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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1894)
THE AMERICAN, e AN UNJUST SENTENCE: j nfo4 V f!''T I It.ttcw Hi lWw Hhi r ! ' A I'ACHIH jumv. W lah lH iviiM Wl i utii ft tiw Hn jii'tfi' i1 ttm tii ft'tHlmil M, UMt tt.l HuM'1tni. ih1 tlM K'ii t. k '"Mi'inl Tlnxtli'fj"' tnuM lMnnhm.1 Ul. nv "v, tln tU i of Hl Vi'Ndtimiii, M 11 vtun iil ' m-tit fiv lw-il "I"" tli nMnlp 'I Hl - I YMviiliim AlttltlK) HlVll MTtl 1i tlx' "! Hnw Una tW I foifciTy mill thutit nfth Knon thing HiiiHii (M'tlllV ft'i 'IH'Bi(ll Jiil'tiw,. fitstliiT, iIibI h uUI ulvc2,tHirr tfte j.mliiotltin of ltu limn who forjH It, Attoiwy Hurnluim aU,l Hint ho mlffht wi otter .HHt for thn innn who kill a Jtmlltto Nlfholn, for Jhwlliw Nlchol wntt ullvo bihI nwnt. Mr. llrown mild Unit Vim Ciithollc I'liini'h oftYivtl IO,000 for tlio mnn who foiuvil the hook. JuMloo Nlolml wild: "The jury will lo old, grHy hciuh-tl mn in fore tluy omu ini'inorlu Unit look,'' iind ho rult'il tho htn.k out. Tlio flint wit noun for tlio ilofoiiHO wit thon called hy Attorney lhirnhiun, who whh J. H- Fink. Uu ltitod that ho wiim aOithoUo mid luul lived in tho vicinity Inoo My of HI ovldonoo In the 'particular point "of tho cao whh clour, and took olT uch partM a would ho nooonHiiry to nmko tho charo Htiok. Ho ttntod that ho know or liad known "HUliop Konrlok, or ArohhlHhop Kin rlok." Ho did notwiy that Father Pal- . ton or Father LUlla committed thtwo crhnoH, hut wild that Bishop Moan hail a copy of tho hook, "Konrlok's Moral Theolojry." Tho Mihjeet of tho dlnturhanco on tho treet, Sunday, when a man wan knocked down, wbb Introduced hy an attorney for the dofeiine. rroMM-utlny; Attorney Ilrown ohjeutud, and ald In regard to the man who wan knocked down near Turner hull, Sunday after noon, that, "tho man needed knocking 'down." Mr. Fink further Mild that there wan "Bortto excitement hack at the door at onotlmo," (referring: to ilia entrance), also that "there wero throe separate mlHHlloB thrown in at the window." Regarding hl leaving tho hall, he aid: "When I went down Blair tho treet waa crowded with weoplo." When the proaecutlon took the w If hokh in hand he wan eUmely croud examined. He watt finally ankodlfhe was an A. 1. A. To thin quoatlnn he anaerU'd that ho wan. lVoaecutlng At torney I Irown then aaked: "How long have you hen an A. I'. A.?" "Inm than a year," waa the reply. Among others regarding the P. A., tho fol lowing interrogation was put: "lan't one of the principles of tho order not to tote for Catholics?" The reply was: "It Is a minor principle." At one tlmo ome quohtlons were asked hy tho prosecution regarding the different orderi to which Mr. Fink belonged. He mentioned that ho was a Mason. M. L. Barhart was tho next to give evidence for tho defense, which was derrogatlvo to that of tho Btate. Tho prosecuting attorney and Attorney Uurnhatn, of the defense, engaged In a heated discussion, and the attorney for the d. fene said to Mr, Ilrown: "You had better go and study la." This witness, as others, testified that tlio charge against the bishop was contrary to the manner In which they had heard him tin-i himself. Ho was also quetdloned closely about the A. V, A. by the prosecuting attorney. In reply to the question, "Are you a member of the A. 1. A.V" the witness said that he had been a momla r atKiut one year. Mr. I A. May wasexanilned and his "short hand" notes read, outside of which ho knew very little regarding the lecture, and did not have it In full. During tho examination Attorney Walsh did considerable coaching for Prosecuting Attorney Ilrown. Tho witness testified that be had forgotten his umbrella and had left It In tho hall on the night of the lecture, and that he aw a Winchester rifle which ho whs told belonged to the bishop. The prosecution Bhutoff the evidence when the defense asked the witness who told him the gun belonged to tho bishop. Certain points In the notes were not agreeable to tho prosecution, and wero questioned closely to obtain them In a different light. Mr. A. K. Christiansen testified next, producing nothing new, but reiterated a contradiction to the prosecution. Strong evidence was obtained from Thos. Egan, and caused him to he threatened for Its dcllvory after he had left the witness stand. Mr. Kgan said that he belonged to no church but that he was "born and baptized in the Ro man Catholic church." Hi evidence was clear, Btiaight, end refuted the charges epainst the bishop as laid down. Hefctattd that he was present at the Sunday eight lecture and saw the brick which was threwnfrtm tho it ei! in s,.j' 4 aet j li nVMl Altttl ltlV ! t , ' i, . .l, I - tl l()h to . n ti I' I. . t..t tl.i !itivl Ui Us n k I ll't'l l , (i. lv ti hul l)e ! ! . Mi It . s Hi n J'l 1 to full hlM m1 ti.- t 1 t -r en,"" hi, ml I hei t tirtijf inN n n.w :f e !jitl i t i ui. r tl. .IhxUh i-t i,ilnti the uMi.r, in -rw-ie Itiiiv Aftr Hun h ei-i 'tiiitttliii IStweutleg Attotee) Ueen ak.l ' jit ni mi. r of ti e A I. A.V To h Mi Mi. r I'IImI: ''Ni, sir," When Mr, M. Ilin tmiteil our to tb provil(eg tlot)iJf he s lii-Htt i liS!i titllv, 1 ln ")e nl im" I li (intlv Ai rvmr no spplied to ev r.1 quesllnn hieh Wn so put that It i'tnil.1 enl b R!ii-i i il by either of the words. Attorney W'sUh ilM nn rktia sunxint of ctwehtng up to this lime, W.4. p. m., and had lv n sitting Is lilnd I'romH'Mt leg Attorney Ilrown for over an hour taking notes ele, lllshop J. V. MeNatnara gave testi mony similar to that of the day Is fore regnrding his Identity, lie deslreU to refer to Kenrlek's "Moral Theology," which ho held In his hand, but was shut off by Justice Nichols. The bishop stilled that the lecture of January Id, whs on "Koman Theology." lie also had Kenrlek's "Moral Theology" on the stand before him and would run through It in Its principal parts. A most bitter battle ensued between the attorneys and Prosecuting Attorney Ilrown would not allow the book to lie Introduced, and he was sustained hy Justice Michols. Uetorts between Iturnham and Ilrown followed. "I say ho Is a bettor lawyer than Daniel Webster or Henry Clay," said Drown. Hurnhatn replied, "I'm a bettor lawyer than Marcy K. Drown." Tho words had scarcely left Durnlunn's lips before the court house shook with a round of U plause. Yelling, whistling, clapping of hands and stamping of feet formed the outburst from the people who could not restrain their delight at the retort, Justice Nichols sprang to his feet and yelled to the marshal to clear the rourt room. At tho appearance of tho mar shal the people tiled quietly out of the court room and left the aisles clear; before, the room was pacaed. It was Impossible for the blHhop to Introduce any evidence for hliustlf, as ho was promptly Bet down on by tho prosecu tion, The argument was again intro duced to use Kenrlek's Moral Theology as evidence, but Justice Nichols de nounced tho book and would not allow tho book to be used. He (Nichols) stated that no one would understand It. He wished that ho was able to read it for his own curiosity. "Do you say that If wo bring a Latin scholar hero you will let him read It?" asked the defense. "No, sir, I did not," said Nichols. Finally Justice Nlcholssald: "We will not allow tho book In evldencn." The bishop said to a question, "I ap pealed to tho audience for a committee of professors or others to come on tho stage and verify my statements," when the Issue of his assertions were con tested, Referring to the rock which was thrown at him at the Sunday lec ture the bishop stated about as follows: The rock came as from the audience In the gallery close to the speaker and by him on the same line to the batik of the stage and struck the gun lying there and rolled off, leaving a dent In th stock. It was i tn ted at another period that the reason of the gun being brought to tho hall was that his life had bo m threatened and that he was Informed that ho would be mobbed that night, Ho stated while on the stand that on the night of the lecture, Tuesday, January 10, the pollen Informed him that It would bo dangerous to go out. Ho made one or two unsuccessful at tetnp's. To a question regarding his taking flro arms Into the carriage, he said: "I left the hall unarmed." When asked If others entered tho carriage with him, he replied: "My wife only." He also stated that no shots were fired out of the carriage, In regard to his wife, ho asserted that she was severely bruised by missiles which were thrown Into tho carrlago. Mrs. McNamara, wifo of the bishop, wus next placed on the stand, and testi fied that no ahoti wero fired from the carrlago and that no firearms were taken Into it, also that she and the bishop were the only occupants. She stated that shots were fired at the car riage. Justice Nichols allowed each aide twenty minutes to argue the case. Tho jury was out but a short time when the verdict was returned and the limit of the law given, $fi00 fine and one year In jail. An appeal was taken to tho criminal court by lluinham and Elliot. The other cases, one for the alleged slander of Mother Superior Hose Vincent, and tho other for selling obsoeno literature, the book "Maria Monk," will bo brought up soon. A dally paer reported that members of the W, A. P. A, from Kansas were present. This Is not true. At least tho largest portion of the population of Independence, Mo.,' the seat of the trial, has been brought to a decided position on the push question, v., n, ' Of ii- ! hi ink. M.r t t t l ' ' I. I .- 1,-0.5 M . I,-, m ttl "'4-V t.t,tit' I.-1 in n,w ? a tti at f,r j'ih j i i j n ROmtUt, Mr lii' ), ttsei t ..t,i .iii.h.n with an aHaiai) l,i ('' ' tliit, ai ll,i jitl,m lt? . t m.i!,n Mii , ti.i;,l lift I" lne. Imhi I I luti hri I'ttj MtiMl Mutttin), lt.iel th' ! lii'l tnp)iv wi'h an.1 t,Mni,. M i ltia I t s-il.ii- (! ttl;tit II Mfi aat r a4 minion to l I H. Wiotlii, t,en iitel the j ml IM, I.shI, ae.l a ntilfc.d lt watt until aftitiM Monday lie t ntinlj 11 In i the pi i t tfi l .ttirf him until Tt'iiiiMla) . Thnn'k'ti the lt ti)e of the .ti )e(ti In aMiilNiiii at tliejxil she hie) tissl laUen to the lilsln-p, Many lie oiIxtk of I lie A. P, A. have I, ml tltelr lVe tlinai n d fl cent!) bj in. n who nro known to I hem. (nof the wiinewe ho I, still d In mienfilie MrNamara rase ias bIhimiI Is f.nv he left t" "nf. vM, He who claims M, U a rpoiulblii man, and will at tempt Ut prosecute the man who made the Bssvi'lton. -lilcal lnlrvuwr. Hutiry Ottirua and Mlehnsl da Young ara Ideal inlervlrwpra.tH'rliapi lMM-an t liry nra both of tlis craft thwnselve. Mr, tlaorita throw asldn all prelnsliiti whrn ha la put en the stnnd. Tliera la very lilt la of tlio theater alsmt him. lla plunges at ones Into th anhject and throws oil para graphs with aiieli order and precision Unit It Is Impoasildn to furi't what ha has said. Ha hns a way of hrenniliitf fimillliirnt enee with the ruporter, and unlike many puhlio nmn does not tiika It for granted that his views on all kinds of subject are known In detail alrcndy and la yet afraid they will not be presented In proper form. He baa a way ef suddenly departing from bis loplo and relating pleasant nuecdntoa, al ways returning to the point at which he left off. Mr. de Young acts the host al ways. Ills cigurs, his KK.vptinnclgarul.tea, made In Cairo enpncially for him, and oth er refreshments hto plueed before his inter locutor. Mr. de Young is a barrel of In formation that is always on tap fur the benefit of his confreres wherever found. Ills travel has made him as familiar with the world In K"irnil as ho Is with Snn Francisco, and ho knows tlio nITiiIni of his own country llko nn Kton scholar knows bis Latin Ki'Hiiimar. All reporters are fond of Mr. de Young because lie tells them to their faeea Unit the reporter's Is the moat Important function, and that the reporter himself Is the sine tia unn of the newspa per press. t'liliagu l'ost. The Glioats In "lllp." "I was thinking of Jefferson In 'Hip Van Winkle.' I went to see the dear old thing one nlKht, and In the scene where the (hosts play ninepins soft rubber or woolen balls were evidently used, for they rolled noiselessly and dropped with an almost Impercept ible sound. I thought how dif ferently some others might have staged that. Mansfield, for Instance, would prob ably have mil bulls, and the illusion would have beetr destroyed utterly. As It was, the game was as ghostly as the gnme ters. In the treatment of that Important character, Schneider, the same thought impressed itself upon me. Hip's dog la as distinct to one's mental vision as Hip him self, yet he does net once awirar. If an actual dug a stub tailed bull ter rier perhaps should come on the stage, It would merely hurles(iin thn entire scene It Is a case where reullsm would not ha half as realistic as huiiKlnatlon, don't you aeef -Huston Advertiser. Ohl Time Itametllfli. Rtrnngn as It may seem to some, the In gredients of the witches' caldron ln"Moo beth," at least a part of them, were once standard remedies among Kuropeani. In the tenth and eleventh centuries a sover eign cure for ague was the swallowing of a small toad that had bean choked to deat h on St. John's eve, and a splendid remedy for rheumatism was to fasten the bands ef clothing with pins that bad been stuck Into the flesh of either a toad er a frog. Physicians frequently recommend the wa ter from toad's brain for menial affec tions and that a live toad he rubbed over the diseased parts as a aura for the quln By. Chicago lleruld. Pear as Coiiii.r. A few members of the llrltlsh penrnge have mndo reputations as composers. The Knrl of Westmoreland, first president of the Hoyal Academy of Music, com posed oma Italian operas, which were well re ceived at Home and Milan, and the fatker of the great Duke of Wellington, the Hurt of MornliiKton, wrote several glees, which are still frequently performed at choral so cieties, thouuh writ leu more than a cen tury nn, The present lOirl of Mar has also composed emus church music. I'arls Herald. About Ortinsil ( hacks. The bend of a leading hanking house has had bis counsel Investigate the law In rcxard to rertllled checks and flmls thut If the drawer of a check has taken It to the bank and had It certified he Is still, jointly with the bank, responsible to the payee If the bank fulls, If the payee, however, has taken the cheek to the bank and had It certified, the drawer of the check Is no longer responsible to the payee, because tba payee accepts by that action the re sponsibility of the bank Wall Street Newa. Horrible Thought. Timid Young Author Haven't yon read my poem too hitllyr I am sure, air, It has some good feu turns about it that yon would sea on a more careful reading. Editor (with a sudden suspicion) You are cut trying to work off an acrostlo on ns, are you, mlssf Chicago Tribune. A cat imported from Madagascar ia In the possession of W, C. Hobluson of New Castle, 1'a. The animal has no tall and runs like a rabbit. The cat la a reat rab bit hunter and can follow Mr, Ilunny luto almost any burrow, Clusters of clover, If hung In a room and left to dry and shed their perfume through the air, will drive away more files than Btlcky snucers of treacle and other flytraps and fly papers can ever collect. It la figured out that stamp collectors have put away 11,000,000 worth of the Co lumbian Issues for which Uncle Bam will not be called on to perform any anrvloe. A German computation of the Jewish population makes the number of Hebrews on thefaoeof the globe 7,408,000, of whom ,800,000 are In Europe. ACME" School Shoo CMtl UMI N. At WOMfNH, wis-ta Bf, CMUDtUN Mil Oil ui Grai'i Spnri fieri at low pwcrs. WOMIN'S SHOtS, l oO, 2 OO, 2 60, J DO. M 00. WM. N. WHITNEY, Opposite P. o, 113 S. I5lh St. fJIU. WixinAlilt at nsrof 1 1 Smtih Ituh lr.- l, Koiilil like Inilo (sinllv shlmi, and friends havlim work of this kliol are lie vlleil lo rail mi her at any lime. Her hus band Is billet. You want the host llread and paslrv? Then try the AMKUIOAN HAKKUY, at PMK St. Mary's avenue. Dally wagon delivery. - Kilt DyhairadelleiousCream Candies. 1518 Douglas St. A Itelle ef Si. Agnes. Nkw Yohk, Jan. 22 The feast of St. Agnes was consecrated at Kt. Agnes church In this city. Hev. II. A. Itraun, the rector of the church, before the gospel, announced tho receipt of a relio of the patron saint brought by Mgr. Morguls of Montreal. It Is said to bo a piece of tlio vertebra and is In a a jeweled casket. Tho rector Invited the people to test Its miraculous powers during tho coming week. Which Is It, "Humanism" or "Pagan Ism?" Friends enn buy winter goods this month at greatly reduced prices ut 11 A LI) WIN'S, KU 1-17 N. 21th St. TmrmriDa: Try John Hall, -1" 507 N. Sixteenth Street, If you Want "A VOUjAU'H WOltTII f'OIIA DOL LAR." A. P. A. buttons, 40o and up wards; Jr. (). U. A. M. pins, 7io and upwards, WaUdies and jewelry, $1.00 a week, n Hot Hprlngs, Ark., Without Change. On and after January 20th, the Mis souri Pacific Hallway will run a through sleeping car from Omaha to Hot Springs, Arkansas without change, via Kansas City, Ft. Smith and Little Hock, leaving Omaha dally at 10 p. m, For further information, rates, etc., call at depot, Fifteenth and Webster, city ticket oHloe, N. K. cor. Thirteenth and Farnam. J. o, PruLLim, A. U. P. and F. A. 1-20-4; j TllOH. F. (Iodkkky, (1. T. A. ,.i (lo to 222.') Ijoavcnworth for estimates on carpenter work, tf DlLLKNIIKCK & CO. Council No, 1), A. P. A. will meet hereafter In Q. A. H. hall, 118 No. 15th st., first and third Mondays In each month, The nwmhera will govern themselves accordingly. Hy order of the secretary. Try the AMEUICAN HAKKUY. K,nt Dyball'a Candles, lfilfl Douglas MAYI'OHT, Fla.. Jan. 25. The little Catholic church for which the cham pion's wife has done so much, Is to con vene In a business session and a vote of thanks will Issue from the parish, and strange as it may appear to some, many a prayer will silently go heavenward. The above Hem al out tho late prize fight appeured In the Ogdetisburg, N, Y., Saturday JV', Jan. Z7. Go to Dy ball's for' fine Candles !,'! Douglas Street. Friends can buy winter goods this month at greatly reduced prices at HALDWIN'S, 1:115-17 N. 21th St. . Take your repairing to The Drum- moiid Carriage Co., iHth and Harney Kts. Opp. lho,County Jail, Havk you asked the newsdealer near est you If ho has on sale TliK AMKRI CAN? If you have not already done bo. ask him at your earliest convenience, Hut a few newsdealers apparently carry Thk Amkrican. The Cabinet Hollnblo (Jasollno Stove Is Warranted, for Three Years. It Is the Most Perfect gasoline stove made, W. F. STOKTZKL, 714 S. Kith, Is agent for tho west. . -, Friends can buy winter goods this month al greatly reduced prices at HALDWIN'S, 1315-17 N. 24 th St. Success Council No. .1, W. A. P. A., will moot the second and fourth Wednesdays In each month In O. A. H. hall, 1 18 North Ffftocnth street. High Five or Euchre PartloB should send at once to JOHN Skhastian (1. T. A., C. U. I. Si P. H. H., Chicago. TEN CENTS, In stamps, per pack for tho slickest cards you over shuffled. For $1.00 you will receive free by ex press ten packs. Lobcck-Linn XMlolttM.K Builiinrs' Hardware. Cutloru- AND TOOLS TNY US OrVCtf FOrf LUCK. 140 DouplM St, Telephone W.R.BENNETT CP Grand Distribution of Souvenirs March I. 2, 3, 1094. All iIiom' Inning Twr-nty tollnr8 ll'O.OO worth of Coupons in rntitle! to ono of tlirso beautiful Souvenirs. Our (Jrocory Department is rijjlit to the front. First-class tiooils, how Trices, tell tho story. Jars Strained Honey hie 21b jars Jam , 2.V) 3 lb cans Hurtlett Pears l.V Quart Isdtle Pickles. 3H,j Excelsior Flour, This is tho Finest Flour put respect. Wo are headquarters Coileo timl Pure Spices. OUR BUTTER DEPARTMENT Is Second to None. Crowded by Customers all the Time. Fresh Goods, Low Prices is the Cause! Every other Department is worth a visit, and to trade with us once is to become a customer of our's all tho time.' W. R. BENNETT CO.. 1502-12 Capitol Avenue. TRUNKS AND TRAVELING! BAGS. REPAIRING DONE. 1406 Douglas Street. & OMAHA, Neb. lliiHt Oeiids In the market, Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days. O. LANG, 718 South 10th St. . w. ii. kUHHiai,, f'l'KNlrient. DIME SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL FULLY PAID, $40,000. Interest Paid on Deposits. Savings Deposits Solicited. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Cornr Fifteenth and Harney Street!, OMAHA, NEB. TtlTH iXTPAOTBD WITHOUT PAIN POR 2So. KllllnKw IKK) up. lirnwn iinrt llrliluo Work lit rcuNiiiiiililn prlruM, (-'iiiihuII iillun fum, DR, WITHERS, Dentist, 4th floor Brown B1K, 16th anfl Donnlas Streets, OMAHA, "SEVEN SERMONS on ROMANISM" n a Honk Unit contains tlio wholn Hriruiiicnt lutiilmit K(iiiiuiiIhim, Hont poHtpuld for 25C, ly tlio Author, E. H. BRUMBAUGH, D. M. DALEY, MERCHANT YAILOR Suits Made to Order. (Jiiaranloiw H nm-uo in .n nil ciihid C'lntli n K licniii'd, dyitil and roiiKiilnli'il 2107 Cuming St., OMAHA Hardware Co., AND lit TAIL p-.w.a 279. OMAHA. NEB. 1 lb jars Jam to 1 lb package Corn Starch fxJ Pintls.ttle Pickles 20o 1 lb package linking Soda.. 5c $1.20 a Sack. up, nnJ we guarantee it in every for Fine Teas, Fresh Roasted BUY YOUR TRUNKS WHERE THIY ARK MADE AND PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. C. H.FORBY, MANUVACTURKK Of SHOES 8b BOOTS of all Kinds for tho Next 30 Days, GREAT REDUCTION. LA fl KM MUOKrt worth tn.OO will ko at f,'l.7A 4.IKI .( tm Ml .7(t tm " " " II.IKI " " " tto MKN'H MIIOIOM " s.iie " " " n.'si ' " " I'l.mi " " " im W, V. AllV.S, JOHN O, (lOllTKI,VOt;, Vli'H.PriwIiliinl, OitNlilnr. Full Set of Teeth $5.00. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Taath Ilric1d In tha morning and Nat Sat ma da tha 8am Day. D., Atchison, Kansas. W. H. LANYON. M. D Physician and Surgeon, Tolophono 747. Twi'lvn yxnrarmitlniiiil pnu-llrp In Omahii, lulu UHHlNlniit Huritfiin loHt .liiHi'ph'rthoNDlliil. illlci! 8. W. ror. nlxli'i'iiMi hiiiI DiIi-hico Hl., OIIIcm hdiirHH:;) In 11:11 a, in.. :im to A:IH Hiid 7:(Xl u ;!) p. in. KvhIiIi ii, Wll l.'liarliM Ht. r