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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1894)
AMERICAN 'x tWIt :(t tV ilt'( ' f " 4Wttt OJrf M -nif.r ft ,! nf (ft rNf. OMAHA, NI'lHiAhK A, I'lUIUY, .U'l.V V. s t, 4 mint MiU'Mrt. THE ROME-RIDDEN SPAIN. SomtrwU, Not tnmUy Knon, Ar IntereitinR.y SV Forth I'J Mil ttrlhor, Mmlar ami I'aWlc ScVrr f Jhn Uia I wal ItcWHWW. "From the day of hehcrou HodoHe tho Colh, to the day of Isahdla the harlol-whoiwelvod the rW from IMuh IX for her holy living -Spain ha ever hon under the d.itU' way, aplrltually and 'emorally, of Home. Hero the paiml lowef wan un limited and tho secular arm of tho gov eminent wa ever ready to oarry out tho command of tho Vatican. And In this connection wo must Include Portu gal, whero tho Inquisition In all It horror flourished a admlrahly as In Spain, m ono UUlo nolo will hero des ignated Septomhir 1, tho then rolgnlng plo Issued a bull which horrified tho wholo world outldo of Romanlam - In which ho pave tho ehurch and hi pontifical blessing to Portugal, In "that from 1732 thoro had. boon mado to do ponanco In that klngdon In public auto 2.1,008 porHon; that 1,415 horctlcs hud boon burned and that 2,000 hud boon drowned In tho Tugu and more than that number had died In prison." Think of thU, Americans, In tho abort space of 42 yoar Horn anlwm had brutally murdered full 0,000 mon and women many of whom wore Hebrew In Por tugal! Hut It I In Spain that wo arc pointing the reader to tho love and regard for Buffering human ity exhibited by "holy mother church," Power Infernal!, CT.1 What a love! Look upon thl bloody lht, taken from HornlMh source and public record still extant. Wo find that at Toledo In 1 W there were 27 heretic burned at tho Btako for being Hebrew. At Seville, In 14K1, 2,000 here tic, Free Mason and Jew were burned for tho name crlmo and In tho name of religion and peace! From 1 181 to 1108 Torquemudu burned eight thousand eight hun dred men and women. Archbishop Doy.a, of Seville, from 1 HIS to 150(1 burned JOfl-1 per sons. Hid tho work of boll In the livery of heaven. A rchblshop Clsnoros, of Toledo, from 1507 to 1M7, burned 2,5:i(:, many being Jows. Cardinal Adrian, bishop of Tor tosa, whs Inquisitor of Spain, and In four year bo burned 1,844 helpless heretic and Jow In the namo of Mary and Jesus, Curdlnul Maurlguo, of Seville, iucceodod Adrian an Inquisitor and showed hi "works of faith and labor of love" by burning 2,250 men and women-many being Jew from tho year 1525 to 15118. Tavada, archbishop of Toledo, then succeeded tho above demon and kept tho fires burning with tho bodle of 8)0 from 15II0 to J5I5. This miscreant hud only sl years to do thl llttlo Job of roasting In and then satan culled him homo. Cardinal Louisa, confessor of Charles V, and general of tho Dominican friar (an appropriate name) from February 15, 1510 to April 22 of tho amo year, burned 120 mon and women However, wo do not read that tho jsipo gave him a medal for that small harhecuo, Hut inch low work would notanswer In Homo, so tho butcher wero ordered to Increase tho work In Spain' luugh tor house. Accordingly, a fresh human demon took knife and torch In tho person of Fernando Valdls, archbishop of Seville, who, between tho year 1547 and 150(1, burned 2,400 heretic and Jow olgh ecn year' work. Hathor fair. Cardinal Ksplnosa from 1500 to 1572 burned 720 pcoplo In tho six year of hi butchery. Hut then victim were becoming hard to find and the Spaniard wero being purified fust. However, Pedro do Cordova, bishop of Iludujoz, took hold of tho long and did better, as he burned 2,810 from 1572 to 1501 tho holy labor of 22 year Hallelujah! Then Jcrolnmo do I, lira, bishop of Cartugcrilu, worked foru few months In tin amateurish sort of a way arid burned 12H, Just merely for pastime. Illshop Pertocnrroro, of Cuuca, In-qulsltor-gcnoriil from 1500 to 15W throe years 18 wero fired for 'mother church.' Fernando do Cuerora from 15!iy to 1002 throo years burned 250 victim to popish bigotry, principally Jew and rco Mason." u-i C L Jhmn .' int(., hhhopot I i Ui'hU In a pUv ) of f ' lh btnoed mi Jew ami ben ties Juan ItaptUt d Are'div from luvi to l'HT, huttid 4' four JllV WOt (pain wan be I tig ' lenvd ft, Inquisitor Ccnetal Atw V, Hnm, from I'UI t HU buttie.1 22 )nrm of cnd la'nr for 'holy mother ehurfh,' W !.( rioH. lM( SarmenU do Vl!ndro ten aginl, a little stinted, to roa-t )v and heretic to the tumilHTof 1.21" 5vt.n the yoar 1'iittt to Idt'O-a wellojs nt : year. Inquisitor General Juan do Camargo from 1720 to 178.1 burned 412, mostly Free Mason. These figures furnish an absolutely truthful record of Spain's papist hutch or shop. From 141 to 17"l apart from the thousand umu thousands murdered by tho priest In the Inquisi tion there suffered at the hand of tho secular ower under tho guidance of papal Home In Spain's politics, no Icfs than thlrty-stx thousand, six hundred and fifty-six men and women who were burned to death for consclenco sake, and .'104,457 escaped with their live by Buffering severe punishment Inflicted by tho church'c Inquisition In the prln clpal cities of cruel Spain, And this I tho church which boasts before tho people of America to ho tho only true church of Jesus Christ; that boasts of bolng tho same Jyostorday, U day and forever! With her hand rocking with tho blood of slaughtered million she comes before the pcoplo of America and ask to ho given right to which she can lay no claim, itcmom her, tho above I tho record dripping with blood of ono land alono. Where over Homo ha gone she ha left a trail of blood and Ore, and tho surno would bo enacted hero today! Tho dogmatic utterance of papal Homo I that all out side her blasphemous communion are children of tho dovll and to kill all such would ho a service woll-pleuslngtoCod! They cannot deny thl nor by Jesuitical casuistry explain tho horrible dogma away. They cannot deny they arc taught that a l'rotestant (or civil) mar rlago simply make tho man a fornica tor, tho woman a concubine and tho off spring Illegitimate, With Homo thoro can never ho on her part any concession or compromise save for oxMidloney sake, However evil, false it nl cruel tho action may bo, let a fanatic of any creed hut believe that It 1 tho will of Cod and ho will gladly do it. Wo willingly concede that tho Instrumentalities of Homo hi llevi'd that It was Cod's service they were engaged In when slaughtering their fellow men, but that belief never cumo from Cod. The sumo belief actu ate tho Hindoo mother to throw her babe to tho Cungo cns:o(llle, She give tlio lovod fruit of her body for the sins of her soul, Thl I precisely tho belief of Humanism. What tiro Homlsh land today? Iiok iiM)ii tho map of tho world for u reply to thl question. See Spain, whero Homo in politic ha over been In tho ascendancy, and what ia.thc? Heboid IVttl' Italy, otuv ,,Mtit A et.l r h j'' foot hs si (. n and ti4-i France I tti Mm . Is M tH. 1 tut while l!M(iiini Is still the r. 1!, ton of ttuo Ise.l It l H sosl. d from tlo state. I . I Hot tti the olille of a pee! ri ItoMtati I 'at holm iun- try but she I where the iiatlon Is lint pi,wic eons. hho inut, then, for the uood of our nation, bo driven out of )slltlc and giwn to timh'tftftml that she mut stay out, or It wllllsar the Might of omv bright hit now decaying Spain, ... . - on i hum I r. ( IimiI i oinetiU Miimld Ntd he Teleraled lit a Free ('mint i ). F.very iHtnvent In this land Is a hloteh on our soil, a reproach on our Instltu lions, They are tombs of the living, not ef the dead. The mini who assist In the ceremony of burying a young heart In one of these frightful hole commits a crime against humanity, Wo burn with hot Indignation at tho picture! Tho world' pity should go with thoMMr, deluded being who offer up her young heart, It great loving and craving are unknown to herself, and goes with her priest to a willing dungeonto a fate which is dark a night, but after sho ha been there a year tho world' Justice should go and find out If sho wishes to escape from her Jailor, If there I in thl hind a house not under lawful Nupurvislon which an Inmate cannot leave when she wlsho to, tho doors of that house should hi opened by the hand of tho law or It wall torn down. Wo have been moved to write the ahive by reading tho account of tho es cape of a girl seventeen year old from St, Ann' Homo In Now York City. Tho girl risked her life to escajsi from tho place, which had liooomo Intoler able to her. Sho made a row of sheet and blanket and lowered herself to tho ground from an upper window, Why should wo allow ecclesiastics to keep young women shut up In house against their will' If these person are criminal then tho state should euro for thorn; If thoy are not, It Is a crime to deprive them of liberty and should hi punished severely, Too many case like thl come under our cyo not to take notice of them. Our country 1 disgraced by every convent on It soil. It Is time they wero abolished by law, If the Homan Catholic church wishes to cstabllnh houses fur aged women who aro homeless, friendless, tired of life's struggle an, I lck of it vice and it wrongs, let It do so, but there is no charity In budding houses In which to Imprison young, handsomo and talented women, who are allowed to see no man but a priest, and who puns their lives In doing no one outside of tho convent walls knows what. We do not believe, that a convent would ever hi built If priest were excluded from tholr doors, Americans, awike! and demand that no human being who 1 not a criminal or Insane he detitlnei In a house agalnHt her will; demand that riohulldliigliall stand on our soil that tho church can enter but that the state cannot, Homo ono has said: "If there were no convents, jirh'Ht would wed." If there are any fact to warrant this say ing, our is-oplo should know It. Jlonton Inixtiti'jidor, FUTURE OF HOMANISM.I What Will It He !tt Slate? Ilia United Ilie IIioiihn ( hiinh In ttm ileal Itnhd lill'illj Item Iteniii HiilrfnlT U an Mien lnlttiillnii. The watchword -if the French revo hit Ion wcih' IUHrly, rqiiaMty, ami fra h'rnlty, The strugglosof F.iiroN slneo 1711 have lson on tho line I ml lea ted by these three words, and It Is senreely loss I motif the Fulled Htat's, Mexico, and the count rhw of South America. In l'.uroHt tho n'sult has hen that every country that had not some par llamentary body which represented the people, sharing In tho government, ha licon obliged, by peaceful or hhssly revolutions, to grant them a place In the administration of affairs through their representative If, perhaps, we except Ilussla while all the countries where the people had part In the affair of the government through thclroloetod representatives, have added largely to tho direct power they already had, Has Korean lm lost or gained during tho struggle of this hundred years, In which tho people havo secured consti tutional guarantees, overturned thrones, ustulilfshod republic, and have com menced to educate themselves and their children? She has lost every time, and at every point, arid In every Issue, tak ing the century as a wholo. H I trim that the papacy has upjsiared at times to gain some of tho ground lost no sud denly In the day of the first republic an d Napoleon hntonly to lose more after each apparent gain. The sumo ha hion strikingly true In Mexico, In tho South American states, with perhaps a single exception, so that tho last two pojs' have looked to tho United State, where there wero estimated to hi but 100,000 Catholic at the era of our revolution, a tholr fu ture land of promise; at least, If tholr reported utterance are true, this I tho case. Then what of tho future of Hornan Ism, or Homun Catholicism, If you pre fer tho word, In tho United States? Number count for much in thlsconn try, for wo are u voting people; but principles and precedent and constitu tion have in them a power that must always hi reckoned with in looking to the days that are to come. Tho first amendment to the cormtltu thin, offered In 1M70, provides that "Congros shall make no law rcqs-ctlng the establishment of religion." His tho settled policy of all our that there shall be no union of church and slate, and the reul and only cause of any apparent weuknens and slowness among our people In grappling with and settling tho scIuki! question in most determinate lines is, that It has not yet hx'n settled what part of education tho stale shall, or can, give without Invad ing thl question of the right relation - lT.r: ' Tin ll) of the Ann ilrsii oiiIc U ll.' III the anwer ef Ji'ot to the lW' ter. "Iteiiiler unto t' nr tho thing Hist sic CttecatV, ami unto Uml the things thsl ait tiiHl'.,' I mi settlf the lines of ttils quonrion a applh-il ki mluenlton, and the great. ien of our voting ppiilallon will full Into lino, and hold to compiitHory state education on IIxhI hleas; and when thl shall ho, woe to tlin men whostand In their way, ls they pilentsor silltlelns. The Itoiitlhli hierarchy, as a whole, stand on this question of the rclatltti of church ami state, on ground directly oppot-lte to those of our fundamental law. The chmvh as an organisation I supreme, say they! tho state I to ohoy. The ohi cannot he a subject; the clergy should hi ameiiabln to civil law and civil authorltle. And since tho proclamation of tho dogma or Infalli bility, tho pope I to papal thought the conscience, and, according to feoXIII,, tho Milltieal head of tho entire church, If not tho world. In his encyclical of January 10, I81MI, ho says of tho right of private. Judgment In civil matters, or, Indeed, any that, "It must bo considered a July by Chrl tluns to hi ruled and guided by tho authority and leudcrshlpof thobhhops, and especially of the apostolic see," HI application of thl doctrine to politic wa made In the following words: "Furthermore, In politic, which are Inseparably bound up with the law of morality and religious dutle, men ought always and In the first place to servo, as uras jxmslhlo, tho Interest of Catholicism. The civil prud. erioo of Individual ecm wholly to con sist In faithfully executing tho precept of legitimate authority," Thl I net forth as the authority of tho priests, bishop and pontiff. It may not hi known to all who toad these word that tho Horn an Catholic church In America I ruled directly from Homo, When John Carroll was consecrated a the first bishop of tho see the Hornan pontiffs, and to tho apostoli cal sec," Tho Homan Catholic church In tho of Haltlmoro, the papal bull authorizing It, so far from founding an American Catholic church, declare of the see of Haltlmoro and all other see to hi sub sequently created In the United States, that they were "to hi forever subject Immediately to us, and to our suecessor J)oei anyone conceive tor a moment that a church so constituted, arid In its government and leader so Inimical to our riiitlonul and state constitutions In Its thought of civil affairs, Is to win its victories here, when every stato In Kuropo and So.itli America, as well as our shier republic of Mexico, has thrown off this burden as insupportable? These states were Catholic; the men In Italy, Franco and Mexico, who have In the last 100 years nii lps:d the church and turned her Immense wealth over to public uses, looking on Indifferently while I'lu IX. denounce all modern progress, and Leo XIII. play every card for r jjaleleg a ' t-tina! ofetvlglitt Ihi Hu ll e t lti,i!i,, They Were baplbi d lli'o the I h oi h. heed and t .tui l d by hi r, Hud ji I tl,t y he icpodii d one and sit In i i hm a to chiin li ami stale; o.,ii ulilih est ad her action In ivfelenee o oli- tic and n lii!, and tin' iiuloid generally In the Fulled Hini What, then, Will the future Ming Since It'ime i aiiimt yield, It will hi leg her litter defeat oil all heri hnseii lines of battle. Her theory III refm iire to herself Is such that she Hi int. st unil where sho has sbssl, and the line of march ef the Nineteenth century is In every particular antagonistic to that past and present, The constitution of tho country and all of It precedents and laws stand as squarely across the path that the Homlsh clnireh ha marked out for Itself, I now In, and seemingly has chosen us they illd across the pathway of the Mormon church, The Instincts of tho people are as surely against Homo papal, and hnr present course In thl country, as they were against tlrlgham Young, and are now against Mormon rule, Americans he llevo In liberty the word ahivo all other In our visMibulary Is freedom freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, freedom of tho press. Does Home? I It Is only within a year that the editor of tho (Jitthotk TiU yntik and tho VitthoHc Knight were both summarily dealt with for exercising their personal and editorial right a American cltl flons. And not only that, but the bishop' heavy band, in the case oT Mdltor Hooves, of Cleveland, fell on every ono who had any relation to tho paper as sub Mcrlhcr, or agent, or distributor or anything else, n Will Ameri can Catholics sit down under tho Iron hand of a despotism such a tbl?ri Iiok at the case of Dr. Hurt sell, summoned an expert in ecclesiastical law to testify In a civil court. The Ni'm Ymk lli-nild said of the cms.!! "Dr. Burhell was "not 'responsible''' for belntj summoned Intocourf. ' Once there, he had the option of perj uring himself and toismaklng a friend of" A rob bishop orrU'fi u, or'tcstifylhg as bis oath arid con science bound him to testify." Once let the public g-t It fairly Und squii rejij ritoJs J hough t, as It 'now' more than half h, that Catholic cannot hi hd loved (Older oath-that priest and bishop lire practicing what their church directly touches about oiilh and absolution from thorn and they will bo branded as wa Cain. C Hut the Catholics will outvote us! When? Where? In New York City, whoso government ha become a byword throughout the land, perhaps for a little in a rto'j.n of the lariro cities, where about 4,000,000 of the fstlmated Catholic population I massed, Hut how long, think you, would It hi after Hwjomc! fairly understood that Ho rnan Catholics were voting as a body, before all class.' would combine against thorn and overwhelm them? With New York as an object lesson, It will be strange Indeed if other citle do not take warning. With a debt of tliViOO.OOO and an annual f-xp nditure of over 50,CO0 000 three times that of the entire stato, wlh all It orison, asylum, reservations, and p ibllc work sho tnds a the representative of pupal rule, with government that cost t:05 per capita, while llrooklyn pays AltiHny HiirTuifi I'rillHdepM.., Hiilllmori' . . ,110 SS rirvHnfi'l Mra . 1.1 W I1ilr , . It I , n 9 del roll . II ,, Si I'sul . f ,, t' MIIWHiiki'ii . I' Cliirlnnnll , U.M St. 1,'Hils n,l Lofiilon t",:,H: I'nrls, ; in riin, .. When, think you, will New Mexico which, under the leadership of the priest ha Just voted against ft state constitution heauso of It sound Amer ican provisions a to education h-como one of the slsterhissl of stau -? When Utah docs, and for the same reason; namely, that he I not under prhsUy rule. They will outvote us! Is the cry. To hi sure they will, tomsirar ily, and in places, hit only long enough to wnko up the 50,000,000 who bow to no priest-hissl-the F rote stunts south, the, great masse of patriotic souls, Catholic and l'rotestant, In the cast, wi t and north, to whom this is the hind of lie- free. It may h live years, It may hi lilty. but it is written In the h k of lb- htc that tho day of JU.i.Mi i (Vhoiic tyr anny are numh-red. How oho sh.iil wo account for the fact that all Jvmqst, South America and Mexico uro sl.u dog off tho papal yoke; that f Yole.-Unt countries like Croat llrltain, C r many and tho United States aro the loader of the world, while Spain and France Continued on l'ugo 8.)