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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1894)
V THE AMERICAN sn:i:ni or animals. t Msa iNttniiT, ..... A lliH I ttl tiall ll r Wttfc I laliitl t Ifcal It "ttk"tttm ami I ! tut ' MMII M - tatalllf H !. 1 hat Htsna.l iiraiif tuinnm l.-atim ititii (In i.m1vi- thtvsifch ia tain vil .uml la a well .tl.lthid -!. lhal tJtin itaul ftomul aranf tmrti (ml n npr. oihi t Hi ml iii-r phialc! I'll hill) III II III MUII III 1(11 pnniim ( a Uiina In pmlsil.le, al r'o Um l il llirt. eara hava hl a run i militrl if v-Mih I hata tumltt m tl il. IVIIv haa la-ciiphat tnn In tit Inlairatnrj' when" lu haa lavti fur tin1 aiiMi purlahtil IT from Hi alt-lit 1 omul (if Hi mtll wurlil, All hmiitli hi Utile III lahncalnlj haa lunl Oilier tell Ota In tli haa nf mpilrrcla, rahhlta ami guinea iIk, aim linn Input d im nrttrtt W attachment lur any of tin m, hut when I am alantt aha I usually duaii to inc. llhtT till mv almultlcr or fnlhmlhtf in bout Ilk l (Intf. I'ncniisclnusly at first ami Inter with n Jf!nll iurHM I hava talked In her mili'li ma noiili talk lo a Ynutiuchthl. AIhuiI year ntt kIi Ix'unti l mplv In my con- iiaattttti. At llnt ll vi a mily In ivapntian o my qiinatlnti aa In haul, etc,, Imt Inter r "lalk" haa HMttiitil linger iruHir Ions, until iimw nho w ill, of her own lie cunl, assume th tnltliitlv. I ler vocabulary appcara In Im iiill i Wnnlv, iinil wlillii fur tlm moat pint It per talus to matter of finitl ami personal com tort lliew nra Minna when It aectna n cIuhikIi aha were trying In tell inn of other ilitiKa. When I flrat go out where nil Ih In the mornliiK, fthti lmmedlutely aska tor fowl, tut until Hint willit la aupplletl Nlin keupn up cutmtitut tuiitterluK. Inter when her turner Ik niieHei nIhi will imk In ho let out f tli ciitfe. Oflen when playlnu iihoui th room nIki will t llnib onto my Nlnmliler ml "tiilk" to mn fur hw lilhi In a low tone and then Nenuiier off. UiiIiihhhIiii In xlnepy h will nlwnya reply to iiny rmimrk miule o her. llernpeerli Ix not tlm clmtterlng onll tmrlly olisei veil In miulrveU, hut n low uttiirnl tone t hiit reinlinln one Imt li of h low not en of a frnj( nml the chirk of a liliken. Homo of tha not en I linvu heen III to repent, nml luvnrhihly xlm hneoniea lurt and replica to Ihein. Unfiiilunnti'ly, Ciia ifTort to reproilun her lonna proihieei n ii neoiiifoi'iMlilc. effect on my tlirimt, nml I hiivo heen (ihllKi'il to ilenlHt from further iperlnienl lit Unit ell reel Ion, TIii'muuiiiIk that Mlm iniiken urn iptlek nml In low tone, ki i.lm iittumpt to ImihiiiMvonN U very 1 i f rioult, yiitlliere In hm inin li riuiKf lulled Clou in In (ieruiiin. Another reimoti why I helleva hIiii In en tenyorliiK to coiinniiiilcnle with mn iMtlmt. ha him imnil thu munn noiiiiiIm IowmimI other d(iilrrelK rondneil In tlm huihi ciiue, ml tlmt, Willi alii) will iiiiNWr any one who mhlrcMWM her, nlm voluutiirlly will only talk nt hnulli loin. Tlml.Mlie iiuilir tanda what Ih hmIiI lo her la heyiind rj u i-h-tlon, ami, fintheiinore, aha will (IIhIIu culah hrtwijee' remark inmltt to her and ua maih n iiIhii. A WK tilHlofHlMiiiieneed "tnlklnu," S nf -fnn V tmwiy Mi, lrii(hMllerlii, tint furl i., i, oliHervntloii t,i,u ti that It la not audi, and that Hi auiimla alia make 4nv dellulta iiieniilnu. Monnver, I ha vnuii'U alia mitkoa In "tnlklnu" urn not h licit 1 liotea of niKeror iilnrm, hut low, clear aoitmla that mi titiiuiNtnkahly rtlcitliiln, In my fomlnexH for my pet luiva lovnrea CiliiaU'd t hit vnlneof I hi'HiMinila nil luiikeM, or am I rluht In hnIkiiIo to them tlm rliHraelerH of Mpiii:hf Why nhouhl an mil nml not attempt to rominunlriilu with itnatif Tim hluher aiilmiila lira HHMeHHc of a well formed larynx mid voenl rlionln Why, then, ahonld wadeny or iwer tiuen- Clou tlm piMHlliillty of lll'tleulatil Hpeeehl1 Ami if they run eonveiHii nmonu tliein elvn why may they not attempt to com jtiiutilentu with miiiif Any on who hnaowueil a well hred lo !Htl relata uumeroiia IiihIhiii'i-h In whleh IiIh 1ok Iiiih clearly underNiood what wmh ahl to It, and tha readlne with whleh n lii( lenriia a nrw I'ouimand allow mi in tlllK''fiu 'f IiIkIi unler, Although a lou' voriilmliiry la of lluilled ranue, It itiaa cert ii I n detlnlta aoiimla that piwueKH an aiunilHliikahl iik-ii iiltiu. 'I'liere U llniNliort,, kri hark that cxpreMMea a want, tha iow iiervoua hark that mean iIIm'oui trl, th ahiirp, ipilek hark of Joy, tha low avblliflof illNlriKH, tlm (trow) of illHtniHt, tb le'p rowl of anet, the loud hark of warning and Ihn whlm crof frllit. When to t Ion lit added lint Vat'loilH liiovemetitH of tli ii hotly, cowerlnn In fear, crouchluK u aner, tlm atlll hru lnu of tha hody In di'feie, leaping in joy ami many Naehil :tloun, an HekltiK Ih hand (if tlm mauler or (iiilllnit at hla elnthea, wa flml lluit a Iok c-nii fnprexa IiIh llkea and dlHllkea, Ii'h want and Ida feelliiK a rlearlyaalhouuh , i were liuniHii, Any ona who In n lime of aorrnw or ilepreanlnu linn had hi dotf ooiii to him and lay It head In hi hip ud ha looked down Into thrmu ureat lirown eyea ao full of aytupalhy nml lov can ever doiiht that tha iu tinderatood II and in ita own way wna trying to com fort, A friend 'a en I ha an iiuuilatakahl ootid for ya ami no. ''h former i low nieyoitw, whlla tha latter Ih a abort., aharp oi'yow. If Tom want to w out., (hat fart I mad mitiilfeat hy a (piiek meyoitw. it fierehaueeany one ahould he In Ihechnlr hl h Tout regard aa hi eapeelal proper y, no regard for proprh-ty real rain him from InillriillriK tlmt fuet ami niieeremonl otialy ordering tha ohatruetor nut. Ilia Biryouw on aueli an oecaaion (iiimot he mlHlaken. ItiMtanrm of Ihla aort ara not jtieotntnon and ordinarily full to at l nu t Mention, hut I there not hern a Held that will well repay a careful IuvchIIkhIIou? Dr. Howard .V Lyon in Hdeiiru. Hftrn ( old Hot I leu a Hay, Hterry Wall and Ida friend "l,ord"ClaK it dine often at a hotel. They tnka their dfiiunr in tha inlddla of tha (lay and proh hlyall It "lunch," a Berry I a family mail and (line with hi wife at night, They lake a canvahnck, ami tha "lord" lrliik cbatnpagna and tea. II I th ftxwt tea tauter lu America, and if lia wer oot o rloli might inaka a flnn living a a Krofilonnl tea taater. A it I Im put wayalxmt dfi bottle of cliiiinpiigiie ev a-ry day and laate a lltlln duck at noon M'ltli Uerry. New lork Herald. A Hamper. When a kIbm (a a full as It noaalbly can im of liquor, tha aiirfnce of the liquid la aillglitly convex, and tha center 11 higher Jin n the brim. In view of Hit fact mien glaaaful la railed bumper, hecaune the 4lquor bump up or protrude In tbe mid die. Excbang Mil rl M UattON t4 W HI t't I nl'ltHMl I lt.t .-! Il r imtili t.f h la ... ,. a. II n n i i. la man," Mlil ,1 l,H ' 1 lmiA.'H "wi'lil l(UtM. I. -l i ( II in MKiiill iii -i a Ilia i a a una h" td h'' k lai'l '.! la "h n'" 1 inVaa JT l " Hi ! Woiii I aint Hi ta wl.mii.f ant m ii.,, I.i-t 1 !( Iii i .1 Ilia lv"' I e. ol ! m In I lir in l lo hold I'U tie. I'll Id .l i h aiiakallllii l ti 1 her imhM li"l I a iIik' r, and II. i i- H" a man wh.iiloi liol l hluk l an . Hiliiil h ' la ' H" ' ..,pl aa If I. l-ef knew lml nixi ef, tried Ii lift, ' 'ir inawi.-i t lni.pla II l 11" ' J paa,-ii!i r nil Ihn luxil alii mpll It, and Inllun I. 'I Inwial III ll aw ll almply coill'l Imt I don. Inallmt n alnniKvr thuil tin wm ami Will l-iwerinmhlnnl "I w lliu-iwil aniillii-r llliitratlnii i'f Ihla In I'm I A ) "linn iioiii hml loot Id lal mi at a itAlnhlltiK Irtlile. Nut mily wa Ii Wlthmil liieana, hut h had hl larn aiim lieliiliiilna In Ida employer. II "'art d fur Hi N'lii In ilinwii himwlf. liilh way I liein waa a uretil inmmiiltnii, lanaiil hy lh eaH nf a liner tmni a atmlllnu liii-miHi'i le 'I'll aniiini! cam dnwii lh altecl, and lanplo lied III Wery illna'tlnli. liiNlaiitly the man who waaacckluu death cllmheil a lumpHit and Iiiihk on to the lop nf It, IremhliiiK every limwh'. When Ihn animal wa raplured and Ihn thinger waa over, he went. In Ihn river ami inni mltted aiilehle. I wa IlitereHled in the hi count of tlm Miih'itle, and pinmpted hy etii'limlly went In aeiilhn hoily, liiHlautly rei'iiHnlhiK It aa llmtnf tlm n 1 1 1 man w hom I had aeen niakn ao frautleiin cITnrt loenciipii ilealll evidently hilt ll few mill utr In foie h aoimhl ll and at tlm very limn that h wa aeeklnn au opinrl unity li nd Ida nxlHtemie. " St. l,oula lilohe Ilemoeriil. ,uakra AiIiiiIIhk Modern Way. Tha rlalmt nenerallona of the Siadoty of Krlenda am faat mndllyiiiu lu it marked degree, the cumIiiuih, eoaluiuea ami man ner of their fill hei'H, I'eeulliirltleaof (Irnaa and hiuumign hnvn I u alumni rntlivly almndoned, Ihn cultivation of iiiiimIo and the other lift la no longer dlNi nuni,cl,x cept hy a very few, and (ieorg Fox would not reengnl.ii hi preaent followera, an great have I u the change wrought allien the day of l'ctiu, lu euniiectinn with the culilviitlon of miiNlti an liilcrcNtlug fact wiih noticed. In au acad y lu a nearhy town, atiiimleil only hy tlm children of 1'VIi'ihIm, ii arlionl iintertiiliiment waa re cently given, theit-iigi'iitumeof which con tained acvcrul iiiuhIi uI iiumher, 'l lm mil ale rnmprlNcd auch fnmllliir tunc a " Nearer , My Hod, lo Then," do., and a lover of iiiumIii who nlleuded coiiiimniled afterward on tlm ahaciieu of harmony and r-uphony In the alnglng. While not exact ly n illMcnrd, t hern wa it tiollcealiln lack of melody, remlerlng tlm liyiuim anything hut elioyahln. It iHtpilln piwMlliln that Ihn farrenchlng law of heiedlly may ac count, for till fact, and that the anccalry of theau pupil, who for over 1100 year linvu i Nlilcrci! iiiiihIu a only u vnlu amiiNcuielit, havn traiiMiiillliil to their till II ilreii orgiuiH uiiahlu to properly volcn Ihn hen ill lea of thla, to them, long umiacil lilt. I'hllndelphhi Iteeord. WlMlll NIllllM. Whnl liHry ha (oiiKhlcri'il aotimwhat extraordinary claim tiro put forth In Tha Haittucliiilker in hehalf of tlm nmvatih alatica known a xylollth, or wood atone, n Htruetiiral inalerlal compoaed of long- lieala cet t or calcined luiigucHltn, mixed wlih aawdiiHt and Maturated with ii aolu tlim of chloride of calcium, Ihla paaty iiiiinm, he I ore l lie cement Mcta, hclng apread outliiliiMl laid uniform tlilckuea and Millijected Ion pivxHimi of morn lliail 1,(HIU poumla to HmMUiirn Inch. It la iniule In Mlieela from ii quarter of an Inch In I!', Im he t hick ami of all al.ea,t he dliuenaloUN being nlmoHt iinehangeahhi hy dryiiKaa or luolHturc. A Mlieel tneaaiirlng ii lucler Mipiaru when perfect ly dry will expand fioui omi lo tvlo-teiilha of I percent when aoaked In water, nml it iiioIhI aheetwlll contract lu drying lotthoiif, llmaaimi ex tent. Ilelng an littln Mlihjecl, In cotilrai! Hon ami expiilialnu, ll I coiiNldered of aoeclal ndantal Inn for flnora In railroad Miathma, honplinla ami almllar InilhlingH and for deckn of vcaaela, ele, ll I readily planed, auw ed, holed nml fiiNhloned wit ll ordinary wood working Inula and may hn pniiiled or ilei oraieii lu inn anion manner a wood. It Ih itaelf nearly walerproor ami may hu mailt) entirely ao hy painting tlm aiirfac. (lunula Wlin Will Not Ili'tilHler. Thn averagu giteat at a II rat (daa hotel put hi INl mi thu rcglnicr and lake what thu lord or the room give liliu meekly nml iinci.mplalulugly. Thcra ara room and r ia, JiinI a Iheru am hotel ami hotel, and when tlm lintelarncrowd ed It lake mi experienced and determined mail to get thu heal or It woman, No hotel clerk ha ever yet aloud up liefnra thu onulnuglit, of n lovely fcmahi bent on having a front room lighted on two able and not higher limn thu third atory, Hut them I another claa of thu dweller In tenia the men who never reglaler. Hvery bote! baa them, and Wmdilnglnu hotel morn than any oilier dly, lb-re it menu the gaum of politic, The man who want au olllce ami ia afraid hi rival are going lo put up coinblmit Ion aualuat him will allp Into hi hotel and tell Hin clerk that hn 1 1 oca lint want lo be aeen or put on Hi book, ami the clerk tell him that It I all right. In anme cltlea auch action would hu rlghlly regarded a auaplclolla, but not III Wiodilnglon, Thu leading hotel will average two a day diirlnn tlm llrt year of a new ndmliiiatiirtlnii. After that they drop olT tn two a week, hut It, I n m'ciiI hirily of Waahlngton hotel, - aahlngloii I 'oat. A lulled lur lb Imull. Colonel (illla'rt Pierce, ex mlnlater to Portugal, unco picked up in hi arm a young lady who atnnd heallatlug at thu corner of a at reel in an Indian village, tin alilu In crnaa It becallau il shower had filled It with a mailing torrent of water. The young lady aiiliinllled without proteat while thu colonel at mile gallantly through llm torrent until hu demalted hi fair charge on the oppoalt Rldewalk with dry feet. "Hlr," ah then aald Indignantly, "ara you awarnthat you have Inaulled ineC" "I am not aware of It," replied the colonel, "hut aiK'lug Hint you are right I beg to tmike ameuda," Ho anying, he picked up the proteatlng damael and re. aiored her to the Hilnt where he had Ural mad J her acquaintance. Han Franclaco Art, jmiut. (la l.tnna'i l lrm Kami writing. la hi earlier yennMr. fJhidatone'a writ ing wa clear and regular, and age ha not withered the variety of Ida mind or de prived hi right hand of ita cunning. Exchange. UWU ' lHv.!C IHlM iiIIIkI Jaatwalitt W ItM , I nHini I H I li4 H Ilk llMion W I . ( I l. ! k la !' an t ll ( 1 1.. h ll i )il i.i , .B1:j (MH I . SI Hi liMlllh n . ll lniilliU I ilh llenal I, i (!,. i-i 1.4 1 1 Ii. Vi Imi 1 iil.t.i w . n v ii ( II it il lw a mad 1 I,..,,- ) I,,, , , l t i II." Ni i4kllli a lln.M .1 l(H, Hi lt ti ( nl I i,i ne I had l waa l ui,. ih vl mud al i1 In Hi oil!ai l hi ioii"a i 11 IllfcliliU WMlit III NcW nlk ll.cll ; waa I a Ii llilpitie Mil. a lilt. -lil.t it lb Nrw ttk l lllmit. II m.n.nd a In ni !aie l.t Ii and win) linn Hie ll-iui on day, 1 1,1. .in l.itiinil M (nwel, pill II nw lila lo ad and J..ji,l, lb ll,n,nlll, I lliehi"! know ii rolii mii'lil if lhal . d atwinil "A l I!" A. 1 1. Hit liniit-'U wa Walking along Ihn ntni t fmiu 'l lm Tr.hiwo iiihi whi n a man alipjad up la bio. I liliu, llnsl a hiillel III hi Imik, and hniliiil. i h lualingllig lilltnr nf Ih New mk Herald, Mr. I'li-derti k lliidwiu, wliiion liamn la a liv lug Itadltinii In mn papi r circle, Inn ing reilrid mi a H tiion nf I.M.Iiou, wlili h of ilaeir I elinitgh In aiimmrany newapnHr man, went In live with IiIh family lu I 'luicnnl, N, 11, llrnv acmaalhi' railroad track In front of ih cilia nun ilny. All killed. The editor nf thn only rival The hliiata .ell ling ever had. Hie New York Journal, lr, Kendor Melraoli, of tieruuiu hit III, hut American lu lii'llng, it great , giHid, loyal fellow, wa helping no Invalid wife, from a train. IHilu'taee thiHithcr, Inal Ida head and ha done tin win k aince, Thn ilcarent iiewpnpcr working friend I ever Inn I , rt 1 1 1 in it ii 8. I'onant, inammiug editor of tlm New York Time, walked mil nil Ihn aaml of Coney lalaml one dark night and i,;'cr returned. Tlm pithlialicr of Thu Dally Newa, whnan liamu eacaiea mn Juat now, hut a man whom everybody III tlm prolcNxInii knew, had tnelMiichnlla, Miiperlndiieed hy neuralgia, walked to hi olllce iimi morning nml blew Ida braitiaout. The editor of Tlm ( 'oinmerclal Advertlaer drove alniig thn beach at Long llranch. Kan luln a butcher cart. Killed liiMlanlly. Ho, you Nee, It i not nil funny Iiiin!iicm in Ih prnfcMNinu. .loo Howard' l.ccturn on JuuriiallNtu, 0ilillll Helling la I'l'nllllllile. W Itatevcr ophilniiH may hu held r cm peel ing tlm ellccla of cniiaumliig opium, thcru aeeuia to hu no dniiht that Helling itiaa pmlltahhi hualueaa. Year ago thn Iiiiiihii of Jarillne, Mallie oii Co. wa uniting thn largeat im pnrlei of opium Into China, and ho enormoiiH wnrn tlm prollUlhal tlirenof thu ptirlnera, by aheer forceof wealth, fxpniul ed into haroneta, wblhi a fourth, thu latu Mr. .laniea Ini'tlinn of llryleholm, hecame one of llm largeat land owner lu thtiHonlli of Srollniiil. Sir Jauiea Matlieaon and hi brother, Sir Alexander Malheaon, apeut upward of l, (mil, mil) In buying land In tlm highland, ami thu latter left laiahle over ill-Hi, IIIKI, Mr. Magnlaii, thu ex-M. I1, who left i.''Joi),(iii(i, wiihuInoii member of Ihla llrm. Kir Ho hurt Jardlnuof CaNlln mllk I thu old head of the llrm unit proli ably thu weallhlcat of tliem all. Hlr Hub ert doc not only own CaHllumllk, onu of thu Uncut l-eahletice and eaUtea III the Mouth of Hcollantl, hut 10 yeuraago liotight up lliu Kngeranii of W'auiphray for 111, (Hid mid later mltluil tint proierty of Lnn rick uaathi, hi l'ei'lliwlilie, In hi already JU'eHfc- iimaeaaloliH, J In could buy Up U Ncoru of hiicIi place It hu ho ilealrcd. Healing in opium la, of courae, only one hraucli of thu great llrm' biiHliicaa, hut It 1 ii nioat important one, and ii Iradn whether right or wrong which ha auch poli'iil Inlll lea of prollt iiniHt, llku'i'euuy aon'a half Inn Ii, hu u hard matter to light. hioll.Uli Header. Til Canadian Meilnn Hog. Mr, Cameron, in IiIh talk w ith it Courier reporter, told of thu ling that urn uaed fur Mledgiiig during thu w inter In thu north weat terrllorlca of Camilla, Fix or eight dog am iinciI on each alcdge, They ii ni fed only onc in l!4 hour, and Hint hi in thu morning heforu tbiiMlarl I innileniiil after the ilogu urn in liarnea, At Hint llmu nhnul, four pound of froen (IhIi urn given tolliem, -Kvery-tlilng miiat hu In read I nea for Ihn atari, nml the men tiiHat look In It that, they ant at hand to jump on I hu idedge, for lit t hp Very liialanl that Ihuhiht iiioiniI of Hah iliaappenrH the dog nrenli al it breakneck l d, Htrangu a It iiiuy mcciii, thu drlv era do not ilnrn tn feed t he dogn utile I hey nru lu hariieaa, Otherwiau they would aentler, ami nothing more would hu aeen of litem, They nro driven with onu long relll attached to thu lender, A whip with a very abort Imndln and a very long IiinIi i tiaed to lirgn them on, though In moat cane they need im urging, for Ihey Mcein tn feel (Imt thu faacr they go tint quicker llu-y will count to thn punt, w here food and warmth nml a huy life await I hem, They travel nft in an far aa UU mile ft day, liiillulo I 'out ler. I'olleeliii u In I'Ni-la. I The I'arlaliiii miiulclpnl police, which (mat thu city "00, lion, Odd of linin every year, number about in.uiKi, bi-alilc ll, Olio garde lep'lhl n al nea, linrau ami foot. TIii'mii urn divliled Into UU brlgadea, onu for each dlHlrlct of the city. Theru I ll great illlTcrencn between Iheolliccr of thu down town awell dlHlrlct and Ihoan farther out nml lu leaa w enll by act t Ion. In thu Amer ican quarter nml along thn lloiilevurd de llullnii iinil Hi" line tie HI m ill , mo much flrillelited by foreigner, luoat of tin) po lite tllldirallllid Htigllall, Iinil the hcfnggu.l ami Im.y Individual wlioliiia been "tin Ing" thn algbta of Pari In thu evening, mid who cannot apeak French, will not Hud ao much tlllllcnlty, after nil, in initk lug Ida devlona way hack tn thu hotel in Hi dawn. Very genernlly, loo, thu Pa I rlahiu pollen am uniformly unohtrualve, I nml uiiIck needetl atteiul alrlctly to their I ow n luiHlneaH. They me kind ami jm.I It k, ' alway ready and w illlng to act onu right or to eai'ort a woman aeroa a at met, ami they all carry In their pocket aired and I huniuca dlreclorle for thu mi ranger' uau. - Philadelphia. Prea. Nifiiinn nfTbre 1 1 on ra and a Half. Chnrlea II wna wont in Ida humorom way to any of hi chnpluln, Dr. Harrow, tlmt "he wna tint moat unfair preacher ill j Knglaud becailau hn exhaiialed every MUlr ' Jeei ami left tin rnii for other to come niter him." It wa Inilceil too much j thu doctor' way. When he got hold of a topic, liu never knew how to leave anything ! iinanhl about it. One of hi heat dla ' coiiraca, that on thu duty and reward of ! lamuty to thn xor, actually liaik up V, hour In delivering. Hala .Journal. Ambm. Amlior, according to Chamber, ia a loneretion of hlrda' teara. lu "The Fir Worahlpcra" Tom Moore aaya, "Around Ihee ahall gllaten the lovelleat amber that ver the aorrow Ing aea bird wept." MAGNET PILE pate KILLER ,4 1 it-if f Pwi, M fl C Uitd (or Rectal Dittim Only. l t All 1 nut Fremont, LIKhorn & Missouri Valley KAILHOAD. ITOTtTTT KlIKMONT, IIasIINHS, Waiiuo, Lincoln, SkWAUH, SlTKIUOK, Davih ('ity, Yokk, Al.ltlHN, NoKKOt.K. - ANII Al l.- Northern Nebraska, Black Hills AND CKNTUAfj WYOMlNd. ONLY t'lllKCT I, INK TO Sioux City, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Ticket mill Hill h'liriiaiiiNtreetaiitl Wobater Hi reel Union stat ion. H. Q. BURT, (len'l MaiiiLtfer. J. It. BUCHANAN (len'l I'iihs Agt . Chicago Short Line I)V TIIK Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y The Best Route CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. HOUI) VESTIHULIOI) ELECTRIC LIGHTED and STEAM HEATED Train llpilly uoiialat.lnit of the Hkht I'Al.At'K HIi'epliiK t'lirai Ki.koant, I'lt i. K t'lialr ('nra, l.tixttinoim Coneliea, ami llm i'lnenl, iHnlntf I'ara In Hie world, Kor Through Ticket, call on thu ticket iitft'iil at, I .'it 1 1 Karuiun mi reel and at Union I 'in-1 Id' depnt. Kvery nlleiitlnii piiltl tn liaanenger by courlenii euiployea of llila company, F. A. NASH, (len'l Ag'l, Omiiliu. Neb, MARIA MONK. Paper Cover 50 Cents. Till little volutin' leliilu Ibe terrible ex- pcrleii if n nun who wna cniillnnil In tlm "lllitck Nunnery" of Mum real, It, Iiiih prob ably I be Iiii'KckI anle of any work of I lie kind ever puhllalicil, and novel ill At fcnf.4 tit Nfir'.N. It have been Iniitle, The iirlcn III clot ll la llm), t til In paper. 'id cent. I'oranlu by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Illin llownrtl Hlreel, (Iiiiiihii, Neb. or, HOT Main HI,,, Ivauinia ( lly, Mo. (fCflC Audit' piollt per 1 1 1 1 hi 1 1 1 . Will J)QQ move II ur pav forfeit. New at llcleajiiht out . A l.,'iii Mtinpli' anil lerina free, Try u. Ciiiiiuhtkii Itt Hoa, al lloml Hl N, V, ll-IT-l,ll 1 -m IN THE WEST, Well. I lit new imiter laaned by th2 rruirina hock ikiANn A pacific n. a,-. p called tub WESTERN SETTLER m I'lirM JOHN h l H A HT A H , Ilefcr-I nt I Awl, P, 0 IMsmo, Mwl UlMMl Ut4 ftolAil (Ullrufl, CktMiiU, III, SYPHILIS! rNTtnnnctiiiy ptir-Ml In In to m dttvN. VVh t'lliiilimli nil ffiUnn FriMii llm my. U'lii, m ttiMl lhf ran fievtir lx ret urn itf I hn dUcitmi lit ny tuttn. 51 I'liriiiiM imn it nvuvt'ii hi i hum nit Wlll (l Im'H'. ifdflllM Ntlllll lllli'0 Mflll iiinli llm HniMoieu'Limiiti'M,) Imt Willi IIMIKH WIMI (Ml'Il'T Ut OitMlfl IIMfO, Wit will piuilpurllti ftirt llii'iii or rt-hiiiil I .11 rii'tin y rt ml (my ciilhii iiMtiMit of (HiiniiiK, mllruiul riiiu mitl liulul Ull, I flight JVfirii 4ft fan and Ntvrr Vntieit in nirn thn nmril lmll iil cntai-H, Wn cliittlt'iiirn Dm world fur A cam' wm ciiii iikIimii , HI Mem tli hlnlorr nt mm,'II'iIiii' a (MiMNfnMiM fur h plil I In liaaitri't'ii wmilil forltiil tiivtr fouiMl mil II tint Marlii I'yiilillmin ArlUlllWdVCri'tl, Wit iOllHt till) tll'IMt, UHtrltt turn iit we ni ft tiff pure. Thli IiIIhcnimi liaa alwayi hi flint thn nkitt uf th nt eminent phynivian$. 900,000 CAPITAL In'IiIimI our tiiirufri'lHInnal tfiiamiifi'A, Ahutiititm f trim ft until maulJimI uii m.ihiI1. 1 vtiiiiib rtiniri'iW( x CIMIK IIKMFIir CO., Raoa till MwiiBlfl Tvnpl, Cbliitfa, I II Ilk THE NAME TO REMEMBER When Haying a BICYCLE A. IV. GUM P & CO., DAYTON, OlIlO. J0.00 '! r,0.00 vd on many nrw mnd aeeoiKl-liaml lllryele. I. lata Pre. Vfcr a,OO0 Id tk. aU r llm. t AiiKKT WANTED. ifTcnrtC3 BOOK DEPARTMEK7. ! la ai Wrmmi t i'iik tn tmitin Standard Anti-Ronmn Catholic Books I Wliiih fvrry PutriolM' Ainrrimn 1iou!l ivh-I ii. rilfr t kirji Siiinarlf Julnl upm uMiliiili' i f l!n iixu v 1 R. Chiniqui's Books: : Edith O'Corman't Work's: i n 1 v ! k is tin mi m n in b"M." Pit,,- '., Tltll -I Wtivtl TIIK n . aluN Ah 11 tc t t Fulton's Books; "WHV l'l;HT Mi" l'.i t VI ITHI. . .ll . ll "WAaniM.riiN nil: ,AP nf Id Ml- - 'ri.T,i T. M, Harris Books: "AaAaalN Al'li N I iK I I MlUA'' rlolb f.' .Mi; Mnrna cn, UMin Mr. and Mrs. Slatterys Works: CONVI'ST I.IIK KXI'uSKlV'-l'aiMir. eelita. 'HKi'lil'l-a 11K UOMISII l'IUlTK K.X-IHKH"- rrlee, in ecu I a. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.. flU-KJ-U Shvvly lllovk, OMAHA. NEB. GRAND LODGE LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION or tn is -United States of Amerioa. It'HANCIH C. CAMIMIKM.. M. W. (J. M.. Mluiieaiinlla, Minn, THUS, MII.MUAN. (Iriinil Secretury, . Kvcrctl, Miihh, M. h. ZOOK. 1(11,1 Howard HI reel. Oninha. Neb., ( for Neliraaltii, lowit, Kiiuaua, MlNNiiurl anil (,'oloriulo, OllANUt) fUlNVII'LES. On heliitlf of the hoviil Oraiin hoilttn of thn llnlleil StiileH of Amerlt'it, and with a view of correct ! 1 1 m thn fnlan liuprnaaloii tlmt eueinlea urn cntlcavorliitf (11 convey to the mliitlaof men who urn uuat'iiualnted wllii OrutiKO principle, urn theau few alaleinenla iiiiiile: Thn Loyal Oraiitfii liiNtlliillou la a brother hood ami I klalcrhood, hound hy thren tlea JiinUcii, Truth and HlfiliieoiiHiicHH. ll haa no hidden alma, It la It'raterual and llemivoleutaaNlNllini mid protec.tlnK lueuihcra whlln llvlnu and their wldowa and orplotna when they urn re moved iy ilealll, It uphold thn rlKlit, of private JiidMuimit tlm tintraimiielled freedom of opinion; be llnvea tlm public aehoula urn an naaentlal aafeuuiird of thn alate, ami almiild hn kept free from niiclnahiatlciil or aeclarlati conlrnl and that perantia dliilnyal to I lit) Kovnrnineiil who hold 11 mental alleuliuicn lit llm pope of Itoiiin h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 he rlKormialy emduded from leachliiK therein. It believe primary ullcKliuicn la due to thn Koveriiment which protect tlm Uvea, llhcrl Ic and proper! Ic of Ha cll UeiiM, and th itt, ccclcaliiNtlcitl aiilhurllv aliould not,' under any circuiiiHt nut'e, hn pel lull led In iiumIiI In In thn alfiilianf alale, ami that, cner clon of aelll,en in (he eHerelae of hi or her rltfhlof fraiit'lilan, uiitlerllin KtiUe of rellK Ion or aplrltual aulliorlty ahould he pin hilled It a clime nmilnit. I he alale, That It, la the duly of every clllnn in de fend Ihn lawfully coiml II iilcd iiulhurliy 11 1 1 I Inalllullnuanf nur cniinlry iiitiiIiihI coii-npl and Inimical liillucucn, aa well a aitiilnut. armcil UHMitlliinl-, In Ihn end Iinil our kIoiI oil freedom be prolncled ami lrnmiiillled unimpaired lu piMtcrlty, ll etnoiiraite hulilu of fniunllly ami lu iIiinI ry amoiiK ll member, 11 ml I proud In In 111 Nt. that (li'iniueinen aeldOm becoinii it ptllille clinrue or accept pauper bread. II, believe In the real He! Ion of linliilKra t Ii ut and thn exlenalou of time for Ihn niuur ill lnt It ni of, nml that, llm public. IiiimIh nIiiiII be held for actual American c III Ken who becnine aelllera. The hoynl (li'iimtn IiinIIIiiiIoii of Ihn (lulU'd Hlale nf America haa certain retpilremenl for ineiubnrahlpi 'l hal a man ahull hit au actual American ell len, havlmi complied wild Ibe lawaof Ihn (1 11 1 l'l Hlalea wllh 1 ''Until In,loii, ami w 1 1 lit hi t it mental reaerval Ion, Thill Ibe iippllcaiit ahall belt I'rolnalitlil, ami 11 1 ho thai. Ida piti'cnl nml wife ahall be I'rolCHlltlllM. 'I'll 1 l I he ahall be Ihrlfly and auccenNftil lu IiIh IiunIiic ', hiiuiirtible ami triilhful In hi deallmi Willi hi felhiwmnn. ami aliail hn liiH.wii 11 a hiw-iilildliiu clll.en. That, lie will endeavor tonlvn lilt chlldrnii or ft 11 v children under hi clint'im at leant it ifootl ft n n 11 11 111 xiiiniil cilni'iit Ion, liclnij care ful In avnbl all iop,.li duel fine, nml That he bnll be In m ml henllli at the I line of 111 a It Imt II ipl If III loll, It uialie no dlilereiicn where a mini wa horn, an loliK a he meet the fol'i'lfoln ri'iiiilreineni, 'I bean are tlm ipinllllcal Ion rettlreil o every iippllciuit lo the oilier, and we do not tliliia Iinil tiny pnl i'lt il 1 1' American order ciiu offer It bel ler II t i n V of iirlucllile lintl leio'li- iiik. ri AMKIIU'AN I.OVA I, oilANdU l.nlitllO, No, :':.'.. ineel the llr-l ami third Tuea dav evenlmi of each 111011II1, 111 :nn o'clock. M l in IK, Hecy. SUPREME CADINE T American Orange Knights, DIM KITH. Thla order ia formed of person wlio-.e oli iiet I to mnlnliiln I lie Hiipremncy of law, order 11 ml const I! nl loiiitl freetlomi lo pre ervn liivlulnle the eltlwn' franchlan; In pcriielinile and flefentl Ihn precept and fiee liHllliitlnii" of civil anil rellKloiia liberty Ktuu'itib-ed by llii'l'oiiMiliiiiloiiof ibe t ' n 1 1 ! Mlalea nml nal.itlillaheil hy nur forefather, 1110 A IIIH It T KOt'lM. l''or Ififnriiiatlon ri'Kiirillnu the formation of new I 'mnmandcrlcN, or auppllca. write In the aiipreine ecreary. M. I,. ,( n iK. Hec'v. ,1. M. IUnkkii. IM'.. Iill.l Howard Mt Hiiuiiniiw, Mich. liniiiliii, Neb. Patriotic Order Sons of America. WAHIIINHTON ('AMI' No, I. I', (). H. of A ineela each Thuraday itvenluK at Ked Men' Hall, I'lfleenlh 11 nil Domdaa Hi. WAHIIINtiTON ('AMI' No. I!. I'. O. . nf ' A., (,'imncll lllulTH.-Miiellmr In their hall over 4111 Mroinlway, every Wedneatlay ulKlil at H o'clock, J, II, Van I'attan. Hec relary A. P. A. AMR LINCOLN OXINOI h NO. III. AMttlU can I'riiti'ctlvB Aiwadatloii meet every aec mid anil fourth Wcdncadiiy of naeh month In I. O. O. V. hall. I'lattaiiimiib. Neb. VlallinK iiinnilHtri are welcome K. I'. Ilrown. Sec. 'II'MMT till I X V I 1 1 lit., I t.l h l .' Rev. J. G. White's Woks: "l I lCl IHIikM " ' ll!,a It . Imh II M llo,HMM lil If !..,, ui i A ll"M iMItnlH' I'SnaVII'K 1 1 'VI'IH (( i " I'll.t. In at t. tr: I'.Ni'Ta 1 tilt 1IIK. rti'l t.l ' Aciil" Thomas E. Leyden's Works:1 al l Id TINarui i'TI(Nalx.Hl ITU ,'ai ii nla, HI U lii'.rHV"-;,neeiii "MARIA MONK" - Price. So reina. SUPPLtMINT TO THE AMERI CAN 1123 -r lininlrcil; rum per tlioiiaam) i slniilc copy. .1 cent. Jr.Order United American Mechanics Instltuterl May 17, IBS3-Ellglblllty For Membership. Any while mule perann born In the I'nlleil Stale of North America, Ita terrllorlca. or umlerthe prnlect Ion of Ita linn, who ahall liave attained the aire of aUteen year, who laofKootl moral chiiracler. a believer in tilt) exlHlence of it Hujireinn llelmtaa t he t1ri,ator nml I'roHcrver nf the universe, In fnvnr of free ediiciiilon, oiioetl in any union nf church anil stale, ahall be eligible to mtnn bernlitp iimlcr I lie prnvlalnna of the law In thn state and aiihordlmitn council in which the application la matle: provided, that, no pc runn shall be received In bcnellchil iiimn hershlp whn Is nver II fly year nf aire. A person shall not be permit led to t his order who doe not, posses it koihI moral character, or who la In any way Incapacit ated from earnlmr a llvllhontl, nor ahall hu lie under mIxIi'cii years of axe. Hub.leclsof a seelarlan or partisan char acter shall nnt hit Introduced Into any uicct Imr nf tills council, nor shall any member make use nf the 10111111 of this order at it political meetlnu. TIIK OII.IK.CT auk: I'Mrst To maintain ami prntnol.e the Inter est of Americans, anil Nlilhl them from tha denressliiK ell'ecl of fnrelitn cnmpet ltlnn. Hecnnd To assist. Americans lu oblalnlnn employment, Third To cncourann Americans In busi ness. r'liiirth To eslabllsli a sick ami funeral fund. It'lflh To malnlalii llm mihllc aclmnl sya tnm of Ihn United Hlale of America, and Ui prevent sectarian Interference therewith, ami uphold tlm reiulliiK of llm Holy II I lilt) therein, NEBRASKA. STATU CtlllNI'll, or nkiiiuhka: . 0,-W, A. HoWAItH. Idnttuln, H. V, (),-WM. I1'. KNAIM', H. H. II. I HAV. H, T.-O. II. A l,l,KN. (Vmtliictiir-W. K. COITILANH, IJuiti-.l t. H, McAUI.KV. Hent,lueiVM, TIIKNKK. Heleuatntn Nitllotial (Jnnveutlnn WM, K, KNAIM'. II. I HAY, W, A. MKHXIOK, 1'. H. IMct'AllhliVand W, R. (!ol'KLANI. Wardnu-ll, A. HAVhlHH. The iie,nt. regular inenllmf will hn held on I he 1 bird Tuesday lu .litnunry, IMIU, at I'latta moiillis, Nebraska, 1 WAHIIINUTON COUNOIh No, 1. meet every Friday evenlmi In (loodrlcli hall, 211 h ami I'anl si reels, Vlsltluu Iinil tier al ways welcome, ,1. C, I'aok. Hett'y. T INOOI.N (()llN(!irNtr'i!." iem,"lil' I,b7- ' coin, Neliritska, ("IDhUMHIA ODIINCII, Nil. !1. 1 da every yj Tuestlay evcnlmj In I'allersnn lilnck, 17th and li'aniain Hlreeta. I 1 H, T. Wioiiins. II, Hec'y. J ':in .(aekstin Sl reet. WINONA OOIINCIf, No. I. nmetH every " Hal urtlav evinilmj lu lied Mens' Hall, ( '1 111 1 1 11 c 11 1 al blnck. ,Mh ami HomrlaHHI. (loo M. Him v mi, lien, Hett'y, fAU'IKI,l (lOHNCIh No, 11. meet every x" Tuesday iiIkIiI, In Hmilh Otnitha. ' Wn, i.iam Kaiiii. Hett'y, IOWA. III.TU'T (MTV (K MINI MI, No T- meets every " Wetlni'siliiv evenliut lu U. A. II. Hall, dntinell llltltr. lit. MISSOURI. HTATK (!OI!Nl!( OK MIHHOITRI. H.C It. ,1 A It VHTKONl I, HI, I, mils, Mn. H, V.I!.- U. N. MITOIIKhh. Kansas Ulty, Missouri H. 0, Hitc'v -VV, II. HTIUIUM, nn Adanm street, Hi, Louis Mo, Will lintel nl, Moberly, Mn,, t'ebrtiely 111, IHIll, KANHAH (!TV COUNl'II.H. ly A NHAH (MTV COI'MMI, NO, lMeel l every Friday iiIkIiI in, ti; Wiilnul Nlreet, II. (!, Hill, Itec, Hecrelary. (Ol.lIMMIA CO!N(!l, NO, 1,1- Meets every yj H itiirdiiy nluht at lint I'nrner of 'I'widflli ami Cherry alt is, W, V, Hheaver, Uncord- 1 11 u Hecrelary, 1(07 Madhon si reel, 1 N liKI'KN liKNIM! liCllNolh No, :.' -Meeia Wetlnestlay nlilils al, A, (), I!, W, Hall, luilepitiiilence, I'', V. Hlye, Use, Hecrelary, pATUIOT (!OI!N(!, NO, Ill-Meets every Wetlnestlay ubdil nl A. O. l, W, Half, ll.'l K. KlKbleeitlb al.reel, ,1. K. I' lslier, Unit, Heereliiry, "l'!l I'lora avemin, UrKHTI'dltT COUNCIL NO, 117 -Meets every " I'l liliiy ululil. nl West poet, W, II, Hhllnk, Uec, Hecrelary, ttto K. MlKhlb slreet, LODGE DIRECTORY. lANHAH ITItl'LH HTAU, L, O, I,. No, SHU ' Meets Ural, and third Tuestlitys of eat'tl month al H p. in., In A, o. II, W, Hull, corner It n i it 1 1 stiect anil Mlnnesolii avenue. Kaiisaa City, Kan. Haniuel lliirrlson. W. M. Wm. Ilallillth. secrelary, M7 Nortlirup nvi'liiie. Visit luu hml h run cold I ally Invited. AI'ltOUA ( (II:NC(, No. , W. A. P. A -' Meets every Weilnesilnv liflernoon at, 3 o'clock, lit l be A. I', A, II, ill, 4:17 Mliiuesnlit avenue, Kansas Cll y, Kan, OIK iHIM'il T COUNCIL No, III, A. I'. A .-Meet every Momlliv eveulm nl thn ,.,,,,... .. 'I'wenly-l lilnl and Prospect n venue, Kansas d'lty, Mn. I'ersons deslrlmt In ,oln imiy en- ciosn i neir inline, aireci. ami Iiumher, ward, nun and occtinallnn, ami direct to box tui KnusiisClty, Mo. rCUKKA COI'NCILNo. 1, W. A, P. A.-Meet every Tueadiiy itflcnioon at 3 o'clock In lite A. I', A, Hull, Hoiitheasl corner I'ackard nml Omnie avei A rmimriln le. VIhIIiii am cordially luvlictl to allcnd, LVVCKI.HIOII COUNCIL No, ;t, w. A. I'. A 1 ' meets every Momliiy afternnon at !!:; ni Hell' ball. Hoiiibwest, llouleyard, neiir alatn Hue, Kiiseilnie, Kansas, Friends (,f ,n,,,, cniini'lls are cord hilly Invited In attend hvcr.y Hue Amerlcnn (inly Is Invited locomn nml loin us nod assist, lu the uiHI work lllllll Ion fee f I IMI. f.ATK ( ITV (iOIINCIL No. H. A. I', A u Meetsevery Halurilay evenlnif at,4:i7 Mln nesolii nvoi Kansas Clly, Kits, Visitor cordially Invll.ed. roi'NCIL No. 7. A I'. A. -Meet every Mon n ".V'v"l "'luimber of Cou'iinerci, Hall. Itlvervlew. Visitors cordially Invltittl roCNCIL No. (I, A. I', A.-Meet every Hail Vl urtlav eveiilniutt southeast corner'l'nck n it I and Osiue avenue, A riimuitlale, Vlsllnra cordially Invited, rolINl'IL Nu II, A. I'. A.-Mcnta III Wood v ward a Hall every frlday evenlnn at H u in. sharp. Third si reel ami Lafiiyet le iivenue A cordial Invitation la nxleiitle'il tc) vlslllmt friends, " AUOICNTINK COUNCIL No. 13. A, 1'. A ;, Meets every Monday nliiht, In Nnkea Hall, Arnentlne. Kan, All vlsltdi-s wnlcmnnd TOI'KKA COI'NCIL Nn.14. A. I'. A.-Meet every Monday eveiilnu In A.O. II. W. Hall 41 hitiisns avenue. TiiH'kit Knnsiis. All vlsltJira will lie cordially welcomed. CL'Nt'LOWKU LOIHJK. L. O. I.-Meeta anc- , ?"' ,"!",,,; T",,M,layH "f "miilh In New Masonic Hall. Armuurtlaln, Khiinii Mnsler. Thomita Onrdncr. All Oranifiminii nru Invited U attend. i