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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1894)
T H IS AMERICAN fAMR IIUCIRUO'S SCHIML , l U M U ' ' , i ,v t c - " n k i . i i .. . . . l,. i i " I,, i ,i (..I M . i i, ln- ,.! Pi U . - ' tl.l It,. t W hvi , ,.,it wiltl , ! ftl: H l, ' il' tu, , I' t it ! -I I' !" , .i Ki 41 I .. I l. ',.. ... Mm- t f I '. I!!"?" ll,,-tl tl Irli.t Utrt'U 'It H l" I i,i- , S I I -()! itr ,(!),,. 1 i ' hmiii nltl'l'" !' ' !, Ii. M-U'd! lil,lil, Illi.liflU Mn-'ci I It II .t , l IH'I tl"ll " I . . " II,.- winli' il rlitl.t. . . 1 t,. 'I win 'i , iil i'ii ni" Ii'11' "I ' " l .n't li'ili" ., ,',( lnHliiy, V...'.m'l cl !"'' Hill VOU," JV,,,,!,!-.,!.! tl. II . Il"f.t - ' .... l 11,1,1 v,-. siifiiw iivi ii ' . ,, lolinv,. 1I.U l....m lM mi' " lli'Hl' IIIHII'I'' lur Imi I"' i"""t ' - slower iil''tl)'i 'Ki'iir Mini):", I Hl1' ,ty until ).'" """"""K n" Mlrni- .l"t miiki. v' wi ll mMnV" fnimliH ii.'V.Tt.i l.'iiv.'imr I...111.1. .V,.WUI l.ilkofU.UVm...i row, Afl.-r HiiuiiumI Mhi11uiv.. Mlrnl th.i houm-kui-l"" ltl' '" J"'1"1' Hml MU. LowiUhII. Intl.nlll.niry ....iv.t until II Vlo'k. wh.iiiMi- liw-H lll'i'H to K t" I"'1' riHMH. "U t in" 1'i lnrf "i "'" ,,,K',m Hn'1 11 mlllH'fi.roV.M. ri-tlr.-," -ny-M". ' quiet .liirlnif thu isvtminif mid n Mr. " 'mocwi toav U10 iMH.m, ho r.'tnai'kH: "Mlmitiwi'll, t h',l,,l lik" l" "I"'1 with you ulon.i toniKht. Will you ro in.ilniifw mlnuu ftfUr Mm. Mm.i "Unrtiiliily, Jud(n." Wlion th two nrn by thftioilvo" tfie JihIko tMKln: 'MIh liowtdl, 1 m afraid Unit wlmt I tmvo to MHy will not niwt with your ttiirovl, hut evon ho, my own imlliitfn jtrompt mo to mx'Bk and 1 ln-ff f you to think ncrloimly f what I nay." "Whatovor you may havo In mind, Juiio, 1 am mira can but m for fny jfiMMl, and I annum you I shall nriu:nUi your kindly Intonmt an I havo alway donn." Hut what I am about to aiijfK't l, I (oar, moro 10 my advantajro than youm; however union" yon can foul that you will bo made hafipltir by my offor you would bo dolntr i'" both a (fn at InjiiM tiw to awept. I will not hi at around tho hiM-h (oy mom, although I mut r"nf HH I fi l l MiinVShat awkward In my pri'wnt diloinnii. My ofTor U thin: I wUli totiiko von to my homo, to ir t'ct, to romfort you; In abort to mako you my wifo." "Judjjn ft"forn, yon aro a nohlo mart, and I am ur thin coiupllmont puld 1110 In prompt -d by tint bent of Ink-rent In trio, but I'vi n at our fltfi I do not think marring without lovo would bit a u(i!'HH." "Ah, I ; you canrot love im ?" ' I did not nay no." "Minn liwoll, can It Int jH,.iblo you do lovo mc? At flmtl coiifom It wnn Mu'lK'n ttnat Intcnnt In you that canned mo to hn.k noelonoly Into your cbiiractor, but within tlx) lut two wi"kn I havi- thought of you conntnfitly until It mcuin that witlioul you ll'o would b.i a'OidHt a blank. Yen, fyiui, you iirti I In' brijiht ntr I ha", ca'i hi li'liti'ii ttiti rciiialudcrirf my dnyn, In ...I.. you I no p-r'octlori of woman. Can you not fclvi! mo join promU"? If n, I gweur 1 for In aim thatllahall bo my aim to It'vo to muk'i ;-ou happy." ' I will not try odinxuU my fecllnk, Judn, for whnt you havo mild maken run fruu to nay that 1 do lovft you, and will try to miiko mn'li a wlfn an you d aervfl," "Iina," nay tho judifo taking her hand In hln warm palm, "you havtj a) ready done, enoiiKh txt makit of m your ilavo, but now I nhall do alt that lay In n y power to makti you happy, not Inv Cttuno of what you hav don for un, but becauno I love you dearly, and cannot, if I would, do otherwlno, Arn you willing that I tell Kam and Madjfo In tho morning?" "Yen, If you think well to do no, And now I munt ;o to my room, I bavn a letter to write Winiyfrlcmlnlnllanjfor," "Very well, mydear, and you munt, an noon an you can find tlmo, n;nd In your rcHljfnatlon at Ht, I'aul." "1 will nay to you an 1 did to M ide. we'll talk of that tomorrow, Good rilKht," Thojiidtfo taken tho promlw d wife In bin Br, and an ho feoln her heart boating atf a! nnt bin groat honest breant, ho exclalmn, "Iuia, I cannot explain my love, you will have to fathom It an tho yearn roll on, Good night, my darling," and with an honent kinn their vowgaro ratified, CIIAI'TKIt XXII. TIIK WEUUINO. After brenkfant next mornlriff Judjfo Iltijfcr Invito Kam to hla ntudy and there divulge bin new relation with Minn Lowell, 'Tather," ay Bam, for the llrnt time thun addrcnnlng him, "thl ban been our tlcnlre for (several weekn, and now that the promlnen are given, why . B .- ... tunn 4-t,'- .! .1,1 -. I. t . f , in I li tl t,,, , , i , 1 1 'II I 'tot., I l'i t'i , " i , an 1 1 41 . - i" tl nr. j.-ili'M , I l m j til I j , i t 1 M i i I . en Ui ".It 1 H I . t i.i t., I a i,et.'iun M ! (. . . . ),,! I .In II. till, I 'I l 1 U t ,,i,,,i,.,i niii, 1 eel' tlx ,l n-.,i Willi en tiH Mill !' I , 11 ill Ik . I leif Mie ( i 1 11 ii , im i,!,, 111-1 ilit n i"'i I , I in 'Hii'.l n'i i"l bme ttif ,(. !. , 1 liii""l'" I'll' I tnu-l V"l Un ts.u i (i'i.1 jii 111 11 1 ii;' U lii I, , it iietil n't- Mm I'.-n iiiiit"! ni'! (I, II 111!.!' linn ticule n!i"u; wii't t .,,l Iw M I, ' till - I i" tilik Willi lier lllmill Mil" Itl-.ll'el' " , melt tut" no n. imiltle teniill Hie mill 1 iim nlioiibl I'l'l 1"' d. unlit l wtMiinaftw week oHi t lm ol'j" ' II, ii f It In 1I11 i'l"l 'hH the e rem Mi -luilt tiiK." p'nee Hi Hi" home of her li li nd in llmior, and the reception ! jjii iiy !4iim and Mmliie. Mm.' Mori"ld "lluhted. Hhe l.'jjlii- n.inUii hKI.Mh.H:" Iniiueillately, "I or .'M() ,,, M, ,,, v. Wi are tlul iMid to w.mI.Hiiu r pi lon, ami our crude Ideim tnu-l Im re-uioih led nuiliy tinier." Mint l.'twell, after miming Mndge back to i.etiien and good nplrltn, ro turnn to Itangnr to mutt" her prepara tion for the coming event.. They lire married In Mr. Kartell"' iiet Htile hom with only Kinn and Miulgo iH.nlile the Kurtello family to wltnenn the holy cereiiiony. Mr. Mor"bnneveryl.hlngln "apple pin" order to welcome thorn homo. AImuiI a hundred Invitation have been innued, and among thnguenU from abroad, are, lleteullvi) Cam and Mr. Foley, of Chiciigo, and Mln llrown and Minn DoMont, of Kl lao, Muxico, Thono guentn reach Math ono hour boforo the bridal party arrive from Ilangor. The reception In In every way a due ee, again abowlng Mr. Moro to bo a wonderful getiortil In domcntleafTalrn, At 1 1 : th gueu have taken their departure, and Judge linger InvlUj thef!5ml1y to go tn the library with their friend from Chicago and Kl l'ano. Detective Cane I tho flrnt UtUnwh upon tint tory that o lnt!ret thin little group. Ilenayn: Well, Judge, my work In the Fitz gerald cane In at lant ended. Mr. Foley ha tho Jewel that Foley had left with Annette and the jiroperty and money that I hern by right, and Mln Urown Inneeured with the jirojierty he had obtained In California. Iiy the time the Uwyer are paid the Foley estate will be a thing of tho p int, and all thl llfivtlme of Infernal nchemlng ha ended a nuch thing nhould, In total d" fe it," "Yen," annwern the judge, "but the money In a nmall consideration after all." "You are right. Judge," remark MUn lirown, "1 feel under gn at obliga tion to Detective Cumi for bin awlnt ance In neeurlngour nloh n rnouey but IntlnlHy more grate ful to him for nhowlng t the world my dear'n Inniwefiee," They nay very tittle more of the pant trouble but all join in panning the time pleanantly until after 1 o'elouk, when Mr Morne nuggent the f"ni billty of retiring. At they retire for the night, Detec tive Caw, nay: M ultf 't I have a great f,ivor In imk of you," "And what In tha'?" "I wlnh to tmrrow lln,e, perhnp for a y nr or mre. One of my wont Intri cate ca now demand my attention inCuimd i. and If you will npare the old fellow I prnmfno to return hint afe arid noutid," "O, I would Iw very ungrate! to re fn.c nuch areipien), of eoume you can take htm; but he I a member of tho f,imlly, you know, and It will nearly break tin all up to part with him." "I know that, but hi nervine are worth a great deal and hi nhrewdnen nhould not be thrown away In time like thene," "True; If It wore not no f could not eonncnt to let him go," "Now there in a train out of here at ! o'chnk thl morning. Can wo lm ready for that?" "That In our Intention," annwer Karri, and the family, after bidding their guent gmxl night, ail retire to their mmm, The morning after Judge linger wedding I beautiful, and at ten minute before nine the friend from away with Kam and Madge, and Mr. anil Mr. linger, ntand Unm the large granite ntepn wnjilng for the carriage which take them t'i the depot, Tney nil travel to Chicago together, then m p arato with promlne t have a reunion In one year hence Judge linger and hi wife vlnit Miry' grave lor the flrnt lime alone and here renew their vow to work for tho Interest of America' government, America' nchwlnrmd America home. CO.'JCM.'SfON. Junt one year ha panned nince o.r little party neparated nt Chicago, and now the linger' home I all bundle for their friend are expected thin very hour. Mr, llogem it In tho invalid chair by the largo window facing the drive ,1. u 11. ait I l , t, Mi ! i' , III III VI , ' I. i. (.. in l.i l rt.t l J-.. It'- Ii ,.' I'i )' l, U -I I in I . i I 'ti mi l t 1 i mit In I thitti .'? M- M.i Mi- Jnil4' I 4 ii ln tlMni !'( I Si U"Ht ' I Iti Ii I'M Il I I -" ' ' !. M,i iHt 'n t'! .l'i"' !( Mi.1,-1' mi l Mi !, 1 . r i-h M,. .itu. (,ti . t M ell li, i..t i, Mil h'' meue e n 1 1 li-nte 1 1. "It let IliiM . II. , k 'l 1 1 rt I" I , tl. 11 iul I lil MdMi, IKli it 1 1 'II I i"Ue U"ei I neil linil Kit fi't ,,. ii. I ll.iil I line lull . 1 ill 1, I Ii i li"i 1 11 iIiii,i,. i u lulu hi l,m htk't,! ,.iii. lieil l.mi ,ti,,l hlnnlh- milking l - itt Hint t iiit.iM msi "in ile I m ' . Ill i I. II ,l, II jjllllll ntipNI I.M nut Jt ll I I Jllllil il' 1 ill i Till. Ur.CAMUt ') -I CM T MICK. II IU ! II. ,,H, I I. in ll.n lllllr ! I it., Ill tin I it In 'I , h I n. I'r'.l.iitlv Hi" niii i'iitir orl r w hn It filial lull 11. 1. HI lluin- nit Innui'il Him Ih huh nt.1,1 ""1. 1 11 4 tin. 11 1 , lit. hi t, k , Nn I'll Ien hi 1 Vi r Kienvii ti mil 11 nlulil ntlrk rtti I Mi'u hut 111 lull, 11 li rut w hli Ii I never lined hy Mi" I "ili to iliilKlmti' nny i"iiniu Itu y 'Vi r 1 itrri' il. riuliBnn lilll'l, Inn nil Inline Ilifll liumt. ell lili Wern iimiiilii l ilnie iiii ft 111 1 lulihjutf ami led iiiiihjr t'i In lit wi llrnt they iiiIkM niiimi ilny Imi vo llm iiilnfoi ttirio to bu tin ji-t ty 1'IiiIiIh'iI. It w ill nurirlp nueh peopln tu li'iiru tluit If tin y mr nhould lm rlulihi il I hey will fare wome utiiler Mm wrlht, of the nhoit, hard hnlntin liuw carried than tinder tlu hlntvN of tho eld Mum nlulil nt lekn, Tim -Xlimn! Ii.ii Ii nlllliln, Tim iiImIiI mi l. k" vvi re maile of I ha het eNnnned locilnt,. Well neunoueil loeunt lm cmiien entiiNratlvi'ly lluhtnml In n.rluy. The lintoiin, or blllien, wlili li replii I them arn Hindu of Mm heavlent wonil uvnllahhi ronewimil, lignum villi, und Mm likii-aud arn nhort ami alMuilnlely ilevold of pllahlt Ity; coii-e(iienlly a Mow on thu head, which, dealt with a lillit ntlrk, would re u It only In n nealp won ml, If dealt wit h Mm pollcemau'n prenent vvi-iifmii might rentilt In n frm lure of the nkull, Ko true In thin that many of Mm older pollecmen w ho have carrleil a iukIiI. ntn k for year will driw a revolver on a refrao tory prlnoner, hoping tolulimiilaiu him hy thu rxhlhliion of It, rather than to rink drawing the billy, whieh would have lit tin or no ttTrlfylng effect on Mm prlHom-r nd ml(ht result In lilmli aih if the ollWr W fon-eil to linn It. 'J'h nlht nth k Imd mnny tine with which the ueneral pnhlle hnd I It tin clninee lottmw fiinllliir, The regubitiou lenth W',!3 inchi-n, but they often cxeeeded thin by two or four Inche, 'J im leather thong which thu liner w rapped almut bl hand to reenforen hi frlp on tlm weiiHUi wa nearly a long ami wntrong enough t'i nunlaln tlm weight of mont men. It av ll ninnir H reach of at leant flvn feet, and time nud aln tlm nlht nt.lek ha heen lined an a nupMirt until other annlnt ue could come fur om tiufortunnte who bad fallen or jumped overhoard, and In cnwK of irreat enn'rgenejr wher the drowning man or woman wa hmiiiK ntrengih ortcrowing In'iiumbeil with cold wait tug the arrival of heat or rope the idxbt nifek and ntrap have been uneil t'i rirKtlii'in Hi to the pier, Au'iii), it, ban lieeri found Invahialile an a llfemiver when Ut ter were loo far away and the ambulant wa In ri'niomiing to a call. I'm if men wtth two ilwlit nliekn, one of tho (tick nlipp' d il 11 " If r the kneen, Mm other onder tlm ami of Mm patient, could carry him canity and rapidly to the bonpital or tat Ion, Ali'llii r flii'l prolialily the leant tlioiiRht of tine to which tlm timely nlxtit Mick ha been put wan in txllnKUinhlntf (Ire, Fire tarte,, no erie know how, In ruhblnh In eellnr or In hed'Hug or clothing In r';m ud elnnel are among Mm mont couiinon that il vi. Mm nVemi u a run. Many nui ha fir that would have renulli-d In a damag ing roiillflKraiton If left lo await the ar rival of Mm lire department ha been ,i 11 1--ii out with a nKht mirk, f.imt, but not leant, tlm fear of it ha quelled many an incipient riot, wbtl the judicloun tine of It tin kept many dnngernii corner fre of the corner loal'i-r whti ll inadn them dufi Kerounud ha don mor Ihan tlm fear of arrot ami Imprisonment to break up tlm yuan, m hii'ii tueil i lifrft many por tion of Mm city, , New 1 ork Mm, nellM l Miik I er .Vmlilen. "Tlm drk"-n hour In any young man' life," niijn oi,ih l.ricley, "in when he nil ilown tii plan how to pet money with out nrnlng It," There am more way than one of mak ing Hit filial mlflflka of trying to get noinet IiIiik for nothing, The 1 -rimtnal way in th a wornt morally, hut not Mm mont common. A I mont m demoralizing to charactfr, though not poKlilvi'ly criminal, nr tlm many wayn of trying to liu'rcee ore! wraith t Mm expeima of olhern l,y kiih hlliiK Httll a tlilrd wny of neiilng nomn thtng for nothing I to hunt for nine cure, Th new mayor of Hrooklyn, cleeteil on a trong platform of municipal reform, returning horn from a nhort trip Junt aft er hi election, found thrr bnnliel of let ter from applicant for otlie, mont of them, It I nnf to nay, from lazy young men who wanted" an "enny (dace," Thl Incident h led to tlm quotation of f'renldciit Lincoln' apt ayln, "If ever thl fre people thl government I ut terly demoralized, It will com from Mil buiiiiin trii((l for olllc a way to liv without work," Valuo for value I th only rulo In bunl nenn, Mifilte nii'J moral, Vouth' Com panion, Mini Taming, There aw tamer and trainer. A tamnr I alrnply a man of unlimited rmrvn, A trainer linn nervi, and judgment. My frlnud tell in that n trainer can teach a lion ahottt many trick a can t taught dog, Fometlme the Hon hlmnelf will vn cofinclounly nii(K''Ht a new trick, "I had to train four lion to jump a gate, dim of them wa nontiihborn that I determined to h-iiVH htm for tlm hint. When I came to him, ha wan lying In a corner. I ncan nt.rlklng htm, it prnng np and cam to ward inn, II had a wicked look, no I bit htm a nharp hlow from hflow on th end of Mia none wit h my ran, Mi only weapon I ever ink Into Mm den, The blow ntung blm o It turned him around, and an If to eie'Bpe another he jumped up to th br and remained ntandlng with hi forefeet upon on of them. It pave nm a look which mid plainly, 'I'll ntop hern if you won't do It uuilu.' lie looked nuperh taudlugthcrdrawnapto hi full height. Ko I aut down on th gate, lit a clunrctt and kept htm In thatpoaition till I had fin ished. I trained th other Hon In th act, and a flu appearance the four mad itand Ing agatimt th Lar." llarynr'e Young I'tople. RIHER SUES CARLISLE. 'if tin fit Cittiin p Sf ( tit. try (0 Unic Hint Hum). Mmt Tin; rnu.nn v kilmom, 1 ,11.(1 mlnnnl ImtrtM I ! Hie Un I. Mill Mmllf IIUii.ll n, ,,,,,,,, llmi'iUl llm II S, ll ,l.i, I ...,l. ,1, , I l. I Inn I II III I t'Hir I . I ,111,411', a lili. I ( t ,,,..1 .UIr I, Hi, I,. I. V4nitiN"lTiH, I'. Il, , - It. C ti f. I'i" i tin fi.iii v lei iiMr.e I tl it! iin. it. j lion tu, iii'i by iiiittmg tn t i-t t- 1 ttin f' i.f l.!idn i,!,4 f,.rl, 1... 1'ity Cntlrde, let bhi titimi iii Un' iiiii'tlie li.itll iif the lie In, I mi king iniindiiinii In iiitii l Hi'Ht;it I'mli'.lii t-l l"tl" f Kl.lnKI.IHHI , . ,,,,1- hint, lie. CHIillllg lo III" eU l"f l,U .l,l, '1 lift lu-en-tiltf lli tM'i illlii Ihe !ki'f pin Jnimata, w bli II Wehi i tliiiilltl,it V, ilivit llUilt'll bin IllliUll illl nt-llll- lill. I, iw a re kt lit of till" iii.piity, twin. Ii. I til' III. Mr, Uik' r'n in-titiutt, Itnticli iti Iv nft"r being flleil, wik"'l In Jildiee lr,i'lley of lh mtpreuiK court of thu Ih. Irji'l, who Witllhelil it ft I public itinn, It in II lotlg diN'tllliellt lltll neVetnl week werenpi nl Iii preparing it. Mr. Jlilor oeaert Hint ill cnee of an adverHe ilechdoii he will apH'al to Die higher cotirln. "I would rather l in my nhm' than In Birrelary CnrlinlcV, ilmpile nil Hint Iiim In'eii n.'ild ngitinnt me," be mU, I t I look like u crunk? I ciuim lier mi nu find' errand. People my 1 11111 11 green horn fur gobbling thu whole Inrnie, Jiut I've done it. I've got to vindicate my. Bel f and prove that thu term crank lie long to aoiiiolioijy cine. Finance in the only thing I ever made a ntudy of in jMililira. I don't want to make any ao CUMutiotm, except under outh in court. I'roplfi I nlleil Illin m C'rmik. "I have done biiHirufin for 2 year, and never h.'ia a Htinplcion lnn rained agaiimt me, and 1 11m reaily to make oath bi it, and nwear on a t in k of bible. There are 10,000 iniiplo who know me mid never knew a harder worker. People calhil me a mink when I left for Eng land on Angtint Ti, Vili, where I bmk for ale the firat piece of American fnmh meat ever laid down in an Kuro-an country, I wn tcnnml a a crank of the firnt stripe wln-n I lniilt the firat refriger ator warehonne in New York In May, 1874, 1 made almttt f.1,000 a wck trana imrting mettU to Kuropo. William (1. Ltuldof Brooklyn won aewadated with me, I hare been inb'retel in a dozen big enterpriai;, including an nnformeiitod gra(e juic jilant at Keopiw, N. Y., on the Ilndaon river. My jnitition haa been examirunl ami paaneil on by aenatora who have c7mmlttnl themnelve U) it. There will bo inui In-foro wo get through." CONGRESSIONAL FORECAST. rronnnlo That the HIhiiiI Hl((iilorMKe Illl I Will Wamhinoto.", Feb, 12, There will lm an efrrt on tho part of tho donate during the jiroHciit week U clear nji the calen dar tin far a poeniblo prior U taking np the tariff bill, which, when it in rejiortcd to the non.'ito, in exprnnl to exclude the connid'-rution of mont other tibjoct. Tho upeech making during the week i to lm devoted! to a variety of toncji, including the Htewart hnul reaoltition, the Turjno ll;iwaiia resolution and probaldy tho remdution of K-mator Halo itwtructing thoooiiimltto'ion fin new to grant hear ing on tho tarilf bill. The bill to ciinH.l raiiroa'l cwnpanie operating road in tho ti-rritoriea over right of way granted by the government toentablwh at at ion at all Vwn mUman tablirtheil Iiy tho interior dopartrneiit n the tinliniHhed Imninee im the cab-ndar, and when it in dinpowd of the bill to pro vide lux additional accommodation for the government jirinting o(!iMi will lie taki-n tip and acted on a noon a prwtl cable. Ttn re will alo Ji a gitieral effort on the part of m nator to have ,rivate bill of minor general importance taken from tlie calendar and ptmwd, It f epct"d that th't intwideratiotr of the Bland aetguiorago bill will Jni corn Jileted ill the hoilte on Wedtl'-nvbiy, When lill reachm a vote the general cxjiecta tion I that It will im after having in-en modified in certain particular to mei-t the objection of H"crelary Carllnlo to give him ome latitude and dincretion In ttie innue of tr"onury not agalnnt the neigniorage and in tho wjlnigo of the bullion. On Thurmlay tho O'Nclll-Joy w;ntet d election cane will como up and by agree ment nix bourn will lie devoted t'i debate thereon. Mr, O'Neill will probably lm Heated by Ml mont a ntrict jiarty vott. Tho remainder of the week will lm devoted to tho fortillcation appropriation bill. SUSPENDED THE RULES. Com pt roller Manner Ornntod HpeeUI tnttir to the l.rriimn C eamilnr Acnnt. Wawiinoton, Feb, Vi. Comptroller Monnurof tho trcontiry dejiartment re-ci-ntly received a letter from tho German coimular agent hero in which ho ntatod it hod aitiKt to hi knowledge that a aol dier in the regular army of tho United Mule bad recently died inb-ntato and that hi only relative living were two brother who ruddo in Wentphalla. He atated further Unit there wa duo tho sol dier at bin death for norvlcm in the army ftlmut $l,IJ00, and in view of the fact, the ntrict compliance with tho regulation of tho department would involve much time and expetwo, he ugg!etiil that o far a inmnilile then formalith bo di perminl with. Comptroller Mannnr inventigated and found the fact nulmtantlally a retorted by tho cmnubir agent. In view of the exceptional circtwintnrice in the cane he Iin directed that the regulation which require letter of ailminintration in all cow of thi character, where the amount Involved exceed "00, lm dhipetwed with and that the money lm paid In the Ger man embnaMador hero for tntnnmiiiiiiun to the rightful le irn. (irrit Vrul ut Mlnliiriirmatlin. Wasiilnuton, Fb, 1. Mumln r of the senate finance committee uy there ha bocu a great deal of uiiumforuiatka 1-1 IH,. (. Wle-W t.n IliP? ,;l i 1 .1 t-.i l'.. mi. it., I' iU 'ii .lt i mi i I -I it 1- rs, . I r ! j. ii,iw 'i- I tt'.l.i th- fe'.' -' i i 11 ..ut 1 IH. t, i.i ,m V- :i 11 I . , , I , l n j. 1 1. I t . I f e -in IV a e ,.i.iti,i. i. I',, 1,,. ., 1-- ,,t (I,. I I-,, HI!, .!!, , ,,,l,, , ! w K. i) l ,11 In.. N'i nil AUMi 1 HI'l AH 1 1 1 1 tl, In, mi nl , I ,.n,fnnt'. I'lnln llmi,lillif 1.1 l liellnn II, n l V 1-ltlMit "t, I l II I.' In I'llll, j,,. Y'" 1 f Itip i'ii lit! I- t . I In. ? Itil 111 ii 1 1 ' ii, tti tu at In hot II it tin "li-n, pi tt.' , HI. ' I I i.llv ee l Ih" iLi'ip mi w t , iii-m ain't In i l't !.i at Imli tii Hm l pn.ting gtnundn. 1 il" p it I till Milt , bolt , I , h m Hie lllil to i. I'i Mm! l, !ttiitlii r l"l I" I "Ii It It' , C un III.' ,', I" t "U t'f tu. ki I ntn I hi Hint illtelll-il III tin tit. '1 lie plate ( fl"i In ' lit nf tin 1 1 1 , On II li.irln tli" lillu-tt n( tin ,,i!tli!ilp M.ili'lnm k nu. I in of cut I'd liiiiiiiiiinn. Tin re wa litl liri'l at II 11 '.''.il !.li I mild nlinl nf h II I I il 'I t'i 1, an i iiii Ii rt h uinl a but I of i ,"4 .uii'l ot M il, r WilO Uwi, Nun ieH i,n tlll Vthither or Hot the pblte Unllld Clink, The projectile "1le I ill' d K". lie h'-n, iin luihng the iiniiur nud pi, ink burking, ti tu I llieli ri'l'iiili'llnu npld into lluin' pieciit. Aloud of U' j inauel nl niwli-r nti"l a V'.'iu jniimd abut wnnlhen fired, thin te -tllig In'i'lg fur H ti.-tratiiitl, lllld the pl.ite iii!iiii lip to II ft. lint if the plute wi'te not t r.e ked and tic nliol did imt go through pbtUi imd I uekiii (. Thi' nhnl M'ii"'tniti d the nteel plate, bill iin Ih'iI Ii'iI iin If in the' inn king, no thi tent wan likewi, ciiimidered nuccennful. I ouuii'iiiiiii lleiMh r-iiii Until,', Dt in vi i;, I t., Feb. i. Ctnigrinntniin lii'tiilerwiu uih lieen out of hi neat lunch of thin mwrtion and tho previoii one, ow ing to imi in hi auiputated leg, which hat c iUN.'d him iutonio pain. Nu telegraphed ihut he had undergone a nuo censlul oHMtio:t und that hi recovery wow aeMii'i'd. C'liiiKr.iimn lliiucli' l imcriil. Dayton, ., Feb. IS. The funeral of the late lion. George Houck, cougren. man for thin dint net, took place here bunday. 4 lilt rei With lir,-mii'p. PiTTwm ko. Feb. 12. John 13. Eber hardt, prenidetit, and William Hpringer, aecretary, of the National Window Glues Worker' onwH-iatioa are on trial charged with mulfciwunce in ollice. It i claimed that the ofllcial have turned in no itemized account of eximiwe and this is denied by the defendant. It I cduimwl by the friend of Prenldent Elmrhnrdt that tho charge arejinnpired for political PRINCESS COLONNA BACK. Accompanied by Her llrnt tier Hlie Arrived In ttrw York From Hunt hNiiiitin, NKW Yokk, Feb. 12. The lTiuci-n Fvclyn Cvdomia, daughbT of Mr. John Mockay, whone nit for a judicial ncptinv tion from her hunbaml i la nding in the ctmrt of France, won a panneiiger on the American line ntenmer New York which arrived from (Southampton. The jirinceen waa o!cfmpanied by her three children and maid and her brother, J, W, Muckay, jr. The party traveled in cognito and were down on the nteamer' paniM'iiger lint a Mr. J. M, Morgan and valet, Mr. Morgan and three children. A retmrtor boarded the New York at Quarantine end endeavored to learn from Mr, Mackuy what were the plan of the prince, but refuned to bo inter viewed. The prince looked n though the wa voyage hail done her g'iod. Kho cx preMed U Inrr friend b'-r great plennure at once more ln-ing in her native land and nhe and le-r friend were among the fimt to rt- p uehore. The I'line Colon mi diKn(i)iiircd from Pari a few day ago and there ban Ini-n a great deal of fcjn'culalion a to her movement evei since that time. The proceeding in the pending: judicial proceodin;; were to have come up in the French court Feb ruary lt, MiKU.-lt I Hllli 11111)11111)' niicit, Dt-.Mii:, Ki ii, 12. John Guthrie of K'i nl.iirgh, 8eolIand, In gau nuit in li.i I'niled Htat' ciicut court against Ihc Maxwell (,'attle ( ,'ompany to forecliine n mortgage given by the Max-' well Cal tie Couipioiy on it intermtin a leaeebold tor :iK yearn to about 1,711,- 000 twT tit land in New Mexico and Colorodo, known a the Maxwell Land Grant to secure lnd for f 'i7.i,0iHi, It in claimml that the company ha defaulted in the payment of intermt coupon since Janurary 1, 1HHD, The Duke of Manchenter and tho Earl of ltlyn among other were frmerly amoclntod wit h complainant a trustee for the mort gagee, but they have ronlgned. A Mont Hellion Miirilnr, Watkihm, Ind Feb. 12. Bam Deeter I on trial ut Angola for thommtt heinoit murder ever committed in 8b'tilnn (ton nty, On Auguwt 81 lant Deeb.r shot and killed hi rielgblmr, A mo Huchti 1, imd the latti-r' daughter, Mm. Laura Lowe, Ho then wounded William Ynt and attempted to kill hi own motle r by locking her In a barn and firing tin building. Mormon .UlnnlomirJe He I Hull. 8am Fkav ihco, I'eli. ii. There left hero per steamer Monowai fourteen young Mormon mlnftionarim, who will preach the doctrine of tho LalU r Day Hainta among tho inlunda of the Pacific and Antarctic ocean. Four of them are bound for Australia, six for Hiimoa, two for New Zealand and two for the 8and wich Inland. I.nillrn I ri'itU, a . liMlinll. Mirw.rro.v, ('onn., Feb. 12. The yonn ladies of Wenleyan have creati'd a mild sensation by announcing Jiut they will appear with canes on Wanliington' birthday, the day on which tho Fn-nh-men (.cording to an old custom find appear witli enne. Tniller I lying- .lib Mold. Danvhj.k, Ky., Feb. 12,--Captain Jaine A. Lee and VV. A. Owitun have old to A. P, IlruiU), the trainer, tho cele brated grey trotter Flying Jib, ii-years- 1 ld, half mile record, 1:01'. Price la loni'duutial but very laro. in iTtun I 0 t V I i'tt. tl l linen.! I ,,,.! li Unit,,. I II III, l..'l I . It tl II , It " I , I ' t' I ,' H" tl,' i,ni iii i' . i .-ii Ti-- et i " ,,',,; wtn l. -p nu I in ! I"""' .l 'tr"Vl nl.innl w,.ltt i.f "l' l H Iliei-HhH I.f Ih.' It IV In IIIM' It oil. I he "' '" ii..,d ell It- t '. II i.-O't m.t "'t in Ih kl,., lie I I .tl. " i'i t'e'it t. ling (,-nin hi, I i I nil the rol l" lun.ln by the Ii, I'll"" htni"lk ,1 lli lltt nun M.tllil,ld . Illl" H"t" III pl't t'f Hi tniittlle. li. It !t tl'"t. 1 In' Will I tl.pliV llU llI .'."! lm I! 1 Ii" W" IlltU'ld Uiill.tlg K-'IH C"lit " ' Wl'l " nd"d, Mltlliin I'miii.tiet ttiltmni ll.ititr.l, It! M l I ;n,., Ivy,, I'' I', 1 John II. llttt'tlA In. 'n , Hire ..:u it-ninny an 1 (tie nl H. II, N,inr, with lln-lr ii'lil' tltn, l.tmi.liin) mn ln uf loliili1 ist mid four ii"lt"itiuiig ihvi lliiiirn, vt'i'til ibflroviil by lire, Iin f I'nt.u i l; itunir luv, fll, f, tiiHt, Fitit wiw of liiiittdiary otigin. liiilnlli llimnl ut 1 rnili., Dt ltlti, I'eli. 12. The 1 'ninth Inmrd of trmle building WO tlentimyed by lire, fanning a tt it ul Ion of over, With IllnUlillice iu:grefiitilltf 0,000. Twenty-live or !10 linn hud oltlccs in tho building and in .thing won nitved. Will nilii(l In lliree l.niiKUiivea. 1ki icht, Kel). 12. For neat ly a week pnnt tiegiitiatioiui have Ini'ii in prugriw relativo to the reinstatement tu the Catholio church of Father Kohm'tiNki, the cx-prient who recently cotnpletid ono of the (inept churchi" in tho went and i the lender of a very largo following among the Hollander of Detroit, After tt Mctinational trial Father KohiHinnkl had been exiM'lled xm various charge, of limuliordination and conduct unlweom ing to hi ollice, Hunduy ho announced to hi congregation that ho waa almut to retire and do jn'tiatico for a week and that on next Hunduy ho would make apology in threo different languages be fore hi congregation according to tho term on which ho la to be readmitted to tho priesthood. Newi Friiui a Ixxt ViimiiI. GI5UCKHTEB, Feb. 12. Tho flrnt Intel ligenoo of tho fate of the sehotmcr ltobort J, Edward ami crew, which wa given up lout Monday, waa brought in by tho schooner Malnd Leighton. While flailing on tho banks on J an 21, 50 miles from CutMj Buble, a carrier pigeon, completly exhaunted, lit on tho duvy plank. On securing tho pigeon tho nullum found a tlinpatch dated at Sable Inland, which read: "8choiner llobert J. Edward feud all hand lost Jan. 12 during south font hurricane," uud won sigued by II. W. Uilliurd. Terrible Norther In Oklahoma. Hknmshhky, O, T., Feb, 12. Aterriblo norther, never In'foro wiualled In thl part of tho country, reached hero at 8 o'clock Sunday morning, It snowed and drifted for 12 hour with no abatement. Over a foot of snow hoa fallen cm tho level and it hoa drifted in place nix feet deep. ICuilroad trallio is entirely su IH!iidi'd. Tho blizzard came tip very suddenly and no doubt the jxiorly shel tered s'ttlers In tho Cherokee Btrp will suffer greatly from exinmitre, Uhito Men llnr Inillnii Olrln. Vancouvkii, 15, (J Feb, 12, Governor Morneby and Indian Agent Devlin havo been Instructed by the government to in vestigate the sale of Indian girl to white men with instruction to sum marily put a stop to tho trafllc. A local paper ha traced J7 caw in which Biwunh girl have In-en sold during the pant 12 month at price ranging from $3 per month to $l.0 ciedi, Lawyer (mile llroefieil Head, Dksvkii, Fell. 12. W. W, Coohry, (irominetit ami wealthy lawyer of Anjnrn, Colo., dropped dead at the Hotel Albany in thi city, Heart dieae wan the catw. Mr Cmiley wa its yearn old. Ho wa one of the orgimiw r of the faiioui Mollie Gihiiou Mining coinjnitiy, NEW'i IN PARAGRAPHS, C F, ItiiNer, an old man, was slabbed and killed by hi mm Fred t, Hun Fran- cinco, Georii William, the murderer of John Terrell, wa neuU-nceil at i'itlnlmrg to 12 ycitm In the penitentiary, Chnrh n William wa convicted on two con nl n mil James Jtohlnnon onanlngl count of violation uf the Knuna Ihpmr law, A ntonlo Luciano and Ant-onlo Degldlo were sentenced ti be hanicd May 10 at (Iri'iifi'll, Man,, for tho murder of a com panion, Haloon keeper lirockuian of Qitlucy ha been sued for .",OU0, lie sold whlnky t'i little boy, who thereby mad two little girl drunk, George Polk and Walter Crlhbe were arrented at Jlartnhorne, I, T., for the mur der t'f Alexander Lanier at illrmlngham, Ala,, In Octohcr. Two children were burned to death la house near Loan Terr, Mo, A plot to blow up tho Jail at Lincoln, 111., wa (Uncovered. The TraiiNinfnNlsnlppl Commercial eon-gn-nn will meet, Tuesday at Han Franelnco, C'lutrlcJ. Karrar, Hwln conwul atCIn cinnaM, wi knocked down and arrrUd while drunk, It I announced from Perl, II!,, that Congrrnnman A. J. Hinder In not out of the race fur a reuomlnatiou. A nherilT and ponnehada ifcnpnrati fight with a hand of horse thluvi shout 1(1 mile from Abilene, Tex, Near Karrodnhurg, Ky., Mr. Samuel Milton wa taken from her bed by white cap and uiercllennly whipped, Princ (ialitiun of KiinHla joined th Halvation Army at New York and re turn home topimh th work there, J, W, Argahright, n Houth Omaha po liceman, shot and killed William Hchmelt rler, hi father In-law, at Nemaha City, Net), The trial of lllnhop lionacuin atlJn coin, Nh came to an unexpected end, when thu court sustained a motion to U In to inn, Jli'celver Mink denlea that the Union Paclllo will ahandou the Kauna Central, a ho been reported, Kaunas hoard of railway commissioner Lav ordered lumber rates from Kansat City to Wichita reduced.