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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1894)
THE AMERICAN. THEJH.O.U. A. M. if th NHiml f.HKiPil Not Ih ("affllni. Urn I tfr H ll I tal IlltiisU llHt tllll: III ) KpUm tl, Th imttiuml c.Miiii ll of lln .tr 1' A, M, i'i'int'in"l TtiiHuInt Hnttiiliiij It) tin- hall nf A. In' III" tVumdl Nu. li, tilt h lirt i''it'i luti-ty ili'ri'i atitl, f 1 n ir m kihI hioMim (iu-iintf tin' walls, mill llnwi'H I liitf Niut tin tiHim mul Hi tlin nllli-i'ls' nl lurm. Tln inml hnlli'i-aliliMtf tin' iihi'Ii Ht niiii ii'i' ri'iM'iUlnif twi wililli'in of llni Mni aihI gray 'Usplng IihiiiIs, awl Imai'lntf Ihc wind, C n Country, Oim 'nitilt'." NiitliHml t'liunclloi' Kllilm prosltlfil, a- alsti'tl liy National Vice Ciiiiiirllur .1. (i, A. Itlt-tiU'r. AftiT tin- fi'Mirt of tin' crtwli'iittul eniiiriilttro liutl Ihii b irovcil hikI ilit! ni'Mf ilI'ft ohlftfHUMl ami ndtnlrtft 1, tlio roll wasi-allfil, uliow rx Hi) In attt'tiilarici, wio morn than at tlio Detroit nonnlon of last year, A ri'Holutlon wa adoptix! llxltijf tliu hour of tho day from I) a. in, to 1:.'I0 p, m., and from .1 p. m. to 7. Tho rnlmitt's of last w)Mlori wuro approval an pilntiHl Tho commlttoa on law piesmiU'd an amundmi.'nt to Htrlku out tlio dlstrlliu Hon commltton, through which much delay had hwn tMraslorutil at previous suasions, and tho armiridiiumt wan adoptod. Tho local rccoptlon t-otninlttoe pro acntud an Invitation to tho national council to visit tho Vandorhllt eslato tho next niornlrijf, and to participate In tho tmrado In tho fvcnlnir. Iarth of which woro accepted, Tho national councilor's report wan then taken up for consideration, III action In regard to tho LI.Msrty Dull fund wan approved, and a motion adopted to appropriate sufllclcnt sum of mumy to triako up tho deficiency re quired to provldo tho carriage. L'jn derah o discussion was occa sioned over ono of hln decisions which related to tho eligibility to memhernhlfi of those who, by reason of accident or misfortune, had been so maimed an to prevent thern from giving tho slifn of the order. Tho decision wa finally approved In the special caws, and tho matter referred to tho law committee, with Instruction to frame a law that would properly cover tho question, All recommendation (n relation to finance were deferred until after tho consideration of tho finance committee' report. In every other particular tho report of tho national council wan ap proved. llcforo closlfife tho morning notion, It wa agreed, on motion of National Bccretary I teenier, that (ho election be hold at 4 o'clock In the afternoon, and tho b dy then took a rccc for dinner, At tho afternoon session some routine business was dispatched, and tho nornl nation and election of officer wax taken up, Taut Kate Councilor If, Well I uxor, ufi'onnsylvanla, acting a Judc, J'ast National Councilor Klhert, of New Jersey, and Representative Mlneslritfer, Of Ohio, a teller, and National Hern lary iJeerner a clerk, Tho reult of tho election wa a follow: J, (i, A. UCMTKIl, of Ohio, National roiinelllor. National councilor, J, O, A, Hlchter, of Ohio; national vlco'counellor, (', W, Tyler, of Virginia; national treanr?r, J, Adam Hohl, of Maryland; national council conductor, Ooortfo W, Nut, of Delaware; national council warden, Klery Tom, of fndlana; national coun cil In Ido entlnel, , If. Hurnham, of North Carolina; national council out aide wmtlnet, W, If. Colo, of Michigan, For placo of next clon, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Omaha, Neb,, wa placed In nomination, tho latter winning by a vote of i' to 4 1. A very ablo report wa presented by tho national aecretary, and approved without dl'!iilon, Ono of hi recommendation related tethoumt of council of emhleni not authorized by tho national council, and a vote of ccrmuro wa pa-d upon all nuch. If I recommendation that a form for receiving council vlnltlntf In a biwly wa referred to tho ritual committee with Instruction to n jxirt at thl ticsftlori, Tho rejort of tho national treasurer Y U..i n t' anil i"i-uit li l.l'H UU....H .. t.l H-iO ''til! I'll ML! ! Illl fH M Hl ' t .1 II ' It -, (.Ml - .-s ' 'l""' tl tl 11 M I i. I " I I Tlii" ninii iiMitniiii'' m)'i ' ('ii!iil 'ii!i. iitti i thn", ami i t!l iinl( r I'udntil. mMmi In m lln' Iii'iii til tin tiny m lied A Iimtlmi nmilx IliaV lln tintMil i iniiii ii ii.ljiiiii it, In hii i i M 'I o'l lot k In l (ii ) HiHiii, til liitt Ui" tlii Hill i to lll Urn ttiiil.'ttilU ititi' tn (If iimi nlii W I'll III '"till) ftftl'I'lliMIII Wtllll lllll l" Htuial ttntiH'll rn'i'iiit'iml, i-ntiltli'i tlnii id tln rt'Hii i nf thn Iliinni'ti i-t'iu inlil ti ma ii'Miuii'il, all of l' wm-k l l)i,' iii'i'iii''l mill tin' follow iijf ni iiiimn'iiiliillims i(i'pti'i: i would ifi'iiintni'liil Unit iiH'ii oi't'aiiinlli'11 of sluti' itmiii'lU Hit')' ' fui i I li t il with hunk ami iii'plli' to t i valuii of Instead of m littf pl't'lllllllllS, Vo iKt'oinnii'ii l that thn premium of tl'i Im I'Hiitlmii'd fur ortfiuilatloii of ciiiiim'II until liMli'ouiii'llxai'!' Inxtlluled The commit tee wa aut horized to ad viinco money to enuiiHI fur wliom i sNi'lal fuml bail been provided. Tho national council then ndjourtiet l.ti lake part In I ho parado. Thursday morflrnf the retort of the (bianco commltteo wasconcludod, The recommendation concern I tin ierlKllcal wa that tl.INK) lie appropriated for mm Kood paper, but thl wa amended to Kf.W, H, J M'" KM Kit, Nittlonal Hfcretary, allow f.VM) Ui tho I'Wuliuril Amrimn, tho same amount to tho Junior Mwlmnk and tM)) to tho Htrul.lif.rn I'ulrlnl, lt oIutlon of rurei on tho death of Urother Charles L. Walter wero m mitU:t hy tho New Jersey delegation, and adopted with a rlln vote, ' t Tho committee on Orphan' Homo j M 1 I I I i froontel ft report., in wmen n wa stated that cormlderatdo Interest had been shown In tho project morally by council, although the um jfiitranteed was only a small portion of what would bo needed, Tho committee wa con tinned and Instructed , to select ft loca tion for tho homo, subject to tho ap proval of tho national council at tho next Mission, and that tho national council aid tho commltteo In It work hy calling tho matter to tho attention of tho several state councils, and also request tho support of tho varlon pub Mention of tho order, Tho report of tho commltteo on law, which Included ft complete revision of tho law of tho order, wa then con sidered, Jt wa decided to hold a nltfht session io consider tho report of tho ritual committee, Thl wa an ox- tremely Interesting featuro, but no report of tho work In thf connection an bo iflven, o',her than no tfreat hri(fo ha been made In tho pre nt work, o far a tho sentiment and do- Ifn of the ritual I concerned, the phrawolofy belnif Improved and cor Uln p'trtlon made more explicit, Tho new ritual will bo ready on Novemlwr J, when eiM'h council will bo furnished a set at cost, tho old to ho dlp04ed of according te Instruction that will bo Issued by tho national secretary, Friday morning tho conslderathm of tho law was again rosumed and otcu- (tied tho entire morning and part of tho afternoon, and wero finally approved as a wholo, Following tho action of ot her patriotic order, Juno I HJi, tho day upon which congroM adopt d tho present American Mag, wa designated a Flag Day, lo bo observed by displaying tho (lag from residence and all public buildings, Jt was decided that tho new national council constitution go Into tffect at onci, but tho old general law will l In forco until (September 1st, when tho now law will bo ready to bo Issued, A supplementary report, presented by tho ritual committee, providing a form for admitting council visiting In a body, wa adopted. Tho riirl of the legislative com mittee wa read and approved, and tho Incoming commltteo wa Instructed to urgo tho adojAlon of tho Hteno Immi gration bill, Tho report of tho commltteo on pa triotic congress wn received with thanks, and tho commltteo wa con tinued, At tho last session nt tho national council ft'oommltteo wa appointed to prepare certain form and ceremonies, among other a memorial servloo for deceased member of tho order, Thl committee mado It report, and tho na- (IhUsI t Hl,lttl llt'M I KHllt ll t'f MlflVW, ihu ti i i -.fhti -! inn t'f iiu ! , with (rlt it i in i ii ii b 1,1, m'fctt nf lltti MUi'tiftl iti ilnii lni li I t. i n ria Minl t It a liiiwl hi i'i i -iy ii i 1. 1 b ni i nl lUl' I llllllll, 111 M . . l.mrlU, pi i, and li-1 IiiIhi It Ili'i'Uu, li t J. M.n.i lb i d II II II S1iiii,;IiI r, tl.ilti'Hil llii il,iti,!i' t'l.titg Ii W i'li pi uliiiitiil'i ii"H I'I I, Wall. l, of New ,lil f , I) Srtllt'iiiil t tnilii'llnr ill's-, , lni pli V, t tii'i' Mi)li,.l. bj IV N I' M.i. HI. we. II, l Hptk, ji , of oli. ui. In, I' i H p iiui'iitii,ii .tiiiiiis I'ii fib Tin' CHiiiiiilllt'c bij,'lilv it'itipll tm mi In t'l'iemoiu , niul after I lie itlT.'i'lltig v ifltts, and iiul of i'ft.iiu't fin lltti liti'lliiii y uf the tli i'i tls.'il, Hut imMniiiil i'iiiiiii II iiiljnni (n il In tint I Kt it I i Mull eveliliitT, Fi'lday eti'iilotf a tutu t'f HtMiiki was leliil'iii il Itillin lillewtiitil FtnwiT Cniu- pHiiy for Ihu fii'sh lliiwiT which wein ii(it'Httd dally. The (nt ui" fur Ibitf prfsi'iiitil Imi and I'litiier-slmii' laying, suhmllli'd hy Ihu ciiiiiiiillti'i', with approved, and all of the form referred to (he board of ullli'eri for pivpHi'iilloii fur printing, The appeal cmumlltec reported (hat (hey hail not been called upon to ael during the year, Thl was accepted as an Indication of complete harmony, Communications from Dawson Law rence and F T, Morlaii, In regard to chart wero read, asking special priv ilege, which wa referred In !lh case. Tho committee which ha heretofore had ehargti of (ho relation between tho national council and Dawson Lawrence was discharged, and the hoard of officer will superintend all such detail. A molten wn adopted reij nesting state council to chango their law to conform with tho alteration mado by tho national council, A rcstdulon of thank wa tendered tho board of officer for their excellent service during tho year, and llrother Taylor Wobensmlth wasalsothayked for hi services as reading clerk, A resolution presented by tho repre entatlve of Ohio, endorsing tho Daughter of America ft tho official auxiliary of tho Jr. O, V. A, M , gave rlso to it lengthy debate, and wa dually rejected by a largo majority, tho senti ment of tho national council appearing to Ito that tho Daughter of America and Daughter of Liberty should stand on their own merit, bot h now having eojial recognition from tho national council. A communication was road from tho state council of Missouri In regard to tho difficulties they have- met thero, and a donation o'.l7o was rnado to assist them In mctlngcert4lii aceounU A communication front eounoof tho District of Columbia, asking for separ ation from tho stabs council of Virginia and tho granting of a charter for the dhtrlet wa read, Thl matter has been before tho national council fre quently, and always bereoforo opposed by tho Virginia delegation, I hi time, however, they voted In favor of It, and tho separation wa omdo and tate council charter grante J, A resolution thanking the council of Ashevlllo and tho citizens for courteous treatment was adopted, A resolution approving tho action of tho board of officer of l'ennylvanla In tho school ease at Pittsburgh and Oallitzln, and tho Itoard of officer of New Jorsey for tho patriotic legisla tion secured, wa adopted. Tho national council then adjourned, Haturday morning', under tho new ritual, a chaplain I provide) for, and tho Dftt business of the last day' e- slot! wa to tdect I'ast N'ailonal Conu sor John fl. Mlhllts, of Maryland, to lhatoffioo In tho national council. A vol" ill thank wa tendered the law committee of thf and the previous yr, fur tho very complete work (er formed by (hi in, On motion, tho board of officer were instructed to appoint a national oraan Izer for thl year, AU committee not provided for und r tho new law, with th exception of the Orphans' llomo committed and tho delegate to the patriotic congress, were declared discharged, On motion ut National Organizer Collin, It wa decided that any person having any African blood In hi veins, ho Imdlglblo to membership, Th now officer were then Installed by Fast National Councilor John W, Calver, and brief addroe wero mado by each, On behalf of tho national council, I 'ast National Councilor Wal ter Orange presenting th retiring national coun cilor, Hrother If, A, Klblto, wlthagold emblem of hi officjt, In languagu that wa ol'Huent and full of fraternity and patrlotim, Tho lody then Joined In sinking "America," prajer wa offitred by Chaplain lloblll, and tho session of tho national council closed, - ..ji.... .. Ifoina Flghl hccrcl Order, Thero I quite a disruption among tho memlter f th Iteman Catholic church, Klshop Decker ha caused It, hy sending forth an edict that meutls r of tho Catholic church will not I' granted Absolution, who am members of the K, of I',, Old Fellow, Coldeti Kaglo and other similar organization, Tho most Interettlng thing about tho light against these organization I that tbtj blow I aimed mom purlieu- lit, atrnlnsl (tm M i.f I'. Tlits l,i.l,f " as insi hi iti !iiiii, tn si at ) I H't' (U ittt IttU t In l.'t illi( I.I 1 1. 1 I 1,1 1 i I I t un I,, fnf i l jiitil ittt t i .l In, tint In ln ii,lt illillei i.f I, t !itm h ll il Iimi Iiul sil 'l b" Ittt Kits') n( lite otil. is .tl tt .ii I ll,i'li lisle U t II lttlM.1 III" t It I III 1. 1' I I 'III It I III! I lllll I llinti'i UH) , , wlii'io lliii id'jt'i llnii mi llii pntl nf lite I'hui'i It 1 1'ittt lit Ph ii niitHUiil lf I'ISol lllli' Is tttlll lllllll' Mil till lllll It I t'tH!l St It lull il hill f li pltlV liti'lirt. id ihnsit Hi Hi.' In lid of Hit I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) I t sie tin nt uiili'ts The tiiipli'Hsiiitl ( ill I of Ihu n'lil Is fell Hiiil'e kt'elily I')' lilt' pi li sts of Hi, ill lleli'lil I'htllt he, stiiitii of wliiini lilt lii st itihiil by with Hie nlijt fit of thn mili'isthat (he light U Ulug Hen Agalusl, They itftiKiilz' the rhaiily IttHl t ill ll lllll Sllll II Willi W llll'll llll'tHi Ul'lll'ISailll lis Ittt III I H' I M I'll III lll( . ,Mit iiiiiiii (tfil.) fotipi mli nl. - om: miiki; ici in. A mil her I'lior Ib ludi d llrllin at I'l h -I cnifl Im aiTi rali'd In a ( luitrnt. The Convent of I'erpettuil Adural Imi at Hunt's l'olnl, last Faster, iialn Opi'lied It lltsil'S to receive a Htor do loded victim of prlfhlcrafi a young girl under twenty years of age who "weds tho church" as (ho Infamous tie cepiiim is ciiiieil, iiername iNwittieiii. Shu Is, of course, an heiress, nothing else I wanted at ArrhblshopCorrlgan' famous establishment. Her parents lie- company her to tho door that closes mi her, never to permit them to see her again, except through ft double grating, llieso women, young ami pretty, are cut off from all all access to tho outer world. No complaint they may ever makt! can by any possibility reach tho ear of any ono but Cod, No cry for help can bring deliverance from pos sible attack mado upon their virtue hy tho lecherous celebalc of Homo who alono can have acccs to thl prison trap, Nostrugglo to maintain honor and Innocence against possible priestly brutality ran be if tho slightest avail. From thl pbof alono tho government lnH'etor, tho detective and the no wa paper reporter are rigorously excluded, Their suffering unknown, their woe unexpressed, they drop Into an early grave, Tho tomb seal their history, There may bo foul day; murder or malj practice may have their place In that history, No certificate of burial. No coroner' Jury, All Isilark and secret suspiciously, suggestively secret. Tho body 1 taken to tho basement In a pine coffin, pushed In on a shelf and tho opening aeated with cement. The pos sible story of wrong, outrage and cruelty I shut up behind that cement until the Croat Day of Jteekonintf, Tho parent and most Intimate friends are excluded. Their demand for admission to Investigate these dark and suspici on circumstance would bo treated as an Impertinence, . Only Archbishop Corrlgan and hi celibate pi lest may have acccs to these deluded dupe of priestcraft, Ht.ttll-fed bachelor with Imagination fired with confessional ex perlenee and passion heated with wine, arif considered tho proper per son to visit young female whose natural prtipensltie aro ent up and Intensified hy forced seclusion, a feel Ingof personal Irresponsibility, a train ing whoso tendency I to upr;t tho enso i.f self-respect, and a thorough confidence in their complete exemption from all deference Ui public opinion, Furthermore, tho existence of these dark prison ( directly and shamelessly unconstitutional. In this free republic no person can ho restrained of liberty or deprived ol property except by the do cfslon of one tit our courts, In these convent liberty Is forever forfeited and all property confiscated, Over and over again we have asked tho question, why Amerleans permit these blot c upon public d to con tinue, Wo now ask: "How long, ) -- - Home Win ,1 uln. It is annonneej that the h gov ernment has annulled the order, Issued In April last, suspi ruling the stipend of the arcnblshop of Lyon and all ar rears will bo immediately paid. This, evidently, Is another step toward con ciliation with Itemo, Tho first step wa taken yesterday, when Mgr. Ft r rata, papal nuncio, walked with only a little silk skull cap on hi head from tho Klyee palace lo tho cathedral of Notre Dame behind tho remain of tho lato president of France, Consequently, the regime of Presi dent Caslmlr J'orler open, the day after tho funeral of hi predecessor, with Improved relation with the Vati can, Dollar i Dollar. To Denver and return, to Colorado Hprlng and return, to J'uehlo and re turn, ylft the Fnlon Pacific-, Ticket on sale July 2lt, I'-nd and 2.'lrd, Account Mystic Khrlno meeting. For further particulars call on If. I', DIX'KL, C, T. A,, !.'. P, System, I'fC Farnam Htreel. l.VOO to Pueblo and return via the Union Pacific July 2lt, lud and IMrd, Account Mystic Khrlno meeting, He me, IL P. DLL'LL, C, T, A., U, P. Hystern, 1 .'01! Farnam Street. K I lt I l I.IHIII IIIHtfcH, 'ni ' IU-V i f M.HIU t II.. ,,1111,, Klllll .. It I I t it ". I I. "lllll l! till Hll.1 ' ll,lt tl. .(, Ill I l 111. Ill I I ,ll ' 1 1 1,1 l, ,4 .ti 1 ,1 'ul nil I In H 1 1 V - lltl H II nllitf I t lll I 1 llUll tli'l- III! I ntin,., 4tt.t , ,-t, ili 1 1 1 1,,.4. t.f 1 1,, i, ,l.,l HK'iUi tin pttlKIt , ,1111111,1 lit l'll I tl r,,l Tito Aiiinitlinii of l.iniiilu I4 nu Ititi ti. Ir Ittti it-it ii. i..ii(,, Htti it 1, 1 I M lUttii imt nt iiu lull ll-tl i', 11, ,11, 1 '.I,, II olilili IHiiI tin- 11 illl. I trtli I' Hi I'liiin Talk AImhiI It'iiiiiinisiii nf Tiuliiv li" lii MiiiiiituiiH tr Itilaluili lllll I l')l tin 11,1 nil" llllllili H ulllirf II tlltlKH It I'lllili'll Uiill III Willi n iHl nti.l I t nl 1 i uli 1 lin nml ,11111 1 1 11 tn 111 Ii liUliill, III lllfiilllillllnll I'M. ,1 In illn r i'iitt'1. wt 1 'en 1 lltiiiiuiiisiii Nul Clirisiiiuiily llf 111'' Until Irfivi Thin la nil I'I'il li'iil mull, n tul Is si'll hiiiIIi ti'iiilln dy en 1 f I'm! Iiul I.' l mli til I'llrc, nin I, Mi'i-iil", Tlio A nicriciiii Cltii'M Itiliiiiry l iillliillis liiHUV llilrri'sl III slnl li-s, mu ll M. ' I'liiin iil Hut rut," "4urli'iilr I'mi ft'sslnli Slid l'iiilnli Niiiiliil It's," "fit MiiiiIIis In 11 'iniv"lit." "Wllllioii nf 1 it iiiik"." nml nl lifts yt'l fit fiillnw, linn i'ih Ii 1111111I It. I'rli'ii, t'i per yi'iir A II Din aliiivn liiinSs will In' f ttriilsliisl l,y Ihu Ami 1111 I'i 111 iHiiiMit'iiMrAsf m , 1 1 , . h iiniiii'il, Imi i'msIi iiitinl ie'rniiiiiiiy l ltti in tier. t'lsti nit milli'ii will tie liiki'ii nf It, Do you subserllsi and pay for TliK Amiiiik'AN', Ves or no will decide how much you are Interested in the advancement or Americanism. Errors of Youth.! A. r1 Kwioiii Wilny, V 011 r hf al ft Iiidiscieliom, Last I-hiIkiiiI RF VOIIROWM PHYSICIAN M-i.r Kifii. hum th ct1'( nt futhttri iuiiftu- iht f, ))( firtiiir'tl nti-iul t1"' 'f i 4 th)t If) m ID" fti'f tnt yf'ftf tut tiiti'h Nt Ui lutlwf im'i nn-ff Mint (ii"' mtui th tn. '(( f Hif ttoiittiM fti l Kt th titU ffli"'il, . tiH-r tr iti totp't t"t tfttyunHt thf tifM tHtUj IlUt UH taUt-fl- l"t ('t'tll lKMlte j '((, 't'tt i'llttft'"'t,ti1t V""'t ) J MM t HtlAII If ftl'MDr ' I Hfii Uuh'it'lh iifhtiviti)l liwjt t'ltof'iH'i fttnl (MsjIKi lC ) J nf nttft nfniUt't ntutU ttt'U'l i'pfU'Ht itn k Uilf'iiftilt ffiMtf rV K"l Dt Otf L'tirtltit Iff iHl0 I ptft-r ijrfr'tfi III- ktviUrmfU'it wH '(r(fDi, ,1'HtlH-llltt, 1 1Mi Uit i ID u.n ,i4 ft'i'H. 4 Attrhm, ' i , 'm 11. 1 f,f UtilHUtStn, V f'MM'l' I iitfi-vtHt, n . Wis MkW (nil 'fh I f'ttf l tp m , nf tttUt Utt t'lHtV l U '( I ft Hi Iff I '11'" wnktrfa n tilhft p i''t "' ff)(lM(( ttutu t1liltwtHtt f iff fM'tp'ire U"rf "f tin -l"f))fi' Ktf 'i"l,iU:t'lf,lni ) i ti iUtHW t"f 1 t'tHIWlititi WfgUitt itilUt. 1fttfii tUtrtiiUtilt tl UU lit thhHt hff iif iiftf t i , T'lUirM Wl(' '!( ') fifttt't Ul flttHftt it 'if til Iff rifl"if'K ). ttuiut ikV tit.UMinit m lull. 0titir t'iii-ftoiniU'i im D" ui ''if h'Hft UUf ft lii'ffUit lit " Will ftttiifil ,, !,,, if will rut" ni'itt imn, t"t 4Hhnf iV t fitly 1 on1'!' nihil, HL'y DIOLAND MEDICAL 11I3TITUTR, 12 Tf(iO'i (tot, llrtstifi, M, IPKKDr nd I.ARTINO RESULTS ,FAT PEOPLE 1 10 lnenlw, mfA. I ..... a fitttf nni1 . 1tl1 M t,Mfnvttl).t,IMfllHlIH,4l. WflUSH!l f flIJHi M fUSd HMir SIIMtltV, VrU-m i,r holll. Isnif , lof Irsslli Tit f MOW f Mr.l'WAL CO., lHn WANTfO AK'lil Ui en Uill MA i'iii(il y li sell Die tfreiile! I,iw,k nf llm ttir r. 1 imi nl l)i'- )iiiioi 1 sin111' 1 niinii hii'I lis InlUiiiiif iinllif liiiHiulliiivt'riiiiniil tmluv, Willi Mlutofy Mini Preview, r Die A tin fl'ii I'niU'i'iivt. swts'luf Inn (A I', A 1 tVI-r " llem,( IIIkkIIhO-U tfllll IS full piijO- eermvlnirs, Scrul Vi cents ut mii'i' fnf i'iiimUiU oulll) iiikI O ftis, S)itei, i-f,s (Iveii nil elhuf fusl selllriif Snrks II A ft., il' 4 t.m iinl hi , Hi. 1,1ios, kl'i, If AIL fyt ut "" Imm II, HH ui' Kstet i,ni.ii,iH rii', nm Wn 11 1 n., Wursf iftwi, s;,!' Ynilt, Tho Singing; Patriot REV, O. E MUftRAV, A, M, 0, D, Tim Mist f iAIi c) inn nf I1 n't lot lc Mnlc nvt-f ntti rnl kIIii- i,ui,ir fi,t I'tiirioilc ysidtr-lny-i. In, hi , w 1,1,1,1 Iimi i) .),' li, vi- eiir fimlltl. Word ftfttt Music, mo isk. ion lonf PfiLo ii Csnis, Pitnifiniit, rossmssy THE AMERICAN, rf OOMINO AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. ny ii, a, tiv.ynsuvrs. ('Ills Is Ulnnll'i Hie IllX at li,),leliifis Km tiOiSs ui". ui l),i. l,(-l (I i. . i will, U,tt fnf H11 1 ni fli -J ,',lll''itl sltirsof mir i'iiui ill ny lii" luim tii 1 luri'iii" 1 imri ii, r.iw Ali' li sii lii;iti (eii'l II, Py"r fnift Sufit p'stlpald i,n fsculpi f yrlftt, t,y ll, AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., PlIS Mnwsril Hfft. teesh. X (if, mfl Mutest, Kiisftiy: Mit, nr. 1:1 it. 1 Isr mm lunnlniiiin -riirsjro, )ll Gury'b Doctrines op The Jebuitb, I'md llifl, tic tf 'intiluo.r, inn (In- hmm ihinn In sorlel y )y Hll'.wlftsr llt ,). 'ill Ii, l,i I'oine wi'iir,f it Krei, ymiiii. Ills stmi'liitil IrtinU nil Jisidl Ism sml Din linnk willed led Oi lliHr fi,ls!,to frt l-'riKcn, 'I Ills liimli Is O rcltile ciitiisurn i,f li prill 'liles nt ltu s wuitld l,e Iriu )K rsnf n liOi,, Sl liioi'ln-'l IHHO 1 lni li, 1,7'Si (iiiniill pier I'livi-i. 000. AHTfi sll inf. is l, ;, l WlW, A ( I) 1 i'hicat'o, III, rDIClinC Wlllnur 10 An) i'Ius In rniLHUt) i'i, 11,.' slili liiili- lri,iii,l, kIhhiIiI n-iir I On Ni-nry fnf diir Msylt: Wsll l's f I li-sii.-f, sin! imr Mityw I'ttiet sml sr,i-t t l.-Hiii-f 'I in jr s iiii,'i s I fit rii1si,nl)r Nililr. fur ,i,iil. iiliirs, MAXWrd l, 4 CO.. V. I'liiin SI . I llii'liilisll, II "Convent Life Unveiled," II r r.MTfl tritDUSIKH. This Hull' '-rl fi-lsi tin- l.lti.-f 't,. rlef-i nf s f niiuit I uly wl-'i whs w,iii. .1 lUmmh tfif C'lM.ii, nt Ids Jih;is ,) ll,n sii,rs id I lisf II y Oi sm.-r iiinfiil ll.-r sluf y i,f tl, hi-rireiiililif s i hi i-iisi'M-tl In Dins., sinks id lnl,ij!iy is ,, Id In rniivltiefiiK siyln I'fU In li.ili l it, m iPMipnld l-y ' AMKHICAN J'lJIILJHMIN'O CO, lolft llowsrd SI.UM4U. Mil Wilt m tiy Ihi Convntid Flint, llsvtltlllltll I.I I'flftt, M. lln I it Ami I t,, inn ri III t 1 I V M Vii. .1, HI, .c. .1 , f It, I II,.HhI.. f , . ,-.,, dl.aiM I .1-1 AU , in I , i t M ,ii t i. ,.,,,. .1 .11 1 1 1 1 -1 . 1 11 1. .. 1. , r i. . m it,. l il' I ,r ,-,, -..I 1 ill. ,f li .- -,i.n,,, l, 1 -. 1 11 ..if ati 1,1 I. 1 1. 1, 0 i,il . 1 . .it i,l II,. 1,, I t;ln, f , i 1 1, . ,i , lli il l, I , 1 tit, 1 h I l,f . I t 1 1 f 1,1. 1 , . '. I I. !. . i, .,! ill li- . i, I. I, . rtll'l lllll I.M ll-tiiit i , ,,., tf, llf.9 .,,,.1 i. t .., i,f I ltr il, I. ,1 , , I it it. ,,1 Ii .1 . I. it, it tit II, r I, 1. I lftl, I ,.,,, ,,, t iiitiil m 1 t,. 11. tl I tut. t, i .nu !,(,!, II, (i. I - 1 I ill., t tn lit i tt. ( ... tt,,t I I, In H Ml II . 'III ' ,M ,, , HI I" ,( 1 I, ,1 t I I I , ,,, ( lit fir. 111 n i., tiil i y s w .1 li . it Iiu,., 1,1 m m linn 1 t till ll tl I 1 1, tl ll.n nit li Hit II IU 1 1 It , I ', I , III Mill A t II., hi- iifc-0. HI, A CftAND DISCOVERY I 11' A I IM' 4 l! M r' Nl HM A. If Mtifff h fl ) H") t4V-l ffSUii lH rW(ti' b tt Hf ' H RHr H Htti IM M ( ( M U 'ft '- t tt. W H.itfj t.trl ttii it it tuttf t if p mt tn m 4fft (! ftitiitt b liitHt ft tFft.tH Htt f 1 III IhllOf ItltStl l. hl Hi ft lit nm i tim f.. mh p-t mk,9-4 I'M il !- ', 91 I lit T . .( h't mil fc.Hri Ml ll.r .ln lift! M l W '!)! HH' itHt IH ttttlf H4 f Mttif -m p'tmm A i .'' isM.rt4 Ultvrnsr AO MORE TO HE Hi O nl lltiil iiiiitoillli'fiit i 'lll till id Papal Idolatry. lly Hi I 1'liliiliiny, k in iw i its Din t iiilM i'li ss mill Iiu,. iiiilnlili- nl niic iilll.-i-, i, On 1 kk luiil(lil Dili li liuillilliil i'nilin fiiiiu Din iuli-IImIii-is wIki hiivii lOiil!' mil iif I 1 1 1 1 1 st , Vim IiiiiiIiI null r friim us AT ONCt s w lisvn i-iily lliiiiind iiiuiilii'i mi liiiml Tills itivtr tisiiiiii iii win imi iiiii r iiiiiiiii. Tills nut Iiu ymir luul iiiiiii I mill y In iiul, llils lunik, wlilitt Is it,, ,-,usiirii id Din il' ix in it of triins n IikI mii 1 1 ii I Inn nml i n it r ). 1 1 t 1 1 y, i-i ml iilnln 11 urn itili y nml it linn sl.-i-l tiiu iritll nf I lie itullinr I'fli'i S CP lunslitl rmlni, Aililress nil or- tli'ts OtJ In I', I,. lltillU A. ( U t'lili'HUd tV Mi-n I Inn tills iiiii'f STARTLING FACTS -oa Deeds of Darkness Exposed. fir HKV, J. O, WIIITK. 'Mils mi'i'lli'iil wiir-li ili'itls wit li tlii'illUrl mi'llmilsof Din Riiiniiii (iilliullr t'liun li. It i-iKiiiilns in in-li fund for llimilil hii'I Inks- wurm Amnflriuis will II ml II Inlfri-nl In fssil. In. It Is in I ii I fil In K'sul, cltiiif tyuti, snd liiituid In cfiilli, I'rli'ii 11, idisiuuiil. Hut unlit liy AMERICAN PUDLISHINO CO., Dim Howard Htfiml,, tin aii a Una UT, Oof, It'indolidi nml IJInrk, C'IiIi'hku, III MARiTMONK. Paper Cover 50 Cents. Till II r I In viiliiiiiit nd it l us l,li l.firrlltl f itcrli-rii'ii id rum who wits coriflmid In Id llliii'k Niirirmry" nf Moiilrns.) II, hii uroli- nlly Dm lurii'st sain nt nny w.,rk nf Dm kind iin-c (jiildlslH'il, sml wiytif iil Mitmirlm Ift Hiifrtrvmrn Jt Imi tut li'tiri minlii, Thn iirl.n In dulli I ll'K), ml In ifttiii-r Mr cs n to. Viirsiilii liy AMERICAN PUBLIBHINQ CO., Mli llowurd Htnii't, Omitliii. Nt M,il Hi, . Kiiisus city Mo. Fifty Years -nri- Church of Rome, Hr ItKV.CifAM, ( IIINI'UV, TIds I a slunilMfd work im IIoihkiiIsm siid llssni'fi I mii Uliiin, Wfltu n l.yoiiH wliuuiiKtil In km, w, Tim si.iry nl Dm siisiissliiiitlim nt niiriiimm ,,iiir.nin ny itin jiilhi i.siis hi mm luimuii I iilliullr lnri'li Is told In aclnaf snd convlmdiiir iimiiiifT, It slwi fi-lnlj rin fimls fCKifdln Dm iirtu'lU'i-itiit pfliisto mifl nuns In Din i on n-iils it ml immnslnrli', it tins M I .nu r ii-s, sii'l Is sent (.wimti'I nn fn'i t nt I'! 1)1, l,y A M KKK'A H I'lJltUHII. I,VI (,., c,lfi llowttfd Slfi--l iimul, Null. nr. I nr. rinru nml Hntiililili, I lilcairo, ill, PATRIOTIC LITERATURE. nd Tn Cant In 0.lvr for Ismplsi, The Mm Useful liver I'lihlislicd. If)trui.(ivn and (o h Point, ALLNEWr AllVUf.HMt THE. PATRIOTIC TflACT CO. Lock Box 34, Station I' CLIVILAND, OHIO. Secrets of Romish Priests Exposed. Pr, 40 Ccnts. SUBSTITUTION MARRIAGE. Pfk, SO Ctntsj. t'v ,li,i ,ti siuiuinr Is tltf Mijiicr nt l,itb nt Ihv .,i-. l..,s. Tl,. nr )ul, wlial i.t, lili. s Hiilii i.', mii'I nri' nnn i in f mm, i'jusb lyjjt- sml l.niiiid In t;)(i I roni fs. Sent bf s-Jyli-ss uf ,nill, A'l'lM'KS, I'. I, ,,n,'l ' ril....., ut, wfl Miiln i, . K Biisiis ( li y Mi,, IM A lt,.u...,l ,I,..,.I.U 'A.1, nf, Uir i lirs ami Kun'tnloti. t.liM-nn. III. WHY PRIESTS SHOULD WED. iir iiu ji.sti.m I. m:i.tom. Tills Is iins i,f l)f. FuMi.n's t-st t,iiki. It rti-sls wlili Urn ((iicsiliin f ri-ilinK nt tl.a ,r)i sll,,. ri.iii rt'lifii'Us simi'inni,; ii) Ii. iiiut mii) (,( t-sl ut Msi., ry i, i irm 11,111,111 silt, tile ( Itiif. li, I'r lie. In i iu) li royiif, I. On Srnt p'Mlpnul nn f.'ilyl nl irru, l,jr AMERICAN PUBUSHINO CO., 101,, Ifowanl Ktr.ritt, (JMAHA, NKH, tUAl,K iiifiiii vi i,.-r lit in a is Mini ...1 1 u I ., -..!...!. It....'. I.U, tl.tM KM ,11 ii yruwui .iiiiiiiii. ,...ti i,im" n ssrismill s,,iiilii' i( 1'iirin r t lurk nml t,,l,li SIl. t lS. Til AUKIIICs s Hun sf'; t I HI'. I'ftlt t'.M I U In 11m sIsis; 1111 stifi'iii's. (in (t,iln si-mi .- inr fi.fri sml (llftt iliiiis. I)i, lili ssviiic, i , row INDIAN TERRITORY THE DHEROKEE STR!Hf OKLAHOMA, FT.SMITH, LITTLE ROCK and HOTSPRINCS.AR Ti'kfl Offkf.l.K, ('vrmr ;l!h si, J Faroim tu swv" wm city, iW ST. LOUIS SOUTH and SOUTHEAST. Tlrirt Ofllf. 1. 1. trm r il ci hmm IU.