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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1894)
o THfe AMERICAN WOMAN AND IIOMH. A H VAllMIHt MiNt AtkHJT iMt AMTt I ( M.ot let- ltiaM kMl I H lr W ! ami itiriMi Uoltu Vxuman Matt 14 Mmrn'i 'IMH" "IM HMI tlMt.f " I 1 Ii t "tll-at ..n ,l ,,t t In l in tug -tn-t f f hi llw HHill.(li,l KM B'li't-t nil! II il,il,,,r,l IMlHilf . lip niMniMIt r j jilli', I, lii r end mnii,..,. mi ..,, titi f tutu iiri-wmie hi m,, I M, ,in) j l tt.l M.ll 111 I, (aiai 1,1 )iHa .t i HllMhM NT I ). . Hl Ml, , ( 111 i f n 1 1 frs.l.i 1. 1 m nud IiHi ! thliiii? Hint Mii Mnii, f,.r nlx'Ht i ! I'eilitf Hi l l l.n.l t,(n, n,.n j lly mid t till Uk fiimnjli In mni llie , ll(n i f Ki i ii. m ll,i- lunllli i ll-nil When Innklliu ill. Hinl IkiMd., It Iw'ttir to low inii-lni to i t iitii Die I. nth rt, r ili-w n, Pn Iii n h...i (iuilllv nf fenlher tleklim imMile, wlili Ii mil rnllT I h lnnvid nnd liiniidi red miti'd wltlimil the lii'rittiy .f i-ni hia Hie f.m In i- hi mir tut m item nnd KrutiiltiintlierN IlKed to tlx. I renii'inlief onei' rnlllmj mi n ymniit tii.tlaekeelier, whom 1 Imitid nil ii Nlde jHin li liiui rlv illppltitf finlliii-i with Iht IirikIh oul .r n pllhiw I Irk Into n Imrrel. Her frniy lliiimel it re nnd pretty linii rw Unity llh ilown, nnd nllnm Iher II, ftppined Unit If -lie Im. I pivm,i'il fni lliii i' rnlon he eoiild hnrdl y lmvt iii.nle mutter worn. W'fl were old friends, NO I took tlm liber ty of uiTitIiik nNlNtmin. l'li kln lip the rem ft III 1 1 1 liiirnei illloW, I Hked for the niNii Unit hud lii'eli on It, mid n lieedln nnd thrend, Aftrr hiikln tlm feiither Into the end of I he tlek opmltii I Iih end to be opened 1 run n lml ili thrend nil nloii about two Ini'lie from the bitter, ripped the Hivim nml luiNled thn ripped ede nil around the open end of the plllowene. Then I drew oiu, thn frt tmlln thrend, ahook thn f'-i.lher out, of the tick Into the pllloweime, bunted thn bilter iicroN the end nnd ent the Mltchc which united tin two, when the tick wrm rendy forlhebiun dry with Nenrrely nny wnHtii or iiiiinmIiik, Where li coverliiK re not iinciI, thin In the ciiMleNt, tnelhod of prepnHii pillow tick for the wiimIi, When flnlNbliiK bed comfortiibleN, tliey abould nlwuN biiveftbnlf ynrd ntrlpiif Mm buck breiidtlm of worn KltiKhnm (IreNHcH of n jiretty Unlit, Nhnde would do nicely bimted Aero llieeml to keep them ncnt mid freHli nn Ioiik un ponnI ble, It In a (jiieNt.lon whether comfoiinbli-N are renlly n clmnpnr bed covering tlinu blanket, thouxli I believe that iIcIiinIoii atlll exlwla with inimt hoiiM'keepiT. The latter iiinke the Idenl rovci'lntf for cool wenther, beeiu of lluhtne and Ioomh texture, willed admit a free p'iK of the pxlmliilloii of the body, mid Iicchiihh of the wind and thoroiiuhuoNN with which they win be frequently cleniicd, Of Into yeiM there Im been a white, heivlly fleeced cotton lliiimel blitliknt put, Upon the nnirkct which limkc M delriihln niiImI I tut foriiilllN In nii miner wen (her, 'J'hee retail at from W) writ to fl,M n pnlr, They lire nlo to bn bid In oft, almdea of urny, hint tlmthln for Nchoolhoy nml frm help, One defect, In their mender (II DietiNloiiN, In order to remedy thl 1 bv aometlme torn one bhinket In twoninl aewed the two luilve on IhneiulHof two other bbiiiket, uxliitf the ncwIiiw imicblmt for the work nml felling down thn roiiKh edKcN, Of courne the bhiiiket IhilN pieced wern ued rrowwlit the bed liiNteiid f Ierithwle, n before, lleddliiK In eoimlnnt lin hould dully li xpoed forevernl liourN to n current of frexhfllrmid tothu miuUuht, n often n iwinnIIiIii, Oiieun week hniiKoii I Im clot be, line for the day, -Mlinicnpoll lloime keepir, tVoiildii't itm t'p i,rci, One of theimmf, prominent merehnntN bw-nmn convinced that, the yoiinn women In one of the dcpirtmciilH of hi eHtiMIh- ment were Injurlntf tliemxel vc by their coriNtnnt wciirliitf of tlhlly biced orel ami Inniii-( n tiolldcutlon tlmt In future im coret hoiild be worn (lurllitf Worklo hour, liitnnlly there wiin Imlliimlloo, ami the!(" yoiiiiK women ippoltitcd it com of three to wnit, upon I heir employ er for n rcdi-enNof urlnvniiccN, Tlm (-mjiloy. M renelved the ( ommllteo very lllTiihly nml ANHiin-d the younu women Ihnt hi order bid been luid III their lull tcnf, , pointed out, I bnl, their wenrlnit of corei ! did tiot, Improve their appi-nrnm-it In the j ycH of nny oim but lliomr -Ive, i tin y worked In n l,i im-nt w here no visitor ! were fidmlfted, lid further rend tln ni n little led ore on the evil of wcm-llitf corel , 1 nml hclii by milnnin well ili..ii ' oii be Knve n (I Inner to nil I he voiiuk women In ; that (lepnrl im-nt one i-vciiiiiivr, lit which Im j had preeiit n well known phyi-li lm, who j t'dd bow lii,ui-lo!i-n thlnrf neorwt I, The j fllrl nle the ilium r nnd lltem-i rei'-et-fully, but the next, liny tlm committee called (Willi upon that employer nml 11 aiin-d him tlmt they mtiNt nk to hunt lowed to wear corel, "Hut yon will admit," wild tlm mer chant, "that the wearing of th comet at your work In Injuflou your" Thn committee ndmftted the fact, but diMdared that the experiment of (dn without them nil bad made them look horrid In their own eye, Ho tlm employer yielded the point nn (irraeefully nb(( could, lie In a man wbo4 rui me In iin prominent a tlm I, of any retail tiierchnut In New York, New Vork (,'or reNpomlciit, 1h UIKlit ftnrt of Wllm. In cotivcrat.lon tyflh it man whon opln Ion 1 worth anmclhlntf we were enlluht ened ae to the fcclltiKN of tlm iimjortly f mankind n-t:ardliif tbiieort of wife tin y wouJil prefer If I Iih choice lay between t.f (latere, worldly wfaa feminine Mini the pretty faced loil, "Von ace," aald thl men, "a liuabnml lioee not llko to fi'i'l Unit. Ida wife In Mm tattler half eave from a morn I Niandpolnt, )ln tuny admire In r 1 u t,-l I t mid her rnre Judgment, but Jut the Name he want to think bluim-lf aupcrinr ami In much better Jilenacd to luiva n Women look to lilifi n aomflhln; Infinitely wlaer than hcraclf ban to have her hume llllhiiilr thru, tell Mm iin plainly in ao runny word Hint linn't a very exalted opinion of hi mental nhllllic, "The doll you mil treat llk a doll, N'nf expcetl(ii( much from her auve to Imvn her el way look pretty mid drccd well, tlicr'i If flO IImiIOiI Ifrl lit, Wlll-ll llll (I'H'N Hot proffer advice n ml candidly nIiiiIIn tlmt lis ktiowN nnlhiiiK of buaine nml Im ho dcalre to be cnllKliteiM'd, Of roil roo elm It not it companion to bn proud of, yet li l prafrrnblit to the Imrd, lilibeiidliiK Mater mcntnlly lier auperlor, "There In iiiiot tier aort, tlioiih the Ideal wife who rule Iter himbtind with h rod of Iron, yd never aliowa tier power an Ifrcinlvcly, Flie Kovcrtie by taut, nud tlm man think- all the time lia la Laving Id r H M t I,, In t in i U Ym M l I'lltiht 1 I' I I It I tv I I 111 t II. Ill l-f tH4ij I on l-i II., lv I. l-p ni tl,l - Nl' l NO I t .1 t.l I I.H l....r l ir in i t l i t I ., I f, i.. n I, l !,. I . 1 .1 l I I ,. I I, I . I, I'., I r--" fi t'-rli h.ii I II,, ,f .i-nI' 1 I till ill i'll 1 lilM j W miiii hI r j If l--i a n ti iM.j, w i..ii Httlii mil III On ,,l.t, it.-n I it liDnr Bt,, ,,i P Im It lia i ,ii i ii, n M irm ,,u ,,J j tt'ii lii pnUp t.t i I In io in , i. j Im.lill V hi, Ii ! I 1 1 I I. , . V I,, ,i ixlli ton I l I'-hl It iiifi rintilid mi l Ihiin I linlhlou III It .lib . tl H kj ft f 11... i I "tlli-lhh i4 I Hr (! 'i Ki'i kioij I- r, r nil tin i ( i - . In i II. Hi i. ! 'ii l II, ll I I-. ln k I H i .1 I ir i f iili i i 'it wul'l- i iihln I Vil li I M l iiii.i (ml it I I-Til i t i m i mi t"ll to Hi I t ,il-i . lil. I! oul" end Ii . p n i i-i . ,ti, IMM oil I I ' n 1 1 1 1 I 1. 1 iini M (,.i, jniir eiir I in-It will i M'Mii.l i iv litnii llliill. 1"U litt nlt Mi 1.1 III ..ill, ll-.l n Hi" limit of (he kMOlniii i n Hie (I.n. r lm i end iiinvc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i pi il ly n the old einih fullnn ItuKiiil, II, ft ami, 11,'ilin.l II,,' rlri'le, I new i iiiniiv a luiiii in w init em. .'ii ii do e 1 1 1 1 1 . bnl tlmt limit iiii'M n, ninl t mm row the i -limn of mir oln-lntl l will be hlk-lur Ihnii It I l.iilny. I kin W ll kit I know tier tit, In fact - Who chii( two valuable )enr of In r life Irelllnu am filming nver Ihol.ict that ebewn ilnlnu liolhlliK nml lr,iiii tii'il people to b ii e that nIik l oiilil do trent IhiiiK If he Inn the oppiirtuullty. I imi day n woman ai to her, " W by don't ymi wadii riMht In am no eiiiin-ililnu nmt not keep avlnu vmi ran?" Thatwaan new Ihnuuht In her but elm trieil It, nml It worked ph niliilly The world I lilway ready to take kimii work. It make mi ililTerelien In w bat. line you Htart j If you do your work well, you'll emrct'd. Only keep the liluil hluli nml ere that your limit of nbillty iiiovin forward I lilriiKO 'i Ime. A iiiei-leiiii U iiiim'II (iniHliiK, The avernuu of the lueaMiire taken nt the bl ilreKNimikliiK ehop hIiown prelly well the ilevelnpmeiit of the American women, any mi cxclnitiji. If I lu xe lluure nre to be believed, the American woman l CotlHllinlly KcMIiik blKer. A few year ao tlieaveniKeiiklrt IcliKtli wiin4'J Iik-Iii-h, and that wa thn length ued for nil model Kowiin ei-nt over here from l'arl. Now, however, the model lelil h In 45, w Idle the IncreiiNe In oilier ineaHiircnicliI In propor tionate, W hlln the tnlddln nuiid women ehowmi Inclluallon to Krow broader neron the hip nud Nhotilder ami through the arm, frciiienlly ctiltivnlluK (IIhIIkui'Iok corporal Ion through indolent and I mini Kent linbltNof life, the col Ii-ko Kraduate, the unlvcrnlty woman and the ileliulanlH grow more like the KokIIhIi lady every year. Not only In ehe from two to four InchcaloiiKcr from the walut, down, blither waUt, I eitii longer, ticrchi-Nt fuller and lier limb narrower, bins In aupple, nkIIh and compact nml llitht nml graceful of ttmvemelit, Thl ou walnt, loiiklrtnnd athletlo beauty nre due to phyalenl exer clae, parileulnrly tennla playing. To (pmte an (dmerver who ha coiiNldernble to do with thn (Ii-cmnIiik of the new genera tion, thn woman of the iierlod ha lumped berclf Into uood comllt loii, and cold bath have kept her no. Mnrrleil Women' "Untie." Many women eecm to think that noon bn they marry thelrduty to homeaml fiuw- bnml reiiilre that theyehould lvn up all tmi prciiy Hc(vimpiiiimeniN ami KrncvM that rnndo them no attractive a lrl, Yea, my dear, C(aielenl lou youn wife, you do own a duty to boom nml h unhand, ami tlmt duly In to keep the bourn com fortable nml charmliiK nnd to keep your- elf charmltiK n well, Everybody know that a bounekeeper can't (Imi time toetudy and aeiUlre aeeomplinhmeiilN iin lm did when it, hut I 11, not recklci exl.ruva Hitnvn to cal aidn no louch thatwa nn- oub-ed by loiiu, h'ird atudy nnd your fa Iher' loving i-xpcmlil uref J-'or the eakeof your biiNbaml and the children that coma to you keep up your own N"lf cull tire, net apart Noioo t ime each day for your own UNiinml a rl veto keep In touch wild what In viUm on In tlm world. Head the paper Jut n your huwhand doe, that Im may not outgrow you In Inti lll(ence. And If you nrn w ln ymi will lie down nml rent n Unit hour each afternoon, ao t hat when your better half come borne you will not feel too tired to talk over wild him Urn In terentliiif new of thn day, Tnk my word for It., be will like thl toned belter than an i-Hiri i laOoiMie dWi cooked fur aupper, Home fv'f'eio "Thl Woman HiiIiim." "There' no n denying the fact," enhl a porily ilrumiocrn he b-nued buck In bin car in-lit n If i xl,aml d, "we men nre bound to have the fata of thn Indian mid be Kwept off l Im face of tlm iiiiIk ixh lin e t hi woman huincN f alopped, 1 went down to tlm hotel ollicn and found yonii WKiuaii cl'-tk there, n phnwintn you pleaac, I wanted to aend n leeiram, and, by the piper that played before Moncn, the operator wa a pretty Irl, with a amell of violet about lier, ami 1 clean Hit mixed ii(i, ami I know the old man will be womlerfritf where I wa all nlht to aeml aucd a telegram in Ilia morrilou, I rnnda a bolt for the atntion, and, whether you believe ma or not, the elation ent waa a plump and pretty lrl, wenrln cap with fcmld ,.s ahb-ld, and on tho ahliibl waa'aiatlou agent.' I went clear off my uiial track to tret a word out of lier, but he meant bujoc, and I might have been a tin man for all ado cared. I Kot Into tlm car here, and I'm thanking (iod the conductor Ixn't a Mellug thing in a uniform, ami the brakemnn doeim't wear an Kton ault and put on a Klotdmm apron when Im want to open thn window or poke up (ha firn or whin! la nt tlm engi neer," lioatoll I 'oat, Kllen Tarry' Wit, Mix Klb'ti Terry, having once received fN'clal coiiili'f from a newHpnper critic, offered f (i Introduce Mm to Mr, Irving, but unfortunately when I he opportunity of doing ao pn-w-nted itaelf ahe bad utter ly forgotten hi name. Naturally, how ever, ahe felt that It would be a poor com pliment to tell him eo, lier ready wit did not fornk her In thl trying emergency, ami ahe promptly aald to him; "Do you know that I've made a waier with Mr, Irvine, end you can rim-Ida Itf It an j you Npi II your name one way, and I any another, Wrlio It for me," All unaware of the trick that wa being ilayed on dim, (he gentleman wrote down J mime nml handed It to the nctrea. Mia flamed nt It haallly, lauglu-d and aald gayly; "I've won the bet!" Itwn am h ii real latin bit of acting that the ncwnpiipiT man, although Itwn hi biialne to irlilclao play end player, Haver detected It, 1mdon Til, lilt, riliitrlh I', l'eiil,iiilf' Kmnuiire, A iiioct lutereatlng elory U told of EII- beth I'almer 1'eahudy. It 1 that alio waa engaged to marry Nalhnnh-I Hawthorne I. l. tt t , !,, j, hi. 11,1,1, i . . l l k 'r l .l il l,t,aK la I f, ll ll ..Ml In.., l I ,41 I I 1., in HI . . I 111 .III I I ( I ft,, in li.iUna . bitb. .f' 1.1 lan'.'.l i,tg,t la IP tniilot l(.i.l'i..- Dal II ,. . ,t.. . , I t nl,H,aJ i, i.t l oi t i i.,i, " i. i I,, Ii, ll r t ait" t l Va I " m.o.N i,.a... II,,. oajai nn I t lb la n. i, am i,i i i, n i.f ti(il il, Him i,,. t it l-l I Hi I.. i iliiln I It,. it ,l t,,i ai., , , ,r ,!(.) , ,,, im II. (I'M na noUlp iil U In H i , i l I ' il, IS.!..!,,.!,, ., ,i,n t,. . h'l i,!,, Pi,,, I u Ha .-,,,. Hill . ni i , I ,i .,.., l.,, tl, a nil II, . I . I I '! I a I. I ll ,, ,!. .1.. II h (II, N . , I., i l ..i .,l. I .,,,,t nod it ll. e 1 I i 1 1 lii lln I oi, , " ti In n u iii III llli a , , I I!,,;,,, !, (J. I III , 1 111. Illl " II., lit. " 11,10V Il il a. U H e I Mlii Hill III en nil ir In i ii 1 1, i ..i 1 1 imi. hi 1. 1 ii n ii I. .la n i line n li..'Unit II ii-,ii w, II i. i,.l ,.. l..lMll a a I I. I l- !, I.I i, ll, -. . In lute iill i .I Iii la, an, I )ii la I lie one iii a Limn mi n ,pl, mil r laitiiii inlil nml f.ii blililliilt lwluti.y i mlii l innlmeiit limy lack In Hie ran'iillnla nt n I n hut enmii, bill W In ii i r In, tin llki'ijioililli r an. ri an i ,t m bn ii nttalliol. A 1 1 ilain l.n Illl v of ntriim,! im nt I aitre In be Hie hminbi Hon, n ml m In i In r the n id i ri anli . 1 1 reward if Mmly nr of eniiliiit minim ran or Will full In nppiei iilte the ih liuhl It of li ra, fur tin' "homy" hoimel a place In W hirh In live, n plai n In u III, Ii In lie bap py, a place In hi, Ii lo mu ri'M , If in i d be, but alii n n pluce that I nm on u, end that, nlli-r ii pnai. fur every I lied m-rve a Initio for every m ml. A Mntlllli'il llantllilef. The preai nl Mr, Thoma NcImoii page, a I nlreaily Kiiokii, wa a willow, Her little Iniigbler nf Bur HI ytaiawn the one nlmlii nil other tow hnm ahe Ireailed In break Hie new of t he eiu'nge lueiit with Mr. I'nge, It nt Initlli heeaiue necet.iiry to ilo thl, however, nml ahe aet n bout her lak w it Ii all polble diplomacy. A ahe had feared, the little girl on learn ing the fact Hint her mother wa to be married (main wept pmfuaely. finally the mot her mild; " Cut you haven't yet heard who It, ImIIimI. I'm going lo marry. It' Mr. Page." The ho 1 1 of the Utile girl auddeiily ceaaed, " 'ou ought lo bnve told me that at II rat," ahe aaid In a mollllled tone. "Why, I've been In love with him myaelf for over a yearl" New York Heeorder. VictiirlH'a Avarlun lo l-'iira, Hoyalty mnt be exceedingly "dlflleiilt" to get Oil Willi nt I line. One of thn Kng llah queen' lllllu vngnrle In a (Unlike, for the amell of fur, Hhe never wear them beraelf, which 1 nil Very well. Jlut, neither will ahe permit any one eln to wear them when driving with her, A nu Invitation to go birl'lew lth her I equivalent to a command, nml a another Utile queenly vagary In a fondue for nu open carriage III all aeaaon, the unhappy recipient of her Invitation feel like making t.hclrwlll before atari log on a plcaur(l' drive wild their eoverelgn, London Correapoiident, llatilo' llllia, A aet of bin I a very accept a hie pres ent t make a little baby, who la a much In the way of receiving gift now iin it bride. They may be ornamented with the riebet of embroidery and trimmed to the mot ornate of taKi. lint t hn Drat conld crallon In that they ahould be thick, with no appearance of clumalne, nml almple enough at, leaat that they may be often waxhed, After thl nil beauty of dcalgu I 10 beappnvcd, but a bib timet bn uaeful 11 rat, KIMdiii lliiokuoirka, A bookmark that will keep more than one place nt, e t ime In often called into play, Hucd n one I enally concocted of three piece of ribbon of blending or com traaling color, nil half n yard In length ami nbont half nu Inch In w idlh, Tbeae nreecweil together at mm cod over n tiny buttonholed ling. At the free (-ml I In y nra each of tln-m turned over lo maken tri angle, nml to the apex In aewed a email laaael. Mm, lllakn' View, Mr, Mllie llcvcrcii lilake, prealdent of New York Woman Hullriige leaiue, any: "Woman aull rage would (in t reform v. oman. The icformai Ion would be In con ' v-rting oman from a com! It Ion of a pal by mul lodilfereui i- lo her alwurd pie-It nai lo a alriln i,f lively Inli-Nal, iu which ahe vouhl claim r cognli on In nil dcpnrl meoiNof life, f,,r ri-rpi.m-lhllliy educate, end eare brnadena our livca," Mary MmIIim-Ii I iioIc, Mr. Mary Mullock Toole, w doe nrlKlic wmk with both pen ami pern il w o well Miown to all magalne reader, livi-a iu Itolwi f'ily, lu her boom life, a In birir iiurii-riaklugN, ahe Iiiin been moi.t bllnocle, r-bii I Hie mother of three i Ii. 1 1 m i UK children- t wo gill and a boy- all of whom nre aald to Inherit eometblng of their mother' genlu, Victoria' f'reaeiit.a. All the aervant who were In Queen Victoria' boiihi-dold (luring the lifetime of the prlm-e con tort receive each f'drlat nm piece of aolld allver in any ahnpe they prefer up to ii certain value, They nre at nt wlih u large black bordered card Inwrlbed, "V ltd good wlaheN from her ma Jeal y nml t he prince conaort, " Chicago Herald, Wile Km No Wrinkle, One of the pret ileal worru n In Ixmdon aoi h-iyt Niild to plunge a towel In very hot, wafer, wring If out and b-ave it on her fin e P r half an hour every night before log to l-i (iiHtead of waahfog, and thla iy ha no wrinkle, Iimloii I in-hlon .loiirnal, A eeiitctice from review or novel printed in Tho (Jueen, nn I'-tiKliwh inb licatioii, I eiigj.;' e) i v. It run, "The lalo la h nicely told one, nnd no girl who Im tlm ri i-poiiaibility ,f making outanitablo library Jiafa for lu-rtnotli-ftr'n tending tui-d feel any beailat'on bout Including it Htnorig Hie tjovele. " The nawiclaliou of women for ralalug the moral lone of i-och-lyo (he Nether- hind ha over 4, nun member In the l!7 plan where It I ri preai ntcd. Ib-fuge for t'liing i ouu-u are maintained very gener ally, Hwcdlad women nre aald to excel In maid carving, lithography , modeling, di c- oral I vn paint mg and art euil ro,i, i ii . for many year n woman ha been engraver of medal iu the loyal mint III. Mm kliolm. I ay n thick ph i onf canton flannel under your t.ihlci h.lli. Kven coari"' iiepcry will pKik a mm h bell' r iiudl! y w il h nauhcov- rtlinn if apreinl direi tly ovi-r the ban- table top. Mil ITANT II.WTS, 1tM lo, 1M1 'HI f! Mil U 1 Ml V Al, h lalaa ,.B.a Mat ti.ia) at l III l. I ll V,i .11, ,.! IllMtll In 111 NIHa (Mlllt llijl at halt 1 1, I nlUHIna) "VI Mi i' 'I t- It'll, " hi 'll HI lull I.- Ml i (il a , lt I, lat.,1 I, ih-1 1. I . i . n ii km ' p i t I I- I I- I llltl I Itfi W Iv if, I I Hill H It.ilu i . ,l, -it f mn, Iii ill I w. .,, . ! I i: ... , i.., f ll.i It. . I N I I - I I,. I l I I I ' i l -,-il la . I,. I I ...i I , . l.t, Ii I I I nt Ii i I a! ii I .ia Hi ll b.i ii i i, I I n I lull iin. l ill ii , I - I nt ltd " f ,,,i e ll tt!lt It'll Im V I 1 1 I III, I III' ., H.L.4 lil. III. al it. n.. ut I It itl. I i, I the I nt in ,i 1 1-1 a i t! ta , nr I . I in l li-i n n t h I ii itlnnil ni t aUll In lint III II I 111 ,1,-1 Inl I all In- 'M.a ll.llal ali-n nml 1 1 1. a In Itiiiki' i nl Iin, 1 1 ,i n ti i nf tin-i m mil li nliiti a liii h ,t many nf Hie Inula i ai ni. I nl nml urn i-, I Ini bial I 'it Inl mm refleill, W hli It Iin i' i.,r w III (i ia liuiiiitp i ,( ll,, ,'i,k fi.ioi Hi' h.iManr l,i,l,',r tin) ere ,i liitialli-,1 ri'liiiiiillinjt not- nf I In- am i I imi Iiiiii'I, . an. tlml II. Hie) lln nl III I ghlliee, bill l-IIU lllllsl . I Hunt Hull, nr 1,11 Mill liil cii id Tlm I, Ml I liitl like a ennrd blailn, nuly Iin I T nf ll. a. Thn it 1,1,1,, b-af I of Hit-ahnpe of a half npem-d bonk. On each edge and ul-iiu the nuiiir I a row of apiina, wild I: pui-eti like In i ilb-, l! I en lint Ii, lln iin-i a by liiliinnl gloMlll nud 1 1 1 1 1 u . 1 1 imi nl, the lop nml ha tin hark In i ri ngf hen nnd prut net It. Jiiilglng frm, i nppearaiiee, unit of tlioaii long leave would be i-aally broken by tlm (iiiali i f an niiimal, ami In keep iiiiIiiuiIn at their ilixlnin n ll ha a, HI mil I lieait aplnca, w lib h git. nil ll, frnm I hreti illreet Ioiih. A young 1 1 1 1 i Ii lili ran ngaiiit them once would I'l'iiu-inhcr l hcin Hut next time, Juat n calve ami mil anon learn not to play cliwn to a harlied w Ire fence. The f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aa , which lain f Ml KpccicN of II genu willed Inhabit tropical clime from Africa to Polyiieadi, a II, alickaoul It kei-n aplm-N and thiealeii lo.piincl lire the hide nf iiu,M idug wliich ciniic near It, aeeni lo aay, like the Scotch thltle: "No body en u monkey wit Ii me w il h Impunity, 1 mil a lighter. " Tlml. I one reaNoii why It I ao hlg. It ha mailt! room for lUclf. Ju mil nre might In right. t hn weaker gnu to the wall, Hoiiio other lighter will bn found In the palm hoiiaii. One I canity found by It label, Lataiiln barhoulcn, mid It I par ticularly Inlereal lug III that It I an exam ple of a plant protecting ll young, If tlmt In Hie wny to ay If. Three outer etnlk, atrung ami well devulopi-d, each with It row of NhurpNpInc, IiicIomii and defend the tender cent nil Ntalk. The leaf of a central atalk, one may aim, In notalowed to pen the older atalk, lel It aulfcr damage. They keep It behind them iin ii mother might piiHh her child behind her Iu tlimi of danger, Thl young leaf I kept lu lend ing airing until the atalk Iiiin grown eo that It cult reach oul over thn oilier ami take care of Itaelf, Meant line It will pro duce u net of aplue nud Join the other el.all. In the great light which I to deter mine what plant 1 hi leal toaurvlve, The Inalluctof iiulrual I wonderful, hut the liiailnctof tint plant I equally eo. That may be keen In thnlnrgiaj- lalanla, which alileaou Un label that llnae palm were (Iicovered iu aoufh t'hlnu iu HH, It ha developed ii body, ami lu I hut al. I he bene of t he brant In I he fruit grow, ( !are mut be taken of that, tor If theaecd 1 not ripened they will not reproduce, nnd the apecle will auflcr lo that extent. Hen ilm aplue on llioae brum lie around where the fruit Ilea, J,et nn animal try lo get into It, nnd he would come out wild a aore hide, The plant would acraich blm like n cat. Tint pamluiii I i reel, and ao ll epliic et.lck elralght out. It, want lo prevent animal from pmihlng ngnlnat it, The palm waul to protect Ii fruit, and no Ii eplnn point downward, a much a lo nay Ion thief below, "You come up hern, ami 111 Jab your eye mil," In at III another palm, the great one Junt timid,, (hit main entrance to tlm couaervalory, (heaplm aiirn 8 IucIii-n long, look like al iletto nml form a per fect cheval de friae, Man, with all hi thinking how lo make that ohal ruction to an enemy mont complete, ha not aurpa ed the gcnluN of nature lu no directing the point nf lhee ailletloN a to cover every poaxlble approach, An a fighter Ihia big I'henlx aplnoaa I Ida ,tim nrhett of the niiluihoimc, and It I great on alylc That I what aome of the other lighter are not, u the caclUHc, Tiny take nl) aorta of aluipea., Ui alature rl-.lni from creeping alema - though there I tiomi ao huge ui the conaeivaiory to trunk li'l feet high, but ar neither bi-aul iful w hi-n email nor maji hilc, wlu-u gnat, They nre too abominably alupld to put on elyle. Hut what ahould one expect of a plant which wild grow lu hot, atony place nud when cultivated I entirely happy lu a anmly loam mixed wlih hrb k iliixtf One might iin well expect elyle in Ilm little hlu k Italian of the ,ipe tin", wlm have been reared on inuali nml cucumber. And the pity of It I I bean cactuni-N are Amer ican from way back. Pretty nearly their only redeeming feature In that, they can fight, Dig or little, they are ready to do battle, niilca t be thnae graiuhladdle with the long white hair, which, like many men, a reaped looking without being venerable ami make one think they bad heat bclake tbemaelve to another world for all the good they lire doing In thl. Whoever It wa that put the ciietuae and (he rlcepy and leather brained young al ligator in the aame dou iu tlin conaerv atory had an Inspiration, for theyaurely go together. Hut that In not to any that tlmae plant nre tifimiereatliig. Far from It, They offer many augment ion a to the humor of nature, and In their aiihere the are iiNcful, If lin y would only wake up and look nllvel Tin y aeem doubly alupld to one who f"u to them from tlm apirited plant In the other pnrieof tlm cuimerva tory, I'll in burg Tlmi-i, lie .lleant (Ivrralinna, "Henrllig a gentleman apeak of hi over time a hi gum," aald a pbyalcbiti, "brought to my mind a elory told of a prominent Philadelphia!), who, with hi wife, went to iiinke a (all on a friend In New York, tin enleriiiK the drawing riann the hoHtea Inquired of Mr. where hi wife wa. " 'Oh,' aald Mr. , 'ahe'a lu the ves tibule cleaning her gum ' " Plilladel pula ( a I. fill a nf Niih a,ii,i r. Wrltlntrln tin- New York New, aeon Irlhiilor ohaeite that the co. 1 1 ion and pp ai-rvat loii of bit of m-tvapapi ri end pe-riodb-aU for publie ue lu New tk In a fnmparatiii-h mndein hh'fi. The New York ,".e t-iy P'riry v..-;-! f1: - flrat of tho ('.'lie i il-ri'-i.a Ii Mm-i v.hil Is mitv I Hiked upon im a m-, ih d rcqi.ikiu of a li Lrary lu a liowapuper ullice. VOUMKCIH, ami WW MAKi: V MlVlM.iV A tt.l e l.inli .l S.a ,i ti i, . ,,! , k-, . (., bn i,i, n ,i,, nf I, ,1 l. W lltl Mini ail)! II, K,. 1,1, , !,,!,, ,,( l. ,.,,.) ,,,( Wl. ,. ,j i, ,lt Hi tl tan i iiii ali 1 Im ,(,, ,,f w, i, , (,,,,,,.,, '!,,Ma It l,.iuii lit in n i , nl am k net nil oiiitu.t, on nilltf y,. ,. tntni-b )nii nii) lliiiiii oii ,!, i, li ,n n, ',rtl ai. Tt in i i I, e I'M'lll Wel'lli.t I.M"' ninths. iwiirs, immna, circulars, ! Linmopca. nooouis, srmMtMs, Lcrmt heads, business cards, lcgal blanks iiiih we'll do jimr Work nt tvuimrtltii iiinlll., nml liiiMiimi-r that will Im aai inlni'iiuy In ilm 1-untiimi'i' i ur ,11 1 - U ut MERICANpUBLISMINC QOMPANY U.I5 HOWARD STRIiKT. OMAHA. NEB. TOUHIST CAH 1 0 CALIFORNIA. Cheap Rate, Quick Trip. Tlm triivul friuii thu north and noi-Ui' weal, ti-t-i-llin-y, tiipped by T'HK (Jkkat Itoi'K I.SI.ANH lidtJTK, Illl (Inillllllilnil aervlcd nf tlilNi'liiii-iu't'i'r, ttml bnglniiliik; ( h-tiilaif filb, tiiiirlat, cur will Imivu MlnimiipuIlM overy 'riiuradny miu-nlng and Join thn regular toui-lat' train out of Chicago overy Thiirwiuy afUinioori ut ( loliimliii .liim-tlon, In,, n.t 11 p, in. (Vnl.nil JnwiiHiid thu gi-mit went hIiiiio dlKlrlct of tlmt aliilo, diumimlN nnd will riicidvci a almiliit'aiu'v'iMi, nnd IxigliininK October lOlli, a I 'lillllpa-KiHik Inland Kxcurhlnn C "nr will loavo Albert Loo every Timadny tnoriiliig', and via Uvcr morn, Ft. Doil go and Aiiiih, will lu-t-lvn at, Don Miiitm that cviuiin', ami WialneNilny a. in, K" wi-hL on tlm "lllg. l-'lvo," vlii'Oiimlia, I.ltmoln and Hullo vl I In, al, which point It will Join Hid riitfiilur Tiieadny ti-uln from (!lilonj?o, Full taii'liiuiliii'N a to clmnii rat.n ticket, fur Mil trip, and a I ho km to coal of iinrtti in tlm toiirlat cur (dmcrrully irlvctiiin ii ppl lent Ion to nny (iroatllock Inland Hoiitai 'J'lckot Atfi'tit, or itffunt nt (;oiinm htntloii of (touiincllni; llima. ,IN(). bKHASTI AN, (J. 1'. A Clll(!ll0, -" a a TO CALIFORNIA Via Denver and Salt Lake City. I'uli'oiieof tho Oi-eat (Jimtinl Itoul.ii Witckly MxmirMliuiN Ui (.'ulifornlit via thu Union I 'itui flu can have tbidr ticket rend vlii Denvor nnd Knit, Lako City without additional i-xpi-nae, Solid for folder (flvliii ih'tnlU ami a Ivitntngoa olTet'i'd, K. K, KllKAIfKK, Mgr.. K, l Iimax, lit) So, (Jlai-k Kt, (l :& T. Aft,,, ChleiitfO. Onuiliu, Noli. NO TROUBLE TO YOU, They Am Pi-rooally Conducted. 'Hut (rent ('mitral Koulo Weekly California, Kxcuiajon ai-u In clmrgu of exiorl(-ficod coriductoraitml n iinifoi umd poi-ior who iiccoiiipuny tho piu-ty to di-Mllniitlon nml look after thu wniil and comfoct of tho pat-aongoi-N, You will aavo tlnm end cxporiae. by jolnlnif our next party, Hi-nd for folder giving dotiilln, F. K. SiiKAiiKit. Mgr., V., h. 1iMAX. I'.il Clark Ku-i-i t, (I, I', and T, A(f, (-'Iilcngo. ( tuuibii. Nob. - - -The Rokli to California I o great liow-a-oiiva thai, onn la apt to illliig llio till the woe ll and hi wife lire bi-uui-d for t)i(i I'aellli! Coaat, Wborena thiy'rn not, Travel to Cbicngo aiill iiililiilnln good proportion - i-epoidiilly th(i ilui-llngum abiiro of It. Tho Itiirlintf ton' train (they're voatl billed ami gaifilifhtod) lotivu for ('hio ao at. (:l.'i a. in., I;l'i p, m. nml IMI p. in. All tb rco mi rry b-cpiig' nud free chair (un-, And two - tlm 11 rat two havo diulnif ciu-a. 'i'L- City Ticket (Jllluo, l.'C'l Fiirnain St, ' " a- Cheap Rates to California. Tho Union J'tidiie; In offoring greatly reduced round-trip rato Ut nil Cali fornia point and Portland, Oregon, thl yiiar. For full nartlculiir inqulro of your neareat ticket iitfi-ri or Hdilrc, II. I', IK.rrX, :UC rainain St,,(mabn. Neb,, or I-;. 1,, Iumx, (Jon'l 1'iia, ami Ticket Agent, Oinabu, Neb. . a - Wanted. Man wanted to counlgri goial to dciil-'r, Muni In- aolu-r. I'ny, fid tho fi rot tmjiith, nnd exja'iiHC. V'h(,oh filial (1 with im-l-elini of bualm-a. To get ll reply, em-lo-n "lump. I'oaljil tint noticed. 'Addii-.-.. II. K. Ilulibi-ll, 7(H) iii-oiidway, llanuibiil, Mo. tf The Winter of Your Discontent, may la- fimile gloi-lou if you apeml it in Califoriiiii. And a round-trip ticket to Situ i-'taiicli-co via thi; I iurlliig Ion U iuti' will l-t brliin; tiboiit tlm tninhfoi ma tloll. It coal fii.'i ,'() only, and inav Im- pur-cham-d at. the City Ticket O'llh-i-, I'lJI I'ariiiiiii htreet, Tho WtSTERN TRAIL la tnilil lalmd (Uiii-li-ry by tin; Cllir,i;t), I li k K l.s I.AMl iV 1'Ai II'IC KAII.SVAV. It b-lla bow to get a farm in the weal, nnd il will ! wiit In you errali for one Si-nil mum' nud iiddtvsa to "Ivlilur WcaU-rn Trail, Clilcairo," ami receivo It one Ji'Kr f reti. JOHN SKHASTIAN, O. 1'. A. PRINTING. M UMMllMi riJlMIU A- yoiinw iiiiirrled mini wiihihii ioioiI hIi-hiIv oiinIIIiiii. Ileal nf city reference. Aililre . X. X. IhlNollh-ii RAILWAY TIME CARD FOR OMAHA, NEB. Leave I II. A M It. Arrive (iiiiuli 4.KI iiu 4. Ill pin W M nm II .UA am 11. Ml pin Arrive Omaha .rn) aai i:a pm I B pm ma (iinitliii I liepot, Hah nml MiiNoa HI. 4 Mi pm III IH Hill 111.11 ma h. in inn ft VI pm I. e live Olnllllll 4 If, pi. II. 41 am 7.U.! pm I I. 11ft nm la-liver I, hulled dally . . .... iieiuiwoon i',k preN I leaver lOxprc , Lincoln Kx, (exeept Hun) .. . , blacoln bin-id (ex. Hun) . . "'., It. AO. I Input tilt h nml Maon HI . (Tili-uuo I, ladled ...... (Ihleiiuo Kxpre ...I'hlcaKo lowu I ,ocii.l,.., ... . Local, dully ex. Hun Leave I K. !.. HI, .1. (I, (I, I Arrive (liiuihit I Depot lath and Miinoii Hie, (lianha K.H., HI. J.(l. (MS ami. ..Kan. oily Hay Kxprea...! ft.Mum .4fl pm .. K. 0. NlKht K, via 'il-J am l,eiive IJNIdN I'AOII'TO. lArrTvei Onniliii IIIiiIoii liepot IDIh nail Mnrcyl Diniiha M. 'in inn 2. in urn I leaver I'ixpiea blmlleil, dally . llenver I'liMt Mull ... .11, H.A H. M. lexcepl Hun) , Paellli! Kxprea 4 .Oft pm T.Od pn. 4 20 pin M M pin 10.40 am ft 40 nm 7.10 am k.lftuin U.i nut lO.OIIitin i ; Irt pm ft m pin 10 pm tt.ftft pin ).:) pm 4.15 pm H.4a pia ll lu na 7 ::o nm N.4l)iim Ii ,;.'i nm 10,10 am ;i.r.i pm ft ;i.', pm u 10 pin in i . pm I'lllllll-ll lllllff bill-Ill, . Leaven I Onialia I A.HI prut . II ,ii nml Leave j Oliinlui I ()., M. A H'l', !'. liepot I'Mli and Murey HI, Arrive I Oiiuiha . ( hii-auo LlmlM'd fi. .Vi pm Chli-iiKo Kxprea I nm O A N. W. I Arrive (Vlii II, P. Tritnafcn I On, aim .Allalillc I'.xpreHM, ilnlj'yC II 10 pm I'.iiMiern 1'iiHHi-riiri-r. dulty . . i:j,;ifl pm . .(.hlciiKo Lliiilii-il, dally. , ll !fi am . . , .(Inifilni Mull. (Iitllv . alfi imi 10.11) H in il V, pm 4 o;, imi 7.00 pm 45 nm Mlaaoiirl Valley Locii.'ilally Mi pm Leiivel ('., HI,, P., M A ll. lArrlvn Onialia i liepot I'ah mid WehaO-r HI,! Omaha H.Miiiin Hloux Oily Aceoiiiniodiillnu I H Oft put I 10 pm , H, O, Knprea lem-i-pl Hum . 12 40 pin ft.4.1 pm HI, Paul l-.nprna I.:!ftain ft.10 pmlOlllllalld Loelll lexcepl Hunil a 4ft am Leaveal I'.. K. A. Mil. V A l.f.t; V ' A,II Oiniilutl liepol Ifilli ami WelialeiHIa. Omaha H Vl itii In-inlwoiid Kxprea. ,.. 4 M pm a Vimir (Kx. Hull Wyn, Kn.i-,x, Minn 4 ift pin ft iKpiii, I reiiimil H. iKm-ept hull. I. an, fi'iii, HI, I'iiiiI I-:preaa MS am , 'id ami Lincoln K, n-x, Humbiyi , 0 :!ft nm Leaveal Hl'lL'X I t'V A I'AI IHli lAri-i'via imnilni I liepot (Dili A - Mnrev ,a. I,irI, (I 4 , hiiii. . ..eioiix Oily Piianciiii-r. , . , i M Vl pin 9-Wpm1 M. 1'ilnl l-.xpreaa ,10.11 itin ,CII vt-a I I I Illl -AMI. II. I, A p, Via l p. Traiiafi-r. Oiiiiihit I I Arrive, I ( iinali j ra-r 0.;KI am . . Atlaulle I- upreaa, dully ,, 4 10 piaj. Veil Unite blmlleil, dully 7 10 pill! ., Nielli Knpl'eaa, llul.y ., I.' to i. a. ex. .', 1 1 A T Kx, n-x. Hun lotinia .... Lliii-o'ii A ( o. Illiilti ... ft. 11 pill, ( lili loo I ,le.a r.a-r I Via I' P, 'l:infi-r. ll HO pm ', 00 pia 7 V, am ft V ii in It. In aai w.oo am II mi inn ex, a un i II A T. l-.x. lex, Mole I 10 am i o i pn I :i t.'i an. II.O'l i, . I Lcavca Ormiiia 10 00 pun l:!.:!n pun ft ei pmi beavea Oliiulilt I 11 V, pm j , .( Iiiciimi and llenver, ., .,( (I. Illnlta and Lllieobl. , Lincoln K pn-aa , . , MIU'll'lll Pai: ( liepol loili and Maana Hla ,, .Hi, l.oina Kx. dully, ... l Loula Kx dally. Neliniaku lii-al WAltAall. .. ,v'" ,:- ' Trimaferi .. Ht, Lnijla Kx,. dally .1 .Vl pai l , am 4 Kt pia 3 I A rri ve I Oiaalm I fi.mi nm 4 Ti pin I a 4ft m lArrlvn I I 'mull l," MARIA MONK. Paper Cover 50 Cents. Thl Utile volume relate Hie ti-rrlblii ex. peric ncc of a mm who wna eoiillned In thn ' lilm-k .Niinaeiy " of Minim al, ll ,ua prnli nlily the larneal aale of any work nf il,e kind ever pnlilialn d. and aevi-ial AttvinttH tit Su )jfi-H It Inive lu-eii miide, The price In chilli I (100, nml in papt-r'incenla. I or anle t,y AME.HICAN PUBLISHING CO., Ii'. l'i Howard Hireel (im, il,,, v,,i. or. an Mala HI., Kanaiia I liy. Mo. WHY PRIESTS SHOULD WED. II v Idi. Jl HTIN 1 1, Kt I.TON. Thla U one nf llr l ull. ni'a heal l,l. I ileal Willi Hie iiiesll, f cellliiu-y ,,f prleailiood from a rellnmu atnmliiolni : also Hie pnat and pn-aeni liiKiory nf Un- llnmaii ( iillnilli- I hnrcli. Price, la i,ipet cover, 500 Hem poalplild na receipt of price, l,y AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 412 SiiKKf.Y IStx k, OMAHA, NFJJ. STARTLING FACTS - oil- Deeds of Darkness Exposed. Ilv l!KV. J. (i. wiii ri:. Thla evi-i-ll-iii w irk de iU with ilm pnllrli'iil Illi'llliMlaof Hie It Itnin I' iMiili,. ',,,.,., t mm much f ind for ilinn.-lu mi I lukn- wiirm Am irleana will lln, I Ii i!,.r..t in x rn id Inif. ll . limited In if, hi I, tvp.t. n il tiiniinl In ,-l'Uli. Pel,-,) i. p.Mtp t'i,i. K,ir aale liy AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., PUS It iw.rj Mr pt. On xu Nmii