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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1894)
'0 ;, ' r .4 4 )MI stmnn 9. ''HKIV IVH iVIKHHI M ' ti o 4rt tf M lttr 4 'mr ( t'sttrrf AMtrl 0,mI a liif ri(.p in f.,ii ff fs rV., fsu Hit t Nt'MK '.'I, V..n ui IV, OMAHA, NKItUAHKA, KHIHA V, JI'M. i. ltl. PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS, Sutlitln Show Tliy Art an till And Should N Aleliihrd. IT li AMEI Hmp a (hrMUn ttHIhkai riild ami thr- A, I', A.Srw (front llUi.ti, III. l!m!h tU(lMHtJ, We have In every state of t1t union, fiulillo selusd system morn or frftli'U'tit and ctttct. In most of the state mil provision ha l"n made In tint way of bulldlnir ttrnl teachers, for every child In them. .Now, after these at'hiads have had time to demon strate their utility, wean estimate the result of our public school system ami Inquire whether It has accomplished It desired end, Although we urn all ready to admit it beneficial ((lilt a a whole, ye t there 1 a conviction that It haw not accomplished all that wa ex tiected of It, or all that we had a right to expect of It, The reason forthl In the fact that all our children do not at tend these school. Why do they not attend our schools? We have made our School more complete, more efficient, more attractive and more pleasant and comfortable, and still the children do not come. Why U It? Ho causc the parent cannot afford It' Hosh! In Illinois and several other states there are lawn requiring parent to wmd their children to school a cer number of month every year. Vet the slates have no better average of attendance at their school than their Sister states. It would eem from tbl that the poverty of the parent ha not the effect on thl question that it ap pear to. have. The real cause of the non-attendance at our public schools U the fact that there are In all our states what are-known a parochial schools, Institution- of learning where young Irish-America I taught how to bow to the will of Ood a represented by 1'ope LeoXIIL and hi priest. Incidentally, yountr Irish-America I taught some few common school studies and enough Latin to enable him to act a an altar boy, In abort, he I educate to an ex-ii-ut ufflU?nt U enable hirn U nerve the rreat and em A church o1 Wtmn wherever be mar be, Our peoplw will pirit in complain to of tb inefficiency of our public ;hool yU;m. and they "also perit in sending lot of jfraduate of thews parochial school to mr legislature. The legislators, good IJoman Catho lic, pas ( bill appropriating money for the support of our public schools and Iwdude rw!hlal in in the word public And yet tbl word parochial I only public a regard being a public dis grace. Why should we pay taxe to support the training school of the richest and most grasping church the world ha ever known' Io these achool provide such xJJnt mean of Instruction, or graduat such exem plary young mt n that we f el trfrtind to cntrlbt4! to their support' A re gard tbelrfcourne of Instruction, I will prove at any time or In any place, that their school hour are of the same length as those In the jbi)o school, (i, e. from U a, m. to H or KV y, m ) I will alio prove that in these parochial school, turn hour and a half each day i devoted to the Jloman Catbolle re ligion, Are tbes Iloman Catholic children so much smarter than I'rotest ant children that they can study an how and a half le each day and learn jut a much a the other do? I think not. A for the graduate they turn lit, let me give you a few figure, Twenty-tbrco percent of the pupil of the United Hate attond these aroch Jal w.hotAn, Ninety-nine per cent of the pupil of the parochial school are IJoman Catholic, Twenty-nine per cent of the religion population of the Unl'e I Ktate are JComan Catholic, From tb' figure H appear that most or nearly all of our IComan Catholic are educates in the parochial school. A a result nearly all our Itoman Cath olic population who are born or raised In America ar or will ie graduate of thewi paro!hlat school, Krgof The parochial wbool edncat the JComan Catholic, f laving shown thl I offer the following figure all of which are authentic and can he u instantiated; Cradualea of pnwhlal whool, NINKTV-NINK percent Iloman Cath olic, Inmate of inltentlarles, KICIJTV WKVK.V pr c-nt Jtman Catholic. Inmate of Magdalen asylum, HF,V-KNTV-ONK percent IU;man (Jatholle. InmaUa of bouse of correction, NINKTV-FOUH percent Iloman Cath olic KxecuUfd murderer for last twenty year, HKVKNTV-KIOHT percent Jlo mafijCatholic. Criminal who have isen convicted, average VAOilTY VOl'H r cent Ilo man Catholic. It seems to me from the figure given aive, that the ar-ochfal w:in;ls are educating the great mas of our crim inal population. Why not stop this evil, and give our public school a fair chanct by abolish ing one of our greatest evils, the f Co man Catholic training school, better known a parochial school, JMJMY 0, MA:K, Action if a I'rh-sl In Mafia, f Mliew V) hat l!eme ll U. Kred W, Ifengen, a good and highly- resected young man of thf city, was accidentally drowned In the Moniteau crwM, near thi city Hunday morning, May With, liy tiic request and desire of the father and mother, whoare fnemfer of the Catholic church, the dead body was laid to rest In the Catholic grave yard at '4 o'clock the following day, The burial was attended by a large wmwwtwt of relative and friend. The affair was rendered extremely ad by the refusal of the priest to con duct fnneral servhs over the young man' body either at the church or the grave, About two hour before the fuwral should have taken plwre the priest sent for the father of the young man and ssked bfm If the son had attended con- ssion an taken sacrament Kastter HtintUy The father told him that hi son had not performed Pbfct obligation, and the prlt refused to hold service over the uffl nody, stating a Ms reason that It would be against the law of, the ( burcb, The father then appealed to the priest Up bold funeral service a ', the grave, which he refused to do, All the comfort which he claimed was in hi iower to bestow upon the bereaved father and mother w Ui leave the city by an a'tcrnoon train so the impression would lie that he was out of the city and could not at tend the furral. The priest said he would do that much through respect which he bad for the father and mother, The young man falling to attend con fession and take sacrament on Kaster Hunday bad, In the eyes of the priest, sacrificed all hi right with Cod and man, and wa unworthy a Christian burial. Had the young man taken sacrament on I'.aster Hnnday and hi Kastcr Hunday offering bad been a lib eral amount of cash his soul would have been worth saving. The young man's friend and the "WAHHIXGTON IN public generally, would be pleased to know where the Christianity come In and fauch act are not acta of heathen ism n It roost putrid type. What kind of religion do you call this' Will ft save a soul or will it damn a soul? Truth U truth and will hurt no man and If thi priest be not a devil let him explain hi act. There If no Chris tian Jaw in truth which prohibit a minister or a priest from performing dutiea which humanity, common sense and dewney require, CfTf.K.f, Kv.UALlk, Mo,, June YL m,m THK AXK. Fifteen Officer Kummarily Dismissed from (he folic f orce, r'or some time past it hft leen gen erally exjected that Um board of fire and police commissioners would take noma decided strj toward reorganiz ing the police force of thi city, but the action taken by the board at their ad jouroed meeting Wednesday evening came a good deal of a surprise party to several member of the forc, a fif ten of them now are without a job. The name of those dismfssed are: Captain Thomas Cormlck, Kergeant William If, Khoop, Detective J, M, Vaughn, Court Officer V, IJ, Walker, f'atrol Qmductor A I K-yor, I'atrol men Charle I'iootn, 11, W, JJruec, K. V, flurrows, A, Walter, K, DuUd, J'at rick Foley, John Brady, M, I), Om-y, A. It, O'Corman and H, If off. It i generally understood that the commissioner are not through with the matter yet but that several more officer are slated for retirement Into private life. The fl-e department f also ft undergo a thorough overhauling at their hands. MKT 1.1 (OHKVIIO. 5)-hraslia Hfale h-nvui of Republican Club Ojien fbe Campaign, LlNiXiLMi Neb,, June 12, The Ktate f-ague of fUtpubllcan cluim met in con vention here at the Lansing theater. There were over 2,'fXt delegate pre, ent from all part of the state. Hon, John M, Thurston and Congressman Crosvenor, of Ohio, both made power ful -eehe which aroused consider able enthusiasm, Frank W, Collin wa elected president of the state h-agu for the ensuing year and M. If. Waring secretary, A great deal of In terest wa centred' In the election of delegate from the several congressional THE LAI' OK KOME." district to the national convention which will be held in lo-nver the latter jart of tbl month- 'I he following delegate were elcctod from the Kecond congresnlonal district after a very ex citing caucu: John L, Webk-r as delcgate-at-large, L. W, OsiKirne, Her man Tlmme, Jame H. Kytn-r and Hick Kmlth, The result of the caucu was deemed a sweeping vicury for "Ameri canism," John Hush, the Iloman Cath olic nominee, only managing to secure U voU-m. William V. Hcchel made a regular show of himself when the result of th caucu was declared and used language that to say the least wa de cidedly unparliamentary, - Kate f ield and the A. 1'. A. Mis Kate Field, of Washington, II, C, say May tobj she "deplore the A, I', A, on the ground that it I uncon stitutional, un-American, and would defeat it own object, a it would solidify the opposition and possibly lea1 to a conflict of religions, than which nothing can bo more deplorable," If thl lady will look at article one of the constitution of the United Mtate of America, she will e the following; "Cong re shall make no law respect ing establishment of religion or pro hibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press," and yet these flomanUt maintain that you and your wife are living in in and adultery and that your children are tilegitimato because you were not married by a priest, but by a I'rotcatant minister. Their motto la; "Catholicism first, patriotism after ward," Tne Itomanlst endeavors to prohibit the free exerclo of the re ligion of the Protestant, and f hu vio late the constitution of the United Ktateti, I Sew diet Arnold was an angej compared with the dago fiope, whose wb monltoi under the guise of apos tle w(f;retly work for I tome and out wardly pretend to bo "patriot." It would seem from the prle st-rlddcn assertion of Mis Kate Field's article that the A, I', A, movement Is "un American" because It I something which prevent foreigners from running this country to suit the rnselve. A to the A, I'. A, movement defeat ing it own object, let u look at the history of the organization. It 1 grow inir at a great rate, and will shortly have no need of inch criticism from Home. Ml Field : "Look at the num ber of Catholic who made up tbo rank and file of the union army," Ia-Xu answer. Who murdered Lincoln' A emissary of the pope, Whoslaugbtorod Oarfield' A Iloman Catholic, Who killed Carter Harrison' A Catholic, to save Coughlfn another Iloman Cath ollcj from the gallows. Who furnished per cent of the deserter from the union rank during the war of I Ml? The Iloman Catholic What projr t Ion of the union rank were I toman Catholics? Three out of twenty, And yet Miss Field say these pa pist are "patriots." Merciful Cod save America from these "pa'rlots" and from Home. ' Ji;nm;h. Would lilew 1 1 a Hall, iHxns, III., June 8.-Flltor TltK Aukhicas: Inclosed you will find a llstof names, I'lcase send sample copy of TK. to same. Our coun cil I growing nicely, and we get fifty copies of T? AMMU' A every week. Voi can expect to send more in a little while. We have had a very bard time of It here, The Jloman Catholics, a mum a they found out where we were hold ing our meetings, threatened the owner of the building and told him they would blow it up, break all hi window and boycott his buslnes if he allowed tbo A, 1', A, to hold meetings in hi hall, and by threat of boycott they scared the ownersof all the other halls, so It wa impossible for us to rent one In which to hold our meetings, Hut we rented a flat and furnished our own ball and named It Liberty Hall It cost the boy II.V) to furnish our hall. We are going to put out our transpar ency at our next mfctlng. Yours fra ternally, HKCKrTAKV. Kemlsli iSliisphemy, The following extract from a book by a Jtomlsh ecclesiastic, f quoted In the ( ,'h rhlian Inh llvinmr; "A bk by Abbe Caume, saj: 'What language of man can speak of the dignity of the prbnthood and the grentnes s of the pret. He 1 a man who every day, when he please, ojiens the gate of heaven, and, addressing himself to the Hon of the Ftomalto the Monarch of the World, says to Hlrn, "Hescend from your throne, Come'." Docile at the voice of thl man, the Word of Cod, Ho by whom all thing were made, Instantly de scends from the seat of lli glory and Incarnate Himself In the hands of tbl hiH; u.l Hih limn m (i lllin "Thou art my this iUj l.sve U gotten I he. Thou tuy li Km " And II h t Himself I iMiitinSitt, d by ll.lsn.sci, (Irt.ed mU iv be wills, given t Wlinin hlHhiMwe This ma is the itlit ,H A Nrwaadifl, Ittittitg the trial of I'rlt st lvtn at Aurora, III , fur tlie wtliii llnti of Hte si ( 'nmMiliiir, .lame fmumtitfc', an mi. 'In of tl,i pUlutllf, testified to tli4 followltig; "l-ydi.ii told the mother be would nmrry KtU to a hien matt In Chicago and It would Isi all right. Ho named four other women whom ho said wem a hlk'hly n sH( inl now a any In Aurora, who had had llkn trimblo," Vet, rheii a beluier dare to sirl from the pliitfurm lhattliesfl llllllioralitleH NIH frequent ill lli'l KiiiiiIhIi church, he I bnimed by tint prloHts, blamed by the pres and cursed by the public, It would appear from the atsivM eviili iii'ii that tbo prostitu tion of feiMftbi mcmlmrs of the lloiulsli cbiirch I quite frequent, ami that hus band are converted Into cuckolds In order that priest may carry on their iMharlan Intrigue, t'uhinlic Aiimi run, Knew Whereef He 8Hke, In I HUH lmn HoucoumIIcIiI, then plain lleiijiimln Disraeli, said: "We are alnklng hoimath a power of which tbo nation most devoted to freedom havo been enslaved lh power of a foreign prlenlhood, Your empire and your llbertle are more In danger at thi moment than when the army of In vasion wa encamped at Houlognn, I repeat that the crisis of I'.ngland i fast arriving. Tbo High Church illtuullst and the Irish follower of the poMi have been In secret combination. I know the almost super human jiowcrof thi combination. They have their hand almost on the realm oj Kngland. Under the guise of liberalism they are, a they think, about to sol,i upon tbo 1 supremo authority of the realm," 1'rophetlo word all will admit. (,'htircli rroM'rty Taxed, Tim following Interesting noto Is from a Han Krannlaeo pafior: "Wb note that our eastern friends are still debating about the taxation of church projierty. Jn thl tat church projierty I taxed, and we hear of no churches t'at have given up th ghost on that account. If all ohur:hes taught nothing except wa to the Interest of the citizen and of tbo state. It might ho easier to show the wiadom of no tax on church property, Hut when a church which devote Itself to amassing mil lion of dollar' worth of property teacbe that the mandate of a foreigner "should be o)eyed sharp a the click of trigger" when till church mob public lect urer and attempt to over throw freo speech, It I not ao easy to soe why Its tax should be remitted," The state of Washington also Im pose a tax on church property, i Klmply Transferred. The Iloman Catholic priest who about two years ago, while pastor at Halelifb, N, C, wa tried for hi Ufa on a charge of rajsi upon a young girl, a member of hi congregation named Mis Wbitaker, and escaped punish ment for hi cr ime on some slight tech nicality, Although the evidence wa conclusive enough to convict him, he wa simply transferred by the "Holy" church to another pi rlsh and I now ministering to another congregation In theKouth, Kane, when committed by a orlest. Is evidently not considered a crime by that peculiar, ao called reMg- Ions denomination, Must Car Tate. Mll,WAl,'KKK, Wl, June 8. City Attorney Hamilton today decided that the property of Archbishop Kater I subject to taxation. The property comprises an entire block between Twenty-second and Twenty-third street at Cold Kprlug avenue, Thfl block laolatted into twenty-right lots, Archbishop bouirht the prop erty a few year ago of the Hlnkie e tate for ! 'Mitt and sjx-nt a large sum improving the bouse. It wa deeded to him personally and the deed I re corded In hi name, lluliilli .News, The trial of A, H, Lange, editor of Hmmlin, charged wltn criminal libel by Dr. i'helan, ha not come to an end a yet, Jt ha hcenacasri of Indict and quash, Lange wa arretted twice and twice discharged by the cour t. A third attempt has ieen made and now we await a trial. .KMTit, Thurwdrt Has tlnn par, WAMiiiJOiroM, I) C., June 10, The National Hoard of management of tho Daughter of the American Involu tion adopted a resolution that June II U oiss-rved by the dauvhtera a Hag day, dlsiilaying the national emblem from their borne. The man who i afraid to Is) knowa a an A. I'. A. ought to step out of tho rank and make room for a br-avor and bettor man. No reformation was ever brought about by cow ard.