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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1894)
A rvl Ft. RM O A N 4 ll THE AMERICAN, j. , .. I .. If .i In ! ' ' 1 1 ' ; i i; I ii' I I I t ir . .1 II ,! it, t . I It - . ti,.. I ill .It,! li ' H ! i- ,1' Mt i. II ,1 1 - i "! ft I I , :, n.;ii ti, . ,,'t. ),;,, t.. '! I ,. ti, hi. i I, .1 , I, tie, I II. H 1 1 1 1 , ,! I .4 ). hi ,1. i.t t: ,'i i, !''!.! T H H ' I ll- ,1 B I . It P., It I I it i n ii It.. I h ,1 1 I t, !, r.t b . - I II i ,1 ll' .! I , lit liiOMrm'ti, I. ti 1 1 it ... . , ' .in. I I , V-t , I t f I. t , I I I! ll I.. t I I l' 1, I, I'll th. , ) 4 , I J ; 1 U ! I Mi , . ! I,:, i I. ( I,. .1, t 1 ) ... cm n (iikH t td AMERICAN rUBLISHlKG COMPANY U I H I li l II 'Vtat.l Stud. M Hi 1,11 I l'N I. X I I " , I I, P' M,' Hi' 1 till f M.lllllll S !' M I Wl lt ttl till I 1 l in 11 I I I ill ll liAII In- lint, h t i ''l S t il.' l I II" l.l I ' Tin niimi' titr lii rlul mi' iiiiiiiI .ii.lir In II (nil lililnliil, i ili ("I liln' in'' I'ut ip,n,v ntili'i l in, It .y ill nfl i 'ir in iMxiliittl, i' mi. in v Ol. I ii.mili. In Ami nit I ' in I-iiimi I i" t s V Xt Ami tin i" i lit- I it t mi'Iiik in AM. I'AHI Oil It' I'lH't l' l M f Hunt nf ".uai: OMAHA, NTH, .1 N, I11'!' TlIK A. I'. A. hIuIi- cuun-ll uf Ulliinb apokn with no uneei lain H.iiiiiil, Till-: atitie iMitini'il o( A. I'. A.' of Mlxxoui-I met In ti n ii i id I xeloit in SI. I ,llll ycxlerdltv, 1 YlD lli'iil'i' li IImhIxI Iii purifying lint ballot, .ynii hIidiiIiI Ji.iii tin' AiihtI i'iiii I 'i-nt-el Ive Axxochil Inn. Oi'lt friend ahould I'l'iiii'iiilii'i' that Tim Amk.I'M'AN Ik now located at bil,"i Howard afreet, ground Hour. Drop In. TlIK Junior Order United Auterban Medianlcx attuulx Mill. iigalnat tint church of Heme. Tint A. 1'. A , Junior, I'. O. H, of A., I', A. M., W, A. 1'. A D, of U, iiml I), of A , In conned Inn with ullirr ordera of a alinlliir nature, ahould join lunula oml work In unlxon, How do J'OII Hid' Mil Hat, of patriot lit order, Home' It cuinliliii'il alreiigth iHonlyiillttlo over !I,(iiki,ikiii, anil no till told. TlIK AmrrkHii, of I'lttabttrgli, Fit., an 'lilt' 1 ft t organ and entirely devoted to tho Inieri-MtH of tlin Jr. O. If, A, M. and Daughtcra of Ulherty, ha talieii up Hit! fight iigainat Komftnlaiu wit h a vim. It Inn lii'llil. npley pajier, junt imtorliiK on It neventli year, and ri'iielie tho iiiont reinoto mrU of Hie United Kiatea. It ndvoeiit'H a friendly gtretlinf to all piitrlotle ordern, iiml ad vImch a work In harmony iiuiiImhI our i-ommoM evil, tin' Iloinan ( 'at hoi if rliiireli. WK uiiderntaiid that IVh nI Hmylhe, of rttrtfiirtth,-Atk., Infomcil thn hoanf of w'liool director tVi4f the reading of tho Ilihlil In tho puhlli: mcIiooIm f mint ho (llncotit lnued. 1 1 Ik reiiott wan vimi iilled with. TliU Ih a iileit dhowlriH' for tliu illrciMor. Th(! Iloinan Catholic eliiirc!i luiti'M the Hildi', and fear Mm erillKlitentiient found In tho reat hiHik denounce the teaching of (!nd,nnd yet call lt.telf III only true teacher. All who Iiiivh Iho ui! of their eye can ee through aelve; o can they through tin? pulley of tho noiniiii ('at.hollc church, unleN they took It Into a JewiM, cell to 11 nd lltflit. TlIK iiiinutjvi(iH who (a'cuplen a county Miltlon ami who In open court, to tho (IIhiihI of all decent people, ht.uud In tho room mnoklnit a eoh pljm when there wa art attempt inado to atlitfy tho Ihhii for tho releawt of llUhop Mc Nainara on the nlhl of hi arrent, I a fair pi ciiiicn of tho olllclal with whom tho hlwhop ha to deal. Thero were nevernl ldle prenent at tho llmo who wero couipclted to utaml thl Indliifilty. A man who ha no wlf renpect nhouhl not oxpi.ct other to rcpcct him. Wit liavo law hut no olllcer to ratify claim of jiwllc.', III time the town wa politically turned limldn out. Such fotterineH I eidom found In any city h relifti Huprcmii In Kiina(,lly, Mo. AH timinl our friend U at. Cheyenne, Wyo,, won the lant elect ion, and In coiiHeipienco the Istithr of that city ham fio)iiet.liln to y ahiMit tho (di'dlon, Iho men elected and tho A. J'. A, Hern I tho Isitilir'ii statement; Klrct Ward-H A. I'imktim. Hecond Ward-H. A. Ill(mT(.l, Third Ward II, V. MiT) iii;i,t,. Tlieitc tlire.i fialnc rcprcnenl the nut" eeKuful candidate for the council at. yesterday' election. They wire the candidate of tho American I'roteetlvi' B'.wtclntion, The local republican party U now but a lull to the kite of that o.'lfanlatlou. It him unl the actual If not tho nominal control of the party machinery. It ham nhown It ability to eapturo prlmnrie, to control conven tlotiM, to noiriltialo anil elect tin men, Such republican a are In oolltlcf, ami Hiich frien.l uBre Iriteretted in their welfare, bend tho pregnant, hliiifenof the km o to tho manaj,";rii of thl wcret pidltlcal oi'Kitnl.atloii, InHtead ofHiij jiimedly wily republlcnn polltlchiu coddling It a a factor to aid I hen. politician In their rim) to power the organization llelf ha bee mt t he dominating and coiitrollliitf Inlluetice in tlii; reimiilleiin ciiiui), J I nomiuaten whoever it dea'', and 1 in a poMtlon to defy thow) wlio have hitherto Iteen tho party tnamiffcr. "Fall to liolpti tloct our men thl tlimi and look out for u at tho next i'le;tion," Thli the open or inplled threat totht-poli ticiaiiM, and It hrlna then to time ai it did yentcrday. l i tV.t i. 1,1 - .t i, I!, i ' II. n i . .it 1 1- ih ml- .ii ii i.( ii.i. i ni ..'ii t i';" i: in,. . i.', It I v i , u I n! In, I' in ii ti.l t 1 "t , .,..,tf,ll I In' It I'l t'e -I .Ull'lllMllii'li' llHM- ll. I II ' .11,1 I'l ' I"' I'" 1'iut. ini.ti -tii bin In. n ilin . il.e ! iiUi.ikii I 'nHieiii iiihI' i I'i.iui , il. I- I ,'1. iil Hi, i". i ti ti "I. lie Iiim u( 'Joo yif a ", tui l.i, I.I ii. i) I tt,iii,' in I--l t.i !.! "II t".r "'tl i' llu ha l n i""1' I' iiiii'. Hiii -nf t he nun 1 1 1 ili'iu uf llu'", H III i the In. Mill. I' el ."imoiHiniiH, Willi' "" llii. pi I'M'.'lilli.ll uf Ihe I .ollill iIm, IllMii'i'i Hie ill uf t '. .l.lii'i', WlllH'K SI . I hli I Iniliiliiftv , WlllU'i H.e (mill Iwf- t ii n unit the iiu' Mint Mumped nut III lllii.Hl the f ti.llliilllull ill I'lllliee, III liult In Si.iiiu Vilni- the horrid iIIhcIumiiii' ol hltui,v that th ... ...'i'. .. nf II..' ulii'ii l he new of t i' mii"iii'i e Illli.'Ueliol rencheil him, l'.'.l '1''' hMilUH to In. hitny III nil the rliuri'lu'-. That the uplrlt of toleration l prow In thin cuiintiy U true In part admit. It Iw true an far at It re lalcN to I'rolclii'ilt.; It U the wur'l nf rot when applied to Itoiiiiinl.-iii. What, did we i Hunt! do lu llnill lill. j ear Willi Me.ilohiiry NeUuti, of the M, l'' (diurch:j We xaw her, by the aid of the Neeullir putter, Incarcerate him In a common jull atmunf criminal, and fur what crime'!' Ili'caiie he declared ll. ivaa IdoliilruiH to woi'Hhlp tin' Vlrjjln Miii v. What did we tee her (In III Spain leh than twelve month atfo. We xaw her explode a dynamite bomb, wlili the Intention of wrecking a I'rot- CHtaut churcll Iilled with penple wlio had trniie there to wurnhlp, What dh xhe do in Lafayette, hid.. Iat Feliriuiry' Hhe aiiulteil I'ruf. Hiulolph, who wan Hpcaklnjt ni!aliit tier xyxlem-nny, he not, only iihhuIIcI Ii I in, but, who at tempted to murder him, xhut him. if you pleatic, and he carrlc the hullel today. What did nho do lu Kiiiihii City lant. HprliiK? Hhe turned her crimi nal, her hoodlum and her freipienter of lioimepf common pront Motion looxe, and they paraded the xl reel with rope crying for tlie life blood of Hev, J, C White, U Cumberland I 'rexbytcrian preacher who proponed to xpeak In the Armory ahout Huiniinlm, What did xho do laxt week? What did aim do laxt week In Kanxii City ul attempt to tako Hid life of a blxhop of tin) Ho formed (.'aihollc church, Hlxhop Mc Naiuiira and lii beautiful aecomplixheil wife? What doe xlie do wherever xhe ha Iho power, hut annll heretic I'rotexlanl and xet tho law of the land at doHaneo'i' Kbit wa Intollciatit in the, he I Intollerant today, and xhe alway will be, becauxe xhe hoaxt that aim i ituchanueabli!, (rete A. Hrnwnxon, ctllbir of the yiiiirltrlji llivlnn, n Human CaUiolhi mn kiwI no, otico wrote "What the church ha done, what xho ha exprexxly or taidty approved In the paxt that I ex actly what alio will do, exprexxly or tacitly approve, lu the future, If tint xamo clrcuiuxtance occur," That bolntr xu, no I'rotextant mlnlxb'r xhouhl allow hi contrreatiou to think Homaiiixm I irrowltiK' morn tolerant? It hut en- cuiiniiex Komatilxt in xucu uuiawiui detnonxtratlon a many of our cltlen wlttiexxed laxt week out at Twelfth and Oak, and the xoouer I'rotexlant mhilx- ter tell 'he truth alxiiil. Homanlxm, Iho better olT will tho country bu, We can endorxo thexe xentimont: "And th" tlulle of Cathollcx? Firxt of all they iniixt reconle that any man who cImmixc mix a perieci niMH to otipoxit, in all honorahbt wny,t.heCath' oll(! cliundi. If any numlH-r of our elil- ,,'iix lielleve lhatllie Cat .Willi' church I aniauonl"" to our xidiool, our politi cal Inxlltullorm, our rellifluii lilicrtlc, Mielr I the political and the moral rltfht Ut oppoxe that churcll. If thexe !ii'n want to oriranlo themxelvex In order thereliy to work morn xnceexnfull y, Imluhltithly their I tho rltfht. If, furthermore, there men want that or Ifaiilntlon a xecret one, and would en Irniicli themxelve behind myxt'i'loii pax-wordx and cahallxlle tfrlp, their U the rlM'ht, Thl I a five country, and In nil uiodel,y i It xuu'exled that It would be In Ix'tter tnxte If, in attack Intr, their opponent would uo arini mi lit riither than brickbat, Thl brickbat buxlnex ha ifonn farcnoiitfh," The Jminitil then credit him with a remark which Jie, in all prohablilly, did not make. It, lx xafe to xay tiiat if Mr, McNamara iix. ii any vile lannii)" he took It from Mm tlicolu(.;y of Home, which I xo corrupt it cannot be printed lu Kiitflixh, and if hu made iixo of il, It wax not to pander to a morbid t'axb) foi unclean thlrix, hut In the hope of oh n- lutr the eye of Hoiuan Catholic, Thl In the remark he I credited with: That a vile h I'turer xliouhl lie pelted with xlorie 1 not, cauxe for heiirt iireiik, but, when thl xjilrlt, only a few month it i'o. In thU very city, ImiM-lled a riillliin mob to purxue a mlnixter of Mi" (funpel, an old man, who nan at tacked Catliollclfln, to knock hlruxeiire lex and iilitioxt, (lend, It I time to call it halt. Mr, McNamara may have bi-en vile, but the word of thl man were a chaxti! a ever fell from woman' Up. I't u call a halt. I't it be recognized bv all t iat thl I a country which will protect free ximjccIi, When f 'ci dum of xpeech I denied It I not far from tlx eapllol of our uc(.'i'pxe to the Tarpean rock of our ditrucilon, Kvery eood t 'atholle in thl (dly owe it to hliuxelf to privately and publicly denounce thexe ouLrai'e and In every and all way to protect the xacrednex of thought tnd apcich. We are glad to know many mlnixter not only In th in city, but elxewhore, are realizing tho danger which i threat- I,' Ml. .i M .'.I I' in. hi i i 1 in ii y I" i n i li i-i..! i ii l'i .jit 1. 1, ii . ( H l, ,l ,H I '1,! ,i,i. , ' h. 1 , t. i ,1. . ! . .li ii A " I ' I ill. "Hii I , ! i . , 1,1 j I ill-1 .1 In, iiti.l to b.lx.r I'll.) ulillll. II Ht 11 Hill. Mil l! w !..i , i , ii,p' inl I i I In' 1 1 i.t t. . i ii it in i Inn i,'t ami i , i'l, t, I I l.llt I,"' In' plii ill Millie h' i .mid lilU'i b) li i in It i'l' ! t'iteit lib, tiiiie. Il' i) a "in d (or b i riiiiiii, ami I lull I III lille uf .' Iln fllileil iltioir. I 'pi ill l'lllJ illfnl III, ll Hull .' Ililll iH'tll'l' ft in it ml t in l , iiml Hint he cnulil iml bu chi li a ft iiiimli' pi'til Inn, at il Wii inn in p., i in, mull ui lie in" iiccanie Very mu'ry, ami Inolt III time. lb' 1 1. Iiltli Mill tu have the celll It'lllllll In ehiii'kfe "tin d,'1 A letter llnall) ri iiehi d Hie jii lieriil ultli'er nf Ihe road, Milling Mint "Hi" foreman 11 mm hecaue I iv at a liniiiaii I 'ai bu lie and ih iuoeral," vi hli h the xupei Inlenili'lit xii.v "in a lliii-t Ijiliiilile li",'1 lluweV"!', the Ho man mUapprelieiided Hie pull on the luiid, and wa Infurmed that when men were li .ul iili il to run a tllvlxlou, they were perfectly able to fiilllll their ilutiex. Hiiine lime prior to Mil occur rence, ll wa alinont Impoixlhln for a I 'rolenlaut to xi'ciuc a poaltloii on thl dlvblon, owinu to the, fact that, a Hu man wa lu charge. After a thoromrh InveHtlyiitiuii, we Iiml that, the only riiii-i' tiutlci'iible fur the man to (pill, hlx place wax to follow the leach Inn of hix church, and cauxe trouble for I'roleaU anlx, 0111(1 . V, . I MISSION. I'laii Laid In Take an A el he Tint In IIm City ami VII hi iff (iiiiiialfii. Cincinnati, Jan, KTIuj atan couni'll of (lie American I'rolectlvi! Axxocliitlon continued ll xeaxlou today Tlie retiring xtate jirexident wax a re publican and ha been xitccccdcd hy a democrat, who I reported to bo promT writ lu politic, hut axlde from the pur' puxo to have the ortfanixnllon not partixan by xiuh rotation, not lilntf (on Id bo learned. The are over 7b0 cloxo-moutbed delegate preaenf, moat of them mrb,tercd at the hotel Wider llctltloit name, Horebiforo thl aecret order ha been felt mot In it oppoition to Call. olid nominee. It 1 aald tho prcent conn cil extend the cruxiMlu alo to 'atholle aiipolnteea, cxtieidally a iHillcernon, It I reported that they will oppoxe all candidate next April for mayor and police commlxxloner who refuae. to commit theinelve In writing to draw Kreat line HKltlnat (Catholic for police men, Mayor Major, of Toledo, wa accorded another Id if reception today, with talk to the effect that the order I (fronmintf him for (fovernor, with a view of ift liritf the Catholic employe out of the ulato penal and benevolent iuatllutlon. In dlacuxxiriif KatolU' location in thl country it wa developed that If the pop-t followed there would beopprmltlon, a lu Oraritfcinan, to any public demon xtratlon rce. Ivlntf hi holiiiea. A, Ihilly, of Council No. of Cin cinnati, wa aelccteil a repreaetit.ttlve to the national council at. He Molnex, Iowa, - A. I'. A, AT F.MI'OIIIA. .1. V, Culver, rrcaldcnt of Ihfl Arlii Mini Herein iiTlirealeiilnif l.eller, KMl'ottlA, Kan,, .fun. K-Tb A, I'. A, excitement ha reached thl city. Judge.!, V. ('ulver, who admit he I prcaldcrit of an A, I', A, lode, number Inif nearly 'J.W memberaln thl city, re ceived a letter threatenlriif him and Hamitel J, Kmmon with death, 'J'he letter wa decorated with a akull and croa bone. Midge are belriif formed In all the atirrouridlnif (dtie. V'i xieiiliiy a man named llradley went billurllngton and attempted toorgun- le a liMljf.i and wa run out of town, - Itbluip ( nv and Murr. Siibdll. For a man who mean punitive tiling, and know preclxely how to any them, commend u to Hbhop A, Cleveland Coxe, He lx a hiatorlan in mutter ccidexiaxtlcal, and ha written ably in Mil Held, wiille of hi hymn It may be nld that they have lung alnce taken a permanent place a xacred lyric, That he look out W th iji'lck eye iimn the danger which threaten l'rofct.autlnm lu Mil cnii'itry I not, aurpriNlng, for it I tie prlod when Homanbm hun been Imptinilorlal atid jier-.ecut.lni; agalnxt xtati and individual that he ha at ml led with a auecex efjliul to the vl;or of hi atyle, V can hardly think that hi holiuexx, Leo XIII,, did really appoint a xecret comml-nlnner to follow in Ha lolll'it wake, to watch hi movement, to ll-'en to hia Italian-Hatln coniiridrum 'opiilai ly lellevi d by the faithful Ui be Human wlxdom on Amer ican lMlitiitlntix), and to report, the Mime minutely to the vallcan, Hut had the poe taken thl precaution, Hihop Coxe would have been the man, Indeed, the bialiop ha not waited for the olllclal announcement of hi inUxlon. He ha done better. He hax ''rformed the aerv lets in advance, and j' ow have the fruit of hi lalair. otb The bUhop ha o far ,itrta"" d fuur letter to Hatolll, each trihalcrpleee of atralghj tcnao writing. Hi r ili-li I a rd and In I that of ' I III, II 1 ' ll . Hit t IH I I I I ft, i t. Hi 't ! I ll-'l :lfl uf 'tt J 1. HII I 1 1 ' I i ,1 if ii lt ti-,i ii t uf nn I I t I', II 1 .' '.Ill I nl I I 'it :.u... IH - H ft fit I1' (,"'UVI ; 'I'll- t id i.l lb- II, I Hi Hi t '.il- I.I l Hell ' -tutu! : i 1 1 p. i - .I iiH Hull i" t't(-I' He ill .1. . 'lii llll, lllill t lull Hii Ji lll III - i'lieil n( m i i - I i ui. pli iilu i k iiyiiuifl all law tnitl xtt ii ty, !t lu'tu it I" t-ir dun In limit iiml I'liii'rul, if pot but. i"l. I Unit n.iuull.Ullt lul't hi li r nut e given pnmf nf lit int' able lu "mil. up wbc iiiel li. l!ii" t II lid pi ii.rl I e kliiti , u the Hinr, xickl), npi t "t it Itiux and lnoranl Solilli A iiiet'ieint i iiiltillli ln-wl if" J tllllt l i line- hax long xlnee put up luii x and to Ki'i i nut ju t audi uninvited H iii xIk a !""i li".) : I hat we heed tin ml- tleefium him m hi lieed patl'iill ill Hiime a Iii our cnmniiiti xclioolx, or ati.v nl her American itiit Hut iuttx: that 1 1 ih a general meddler at, Wimliingtoii and i b'i'tt liere in ntir Miutb rx, ami xu far ha made poor aiicci-xx Iiml the aaid individual had belter go In o countriex Where there I lex Intelligence llilill ill thl, and give Informal Inn in the kind of primary Inxtriicl ion to be organized, and where lb" moral alaudaril are In need of revlxlon far more than our. The one thing which atrikex the pop ular mind lifter reading tlieae fourxplcy letter of the hlxhop lx that he ha xpokett what multitude have been thinking. 'J'he eooluex of an Italian In coming to America and giving ii lexionx on our public aehooU, In going out to liulTiilo unit publicly cu tlorxing Sheehan and hix euormitiex, and In puxlngon ninny public occiialonx a u etilogixl of American Irintllutlonx, a If the panegyric from a Human xourco were needed, 1 refr-xhlrtg In the extreme, Why doe the ablegate not learn-or pcrhap Hie truth I not dawning on him thut hi Interference In (itarrel in hi own church ha al ready produced a, bitter feeling, which only hi having can cure'' Hlxhop Coxe halornolT the ntai.k which aoon-r or later would have fallen olT Itaelf, Hi. I hi wladom ha b-en ahown In tho promptnex of hi revelation to our poo pie that Hutolir eiiming mean new warfare on our public ehd by the moat adroit mean known to Jcxiiit diplomacy, and hereafter a long and wearlaonio aerie of meddling with varlou department of our ecclexiuxtl cal, political and nodal life, It I probable that tho coming of HatolJI, timed to the Columbian year, wa intended to be tent alive, Ofcourae, the unlagdriiam which he ha nrouaed will havetheclTectof hlbelngrccallcu. H'limtthlng lofty would be In atore for iilm, any a card initiate, That I Home' way. The man who (but the work muat often be changed becailaeol theenemie he make, but he mtixt get aomething better cadi time In HutollI' cao, when he goe to Howe, the vanity of both friend and foe here will he aatl fled. After a time hi place way be occupied by aome one of wore pacific method, Whoever that may be, w. beg to ex pre In udvuncc the hope that Hlxhop Coxe ha not yet let fly hi lat arrow. Meanwhile, whenever Mori algnor decide Ui anil, we venture tu auggeat that the moat convenient paa aage t) hi Furopean Held of labor, now aadly auff-rlng becauae of hi abxence, x hy the Herman ateamer plying dl rectly to the Mediterranean, We hope, la-abb', that Kris not preaumlng too much on epixcopal charity when wo -x pre xx the belief that of all the wlahei for Mortxlgnor' wift and early return to hi dioc-e of J-iitnbi, not the leaxt, kindly and g.-nerou will be our ever youthful blxhopof wextern New York, llirir'n Unfli. Home Once Mure Attempting to Sup pre Free Speech, Haxt week American eitl, n were eonfronled with two wepurate and dl- tlnet attempt on the part of Home to auppn xx that inalienable right of every American citizen, namely te right of free xpeech. The two oc-axlon n ferred to being the mobbing and at tempted murder of J, V, McNnwara In Kanxa City, Mo,, and the mobbing and injuring of fecturer Kltnx at Ksiukiiwi, Wl,, who wax knocked -nxeexx by a alone hurled from the hand of one of tin- riilinn conal Itul ing the organized mob of Human Imodium arid cut throat. Th'-xe Ifixlatice xliould certainly prexeiil. a very grave quexiiou to cv-ry true and patriotic American -t'x very American citizen who ha Mi- honor and the welfare of hixdnimtry at heart beciiiixi) no aob. t'-minded, right-thinking pertion can (oxxibly deny thatauidi outrage ax Ibce can only bring dix grace and ignominy on th I gVand coun try of our, The ojicxtiun naturally arlxe how long will American, who owe no atibmrvieney Ut the Human KihtilT or hi prieal, tolerate the ut-t-mptiil proxfrat.ion of one of thoxe llberlle to which they are entitled a a portion of the birthrlghtof American clt.lzenxhlp, namely liherty of xpeech, by art tin lawful organization, (oneeallng or at leaxt crnb a vot ing tu conceal it Inn! character under the cloak of re ligion; an organization which I no torlouxly arttiiguiilxtii! to the govern ment of Mil country; an organization claiming allegiance (irxt In every caxe to a foreign pontiff, who, notwithatand- ti nf l!: ... . .,i ,!,, tent tl I !., , III i t I In' ,i'i it. but 1 1, . , l . tt i, t 1. H' i i w I' U I i In In t in -U lu'iii" , I tll'll tl i in d ! n ill,,,!.,' 'Ip: i . ill lei )u:l f it,, l. I!,, ii,., let, .,': , ii", ,1 , f Hu- lilne hn in i ! il u In ii A lei i it ii n j jiu,ie,i ,,i,y ,'Ht,', In' bill I '1- t I til ,( I ! ii,,,,,, thitii.ii. Tin y tiuiil.l iiml Hi. ' llile l li l)i e hat n."i.nii iiMlulb l-ni in, a -t- in 1 1 ul. i, ami what it tumid tin if II p.t , mi ll th-Hini r, Alultbiit it I i' in I , livui ing tn nlitain Mint pom l, I ty Hut M' 111 lli'l iiil, lx IM ll a 1 , , i hat nth-- rtci'il nr an Innocent m- llu'iltllx H"l'l, It Ik a gisMlltie. Willi, I wide x.Velem, It hicli ttnilld, if pn-,'U lib-, I'i'ii'li nut ami iiiii.'l" the dvll and fi'liginux liherty we now enjoy. Fur thermore Hie church of Home never ha and never will luailate at any thiiie, that will lend to further her end, illnbol leal or nihcrwlxe. Her hlxtniy, built pa it ami prexi-nt, beynml which there can be no dlHpute, fully demonxl rab' and xiixliilnx Mil itx.M'- tlort, 1 totne never clian-ex. What xhe him been In the pant, xhe will imdouhl- lly be in the future, hi-xltatlrig at not hlng not even murder - for xho lirmly believe in the "Machiavellian' policy "the end Juatille the incanx,' How miidi lunger will he citizen of Mil country aland quietly by ami allow Home to perpetrate thexe outrage witlt Impunity and without fear of ptin-Ixbnii-nt'1 lx it nut a noturiuim fact that in order for Hume to be able to do Mil, Mutt the municipal auMioritie uitiMl be either member of the Homati (,'atholle ili-nomlnAMion or elxe partfe xtrotigly in aympalliy with or under Mil', control of Home' Therefore It I now, more than ever before, necexxary that only men xhotild he elected toolllce who will ace that, the exixtlrig law are enforced and that proper protection from ItiHiilt, mobbing and Injury at the hand of organized Human Catholic mob, compoxed of tho verleat cum of foreign nation, who have, In ;not eucx, left the land ol their nativity for their country' good, be afforded to thee public lecturer, a right which thl country accede to every law-abiding peron. The citizen of America have a remedy, if they will only make proper um of it the ballot box, Hy that and that aiorti) can the power of Howe be thwarted and eventually cruxhed In thl country. It I a very cay matter to realize Howe' Inxtineiivo diwllke to any per on, the more capeelally If that pen-on hapi-enxto have buen atone time or an other under the thralldom of their wo called religion, expoxlrig to the light of day the dark and loathxomo deed per potrated and countenanced by Human Catholiclxm. Full well Home know that the inner working of her church cannot aland audi expoxurc and xhe la fully aware of the fact that the parti- now lecturing on thl'iiiiation are deal ing with and ataling Uw.U. Not wero theorle or unubtantial rumor, but bare, cohl fad, which they are willing and prepared to prove at any moment, when called ujon. Hut Home doe not dare hi meet them face to face and deny or dlaprovi) the charge and accun lion brought agalnat her, forahoknow that ahe cannot; xho know thai they aro only too true and therefore ha to reort to brute force by mean of organ ized mob of rough ami ruffian 'part of tboabeep of her fold) to atrangle and aupprea one of the libcrticx to which every man In thla country I entitled, provided, ofcourae, that he keepa with in the bound of the law, Homanlxm ha no more right Mian I'rotextantiam to dictate a to who ahould lecture on a public platform or who ahould not, Do you aee or hear of mob of I'rotcxtantx inxulting and outraging Human Catho lic lecturer in ( hi country' Certainly not, Wa Jexuit I'rleat Hherman ever wol'-xted or mobbed by member of the A, I'. A.' Certainly not, Thi I true not.willixtitnding the fact that he In milled them and called them every ott jeelloiiablo name under the xuri, but the member of the A, !'. A, are law abiding American citizen, and being auch know how to conduct tb-mxclvex and maintain law and order; hut, on the. other hand, moil of the reader of Till'. Am lib I' 'AN are familiar with the jfnatanee in which Hume, fearful of the rcaiilt that would follow from an ex posure, on a public platform, of the allocking ahum- of th- wot -king of her xo-cullci religion a preached by her i-ifiimoiix priext, ha out raged all xef,xe of law and ord-r and ly mean of or-ganlz-d mob of rulll ii and hoodiuma, with Dm tacit eotixer.t of the loce.l aiithorltie, prevent-"! from JecMirlrig I.yon at Cameron, Mo., Ht. Joxepb, Mo, and Cheyenne. Wyo.; H-v. J. C WhlieatOxkaiooxii, la, and Wauk'-gari, HI.; H v. C. (y'hiribfuy at Kxeanaba, Wl.; Kx-I'rieat Hhittery and wife at Keokuk and lie .Moinex, la.; Kx-I'rieat Kudolph at Hafuyelte, Ind, and now Hixhou McNiiMiara ut Kanxa City, Mo, and I'rof. Him at Kaukana, Wi. Citlz-nx of America, of what hem-lit or iixo to you I your oiliz-nxblp in thix cjuiutry, if you w ilt tacitly al'ow with out any ri-rnonxtrauce on your part, Ho mtuiixtn, a diatineliy foreign element, to overrun thla country and aume a dictatorxhip a to what you ahould do , l, i ',l, t tli.i! ;,. I. mi",' r, . ., iiiiii it u , I-1 1 , it'll t . ti y p, . it u I .i 1 th. i . ". u I- I tall t, 111, It Hi ! !ll'i i'l Li t b ' Ii il -hip lit 'bli'l pi . uf tl, w ht U III I In- bu' ) III b'-lx tbllly . ,V.p(li l tui'til anil iin!i,, in. til, t litlf'ii lnunb-'y nil'! tin) ti le, it In I tinii, lint i mil. -n uii lhi, limn,' w ui 1 1,1 fain i t iib!, h j ke w ie a c.-n -nr- "Mp over the pi It Ib-ge uf free a-i di that Hu m worthy of it limn- which earrle Willi It tl hue of llbei lt ami juxllco In all Mien, no true an. I I.i.miI American can Culitelllplali. Ibex,, niilrit-in ull MlOxe prlvilegex moxl dear to I hem w 1 1 luiut ii'iilllng the fuel that, uitlexx ati'ntig liieiixiirt x ai-e adopted anil Imiiiediiile action taken, nil of the lilu-riiex hitber tu eiijuyi'd by Anierieanx ax cit l.-n of Mil glorloti country w ill bi-eome aub xervietit and ameuiibli' to the d Ictat'M'- ahlpof Mint blatantly arrogant orgaii I ut ion, fiimoiix front (lie time of ll ciitieeptlon, ii a d.-atroyer of all lib-r-Hex both civil and rellgloua, miinely lb. until ( 'iithnlicixiM, There can lie no '.i"tioh but the lawle.MHtiex of theae liouian (intliollc mob I due In it great extent to two t hlng fl rat, to I he teaching of Home' prleatx, w ho undoubtedly are the prime. irixti gator of thexe outrage, a the element t hat comprixn thexe mob are entirely under the iron-handed control of tin Humidi prli-Nix, who-! word ure law - abxoliite and tiri(iiextiouable to every true xon of Home, Secondly, lo the education received by Ihetn in the Homlxh parochial aclioola, bocniMoilJ daily Ii 'coining more apparent that for the proper dixehnrge of the function of American cltlzenahip there muat of a neeexity be an American education, 'J'he jiublii! aehool xyatem now in vogue foal or the general intelligence,' pro mote public order, and contribute to the atablllty of our dlizefixhlp and in a great many way It help the moral and oclal internal of our country and it material proaperlty; whereax on the other hand, the ( ducat ion a offered by Howe' parochial achoola, i of auch a narrow, bigoted, aoctarian order, a to t- conducive to exactly the contrary. Hitherto It hnaheen one of Ihe proud cat boaai of American that thl coun try 1 the land of liberty and freedom, and a auch ha been known and recog nized over the entire world, but in view of the above fact here recited, can It atill lie hom-xtiy maintained that auch la the caxe' No, never a long n American will permit thl country lo become practically enalaved under the debatng thralldom of the Homan Catholic hierarchy. Citizen of Amer ica, awake! arouae! throw off thl yoke from your ahoulder. Cruab thl hydra headed vampire ott the head and then, not till then can you pro idly boaatof your American citizertahifi, C, F.l', F, -- A tt .Marriage Law. The w!et and atrongeat atroke that ha been feorleaaly burled againat the Human prieatht-od alnce Victor F.wan iiiil cloaed the door of the Vatican, i the new marriage law In Hungary,' which make invalid any contract of marriage not performed by a civil magistrate, and impoxc a llVi fine upon any prleat who aball aritnlnialcr the marriage rile, unb-aa the contract and ceremony ahall hayo firevfoualy la-en conxumated by a civil wagilritb(, The new Hungarian marriage law lake up all aide of lite marriage and divorce (next Ion, and 1 worthy of eonxidc ration hy all American, The Catholic church In thi country Ignore the civil law relative to marriage. Among other at titude of defiance bc doc not heal t ab! to declare any marriage not solemnized by a prieal, adulterou, and in thealgh. of that church there la not a legitimate child of I'roteatnnt parentage in the United Htate today, The prieal do not recognize our civil marriage law In thoiettxt, and in their uaiirpatfon of authority In thl mod, Important func tion of noddy, every one di them aid flu! part of n traitor, a much a i-ne did, Arnold ever did- If the people of Hungary, under the, dominion of a king and a lineal Inheritttnee of Human Catholic teaching, can rle up and choke off the priori in th-. marriage ceremony, American ought certainly to throw off a lmilar yoke, Marriage i a 'dvll contract, pure and ximplc, and ahould be cunummal-d hy the civil authority, ('(inuiiiniliiilion in Ann rim n Tilir. -. . Kahhlag Hie I'ape I'ay Pcler. itiiSlniS, Jan. I'-'!,- A (liipab h to Mi ; aiifiiviil.i' from Home any that the monthly d-ndl of JOo franc in I''x pence will be balanced hy drawing upon the rex. rve which Hie pope hax k -l in the name of bimxclf and the truxiee xlnee the loaae of Folehl'a injudicimi lliveatment. The deiu'eltxe In the revenue I largely due to the fact that the French loyali) have l-x-ned tlu-ir aubxcrlptloii. 'J'he fnere-,t.fng donuthm from all, however, will en able lite Vatican to turn the corner and the pope i literal lo abolixh xeveral 'inxtly xiriecure. HuIimu'I ; for TlIK Amkuk an, only fiMHitty In advance. il. Hi.