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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1894)
THE AMERICAN 3 Milt Cllkr iatt tllita ill In. 4 1 H Mill H , lt. It t S t t in , V'.. , I . i 4, 11 I oilor lit! AvilM. IV Wl It Jmi itn!Mf, .1 I tt.ny t m Ibe mtm line imi iniiitif i m t nil !ti is in tt ni i, tt. Invito jum nui. I. a l-iM ....iiit!. if H.l"i ' M NoiHsm's i.inll..l it ml. It mil W III stntMi 1.' t-.i l. I.- .!. Ult ( At tl i!ittml : I ti iti I. nvi limt.itti I eOmiie ""' 'll m ,1 In tutttlil HiU limn (" It" lin'n the . I.I.I, n 1'i.m M.-, nl Hit I i.. it. mi i H i c n hi , in . I h "K.tst! V Vmal "I'll, t.l. Tin' i nw ,i t i! b il ni l.j ,k! Sii i.( tin' Vtii-i' NiilmU, til .... Mi. ni'.v, dl lUinlisk A. M, I ' hi mil y ll, Tin ill tnl lit'J a Int llin il.'li line, I iii M iihil Hill'llbltm, In t(iitll tliii I'hargvn Ht'iilnl I'rl. t llnltnii, l.illien ninl tin' iimt l.iir mijH't I n', linn' Vim i nl, on lln' ciimiihI thul ll,ii plaint ill mum a ill. I liul appear In th.' altiilntits ii. 'I' wn ilther of them 1 . n 1 , filing llio law ill dtft'tine !( lln tnnlliili, v, cy hull limbic irii.ltnii will iiiiuli) by t it de fense, backed by In m.d I'lililif wiill inch!, fur it full' Mini 1 1 1 1 1 it rl i ii I triul, but ti tin nvittl. Tim judge il. I'lilnl In Ii.- lllllf (if Mnltli'. The light In lit linpui- tlally tried by luw wnn refundl. At I tl Id ill'1 IhI, Hill ll)lll'lll KlUlg.flllshfll Willi Jnv, tu iltiulit, would have putted tli In wouldbo-jiitlgo on tho back. 'J'hi' (li'fi'inliitit then (li'tniitiiliiil a trial by Jury, nnd Mm Jiij' tried In over-rule tlui motion, bill, lucking in jidIiiIh nf luw, WUa compelled to Hlllllllit. A Jury wiiM noleelod ono day, If not two, preceding the cull of tho trial. A llht thiiH packed and manufactured wilh nllppcd to tho attorney for the defense, Mr. Klllott rono and accused the prono cutlng attorney of th la dastardly trick to convict Huh man, McNiimara, with a packed jury. ThlMlho proHecutlni,' at torney denied, butwaM finally eoinpelled toHiibmlt. Thin unjoined their plnnn lind canned the right-hand mun of Mr. lli-own to HuhpiM-mi another jury, which ho failed to have In Htock, and the result won five Protest unta arid one Uo rnnnlnt, Tho trial wan proci-eded with and everything asked by tho proHocu tion whh grunted, ami every motion miido by tins defense, which were many, wiin over-ruled, thun fnieltigthln woiild-bo-Judgo to place hlmnelfon record In favor of gag law, and ugiilnnt civil lib erty, and by night little groupa could be nncn all around town denouncing tho gag ruin being apnlled. The wit fiennca for the hfnto told the num.! story with two excepllonn, lind they told mor than the prosecution wanted tlietn to, Jt reminded mo of a llock of Khecp ttt they follow the bell iheep, and without the bell nht-ep the (lock In lout, indicating an though they had been drilled for tho o iciihIoii. Tho witiicHfccn for the d feline told a ntral(,'h I forward nUivy, each In bin own way, but oti corroborntin thoolher, KmoJi (tldo hud elfht wltneKKon. The ovbhifieo coneludnl, the jury retired ftud i'p to thin hour are Htlll out, live for iiculttal and one for conviction, I need not tell you who thin ono In -any mine man will know, On I'Vldiiy, I'Viiruary 2nd, the court wan called to order at. it I', M, The jury reported at ));.'! that they could not Htfrce; they were continued, find finally the Jury wanted to ro.opoii the cawi and hear Home Jatln choIur traiwlalo Hiohc pn.ratfr.iphn referred In K'enrlckV Monti Theology an HliindcroiiH, hut thin dictator would not permit the Jury to hoar the truth It would compel thl odd juryman to neipjlt McNiimiint or Ntand at a p'Tjuier, no tie! jury I con pi lled to dinitree for lack of triitli, withhelij from tliem, 'J'he eiifo of I'rieht. Dnlton vniKca'h'd, and another packed Jury forced upon the defendant. Out of the llrxt I welve cfj, bt were (?Mtholli'n, t wo hud 'athollc wive, one a 'athollc brother, and the lone oio a 'oteiitiint, The af toi (i"VM for th" defeime olTi red to take a Jury with A. I', A, member and (.'inhollen excluded, but, no, tiie jiiMtiee of peace, rofuHod, Here it heated debate took place. The battle wan fouyht inch by Inch and every time the attorneyn were forced to yield to nug rule the vacated jfround wan utrewn with pupal ncalpn, And backed with public sentiment, the attorney for thedefenho were junt that much hltfiier In tho enllmatlon of the luw-ubldinf people, and the attorney for the punh nank deejier Into tho Iuum of lUiminb filth and tho ccnnpooln of luwhtnnncHii, Mitrnhal Htcwart and the punh did their part for Koine well, Kvery attempt that could bo made by Iturnbum and Klllott to (jot proper evidence before the court that tho jury mltfhtbc able to decide on fneln were made but wan ruled out by dictator Nlcholn, Jtcadom, I iiavo been here during tho trial and have had a little to do with Hand feel indignant and dln- lfuted with thin conwplruey to down free npeech and American prlncljilen, I dare nay that the name proci edition could not have luippt nod In any other city In the United State except prob ably Kan J-'runelwco, Lant nltfht when the necond Jury re tired, a l t wan made by two 1'roteH tantn that tho jury would convict the defendant In one hour; it took juntnbout let) inlnuteM, Hight here let the con triiht lie drawn, The llrnt jury wan an I n to,,' neurit body of men, competent to weigh tho matUT ir.trunted to them, 1 Ml e I '. Tln . i-.mi r He- 'in. l.i-t i,kl tie t 't dlh! i f.' !,"l ii'M't' i,.i, II. in I'm iiiH'nil In. in 1 I mil ii Hl ,!in Hi.'t I. M i . ! f I ' i ti - i,si , ! it, liiinl'!.' In j. .'! .r , I'l 111 I ll t lUlllll ni-. I, i. . til it , thii tit i.snii ktt.ti imoi i t mi.' mi. I iilil I n ' tit' el l.. Ii. '. Mini li ! !, . I J nii.l i-I. mii r !.n lln .leti nm ili.Hlt.U', j in .ii in I nn , 'tin liin. I i ( Hie I jv. Ii ii'ii'.l Ih. w ti nil nl"'"!,' Hie il" :, j l ln tuiin 1 1... tin (l.ii "...i'i uMi'f l ; I )'! It' , l'tnl . ll I t.e H ! i"t M 1:1 II j l I ! h t.. . I (,ii lie .'.lil 1 nil In I'..-' I ,. u,r In (iie i lmir n A tleu' i-b In- ' i !it. t li l.i i ttt ti e ( .mil i'i.!4 t 11(1 in lii ill, t . el'V I " !"i'i't'!, c!:,'rn iml im in' I t'V Hi'lti" tin xitnpiv il il. il uml lili:ttiuil of llie tlnt tl'tHv I'tmil Hint linw bliii'kini H e i'imiI I li i'i'i iix nt Knit mi I It) ninl .lilek n I'liiitily. ll I llllll', I1IJ llelir i',..i., (lillt Jll'l ll""' e ill ymtr iniyltt, lliiliilt your hIu iiHi, hu with nne tti ll-aiini il blmv, (.ti iK'1 tln m IliU l!i.iulli iiiiiteiiinlit Hint mi k Ihrniiyh J our Hlleetn, allien Hint pllMli highway nl iiU'bti tiinnhitf ilowti imv one ninl evcrjii'ie iipjniHi'il to him ain cntii'tiiiiHy hiving plitui to overthrow your (mill i i- chimin and iunllliitloitn. We have It. ft re lln nil A illel li'ilil rill .en mi trial for u'terlnif a truth in hU lecture an prem'rlbetl by Arehbmho ICenrlci'n Moral Thcoloj.'y, oudoived by I'npe irc(;ory and lined by the Kouilnh church, ami In denied tho I'Il'IiI of proof, Thin man, McNainara, ban been tried for two ciinch, an above denerlbed, with a tnai'Hlial and almont every deiuty a Catholic, and a judo to anitlnt him and a howling Unminh mob at their back It now appcarn that they even had a deputy marnhal on the jury, and othern, who told tho verdict lonjf lieforo the cano wan niibmltted to them. Vlany I linen thin man or Hint man wan heard to nay "(5 dd n that ex-pi'lcnt! we will tlx him, and wo will tfot that book yet." Thin mob (dement became mo (lemon ntrutlvc Thiirnday and Friday ni(,'htn, Hint it becanio neeenMiry to teli;ihom to KatiHiiH City for liolp. The help came. Hud tiiln move failed there in no doubt tlui mob would linvt mado the attempt to carry out their helllhli plaun. What, luin iieen naui in not even a nhadow of what can be nalil on thin nubj et. Tho A. I', A,, U. O. I).. ,lr, O. U. A. M. and all other llkoordern and friendn to the caune, munt rlno up and annert thidr I'lfcf hlM, dlnarui Home and bring lu r to nidnninnlon to law, or drive hoi1 olT of the American continent, and I think tho hitter the only proper hoIii- tlon to apply, I do not favor breaking tho lawn, but If It booonien iioeennary to do no to obtain juntlee I dare nay It will lie, done. And when done by an i n- dlgwint pttople an In now tho cane hen ami lit Independence, It in apt to (fo too far, Lot un hope and work to the end that nothing of thin kind will happen I'erneciitlon curried on In the way now being done In b dug fully realized, Tin light in nlmply one of jiorncctil ion by Home arid the Kannant'lty punh. M. HE CQULON f PLA7 POKER, Gurifinir timri-y'ii Ikiiiiiuiii o of Urn (ism Mllll ll hlHlllllIK Ml'llll, When (mverunr Iiowny of Mlnnlnnlppl wim lii I IiIh i ll y (iii onn oceanlnii, Im vnry eleverly look iu ti few frli'iiiin with whom tm nut nnii evening In n friendly gauin of draw, Tlui I'livwnur and a party of bell" Mild gentlemen wen behu i-iitc rlalni'd at. mi evening ten, mid ufiir tin uieliti hml bieli ilinciMi'd Hie geiilli lie n withdrew to His library, whern rardn ami clilpn with wmii prodllei'd aii'l In Uxe, (Jevermir bitvrey niild lie knew imtlilng bmil, (Im gnine, ho w Ii I lu bin friendn tried lln lr lin k llin miiilliein rin-euiive ni'iiu cd In Hie pirl'ir ninl cnlertiilned tlie hidlen, I,aier In tiie I'Vi'iiiiig Hni governor drifted Into tlui poker roniii nnd wnn prevnlled upon to piny llin luiud of onn of tlui gen lleuii'i for a fe'V mlniilen, An llin govi-rn-or nut down he remlmlcd liln friendn again that hn knew nothing about Hie uhiihi, Then! wan a Jin k put on llin bililn which had goim around ncvend I Imim. Ibunln wern dealt, tlm pot wan opi ui'd, nnd tin play panned around to Hie governor, iln didn't neniii in know whether to pann or Dot, his hand fur ncveral niln utcN, then, nhowing a card, nuked tint innii limt to him wliether It wuna king or Jin k, "That'll king, governor," replied tlm gentleman. Then Hut governor pnidiicwl (pleeii and ri'iiinrkeili "I tak ll tliatthlw Uaoueen, Am I correctf" lln wan In fiinneil that hu wan, and then very dnllli crately put ting up hln mniiey ha took on sard. Thii gentlinTinn who hml opened tlm pot had thrnti nlnen and failed to (( ter li Im tm n on tlm draw, lln HioiiKht hn hud a lend plpn clni h on tlm pot and nixed tip tlm giivnrnor nn having two pair klnxn and nuiienn, Ja llioiiuht tlui governor had found rnriln lk llin king and cpimm Im hitdnhimn ami wan drawing fur a full, lln wan nomewhnt taken aback wlifii llin governor ralnid llin bet, and fearing th govurnor did not know I hut, two pair were not very good Imciillcd hln attention to tlm . fact. "(Jh, go ahead," wild tlm governor, "w'U play thin out anyway," The governor kept raining until finally tint gent le man w ith three nlnen weakened and culled, Then tlm governor piuudly laid down four aim, mid ever) Imdy yelled. Jin had held three ncen all thn lime, IImmIi ed hln king and (pieen for a bluir, then drew onn card and caiiKht another ace. The genlleumn who lutld Hi nit iiliien ay he will nevnr again nit In a km me with a man who known nothing about It. Wanhlugton I'unt, Many aeamnlrennea darn womleil ntoclc ine w ith worntvd, 'J'liln In a blunder the foiiMeiiiencen of which will nhow tlifm m Wen very rapidly. Tint worntod alwaya ihrinka, and then thn dnrn In contorted ....I ..r...,.l n .1 di;tI.., .uBwrw. , t p'l I 4 I ' t, I I ,.1 ii. t 'r i l,.n . ll i b f i. I i ,.. . 1"i n . - i i " II I't. . i 1. 1 lit, I' ... " I. i ..". I 1 t 4 . H II n.'. ll , ' . .. ll, t HM4 t i ii- !" l i i : Hi i A 4. it i ' I I1H ! . 1 Pi, t I W,W.. Ill' I I I l, I I ' '.., 1 t -: i l.n. ,',! I IH.HM.hMk I 1 1 -1 -in - " . ' Wr'l, i I I I'l i! HU ni PhI ii l.l.l I. i I in I H'fci II I , l I, i M. I . il HiilW. 'llilii i nnii I " What In 0,. lU M Im il nm nlMi tbn rtln i if "'. I j' n' let mUl In pntHHni!!''!! Ill Ifil'iJ " t " Itlt.l " lin' ll tin ..1,1.,. .1., M.,1 .,1 il L ...... I-.I 1... II, I, .,( ,. ...... j ...M. ...... .1 II !.-. bill ll" Jf ft oil ant Inn, "Will yen liit 11 ll IHik ninl I ! i Hit' t Inpliuli) t" tnl inn, "It n Iiitii li mi, I I," lli.niuli Hu t wetil. I int.r, if eitiri iwy, "Will Jen t?.i villi I'" 'llm ittniiliir el pmtptli H llil lli' IliU "nli'l l"l. la (.iHIllll v Im ivitilnu, I'ul'lli'n lu'i.l leNilnm ii ll, ami Hie ni'imil of It l nut nil. niri ln-r iiitbi mlllnr In uliitt U tiilie.l leniil mieliiiy, thittlKU "lite ninl liiin ill. I It" In lint a Willi moi-tn tiiinritiiimnt mil Uihii "iM'twit'ti )uii and I," lit titi ully auiim people ut Hi tthnetii without ktiewhig Hint Hiey do ll, but why nlmiild lln yf Mill otlu-r pinpli wlui IihVii bi'iii I it lulil Hint "inn uml Itlin went" In not t oiret t, b;iiornntly mipHM tluit "In 1 Weill yoti hihI nut" In a I o un graiiiuinlirHl. in Htin ennn, of entire, Hi m!ititkii In dun to pure iKiioniiu i, uml un oua ran riinipliilii of It, lie. mem liiiiiMiie In gfuiirally a mlxrurHiiio rntlmr Hum a fault. Hut w hen peupln who have ben tn achonl linn thn nominative cane In tlm ub Iwtlvn hihI nay "bi'twei-ii yon and I," or "I will let you anil hn know" onn feln Ilk project Iiik woiiui cinivenii'iit artieltt of fur nil tire at them. I'irliiipii nome form of vl olenco will have to tin renortml to lu order to break up thu practice. Dontun Trail crlpt. The lilt of the TaU rijr. Singular indeed la the etTnct of the bite, or an the Hih ih call It, the "ntk'k," of th tnntne fly, for thn carcann, when ex ami nnd, la found to bn alniont blondlenn. 'I'lie eel lulnr tlnnue under thn akin In dlntnuded with air, ri'Hciulilltig a number of aoap bubblcH, tho fat in ycllowinh green and oily, tiie heart no noft that the flngera can be madu to meet tlirouxh it, the lutign and liver arn dlneaned, tho nlomaeh and boweln are pale and limply and the gall bladder in dlnteudi'il with blln, Vet, an IilvbiKntoui' aayn, wild auiuniln nearly akin In the horNr and ox, miicIi an tho buffalo and zebra, nuf fur no harm. Neither do plun, goatn and wild imti'lopi'n, but dogs miller as nevemly an borncn nnd oxen. Tlm bKIii of nn animal which hnn died from thu tnct.Nn nhown all thn piincturrnon thu lunlilii, with a ring of yellow miirun on Hut IIchIi beneath each puncture an large an tlm palm of the hanil and rcHinnhlluK tiie itpiit nrance of a nnnkii bltit. Nocerlaiu remedy In known for the puncture of thin torn bio II y. ( ImnibciV Journal. I 'Iki I i( rw fill I n if Ilia Neu Ilolliim. Kxperlinculn luivn liecn madu In Franc which promlnu counldcrable nuccenn In nub uiarlne photography, A npuuially con atruuted camera wan carried down by a diver to a depl Ii of Ida or 'i'i feet, and with anexponureof half an hour ncKallve were obtained wlili li, allhoiiKh nhowlng a luck of di pill, wern fairly natlMfnctory, It wan fniiiid that the bent rcmitta were obtained by pbiclng a bluu ghmn In front of tlm leiiM, It In Intended to have lennen npeclally eonnl rucleil for under water work. Innliintaiieniin photorapha of the nea boll'ini durluua ntorm havti been obtaiie'd with thn aid of n Ihmh light, Thin lluhi wan furnlNbed by an alcohol iampfiid from renervoir of oxygen, MiiKiieKlum powder wan proji eled into tint damn through a tubo frnm Hi" nliora, It in tliouht that nurli (laildlKht photoi.'raplm may Im made at any dcpih to which a diver can go down. Youth 'a ('ominnion, II U Teal. "I can't live without her," hn nnld to a friendly lulvlner'und I am atirethataway down In her Imu I nlin ban a little fueling for llin, I am going lo lent her." J I o pull ed out, a pin I nl, mm;, iug : "lam going to hrr wllli thin ami any, ' I lere, about ma down. I cannot, live wlilmur you!' " 'You hud beli it not," wild I ha friend. "Win tnltilit pull Hie IrlKger," "I (Inn I .un fur that," replied tin heart broken lovi r "I don't ctre lor Hint. I hnvn lllli'd Hie weapon w ilh blank car tridgen,"- l.i.mloii Tit liila. Id'il Hull' ninl num.! Kobody ever heard of a redheaded man belief wiiiMruck, Why a red lieiol nhnuld afford any protection from the rayn of Hie nun or give li t mtm r Inmiiinliy from on of the moM wiiiKuhir uHectliiim that liu manily la l.elr lo ix one of ihoau mynterien that even Hie doelurn oannot fathom, but tliu fact n nuilna Hint men with red hair can nt a ml alimifit any amount of exertion In oroul of iloorn dm Inu thi! hoi I eat wealli er and never fe I any nerloun renuita from it, Ht, ldiiln (ilobe Democrat. KnjilUli at Ml. I!alli. Napoleon liotiitpiirtn ban two royal auo- oennorn on the Ihlaml of Ht, Helena, They are iJlululti, the nun ami heir of Otewn yo, (hn Zulu king, and I'mlahuko. brother of the mime monarch, Tiie climate of Ht. Helena oblige them to wear a blanket or aome heavy covering much of the time. It la doubtful whether they will ever leave tbelr Inland prison alive. -Parle Herald. Tha Jade minim In unner Ilurmah Drom- lae to become a moro regular aource of na tlonal pronperlly than the ruby mine tbemnelven. Jadu in going up In value, f Ing to the large demand from China. wL re oupe and various vnaaele are made of im precloun material, benidna ornamuuU, It la entlmatnd that the coat of aiinnori- Ing inch an entnbllahmentae would be pHutedof a married num lo eoeiety In 1. w hoik city would not be Iran than ISO.!" ' a year and would be more apt to reai... IUU,UUU, Why are buttonaon nien'a clothing on the rlkdit linnd nldn and on womru'a cloth ing on the li ft hand alileC Tide In curtoun, but true. It would be lntoreating to know the reanou. A landlord at Lynn, Mann., In order to get rid of an objectionable tenant, etopped up the chimney, lllllng the homte full of einoke. The occupant eoon deported. There are 11 A uierlcan rttlea that apread over more territory than I'arla, while Her lln I exceeded iu area Ly IT of our cltlim. u:. S IMs. D n.Mli s t-r t s 1 1 ptM !, ' l tU tll ! ' lM Im. iml t (.. i .. I ( j j hi i t, nl it, it Hk.k ,m t j t"ii i h( I tit at4 ltlimB Mnh I I tl II In i rl. i .-nil (I Si. 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 pin ! . I i I I . - I i. t. tut,, iile.. t.. Mil n v , ,i.i i ... ,i . u u. ' .; I e- I. mi It lis , .4 I n.iil.' .... n -ii I'i . i.ti il.i in, i, , -, I . ., , i I ., ,1 . . I . t , 1 1. 1 it i l i I I . ... I ll 1 i .I, t-Mi.!,.. I, it , , ..ll tn n l.,.ti . i lut ,!.( -I ...I, t . I li, I Hi it Ii. .1 Ml. . t 14 . ""- l.;' I . . et ' Hill'!.! !,( I'l l:! ,. I I l!(.,.. l. DkhU I'I I In 1 1 ri i! i Ii i t hli i-t ..inn t i.liiil i nl J Unit i ii I, i r tl.. ti.-il, i r l fi.tnil iiil'M . ii 1 ' lit it Un' bii'lii. it. i . .t if . own till, l.i In i.' i lot e... I lnj.Sn' lilntn Iiikiii Ii t Kr I i In r I In V nri' nuiH i Illi.iiia nr tl.i t a IV tl Ii liul Hn p.kii.iiii v i.f ai If aupiii'il abnia III W I'm a I'na ailDui li il a I. II 1.1' iuiiiiIh r lit lit iv i-i i np,ii i.'tia In ) 1'iing w "tin it w Im me ! rt 1 .1 l-tiliiij I l.rlll-t Ilea I 1 1 I w In li' In alllllll llil. I f I Ml, Tin' 111 lillml Mini" nf Ihi x-e etil. i pi I! ill p n.U 1 1 Ul.ll ll..' .int. nn. iiietliiiil w II h w In. Ii liu y lire en!, ii . luin. A ml to 1 1n ".' t in i' getie ninl etilnpl liin( young women a leu lillil n litity be v .limbic It aliniilil in vi r lw foiii'lti'n Hint "lma iiinm" m tnl "pliibiniliiiip) " em tit. i ilillcr elit IbliiKH. Hoi It buyer uml acller f it llieiitly i't hi fun ml tin1 1 un. It inny Ih iiui tli'iu'd m lii i lu r luilf llm fiillnna In lited lica veil! una by jniuiK women do nut arinn fnun (bin nluipbt fai t And in like niniiiier Hut woman ivlm gtH'n Into bllahteaa exclinnuca the privilege of nH'i'tal courleay to her nea for Imlepcml cure nod htmiitcaa rdclprucity. I lent again a mlhlHke in loo frequently mmltt. A biiMlitean woman munt not ronnlder the went her nor a hcitthieliii. Iter fninily enii no longer take a para Diouiit plnen with In-r. Hhe n 1 1 in t. nlTord to Im pli'iiannt only when nhe fneln well iiiiiIkIuiii or iniaceom nmtbit lag w hen nhn ban had bad ncwa. Thn public la lucrcllcMN ami curia nothing for her, body or Willi. If nhe needn a cnnhler or clerk, It tn not enough for her that nhn him an idle broth er or t hat her mother inlylit take the place, Tho (h'Ht (piest Ion for her connlileral ion In tho efllclency of I hone rulativen for thn va cant ponit Ion, It aeema imjifinHlbla to pluck out of the mind of it woman thn Idea that her per aoual malntemincen ought to be taken Into account In nettling lu r bunlucan nITnirn. And, curioiiHly cnoiiKb, tlda idea luin cor riipted t he biiaiuena mind of thn other nex. It In by no nienna unknown for a man to go paying I liferent, to hln female client w. Iiohh fuiuln imve dlwippcnri'd in bad in vcMlmenlH, or, on the other hand, to expect coiiNldernbli' fl 1 1 a 1 1 1-1 it I cliarity from her an to llm principal of nuch Inveat iiiciiIm. Nell lu r of Ibi'Mii expectal loan would nur Vive a ii ii iii mi 1 1 between two men. l'rohalily tlui very Ural, leanon for the would be inininean woman to Irani la Hint nhn nhnuld expect no connldeial lull w hat ever on account of her nex or her pernonal circuniHlaiicen ami Hliouldglvn none, Tlm exact lllliiiK of conlractn and Hie exact re quirement of linen arn t lie foundation of alt good hup.ini'fM. I.ikew iHitit nhoiihl bn one of her early IcBHoiiK Ibnl, the exact lllllug nf conlractn refern both lo Hunt and quality, i'erhapa he moat common nf all faiilln In women who i-humo in amall enterprlnen in thn feeling that if they cannot do tlm work now or I'ih nImIi Hie goodn foday next week w ill do JuhI, nn well, And If called to account for I hewi dnlayn they coimider tlm cunlomern moat uiireaaiuialile, Another ciirloua peculiarity lu thebiini' nean relal lona of women, rcaull Ing direct ly from In r liio nil cu Inexact habit of mind, In her I real incut nf crrorn. In thn view of many new bu,liua women any mlatake made In Hie gooda, In ordcrn procured, lu work done, uniM come out, of the ciiHlouier, Now, If a i iiHtomer given n dclnile, plain order, and the dealer doen not (III that or dcr, It In the fault of tlm dealer ami nhoiihl be borne by lu r, Thin faull la by no mcima confined lo women, it in true, but it, la npechilly prevalent among Hicin. The or drr nhoiihl be exact and tlellnlle in writ, Ing If need be -liul, oiicu given It, In the dealer' pl.'in. to lill it. In all llutvarloiiM linen of amall enter prlaen upon tt ti it-lt women are now cuter iug and whim! of which I hey are Invent inu much depend upon the way Hie youn blialncaa woman tiieeta thn would he cua toiner. A ciirdlnal principle abould hit toilonny thing Hint, any one ilealrea, Home way tiiiiat be found to do even I lie Impcnaible, I,ct, no pneaible cUHtoincr illwippcar be aHire you eimlil not. lind anine way to meet Ida or her wdnhen. Hi nd tor I liegooda wanted, or even go to Hut clly after lliem, If it beniilyn ilollar'n worth. Take the nlrangi! job If it have even ibe moat remote roiiiicci ion with your cnterprlae uml do ll, though you miiMt privately mblct it, liul let I Im ciiHtoiiier nlwayallml you ready and alvvnya aure to do what In wanted, 't hin liiauri n hia reappenrnnee. Hut If you cannot i t hia wi,,uathe Ural, Hun, he will (Iml aome other pernon ( r place w here they din be met, and that Inu fatal ilia covery. lie ready In expedient. There In no Imal neaa, even Hie Inrgeat and moat nyatem alic, that In not, alwaya running agaluat a wall of aome kind, and the ability to quickly and aomellmen Immediately lind a new way out in the queatloii of aucceaa or failure. If you cannot do a thing onn way, do It another. If thn rnudlllotm will not allow of the end deaircd, change llm eomlltionn, and that, on theapot. Hhe who healtnten ia loat In I bean dnyn, Yet look before you leap. A woman'n natural Impiilaea inuat not be trunled too far. " Hi itillneaa In ex pedient" In not only readlneaa, but rendi uenn lu expedient. To think quickly and clearly, to deli riiilmt that aome dllllcuit requirement nhall be met and to ace along what linen, if not all the dctalln, and to conduit bene two lima of thought at the moment in tn wcure aucceaa In any linn of biiNlncMa. Anna I,. Dnwen iu Wnnhliigtoii Newn. Cnnntt'M nf D arn Irk, TheCounli Ha nf W "nrw Irk, better known anl.ady I'.kk ke. In mlmim-illy one of the Inoat lirillbml wnmcii of iiimlrrn miclely. Her ci.iivcraal ion in i-piirkliiig nnd In marked by n In I 'lotu from couveiitlotiallty w liii b aoim l inuw borrllii a 1 be I'rinci an of W alen, u Im luin Inheriled all llin love nf ellqj.ili! of bet mot her, Queen Lotilauof Ilenmark. Tin nt arn lew womeii lu Im iloii whiian toiieta are more perfect In ev try wny nnd more in harmony with their v.. arer than limn, of thit('nuiilean of War wick, Him Inoi f tint 1 1, h w hipn in Kng- I iml ami drives it In-hnml, liaudling beribbonn In a di-ligb .fill manlier. I'urln llcr.ilil. It",e.l I unt Im W . a " i l..!. t' 1" k.t; tm ! i t .a-' t ll- t'--tf wi"i':i. i'v una at H-. . l i tt. !... I. a ll.H I 111 1,'tll 1 1.1 I ' i i i , t,t I i .t IHnlt.i.i I.. in m,l fi-nl ii. a ti Cili t..l, t . i .4 llhim IV I , ti 1 1 1 1, . .it. t,i... .,.( m. I I I'l' t.'MlH tl t tl I' .Ifc H 1 IW f ' ft -ttll- . e e. - li t n .i"t .!i a' !. It , I el i.ih Ii 11,. .l-.i't t u nit n t.i t ti. . 4 niai. i I r tl.,' alt Ui .- . .. I i . l. l-e1t ate i-t ' a .'t I l.e tl, aeii't In I , I I .1. l , I, - I . i ail at. a. . li I i-Vt -tell l I t t I, li K i i . .'. hi t.i" It , till Im tijl .,.n..a, ti it In . full Kill i.i 1 1 It iln t M .iMi.( i ri la, b'tllt tin I . !.' tin . f II. i'l, in. nt.'t't!ie p..itt.ll if II.' 1 1 it, lul H )a..ll mil I-., .lu. -.1 ,'.,( l iiliii P.' i i tnil a t bn.. o I.. I. i 1 1 I l.i t..-. Im 1 'f'ttti'1 ll'U all itii.b I . a !" ill .i p. i i.iai'i l.ltf Btilleti.'.l In n tl.e aiii"tl.. l..i'..,mt bal tliial, l.tai e t. il li ln..,it, .( .. tint t..itinit lie I.nanin Iniu. I i iilvtaid, tnl l.tll It llf II al l J t ail 'K I tii't li-atllle tmiu i . in. I p... ,1 i-.ii nf llm I., liinnlk Ing. na It la at i-mnl It t It Hint : i nl ti. i a nf lln n It In i-i-glmi aii'ifii'tt tini 1 1 1 .li. I ii I Im In . ml limit iii r if w nl k Ing j liia -iilinr lo lititny itminni,- ,leutnn Mllb-r i Klmilblv. laalii-a II n man In link. There la n alow but ali-mly liiiiiil.'inllun lif ilnpitliean W iiiiii It llilii New nk, III Hie m a ilit iiilii lln y bnta Im ii neil frnm four or llvtt In ntt r fill, l in y eiit trim, bright eyed litilit t rvntiircn, lm inkn a lively Intcrcni In evert lltlng going nn, Their children nrtt Just like t he tlui lat w lib It you buy In Yokohama. They are a trllle awkward In our nlyleanf apparel ntul fmil gear and never aeem entirely at home In litem. I Inlli women end children ilrean In the almpleat liunlia unit In dark eolurn wheiiever I hey go out upon Hut nlrt'et. In tho privacy of their ow n hniiien Ihey drop our fitnhloiia ami renunie thn kimoiin, nbl and alipper of ilnpnii. Here they go tn the opponile extreme ami wear the moat ntar tling dralgnn and tirtlllnnt linen Imagina ble, Dreancd a I'A merlealiio, tbey are nan ally plain, but when attired In their na tional continue they are pretty, graceful and attractive. A number of them live In the neighborhood of Hlxth avenue ami Tweiity-neoond alreet, but thn rent are aeattercd over the clly. In rellgloun mat tern tint women are nometimea (Jlirlntlann, morn often aguoatlca and nclilom, if ever, heathenn. They nlantl our cllmatu well, but do not have aa many children an do their married Hlnfera at homo. New York Advertlner. Working Women nnd Clutperinia. If women munt bo wngo camera and bread wlnnern, no far an I hey am concerned "clinperonn" are inipoaniblu alikti in Kng lnnd nnd America, in most factorlen, worknhopn end nalenroomn, In America at IciiHl, women urn aa carefully giuirdnd BgnliiHl liiHiiHIng approachtmor degrading enlanglemciitn an In I heir own hniiien. Therefore therein no reanou lu I ho world why in America wo nhnuld, no far an thn glrln are cnlii.rrnrd, bother numelvea aa to whether Ihey have chapcroiia or mil. If there In danger lo thin claan of glrln lu I'higlanil been unit I hey cannot have chap erons, it, might be well for Ihone having the nodal condition of llm mother country lit heart lo study thn mcthoda almost uni versally In unit In the United Htaten, and to the extent, of adopting thesn melhotln Americanize I Im work ing glrln of Kngland. liul, no far an thn wealthy chisaen arn con cerned, ell her lu (ireat lirltnln or the United Htaten, there In no essent ial illfTer enen nor likely noon to be any. Tint prea enee of older women lu every company adds lo the dignity and variety qulltt an much an to thn decorum and propriety, Harper's llaar I'iiIiiU I or I riilneil Niirai-a, At I he I rain Ing schools for iniiHen no np plicanln are aeccpleil who rim under !H yearn of age or over 115. Twenty-live Is I lie preferred age, When application Is made by letter, It muni, be mldrenneil to thn nil perlutelident of Hie school. In reply slut will receive circular Milling lhata per nonal Interview In desirable. If that In Im possible, thn applicant should write again, aiiylug an ami asking for an application blank. This blank must lie filled out In the applicant 'a own handwriting and re turned to (he nn perl ntemlent ,ocl lur wilh a phynielan'n cerl lllcatn of health, a letter from a clergyman and the addrcsscn of three women, riot relatives, who have known the applicant, for several yearn. These applications are bled, ami w lien a vacancy (iceuin I he numl desirable nppll cant. Is seln li'd by the president and in lakeii for a monlli on tri il. During lids mon I Ii i if pi-iibnl Ion aim will, at, a Inu ml, all the training w hooln, rccrlie her board and lodging, A I Iheeiul nf the monlli aim may be acci pled or rcjcitrd us a pupil uurne, ami I Im lln ii.lnn is limit - I.ihIhV Dome Journal. Miirrli-il Il itiiil ii aa I inpl.iii i . The iiveriion of the New Vmk lamed of education to married haclu rn la not nliar ed by t he dry gnoda inerclianla orcomuicr (dal men e lm employ women. They claim that n good aalrawoinun, clerk or npentior In abetter aervnnt after luarriage. Hhe unually rcnlgnn, but llm llrm la glad lo take her bm k afler the honeymoon, The married aali nwomen, typcwrllera, maehlno opera torn, dreasimikern nnd apeclal work era in a representative cafahllslimcnt are nald to do more work ami give less lioiiblu than tint average single woman. The mar rled clcrkn don't lllrt wilh the floorwalk er, they don't gabble wilh the elevator boyn, ami they ant moat patient with cua tomera. Thn married typewritern don't go to lunch w ith hciidn of department! and fellow clcrkn, and if they read thnncandaln in thu dully papers they do not make the fact public by circulating Hie clipping. At leant Hint in what tlm rnnnagcrn any, and they ought to know New York World. Naw Jnnay and NnfTrag. In one of the United Htaten a precedent for the admission of women an voters wan furnished during llm last century . The ntale referred lo wan New Jersey, w hich, tiy Ha constitution of 1770, gave thu auf fragatoall tlm liihabitnntn who had the property qual illcal Ion, A law punned Feb. 'i'i, 17117, to regulate elect lona Under that connlltiiilon provided tlmt every voter nhnuld default ids nr tier ballot, and that thu written ticket should contain the munen of those for w Imiii lie or she voted. Hut a biter act lu 1 M(7 enacted that no pcrmiti nhnuld beallnwed lo vole except free Imni w bile ell Izcna of 1 bit male lex. Hince then lint word main ban been in scribed I u the ruhhlitutiiiii of the ntale of New Jersey, hml already been done In th other matea, Cnmdeii I.ttter. SllfTniKn mn IIiiiiiii.U. Ladles In New Zealand havu the fran chise. They also take their hats off In the theater. If thin In a cane of cause and ef fect, tho cause of woman's nulTrage la likely to have a lnntni. Lowell Timnn. in a fi- f ... . I. ,0 I I , I . . 1 . - .1 . - 11- I i -t ii , i . n ' : 'HI , 1 . ) .... I I , I 1 t ' t...t I ' - r. fc i ..... 1 1 I 11 l", ,!H I - i a . -I ..( n. ti.,. . i. -1 . I ' 1 I " t -' I'll. " - I. I" ' 1 Sill .1 II.. ,. ! t. . i. , t . . i : ... i ii,. i , I . , . . f t . , ii, 'i, it., l a i it .1 .,ii. t t, ". ,.i 1 1. i i I t . I-, t.i t. t , i, I I, in l.iti, I U in -I ,.,il I . -1 . .. I I,. 1. .Hi.' tl.- i I! t . i t. "II 11 I m . ' I .1 I. I I ' 1 .."Il ! ,1. I ' I . I 1" . i t ll, ,,l ., , ..t ,-,f l,, n.., t.ll 1 1 ("lit tt ( I I "I ,l ...... I I,. Ill, 1.1 ,1 H. .( It. I ttl. ...I, .. I, ,',. I t , , I I-. 1 ., I ll', I (. I I 1 I, I .11. i I. II 1,1 M itll, , , .,, , I t 1 " 1 . 1. 1 1 1.1 1 1.. 111,. Ill I , 11. 1 '.n.,,1 m .. ., 1 I..' V-l ( I, a. I. . .1 t, ,,,, I .... unit I tl. -Hi,, ,,r llil" I I ll III Illl lll. i .1 'iml lilll. I t I Im I t I H In 1,1 I nn li... .,,,,, I il ' t.i. ill. a 1 1 1, llil. n -I tl.. i. .1. .1 im,. i,f , . . nl In I 'llil.lllu ll. I,, . t,1. i.,U I ll It t.. t l t tin,. .1, 1 1, ,i, i il, .11 nil, I i.l.,iiit,l It,,- lulil,. , inn nf In illl- llinii-iieil lit l.t li.nnlitil mi,, I utility tl.ill.tln it il a ti HI., mil. lul. ii. un mull Hi Inti tf alt ,ttt in t i i hi pi t Miiinini finin e. p Ii 111!'. I I'lth, H. '.'- l.i i.,l l(y II... I Ii nl N.i llllll, ll lllllll. llf I III, ,l,: 1 ,,,, nf 1H.,1 f.iur I lii.innii.l i'luht liiimli. il uml .. ntit. i luht an. I tl ii il. tllnt.. I 'I i,i 1 . , Willi lllleri'nl tltclinitl al lull' nf n. l,i i)i pi r t'eel per milium fnun a, ,i, ,lt,,-, pah. l"'i'; t.t nllnfy Hie i Null.. mil Hi, nt, lln' Kin, i nf nileti I hiiic-ntiil, lite lilili.ln .1, n.'V.ltty iiiiii .ti ni 1 1. .ii ii i i,.i.;ii i.i., iiiiii i ii tit, -i Ihereiin nl riite nf netrii pi r ei nl per an iiiiiii finin si iiiciiiln r I'.nli, wi', iiiiiii pniil, iiiiii line Iiiiii. hell, lifiy uml :,.l Im ilnllnin il.i .Vli cnnin, wilh Iiiii ii! I Inn im ft. nn llm I'ah tl it y nf Hi-it t'lnlH'i'. A. It, Hi-!, ti.uiilii r With iii'i' I iilliu ciihtn ni'ciil iHiih In ii litilf turn I, remli'li'il I ty Hie il 11 llr I cniirl nf nnbl llitinr lun ciiii nl y, nl ll n Hepleiiihcr l. l iii. A, ll IM'!. In a eei'liiln itellnii limn Mini Ihern Jti'iiilliix, Klie rein Hie I'lrnl Nittlomil Hunk, of I imiiliit, wnn il ii 1 it 1 1 IT. uml Meyer llellmiui ninl nihera were tlefi'iiiliiiitn. Hiiiiihii, Neli., I'l'liruiity I, I Ml I . lil'iiUtll: A. HKNNKTT, Hpei'lnl Mimler ( iiliiliilnnloner. Wluirlon it lliilnl. nl on iieyn, i-'i-ti Legal Notice. I'llOKIIK l(, K. Iv. blNTON I va HiM'ketH, No. W3. .Ucoii bin.. ) In I he ei in ii t y court nf liiiunlim county, alnle of Nebraska: .liiroli I. ill,, ilefi'iiiliint, will llllie nolli'tt tlutl. on Hie ?lh tiny of l mlier, A. II, I h-i.i. I'lmelin It. K. 10. I.ln'liiii, pi ill li I 11' herein, llleil her lint It Inn In the inn IH y couil of Ununbin eiitoilv, Ni' lit it" k it. n gn I iimI Niilil (lefemliinl., uml the I'liiuily Jtiilue Isnneil un order nf ni lai'hini'iil for Hut num of In snld acilun tn ii 1 1 1 ii tc I'i nnld ci, un wherein I'liiiebi. It. K. p.. 1 .1 n 1 1 ill I h pliilnl III', iiiiii .liu'iil, l.uli! Is dn fi'tidniil,, I Inu p t i n r i y of I lie dcfcuiliiiif con nlhllnu of I i,ir fl I in im pi nil liililc, alnve, chillis, clocli, tce-chcsl, iiiiii bur, lius been iiMurlii'il under sulil nnler; said philnitll' prays .ludinin'in luminal said dcfeiiuinil fur llm sum of fliMl dun for icnl nf hulldlurta lined anil occupli'il nl, Illl nnd I'l H Monlli Tlililerntli htreet, (Inuilut, Nebraska. Halil en use wits ciiiillniii'il lo llm fli Ii day of March, IMU. Von lire hereby rripilieil in iniHwer said pel lllon on or lie hire nithl Mb tiny uf Mlil'ch, Isthl.or it Jmlg ini'iil, will he lakeii aiotlliNl, you, Im ll Int. Neil., .Im IV '"!, I Kill, I ' 1 1 I- ilK It. K. I' I.INTtlN. I ty .Iiiiiii T. Ciilln I m, her alloruey, l-LY. 4 Special Mauler (Jomrniasioner's Sale. Iliiileriind by fill ue of nn order of sale on decreenf foiecluHioii of inoiiuaKc Inniii'd out of llm (llnlili'l. ('(iilll uf HoUKliin eiiioily, Nehrnnka. ami directed In me. I will, on llm '-'iilll lln v nf I'l'lii'inii v. Isill. nl, I n'elnck m, uf hii hi day. iik Hie iiorlli front door of the county coin T house, in llm clly or m 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii , colony, or Douglas nnd mule of Nebtiinlnt, nell at public auction, to Hie 1. 1 ,. i , .... 1,1.1,1..., i. ,i... , ..'r... i, i... ti-, ..ii i urn, 1. 1 1 - iniiii i ijr dcHcrlheil Iii s'lld order of wile us follows, to wn ; Hot, eltdit. (Nl In block Hi l ee Ch In lli li.irn' Plnen lidihtinli liiltiit el I V ,.f ( linn hn !,i I i... Slllle of Nl'bl'llhkll. I . l I niililsiilii Is lo sallnry inn .imminent or -ul'l couil rendered al lln I cluuaiy Icrin, IWii, In a eei'liiln ltd Ion In which 1 Im llelkiuii Mnv i..ih it,,..!, ,.r I .,.,.,...1,. ti.. ......i.l... iu piiilnilll', ninl Win, II. 1 1 1 1 y i J i 1 1 uml mbeia nere defrniliinls. A pieariincit docket ;i,"i, No, 1711. (Oiiitha, Nebraska. .In unary "'I, lnn:i. ItlJllAII K l orllliAN, Hpeelal Manler ('omniKnloncr. I. It. Andrcwa, at turney, . l ail-fi Nolico lo Non-Residenl, To ,l,i men (I. Hlaller ami Anna (', Mailer. imn renbli nt defi iidiinln; Vim lire hereby notllled Unit nn Hielltb (In y of I l i in It.-i , ln'1,1. I nniiy lliyiiuf (, i d wlu an l ii I ii I ill, lib d her pel II Ion III the din I thl mul l nf I iniigliiM i'i i l li t y , Ni'lu ii-l.u, n r o 1 1 1 " I. you an ili'feniliiii'n, the nlijecl null pniyer of which In In foreclose h miirlv' ntfii en , nil il on Hie :!iiili day of .tune, Iss'.i, by ,M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I inn nr! I y in Imihi im i'. Hales and by him ii-lni'il lo I' it imy lliyiiui (ioilitlii, plu 1 1 1 1 If lie n In upon I In. propel I y ilcnci ibed an follows: Tlm went one luiif i VV . ' ) of lol, elulil mi in lilock eleven (Hi In Iteeil a I 1 1 Hi. lulu 1 1 Inu lo I he clly of ( iuii liu, In 1 1 utility of I 1 11 if llin. null n I n le of N el, l a ska- In am ule Hie (ill V Illl' II I llf il Hole fill' Ibe M'tll ol f.1. J 'l lit! (Illl ninl p.t.tlible .lill, I' '.'I'l h lK'.'l on h ell . mini Iht'ie iinw due hull puytilile In Hie 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 If Hie i,iii of .til. .' Hi noi Willi Inn ret i ) 1 1 i ' i nt nl 'he rule nf m vi ii i7i pi i i cut per milium finin lln- Will U iy of lii'i i inl i t n'.i,', for w hie h iiii i. w 1 1 h inli ii nl , pin in I iff pi n ys lol 'i ih cree Hull lln' (li ft niliinl- pn.v tlm -. i nn, uml that in il. faull uf in li pmnmi.t, nllHI lirclulnea limy be nt Id In aliljaft I he un, niilil found due, uml Uml ullnf Miltl ttn fi'iuhtiitn in ii y be fun ter burn d of I heir in- lenl III nu Id ri'iil ei-liile, loll lire I' ipill'i'd III illinwer llm sit ll' ( .(. 1 1 - I Inn iiii or iiiioieiiii .'tin iiu y nr March n'i. I I iiiiml ui ( im ub ii. Nib, In iiiiii i y I, l'i I , N ,N V It.'liOlitt IN 1 lly tl. I' , Thulium, hi t m nn m y, ;!i, 4 ' Legal Notice, To the unknown hclin of W, A uinlle h oeri -IIIK, deci iinell : Inu ii ml each of you will In lie mil Ice Unit nil Hie Hill day of hm eiulit r. Nn ImiIu Hit I,. I'eck, pbilnnil herein, llled lu r pet II ion In Hie dlnulcl .null i.f luuiubis coiiuly, Ne . luiiskit, liiinlnsi W A tun I It' Koerlli'i.' nnd Kl hi l.til nun, the ohject ninl prayer of v. Itlrli Into forci-hiM! ii imirlfiiu'e execuled on Hie .Illl dny of A pill, I sill, by W. Aniulle KuertliiK In I II-'. lie I . Illilen. uml by lilm llnnln lu d li) I. .11I11 lln I'm k, pbiinllir In li In, u pi. ii tlm piiipri ly (lencrlbril un follown l,ol ilin ei.l) in hlocU neven iii In Koiime l uuiih rup- nlciiu niiiiy iiddithia loll lly of I muihit. In Ihncounly uf lout(liin. nnd Hie ntute of N el ,r it k it. toneciirc Hie pity nient nf it imlii for I he sum of ini due uml puyiiliji' A pi ll II, Is'.m, on which nun' anil ininiKiiie iheri' la tun lluit null piiyiilil'i'li, ), il ii I ii 1 1 rr I In- on in nf wilh liileienl ut rule of aen n 7l per cent per un iiiiiii from Ibe liril day of April. ili;l, for which mini with Interest, plaintiff pruya for It decree. Hull, Ihe defen daiila pay the aitme, uml Hint In default nf such pay nient mild pt euiUen nuiy be nnld In satlnfy llin h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f iiiihI din', Hint nil of said (Icfeiidunln bn foiryer burretl of their llllerenl 111 MIL III real CI Illl' You are rmilllri'd lo Illinwer Hie nalll petl llnu un or hi (ore Hie Sih (l.iy of Miircli, n!i. linn d at (iiiiahn, Neli., .luniinry .'ltd. l-il. ICAIlU.I.A I,. PI I K lly II. I'. Tliiiman, her nl lortiey. l-'.'il-l Notice of Chnttln MortRngit Sale, Not Ice In Imrchy klii iillnil byiTu.,on "uf id-fit ut I In Hie cinnl 1 1 bins of a cluitti'l nmri gnge (Iiiii ii July liul, In.'.l. t.x.-i-titi il hy W. I''. I. u mil Annie burr- lo W. II .liilllnu'n, nnd iiH-ii-iicil In ll. ,n liriutf by !ln mild W. II. .1 n 1 1 1 ii ! h, hihI riviinli'il In Ihe ntll f Hm i niilil V cli'i k fur I luin bin inly, Nebraska, on w hich iiiiiii mitre t lie num uf iwu liumlrril uml nevciity. Ihe it;:.-! tini dtilliiin, whh li;trr ent Hirl'i'till 111 ten illl' per i-t'iil prr liniiuni f ft mi dm r. U nl III il in ninl un pu Id. I hi' 1 1 ii 1 1 ,. r "i g in d w III on Hie J.lli dny uf 1 clit iiury, ln'.i. ui in u'fltH'k it. nt. ut llu uurHii'ii-.! corm riif 'I' III ri y - lift li nnd M luin) nirrrin. iinuiha, Ne- bl'llnkll, ni'll III public It 1 11-1 1 1 1 It till' fililimltlif prnprrly I'linnirriiteil lit nuhl iimrtKiitui, In wll: I oiinini Iiik nf all I he Imuni Imhl furnit ure, huw nitin'd ul pbici. uml number above ti it in i-tl ; tint, cow four y. 'inn old; and nun holnr-coll, Ihrre years tihl; nne HIiih.- a t - t il Mnif . i ..iiin.-r ".titii,- imiiiu, ntuirii m -,t l lLXlint blin k, (-iilil naln In untile In attllnfy llm aubl ll . (Iruitir In aubl iimouiil, wllli Interrnt llleieoil a llbiivt" nl itled. Diualui, Ni'liruaka, January 27th. 1sit4. P. H. (.limit;, 2-J-3 AnslKiti't! uf nakl Mnrtgage.