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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1894)
THE AMERICAN trvtva ll l h Im .trt I iw 1 kal I M l UHMv4 nwattt, ltk- t.t l tr j-..!. tn t.t thp . i ! t J. h rl, W.t I r xh :i''V o ttm t'h r N l !li tJ I'MV t H t ' l!itnr IV -. mi Wl "Hil - I .-tt J. i l. '... 1 tsmte-tt.naiom In Mff t wtt(ir j,it;i.,M Im Jeer Svt m J 1 o.i .ti,i.ti an wen tiru.n, It iu(,l awm, front ftilim pt inUil Iw jour enlwtnna, ami then --fin toil atv tit an eppot liihltj to etvw nt Jour rea.lct-s ilh liltlt J?i:lil ftvtn the Hon twvtariart j.lliiti 1 riu ton a an AnteHi-wn onlt, fel a a Ptvt. Unl nor an A IV A , tor I km tietttu-r. I ntpixxN leu ln the moral oouragtt to putttUh this article In full, You are doublloa hlif h minded enough U do 11, bill should you luck I... .....I .......t). .... I-, . ..,),.. I ". r" -"; " 7 ' lj i(.m.i.h wttrnti, M,ow t .ai your iDtittiior m mHWimmi; ami iwiiig ikhmihI liamloj mutt morlt UifCVfiitual falliiPi? of tvtrj half-hoat toil caumt. "Thl artlrlo will xitr In TliK Cliii'Atio AmkuioaN In CHMt your hor- lnui in not nqim! to th ot'cnslon, liut I almll not ptvunmo Vlil you nrtt at all lHhtinl your bitilhor Ainorlt'aa who ctllUtlKOaUonmjH.r In .nythlnff rail pHtrUttlam. mr clrutil.tlon in hi m. rfMltuwM.. KwpupthogmHl win. loiirn R'oin'uuuiiy, FoiiTY-Fot'lt "Hear Sir: Homo few diiya ago, hear ing TliK Chicauo Amkkioan crlod out by the nowalmya on tbo atiwl, I biiught a copy out of curiosity and read It. A few days afterward, hearing tho S'mii (fiii iVmtirraf proclnlmfd at an antag onlt of tho former, I got one and read It pretty generally through. I upo8o you intend winning tho majority to your hUIo of t ho ciwo and to destroy tho main InHplratlon of tho A. IV A. From tho general tono of your articles It would appear mi, as tho scourge is a- piled to tho enemy with no light hand, I notice also that the denunciations against you and your stylo of Ameri canism Is no less vehomotit from tho enemy ' batteries. "If you will kindly allow mo, I will call your attention to what I consider Is the cause of almost all the noise. Fifty years of iiHsoulatlon with tho In- tltutUm of American freedom, which is now tinder flro, and a Just apprecla- tlon of the lessons In patriotism and human Independence handed down from Biro to son since tho day my ancestors Jn America set foot on Plymouth Hock work yo shall know them.' Tho char has filled me with as much concern for aetcroMloinanlstu has been proclaimed, tho prosperity of the nation, tho pur- pctuii tlon of our free educational sys- tern, and tho general advancement of of Italy, at Its very heart, there Is a tho republic as you or any other citizen cancer called popery, an imposture in can ever feel. which we have a most formidable "From tho neutral ground between enemy, most formidable because It ex your difference I wish to cull your at- Ists among the Ignorant classes, becauso tontlon to tho true cause f this tiprls- It rules by falsehood and sacrilegiously Ing of tho piople, this rapidly growing covers its deceptions with the cloak of power which you ought to have fire- religion. Its smllo is the smile of sight enough to sco will be abutcd only Satan. This enemy is tho popish when the end for which It was lnstl- priests." l'opery In America Is in tuted shall have been accomplished. good condition to bo characterized In "In tho matter of religion, which you tho ,tt"10 ori. seem ! make tho bono of contention, I "When Victor Emanuel undertook am unbiased and am entirely unlnflu- tho reformation of Italy's thralldom, enced by any allegiance to any order, he suppressed 2,382 convents. Fight secret policy, church, ology or Ism; for hundred and sevcnty-stx of thciio woro tho religious oplulons of all, therefore, female nunneries. There woro H,2(K) I can feel a resiieetful regard. I will nuns and 7,071 lay-slstors. Well, thoro say further, that I am not a member of Is no comment needed; tho facts are tho A. 1', A., and slutll oiler uiy ro- eloquent enough to show that there marks wlthoat fear or favor. was no need of marriage among tho "I'orhaps you are are familiar, or Itllttit priests. Tho samo thing ex entirely conversant wLUi tho history ' 4 norei under the 'cloak' of course, of what Is known throughout tho world Rn(1 yur parish priest makes It his a KoitianUm, You should be, having business, through the confessional, to evidently entered tho lists and thrown keep up tho supply and It Is kept up. down tho gauntlet as its champion. If It will not do to assert that those nun you have girded on the sword In that noro are established to save tho souls cause, your battling will not avall-you ' women; the world knows what they will fall. It Is Indefensible and tho Bro f,,p' must go, and your most God like heroism would lv wasted priests bo allowed to marry, if put forth to uphold tho pernicious "You have said In your paper that fnurle. the A. i. A. wages war on Catholics, "The hUtoty of the lUmian Catholic because they aro not 1'rotestants. You church has proven It to Ih) tho greatest know better than that. Hollglon Is cursu that ever blighted humanity, not tho question at all. As for myself That church Is a treacherous political I havo no word of denunciation for my power. It always was, and tho primal brother man tiecauso ho prefers to seek boast of Its manipulators Is that It never ft life eternal by tho Catholic route in changes. Nor did it ever change its stead of by any of tho other trails that course of deviltry except by compulsion aro supposed to tormlnato in heaven, from those Its detestable workings had but I cry anathema against tho secret enraged beyond endurance. A repetl- and underhanded game that tho subtle tlon of tho high handed power wielded and fine-working Jesuit Is playing to by this villainous system In the tnlddlo get tho upiwhand In tho government agos Is eagerly sought by tho poo and ma uuioom in mis country, aim inrougn tbo good natured apathy of tho Ameri can masces tho sneaking serpent ha been able to get a few colls about some of freedom's most cherished Idols. You who are using so much thunder to dis tract tho attention of our people from tho python In the grass are not deceiv ing anyone. The snake Is In full view now. You aro only calling tho reptile's enemies to arms, Knowing these things, you cannot profess Ignorance of what tho Incentive is that prompU the awakening of eventual millions of men In this country for a redress of griev ances, the organization of tho American Protective Association or like societies. Tho movement is not new. It had its origin far back in tho past, when It was felt by tho prlost-rldden people that the Uomish church was tho enemy of freedom. Her implements of conver sionthe uword, the faggot and tho gun, and tho eloquent tortures of the 1. 1- ...t i . . . . ... SiijwU tk f l ft -t,:.UT ' It ' K.f- '. '4 tt .!.! ' I-MJ-..-i wf I f"! t.ty !iWr4 1l" ". Vti .tt -. II ftt (t l tt. I . 41 t.rt, l,.i ! k l. ..!. 'n.'t k r.. II. v ii t tlt ! ttw ' ! . t U ! rl II. e . ', .it.lii tu i 11' of ltim- jtikn-l II Kin M S!.li i l ;tKi', IK lt rM ! tsi hiIm Vim-, fiiii;M Hrjf f l P., M l-fv.Kl Oti' i liini K HtlUtafl l Kcl h:t ll O ' fl ltl 1 11 jf tnt Uul ini Km Ki'n .1, In !f (ru ll-n, l.i r. vH Hi ln H at l-rl.l Wnlj rkJ .I In It rliiich, l ls pm lil.1Uni nd i!. Hfn. til f lh mii lh ri1rrmol mul lamnl Un mf Ui olh.r 1 M lliU Mtliil rvk of rmni ltliin fnml!(! KM in vmlh UKI Ihc fiimn!Um of hfi AlHi"il'n lvxilti Yon ImHinil to my, ilmiKl- IfM, that tht U nuinu h r t4o lisiiii'lv hut, In tin! tunv lli.lil ,.f In I " tMHilfovt.rlal.l.i liiMoty lhf trMirtii vllU!,ll( ,)f lho vl)Ulvh. f fully In tvMinw ami no alunklnly ntulalve thitl no inorlal van commit ml lantiHKo of mirtU-lfiit I'xpivuhlvtj jntwor U pU'tuii" forth the tiilowml rrliuca ami tint vlli, iimlorhmitleil nohomt'H of whtt h thtt t hiiirh U eulltv. And what Im this t'hurcti of Home? It Ih that In fornal, vntit intrlmi.i built hihI main ulniH, tha , ,, Mmmntu RtiporMtitlotia of Ijfnor- anoo ami masquoNullng: umlor the name of .M-Hion, having for lu motive the Hcrvlllty of man and tho nulijugallon of ht Intellect. It lia long ago boon convicted lKforo the world. It only remains now for the intelligence of enlightened nuttomt to puna final Hen teiico and wipe forever from tho earth thin culmination of barbaric Iniquity "Look back at tho unHpoakablo hor rible InqulHltlon of Spain. That daughter hoimoof tho Romlah church in which tho infamous Torqucmada vlnltod with torture and death tho thouMtindu of his fellow men, who had the herolam to claim part ownership of tholr souls, or who denied that tho church was greater than Almighty God. "I no nenri sicKcns over tho pages of verified history, and tho scnsltlvo brain reels In the presence of these awful revelations. Was that establish ment a fair sample of what the Ilomlsh church is trying to arrive at In this country? Is that the kind of religion you are defending? Turn around and look at what tho chuvch has done In this line, and reiuomher that "history repeats Itself when It can, 'By their and It behooves us to heed tho words of the Immortal Garibaldi, 'In tho midst of this country. Tho emissaries of tho pope have had smooth salllrg for a good while now, with tho wind in their favor, but there aro breakers ahead, and thoy must tack ship or go to pieces. You will doubtless conclude at this point that your subset Ibor Is no bettor than others whom you style bigoted oersecutors or, perhaps, heretics, as tbo old inquisitors put it. If so, let me refer you to another kind of critic, no less a personage than M. T. Elder, a Iloman Catholic of New Orleans, who sent a puer, which was read at the religious congress during tho world's fair. Possibly you did not hear It; If not, I will tell you some of tho things It contained, if you did hear It, you may find something to reflect upon. It struck the true note when It denounced the Catholic parochial school as being a "factory for retrogressive education and a producer of that order of intellect that you will find among the Catholics vrho compose tho great majority of our ( tfHt, :ttHWtT jitlim .t I i .c t- J.iHtU rt,l tw. n 4 l , ,( -v t i !-, . t it t. );,, u. t, t ! '.f iM , t,ti.r K. k fi nit-n.ti nr.i n.j iin I . 1,1 !-. ,., 1, f !' fin ) r li j'li.w o i,!,c ilitn, I n inn l,-?r Mow U H.tli S.w l lif lVlt l l II I Islfh anlhiwilj t K histK lhtitnl,'HI flK l iwfii 4 ti.' f ) t fttttl lj tn t -w f djuaiiij tt al h Iv Jt.-U.MrM .1, IK. y tv tml J !..jiS ami t lip 'il.. I. ! ),.. u "lKl IKal i,..npi a t A P. A. No nn-mWr tf Ilia! otil. r etvr said any motti than (hal. Stub hit n would itiaku Ihe lutvh Ml$H(i and hot (H.iitWal. and would n.l I lie 1st hollo (hltdrvn to the puhile nt'hool ami not t. a Ii Ih. m t aUt lii-iu. Thai U I he kind of I "al ho! le J ean lake bv the hand, for ho Is not a nkt In the gr A man like that ml ij ht bo niot-lful to the mHt on ground of eourtnv, but could never Ih servllo. This is the kind of spiritual minister that would modify the tlolsthing system of Itoman ism and all that it Implien, and would trip off th clonk of sanctity from the theatrical mummery In w hat the church misnames 'divine service.' You will notice, perhaps, that the chief butdncH of tho priesthood Is to hold tho women soul and body, In thelrclutehes through the confessional Tho children, both their own, on tho side, and ot her men's, will then bo In tholr power to recruit tho church with by educating them backwards, by tho catechism method and equip them with ability to walk In the rear ranks of progress and take tho dust of their superiors who march In tho vanguard with tho band "This confessional business Is ono of tho abusoB which needs correcting, and It must bo done through tho public schools of the country. Educate your children as your Protestant brother does his, and thoro will bo no A. P. A, As It Is now tho greatest efforts of tho Catholic clergy aro put forward to blast tho Amorlcan Bchool system. Educa. tlon is Rome's most potent enemy, and Jesuitism wrlthos with fear lest tho light of intelligence may open the eyes of tho multitude to its trickery. In my opinion this condition of things wlllobtaln sooner or later, it is Inevit able, tho world moves on. "I have Intimated that Catholicism, as It has always been practiced, was degrading, and would debase tho morals of tho people and prostitute the Intention of tho Almighty wherever It could get a ehunco. Tho proof is over whelming. Look at tho condition of tho lower classes of Italy, Spain, Por tugal, Poland, Uohemla and tho South Amorlcan countrlos. Intelligence is the exception, Ignorance tho rule. We see plenty of it in tho emigrants to this country. Tho contrast between those from iloman Catholic countries and tho pcoplo from Protestant communities Is so groat that Itomo should blush for shame. As to tho character of vour priests I know some who aro Inclined jiorsonally to bo good, pure, honorable men, and who would. If they could, bo loyal to tho American idea. Somo, again, are scoundrels, just as they would bo woro they ordinary citizens. The samo may bo said of Protestant ministers, but personal character has nothing to do with tho theology or methods of either system. "In the Protestant method there Is no menace to homo and liberty. Polltl cal supremacy and abject surrender of onselonco is what tho 'mother church requires, and sho gets It If she can. Home will never bo ablo to get tho Iron grip on this country that sho has so long striven for, but the establish ment of tho parochial school In defiance of good senso and In place of a far superior system, tho endowment of nunneries and tho maintenance of tho confessional, all of which combine to hold tho priesthood together for an unholy purposo, shew what would eventually happen to us If wo did not wako up and put a stop to It. I know there aro many Catholics good and true men, good husbands and fathers, to whom tho Idea of tho confessional, priestly coloblcy and tho nunnery are abhorrent. They are the kind of Cath olics who, In times of danger, stand forward in tho nation's defense. They aro the kind that can bo relied upon to resist any attempt at tho prostitution of our liberties Against them and their religious convictions no true American of any sect will ever raise his voice, but against tho ultimate alms and aspirations of tho machine run by tho pope of Home the patriotism of America will rlso in Its might. It will bo of no use to make the blatant assertion that the A. P. A. is composed of traitors. You will not bo ablo to blind sixty million of people much longer; there will have to bo a change for the better. The Catholio church In this country will ono day be presided over by a married priesthood, and tho female-ruining confessional and the back-action school will bo abandoned the A. P. A. will then include every body, and differences in forms of worship will have no effect on politics. In one of your articles you speak of the burning of the Ursuline convent at Somcrville, Mass., or as you say, Charlcstown. You need a little coach ing as to the facts. Your coloring of iV !. 1 1 i ),uh. 5 , t("lK. I? ( J.aiif i;!t IK" l-ttl-vi In HiHt.iBt ',.-v.; ;:,Hai4 IS I'lilmv i Ht-r Si,. t n,',(.j al t i . It. .. .!!. ! a H j . .. . V.-.H i.i . l,Hx in tl,t t, i, a! Rrt).Hi iw f, f rnnifw, J.m ( hi i .It'l'Kia t-an a fH th .rsw til ta..aMM abK nr,J Hal Mr l.t , a.i j, . t . i t a n.t.t. at .1 on a.,.iit 4 il,t ti iini i in imiin.t, I think ti K'ili! J r. I n j". .r t f.t tllirtt it tut, lor too llu i n. ay lo nit of your ti a,. m a ho haw elten !! t-mm attention lu fotf J.t lid It was Ml li.-lioiv T. HiimI," t.f , IKwUm, who flitt from th I mil l 1 1 n a it a . & . i ihmi, ami tna mim llsnlw.n She wa not menially ttetanp-d, as ttni hate nUlivl, hut was prtlly near It, h wtmtun i nave taken mueh longer to have driven her Into ln-uitv. She was kept a prisoner, detmtl. Insulted and tortured In an institution rstah- IIsIhhI by foreigners, built with foreign monev, rigidly Catholic, un Amerlean, managed by an Italian priest and mas querading under tho guise of a school for tho education of Protestant girl.. closed against insiieetlon and conducted In a strange and mysterious ma, tier. The revelations of Miss Heed aroused tho resentment of tho populace; it was decided to abolish tho "seminary" be causo it was lHjruleious and altogether undesirable in a country where there were plenty of moral free schools and colleges, and It was abolished in a stylo that gave an idea of what Ameri can indignation is like when It offers U) rebuke a national Insult. "I could give you a more minute re view of tho "affair," but consider It unessential. I have stood on those ruins and had tho whole story then and there from my father, and others who woro eye-wltnessos of tho occurrence. Tho records of history are open to the Investigator; look the matter up. When you speak of the burning of the Mount Benedict convent you cite tho matter as being tho "most fiendish and dia bolical outrage In all the bloodiest records of history." Your knowledgo of what history has recorded is about on a level with the sincerity of the patriotism dlcplayed by tho, reverend fathers and other champions of tho Human church in this country simply out of sight,' Nobody was killed or Injured at the reduction of tho Ursuline fraud, but how about tho massacre of St. Bartholomew in Paris, and, in fact all over Franco? Did you ever hear about that? The 'records' you refer to say that upwards of 2;"),000 men, wo men and children were murdered In cold blood during some six weeks while the pope-sanctioned harlot, Catherine do Modlol and her Imbecile, son Charles IX,, held tholr Infernal revol In tho capital. This wus a sample of what Homan Catholio treachery is capable of when It gets a good chanco, Get the history of tho conouest of Mexico. If your hair does not stand up at tho recitals of the numberless atrocities and wholesale murders done by tho Catholio Spaniards In the name of Christ, you are less than human Look over the 'Llvos of the Popes' If yoa would like to know what kind of holiness has been prevalent at Home. You will And the earth has nover pro duced tholr equal for licentiousness, treachery, debauchery, llbertlnelsm and every vllo crime that abundant opportunity and immeasurable knavery can conceive of "In every community of poor pcoplo throughout tho christian world there Is more or loss suffering and privation, spoclally among the Catholics; yet they must pay their tithes to the church or bo 'read from tho altar.' Tho popo must got his 'Peter's pence' every year, too, on account of his poverty, This amounts to something like half a million dollars a year. Plus IX. inun- aged to make bis dupes believe that he had no money, yet he hod English gov ernment bonds worth $.)X(X0.000 and real estate and other securities of over $iiO,(XM),(KX more. Oh, yes; he was quite a pauperl The angel who now wings the 'hull' pen at Home and man- agos to eko out his miserable existence i as only the squalid Income of sixteen hundred thousand dollars a year, and they say ho Is a bachelor, too, and hasn't a family of sons and daughters and four wives, as his great cardinal, Antonelll, had owing to tho 'cardinal virtues' of tho priesthood, I suppose. 'I havo often wondered why somo of you editors who are clamoring for fame don't tako up the description of the running machinery of the Catholio church, and let tho people know what tho real business of tho nunnery Is, and why there should be any secrecy at tached to It why It Is not open for public inspection? Why there is a lot of healthy women kept there, and why they are nover let out, but are continu ally visited by unmarried healthy men not eunuchs either, by any means? Why the numerous children born there aro strangled and consumed in lime pits, and a hundred other well proven but not generally known practices. Theso Institutions, we are told, are soul-saving joints. "To sum up the whole matter, those polluting European relics of the dark ages must bo uprooted and swept from our country. Are such damnable works k ) ltt fH4' WVt tl'IH, tl tirj" toUt-titf. I I th. .11.,. U -i.T a lim n..n f, iiH !'' s l SMt..r iil ,af ata 1tn a ri.r.n.'j ,,ira. iw r..t.i an. I U , )..i'HtS.i n an.l iKrin an- .'a. Uhv of t,,H,, j.flit,,., mk; ..t. to an ...I . tv i , )o.i i, IttitiKH tH jit. If. at u fatij tttvr ! t vp li Ka- t a ; i,.. lt ti...tU it. :.. ) . I (,,. P. A a'.,.,. t. .,.! t .. .... .. it.. .. ! J ' 11,1 ... on; jtnir iU.m I uni, tiaWe you t annot hold ho tti k -n trvat In good mler while your rear U on n. If yni ditnl Ihe tttettty will flank )ou, and with lil un iior arlilierv will cut you all U pleta, "He that lights and runs away," etc. I havt Hut homtr to K tours rvspwt fully, FoiiTV-Fot R.M riii: iiiiMi in im: a i: lr. lYtero Alliance Some Msi llimt I'lg. linn Tom bin g IK h i IIoiis, The figures under dispute appeared In tho ' Notes and Queries" department of the New York Hun, August .10, ism. And "if you see it in tho Sun, It's so." Tho figures 1 quoted in today's lier fist r have been going tho rounds of tho press for a number of years, and they wont unchallenged until within the past year, when an Irishman wrote to Henry Cabot Lodgo for the confirma tion or contradiction of tho statistics. Mr. Lodgo wrote to tho pension office and Mr. Alnsworlh replied that tho figures were either false or unreliable, tnat no summary of enlisted nationali ties had been made, and Buch summary could not bj made, which latter uart was certainly an Incorrect statement. Mr. H. J. Long, editor of the intericun Citizen, publisned in Booton, deter mined to gut at the truth. Tho chief of the bureau of statistics was a Homan Catholic Irlshmun, and would naturally shield his race and religion. Your correspondent forced this issue. Ho claimed that "tho patriotism of tho Irish on our battlefields was unparral loled." I had always believed, and do still believe that the Americans fought our battles. In the office of tho Vitize.i, No. 7 Brum Held street, Boston, can bo seen a colored diagram, isMied by a well known llrm of pension attorneys In Washington, and the figures of en listments and desertions are precisely the same as published by tho New York Sun of August .'10, 1801, and the Boston Globo September 27, 18111. Thoa'iove mentioned linn havo given out theso sheets freely for some years, the figures have boon publicly exhibited In prominent offices in Washington and have only rect-filly boon disputed, but not disproved. Tut figures were not compiled officially, but by a number of gont lemon interested, who had access to the various departments. Mr, Apthorp Gould, In his "Investi gations in the Military and Anthropo logical Statistics of American Soldiers" (published for the United States sani tary commtBsslon by llurd & Houghton, New York), In speaking of tho com parative merits of American and for eign troops during tho rebellion, said: "How much larger was tho purely American element among the curlier troop needs not to be recalled to any one then lu the country. A small por tion of tho men who forsook their colors were Americans. It Is a njtorlous cir cumstance that the groat mass of the professional bounty jumpers were Europeans. In general tho manufac turing states, us for instance, Mussu- chusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York and New Jersey, rank high In the column of desertions; and this result is to bo attributed not only to tho fact that such states are dotted with towns and cities, but to tho secondary fuel that thtTso towns ami cities ure crowded with foreigners, Tho respect able and industrious part of this popu lation did Indeed produce a mass of faithful troops; but with theso wero mixed a vast number of adventurers unworthy of any country, who had no affection for any republic, and only en listed for money." Inatiibioof nationalities of foreign- born United States volunteers Mr. Gould makes tho following classifica tion in the states which, ho says, "rank high In the column of desertions" All (int-Mi Eiiltllrt-Aiii.O'li'a Now York.,., ft I, Sim 14 ua IWi IIW) M tiHH 1U.KI7 I.M'iil 2.;m lli7 s.h.h K. I. A (!n. ... 7.II..7 K.IUII 2,2.14 I.IHI7 ll -iW Nt.w .lerwjy,. s,hso T,;m7 tf.ll'l tWi U.HH Total 17,m 4K.SI2 2I.0.VJ l!7,2ii -in.Kf Mr. Baumgurten, on his hook on "German Soldiers in tho Civil War," estimates the foreign quota us follows: Germans, with a population of 1,118,- 402, sent to tho war 187,85!) soldiers; Irish (with a much larger population to draw from) 144,221; English, 38,250; British-Americans, 6,'),5;t2, with a com paratively small number to draw from. I havo before me a publication of the records of the Massachusetts volunteers, Of a curtain year, mifl 111.7(1 for 1HKI quarter dollar. Wn sUo pay tlm hlirhnat premium on clrvi-n hundred varlH.ln of Unltud Statu and fiiMlKn enlns and stainum iiImi i-nti f .-iIitiii e tnonoy, K.wdoim stamp fur piihIhkm, and wn will unnd ynu, free, our lii-pnui HIiHl.ratt-d ralaloKun, nIiowIiik what, wt buy, lie not dnlay hut send today. Keeping- your eye open, you may pick up coins or stamps Uiat will bring a large amount of money. NATIONAL COIN CO 832 Stock ExchatiRe liulldlnK.tUoHtonVMaM. W fl,:: iw(i Tfc" Sinlk V! a I-uailta vg ! t (' ttj a '' ! I t t, K. i 4 nil Kv ia t a v i iK . j-i ti Vl' T(ap enh S'-t t i tv-t-i. I I'.itllttili 'i ti,a t- I. ni ,, , t, : ', it t tnit of !. tn . I i iU il l iw 'j a a tta', fsiri Mi !!) athst!,4 thai thi fuat t tf It h tie. ' '!"t! i (v t.vm .r N. m i.rk f i '. Ihf N.w I ntsml h !h imitf a l tt r tt s-, Tlf fifcMtv arv rv;.-. ii fttiy ar tho, lo tln.ll at "" th f g tttv tiihlihsl in tho Hun, M MUtVi 1' Pt 1 t New t oik, Mat In. I50H4M IIIIOllMNXIMt IJOI'K llnc I. run ml M hen t totiparrd W llh lb l"rtittrOT of rtttleMaiilUm. t.uthariH'a AN t aja Hht Luihrrimht KtrrhoHUitHng, of I-lpjig, the lnoot influential jsosllito church (vrlodlcnl In Germany, in a retvnt Intuit, gate from authoritative source some Inter esting data, show ing that for a number of years the Homan Catholic church has lost ground when compared with the progress of Protestantism. From official German sources we learn that lietwcen tbo yeans 1875 and lss In tho nine old provinces of Prussia, i. o., ex clusive of tho three acquired in ISHii, the number of converts from Roman Catholicism to Protestantism was 22, 704, while the Reman Catholic church secured from the Protestant only 2,411. 1 he number of converts from tho Ro man Catholic to tho Protestant is steadily increasing a fact us notable as the proportional number of changes. From 1875 to 1880 the figures were 7,702; from 1880 to 188.") it was 7,1127; while in the three years, 188") to 1888 it was 5,2:12; in 181)0 alono It was 2,0.12, and in 18!W it was 2,274. Tho only German state in which tho Catholic church gains moro from tho Protestant than the latter does from tho former, h Ba varia, the bulwark of the church of Homo in tho land of Luther; yet even here Protestantism is gainfng numeri cally at the expense or Catholicism, From 1805 to 1800 tho percentage of Roman Catholic in tho total popula tion foil from 05 to 02.8, while that of tho Protestants Increased from .'12,0 to !15.2. In Alsaco-Lorrulno from 1880 t.n 18W1, tho Protestant contingent In creased from 215,000 to :j.')7,470, whllo tho Roman Catholic decreased from l,:iOH)00 to 1,227,181). In England tho Roman clergy, Indued, lncreused in 187M801 from 1,020 to 2,57.'!, but tho Roman Catholio population of tho klndom has decreased by about two millions In tho last forty years, whllo tho Protestants havo Increased nearly ten millions. In 18)1 Great Biltaln reported lU,Gil,a:i:i Protestants, and In 1881,29,200,807; whllo in 1811 the Ro man Catholics numbered 7,211,771, and In 1881, 5,451,881. Whllo the losses to Homo through Old Catholicism have not been us great as was hoped und feared, recent events show that tho movt ment is still a strong force. Re cently a whole Roman Catholio congre gation In Leltmurltz, in Bohemia, Joined tho Old Catholics. In Italy the entire vlllago of Montorfano did tho samo, and lu Szablya, in Hungary, 050 Gorman Homan Cuthollos lately bo catiio Protestants, Wooily Itotv ill a I'oIInIi Church IIajxkton, Pa., May 27. St. Cal- mlr'g Polish Catholic church at Freo land was today tho scone of a riot In which two men wero fatally shot, two others seriously shot, and a score of other people cut and bruised by clubs ami other mlsslls, Tho riot today was tho outcome of an effort to dethrone Rev. Father Mos.o las, tho pastor, The congregation Is miulo up of Polunders. This morning they broke open tbo church and took possession of It. They threw tho priest out. The police woro called, and when they arrived wero fired upon, Tho two fuctlons then became engaged in a battle, which rsged furiously for half an hour. Tho police wero powerless to control tho mob, and but four arrests wore made. Another outbreak Is feared, NicwsDttALEim can obtain The American from any wholesale news dealer. Your customers will want it Put it on your counter. FHEEf WATCH & loil mutiS 111.11 TO EXAMINE. enll"Wfii!lninmtniillim, Tim tniimmlMMl, pBMt.f t,iir"Kiy Wi.i."NI lpCltitrliiiiH-,,( ,,, UkiAit imr tni i-i liiinl oremiitiiiiii r vttni III , ,. iiwiK-r for Umwiiirliil hiiiii.Iik Niii., 'a-uniilii.. lull nlim $7,111), niul ni;n n (11 rtniw M., ,,,, ,jr frirt, nnilliinOiii.(10rtl Pull nwi li.l hlnn U'ni.l tViiii-s I'Kt K. (OiiimiiiiMiwIihwiiii h ) iil'vii s! Ill- It -I'rii full vlro Nli kt'l t'li'im ami a, a mc lU l.FIM,H WATCH (11.1.1,7,7 will l" riu. In wi-iiri In nun lu knw Ml.U.-J. Dm, J-r-l Im vi. wiit fi.r Ilium who Iihvp wa n im-iii In th li.ii, I. of IliPlr frlcniln. ItlaanfilTnlvmuiirmitn. f'lii itwH loilcflvomir friinti.frmrOi.T..n- W If tun burs a iif.-h wn will w-nil InMmul a 'J im F(K KHII.VKH HKT.In Hi "lie IX tii$2 KKV WKMT CIUAIICO.. Wl,,.l,m N