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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1894)
THJb AMERICAN f 1 4 tWAir fWt.7iV. MK V, A ROMAN MDB Trim lo Miirdwi ItUliop MuNftntnrti and WH'it Al'tnr tlm l.wilure Ut Tumtdny flit. KANSAS CITY IS DliiGRACKD. Ilor Pol too Form U Hi'muM Hoforo tliti Whultt World ni I n o I'll o I out. MniN, Muni', Mlrk, rriifiiiH" Mini 0I Ntciit' I pi'lhrN nil Hurled nl mi I..'iIim. Kanmam (Trv, M Iiiniutiy 17. Th" cIUi'Mn nf, Khimiim !lly huve ! rt wiMMlfi'I ny whether llh.'lmp Mi'Niuiumi would lnt iililn to deliver I i I i i ! In Turner hull u HtlverllMotl, but tudiiy llley IlllVlt I'l'IIMod Mil I'lll f xi ItLT- 'I'l"' l''"' turn Imvu l"i"ii delivered, but only ftfti'i' 'oiui'ill,ln(f iiiuiiy llvtm, Thi Urn). lot'luro wiim delivered Hun- (Illy t'Vrlllll til II hll'Jfo midlnill'o, HIM) III) unplnitMint feuturit oeeiirred until iiboul lii.'lo, wlmti Homo wilt lino nf her hitrd ti point. to 0VfTJiin itnd ono of Imr iiti'oiiKi'ht iiriinn'iiU ii "brh'kbul." -lit tlm lllhluip, It inlsHcil lU murk, but Mtruok tlm .Hpi'iikor'N revolver, which wim on tint Nluifii behind hlin, niuldnif it lb-op limit III tlm Hindi, thereby demon Mmf lutf ooinplelely Unit If the ! of brick luiil not ynno u trllto to nun mIiIo of IiIm lmud, lllt'linp MuNuniMt'u would iiovki' Ioivh known w int. Iiltlilnr, iim It wiim, 111' 1 1 1. ml to HnUti tlm IllOxt ntll'l'llltf lecture, till! IiiomI i 'lit,t 1 fl U" III'- rultfumettt of tlm Koninn liloritrcby, mid llm moht luti'fimtlnif prcMenliitlon of fiicU ovr IIkImiii'iI to In KuriMiiHOIly, linini'dltttidy tin whole bourn) wiim In iin uproiir, Men mid women lu'ows In their hiiiun in If pivpnrlnu toli'itvn; tlm poll hurried to tlm jfitllnry to Hod tlm ml (iH'iiiit, Init lifter wi'iii'i'hliitf uvory initn there, wore coiiipfe'lloil to jjlvu up mid ftckiiowJoiljf tlmy could find no more Jtfttian HviftitnnriU in th pommommIoh of biHJfiiiiri (pilut, find tli bUhop pi'oiuii dod with li 1m dlMWturiwi, thi undi vided httnnHon of evory ono of hln lii-iU'i'i'M until 0:!I0 p, in,, itftnr llm polloi! luul ivrt'i'iil i'd mid I imll I'i'oriiti'il an Indlvldunl who poi'MlMlod In inti-iTupl,-i ti W tlm Mitinl!r. Tlm" li'iHui'iT li.'id no Iod'mIi WoiiIh to iittot' iitfiiliiKl, tin iiiionlii'fM of tin' lloniiiti ( 'utholii! I'liui'cli, Ho did think, howovi'i', thnt thi-y wo lo ho pitied for liiivlii(f to woiir n yoko whh.'h Intol llfi'iit, moil mid woinon wi'o throw I oiT ifyory your iiyo, i;vory inlnutu In tlm doy. Iloforn oliwInK IiIm locturi) ho roforrod, In tlm hluln'ht toruiMof prnlMH, toTni') Am kkican, I'iilllfiif Miioiitlon totliufin't tlitit Homo t'lih'd Iho dully proM, itnd If limy would i'iu!ovii tlm iiowm ri-tfitrdliiK her It wiim MTOMMitry to pitti'oiifu pa trlntli' noWMpupoi'M, VVImii tlm lonluro win ooinplotod, Itlxhop Mi'NoiniirH. nnd wlfo, In coin puny with It. iniinhir of frlfunlM holh hi'li'M nnd ionlloiuon, who lind waltod Ui MiffHoVtii JiMy Ifi Mmlr itiirrliitfo went down Dm front m tit I v loth)! utrnot, ONK (V HOMM'H Hm'dly'httd I Im dooi'M oponod whci Ihn crowd of Imodium, who wr wmurw yitl-oil In front of Mm hull, Hound In , upon thi'in, wnd hut for tlm tlnmly liMhlrtm' of tlm ollio'm Mtiilioimd nt thnt 'lofot, would, no dooht, ImvH hodiim Mlrnttod hold llhdinp MoNdiintrft mid IiIm wlfo, Ono of tho mob --urn I hoy I WlmPmi WE ltm'AKM Al KICKS."- MJM 4m,.. ,... ,. A'..,,f I OMAHA, NIIIIHAHKA, woi'i" ill I iliMiuk Mi'i'Mioil ili'li'i'liilui'd Ut yrl to iho livhiii'r nnd hU wlfo, iM'ylui' Mil Urn llllio, "Kill tlm ll nf u h h; Iik'm linthliiu tint m linpoMloi' iinyliow!" Ilo fiiitght liko it vor.v ih'iiinii, pimliluif, mI rll( Inn mid k lolling it I i'Vor, lliliiif m I) loli tilivkod IiIm wh.V nnd kept him f ii mi i;oltliif hU ciliiio-lirliln hinnU Upon IiIm lllli'liili'd Vli'tllll. Afti't' ho hint i'xIiiiumIoiI both IiIm Kt ii-iitft h mid IiIm Miipply nf vllo, luilocoiil mid olioono I'plllll'tM, tlm polli'o iiiiuimhoiI lo (rot hold of IiIm, iiinl ul t ho Minim Hum tho nuTliijfn wum ilrlvoii iiwny nt u rapid RHlt. Will In tlm I'i'owd which wiim cu (loiiviii'liitf to not. hold nf lllxhupMc Kmiiiini wiim Mllll Mtiindlnj,', wiitohlu tlm fiiMl dlMiippoiirlnif ciirrhiuo, mul hiirllutf tlm vlli'Ml opIthotM, tlm tiiiiMt (1I11.00110 1 iMiiji rkn iiml tlm inoMt hliiHplf i'Iiioun (MII'mon nftor It, 11 liuly, ovhloiitly ol I'ulluro mid rolloomoiit, hut who wiim ovorcooii hy 11 moiimo of mortllloullori, llftod line MklrtM duliillly iim mIui juimmoiI tho hood I hum, mul In u voloo itudlhh) to uvitryotio In tlm ImrimiJIuto vhdnlty, I'l'initrkod: "Oh, you dirty Homiin CutholloM; If I worn only u uuiu J would turn In mid AltfXMKNTM, whip you nil," mul llm cuiphitNlN mIi" i;ii vo It loiivliu'od iim Mho would hiivo hi oi u goml in' hur word, Jlir ri'uittrk MOiiiM'd to muko tho Imodium morn forloiiM, inn) oim of them tmnoi) mid ktruok an IrxilToiiMlvo old iiiun-u rrotoklmit, i,f (ouro ) -nom ly felling him to tho ground. Thou mi- nlhor oim nf llm dninkoii niitllt Miiullod hlin, Mtrlklini ti I in two ti I'i'llii! hlown Imidlnu him In tlm Mtioot Mipuii'i'ly on IiIm fnoo, Tho polli'oliion Munlll I'UMlmd hi, mid IK I WKIIK ONI.V AMAN. tlm II I'm), i 1 1 ft i i tlmy jfriihhoil wiim Mr, Woitvor, tlio old ifcnl loinmi who wiim ml mI miiy ciioiiuIi to h 1 it in 1 up HkfuliiMl HIIOTH Clf'f IIO,;h IN llm dmikon HmnmilMt'M itrtfiimint rimnoly, IiIm knock-down Hrjunmnt, Tho ollloorM limn loiui to ofupilra who tlm otlo'C piirtloM worn, mid Movnritl loiitloiiion Mitid "lln ro limy 11m," nnd tlm pi'imo tfioirdlmiM flnitlly m'nld ono of lhoo polntod out, TbomiiM Litboy, it ml look both him mid Mr, Wonvor to tlm (irmid Avium Mtutlon, whom tlmy worn rduiriod with fllitl(l, 'J'IiIm i'iimo of "liihllnjc" iMMlmlhirto mi ioimiiiiII whloh ooourod In In tlm full of whoii it fofl-nook iimni d Murphy iiMiiultod John Wnt hol'if, WoMlhoi'K hlld hlin DITOMtnd, provi d hoilld iintMli'lko Murphy itnd tho pidloii Judtfo, it I'linli Ifoiimii Myiri' pitthl.or who know no fiiot'o itUmt th law on iiMaiiulfM tloit 11 Imif dnoM nhoiit liit.ln, docldod Murphy did not itixiult WoMthor i oiiuw Iho litl.tor "did not Mtrlko Imok," At tlm imxt olootlon Omit hit put In 11 now polloo jiiduo, mid unloiiM Kfifouu ( 'lly wmiU o-r ropuiit linn rulnod, mIio iiio.t I'limlitlo Unit ftlflplo, Mr, Wonvor Innl not Mtruok nnyono, fudthor Innl Im itttomptod mtnirlkn, y l Im wu itrroMU'd for flhthnf, VVIn-n IiIm Imnd wiim flxdil out Mr, Nmlih of MiiiIUi'm Mtomn Kuklnif Ut,, promptly iittio'hod hi tutiim Ut Dm diMmmnfct, nnd Mr, Wohvlt iippourod Moniility d, v trlul, 'l Mr, JHhoy wmm not o foi'tiintioi, llii did tint know who would w IiIm Itond, mo wttM tflvufi Inchftf'o of a hfjf, hiiWy IrUh pollooniiin, 'J'lo y loft tho Mtitllon hut how loni' thoy romiilii.'d Hwrny no one hot L11I1.7 mid tlm Milh'omiiti will MA M, w vW j,U ........ trT" lr!"i r I I A ' 4. vfe... f , t,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, I'HIPAY, JANUAUY lt, nh. "Vol- ktinw, (li ihln wo do know, Ulnl thill Im, wnvutlloil iiIhmiI I ho Mint Inn for Htiout n huir mi linur mid (hoy hud lint loluriiod, mul, fhiwii ilri'il, wo loll, Kiilnt; up lirm,i ,vo, tnwiird Twi'lflh Mlmot, Aflor wo hml wulkoil iiliniit Ihroo or four lilooltM from hn pIhIIoii wIiuiii Mlmuld wo moo loUuroly loiiulnjf iionliml ft lamp poMl, t huiiuoil In iMin vi'i'niil Inn With 11 third Inillvhluiil, hut tlm pupl-d pnlli'oiumi mul l.iihoy? Would U nivoi' lliivo looolvoil tho Minim 11II011II11M If hn llilil not boon fnrtuillllo onnnuh In lilivn hud frlonilM who imennipmilod hliutollm w ul Ii hi mid wont nil hU bniiil And Mi I m In lllMliop MoNmniiru'M In truduotlnn In l'iinn( 'lly! WI111I, will ho tho itillon' Tlm fnlhiwliii' ovonlnjf, iinthlnii duiuitoil, tho IImIio iippourod to do ll vor IiIm Moonnd looturo, TIIK OAHHfAOK. titmil hoforo tlm hour for Iho lootum Ui )nn iooplo hoiiin Hook In tttllm vlolnlly of Twidfth find Onk, itnd wlmn Mf'Nmniint Mtoppnd on tlm mIhk" Im wiim fitolfitf mora thun I'Kf" ponpln, OiiImIiIo ovon m Ini'ifor crowd wiim wnltlriff, WnltlnK' for whttlV Not to hmtr iho looturo hut li it Id mid oto-Zy tow 'M'rjm . .r V a " t-'tJ m ijw r-iwrmaLM mm ,t 1 m m i 1 v- . w cm - 1 . t ti t - 'inj .mi. l, Tin: khcai'i;, cnooui'MKit h lot of driinkoii, IhwIomm, omn Mllppod tholr hftrtil iuh lly Into inurdorouii Homitfi ('Hthollc In mi iim- oonvonlont pi'koi, mo! u look of ilo Mitult on tt pi'itoi'tthln I'ltlon who wum j Uinnlnittlofi ovor(iroiid tholr fimo, 'Kofi'i,lnif it coiiMlltiitloniil jiiHfmiioo tlm fltfht of fro Mpooi h, Ifmhht til" hull everything wftMcnlui ),fid (p)lol., oiiWldo ovoryitilnif wum imiKi iti i) turmoil. Within tlm hMhoi MMko in til UMUftl cl"iioiit mul fni'cofnl mine imr, , w ithout IC001 ' inlniuriM nloiul d, hiMitl d, t'liiMoil my I mwoio u Im tlmlr ,,, , , f . IIIHIIol' ,1, V, M.'NAMAKA, oimIoui, lint vloloiion wum not, lit thitt llllio, llttomplnd, Tlm h-otiiro procoodod, tlm hoolliiK contlnuod, until Hourly if;;i'l, when ovoi-y ono In llm hull worn Mlnrtlod hy tho noUo of hi'i'iiklny ((Iiimm nnd ri boioidlin' rook, Mllf'kM nnd hrlokM, Womofi Mprmnf hmillly to tlmlr foot, whlln tlmy Mitt hm If In roitd I tioi fur tt t hBr,'1! from 11 know n hut iiiiMoofi cnoniy, Tin) lodiiror pmnwd it Moonnd, jut hiug ffionyh fot tlm I'ovorlM'rfttluiiM 4 illoMwity, thou lonl' up IiIm thoino wlmro tlm nolo hud hrol' N it oft, itnd pro- o...'i..i k If liulhlny Uflimuitl Wum Ii hiim plrlnif, 4 -' i. V'iT'T, . T7 " " 5"' i-n.i .. I'M lit ntt nxm Nt! Mil l( ii AiinthorMhnwornf rooliM, nmrooriiok liiK of window hiMM, iihil loud. 'i' und nioro profmiii htiinuiiKo nml hhiMplmmy, yd Ihorn wum huiilly 11 bivnk In this Monli'iiooM whh h fol hui mo 1'itMlly und plommntly from tlio llpnof tlm ox-prloNt, Until liClil p. 111, ho pui'triiyud llm t'Vlln ol ICoiiiuiiIhiii, of whloli tlmy worn limn Hciiulrlinf pofMnuul knnwloiln, itnd HoMod only whoii IiIm nuhjoot hint boon 1'iirofully himdlod und roumlod out. Mmiy IhiioM ilurlni IiIm Ionium ho wum hib't'i'iiptod hy iippliniMo whlnh (piltu nflon droiviii'd tlm din on tlm hIiId nf Iho hull whlnh it I'onMiuut mIiowoi' of iiiImmIIom, I rod from tlm Inoidw of tlm Ho IIIIIU (IlipoH, ocoiinIoii ;d, Am Im I'oiiM'd Mpoitklny Ihoorowd ho. mi Mlowly lllliinoutof tho hull, Am Mp iippourod, tlm whlpM 011 tho Mtrnot hi'ifim miow to rovlhi (,1m hUhop, Dpplylnif to him llm worhy opIthotM tlm polluted mind of mmi hit Invonlod. Tho oui'M of woiiiop, of youiitf (jlrlw mid of llllio children worn Mhoiikod hy tlm dnlfMlithln liinuuiio umoiI, whlln tho hhdinp mid hit wlfiworo, yd In tlm lltll. "it -f Hoom tlmy too ttppoarti Then htidlitfn hroko loofti, profunlly m thimo , Hoiuitn rough hnlohod forth, Tlmy hooted, Tlmy IiImmoiI, Tlmy Mwnro, Tlmy yollod, And ylod with ouch otlmi' In tlmlr mud utti'iiipu to Iny thnlr luurilDr. ili'lnutf hmuM upon it inn1 who had not Mitid 11 word to llmm, mid who hud only oxoroliind 11 i'lht (iiiiriifitood to i-vcy Aiuorli'iin clll,011 tlm flhtnf fl'OO MpOOI'h, Tlmy piiMlmd, Tlmy pullod, Tlmy Mtruok, And bout tho itir In tholr mudnoMN nod tholr fury, Mon worn knocked down, Woomn ruililoMMly pimhod mmi do, dhlldron tntmploil on, And tomtiM frlifhtonod hy tho hhlootiM iioImo wnd tho Mtlni'M of flying Mllck und t'OI'kM, And whiht itll thl wiim tntriMplWmf tlm hlelmp und Mr, Mi'N'itmiirti und Mr, Kolloy worn forciiiif tlmlt- wny lo tlm ottfTifiio, ''hoy kitld not 11 word, They Mll'ilck tint tt blow, They luiido no honlUe flonioiiMtrfttloint, Yet lloum' inloloiiM, her ilrunktml i hoc idinpM, mid hor hiMHlluiim wro Miraliiinif etcry norvo ti nt hold of them, mid do tin 111 Imillly Iihi ui, It took U'mm thitii ton mlfiutoM for tlm lecturer, hU wlh itnd friend Ui funu h imMMiii'i-wity Ihrnunh tho Imwllni', t 'niitlnueil nn I 'it ii '.