it. The county court judges sat with him at his request, but certainly unofficially, and as members of the Catholic body simply. Both priest aDd accuse r were, in accordance with their own wish, represented by counsel. "Surely," continued Monsig nor Johnson, "there is nothing more in this than the exercise of the right which the English law recognizes that of referring a case te an arbitrator acceptable to both p arties." The English Churchman returns to the subject of pupal courts hi KngUnd, insisting that its pn vioun statement was HiiMmitlally ct'rreet. Furl her in formation has been received, and Judge ll.ighbawo, y. C, and Judge Stonor are mentioned as the county court judges who sut with Card in ii I Vaughan. Ills ati stated thai Sir Edward Clarke. Q. ('., and Mr. ('ohtello apficarcd as coun sel. Tho action trie,! In the Bow county court IihiI no connection with the case to which tho original an nouncement refernd. Tho English Churchman alleges that Cardinal Vaughan sal in tin seurlct robe of tho curdlnalatK, and was acting by virtue of his position and authority a head of the Roman Catholic church in lard, and It coiiflod-'g by challenging the publication of the proceeding with out the names of tho parties. A Sure Sign. KniToit Tiik Amkuican; Tho Chi cago liccttrtl a few days ago published un Interview of a prominent Catholic clergyman, who recently returned from an extended slay In Rome, and If all signs do not fail, Pope Leo XIII will soon die, on account of his falling health. It has always Itocn regarded as ,a psychological certainty, that when some tcoplu become too generous and 1 literal all at once, it is a sure sign of their approaching end. And that is exactly the cor dllion of tho jKipo. For man' years the pojie Inn lieen schem ing to bring hack under his supremacy the various branches of tho Greek church; but at present ho Is particular ly anxious about the Anglican church, and lately called Cardinal Vaughan to Rome to device the best means for leading tho Church of England Into tho fold of Rome, which means nothing less than papal rule for the whole of England. in order to accomplish this end, tho popo is really to make more and greater confessions than any popo ever made before. They may hold communion In two forms: Bread and wine. Tho church service may be performed In the native tonguo. The clergy who are married aro not required to desert their wIvcb. Only acknowledge his su premacy; bow duwn to that Idol of Rome; satisfy his vanity kiss hlsgrcat toe and the pepo will forgive you, and call il all square. Hero is tho same voice of tho same evil spirit by which Christ was tempted in the wilderness. And yet, in this en lightened Nineteenth century, even kings and presidents do homage to this ' SancttiH iSifdiKM." As the whole discourse is silent on that point, It is hut reasonable to ask, What would the nations gain by such a bargain? Rome never denies itself. From the history of the past, and from the Kior conditions of tho Roman Cath olic countries at present, wo know ex actly what every one will lose, the very moment he submits himself to papal supremacy. How wise the world he, if mi n would understand the les sons from history? When papal su premacy was at the height of its glory when it had one foot upon the necks of the emperors and the other upon the rights and conscience of the ignorant u.a-scs that period was tho darkest in all human history. Lot us hold up before the pcoplc,ovcr and over again, the great and essential difference between Christ and the pope, between the ProWstant and Roman Ca'holic principles. Jesus said: "You do err," and why? "Because you do not know the Scrip tures." The reformation came, and understood this valuanle hint, sett ered the link' everywhere among the na tions, and with the light of the Gospel, new life, new energy, new discoveries sprang up, and an age of general pros jHirity came over all Europe where that light wis not barred out. Should any one require further proof, just let him draw a geographical line and compare the conditions of those nations who came out in the light, with those that were kept in bondage by the Roman hierarchy, where hardly more than 20 per cent are able to real and write. Because Rome has always neg lected the wants of her own children, you will fiod ample reason for thanking God that He has placed you somewhere else than in a Roman Catholic country, w here darkness and superstition must prevail for her policy ever will be, the more ignorant a Ca'.holic is, the more pious and the better tool be makes for Roine. J- P. Chicago, I 1 , March 11, 1 S95. Will He An Editor. Representative Dick Jem-ss of Doug las county Las just purchased the At kinson Graphic, and when the legisla ture adjourns he will remove to Atkin son aad mould thought in the most ap proved style. He is a gen Vman and a scholar and an experienced newspaper man and he will continue the Graphic as one of the brightest and best country papers of the state, which Editor Mo Arthur has made it. Fremont Trtbune.