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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1894)
THE AMERICAN . a vm:n moimwin. It tc N i v .V ftittK A tl!, t I !, Ill ttiat 1al I MK It- Hl , II H . t I i 1,.-H. .1. I 1, ,1 t I'lur. .i Ii- ':!i.if 1 1-it W ',- ,.. l,wv -I. lit l II W .ii t u ln ' -I n-.i I 1 ' fit , I ' ,1 , -, , f I V ? fcn ,. M P 1 f I t l In it. n i t- n i I-.' I , .iin HI-. I IS I h U I l. i I and (i.itlli.t! ! I ts' I Ml in It, W Ull t.'lH l la A V-v It !- lit ll,MH ! 1 I t ' ,H I ! M ) mil liv a , r-1 ifl it.i U i, i -il. . . ininni.!)i rt!i-d In t, ' . I Ml allili i4 Sm li t" l"i a att.v i( I he .li!in I ) .mill I -i'i!iitt i v jmiiniit, t"t I In' i nl U abrupt i't fii'" i t urn! tii i'iini (or t'Hi Searing tin- rh , Mr I'nli M.I.I and hi f'tiiiinliin w i'ti nii II"! In 1 nlnnljr nil llli it real i mil inn around ami armim the mountain, inch I iiuf m 1 1 1 1 tt lint rloavr to the aiimmil lint had iml more Ijr Uti lr own tM'tttlit l rurrv. f"r Inalru In etn a mill llttlii tetil and llmir ami h cm liml M no Willi llii-m me of (hear Hole iif u lum Inn k, nl In. in (if use Ui act tntlat. At Ihe very Ion nf I tin mountain Mr Fairfield (miiiil In' liml Imrely hnn In luni around. ' iii xKk riitiiin to mu ll a aharp point that inniM'ti'M Id tripod he had I" liutlil a base nl riH'M fur otm of the h'K" Mr. Kalrllcld kiicw lirfore he ascended where lii would live while therej yet, though he knew v here In liHik nml had lint four fii'l uf space lo liKik llinntnli, h liml illtlirlilly hi iIIkciivitIiiu tint 'l'lu'ii lui fmiiiil It inn! IiiiikIii'.I nt liNtniiiiti tnltt liiiinii, An Iih.I jnlnnl with mitiirti In liuiklnu tlim mvit I0,4IMI Uvl tip lliuiiiiltnii A hello!rvicrif tlif cniiMt mtrvt-y wnn lln-rr H Joinn Hn In ll'ixll hIiiiiIh cli'itr nnniM tlui Sut'riiiui'iitii viillcy tn mi (iliM'fvcr on h Jnk In the CniiMt nuii. I In liml tlit'iii'iicil It lllllii i nvo or rrci'xN In tln iiiiiiiiiIiiIiihIiIi', Hum wlili lionnlM t hut, liml lii-tm ciiitIimI hi Hih KtiH'ii HMi'iit liml lui tit. n frimt. wnll, n ruuf Hint it llnnr. 'I'lm lifoki'ii ru k liml wi rflVITi'll till' roof llllll, I lilt lllllt! llOIIMIM'Olllll I (lrti'rtcd from ( In. Ninmnlt of l tn iinniii tnln, four fret nliovt', only liy I'lomi wru tiny. Itrforf lie liml IIiiIhImmI IiIh work a ifrcnt titiowNtoriii rninn up, nml tlui I Ihtmh mii't it fell to H ili ntwn liclow wro. 'liicro wnp riotliltiK to do mivit to cntwl Into tlio (iitr liciiiMn ntiil wnlt for 1Iih Htorm to ci'mnc. In tlui nlppliiK t'lilil mid without llnliti the lii'xtwny of kiii'pliiK wnrin nml killing tlnu' w in to hIim'P, Iml to ilo I IiIm wim not no I'HNy n inlKlit lit) mippnNiMi. 'J no Hpiicti for hIitp- liiK In tlm liiilloli'opir'ii cnnililiiiitlon hut Mini ritva w not Inioniltnl for two. On the IiihIiId thin I'titlra Iioiimii who Junt 73 liu'lim Iodu, S4 Iiii'Iiiih liluh nml HO Iiii'Iimx wliln, Mr. Fiilt lli'lit nml liU hhhIhI. tit liml to Hm dowu toKnthi'r very rnmfiil ly mid Ih'kIii to iirniiii' t Iii'iiihi'I vch In tlic mi n i iiiNltlon hn t wo npootM In a box, the front of dim mnii el owe RK'il'iHt the Imck of thn nlhir. 'J'uriiliiK ovit Nt ii Ik 1 1 1 wn mi vi'iit. After proper tiotlcn to nu ll nl In. r of t tit liili'iitlmi fiii'li would rlxH on lil nl liown or IiiiihIm, nnd then toKi'tlmr tlicy tnovml nlowly iiroiind, finally lyln hkhIii In rxnntly thn mium ilnr In which they ( bid nought rcNtwhllH lylnon thotln'r mdii. Tin y did not ofNm turn. Tlui nrniuu 1 poNitlon thry wero compi'lli'd to tuke Hindu thi'in KlIlT nn If front rhiminnt Iniii, Vurinu tin night Mr. Fiilrlli-ld lii-iinl 1riitiK nouuiIn itndi'r the HiMir of tlui tiny hoiiiit, "romuplnim," mild hln cotiipnnlon, who wni ni'ipinliili'il wllh the iii'IkIiIki.iimh1 trn dltlotiMnlHiiit Itiiiiiidtnp. "I'orciiplni'iilmve nindii a nmt undiT the Hour," Tim iwircuplini tory noon provcil in tie n fiction of the country. From tindur the floor cmne mu I'lKiniioiix rt 7 or 8 Inclun limn nml Unlit drown In color ac tive rntN Hint mil iidontthlii llttlndoitNeln hlKhnml ii"ly cnrnlvnl rntii thntidluitidl tip the wall nml dropped to tdu Hour with (lellxhted Uenkii nt the noUe they were niHklliK. Tliwm inonntroti rut hinl a tnn'e for (tlMttirdliiK the penre nihI no tfiHte fur the fiNMlthnt iltifiHi' the rnUof elvlllzitlon. The flour mid the ditoon, the crnckerN Ami even the dieme reiiinliied In the limine mitouehi'il dy thi'in, though no Attempt ww Hindu dy Mr, Fiilrlleld to hide hi pro vIhIoii. For thnu tiny Mr, Fiilrflelil Ami LI iiiiiiiiiIoii did not lenve the tiny hut rx wpt for ft few minute, The enow wn fnllltiK eoiiHlmlly, The top of the itioiiti twin wn w nipped In dlm k i loiid. Vlnlon nmld nut reiieh inorp thnn three or four feef, throiiuh eluiid nnd miioiv, During the Klorm the odxerver liml the tmmt pxlriinrdliinry of nil liNxlniiiui) expe rli'liee on t tint liioitntnlll, Jin wn yh ( In the hut liHtenlliK to the itorm nnd whln for brlKht wenthir. when til AmUtHtil, who liml (tone to the port hole lowitch the hiii.'W mid I lie idoiidM, rnlh-d dim. Mr, Fitirfli'lil wn In no dnnte to lenve M lilnnket to look nt fiiliin miow, tint III fompiiiilon nr..i dim to come nnd to como iiilckly, He reluctmilly unrolled blniHi'lf mid went to the o'iin He wn repnld. From the Kround n hort dUtnnee awaj CAiiien IiImIiik wiuml, h If the cofik of rm tnre were frying Imlf the moiintnln, Tlie IiIukIiik whm eotiHiiiiou, hut vrll In In y, Mr. I'nlrlleld enutlouoly an- ronched the pint e w henee the ouiil (.'nme, le found Hint the noie eemed centered In a little Jut of rock not dinner than a clmlr. lletepped utmn the rock and Inntantly received mi electric tdiock, not no ni-vere a to hurt dim, dut eiilllcleiit to mnk every pnrt of hi Imily tiiinle, llextepped from the rock, nnd lntiinily the electricity left dim, One foot from the rock It could not be felt. Ilhi nNlKtnnt then stepped ttpnn the rock. The xhoek wn too much for him, denlly i much more Heimltlve to elec tricky thnn Mr. Fnlrlleld, deenima It hurt him. lie felt pnlim nil over di liody, nnd every linlr tood ntrnlnht from dl dead. Jlentepeped riilclky from the roi.'k and would not try Hie experiment nnnln. One experience with an eleitrlo atorm had ItiMulnted dim nntlnt the ritwire to r Int It. The formal word of Mr, Falrfleld'a trip to Alpine enk I a almple line lntitnde, o much; lotiKltude, no much.Snn Fran clxco Examiner. IUllke ToMtmiutera, The Trlnceof Wale diHlike tonatmaa tera, nnd he linn more thnn once dlHicmied With their aervlce. Hi roynl dintine ioci not care either for long "menu" or long speeche nt public dinner, and al though banquet which hentteiida UHUally begin an dour Inter than uhiihI they are onietlmc over an hour earlier than la coiumonly the cae. I'aria Herald. iS.1 VI 1 Ml tSiiaH I li i ii-, i i i l I ...Mll...i 11(11 1,U14 I I, litKt I !" I ii i li'ltw tl i'f t ' kn . i It trt it,' Me l l llmrt tm !' i t.h ltl it .i l r- " i. ti. in.-i ,) tn Wii n.4 nntf tt t.lKB t lui i'f nl i I i . i . i 1 1,, i r iv I lie mi nml rum l lilui f 1 1 lim iH.ll II .iuiiilt IV. i lv I.. i . . . ) 1 i.l.- t-Ti- 1. ti (,,. l,i, ; i, ii.t, I t i)t ti a -t.e ' l titil f.HI.l I 1-1 .1 ( t 11 1 lllrtS)! , ,i,i(i( ,,n li nt ' It ,.i,.l I. i.i n, ll.r i ..e l-. ii.ii, I be lui,. In . I I ) I I. h All i i'Hk r u tw i (,ntKii I nml n Mmil"H ot (. i.. i in I tiiv.!i-. n l r. , in ii. I ( rin l,iel I i u ll,4 aI ft ll'i.r mi l l ' dilli l nl ! j 1 1 1 liiiu!t Imp lin lif-i tinl.i-lil t t lb i Inn Iniiin a llli llntv U lui Hl.iti if in I kit Mnit li inn l. iimii .) iMi aiiy j li.-lii milxl.U' In lb.- lui i lui.e 1 liU - iii i f a ' li, h mid llie In I ll III ll.rtll!'li Mil III nt I In' Ilill V, w lib It la i fiiiilUr In kliitiliiu ami III H'lfiUun mkr liiillnli iniil' wiin ti ln-iml i.f tune In imr i-m, culm nt hmnlly Imlinil a lin y nt dlllliu'illi 111 mil the hIiikIuu and the klii tune of .i e,li the III illitin hale lui fui'd ilti h, yet, hlv a utarlltig linte, KriliiMlil Interval at, ob rveil Nut that any Itullaii ran alnn a eale, but he ri H iil hUaniiu without any materlnl Variation, Men with good vnlii' take pride In accuracy of alnnlug and of ten have In their tiieniorliM'veral hundred aotig, Including many from trilx-awlth the iiii'tuhera of which they have exrhang ed vixll. The bnriliine voice amnng men And the nicrf.o anprnuii among women are more eotiimou IIihii the pum tenor, bn, inn traltonr nopmuo. Ann rule, the Indian voice I reedy nnd Rtemly in tone mid mima timc quite inelndlotiH III qunllly, but the hnlitt of Nlngiiig In the oim'Ii nlr to the no compniilment of peri'iliMlon liiMlriiiiient tetiilx In ntniln the voice nnd to Injure It awinil iii'. 1 here I little nttempt at ex pnwmlon by iliiiioor forte piiNaiigi'a, or by Hwclliug tlui Iniin on n given note, but n HieHntiK' gi'iicrnlly ileHccud on thn arnlu there Ih ii niitiirnl teiidcncy to lean volume lit thn eloNii thnn nt the beginning or mid din purl of the t iiiic. Where Hcvernl tnkn pnrt In the Kinging It In nlwny In iiiiInoii. Thn dllTcri iit pml illcHiif miiln nnd fetniiln voice bring out linriuoiilu elTi'i t. which urn enhanced by the wniui'iiV ciiMtoin of Hinging in n high, rvedy fiilw't to nn octave nbove the miilo Voice. The chornt genernlly preNenta two or three ootnve, mid one become ron acloiiNof overt ouea, Fvldeiitly the lndinna enjoy thi Intent harmony, mm they hnve (lev Icon to IntctiNlfy It. They employ n kind of throbbing of the voice on a prolonged note, producing nn effect alniihir to Hint obtnlnnd In vl brill ing a Hiring of the cello tiy piiMNlng over It the bow in nn undtilnt Ing mnvenietit. IiihoIo like the love aong, where there nro aiiNtnitied piiNNiige, the alnger wnve hi hiind nlow ly to and from hi mouth to brenk the (low of the brent h nml to produce vibration which mooiii to anttNfy hi enr Alice I!, Fletcher In Cen tury. A Una Wlinne I'liuin Live On, The good deed of Hob, the flrcmnn'a dog, are l ill frcNli in t lie memory of hi ti ii ii wi ii coiiirinlcH It wn nt n (ire In Duke atreet (hut Hob dnrted Into n burning hoiiHe, nnd oblivion of the hereditary nn ImiiNlly between the two nice brought out there being no other living thing to recnea Imlf aulfiM'nted cut, which he cnrrled In hi mouth to n pine of anfety. At Another fire lu the 'etiiiliister llrldge road Hie hrlgude thought Hint till live hnd been anved, but Hob hnvlng miidn hi iihii- al riipld aurvey begun to acrntch nnd Imrk furloiiMly at a lilt to door till, In Hplleof their four of (mining the flume by crent lug a draft, Hie firemen broko In nnd (II- covered n child crouching down In a cor ner piuilo atricken. Hob wn nlwnya In Attendnuce at the old Kotithwark fire atn tlon, ready to follow an engine nnd to run up tli'i bidder and jump through the win dow of a burning building even mora quickly thnn the firemen, He died, it will be remembered, nt the pont of duty, run over by the wheel of an engine. London Newa. Water ami the Unman Ilorty, Conipnnitiviily few people know what A lnrnn amount of water the human body coiinIhU of. A man weiuhinn 800 pound la iiinda up of 120 pound of wnter and NO pound of aolid. The Inttcr Include bone. mucln, flto. Kven tlie fit of Hie body con tain 1 A per cent of wnter, t tie liver I made tip of 09 ixr cent ami the blood of H8. Tde akin coiitnin 72 percent, the bruin 75 nml the miiHi le 75, It may he nntnrnlly anppoHcd that A flu id o uiilvernlly dlHtribiiled throiinliout the doily iniiht coimt Ituten very Important nrtlclo of It existence. Hecent cxtieri- nient linvehown Hint on wnlcrnloni) life mny Ik HiiHtnlned a lonn nn 55 dny, wheren If dry food only were nlven death would ciiNiie In a nunrter of Hint time, and till In a miwt iik'iiiIIiik way. The terri ble anony tlmt Nlilpwrwked mnrlnerome- tinie hii iTt-r In Hii wny will Induce them to drink una wnter, and thl add a hun dredfold In the uucotitrollnhln tlilnit that Induce delirium and death, Cieiitleinnn' Magn.liis. The Harem In Modern Turkey, "Ilnrcm," In the modern acceptation of the word, merely mean Hie private apart ment, nnd theae would be called by the aama mime even In a bnchelor'a etalillli- meut inlmlilted iml el y by men, but gener ally It I applied to every place Intended for women. J lie end of the Turkih rail way carrinnc, curtained off from the rent, I a harem. Ho lathe ladle' cabin on board hip nnd the littlced nailery In moaqtie. in the dwelling hntiMe It I nil that quar ter t nlui lilted by the wife and children and other Indie of the family, nnd here, I may any, in pnlnn, that very few Turk now aday have more than one wife. The tra ditional Turk with hi Innumerable wom en no dinner exlHt, except n a very rare exception, hut the Miiulmnn ha not acrillced the advantnne of the privacy granted him by the Mohnmniedan law and custom, Hcrlbner'a Mngn.lne. Ir, fuller' Memory. Among tlioee who dnve performed kw feat of memory mny lie mentioned Dr. Fuller, author of the "Worthle of Eng land." He could repeat another man'aaer tnon after hearing It, once and could repeat BOO word in an unknown language after bearing them twice. lie one day attempted to walk from Temple Jlur to the fnrtluwt end of Cheap aide and to repeat on hi return every sign on cither aide of the way In the order of their occurrence, and do did It eaaily. In terior. Sympathy. Itupcrt I tdink I'll pour aome cologn in till inirtlrine I Kit tlu. Mamma Wdyf Itupert Why, to take the taateoutof 1U mouth. Harper's Voung People, II 1 Ml 1 I MlH t Uf WI 1H M v-. i i .!,. f . I, f4 t, i V, t . , , I l..'t.l,M ..i, ht-l w. t a-.. ii Am I j -r, H tl " I l 11. I" "Hiii ) -. i... n4 I M ) i rv I n ill. (.,'4 . i.i-m ) - H t-ir I mi i I lr - I A i. ii e.i iii t ,.! , i. i. in-ifci,,' n. . I I e k,(i.iii iii. ilii I ! mo, An l iH in. .. i , f 1 1 1 m , '(", t N.u !. r " ! 1 1 1. , (, H al I v 1 hi I . n , " i. a,,i g ... . i,. et-il, ,.l lui n , I, i . 1 . , i' i ,1,, t-rii .i fi, l.rt am l.i t I In, H tli-itt M p ! a Mi,, l.lin ,.f liiit.i.fil I, aia 1 1:1-- III.., Ill I fcltnl Ik I. tl.- I. i.l all ml ji ata, An I a I Hit' la-l t.ii !. tin .iil V Oh In a'l ini ii-1 nn t i.f ,lrl l. Ai .l l iiil I.. M n.i ii, -ii' l ilt l,,,k, Ijin il.'lii.t l.i r, " lull at, a I 1 tiillr 1 !,c vi.f i,f mt i.p. titia-n:" 1 In' a'iK" aim ., "niiti ar-ni-nia liaml Him ami i.. iii tur llu gilta uf t iiai, W ltiHH la tliiue to uiiili-r .laml l it wuilh i,f limn l.alli IimI." " K. Nealill In Allifim-uiii, A lltll Dial Naler l'aa.,l. fVingrcaanirn nmi'tlliir ailopt qiiei-r ex pedient In gain the giHti) w III of their con illiieui. Vi-ai ago a ineiiilM r from weal ei n etnte wa very itiuili afraid d would lie knocked nut In the approaehlug rmnpnlgii. He dad not mannged to make hlinaelf a uwer In iinigrin, In fm-t, hi conatltui'iit had never heard of htm doing Anything beldc voting with hi party W hen hi name wn culled and draw lug hlnlnry, lie wn deapernte. Something niliNt be iliinc,n plenae III H'ope nt home or he would bo Imrlod out of algdt. A bright young womnii to whom hu hnd do cribed hi trouble an Id to blin: "You live lienr the center of the United Stnte, don't youf" "Ve." "Then why don't you Introduce n bill to luivo tlui cnpilol moved to tliu prlucipiil town In your dlHtrlci.)1" "The very tiling." Ami hu int rodiiced the bill. It worked to li I'hnrm, Thn peoplo of hi district lit once concluded hit hh n great mini nml wllh in mil enthiiHiiiNiii Kent him buck for another term, an Hint ho might pre di removal bill nnd Nccuro II piiMwign. lu thn next emigres lie reintroduced thcNuue liifiiMiirii, nnd tlioiigh it wn promptly pi geonholed lu thn committee room, nnd of course ho never got n chnnce to mnke a apeecli on it, hi people atooil dy dim nnd gnvo dim n third term u a rewnrd for hi geniii. Wiinhlngton Cor. I'hllmlulphla North Atiiorionii. A Chlneae Letter of t'oiiitulenee. Few persona, however cultured, face without flinching the duty of addressing A letter of condolence to n lierenvcd friend. If they unit, the Inngiiugo of moderntion, they fenr their word will anem dut "cold comfort" to tliimn Hint mourn, If they gush, Hinnoteof Insincerity Jura upon their own feeling. The following letter from a resident nt n aituimer resort to the bend of a family in town Hint hnd lost n dear wife nud mother deserve to rank n a classic in obituary literature; Dr-Ali Kin-1 am very sorry you lima tha wlae ladle; aim stay wllh (bid forever. Whnn ah live that time and anlil, We have to he end, we will at ay with (1ml forever. And hoie you far awny olf not. he weary, and take good care yourself, and look imck your children, ami you have the heat In the world. Hut we hope her stay on tlila world lonuur mid tin more flood. When I talk to my friend who know er, they Ih. and when alio gone; auone frlxtid 'member her forever whan aim I live eviiry year; the achnlnr remember the Lakeside park. Now 1 do not know how the park I to be. Ho who do good llm union la Came, WlAO, W'AII, l.KM (!0, Here In an loss dut touching pbrasn 1 a tribute to departed worth, comfort to tha filleted, slinplii piety nnd thn patho of human life, Washington l'ost. An f.xlrniirdliutry Meteor, On Mny 10, 1879, A largo nml extraordi nary liiiiilnoii meteor exploded with tex rlflo noise, followed ntallghtlntervnl with le violent detonation, and struck tha earth In tint edge of n rnvlne nenr Ksthiir vllle, Ktnmet county, In,, pcncl rating to the depth of 14 feet. Within two mile other fragment were found, one of which weighed 170 pounds nml another about 83 pound, Tim prlucipnl tuns weighed 481 pound. All the discovered parlngre gnted nlsint (110 pounds, Thn one of 170 pound I now In the cabinet of the Kfnte University of Miiuieolu, Tlincouipnaltlon of thl aerolite I peculiar in mnny re aped; but, as in nearly nil aerolite, there I n considerable proportion of Iron and nickel, lown Htatn Heglster, lirrnt Mcinorle. In greit feat of memory the eye piny A chief part, yet blind people also have gisid memories, Ibtv. H, ,1, John, ctmp lain to the blind asylum, London, testified Hint A large number of pupil learned the I'salter, nnd that one young mini wn there who could repeat riot, only the w hole of the ISO prayer book psnlm nnd A large number of metrical psalm nnd hymn, as well a a considerable amount of modern nis'try, Including (ioldsmil.h' "Deerteil Village," but the wholnof Milton' "I'nr ndlse JjOt," with marginal note ami a biography, Interior. A Sleeping Woman. A sleeping woman exist In Franca who ha lain in a wtnteof catalepsy for 10 year, Bhn aufTered a aevere mental shook when a girl of 20 nnd suddenly fell Into thl atrnnga condition. Doctor from all part of France have tried to awaken her, dut without success, nnd nil ngree that ah will only regain her cotisclousnns Just be fore death. Though reduced to a skeleton, a alio 1 only kept alive by artificial iiour lhliinent., the woman doe not look III, but simply like any one In nn ordinary slurp, London Queen. Every great literary work hn l-en fol lowed dy a dost of imitation. After the publication of the "Faerie Queen" the pre wa deluged with fairy atnrlna, a after Ilnnyan' " I'llgrlm'a I'rogre" ban dred of aimilnr work appeared. It I wonderful what aighla Iindon eye can pick out thl aide the Atlantlel An English print gravely announce that "women may now lie acen driving cab in New York," Louisiana baa dut a tenth of the arable land under cultivation, but produce 120, 000,000 pound of rice, S.'IO.OOO hogshead of augar and 500,000 barrel of molase. One of the most thoroughly original work in Ktigllsh I "Hedlnm," a play In 85 acta. It wn written by Nat Le when confined In a madhouse. Pearl are aometiroea found whoa outer layer 1 diaoolored. The ttone may b tklnncd and thu improved. MAGNET PIlECSWto KILLER Dill for Rictil DiliiHl Only. a aniH a I .4,i i a a. tut- ai4, . i.. v oa. at t ih la I ..a hll Vaiiin iimIi t.CH1 tt l0, (HOHItKM tl n.,a, I fitment, IHhorQ & Missouri Vallt Vfll, aif WaHum, I.IM'iH.S, Srwahh, SrcKitinu, David City, Yohk, A I IHON, NtHIFtUiK. -All Al.l, Northern Nebraska, Black Hills AND CKNTItAI. WVOMINO. oau.v niiim-r i, ta to Sioux City, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Ticket OlhVe Hut Kanmin at reel mid Webitet HI rent ttnloti Hi nt Ion. H. 0. HURT, J. A, BUCHANAN llnn'l iMiimignr. (leti'l I' ass A izt . Chicago Short Line or tii in Milwaukee & St, Paul R'y The Best Route rou CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. HOMI) VIWrillULIOI) and STEAM HEATED Train Dully-coiislstlnu of the Itust I'AI.AOR niceping i;uri I'.l.Kiuiar, I'MCM Clmlr i;ara, blixnuioiJaCoaohoa, and tin) I'inest IMnliiK tara in uie worm, J'or ThroiiK-h Ticket, call on the ticket intent, at I Vd .'arnaiii si reel, and ill, Union I'ai'lflc deiot, Kvery al ien l ion paid to pnaaitfiKer by vimi m-iiiih tiiiijnoyes oi Lin eoiiipaiiy. F. A. NASH, (iim'l Au't, Omalia, Nnb MARIA MONK. Paper Cover 50 Cents. Thl llllle volume relate the terrible e. tierlciiee of it nun who was eonlliied In Hm '"Mack Nunnery" of Montreal, It. baa prob amy llm larifesl, sale of any work of the kind ever puiillslieil, mm several AttvmjitH tt Su iiriMH if, have been made. The price In cloth I mid lu paper fill cent, l''oralit by . AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO,, Him Howard Hlreet. Oniaha. Neb or, H07 Main HI., Kansas Mly, Mo, (tiCOC Aitenl's profit per mouth, Will Prove It. or pav forfeit, New ar ticle lul out, A II. Wi ait in li It- and term free, Try ua, ( nincaiKii A ftim, W noun t,, ,n, y , ll-17-lill, C I UJ IN THE WE8T, j t- urn imiM-r l,-,l lir lliel r chicaoo, aock iViCmo a PACinc a. n.Z fca i.lkotjim WESTERN 8ETJIEJ Clell all al-oiit If, aiot will '..ot7nn r ' "., .iMi.d i,i vu fuiiMfi, ,uwt'i, lu, Z 1 Mif mm f, I w3l SYPHILIS! r Tiirllai-jr fiffmn'nMy mf4 n to (tft nr. Wn irUmlfiuffi nit vAfutn trum ihn aav V -i ti'Mi, tut (lint itfi 4'Hfl Mi'ViT lit m nitun tit th dlwivw In mif tnrm, I'Mi-fli rn M 'fcatcfl mt h,mm m wll how, ff'T llim rmtftn futi-m Mi't I naiilin,, rallmail faru wa) loinl lillla, Our Magic Remedy e fiiunl iii aura tin tfiyht Yrttr in f' ami it fN'fMi olll nt faMi, Wftr'hll"rif fi wurl't fr rmmti wwcatn ntttimtm. Hlnr f)i UUturr of rucfiD Irm if iujmtf)n f,,r H c Dh,ll hmm twn mmirUt tur hultrnvft tnum, uni ft our tnmtttn Crptillwnn wmMtUmuivurfA. W tunioii (iin fii,,t ohttttvit cm ftfMl rftnttwtf th ipnrtit itr nru0 ttf0 tutntt'it our, Tdl 1Imimm uA HlWKy mini thn kltt uf Ih mt emtn0nf phuiaivn, 900,000 CAPITAL twhirit fftir iinm'llirtil irMranf, A'wtlut proof aWlllMfaVllrU VUaV((li Ofttlm, aiMihwi, iook ii rnr III! I vA ii tomm ? tfvmt Tt. 4n, Iff, THE NAME TO REMEMBER Utmn lluylna; m BICYCLE A. W. GUMP & CO., DAYTON, OlIlO. :iO.O(l'f ano.DO caved i many neia anil aoeollil-halMl lllrvrlr. I, Is, a rree. Over il,000 la lk. aali er time. AC KIT WANTED. a a. m A. bUUK UtAK I IVIHIU ta imt ! -aii mil i. i. .i.i Stnnctnrcl Anti-Rmnni. fnlholio Hi Wliiili I'M I V tl t lt t" Aim I H nil liill. M s I ill iTilrr to lrri liiniMif Hiat. n,i.n ),( nlliluili' i f lti Jiiiptu V Rit, Chlnicut! Gocks: j Edith O'Goffam's Work's: I II I V t Mi IS I il i IH (l n iM- (,,., i,i. I t il l U.V N i till 0M I a P lS I'll. fulton's Oooks: i U M (I I Hii in li p, ! -i - i I h m in ' i nViiii mi ,) 1. 1 I:iAii fii,, ti : . T, M. Hurls' Pooks: -M'tMiiMi IIVtnlN' ( ,t, V ', MolMtis ii ii i. Mr, and Mrs, Slitterys Works: iim i vi'tisni" I'npii. rirelila l i bl a HI KiiMI-ll I'UIMI t x -. rii-l l" I il. r, lui . nl. I AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., IOM llownrtl Strvrt, OMAHA. NEB. -AA.N L0D!. LUrlL UHWUt INHHtUflUlV -nr TIIK - Unitod Statos ofAmerloa. W.t .aM J'Ji'' I'KANCIH (,', CAMI'lll 1,1,, M, W, (i. M, Minneapolis TIHiM, Mll t.l'iAN, tJraiid s,.erelary, .. . Kverelt, , Minn, Mass. HI. I -l II IK, una Howard Hi reel., Omaha, Neb,, Oriraiil.or for ib part men! of Neliraslia, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Colorado, oitAsaie I'liiNcii'Lhs. On bnloiif of thn I,oval Oraiiste hod nn of the United HI ate of America,, nnd with a view of cm reel Iiijj the false liiipresloii that I'tiemli! urn imdeuvorliiK to convey to the mind of men who are unafuuiilnted wllh OraiiKii prlnclilcM, are these few lntimeiii iiiiulu: The l,oyal Oriiiiitn Institution I a brother hood and sisterhood, bound by three tic -ilustlce, Truth and Kluhteousuea, It ha no hidden alms, H Ih K ta In mi a I and lb and protectliitf membcra while llvlux and their widow and orphan when (hey are re moved by death, It uphold the rlxhl, of private Judgment--(hn untrammelled freedom of opinion! be lieve thn public Nidiool are an eaaenllal aufcKiiard of llm atalii, and should bn kept free from ecclealaallcal or sectarian control and that persona disloyal (o the (fovernmcnt -who hold it mental nllctfliince to the pope, of Itome-ahoiild be rliromiialy cucliided froiii achliiK (herein, It, believe primary lilleularicii la dun to the Koverniiienl, which protect the Uvea, HVurlle and proper! le of Ha citizen, and that eceleslaalleal authority should not' under tiny circumstance, be permitted to meddle In I he alTalr of slum, and that coer- dim of aelf.len In the exerelae of hi or her rlxhtof franchise, under the Knlait of r'dlK loua or spiritual ituthorlly should he pi n lahud a a crime atfalnal, the atale, That It I the duty of every cltlen to de fend tliu lawfully cmiaiif iitcd authority and Institution of our country attain!, corrupt and Inimical Influence, a well a iiKaliiat armed HNsallatita, to the end thai, our Klorl oii freedom be protected and tmnaiidl.tert Unimpaired to poaterlly. IternoiiritKi' habit of frugality and In duatry amoiiKll member, and I proud to boaat Ihat OriniKemeii eldom become a public char or accept pauper brmtd, H believe lu the rcalrlelloii of ImmlKNl- tlon and the enterialon of tlinn for the nalur- llai,lon of cllfen, and (hat the piihlli! In tula shall be held for actual American citi zen who become nuttier. Tint loyal ('ranu" I nail lu l Ion of inn l!tilicd Hlaiea of America ha certain re'iillremenla for lin.nlierlili! liml. a mini aiotil nn an actual American cllli'ii, b a v I ii n com piled wllh llm btwaof llm I jilted "lalea wllh reimrd lo lialiiralizallon. find without a fimniiil reaervnlloii, That Ihn uuii caul, ahull bn a I'rolealaut. and alao that Ida parent and wlfu ahall he proteal li Ills, Unit h ahull tie Ihrlriy ami aucccaafo fn his biialoeaai houoralihi and trulhfiil In Ida Ui allmi wllh hi fellowmaii, and ahull he known a ii law-alildliiK olllon, Hint he will enileavor loiflve hi ch drcn or any chlldrefi under Ida charge at least a irooii common actiooi euucatioii, itcinif earn- tin to avom hii iioiutiii uociri ne, ami llntt. he mi nl I lie III Hound hea Ih lit llm tlinn of maklmr application, It make no dlfrerciice where a man wa horn, long a he meet the foreitoln reiiulrement. Thewi r the nuallllcallori reoulred o every applicant lo the order, arid we do not think that niiV patriotic American order can offer better array of nrlnelple and teach ing. AMKU(i!AN bDVAl, 'MIANOK MMiOfl, ' No. WI, meet the first and third 'Cue- day everilmf of each iiioulh. lit S:K o'clock M I, ,), Hecy, SUPREME CADINET American Orango Knights, OIUMTH, Thl order I formed of neraon whose oh- teet la 10 mainia in ine an ireui tcv or aw. order and c'liiatlliilhnial freedom! lo pre- aerve Invlobile the clllen franchise; lo lerpetmile and defend llm preeepf and free riNtllutloua of civil and rellielon llberlv u on run teed hv the ( 'oust II nl Inn i if I he I 'nll.e1 Hlatu and esiabllsheil liy our forefather. i'ko a in f.t roan, Cor Informal Ion reifardlmr I he formation of new ( ommaiidcrles, or siiiipllea. write to I he antireme accrotarv. M.I, .(UHl. Hee'v. .1, M. lUasni.C, C HI 1,1 Howard Hl Hatfiinaw, Mich, Omaha, Neb, Patriotic Order Sons of America, WAHIMNOTON ('AMI' No, (, , I), H, of A,, meet each Thuradav evenlmr at Ken Men' Hall, l"lfuenth nnd (IoiikIii His, WAH(((NOTON I'AMC No. (?. P, O, a, of " A.. Council llluffs.-Moellii! In their hall over 4111 llroitdway, every Wednesday rila-ht at a o'clock, J. II. VVa Catt, Heeretary A, P, A. AHK f,INt:Of,N foll.NOII, NO. PI, AMF.HI- can Croteellvn Association meet every sec ond and fourth Wednesday of each month In I. (I. II, K. mill, I'laltsmoulh, INi'li. Vlsltlni member are welcome I', I'. Ilrown, Hue, la? W. m N M HiNVIM I It I I Ml II I l I (Ii i luih li : foh I G, WVIi'sWaHs: i iMi IHIiHM-a l-ilnlh , Intl. Ii " oiHMM I Vtil i ' '.i( II. A I. ' N i MIL Ih i 11 t (. 1 1 1 SM ii Ii t ti. , .,i p , i I ' ti I a ni II) I I Hi l l ! ma Thomas E, Lallan's Woiks: , si i in r i rum ihn in ji i i r ,"ai, , lila "Hi II ItHM UV" ;li ii in "MARIA MONK" 1'n. i'. Mi eta UPPLEMINT TO THE AMIWI CAN l 't hiimlri il; n r lliiiiiamtill lntleeiiiy. eeiila. ! Jr.Order United Amirican Mechanics liiatltutotl Mny 17, IH33--tllnlblllly j 'or Mnmbnrahlp. ( Any white male person horn In the I'nltei Htaleaof North Amerlcit, Ha lerrllorlea. or limler the protection of ll IIhk, who shall have attained the mte of alxl.een years, who la of ihmiiI moral character, a believer In the enNleiioe of n Hiiiireinii llclux as the Creator and Preserver of the universe, In favor of free eiliii'iitloii, opposed to any union of church and siiiie, ahull be I'llirlMe to mem bership under the provision of the law In I he siuii and suborillmile eotinoll o which the iiiilloiillon Is mmlei nrovldod. Ihat no iH'i-aon shell he received lo henollclal mem bershlp 'lio Is over (Ifly year of line, A pernio shall mil hii pormlltod lo thl order who does not possess it uood moral characier, or who U In nny way lin aimolliited from earnliiK it llvllhond. nor shall hn be under sl iieeti years of iittn. aiiibjects of a seciarbin or partisan char acter -hull not be Introduced lulu any meet Imt of this council, nor shall any member make use of I he name of thl order at a political mncllmr. TIIK OII.IKIT aur: Klrst -To maintain and promote the Inter ests of Americans, and slilld them from the deprcsslnc elteclaof foreltfn compellllon. HecoinlTo assist American In oblaliilntt employment, 'Ihlrd-'l'o encoiiranii Amerlciin In busi ness, l''ourth-To estithllsh a lck and funeral fund, l-'Iflh-To maintain (lie public school y. (em of Hie United Hi ate of America, and if) prevent sectarian Interference therewith, and uphold llm rcadliiK of the Holy lllble therein, NEBRASKA. STATU IKIITamil, I IK aKMIUSKA! H.CWWM. K. KNAI'C, (muihii. H. V, (!. I.KVf I', HKItl'.Vl. Omahn, H 0, Hecy,-0.;(J, r'KNTON, I', ho 725, Omaha, H.O. Trea,-C, H, AbbUN.Hoiilh Omahn. I'ondiiclor- K M, HA KTIIObll I'latsmouth, Warden , H, McCA (' hl-IV, Ho, Omaha, , Hendnei-! I. II HIIKUWOOO, Ho.Omahil! It. C liObMAN, Omaha, Itepreamitatlve to National f'oiiiiell - WM, I', KNA IT II, liAV, W. A, M KHHK'K, I', H, McAI'bKV and J, W, HOI IM;(, . The tie), regular meetinif will be held on the ihlrdTueaday In ,liily, ISid, at Omaha. pilANds-H, KICV COCNtTf, No, fl meet every I'rldiiy evenliiK ai. O, A. II. Hall, I'lattsmoiilh, Neb. VUHIn' l,r, l li,.,u ,.,. dlally Invlied, W, K. (.'iMit.iniir,, WAHIIINOTfiN r(K!N(!b No, (.''m.eT every r rioiiy evenuiK III Uoodrleh hall, Z(lh and Paul alienta, VlslUmf hrolhurs al way welcome, ,(, (,', 'ao, Hec'y, J JN(!0,N COCNCIb No, t, meet Iii Mn- ' coin, Nebrnskii, CJOMIMHIA COtrNllM, No, ;i, meet every I'ueadiiy cvenlnit In palU.raoti block, 17th and linrmim Hi reel s, H, T, Witmina, II. Hnc'y, JiwMmm Ht.rnet, WIXONA COtlNOIf, No, 4. mem every Haturditv evenliii in (ted Mens' Hall, (,'ontbinnlal block. Itih and lioulu Hi. Oun, M, Hltayait, koc, MeiCy, A KCIKM) ()Ol!N'!(f, No, fl. meet every " Tuesday nlht In Houlh Omahn, WIM.IAM VAU It, Hec'jr IOWA. nMfKI'OITVOOIfNOIb No 7-meet ever Willi ftl.M.I ,1 W ,.U,.1,I,, la. II A ,t . .. Weil iii. ml ii v eviinlriir In (I, A, It, Hal f"!minc. bluffs, lit, MISSOURI. 8TATK Councii, Of MIHKOUHf, 2' Krl-, A If MTKltMl, Mt, f,ouls, Mo, H, V.t'-V, N, MIT'illKI.I,, Kauaa (;ity, Mlaourl ..fyy. H. KTIfllOB., H A 4am street, t, bonis, Mo, Will meet at Moberly, Mo,, I'ebruery 18, wi, IfANHAH CI'I'V CO(rN(T(,H, lANHAH t'lTV COCNCIf, NO, 'J-MceU ii .V.'n, l,r,l'u "''' "!; Walnut, street, (I, O, ((III, (tec, Heerelal V, (IOM-MHIA COl'Nl'lb NO, ,V-Meets every ' H iliirday nliht al the corner of Twelfth and ('hurry alreeis, W, V, Hheaver, Itecord Ini Heeretary, WI MadUoa alreid, N(i(.;i;nii(.;nck cciiNdb no, :;-Moet Wednesday nlijhls at A, O, II, w. Hall, Independence, V, W, Hlye, Uc, Kecrntitry. pATHIOT CtiCNi'll, NO, iil-M.-ei , Wedneaday nlht at A, , (!, VV I ('!( K, Muhleenth street, ,(, Y 'Nher Heerelarv. Hl'il I'lorit nvenun every Hall, Hill!, V K' Sl V' N"' - Meet, every y J'rhbiy nliht at Wesiport, W, (I, Hhllnk. it!:!'r",,lfy' K, Klxliih, ' LODGE DIRECTORY. f(ANHAM I'r.'KI'f.R HTAIt f O, f No, yf. Meet (Irsl, ,tiid third Tuesday of each mom l atHp m n i A.O, If, W, ((all, corner rourlli ati net and Mlmieaola averum, Kansit ( Hy, Kan, Hammd Ibtrrlsmi, W. M, Win, i 1 .T''! ","."""',' ?, Nondrop avenue, VIsltliiK brethren cordbtlly Invited, AI'HoltA COCNr'K, No, , W, A, P, A. ' Mem every Wednesday aflernoon at I o'clock, at the A. C, A. (lil. ,;i7 Mmnel'l.: avenue, Kansas City, Kan, pKOHI'Ki-rconNOIb No, HI, A, I, A, Meet Tu ,V''J',;lM'","y';,v"",,"' ,,,M ''"nerof Twenty-th rd and I'rnapeet avenue. Kansit City, Mo, I'erwm dealrlm, to Join may en close their name, atreet and nuinher, ward. 'ki ri h '( iVy'' ni",1 """ ' a'"' 4lrnct U ho m (; KKK A co'i: NCI I, No. I, W, A , V. A.Meet ,i a'V ''''"'ay afternoon at o'clock In the A, I', A, Hull, Houiheast. comer I'ackard and Osiie avenue, Armourditle, VlslUir ara cordially luvlled lo intend. (iVXCKbHlDIl COCNCII, NO. s, W, A, p A ,, ' 'necisevery Monduy iifmrnoon at :,' at Hell hall, Hoiithwest Houleyard, near NlaU, line, (toaediihi, Kansas, I'Xend of oilier council am cordially Invited to attend r.very true American lady Is Invlied to come th" (JATK ( ITV COtlNtilb No, , A, P, A Meet every Hut urday evenlriff at 4:i7 Mln rieaola avenue. K iin.n. rh i,." JL,. " cordially InvlU'd, . .or. COHNCil, No, 7, A I. A.. Meet every Mon ,, ,"l,t;,n"'"bii at Chamher of Commerce Hall, Ulvervh.w, cordb llv . COIfNCIb No. i), A. I', A.-Meet, every Hat- rrJ y eveiilnir at soulheaal corner Pack- cmdbdl;mv!,,,,,,Arm'Mr'',',,' v,-""f C,i,.l',?'"' A' A-Meel at, Wmai. ward Hall every Kr day nvenlnir at ii m, aha, Third .Ireland Uym 'mm'. Mends. ' '"" """"-"4"1 VlHl"1" A It'lKNTINK COCNCII, N (2, A, I' A -" Moid every Monday ,,fe,,, n,,",'.. Hall, AikciiIIiih, Kan. All vlli,.a . "...7 JOI-I.KA ''OI'NCII, N.m, t ,., A,JM,.)(; every Moiidav eveiilnir In A , , i. ... ' V? UN Kalians avenue. Tooek ' "'i1 I vlaltor will be cordially welWn,",','