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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1894)
THE! AMERICAN if ,vnniYTiii;sniui t " NtM IS iNtM CMsNa, 4 im.j urn,, t ttuii it, n. "tin lrtll m Iti. ttr, fOH at ltd. tin h ..! Wntutttfttl tU t kMii l ttlnlt llm A -iilltil rtt h M! t'fnr- ltnW Nltllh fcUli III tlel'i t'h'ti-t t tit tlimif am ef romi'ii t iMtlit fit I ! by tram u Hiii.'iii itiU nwidicf tnllilm jr i-v- ui ("ii lu ll) nt 1 mi hid, i.ii ilm t1 tie nftl I'mnlnMU je, amii iltl A I Hml limn I'lunm tesei nil tf vnllnliln lr.n.( at ,i (v.l.l li iHnly R'h nui o i f Hip (ii rmnii m m lea to ard ril, Hil l nil l In' ii li'iilnl iiiitliiiit mt hilm ii tii tint iwi n.ilii limit (Wnl of tint Itnlu I lii iii-tii mini ii ptii ' mi link ailvmilnio' of llitu tiimlilliiii mill ! Itvitllniiil a riM'H iimbr the Inrnlcrtililp nf tlitil noli of l il II 'l ull liimitf, a tnmi (lurlti lin bad Ihi-h i iipiniril nml kill.-. I by the I n m It In lii nml by llm Mult 1W Hluh I'i'liiK llm inrreBpiiiiilllitf rank ta lit AtimtiH't nruilin In Hint nf hilniidlof . genital In liiMnpi', Tim I'miirll linvnl rnllllimliili-r, SalleeM, Willi a many nullum mill marine Hi : could (in npiirod (mm tltn few Kitiiltnnt on . Mm India hi nl Inn, Hunched iiKitlimt tlm; mhrln, lint llm niniill hand nf while men wm mnliiixlii-il near thtitiiun nf Mnouy j mid HlimiiliiiTiHl. When n relief column I came up a fw flnyn ltiir tlu-y fniunl llm j Viwn tlenertcd himI unwllm head nf llti-lr j otnrildca Impaled nil bamboo nlntltf til readable,. The ImmIIiw with never recover d, but It wim MtippiMM-il Hint they Wir thrown Into llm Cambodia river. When Admiral I Jiipn-, limn imvurnor of French Inilo-Chlna, li-iiriu-il of thl ma aaore, ho decided t hat It. wotilil prnlmlily be eanler to Imy olT Ilia leader of Urn re Volt than to Unlit Ueh HUVIlim foe, lla theroforu nimbi nti nlTor to llliili Tun, tha flcouit In coiiitiiiutil to 1'iluli lli'c, iiKri-i'liiu to pay lilm l.titiu.oiio franc, to recounts Id rnuk iin Ki'iii riil mid to make, hi in a Knlulit of tlm I .onion of Honor If hiiwotilil lxttray Into the power of 1 lm French lllnh Ilea nmltliii two noun of Fun Tan (Jiang and nnpprenn thn rebellion In I lm province, Ulnli 'ldn accepted tlm ollVr nml ciirrlcil out hi nml of tlm cool runt with tlm cxci'ii tlonof tho mirri-nili-r of tlm t wo mum of the Into inn tularin, whom lmnllnwi'il Inm onpo on n J it it k. to tlm city of llm. After hl cdpliiri, lllnh lii'o wn trh-d by court iimrtlnl lit Triivlnh nml coiiih-mn U to hnve IiIn IicuI cut off, Tlm wciipou imcil for iliTfipltiitluii In IihIo-CIiIiiii In ii eurvrd ynldKlmii, tlm niwirllkw IiIioIh of which In wlilcr and hwivh-rnt IIihimkI limn at tho hiitnlUi. Tin) coiiilcmncil limy nlmul uprluht or kneel up'.ti n ulraw tnallliiK In thepulillfl K(iinrc, hot M in k miiwl. lm entirely linrml i nn to oin-r n u'""i miirk for tlm i-xeciil loner, lb In aliionllowdd to mnrk on ti 1m neck tho exact p"k whew lm dimlrcM to lm nl nick wild llm ynUtuhnu, JIa inaken till mnrk by iiiolHlenliiK IiIm forcflimer wllli millvil, wbleli In colored by chewliiK tlm betel lint, which ylnlihi ft brlht red Juice. Tlinro am no rejfiilnrljr ntipoliitei) nxecti tlonem, but It N considered nil honor with thomenof tlm nallvit conlloKefilH of tlm army to bo Allowed to net a henilMmnn, Arid a noon m theno nob Hern heard thnt lllnh lien wnn to b tixecnted they b (tnn irnetb!ln on tree and mump with their yalaKliaiin no n to b In ood jirno tl If tlm honor fell to (heir Int. It wn finally decided that (hn dol, or eiplaln, Of t int iintivo Kiuinl should act an exeeu tloner. When lllnh lien wnn brniht to tlm f n t llomplire to be killed, hi) looked dlwhiln nlly nt tlm headnnian and then eareleMily drew tlm red mark ncrox llm hack of bin neck, lie knelt and told tlm do to Mtrlkn hard and bit tlm mark. Hot for mmm ret Bon tlm fiiiplaln (f tho nard lont all bin atretiKl h nnd i!onra(i at I ho bt moment and Hiriirk no weak nod fnhui a blow that limtend of chopping olf tlm bloh'a head lm merely miiln an nly cut ncr bin buck and Arm. With a heathen Aitrna tlm fondemtmd man Jumped to hi font, and nellnu tlm word which had fallen to tlm ground lm kwiiiik it Around nod lopped olf tlm execu tioner' bead beforo any of tlm l-'rench ol dlern, who wem drawn np near by to wit turn tlm execution, could Interfere, "Coward!" nliooted llluli Dee, "to tin nertuk a doty you am mm hi to perform! a you dexervii nnd take w hat you wm iioahlo to l vl" Tho condemned man wa then turned over to tlm nureonof tlm pol, who fixed op hi wound no that lm would b well eiifMlli to bo executed A week later, When It caum tlum for tlm aecnnd ntlempt, a ol dlcr named Hep Mo, who bad proved blue nclf mi with llm yntnuhnn, wn n allied to t lm duly of eliopplou t lm trln dlcr general' bead off, Tlm Trench nd inlml, bownver, kv order thnt If Hluh licit would tell where tlm I wo norm of Fan 'J'nn Jlno roulil b found hi llfn would lm Apared and lm would b ent an exlhi to Alier. llluli Heo refued to pay any nt tentlon to thl offer, but bowed Id bead and marked bl neck ntid raid fiercely to Hep Ho, who wi wiltfntf for tho atmwer thnt tlm French lieutenant nxic.ll Ha to mnki "Why don't you atrlkef Am you nfraldf MiiMt I nhow you how to cut olf a man' head?" Hep H lifted hi ynfnubnu hlh In tlm nlr, tle re wn a Ibmh of oteel, and I hen the head of liiuli i'-i'u rolled on l lm mntiiutfn hi body fell forward heavily, Hep Ho picked up I lm head nod held ll by tlm hair ao that the aoldler nod tlm crowd of native mluht plainly ac how well ho had (lone hi work. Then Ihethr. e wive of the dead chief eamo out nod ear rled olT their holaod' remain for burial, Three mouth later Hlnh lice' two ehl-f lleutennnt were captured by tlm Freneli troop, aided by Hluh Tan' volimleer. nod they, too, wereub-iUenllyeondemii ed t death by it court matrlal, tin nc count of hi provodnklll lleproAaln en Joyed the honor of hclritf appointed ollielal headman. Till time I lie condemned men lood up rlhl, back to hack, al'oot ix feet npnrt. llepHo took hi porllloll between (lm live And n noon a they had mada llm mark on their neck ho gripped hi yataghan nod leaned forward on It a n modern nth Icto lean pn paratoiy to Ihrowlutf a haue mer When t he I'rench olllcer avo i ha nlKOal, Hep Ho II fled I ho heavy word, wun It onco around Id head, and with a (Ulek alroko to f lm rlKht nnd another to tho i'-lt deeapltati d Hie two men nlumt nttlmfiauio tiiMimr, Jlo threw awny Ida yatnuhau, nod i l,in tin two head held ram up In en li hand I hat t ho peophi me aemhled iiiIkIiI nduilio Id work. 1 hey Itlxinl Hell. ''Do you bc!levelhatcoiilenlmentl bet ter than rlche" "I'erhap ao, If you hava them both to gother." ChlcnijO Inti-r (teeuii. tV i ttmil lioli - t m 4llal hr tiili 4 l. At a 'rHn-ii i-l 'iit-ii !' ta lt llnt (, iii. 1-1 (Hl.l'r (ttn I mm .1. In. 1 1, nl (!.- Willi h Ixnl lw lni. i. mii Sf railui tot alii Kiatiutai lm flnila a n-ty maikit MMia luliiH"! i t lii-nnin aruh. l(iiir, an( that tlii it i i n .f i. h ailul tali'W tt luffivpinnl, aHliiiHkh lialia tn Kmil tT) hai lona tnani tiinbr Hallitalr iiria tlMitl In bli h i ll ndill j li-talti'ii iih)i-.U Hum. Ilmid adiib , tilli' awtl aihlll, Uianao Ha rai a r'lilf anl"i'i t-i llm n.lmli tiiri l klitimlla t!!i "h"l tt.ll. na nf the aiialja pn-w iil aald that In llm ran id ntnai-r wlim loade tii'iil tal"ln wlim, rte , tlm kIum' -t aaalamuM In Dm eiiiiiliili ii of ltl nwil jr eiuihe and tln-n "atiTiaol," aa It aa li-Hnrd lit tlm trmlx, fur a I -ti tt tlum In a li'i'i'-r iinililn IliU lf! r ti nt of tlm proof aplrlt, ( till y llm iiihh ili'lli iitii llaVHMil liiHlh-t waa alwliaeliil by thnt im-ana, and the ei trai'teil, or "ioiii ," k(ii-:i r wa then anlit fur the pitrpoai-iif ndiilli'intlHtf lilimef and phi, nnd an iiiiln pM'iilniiid II fiiiiud It way tii llm Inner i biea of ijlnucr lH'r tnakera, It liml a illtlnet vnlueaaa llnvur llUt liinlerbil. I'mbably the ImU of I ha Tuliilllii oil hud iHH-nexlrai IimI, but all tlm piiimi iil readmit matter wera left la-hind. Sin la-lleved lm w rlwlit In elatln! thnt tlm liloal valued llavorliitf luntler of ln inr wero really enpabln nf lieilitf extrneled by wnler, and that tlm method which wn adopted by tlm tiiiinufnciurliitf elmmlat, w ho apeelally prepared Kinder for the mini U fact 1 1 re of neraled beveraea, Wn fllatof all toexlrnct tlm n'ower folly with very itniliK nli'iihol nml iiliaeiileully to pre olpltatn tlm vt lioln of tlm realuou tuntter, After t'vnpnralloii In vacuo, a reahluum WHohlalned which wa practically aoluhhi In wnler wit limit, any furt her precipitation of realmiti mailer. Ill aupport. of tlm view thnt tho real flnvorliiK prluiMphi of thoKtoKcr root wn toluhlu In wnler It mluht nlo bu atnled thnt cotmhleralilo KlnK"r come Into tlm mnrket which ha been deprived of a nniall percent axe only of It llavor by boiling with water, Hulweipient drying leave thl product very much in the condition of an Inferior Kcuulno kIokit, hot If It bo not mild Aa'pent KliKor" tho fraud I oh vlou. AnoHiernniilyNtaald lm know of an actual anno wliere KliiKer, which had been thoroiiKlily extrai:leil with tron aplrlt and whhdi wn merely n maof cellulimn llhcr nnd diarchy matter, with no renin left and practically tnateh-Ma, wa lined for BilulteralliiKpurpoMe to bin curtain kuuwl duo, iMerchmit' Hevlew, Onlit III Hiilulloil In tlm Occnn, In n paper tm tho aubjoct of (old In tlm water of tho ocean by J'lckard, tlm well known i-iiKlneer, ntl.enibm i called to the fact Hint to arrlvo nt nn npproxlmat c tlmato n to quantity In nolutloii Account miiNt bo mado of local condition, audi n tint tompcrattirfl of tho water, a to, Ao CordlliK to renult oblalneil from tlm care fol nnuudlOK mado by tlmChulluriKor nnd almllar neleul ilia expedit ion, It hn been computed tliat tho ocean ha nu average depth of S.MiO fathom, and that It con tain 400,000,00(1 cohlo mile of water, qulvnlent to l,887,o:M,S7,000 million ton, which upon tlmbanlMof II v a mill l Itriiiim per bin would roprooub 10, a10 mil lion ton if jfold, In nl rlklng conlrat to tlmno llore I tlm alal.ement mado by fWthccr, Leech nnd other tliat tlm (old reproduction of tlm world during tho hint four cenlurle h;i-ini lm nmounieu to but fi.oytl ton, while tho prenent output I eM limited nt about 1!00 ton per nnnum, It I nu intercut Inn clmmlcnl fact thnt tho Bold In aea water I kept In aoluUou n nn lodldo, Tho Amount of fren lodlna pre cut in tha ocean I very mlnolo, but a InrKO proportion of Ihnt element occur combined an nn lodatoof calcium, Tho from tlm renult of hi varloo nerleaof ex periment Hoontadt found Hint a cubic mils of aea wajter coninlua about 17,000 ton of lodatoof calcium, or 11,073 ton of Iodine, The lodina which maintain thojinld Innolullou I obtained from the Jodato of calclum,New York Hun, llm I'nrlalnn folieo, Thfl I'nrlalnn (lolico have much to do lav able keeping order, They innnt keep rec ord of renidenl, take I ha number of puhllu flnerea to aea that nono tako up their aland In aeeliou unallotled to them and aea that tlm ntreet nro properly denned, Then, too, tle-ru nro many amall rule of tlm ntreet which they aea are en forced, Tha real work of tlm pollen la In con trollinu A crowd, I'arln, with II Tinnier on fete, i ttn)n day nnd, nhovo nil, with It people no fond of nhow and nplen dor, la a cainlnnt nuccennlon of crowdM, Whether It henlodent riot, Itunnlnn fnte or tha parade of All Halnla' day, nomo thloii I continually occurring to bring tn aether tmmnnaieahlo mai- of people among whom llm pollca mut prenerva or der, It munt not bofortjottn that a I'arlnlan crowd I, ahovo all crowd, hard to han dle. It I not nalornlly orderly, n I tha Analo Haxon crowd, nml ltlven to mid den and tlliexplainnhlo ebullll loiia of paa nlon, Itiot neem nlwaya Incipient in tha French ent.hualanm, It munt bo In a aort of tacit acknowledgment of fhla that tlm nhortnword bayonet hang at llmnlda of tha policeman' belt a perpetual menace to diMordor, Philadelphia, I'reH. llaaliH(t finch for Aator, William Waldorf Aalor ba a fancy for Johaler a hi Ncwbourg, nnd ho wnntwl It at every dinner, II" alo wanted a rd bend duck, and ba wanted it nil to him alf, Mr, Ahtor never dined nt a public rcnlHurant, and Mr, Ator never tmk a friend to diao with blm, Ho wa alwny alonaand deeply burled In thought, Ho would apparently not notion what wn net before him. Hot let tho waiter make n mlotake, and there wa trouble npeedlly, lie wauled a redhead dock and no oilier, Ona day there were no redhead duck to ba had, end tlm llruimwlck chef aent him a fluo ennvanhnck, With a look of tlm finent acorn llm head of tho houno of Aator tent It l ' k nnd nl rodo out, Next day be enrna hack, nnd tho redhead duck wa In It placo before him, New York Herald, Took III I.Hnt. Ihavo heard about a little girl whoee Hundny nchnnl teacher naked herbowmuuy anorimient there were "There ain't none no more," waa the child' reply, "Why, what do you mennf" queried tha amaed teacher, "Why, Johnny Tuft' father took the but aaernmeut yenlerday, ao there can't be none left," wa tlm reply. I'olly l'ry In New York Ifcoorder. Mnrvoii Oyalar. The oyaler I a very iiervoua animal anil file from a nudderi Jar, ao that a loud thunderclap will Inatautly kill a whole boatload, ICxi hnnge. i the: a. p. a. j l U fctt OiRarttiliin fr Ui Thdee-, litn f IU;hu iT Amerifan m ael tMMrr ant llillgle Hul II lb III la Hie riil.lle hwd ami Hie IUlt h ll ImniUiailmi, It i rmm. if 1 1 Ahii on.nct ll apa at apptipt inb' at tbU time lo IimIIo join aili-iiiuii In tin- Ann id an I'li lii the Ami InlliMt and Hie -li bdle amk In bli h It I eni;it(.'i'il. In lit" nur foli fntlii'ia i Iv lb b liilllu; lbi tint inn ftiun fititdn ipptiliiu; Ibi-lr ili m-i iiiliinl m-e, In I!.!, di fend ing llu lr In l lliU'i1 lli'lll (i' Villhlll, lin n vibnant i-illi'lia bid do nut -kiiili d.M llti-lr nUoglnnii In Hie Mm ami elria' nnd Hn' InMliiitloitn bleli Ibry fi pivM'iit, 1ml wlm aeknita b-ilgi llio n i if Itoiiii'iia 111 nt. niniiiiiiiHi io WMMilnl, mid llu l'liit tl htitd-a hint. Fl-iiiu thin iHetnynl I'liixa It line Ih-i'iiiiii' iii'1'et.nary fur pnlrinlli' idtl.i'tia to nrgitnl.o for pfiiloi'lloii, not only fur tlm pt'i ni'rviitliin nf our public. wIumiIh nml In nciMiro a pure Imllnt, but for I lit l ight nf fiei' hprivh mid tn imilulnin llm (liiilliiuod ni'Mtiiilhin of I'liurrh nml el iilo. An lionont eli'otliin bu nut Ihtii known In thin t'lly for jimii-h, eliuply be caum' llio Iiiynl lux paying cltl.i'O hit I'oiiuilui'd nwiiy from Hid primary oW thmn uml nllowi'd thu "puidi" to plueo wbdio they donlml on tlm tli-kcta, and linvi) vnteil fur tbi'in wltliiiul j iM-rf 1 1 ri unto llielr piili'l(itliii or cioilillcntlon. Tliu few who linvo ri'iillzed llm hci'Iimih ni'Hh of tho Hltiialion, liuvn fiiutiii tlmlr I'lTorl fulili! from luck of orgiuil.Htlon uml uhhIhIiiuco, ami mih it renult our oIlleuH, both olwittive and tippolnlivo, mo (illod by an umlonlrablo cIiimk of citlzciiH, with very few oxct'iitlona. About ninety-nix per cent, of tlm olllcon him; been 111 loil by mlhoronta of I he Knimtn ('ntiiolii! chtirch who nouibor only about twolvo per oent. of tho popu lation. Tlm roepiitiHlbillly for thin con dition of nllalra in e qually divldod among tliu nmii who fall to ronpond to llm dutlcn of citlzenehlp In thl bind whom every voter In n novcrolgn, 'I'liofo In nothing (;onnoi'tcd with lliln iinHoi'1itioii that cantiot bo coiiMclen tloiihly nobni.-rlliod to by onr,y loyal American citl,on, Connldor curofully the following fuuilnmontnl prlnclplen of tho order: An bonent ballot and n correct count at our election. Our public ncliool nyntcm nbould con tlniu! unimpaired In It work of cducn tion for nil, Tho nlai-a uml ntrlpon alono nhould rocclvo tint iinfUHlifiod allogliinci) of all whom they nb';ltof and protect, Criminal and pauper Immigration nhould lm nloppod. To correct muny wrong irnprenhlori thnt bavo been nent abroad by tho Ilomihb nrenn, and by Indivldoiiln who do not uiiihirntand, or who wilfully ml- repronont llm following ntnlemeiil are made: Fimt.Tlm A, I', A, In not an antl ( jilholic! orgatiiat.lon, exccil, In no far a that church Interfere In politic and our fn o utionn. With their modn of wornhfp or ruanrmr of conduiitlng their church affair, it bun nothing to do. K' cond, The, A, I'. A, would bo ntiti Mothodlnt or anlngonlo any oilier church or denomination, with lunt an much vigor, if they attempted to Intor- fern with our free InntKutlorm, Thlrd,-Tlm A. I', A, i ntrlctly turn iitrtiau, I 'arty polit ic aro ntrlctly excluded, Fourth, The A. I'. A. I for one. country, ono (lag, purity of govern ment, free npooeb, freo pro nnd ma jority rule, Aro you an American citizen, and will you nlarid idly by and noo your r;ghl trampled on by any clan of poo pio who do not believe, in tin; above principle? W Appeal to every trun citizen who love bin country, to join in thin pa Iriiitli! movement for le tter govern im nt. Wo itppoul to douiocratM, repule liciiiiH, popullntn, prohibilionUln and mugwumpa, to IVob-nlant, iindloun liolievi'm; to native and foreign born of all nittionnlllionj to white ami black, to rich and poor, to unnUt In throwing olT tlio yoke of nlnvery (hat, In being fiinlenoil about your neck. Our watch word in popular education up lo a trun knowledge of tlm danger tout Ii already bore. Our war cry in "turn llm llomiinlnt.a out," Our battle uxo I the ballot, and our buttle Held In at Hie poll, Thorn,) who think there In no urgency for Immediate notion have but. to looK about tin in and nee tlm work that, In to be Uone, and llm necenalty lor prompt nnd united nelhui, I bono who art alive to the nit nut Ion, can necure further Information by addrennlng or calling or thu am KiiujAN n;i;f,siiiN;co. Hoomn Pl.Vtl, H07 Muin Street, KnuMinClty, Mo NO I DOUBLE TO YOU, They Arc, Personally Conducted. Tim (Jrent Central Hnute Weekly I 'iilifnrnla llxeurhionl ui-e In charge of i y perii-neoil couductorauml a uniformed purler vi lio accompany the parly lo deel Innl Ion and Iooh after the vtimtn nnd rum fort a of llm pitrmuigi'm. You will hiivo tllne mid expennc by Jo'iilng our next party. Send fur folder giving dotal In. F. K. Siii:.itr.u, Mgr.. V Ii. UiMAX, !!t Clink Street. (J, I', and T. Ag., Chicago. Ouialiu, Neb. d V Not I l b i.i i I w ii. it-. I. , ,, , t . I . 1 1,. 1 1. h 0 . i . ill I -I l I v. , i ' t ii I .ein I I. h , i i a ! ii .- I in I- ' ! I . I I- " I. It I tv ... i . ... i n S. I ,-.n( 1 I III I ..,. !. nl It l in ..,. l-i ft hi iUi 1 1 a i u e i . 1 I 1 ll l' l!8 H..-I I itt t , i. i I I. , l - U il ! II'O I, II n i h 1 1 '! Jll In,, III I in 111 ,1 I t Ii'"' l I" ..! 1 1 IS - Innl l. t. Hi . n It..-l-n ( 1 1 ,li ii1 . a f iii. a. I'l llm. n In I i. k nun it- In H.i.ii.tfv I imi it. hi til i,, til nl k.l l.ln n l.ill.ilHI 1 1 IM Uiin'tllil I'l IkilitUn alul ll.iHnli l.f Si-i'iiU ii, m . iii H,i; .niiiii o !! a ti". till llil ftllti' nf I - -''-lllll null I' tl't . 11 hh a lii. ii iniii- aii-l iiiii i i" Hn ii iH iliii- nml in bI-Ii In llie .lHil! II" tlil nl ill Hi lull Ii "lull l i'l Ii ii n I ii til rt I iiiiiih I'ulii le -l ll nf A t l lii alilih itm mill Inn nn plunitilt ii li.iM-'Hi Uml tin ih Ii ti ilno mt itu- nnd' mnl th-i Uiiliti ill I tin Ii i,ii mi nl nii (in iiilwi inai aut-l in nlikt) tln nn. mini t.iiinil itm llial ml i-f nut ilefi mlniila t- li'ii u i l-aiii-il "f ti tl Inn i In -mil H al i-mie Viiimv riiiiiifvil In nimai I I in- ali H linn mint In l.ilv Hn-ili il nt Mm Ii l"l liiili il nl I 'limtin. Nrli . lininUl ' tul l"l llll I I N I I I i h It II I 1 1mlnil-, In f itlimiii V I " i Nuliia to Noii.tlcaiilenl Uetenibnita, o .I inn . ii m-iiii r mnl Aiiiiii l' nliiiii t, llnll Ii -I'll lit ii It Inlillili i,ii nie In -H'tiv entiiiiit liml mi tlm Dili llilVnl jlii'i iii'i I IH'I mint III l mil I mil . Hill II lllntlll III. Illl'll lint lii'lllllill III III!' ll' Irlit liillll nf ItullL'Inii rnlllitv, !et'l lliti ll. II U n ti-l Vim Hi lit fi Inbllit Hie lil'lei'l Hlnl pi, m l of w lileli Ii lii (nn i lnn' a nml Itiniie i i'i lilnl nil Itm Jlllll ilnv nf .lillie, wi, t.y M I, Ii in I liniiiinllv In I ih:iii'' I' lliilti mnl ti V lilm ii'lii il III I llllliv lli viinl (linlalll, ltlllllll hell III, llliill Hie lluii HV lleai'l Hull H li'llimi Tlm i". line Inilf ilV. ,,iiiflnl elulil iw 111 liliM-k eleven ill' In lit cil' I'liil lliltllt lull In Hie ell V i if I llnll lm, III I lie 11 in nl y of I limn I Hi, II till Ml lite "f Nnl'l liillll. In n-illli' I lie ii y l t 1 1 1 i if il mile fur I Ii" nun nt M ,' line innl uiiilin June uoih lH4. mi allied mini Ilii ie In now line mnl pnynl'li' In Hie pbiliitlir the niiiii nt iH .:.inimi Willi llilerexl tlii'li nn Ml the t iitn nf wveii ii per eeiil per milium from the Mill tiny of I ineeinliei , Ihiij, for willed num. with Inlereal, iiliilnl lit pniva for ll ileeree tloil the ilefi'infmila in y Hie amiii', mnl I It it I III ii fuiill nf mn'li piivnielil Ml 1 1 I plenilneH Irtny lie Willi In Mill Inf V Hie III ml found line, mill Hint nil of aiilil iln- fi'iulmilH limy lie fiiievei- Imrrnil nf their lil leli'Nl In tan ll rent I'hliite. nu mih r i ' 1 1 1 1 -( I tominwer tlie wild pell IIiiii on uf tielori' Hie Til Ii day of Mitred. IHUI. I in I ell lit lluniliii, Ned., .Iiiinuiry :M. IWU. I ANN V II. lltillWIN, lly It. I'', TlioiniiH, her nltiiriiey. l-!SI-4 Special Master Commissioner'! Sale. Under nml hy virtue nf ii it order nf Niiln mi deereeof frirei'loHiuii of mult unite laniied out, of Hie tllHlrlet euiirl. of IioiikIhi eiiimty, Nelil'MHkii, anil dliei'leil In tin-. I will, nil t hn illli l ii v nf I i lii imiy. IHIi-t, lit. I ii'eloek p, in, of mild day, at tlie norlli front, door of the eoiitity eoinl, hoiinn, In llm elly of iimiiiia, I'liiiniy, iiMiniiuliiH nml Nliile of Nehiimkii, aell lit pilhlle niiel Inn, lo thn hlvdenl, didder for, ldn properly ilewrlheil In n'llil order of mile an fullown, to wn : but elirdt () In tiloek three CD In ItiiiriH Plaee mhlll loii In Hie elly of I luiitliii, III I hi) nliile of NehriiNkn, Hiidlaalii la lo nntlnfy Hie Jiidifieetit of wild emir! rendered lit Hn l ehriuiry term. In'.M, In II eerlnlii iii'llon In which the llelkiuiu Hav Iiikh Hunk of biieotila, New lliini)Hlilre, In plnliillir. nml Win, II, llnyilen nml ulhern nere ilefeiidillit.H, A ppeiu linen ilnekel itt, No, 1711. Omaha, Nchraaka, .liiniinry Ml, IWCl. ItKKIAII I'.l.'ta llltAN, Hpeelal Mimler I'oiuiiilxsluiier. I, II. Andrew, aliiirney. I !l-, Legal Notice. PlIOKIII! II. If l' lINTON VM l .1 HI till I, II I'. I KocketH, No, 2118. In Hie county court of IioiikIiw county, nlnle uf Ni'linn-kd : .bu'iih bill,, defemhint, will ( like not lee thnt, on Hie 7th diiy of Heeemher, A. ll. I MM. I'hoehe U. K l' billion, pliilnl, tr herein, filed her pellllou la the county court nf IihiikImk coiinly, Netuanka, iiKiiliint aald ilefembiut, mnl the coiinly Judue laniied an order of at taeliiiient for the mini of l00ti i :i wild notion penilliiK i l wild court wherein Plinelie H. K, V.. bliilon In plnliil.lir, and ,bieol, I. ill In de feiidiiiil,. liml, properly of Hieilefeniliint. eon nlntliiK of liar llm men pool Inlile, ntove, edulrn, eloek. leu-elient linn diir, hn been iiitaeded under wild order; wild plnlutirf pray ludnmeiil naulnnt wild defeiiiliuit, for thn mini of 10011 dun for rent of hulldliix lined mid oeeupled lit Ml! ami till! Houlli 'Ihliteenl d atreet. (mudui, Neluanka. hnld wu com limed lo llm day of Mareh, IH'I-I, Vou lira heredv reipdred lo aiinwer wild petition on or liefore mild Mil day of March, imi'l.or iiJuilKineiii. will lie taken iiKiilnnt you, lli, i,l. n. Ned.. .In itiinrv V.. IH'il. Pllol- IlK K, K. K, blNTOX, lly John T, Cut hern, her ititorney, Special Master Comrnissioner'a Sale, In iiurmeiiieo nnd hy virtue of it Judiouent mid deeree of Hn- dial rlet .court for llouvfliia county, alitle of Nelrnnkn. rendered on tha K it h diiy of Novemhcr. A ll, n(. la a cert ain Mellon wherein The I'lrnl Nnlloiiiil Hunk, of Omaliii, wnn pi a lull It ami .Meyer llelluiiiii and nl In In were llefemllllllN, nml of HII order of mile Innued thereon out of nnltl dint rial, court, lieiiiliiK date the Huh dnyof ln-ceuilter, A. If, l',i;i, and to nm dlroeicd. I will on the aid liny of March, A, I, I mil, at o-a o'clock a. In, of wild (lay, at. tlie KAT froiil door of ldn eoimly coiirUtouw, In the city of Omalni, IioiikIii county. Nehriinkii. eli nt inidll'! Iiuclion, In the Idthent didder for ennh the ful In w I in doncrlliod liuidn nml leitemeutn, all nllinileil In Iho eoimly of lioilKhm, ami ntiile of Nehiimkn. to-wll I The cum fori v four Mb feel, of lot one (I) In block one hundred and ihlrly-aevea (IJffi, In Hie elly of lUnlilili. liitvlliK It froiilnite of forty four Mb feel on I nrmun ntreel nml O-nuliiK hack a uniform wlillli of n illnlance of one hundred and Idlrtv-lwo ll,l!!i feel, lo Hie north line of Hie alley! ami Hie noiild t wo-lhlrdn of lot elKdt ni In hlock eljjdty lilini i'.M, II nnltl ell v of Oinndit. all In liouiclna con ll I y, at ale of Nehntnkill li mil Inf V Hint out of the iiroceedn of Hie wile of ldn wild eanl, fori y-four Mil feel of lot om"ll la block one diniilreil and thirl vneven ;i7) In the city of oiitiida, linvlni a froiiliiKe of forty-four Mti feet nn K iiriinui nireet, nml oxtemlliiK dnek n uiilforui wldid of one hundred and tdlrty I wo i;i!i fi l l lolhe north line of Hie nlley, n llnilliin eouiiiy. nil an above d"n-rlbed; 'lint Noilhwinierii Multiiil I.I f" liiniiraiiee 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y the mint of I hit I y-one I douniind, elidil hu'iidred aim ninety dollar i;.n(in.iiui wild liilennl, tdereon nl rule o' illi per cenl per ii ii ii il i 'i from nvple mlicr I'.ild, Kti; to mtllnfy the Nitrlli weniei n Mill mil blfe lli miriuice ( inn puny Hie further mini of tlilrly one Hime-iuid, i -1 1 1 . 1 hiindn-d nnd ninety dnllilin iil.n'll 111, wild llllorenl lliereoll III Mile of am nd pi-r eeiil n r milium from t-(1-1 1 111 her I'hIi. I"-"; to aiiiiufy the l iml Nn tioruil I111I1I1 ot tin., 1I111 Hn-aiim of twerity fniir ibiiiiHiind, t-ihi hiindn'd 11 ml wventy i lKdl mid IH loi Ui'llara if ,l.a',n ;i:ii, with llilerenl theieoii lit rale of nevelt 11 per cent per milium from nepO'inber Hud, I!i2i t-o nnllnfy the Neliriiakii V1IIM111I Hunk Hie mini nf aeifii llioii"iiii. Hie huinjied, neveiily mill Itl-Pm mill nl a i7.Ml,.i. wild llilerenl. Iliereun III Mil" nf well 'u per el lll In r mi lium fl'iilil Hi llo,l 1 r I'.illl. In'.i:, llliili plllll. n nti out. I 1 1 1 . 1 r . -' 1 . v nml .Vl-loi dolliira (I"i0,,'i. cnaln, Willi lull real llu leiill from Hie lull diiy of aeptvmher. A. It. n'i,'. Inelher Wild Iti'i'l ullll.' eiinln Ht'eordlllK lo It JlUlUil'lit rendered by I no dial 1 Id emu t of wild lioiiif Inn coiinly, al I Hi piember O'llii, A, l l'i!. In a ecrlii'lii net Ion Hm-ii and I bore Jieiidlnrf, wbeielli the I ll-l Niilloliiil H i n Ii, nf I ininbii, wnn pliilniltf, and Meyer lli-lliiuiii mid othern were defeiulltnla Omilllll, Neb., I'elil lint V I. a;i I. U 1 1'( 1 K A. HI'.NM I'T, Hpt eliil M, inter 1 'oaiiiilmlniier. Wharton Halrd. aiionieya i-i-b Noiii.o of Ch.tltla Mortgage Sale, Not Ice In hereby t'lvt 11 Hint by reimoii of lb fiiull n I he ciuiill I limn of a oil ii t nl inort liiiiedmeil .Inly ilrd. I"M, execiKed by W. I", I, nee nml Annie 1, 1 10 W, II JallluKa. and ifnlumd lo H. r-. limini by Hn -unl W, II. lulliliun, mnl recnnli il In the ulllee of the r 111111I v cletk fur liniiKliin eiiunly, Nehritnkit. on w lileli innl 1 k'iiie Hie mini of I wo hundred mid aei-eiiiy-llie ifi'i.'iOI. iIoIIuin. wllh lliler enl 1 1 1 1 ' lt 1 11 1 nt leu iU' per cent per lllllllllll finiii ibtle. I1 nl III due nml 11 1 I :i i'l. the under nittneil wdl nn the -."lib ilny uf I ebi uiiry. In'O. l III ,.',,I,U.L 1, ... ill tin. Ill 11 1 1, 1-nil eilttmrtif 'I It I ft v - II ft It ami Minn. I m recti. iin:tlui. Ne- liMinkii, m il III pillillc lllli'Miill the fiillitwInK propert y lliltnel aleil III mud luort KM'le. tn wil: t'liiimailii'.' uf nil Hie lunint I111I1I fiuiill II re. Ilnw nliited III plltce 11 ml number llliuve IJ :i lilt 'i I ; line -iim-m, 111-1 , cow fi 111 ! v e 111 n old : nnd line hm .e cull. I hroe ' . . . 1 ... i ii..,,.... V ell In III II', II I iti line pill in t nt i n t-ii n i t n i . , l.i,'L liiiiil hi.l,. (w iiiiiiIii In viilisfv till' mild l H. (Iriiu'K In mild amount, wild Inierent I beri'illl nn III. u I- nllllell. t linn lm, Nebiiinkn, .1 it ti nit ry !7ld, t II. t. (,i;ili.(i. -2-3 C-JI Analntiee uf audi MortiraK1 VOMMthYIH, ivut rAWioiw socuir Wi: MAKP. A HIIVIAI.TV LO DG li S Altd t Itmltnl Hh ivIjU ia nf lalt'. a In f n I1UI1 a it id wlmt tin mil ami we will inam' mi ttluili' of tln i-u-t, and m ti- iiiiiihli ni that e cull aallnfv tm iiiaUty "f wmk aa wi ll lm piii'i i 'ii'I nn ua If abiiiild lm In litt-il ot any kind id CmiHtii'ivIn! IVlttl ltt Wo ran fiinilb )ou aim thing lull wblt In fitei l.ltuii, 'il and Tun wilier I'AI'llt. Wi -I'l Inl BOOKS. IWICrS, PAMPHUUS. CIRCULARS, PNVUOPES. D0D0LHS, SfAICMCNJS, UTTER HEADS, BUS MESS CARDS, U0AL BLANKS miu wo'll tin your wm-k al ii iiFiinulile prollt, ami iuiinaiiiier Ibat will bo nul Infui'tni y in thu I'uetuiuer lur ulllcc In at 1615 HOWARD STREET. OMAHA. NEB. TOURIST CAR TO CALIFORNIA. Cheap Rate, Quick Trip. Tlm travol from tlm north and north went territory, tupped by TllK ( UKAT HhCK Ihi.AND HiUJTK, ban diimaniled nervico of th Incliaractiir, and lii'nlnnlnn; tlctober fith, tourlnt earn will loavo Mliineapolin every Thurniluy morning and join thu regular tourlnt train out of Chicago every Thurnday afbu'iumn at ('oliimbim Junction, la., nt 11 p. in. Central Iowa uml tlie (jreat went nloon dlMtrlct of Hint hi nl,?, di'inamln and will receive a alinilarnorvictn, and bi'Kirinin"; tlctober loth, a I'll llllpH-Hook Inland lOxciifhlon Cur will leave Albert linn j every 'ruenday tnornlnur, and via Liver more, Ft. DoiIki: and Atiyun, will arrive at, Dun Mnlni'M that v-11 1 1 iy, and VVcdiienilay a, 111, (jo went, on the "llltf l''lvn," vlu'Omnhu, I.liieoln and JIi'llo villi), at which point It will join tho I'cifiilur Tuonday train from (Jhlcajro. I''ull iiartleular an to (dienii ratu ticket for thin trip, and alno an to mint of berth In thu tourlnt car cheerfully Klvoii on applleatlon to nnv (ireat Ho!K Inland Konto Ticket Ajfent, or aijorit at coupon ntatlonnof conned nu linen. JNO. HKIIAHTI AN, 0. V. A., Chicago, TO CALIFORNIA Via Denver and Salt Lake City. rutronaof the (ireat Central Jtoutc, Weekly KxournlonH lo California via tint Union rncillcciin have their ticket read via Denver and Halt Luke City without additional expunne, Heiid fur folder giving detail and alvarilngen offered. V. K, SI IK A ll Kit, Mgr., K. j. JiMAX, lid So, Clark St. 0. 1'. & T. Agt Chicago. Omaha, Nob, Hot HprlngM, Ark,, Without Change. On and after January 20th, tho Mln- nourl J'uci lid Hallway will run a through nleenliiir car from Omaha to Hot Spring, Arkannan without change, via Karma City, Ft, Smith and Littb Hock, leaving Omaha daily at 10 p. m For further Information, rale, etc., call at depot, Fifteenth and Wobntor, city ticket office, N. K. cor. Thirteenth and Farnarn. j, o, riMM.ii'i'i, A. (i. I', and F. A. 1-111-Tll'tH, F. Cmil'liKV, (i. T. A. A uml 'I hlag Iw llenieiiilier H that tho Ilurllngton Hon to ban u trreiibir inlleairn In Nebraaktt than any other railroad and that, nine cam- out of ton. It' the lino to take, for Im'ul tmlritn. Lincoln. York. (Jrund Inland, Jleut- rice. Kantiiiuf. Kearney, S'Ward, Nc brankaCltV. lied Cloud, Jloldrego and Wyinorc are a lew or the pince tnat are eannv ami eornioi-ianiy reneiu from Omaha via the llurlingion H'uite. City Ticket OMIee, VMl Furnain St. Wanted, Man wanted to rorinlLTi e-ooiln to (b alern, Mtmt bu nob.-r, I'iy, 10 tim II ml moiith, and expenw. Wagon rained with Incrcioo- of tinnlnenn. To get a reply, i-nclone ntamp. I'unlnl not riolleod. Addrenn. II. )',. Ilublndl, 700 Ilroadway, Hannibal, Mo. If .. High Five or Euclu e Parties nhould nelid at. once to. It ill M SKHASTIAN C. T. A., C. It. I. .V I'. It. It.. Chicago. TF.N CKNTH, in ntmnpH, per puck fur llm nliekent ciil'iln J'Oll ever nbiiflled. For 1.00 you will recoivc f'en by cx pre ten paekn, The WESTERN TRAIL In oubllnlieil (jiiaiti rly by the CllK'AUO, Itm'K Ih I. A Ml .V' l'Al'll-li' HAII.wav. It, b'lln how to got a farm in tin1 went, uml il will be muit lo you grat in for one year, Send mum and addrenn tn "Killtor VVentern Trail, Chicago," and receive It olio year free. JOHN SKIIASTIAN, (1. P, A. If you are truing to travel in any direction, call nt Crund Junction Ticket Olllce, Ninth. Main and 1 tela warn Sin, and get their rule. Tho ac'tit, Mr. A, Hilton, or any of bin tinMntunta will lw glad to fiirninh you witli ro llahlo information, nml ncllyou ticketn over the In-nt xm1Io route tf PRINTING. .TliNIMIINU I1MMI.H U P 1 J la 1 lilS for INDIAN TERRITORY, l THE CHEROKEE STRIP. r&nii unuA cr cmitu uVil-'lfMt ' i ioiiii i n( LITTLE ROCK and HOTSPRINGS, ARK. Tifkil, Olflfn. 1. f ('orinr Cllh nml larnnin filn. A yoiniK married mini wiintna Komi nleiuly iiinlilim, llenl of city references. Addrenn l. X. X. Iblnnlllrti RAILWAY TIME CARD FOR OMAHA, NEF3. bt'ltven II. & M" K. I Arrlvn l(iiit llilli and Mil hi in HI, Hmtilin ,. Ileuver Limited dully ... 4 IH pin .... Ileadwood Kxitrenn 4 Ml ini I n n ver Knpieii H M am ,, Lincoln K. leneeptniin) .. 1 1. ',.'5 am , , Lincoln Local let. Hum , ll.MI pin II. A U, I ArrlvB llepot. 101 Ii and Manon Hi. tlmiihii I h leairo Limited H.iiO am rhlciitfo l'.iienn 4.ZB pra . , , . Clili iigii Iowa LiH'al, ,, , fl.fWt pm Local, dally en, Hun.. . , . itiu K.l!., HI,. .LA MI. lArrlvit' llepot loi Ii ami M iihiiii Hln, limulia . , . Kan. tilt y I lay Kx nrenn. , .1 ft Wi pm .. K. (!, NlKht Kk, vla). H,,. n.iWmii lllllllllll I Ml nut 10 l.'i am III. in am n.t't nut tM pin Leave lluniliii 4 45, en, Ii l.'i am LIU nm ll.;i.t nm Leaven I Omaha V.iti ami H. l.'i pin I Lenvettl UNION I'ACII'Ki. (Arrive Omaha Union llepot lath and Mareyi Omnha V.Hl am 2 l,ri pm n.lKl pm 4 lfi pm It 40 pm II 10 am ... deliver Kxpreiw 4 m pm I. Illlllell, llllliv deliver Kant, Mull ,11, H, A H. frx, Oixcepl Hun Pacific. Lxprenn 7.0U nn, 4 ,i pm l:i..Ci pm 10.40 itm ft 40 am 7 10 nm n.lftaia am IO.ihi ma I;; ;rt pm ft '.) pm 10 pm ti.r,.', pm am n Id nm 117.5 am 111.10 am ..Council ItlutTn Local,, ;i..'i.'i pm 5 :ifi pm (I in pm 10.45 pm Leaven Omiililt I d(0 pml.' II. ISO ami. Leaven Omaha I (!., M, A HT, I'. 'Arrive depot, I'lfd and Marry Hln, I Omaha IdilciiKo Llmlud ,,,,,,1 ft Mlpin ( iilcauo Kxprenn ,,,,, k,KI am (!, A N. W. I Arrive V In U, P. Triinnfcri I Omaha Atlantic !; pre, rial ly,. 1 10 pui .I'.iino in PnnneiiKi r.diilly,, 12 :t.'i pm , .Uilciuo Llmlieil. dully,, tt ',') am ... Omaha Mall, dully , ,. Z l'ipia in 10 am ,1 ,Vi pm 4 Id pm 7.'0 pm I'. l.'iiiiii'Mlnnourl Valley Local, daily! ' ' put ,t liven I I'.. HI,. I'., M.AO. lArrlve Omaha depot Iftth ami Welmter Hi..1, Omaha n..Vi ami Hloux Oily Accommodation Mm pin 1.1.1 pm , H, i;. r.xurenn u-xi-i pi ruin , i . ei pm ,, HI, Pmil Kxprenn I ,:!fl m Oakland Local lexeopt Hum1 4,1 am 5 .4-1 pm 1 10 pm I,i liven K, A MO. VAbl.LV. Omaha! depot Mill and WclmlorHI. ftVlam! Ileadwood Knpren. ... n.Miam iHk.HiiI.i Wyo, Kx.iM. Muni pm . I' relnoiil t.x, ibxcept Hun.l. ft 4.1 pm HI, Paul Lxpii nn a .VI am . Lincoln K. (en, Hiiriduyi . , frf-avt- I HIOUX I'lTV A PAI II 10 Omaha I depot 101 It A Marcy Hln, 4iitmi....Hlou)l Oily PnnneiiKi-r.... D.Mpuil HI. Paul Lxprenn Leaven I ...OIIICAtiO. It. I. A I',,",, Omiihit I Via U. I. Triumfcr. .Arrive I Omaha I 4 1ft pm 4 M put ii.;i,1 am ''A am I lu.afi am I Arrive I Omaha I V..VI pui 10 Hi m i A rrlve I ttmnha r,ier Atlantic Kxprenn, (hilly , fl 00 pm Ventlliiile Limited, dillly 2 I'l pm , Mirhl Lxiuenn. dully ... 7 Al am 10 ,'Vi am 4 "i pun l! 10 nm en. Muni ll, AT Kx, u-x Huii ft ,n mn 7 in pm tOli nun .. Lincoln i n. iinurn,,,, wnn ft.00 pm ( hleiiKo l.xprenn , mn wr.nt I Vln U P. rniimfer. filti iimie. Mini O A T. Moll I,' 10 am Kir, pii,;... hl' iiKo and in-nver... aiii .. o. Illultn and Llncnlu, It n"i it.i I Lincoln bxpronn Leaven Ml'-uil lil I'M II I''. Omaha ; depot I'nh ami Mimuii Hln loon pun Hi. I.oiun l''. dully. ,. .!,:upui it. Loiiin l.x ilnily. .. ft 40 pm Netiritnkit Lm-nl. Leitvi' WAMAill. Omiilia I r V In I,'. P. Ttnrmferi it wi pm ', I', am I 4 Vi pm A rrl ' Oiiuiha I K.lm am 4 i'l pm I H l.'i It III lArrlve I I imithit UJllpm" a.Vtpm i ".. HI, Lou I !-... dally ... BEST LINE TO DENVE AND GALIF0RH1 jMMa. llm I ll-l Ml I j ;rr.,-irtfiifea. A