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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1894)
o V FAU.CA.N 1 I" f tVtf'i S " W " ! l tVm Swiita. m S itf-1 l f tuelr ( h .(f 4 , ,Cip in ,. T f fV MMA1IA, Ni nUAHKA, 1 KI1,V, MAUUI IH', V'HMft IV, NlMfM 2 AM AMUMF M N t to, Jt ?-,, 4. .!.,. 4 ml t r . t l p ' 'hi ..!U.I "Mil 1:1 I. . I t, . , , 1 ., i.r-.ti U It i NOUS ANO I'OMMINT. Till! tMUi IllUll wliil Walltt'il til fill HUlt tl. ll liHtlg tl Ilitlllf 1'f Tin: Mt t!l. VN Willi, Slid who Mnnil ready tu ftil )n tusking u stretch hen p, I ft go stor fi than h Ittmve, w it l emlo to call M ntl lilHI tilli. Usiltiful lt htjftl elltl- Un til contain! it (i thi I , and Unite t -flally 11 t In following letter: Kan Cn V, M' , Mtmh 21. iv.n -IMiiur Thk Ami mi W You wlllis-i-mil mo through jour vftttuihh ami lev it I iivr t answer nin' V. .1. Willimu" curd, published in tlx Kniisu City .V-nf, Ft bi nary 22, l-'.H. Ilo uv Hint ho Is itn A lie i'lcan lsiin. I",vitl Pinto tutit flll' ii, also nn ( X-iinlim soldier, Hllll 111' offl'I'S 111 flirtlisll I.IHKl feet of rope with which In hung tho F.dltorof Tim Amkku an iniil all connected with suld uiii't', iiImi McNiimnni, hiniH, uml itlitrM of tin- like-. Now lu I he lll xt plm'i! ho iinipom i! to inu.lo tlx) promt, ami In tho noooml to mippivHn froo nKooh. Ilooft Hint sound liko l'rotost UintlHin, whloh (.'ivon to ovory ponton froodoin of ttpoofh nnd u fivo mid tin triuiiinolod pros-ftV Whonovor ho nnd his kind rondy toliun piitrlotn till thoy liuvo to do l to Hound tho IikjhIii. AiiiorloHii putrlottt uro not rondy yot to fiitml thin ooiint ry over to tho popo of llouio, Hnd furthoi'inoro, wo propone that fivo ispoi-oh whall bo untraminolod, tho popo and hU oohorU notwlthntand Ing. J low rldloiloim It Is for any ono to nay that ho In In favor of upholding tho ooriHtittillon and In tho next hrcuth way lie Ih willing to violate It. Kuch a man 1m Hiiroly talking through his hat. Ilo lit iion cmnpiiit vicniic. Mr. WUIIhiiih olaliiiH to ho an ox union wildior. If lie was, ho dlsj-raood tho uniform he wore. Hut I cannot think that ho cvor was a Hold lor in tho union army. Probably ho was a camp follower or colloo cooler but never a Mold lor, for ho does not uho tho lunirimiro of a true patriot and wild lor, I lo surely him never read tho constitution of the United ht.ateB, and think ho had better post hlmsulf on it somewhat before ho dictates to Amerl (.mis what they shall do. Ilo has taken the livery of patriotism to servo the Horn sh church in. Ilo ouirht to eomo out and sail in his truo colors, which is Jtomanlsm, nothlnffinoro nor nothing loss. Ilo Miys that ho is In favor of ini tio d riff the constitution or this coun try, but ho is certainly opposing it when ho proposes to hung men for uslriif free speech, which that lnstru mont guaranties to everyone In this country. Kuch language as ho utters comesonlv from the lips of foul-mouthed riiiiirchlhts. I am not a trn'inber of tho A. I'. A., but I will sny that there Is not a patriot in this laud if ho bo a truo patriotic American cli l.on thiit can oppose It. When i,omrnuo wn llamsifets throiiL'li hunirlng all tho A. 1'. A.'s in Kansas City, Kus., I will give him and his Human cohorts a special Invitation to coma tothli city, where thev can have tho pleasure of hanging 1,(1(10 more A. 1'. A.'s and a largo mini her of A. 1'. A sympathizers, Homan Ists can lecture and spenk and uro not nut down, but let anyone iret up to speak or lecture In defense of our free American Institutions, and there goes uo a big Homlsh howl and tho cry rods forth, "Hani him! kill Mm: h top tree speech! Wo can't produce sound argu ments to answer Mm. Let, us use nricic bats and clubs on him t" That Is the true Homlsh doctrine. Tho American people uro very patient, but when they are aroused to a senso or inoir uuiy their Indignation Is boundless, A chumo Is surely very weak when violence Is resorted to Instead of argument. Tho Hlblo Is tho weapon of I'rotestants; the bludgeon Is tho weapon or Itomanlsts linn sorry to see some of our politicians pariderlni to Home for political erred. 1 will say to them that their days are numbered politically. Any mini who Is so degraded as to sell this country to Home Is unlit to heclothed with otii.-n ship. m i Tun trim juUriota nil over tho country uro holding up tho hands of Mayor Kchloron, of Hrooklyn, N. Y for his laudable uotlon In declaring that only one flag, nnd that tho stars and stripes, should wavo above tho city hall whllo he was mayor of that city Among tho different sets of resolutions handed us for publication, two came from different councils of tho A, I'. A of this city, and ono from Washington Camp No. I, I', O. 8. of A. Tho I', O, H, of A. resolutions wero adopted at Its meeting hold March 15, 18(11, and read us follows: Whereas, It has come to the notice of Washington Camp No. J, of Nebraska I'litrlotic Order Hons of America, t hrough tho channel of tho public tress, that the honorable mayor of the city of Hrooklyn was visited by a committee of the Ancient Order of itibernlans, re questing that tho green of Ireland bo float d to tho liree.e on tho public building of tho city of Hrooklyn on the J7th dnyof March, known by tho I toman Catholic world as Kt. Patricks day, and that tlio honorable mayor denied said request, stating that tho American Hag Is good enough for all American citi zens, Now, therefore, lie It Hesolved, That Washington (lamp No. I, of Nebraska Patriotic Order Hons of America of Omaha, Neb., does most heartily approve tho action of Mayer Heh loren us nbovo motioned and does hereby extend Itssiiieerecongratu latloint to Mayor Kchleren for the cour teous but firm stand taken by him In the mutter. Ho it Unsolved, That we know it to ho the Inmost desire of all loyal citizens of the United Suites that no Hug but the slars and stripes be acknowledged in any public way In this Country, and that the course of tho honorable mayor of the city of Hrooklyn will receive thecordial approval und firm support of all worthy citizens throughout tho United States. And be It further Hesolved, That these resolutions be t tn it,,- i4lliiil'ni , ft i, V I. M t t , C-l i ' I'll lll.lll I ll ll I It I Hi.' it lt I li" till ' i ll.,.,!,!.!. ' .s,, - , ) M 11 lit i'l li i ii t r , imvi i,w w V. W.r.'V, As MtuiiMin: im i'leiil liiii'i'i'in 1 H .t.ll.rt) , I'll)'. A I it! ! l tli tliifc ;itWii d ft elVm. n wlm wi fe ti flit Ml ft i-iii plimi, bd iliwii'Md (iliit tMety il;t l itmli r tln inn, ln u Hit li tor ei wlileiy et-vuinii ,1 pspi i t IiiUYihI the H.'liiitn t 'ullielie Uli'li t.lini with .iii-i put tiitlity, filling that thUi' ht ivnti iiiji'iiiry ttitu nl lowed to pili;ih one of Al'UHiidi r bi nut' niiwN the ertine eniirli sv nild ls ilenlnl 1 1 i i ti by the arch bishop is for eight tiiij and for no oilier leiii-eti than iliilt lie was on tin' wrong side of the fence politically. This was denied by some of his less observing friends, wh olTered to wager a sum that the arch bishop Would not object. The edllor iteeepted the wager, and aiiiioiiueei) tin following day that he would begin th publication of one of Alexander Humus' novels the following week. Kaoh day he made tho same announcement. A few days after tho first announcement the editor received a note from th arehbltdiop commanding ,iIn to not publish tho novel ns all of Otitnus works were on the "Index Kxpurgii' torlus." Tho editor not only won th bet, but showed by his reply that h had the manhood to stand up for his rights, for ho told tho olllclous eccleB- iUHtlc that, he was editing tho paper. and would not permit of any Interfor once by an ecclesiastic who would per mit his pet paper to publish books "condemned'' by the Human church and a few weeks later deny tho same privilego to a. paper which fails to ad vocato his political Ideas. A dispatch from Albany, N Y., dutod March 12, 18!4, contained tho following interesting Item: Tho most Interesting Incident this evening was a debate between Mr. Hul zer and Mr. Fish over the A. P. A. Mr .Sulzer introduced a hill which jinc hi bits, tho employment or laborers h tho city through padrones, Mr. Flsl suggested as an amendment that only naturalized citizens should bo employee!. Mr. Sulzer said that tho republicans were continually bringing up religious and nice matters In legislation. They wero entering to tho A. P. A. They wero trying to make capital out of the election troubles In Troy, which resulted In the deut of ono man and tho shoot ing of three others, These troubles wero purely local, and the row was tho result or trouble in tho ward between tho A. P. A. and tho Catholics. As tho result of that ward trouble between men, all of whom wero republicans, two Catholics and two A, 1". A. men wero shot, and one of the A. P. A. men died For tho republicans to make party capl ttil out of this showed a desire on their part to uso religious prejudices for political purposes. It was a plrlt which should not bo encouraged, and he wanted to take this opportunity pub licly denounce tho action of tho repub lican press una many republican leglK' latori In using this unfortunate circum stance as a subject for partisanship. -i LAW A NO OltOKK. The Source f Our Criminality. Why Is there so much In Kornan Catholic papers, lutcly, In praiso of Human Catholicism us a conservator of law and order? Do Homan ecclesiastics think that tho American people can be deceived by tho cry of "Stop thief?' Kvery person who Is conversant with tlio history of IhU country, every per son who reads tho dully papers, knows that Hornan Catholics have less respect for law and order than any people In our land. Visit tho police courts; visit tho houses of correction, tho reform utorles and tho jails arid you will find that Homan Catholic criminals far cx coed any other class. It Is a notorious fact that the most brutal crimes wife beating and murder are generally corn' milted by these followers of priests. If Homan Catholicism Is tho friend of luw and order, us Is so loudly boasted by Its priests, why are Homan Catholics tho worst law-breakors In tho land? That they aro so, every Intelligent per son knows, and every court record In tho country will prove. Wo do riotsay that all Catholics break tho statutes, or lead disorderly and immoral lives, but wo do say that where theso people uro law-abiding and moral, it is more through fen t of tho priest, or through some religious fear, than from respect of law, order or tho right. There Is little Intelligent morality among Homan Catholics Tiiey have tho virtues of slaves and the vices of Ignorance. They are not taught moral obedience, but religious obedience, once the restraint they practice is not as a social obligation but as a re ligious duty. They do right, not to jotiHorvo society and government here, but to escape hell hereafter. They can not comprehend how human beings (ran lead upright, moral lives who lire not toncerned about their future state, The Homan Catholic priesthood claim that, there ciiii bo no morality worthy tho name that Is not founded uprjn re ligion, and therefore assert that reli gion is the safeguard of the nation. If religious Instruction bo security against Immorality, vlco and crime, why are so h' if !!"' '1 si I" ' ( '' i-t"! t ' i-l) tin nli iHf ti li 1 l t I Iim i!.,i iS'i ,1 ' j 1 1 ;ii tTtii lllht. ,1 1)1 Ibf 1 I. . S-.t f,l l,. Ht t 1 I I I fid- J Uli ! till' t 1 ll lf H'l ti,tl I ultinlli lb truilmfc" tl I.Hr ii'ln, t.siiiriil utiil Mtin Htttt iii) ft ( k (i l ill 'lu- t.J turn t Im Im limifi ll til Otli HotllHIl t'llUlniil' l liiili h Tlllt l ft .'tli!lfllt f I'l 1, I. i MM Ot Mn I MM. Vi I'. , I ri tm 1 1' l.mirt kniiksmirt, !., Hth n I (im nr limn r. K A I h U VI, 1 , Munli P Hlllm, the ,V, I. A. leetui-er, pn 'itched Hi the lUptM church hero tonight, tint ii ferred only slightly to A. P. A Win and hW former trouble nre. lie tva forced todrlve from Sheboygan, slvly five miles, Is'i'ituse no piit-enger train wii available on Sunday, und he was refused M'i'inlfslon to ride on a freight. It win net generally known he hud ar rived ond Ills Hpp 'uruocc ill the ehuivh wai n surprise. There was no disturb ance of any kind. Tho sheriff of the county, with six deputies, drove down from Appleton to prevent trouble, but. their presence was uniu sHiiry. . 'Hie Political loniunv of Nut u nil l.uu. MesM-s. Leo and Shepherd have Issued a new book by Henry Wood, uulhor of "Ideal Suggestions," "Cod's Image In Man," "Kdward Hurton," etc., under the ubovo title. Its purpose Is to out line a political economy which ispractl eal and natural rather than theoretical and artillelul, being a study of Inherent laws and principles. In IMS" this author issued a volume entitled, "Natural Luw in tho Huslness World," which wus well received nnd passed through several editions. The present book is not a revised edition, but substantially a new book of double the size. Political Economy is Interpreted from tho standpoint of evolution und natural law. Iho Idealism and optimism of this book strongly distinguish it from many of tho pessimistic treatises of the present tlrr o. Mr, Wood bus the faculty of render ing this usually dry subject not only In structivo but positively entertaining, Ilo has given rnuny yearn of careful study to the practical phases of social economies, In their relation to Natural Luw, and ouch chapter Is thoroughly original and telling in Its special di partment, Price In cloth 11.25. drevk Meeting (ircclt. While we elulm to have no personal knowledge of the organization known as the "A. P. A." we uro not Inclined to Join with certain editors who speuk of them as an Intolerant class, and who claim that Komun Catholics should be put on tho sumo footing as Protestants Hut Is not this exactly what tho "A. A's" projM'so to do? The Koman Cutholio church, it Is claimed, Is secret polltlcul organization. Tho ono Is seeking tho overthrow of our Institu tions, by secret orders, and by secret plottlngs; tho other Is making aiiralse worthy effort to protect those instllir Hons, against these machinations. When Home ceased to plot In the dark It will bo tlmo enough to commence a crusade against tho "A. I'. A'o." We are bound to have all of Humanism that wo can manage after the "A. P. A's" have done all they are able to do to d. feat their unscrupulous efforts to nub vert our religious liberties. It Is some times wWe to let Creek meet Creek, mploylng tho sumo wur tuctlcs, Vhrihlian WUhchk. .Should We Support llm Itoiiuui I'liroclilal Schools! The Koman Catholics of Maryland are distributing a pamphlet advocating tho division of tho public school funds among parochial schools. What Is the mutter with theso people? They want tho earth. The trouble is, they take their orders from a power outside tho United States, and are not In nyrri puthy with our free und equal constitu tion and government, in this school question they will bo allowed to do as others do who have parochial schools that Is, support them. If they are not willing to do that for the benefit they iliilm to accrue from them, und quit whining about the expense, let them lose them and send their children to tho public schools. Tin: Yinwj Luth eran. - Made II I fit Kcspert Old (.lory. KakkkCjty, Ore., March 17. Tho olstlng of a largo green streamer and the placing thereunder of the stars and stripes this morning by Ifonry Kust on the Hug-stuff In front of his opera house roused the indignation ol a largo num- r of citizens, and In a few minutes thereafter the street In front of the pole was densely packed with an excited rowd. The scene was visit., d bv Miiwii- 'aimer and he refiw-d to rcven.e the isiliofi of the flags. After a brief mmell the mayor instructed the chief ponce to haul down tho gt-pon streamer. It was done ami the crowd dispersed. Kust Is mi old man. Success Council No. '), W. A. P. A., Ill meet tho second and fourth Wednesdays In each month In G. A. K. hall, 118 North Fifteenth street. 1 III t Hill tl SH llntt-l llir ttwUllittt ftHil I I Hl leu l, I.U.I.I. m h. I.hI,.h fur 1Mr Irtti ni nt, HV, Ot ,tttH. H l Ml, tt lie III III. IliU-r i f the I el tie, ,1, it m, n ft l III!' illH lit I lll 11-111 I l!i -i' III I tie A llei'M liil illi'L" .te(i.1t, i. tot I'lDt ny II ,'el mil ivpoilr, mho ft eil him In tin r lo hllll fend the in,i(! I luliivlew Villi the liel, Or, Hoili, of t 'ftllll'l iilge Tint. !e, li III ftchik'l, In vtbli ti be t -M-, he Mii'hii.U puiiie, by the Milliliter of the AiihiIihii Protective A-tn Irtili'ii: Or. Otuui ntlil: "YlM, I have redd the Jtiui iiuf Slip r View With Or, HiHiriH, uml lil-o )i Washington , hidden' Hitlcle in the (iiinri, which evidently forms tho liiit of I he iliM'ltir's (''Hiitinii to the Ann ili itti Protect Ivn AsKS'lrttlnii, Am let tu suy, ho milled, "Hull tin JtmnHtl'it ri'irl of the hearings on the proHned minority representation on the school hoard have been tho fuli-enl I have seen." On being asked whether he hud any objection to slating what ho knew o the organization for the benefit of the JnttrwtVti readers, Or. Oiinn replied In the negative. "In the Interview us reported In Wednesday's Journal,'1' said Or. Dunn, Or, Hodges makes some reinurkahli statements. His reference to the Ho- man Catholic church Is remarkabl lie says: "It is tho most important organization in this country' quite a compliment, but a compliment not to be envied, for he int imates that it is the church of anarchists, us he adds that 'without It wo would have anarchy here tomorrow.' To tho complaints so fre quently made 'that the police are co partners with the criminals,' ho says 'the majority of the police belong to tho Homan church.' "It Is un Important organization again In that It Is by logical Inference responsible for 'one of our flagrant evils,' as ho asserts that 'most of the vendors of Intoxicating drink belong to the Itoinnn church, andean be got at only through that society.' "These uro serious churgcH, which I leave tho doctor to settle with tin hierarchy, arid proceed to note the doctor's views unent the A. I', A. move ment. As reported, these are very crude, Illogical and mislcudlng. I sup jsmo I know as much of .this movement, it principles, and workings as can bt known by any man outside of the order, From twenty-five to thirty different pa triotic papers come to my desk every week'. These puper represent all sec tions of the country, lam In corres pondence with lending men In the movement in the several states, and I know that, hud the doctor taken pains to iwcortaln from tho proper author! ties information concerning tho move merit, ho would not have made the stutements ho hus. Ho has evidently bused his opinions upon whut Or, Washington Gladden says; beyond that ho known next to nothing and denounces that of which ho Is Ignorant. He says: 'With the purposes of th Ik association most good people are In thorough sym pathy;' yet ho says, 'It Is of the devil; the devil Is back of It, When was It ever known that tho devil fostered a movement 'with the purposes of which most good people wero in sympathy?' "To account for the good doctor's re markable statement, wo must turn to Washington Gluddcn's article In the (Je.htury. In that article Or. Giudderi discusses at length tho rights of the A. P. A. and other patriotic organizations U an existence; decides that they have no right to exist, and calls 'upon ail in telligent Protvstants, and especially upon Protestant clergymen, to abate the pluguo.' He, tell Just how tho 'anti-Catholic' sentiment Is worked up previous to the organizing of the lodge, Ho says they first circulate a pajs;r en titled 'Instructions to Catholics,' which Is represented to lie the church's plan of campaign, and then follow It up with 'a pseudo-encyclical of tho pope,' two articles written by some clover jH-.n In a satirical vein, but 'fuke' circulars ut that; and ujxin these Or. Gladden bases his demand for the destruction of the organization. And to enlist tho sym pathies and co-ojs'ration of Protestants in the crusade against it ho proceed to describe how whole districts In Ohio wero by this so-eulled A. P. A. litera ture convulsed with paroxysms of four, the people thinking tho Catholic were about to rise upon masse and mussucre the balance of tho community. ''On reading the article one wonders how a man can have the courage to write und have published lu such a periodic il as the ('entitri, over his own name, an article that eiiiWiilies no much of po'ty stillefiiliie--s. Illogical Mat--1 mi-tits, und so little in the wuv of logical llscussion. I am informed by thoeo wiio ought to know that the A. P, A. organization Is In no wny responnitile for tho printing and circulation of th two articles referred to by Or. Gladden, nor for their publication in putcrs claiming to represent patriotic organ izations. The samo Is to bo said of many of tho Itinerant lecturers, ox priests, and cx-Komanlsts, sumo of li-ll le t i,t ,ih !!'', It tl )( l III lie il-tilt, lt, my limit liij? (It ll-l,- h.iiin Uml btetil m, . l.t tl.n Iteienll I 1 ho le 1 i !!' -i Intel I Rl,i tide! Site, i tin Mil It till' tuiani jl - il,,,.,'.! liel t. t.i ), HH.,H.i.thl0. Wn si ' i i l I t'y li t.! mi ,1 (list the A. P. A in Hlii ml ion, tl l!tl " I I H' the III. I loll !( Ohe lle, ln..i In I t, ( -ton I , slid i-l .i tileg the lull in! A , P. A , In ilium niiilletiei , do i it, nil nl tlio Lhi-ti't ( h, m ,! ft lid lur pin i 'I j tw 111 nil rt'tiNih, mid t-titltt nllii-ei-t. I, me nyitin ftiel Ugitin culled the attention of . iil tutiiit iU In Hit giew li'ii ct il, uml (list nil of this hi tful mhii iWIng by (liner nut li-rlurer W fiiliilt Hilled by tin' orilei1 vol giMHi I'n iuih r ei ine unter 01 genuine fl'li lid of the Miuveiueiit, Who I ni'iiiHltili il with lis in Inclple, would attempt, to mane notorious an orgntilu I ti Ut Wble Ill's I plllictple Is lllluleM en di'iivor. "Neither Washington Chidden not' Or, Hodges laments more than the renl leader of tho movement the evils o which 1 speak. Lot It. be borne In m lint that tin orguulutlou numbering ml) lions, uml spre.ullng over such a vast territory us the American continent and all enrolled within ufew yours, run not lie held with the discipline of u veteran army. Tim lenders Isilieve however, that tlmo will cure the evils, and so modify the principles und methods that ll will mod the approval of the isist men of all parties and all denominations. "One tiling Is certain tho movement Is here to slay, until, ut least, It hus accomplished its mission, thatof purlfl cation of our municipal, state and federal governments und the placing of these governments In the bunds of men, lrrespectlveof party, ruce or creed, who aro truo to American principles uml American Institutions. Why should the leaders of such a movement bo hold responsible for the utterances und no tions of Itinerant lecturers and Inju dlcloiiH members of the order? Whut would Washington Gladden or Or. Hodges suy If Card I mil Glblions or Archbishop Ireland should be held resjMiiislblo for the utterances of such men as Corhett, of Ouluth, who In a sermon preached In tlio cathedra! of that city lust December suid: 'You Catholics ought to bo proud of your women because you are the only people In the world who huvo virtuous wives; there are norm virtuous in the Protes tant churches;' eras Priest Walker In Now York City said In a sermon of those I toman Catholics who send their children to the public schools, 'I would asswm administer (he sacrament to a dog as to such Catholics,' "Now why ail this opposition to the American Protective Association? The reason Is riot been use It Is opjsmed to law and order; not because It Is an tagonlstlc to reform, not because it Is unpatriotic, not ls;causo It Is an enemy to progress, equality, liberty, and free dorn of conscience-all of which has been charged against It but because purely and simply Ills the progenitor of a new dispensation; because it has :ome into unconquerable conflict with old established systems of fraud and corruption by which rings and cliques made money out of public office and used the public as their victims In their schemes of blackmail and self-uggrand Izement, and further, because they found men using their religion us a ilea- to get public office nnd control of the public schools In the Interest of their church. " 'Hy their fruits ye shall kno them,' suld the great founder of Christianity, To what tills organization hit accom plished In many of the leading cities and towns of tho west, New York arid Connecticut, I would point Or, Hodge und suy to hltn, If that bo the devil's work then tho more of that work tho better, I do not think tho vast majority of Protestant clergymen will feel com plimented by Dr. Hodges when he nays that 'most Protestant ministers who ove fair day' have gone over to the 1 toman church, the church that con trols anarchists and In which are most of the policemen nnd the vendors of In toxicating drinks. The doctor says the whole cause of Christianity In this on n try Is Is-lng discredited' by this A. '. A. organization. On tho other hand, am free to affirm that the cause of hristlarilty Is discredited by the utter ances of such mem as Or, Gluddcn and Or. Hodges, who play into the hands of tho enemies of our public schools and American Institutions, Or, Hodges says that the A. P, A. had not to his knowledge gained any strength In this part of the country. This shows bow little lie knows of the orgiidliitiun which he condemns. The phenomenal growth of the American Protective A isoeiatlori even in New Knglund state I unparalleled in the history of orgiiuiutioris, ami this 1 csN!cluI!y true of its growth during the past twelve months. "Perhaps the dmitor sought to com pliment the people In tills part of tho country when ho said they were not the sort of people to go Into such un organization, but if ho did It wus at tho exieno of tho people in that part of III lt !-. I-. - i-l.,, t H i,. He" ti inhi 'sti. i nni it f .t im t h i f llH'H' l" 0l ft!l le, (I U -m-. ! t i lining t he i t,n i . 0 I ( 1 1, I il I't'lpl.i tl Out iIlM-'. .: "min. ,., ' ...j ), tlnm of itn ihi rtt-i -uli. t, n ttlil, . , M leiiinl hiiniSn'iU, i hnji I tenHirthi! ,.f fid .1 Mi,i ni,K, , , ,,t,i(. i Hie to Is- f..iil t i) hiii 1him h, Sle W luwwt (-1 till i ti nA ( l.ll, Ml. d 11)1 III the following IIihk: ''Nil I llioll of I' hull ll Mill ! li "Nn t t int hut tii of p, it, lie nftiei or pnhlie fund. "l'..(iml tight fur at! leliions, "A (nil lb Id tut i it h; mi gotettni,i'nt itlil for any. "No iin-dtlliiig of tiny i Imrel, with elt ll ftfTitlrs. "No emit rnl of public Mehis'W by tiny church, "Or, llislges In closing suy of tint Aiueilciiii Proteellvo Assis'liitloii, 'The devil Is buck of II,' then mbls this brief piuior referring to Its member; "'From such saints good lioni de liver us,' "In closing this Interview, I would suy of the UHoeul Inn, 'God Is lor It, und of those ministers w ho thus bitterly denounce It, from such preachers, gissl fjord deliver us.' " llnnhm Journal, March 17, Wn. M i:shons ( Amours' mi:tiiois. Key. Madlsiui Triers ut New Vurk lie noitnces (ho Itnmiiii Church. Nkvv Yoiuc, March JS, The sermon tonight of I ev. Madison C. Peters at the Hloomlngdalo Kefonncd church was devoted to an attack on tlio Homan Catholic church, particularly Its In nuendo In the government at Washing ton. Tlio preacher hud letters staling that nuns are permitted to go through ult the department on bogging mis sions, und even to stand when the clerks receive their pay nnd solicit contribu tions, and that the Catholic Influences uro patent In all the department In mutters of appointment, promotions. and dismissals, Numerous Instances wore cited In which Protestant were discriminated against In favor of Culho. lies, Tho speaker suld: "The depart ment are full of just such eases, and an Investigation will not only substantiate my words, but will bring to light many of the ways that uro dark and tricks that lire not In vain to which the Ids mish church has resorted to find posi tions for truo Catholics, The Mormons and the Itomanlsts aro the only religion ists thai have aver maintained bureaus at Washington for lobbying In the In terest of their churches, I huvo re liable men at work in Washington and will have still more facts. Ho fur I huvo dealt with generalities; look out for specification soon," Admire nnil i,ovcs "The American." Kanhah City, Kan., March 12. Kditor Amkkican: I urn proud to say that TlIK AmCHICAN hus proven to bo all the named Implle, It Is fighting a great buttle, arid thunk God (and not Home), tho battle fought so fur has been fearlessly and honestly pursued Inch by Inch and still there docs not worn to bo any slack In Its efforts l free Kansas City from the Homlsh political push Unit have so willingly arid corruptly rccufed our patriotic leotjrer and hold und lire still holding the American profile of Kansas City Sty the throat, while the priesthood, through the ward burnmets and SiHtcal heelers are pil fering the pockets of the people, sacri ficing the credit of your ely and mak ing It lmp(sslhle for sny American to get Justice, or to punbh any one of the miserable cut throuU before the lower courts of your city. Yes, I say your paper well merits the name (American) that should lie deeply engraved n the heart of every son er adopted son, mother, wife, daughter and sister of our ceu ot. ry, I here Is nothing nobler or grander than to bo truthfully called an American, and In this way be classed with such patriots as Washington, Lincoln, Grunt and others whose name will forever bo a shining jewel In the tho crown of the Godde.s of Liberty. Yes, Ameflcans, fight on, batter down the walls of superstition that se clude crime, immorality and the huw-st system of degraded slavery ever known to living man, and ail the outgrowth and offspring of the Homan church !- helled Christianity, This is the ri mutter that denle you the rights of American citizenship, that set aside your American laws, that greet our patriotic lecturer with showers of stoics, brickbat, club, and send howling, drunken, KoiriUh priosU ridden mobs to break up the h-etures and call it justice, ,ir, Kditor, the time lias now come for another "march to the sea." it I now we should look well to this grand and glorious nation. of w hich your gallant in el hears the niitne; u in dii)s got o uy, know the value of being rondy to imrt the fix-. Let us ever he Wutchful uml read' to down thi treii hi which W stalking all over the American een'li;ont, put them out of office und s. e that tlu-lr upport come from their own liks, and not from Protet,inu, Home Is boycotting i-v-i ry Protestant that will no! submit to the treasonulilo deliiund of the priests. I love TlIK AMKKh'AN because It is a feurltss defender of all that l Ameri can, I !ovo and admire all of our American patriotic paers, no matter where published. M.