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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1894)
THE AMERICAN Awc. tt S It.-wr -. I " " tlr . ( i , fi ., 4 0 W,t t.r-'M J 1 1 n !.. ihi nn. LobcclcLinn Hardware Co., THE HORRIBLE BOOK !.-. Vt V tlk 4 n t tM Wllnj AND 111 T.MI. t;.t mm tii i if .i t'rn J t ! fl 111' V StU Bulldors' Hardware. Culleru: AND TOOLS, i ci. ti "'( !t Tk ti, ! ffhJ lH ' V. k to I l lrfc ft It') 1 1 - t t V l ! : ! I !!. I (H-K I r if Hit ,1 . .! 1 1- i K , Hi i ft rt rftmn 11 1, 1111, I,'ll'H. I Hrtt ttm h t !, tl Wotkt ! It at to t. Ii I. I tit tf Dti 1t t-t wl V 1 t)( ' ti-t hi Iff Ibwmi t''loll f rirwr ) .-.limit.-"! In ft ftiHtil. 111 Ht fuiW t kT lttStv iHHly, ttat hf hnt1l hav Ifciv mnil trial, ami If at th eml f blikHl ( would May, itWrli nwilil not TIip ihn month ol flfan1)jr and ah on Jnr way to t h mioHit rtwm tfliMnnt to tak th toil, onnof th lold Wr "ForiiHl' Mkf don't." Not knowing why ' did not tak th aUtrr'a ad loo, 1( pav hr eonwnt, nil from that tint on, boll boi;an. Ho ratio th would not wnwnt to th i:r tu !? Tr'if r'illr.S ftti wtM'kn, fisl viixm ntHlo lin.l ami wrm w-ftU'r. H i ntHHlloii t lettl Iho ftufTcrlnf the imlurd hfor hr rwjM', which occurt'd 1xut two your from tho dntc of her taking Uio veil Her priest a. and In fnfther own arcut and family trlrd tholr utnumt to jx'r auade hr t return, hut she told thorn that she had ooon and sulTored enough At that remark her parents turned her out of their home, without a cent. She went to Paris and secured a situation as governess, but It waa only a short time before she was found out by the prlent and he was immediately discharged ,.,. i.." . .,.i... " v i a . a I : she decided to come to America, and 1 1 ..!. ....! I T XT I wVaa uhA nmf mil fn.hAH whA itioo I , ., . . ... ..v . , u a Protestant. Just after their marriage her parents tnd family came to this lhe Bl.holar8 to raise tht)lr rl ht hand business relating to tho securing of ovl country and settled a Jamestown, and anJ afte(. hlm ft ,e to looklngu defomlantof Bnd oth()P again their persecutions began. My toti,n ..u,L ...,.!. l .ni, .in ,i it.., nt. t ..,. father was a farmer from the south, k M.I BlthAiiivh hn thu Hnnlh lintj I ft . I ne ramovea to ueorgia once more to escape ttie persecution or tier ignorant . . ,i relatives. I Some two years after his death, my uiumn leremm wuru umt mTii. was dying, so leaving her family she wet to see him, but the family refused to let hor see him; pushing them all v.... .w .. n aside, she made hor way to the side of her dying parent,and bursting Into tears she begged his forgiveness. The old man turned to her and said, as the tears streamed down his wrinkled cheeks, "Marie, It has all been forgiven these many years; T see the whole church Is a humbug." Shortly after her return toherpouth- v i. i . . i..i. v.. . I v. u m.,.iC, vV1. jr bu;r lHll upon learning ot her mother's Illness, be again started for the north. On ... , ., UK-....K .... ' ""'r IU "CT UPr '" rnu. a loud enrse. she told her to go. bhe went, but only to go home, and in l... .V . I I.U V I...IJ. w nunii iwu nevus wm iaiu uur ucmuti father. Thore is no doubt whatever In my mind but what she diod of a broken heart, caused by the hold these devil ish excuses for men, have over a lot of wreak minded people. I was about eleven years of age at mother's death, but before she died she called us children to her side and as I was the only boy, she told me the story of her life, and after that she said she wanted mo to study both sides of the stoiy and then choose to lie a Catholic or be an American. Of course I was too young to understand much then but for five or six years I have, I think compared both very nearly right and now can say thank Ocd, I am an Amor lean. Dear reader, do you wonder why, after being hustled here and there all over the world for nearly fourteen years and seeing the meanness and deviltry these deople do and th'nk back on a home I might have had, If It were noi ior them, l hate them.' To say hate, despise, loathe and abhor, are very mna woras tun wnicn to express my reelings, and I only hope that by tho aid of our most noble A. P. A., that In the near future their power will be broken and the nation may onoe more be rid of a slavery ten times worse than the one we have passed through. I say long live the A. P. A. ....1 1 M ..... ,,.. The proposition of the AncientOrder of Hibernians, promulgated at their recent gathering In Omaha, to call on Catholics and Hibernians in every siaie, cuy ana township in the country to form secret Columbian Associations to fight the A. P. A., Is met by the Western Catholic Aews as "both un- wise and Impolitic. It would, if carried nut. IinlltlalW IuiIqIa Ika Poll.nlU. I , ui 'the United States. And that would mean that we would stand one to seven at the polls, for every Catholic vote that s east thnrA n,.ir1 K .Mn ... against It. We must make no mistake in inis mailer, ii we go into politics as Catholics, all .a " Make the Issue ..Bjcu Dguuoi w, uiHo tuo iwue ttome or America, and you will find i r W k Uio J it ti ii mr fm'-lif ft hojil Ik!! In thU f'1'J, ml ft crt li. bhi -h1 rl 1 1 who nt 0mI tli.-ir i niniti t i titiiiti ' In Ihc lntnt trtoUm nl ponl tttrmmont nj for tin nirw of iipholiHnif ml m rp lunliiik' th love of our flftf, mp, th unilerlirnJ. lo ln-tfl'V lilcdfn (urwIvi4 t.i lur tint " 1 moMntft toi.uwitoounmm.M. for til? ni tHf i.U.-iiith,.tri11U!H. . 1 our rvory ..l.!tc ft h.H.l hou In tho .,f l'i.n-.....o. Promptly nt i i o'cl. k th nm h..l frm, t... .,.,.wil In b-v th w,,","n,' iw!"f p- member of the U. A. It. wl to the Central building, whera they weits re- tvlvod with irolongtd ehwrlng by tho seholara as mxm a their Ntamlartl came In sight. The presentation sjieeeh was made by Urother Farley, eounty sujHrlnU'nd- ent of public Instruction, whodellvered It In an exceedingly able manner, end- Ing with the presentation of one largo flag for tho Central school and ten ot I. nm. rop-iilutliin aln. fut- mioh nf tha " ' v.. ...v, ward hoolri. Brother McClelland, principal of tho Llty 8(.h)X)1 lied , a short, but ru,rinff s'H"!Cn 01 acoepwnoe ana lDttnK8 "na auer singing the nrst and stftnzns . ,, Ampl1R tha 13 I tno thr()n nreiont. i....,i,. r..niii...i Llimil(1 wna . . ' ' I vwninii DOIUIID Wfta m. . a . ... v vf uiiv iiiiki unvi ti ii ii. u ihn , , - i. , ..... , , . . " TT " ? T. ., ... , , , ... ,, m .., ' " "'"H" "" moult no tv imnreu uui on th brn7B. Before night every school house in the city was surmounted atd beautlfiod oy our country's ensign. Now, the donation of these (lugs was made, or course, to the board of cduca- Hon. who ankr d Ihn .Tr. Orilr in n1 - - - i i them. So their surprise was great In deed when they learned or rather heard strong rumors from very responsible Parties that mpinVinm if thn T(riman embolic church had sent a committee . one of tn.,lp ,irnm ..! .,,,1,Ui.m.., t . . v. .... u..o,w,, j, v, m.u.lllllg a restraining order, enjoining tho Jr. O. Ut Ai M tnm h,8tnjr flHW ovor thfl K.hool bu,Idn? c,alml lhat the Wl1 n, ,,,. Iiurt til. nl.rVi.. If. viiuf " .' any secret order with that power. (The order was not granted on ac count, It is supposed, of the lateness of the reqm st ) Priest Lejdon Is Ousted. Aurora, 111 , June 3. The relations of Father Leydon to St. Mary's Catho- of Father Leydon to St. Marv lie church parish came to an end today by the enforced removal of tho accused priest from the elegant parish rosi deuce, which he has continued to oupy ever since he was arrentfd (.har.H with tho paternity of the child' of Miss Stossla Cummings, one of his parish- loners. A committee amxilnted tn wait uoon Archhlshon Ph-n that father Iey don be allowed to re. main In t.hA ngpl.h r,.uM,.r.,. ,,.(! . ,! . " ' ' tne trlaj iQ the count , report at a moetlni? held thl afti.rn.Kin in the city hall. The renort was to th effect that the archbishop claimed to be In possession of evidence against Kev. Mr. Leydon that had no, been ex plained or refuted, and that the accused priest had made no effort to vindicate himself, hence the archblshon powerless to grant the request. Father HfT Ull . i m i . . I iui,jjukuiiU ui ino unicago aiocse, has been sent to St. Mary's, vested with all the authority of pastor of the church. A part of the parish, however, .M ..lufl -t.t. ui w cowo.ieu mm mm, mm ui, ian i city hall this afternoon about 200 of tnem adopted a resolution asking that r.,. rva. ur taken refuge with Father Cote, of the waeu reiugB who rsioer UOie, 01 the I French Catholic church. On t HI ri4t(U r rMittl Jil l.'tli, ty ft . Ul ft! iht ir I ,ft!l, ftl l.U h ftn nlw w)i fi tf tarntv fir ivrI w ill tw l-ftri l In iMlfr ii. frftf r nx It U J in hvn ftit ft.lli ii mm U.i i'l U kh.l lt 1 ncl )- . . .' . . . ' wiw wili-r, writ olht-r liu-rrj Ml nm. l rn) rtiinm nt. All n tn ttTf iw-4 1.4 t.i In making this n fnjojfthli- kffftir. . .. .. ... Jnlnr4 Itomr U IT) . NAinxAW, Mh h , Mft) SI - MU Jr II lUy, ftcottml lUnhti-r of lh Ul mllll'tilr' lunilx'i nun, Jim llv, 1 U - - ..... I 1 lit. . .. 1 . 1 I " o-.n.u ...orii.nK . i,r. Monry MW1' v uminini, oi mi. .mi. I L' k. . . .11 ' m"' m,"n 'nouvinn, uu rMiKion .i iter niiuif nummiui. nor ot me u.h lor mil oi. I J'" 1141 bi n'liuoiiwly lO Din rriiiion, J no t..-,,H 10;;:," 'turn via the Union raelfle. June 1 1th. 12lh. 2ld and ty ollltv, l-arnam street J. J. HIIhh, Milliner, 1.M4 Douglas. Kat DybaH'a Candles, 151S Douglas J. J. Ullss, Milliner, 1514 Douglas: Take your repairing to Tho Drum. mond Carringe Co., lNth and Harney VPP-U County Jail. . ,iIMi .riir. ,.. J- """"""'r, ion uougias. J. J. Bliss, Milliner, 1514 Douglas. Edward Baumley. for livery, 17th and St. Marys Ave 1,1,1 'ary9A7 ' V r mav be found at sulto (104 New York t. v..iu... ... L... i,,,,,!,,,,.,,,.,,,,. , 1 " DOI.LAIIS-IS-DOI.LAUS To Denver and return. To Colorado Horlnirs and return. Ibto and" return, via tho tin Ion ,..... ... T ,... ... and 24th. Call at 1.102 Farnam iire.-t , . ., , - - ,ur lurluur Irwuira, J. J. Bliss, Milliner, 1514 Douglas. Certified Milk Every dairy supplying our eondcnsorles is under supervision. Milk Is produced under rigid hygienic rules. The com i i . . i ... pany's reputation Is tht-reforo a ce rtlfl cato of the absolute purity of tho (Jail Dorden Eaglo Brand Condensed Milk. Eat Dy ball's delicious Cream Candles, 1518 Douglas St. J. J. Bliss, Milliner, 1514 Douglas. The Cabinet Reliable C.asollno Stove Is Warranted for Three Years. It is the Most Perfect giisollno stove made, W. F. 8TOETZKL. South 15th St.. first door south of pOHtoftlce. Is airent ror tno west. J. J. Bliss, Milliner, 1514 Douglas. H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR CMBALMER, Ofllce removed from till North tilth street to 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 80. : OMAHA, NEB, y HFN VHP AUK IN NK.KI) 01' Fire, Life or Accidental INSURANCE It will pity you to rail on Ihn iiri(liTlifn) ri'iiriwiitliul m-vtiral A No. 1 liiKiirmnn Com- puulfK. FRANK BURMAN, MH I'nxton HIiH'k C. W. BAKER, UnHflrtflkAr tfk Fmfllmhflr UnQBriaKBr tmaimDBr IKorinorly with M.O. Mitul.1 Tki.rpiioss WW. II South 10th St., OMAHA. LADY ASSISTANT SUSNISHtP. M. O. MAUL, SiiiTPimor to Ireip & Muul. tt - j. i-i j nL.i UUUIWKBr dllU I IT B T 1117 Fa IMAM ST. OMAHA, NEB. m. . IKL 13HOTOGRAPHERQ 206 N. Sixteenth Street. Omaha EXDfOSS and OoliVerV COi I telephonic him. MoUl'nQ and Liaht ExpreSS Worfi Trunk .n olu.-r.. Houwhoid Oood Pado-d. stored and Hhippd Ontep. 810 North IStb Htrw-t. .Branch iirtli:-, ft, k. uor. zutn una Mikn miwii, Tele. p,,one 1S'5, ' K1UW? KWvA?l'., fFiimo Hovini 1 8pMiaitr. Manager a i uotT, book. wants employment. limit rAfttronra und bond. If rwiulred. Add rem, "Accountant," r I tbli ofllce. ll-IH,t .! !... I Htm M l m ft)'4 4 ll4 l.ii, I ft m t t ! Iht Mimkt No fthti rt ,,l. h ftoiif ,.t l.l. it . I ltl.M It Ml ,rtti. fnil. h.l.Ml.rt f hi.f.H.lly. h,tul4 full in ru-v tki. tMk,, A4 firtfl mtld hr fl.-f -liili.( r mil ft fi'Hmlp niPtiilvr l M fxttiilr In frt. HiH-hl Ihul hi ll Mhi(i t nrlli Koumn riilhn ll. i i.hf....i.i, it sllu Un til on m (ii. Inivi r lni. vi r. l.i hulil jp etinutiiiiiliin or Inilinm lih ItniiiLli iiii-.ii.r Hi. Ir fciniili. )n. kU. I lii "sl.l.r. f I Imrlljr." ,ir uf Mcn-jf," m Howe uf hii) ilni Hit' iiiiii.i'r em, if inm ki'ty llml Imvo uf lnl. Ih'cimip wi ii'Mf In lh- I'nll.'il Slsli-n uf Ahn'llrn, A nsiii-iii mill iiiilrnK'HUK In nil iti'iiniy s know liPimtiirriiilNlii)Hl In tliln IkmiIi in Ihi, i nrt mill coitflili-nt In Hie iH'lli'f llml It ulimilil ho N-ml by rvrry hi'Hit of a fniully In tln t'nluii. Itir, nnli w (initio Hip Rlmiiiili u leer to lid viry cori' llml In now tirmlui Hy est lm Into Hii' vltiiln of nnr lli'imlill', In vhIii will m imp rIIcimiIh tn I'rsilli'Ktii Ii. 'rl.(. in cloth. TBe; In pupr rovir, 2Bc. ('null iiiunI, In hII inMn, ni-riiin- piiny (irilrrn. Adiln.KN nil orilcritto, CHAS. L. DORC & CO., CVicntro. MltHtln. WM. N. WHITNEY Tan Shoes S2.60. $3.00, $4.00 AND $5.00 FOR MEN'S TAN SHOES. $i.5o, $2.00 and $2.50 i 'o it- Ladles Tan ' Russet Oxfords WM. N.WHITNEY, Opposite I'. O. 103 8. 15th 8t. M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. (liiiirFinti'ox s ui'rfiTt fit In nil canes, Clolh liiK cli'ttiii'd dycii ii nd ri'iiiiidi'li'il, 2107 Cuming HI., OM AHA. Net Ire of Article of Incorporation. TO A 1,1, ('ONCKIINKIi: Notli't' In Iiiti'Iiv Itlvi'li, Klrnl-Of tlm In corporation of tlm ( ri-wi'Ml l.iind Ciiinpiiiiy si'coihi i inn. tiic priiiiMiiiii piiM'it or iiiiik id llml. the prliirlpln phu'it of irsim its hiiKin hull be in DouKiHs 'tlfftMl(ll iTiiiu iiii'K.'iH'n.ifiiiuirMof himii III'IIUK county. '1'lllNI Hill hurlI'll tn lit! iriuiMHi'li'd hy thin I'lim- piuiy li ul I In. Ihn piiri'hitMi, xulii anil Ii'umIiiU of In ml: thn ciiimi curl Inn of Iioiim'k iiml I Imnm upon uiiy I11111I of nurd I'oiiiimfiy tlm uiiri'luiMi ami miin, riilnliitf mid ri'inl rn liorii'ii. rul lliv uliiit'i), Iiokh, poultry and nil k imin or mnrM mill un' ciiiniiik, puri'iiai nun mill- of ni'Hlii, hit anil 01 In' c HKrlciilluriil pn iiIiii'IIiiiib. I'utii'ih 'I'ti cuplliil Block (f thin (!(iiu puny lnill lit' mill i'iiiihIhI only uf llin folluwlntf (li'M'rllii'd mil I'xiiiii', filniiiti'il nt a nilim. 1 Inn of tl ft y I lumniiiid if'rfMiiifi III) con. timulil coi pom I Ion liy Mini In i. Mur nIiiiII mid wlfn I, V rii'i'd of rvnn dittii hum with mid di'M'iilii'd fix follow, to wit: All of tfoviirnmiMit lot iiuinlr I, In wcllon III. lowiiHhlp 7(1, rmiKii 41, with aciTiillotm llii', Bccictloiif lo iioviTiiiniTit lot mini 5 Imt i, ai i'l loll III, lilnllll 711. rmitf" 44, All loin I. 1 mid 4. Ill W'i'tloii 'it, toWiiNhllt riiniii' II, wild luvri'llon. 10 Kiild IoIn, nil In tin' cmmly of I'olliiWtti liunli', In Ihn ntitui of lowii, All of irn v i rn iiiitiI lot mini tn. r I, wrllon 2, mill lot" I, 1 mill a, MTtlon II, lnwimhlp ID, rmiui. :i, tinti't her Willi nil tlm ucrii.tloiiii Ui ulil lot, AUo Unit piirt of rcllon l mi'i Di'i'l lon in, lownhlp III, ritiiU" I I. lyliitf ent of tin" MlMinirl Ulvi'r, lit'liiK In Ihn nullity uf IioiikIik, in Un. tiiii. of Ni'liriiKka. AUoilint pul l of wi'tloim 'M mid !M, town' nlilp ?. rmiid' 4, In thn coiinlv of I'ol.tii wiitlmiiln mid niti. of luwit. lylnit north of I'liti'on t!riM'k. mill iniiri' fully di-willii'il an follow-.; Mi'idnnlnif at tint iiuurtiT comiT on tlm wi'nt Kiilx of m.i'tloii hi, iiiwmhlp 7tt, rini" 41, In tin' con my uf I'lilliiwiittmnli', mol ntnlii of lown, tlicni'ii I'lmt l,r:u fi'i'l, llii'in'H noil Ui l.lWifi'i'ti tlii'ttcn wi'l Wo" ft-10 fi.M thimcii imiimIi ;W (li'um 4anl I.Wlfl finiti llionrn iiit I. , IMI feet to iimirtcr miction conicr on miulli 1 1 ni of ni'clloii HI, uiwrioliln in. rmiun 44: tlii'iice mm Hi l,;rifi.t; tli.nci. fnit 1,101 fi'ct, thi'iicn mnith ft.KKl fni'l to I'lunon Crcckj llii'iici' hIouk I'lKi'on Cri'i-k north 411 di-Kmcx, Si rnlfiuU'i. wnt I.IWI fi'Htl tliiuicii mnith ?! di'ltri'i-K, wit Ml fi'i'l: llmncn (ninth l!W dn. Kri'i, wit I.IWO fi'i't i tlii'iii'D nort h Kldi'ttrinwi, 10 mln ut wi'Nt nui fi'i'l: tinmen north H4 di'Kri'i'ii, wot W." fi'i't: tlii'tii ii miiith m (Ic grni'ii, :tt iiiinuti, wi't t'i"i fi-nti thnnca miulli il" di'itri'i' wi'Nt, too fi l l : llii'iici' miiiiii M oi'ri'i., 1.1 nl ii ul wi'l l.iKKi fi'i't! tlii'ncf wmih 77 ili'Kn.fii, im nilniiii' wi-t, I.imi fci'i: llii'iici' north fj li.ri'i'ii. wi't .h' fct! thi'iicn north ID ili'itri'i' 4.'i inlnnti'ii, wi'kt I.'"" f'r! to tlin moil th of I'Ikxoii (:rik : thi'iicc iiloiii tin. cimt hunk of tin-Mlwonrl lllvnr north 45 ih. uri'i'n, 4 nilniiti., fiil wkl fi'i'l : tlium'" north ;m di'Kri'i'n. Si nilniilHM futl l.tfrt fm't:;thi'iicn north ii di'ifri'i'K. cut l.f.Ki fi'i't I llii'iicn north 7 di'itri'i', tfilniilKK hI.. Wtt fi'i'l; il.i'iicn north il ili'tirm . In iiilniiici. i-nal ;i:o f,.. ton point which l 4'il fct i- I of lhi iinirH'r wctlon cornrr hi'twccii Hi'i'llons 10 nml II, townihlp ID, riiiiK" I I, In I Ii'1 1'oiinly of lioux lu. t ii if of Ni'liriiakiti thi'ii.'i' mirih ','n il... gri'i'", III iiilniiU'K. i'lmt "'.'A N-10 fi'i't j llii'iici' north :i di'itri'i'i. ;ti inlnnti-". i.iii n; .n fi'i'l ; llii'li north 4 dcitri'"". 'A iiiliiiili'i, iiwt lit'. ;HM fci'i ; tlii'iice north il di'Kri'cu. : mm. uli'. i'l h:' fi'i't: llii iicii north II (li'ur'i' ft ttVi fi'i-t. orp or li'", to h point which l mm feci mini h nf thi' ci'Hli'r of wcllon 17, tiiwiihlp 7il. rmiKt' 44 in thn county of I'olln. will t hiii "tiitc of lown: thi'iicn .it i.iwi fi'i-t. i tl.i'ncH not th rii ti'i-i to llm plucn of bl'KllllllMK. I'mvlilcil Unit mild ciiplliil "lock "lnill hn divided Inlo tli hunilri'd lniri', noinlfiiilly df one hunilri'd dollum fiich. Klflh-Tluit tin' mild corpiiMillun I'oiii nicnci'ii It. lmlni."Hon I hn I'.lli diiy of March, A. H, Imii. und "hull InrmliiHtc on th l.'iih duy of Murch, A, II. ivm, rlxlh Thn hliihi'"! miionnt of InilcMcd- ni'" or llnhlllly to which ilila corporuilon l at any limn to " ItiM'ir m thirty tlioim and diillum im.inioiini, Hi'vi'iith-ThK affulr of thU rorporatlon Mihii no riy a prciumi!,, vice prclilcnt, m-cri'tmy. trfamiriTMiid niiiniiKiir, ti) tw Hiiuolntnd hy thn Imard of dlri'i'tom. Wltiif." our hiiml" thin, thn 2'ith duy of! mny, a. u. iwh. O tn ulm, MnhmHkit, June I, IK'.i4. CKKHCKNT I.AMlt :(t,MI'ANV. ily Mahtin M. Maiiniiai.i,. I'rni, 9-1-1 IINA MAHHMAM,. ri'C y. thy ua ONce ro luck. 1404 DouftlM St. Telephone 279, OMAHA. NEB. 1 1 TRUHK-s AND TRAVELINQ BAGS. REPAIRING DONE. m Douglas Street. OiMAHA, Neb. Ht'Ht Ooods In tlm innrket. Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days O. LANG, 718 South 16th St W.R.BENNETT CQ- The Most Popular OUR GOODS ARE BEST, AND OUR PRICES RIGHT. Our Famous Excelitior Flour, irom mo MiiiH, and can Kecomtnend it ahead of Anything in the Flour Market. A PRESENT IN EVERY SACK! Imported Sardine I2ic per can. 31b can Pineapple 12Jcn.)rcan OUR BUTTmTDEIARTMENr Is always Crowded. Wo got our Butter and Eggs direct from the Farmers, and thereby ave our CuHtornf-rs the Commission Man's profit. GOOD FRESH 000DH, LOW TRICES A ND I'KOMIT ATTENTION. OUR WOODEN WA R E DEP'T ir,lu 1 ...... ,.1,-.. 1! 111 . . enlarged, improved and a larger and much Finer Stock 4 laVf ll v a. vv v I'ut ln aml 'it t rices that will count every time. It is bituated in the IJasement of the Annex. OUR CROCKERY DEP'T Is also here, and many Improvements have been made in this also. Our Millinery, Gents Boots and Shoes, and Oarptt Depths Do not forcct your Souvenir and Real Estate Coupons. uur wuAi iistnouuon ORIGINAL OMAHA SOUVENIR DISTRIBUTORS. W. R. BENNETT CO.. 1502-12 Capitol Avenue. W, II. It (J HSR I, I., W.F.AM.KM, JOHN O, OOliTKXVOO . I'rs.ldent, Vl.'iwldnt, Cashlsr DIME SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL FULLY PAID. $40,000. Interest Paid on Deposits. Savings Deposits Solicited. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streets, OMAHA NEB uud J Miintloii Tiik Amkiiioan, WANTI0 -Aifniili In fucli town and coiimy to "I'll Ihn lfrrlilct hiHik of thn an, Krror of thn Komuil ChIIioIIc I hnrch mid It liilliii'ic'i' on t hit llcnnrul (loviirnnu'rit tuday, with HUlory mid l'rori' of thn Aii.i'ilciin I'roliicllvH mik'Iih Ion (A. I'. A.) (vit Too piiifii mid III ul ruti'd with 4h full puin i-nuriivlntt, Hi'iid ,'o ennt ut oncn for cumpli'lo out (It. mid li'iiii". Hpni'litl mrtmi kWiti on olhnr fnt "I'lllmf work". ., II. VHAMHI'.HH J CO., If gi Lotum Kt , Ht, lyoum, Mo, CHRIST. HAM AN Walclmiakcr and Jeweler, Fine Watch Ukpaiiuno a 8pkcialt 612 South 18 Street. OMAHA, NEB. BUY YOUR TRUNKS WHINI THIY A HI MADI AND PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. SC. H, FOR BY, f M ANCFACTt' HCR Or SHOES BOOTS of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days, GREAT REDCTION. LAWKS HIIOEH worth I.VW) nll g0 ftt W.76 4 ami il"! " 2.M) " " 2 ) " 1 If, WKS'H HII;KH ' siKi " J, " " 3.7ft " " 8.IW ' 2s i.M " 2.()0 Merchant in Omaha. $1.10 cr Hack. We got this dire Furnishing. Dry Goods, Furniture, Wall Paper are Strictly in Line. June iz, L6, 14, lbyi, LOUIS HELWIG & CO, HIADQUAATMS FOR Badges, Buttons, Pins, . . Charms and Emblems. 182 Madison St., Chicago. rull Sot TEETH PIRftOT FIT aUAHANTtlD. T...h 'rdir.Mr's?rrd N,w TcctU Eilracfcil Withont Pain for 25c. DR. WITHERS, Dentist, Fourth rioor Brown Blk,, 16th and Sooglu, Ihimlm. Nflt, WATOHEi for trudlnit nt uriwiil.tli,.. from ff.M UL1XCLXJ'$5 Go to tm Ix'av:n worth foraHtlmaU-a on car'htjr work. tf DlLLENHKCK ic CO.