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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1894)
TH o J ' AMER CAN.. It J1 Kit MwsruNR. ' AMI RICA tOtt At.(HVH8."-W iW hip Anu iii nut icm Mem AIIduIhhip fn Hip Ututitt Minim wllHtmt it tiinnliil t,veu(ini In fmnip nf H Pupp, IAIIA, NKIlltAHKA, Kit I PAY, .lANIUItV ft, hiu, : ,T - V- ni.iii mi 11 nn c IV. HU OrOONTIN "a- Oil! I J, -"f(Hh.r r HH'l"Kld Hi'tii'iiu't' 'Unity. tin S.-Newn nd Mi- lltmy. in i. I .llinlinl; Ni,w lumi 'IK.- M!wi!itij Ariveidlsnitirlit. 'mfl.-'fH.rrvi a. Titl rt tint Unvote Ml-tlitt.yi Mi'rt,p.'iiurii Hofleiy i t.ry. I ' ". Mln'ttlUiiti AttecilltSMni'iils unit T;i lil. it H, Miwvl'tnyj Advei 'Useim-nls. ' ..y. ....... : mi hhJ,, Hit kvJ ,tnn.4 i s" H" H'' I'iiImi V in-.," uti oi'IuIuhI f tt ceo t'tilnt'ily iiiVM'HMni for ht tlrim lit WiinIi 'i IihII. Uinmty iti I,, AdmUHlitn 'JlVi Withdm, in (tit ,.i(-i;iiit production of Tracked," win ii ih Htimi'Mou at (lie ulli Hiroet "fMut i n, Nimrtiiy tiviMilnit I next wtntk.' ; NOTES AND COMMENT. KTttniMJ If N lodgO, NO. 320, U. W., tiiit )u.sid resolutions do luff Itp, John 1). Vlticll, on iiu of tint Lit or' connection with V l A, The substation of the 't Inn Li tt dij i.i'iif,lim Unit In bo- ig u mora bod of the A. 1". A. Dr. I took vutvi L iwmirntiblu with In? time he joined tho f United Workmen. Dr. Vlntll Would a b) vtiffiic'cU in ft fiiore tan this vile know- peinemithm that Is a ,-rioaii cltUonshlp and know tuough iiliout PA. 0. IT. W. to know room in It for a man cniHiyh to bo an A. 1'. iibtrtte of tho pro rvid and It can wit he n. Any attempt on llgioiiH holy to Invade tl h( rem tttvA by our I thoro l no fear of opt to trample on thn in nj en v'olatlonlt it !lUoal Ut 1 too Ml tiiitlcmooi'Btlo for liny to b fi-eomon, Thuro h took at nt (nor llKtti tl'tt.)!1 Ian v.di'k if i mil li'ii li i i'ii to An, Hill, W. 'fil ton! ! r ' hfffl In ! nil Ditrruv iu nlii(t t l a prt'h ptrei!u( t of any ri l(,'hli won mtiiUi. M it ltd itllt lion Bri'l in ion a !li,l tin t hut W (1.: , nrnl it " r iwrno.iwun. Mt of .he) alii t! liiviilll' vPts m-der tho A. '(tyed ft Knownoth f-i: if"'tina; men of louid tHdone juntas ." MV' ikmot'rttt. H all t )i A. r, A. to tli J Jrdor bad would la loitt olllfi'iod j by imlUn Aint rn iKi I'i'oIchIuiiI" liiftti'itd of t'alliollt'M nml trUhmuii. Ulhrro Inllowml 111 lln'niit ulialn i. ml tho tni'llit(t niuiHv IhcIih up without hiking any ttctloii, Aflt i Him niu't'i'B tlw iiimii wlm hiul pKipiwnl In tnaku Cinnlii pronlilont wont lohlm ami iikWviI him to lii i'iilno I'lislnilhiii of tlm Mtoh'it books of tho United Oi'rtoi' id Doputlcd, Raytny iiiiit tin i"rtM at tliat timo holding thoitt wat niidpi t'li'tl and tho biMiks Worn not nnfo. Id1 piitiplml this pi'opiwltli'ti with iiiiitiy jii'it rtsxionii oi ooniKii'iii'H in win unrtor luto?i'lty and notirntto, Cioliln Itfimiti1 to havo nnythlnjf to do with tho nlnli'ii bookH and the lulervt'tw ( tin of I In Ural t'Xjilitiiiitloim olTii'i'il by tho frh nils of tho iticn ulimo t'onvlolcil of Iho tnnrdi-r of t'roiiln whm 'AtitybulliB di'piitli-B did It.' Croti In' fi'lotidn wiy tbftt t ho Intent Ion of tho hioollhjf ami of tho iii'oposlllotm iniiilo to Uconlii about tho pTeMdniii'y and tin? book wim lo make an oxmio for throwing mm plolon for tho murder on tho tleput le, Tho Unitod Order of Deputies U H acorot sooloty whiwo ohjeets nro ulnillal to thonoof tho A. V, A,'" I'leeleil dul lliu IliM JUil'i ami lllliii! of fiiiiila (ippiopl lilloil In .uidingof lb. before Thev .1 ii.itiua! V. VII h ii f .'.III J ifndPrHtJind that ' ' in ....miMUonao it )Q, oott, and are in only round in nd the rank of o In Justice. I"s8ii8sinn,tion of Llneoin by the Jesuits tr.ore been in this country a more iilo conxplraey amonj membfirs rritt Hoclety to tako human life nn was y hrouulit to light by the ti titurile"," writes an uniaiia sud- . ..w. .1 1 i ine uiioHi uuviiiopmeni, hi hv rriemirt or ur, uronin were ,1it.!, from which account Itflp t It Wft tho Intention of that theelan-na-gnel that planned 'ier of Cronln, and who aro now thn defunso of Coujfhlln, to tho public with a propaganda l iotlH and to laeo tho murder n at tho door of tho United Dopl.tleH. Tho plan adopted In n who blready had madu all LratlonH for tho slaughter of im to throw HUhploIon of their Itho 'deputies' according to a rronin, whs this: "A moetinjf n wan called by prlvuto notl- Mr ttio ohtonHitilis titirnoM of organization to counteract ICathollo and nntl-Irlnh ten- (of tho natlvliit organization. f id been madu a short time bo- jho locker In which tho hooka tho 'deputy' lodges was kept books stolen. A Inwycr who mnoctlon with tho Clan-nn-pael liylnjf on n cniHado against Iho wnothlng movement and many fi wuro creallv worked tin rvt eet. It seemed to Cronln. ...i i. . i . . i , nilt llllt' WHS HHKCU annul a ten days before tho murder to U niiH tinif for such an object that UMirfectly natural. He and a fe attended ond on entering I'lind that tr anijulars we 't iiy anior-K thono prc dt. In ro inly outsiders enough .or of (fonrfralitv to the kut anildried plan of . . Mil , imu ono oi irm rufllanly In his 'i rjeioro tho find- bionod Cronln Is? triangular .about to tin jiro I that Oun friends out tit Idtrtitiile, Wyo,, send a few plain words to Keit't senlatlvo Weiidoek. This Is what they say! Whnrean, teiwwtifatiV0 W dock, of Michigan, of tho Unltfd Hlftten hoiwo of representatives! an ciieiuy to American liberty and tho free Institu tions uf our country, art blrnling of the popo of ltotne his Jesuits Mild his fill' lstarles, urged on by Koino and aided In tho dark conspiracy by papal council In Washington, P, C, has srt far forgot his citizenship, his dignity as ft fejirif sotitntlve of tho Ainerlciin tieople, nnd his duty bo owes to tho "laws and Id' slltutlons" tifidcr which bollveSflsti step down from bis exalted station In life into the nri.tittof debate and glvo h freo exhibition of his llomaninitl nd his congresHloniil ignoranco by biking tides with tho pat al popo and priest who keep standing (Hibernian) lirmles among us In tlmo of pence, by ebt rlug an American order, known hs the "A. A.," that It is uiMinerican, Illegal, traitorous and already supplied with Ri ms to rice against tho Uniit'd Minted government and all ltomtt. ( flUiolIrS within the Jurlfdiotloti thereof, Thrn' fore be It ' ' ' - Kcsolved, hr LaraiTif" t'oi'i.M hn, 2 A. P. A, th'i'- 'o-iimj A i""i lean and thatro jf- f"oi'Woii'niMf d t . i . . i .... . t ,ii ......... ...... . oi loj'aujr "' M' "' i'1 i-o1 IMIIIllH Iho oi tai'h A i'-V i mi I H i u of tlit i' , emitlnlliig of Titkty, AHn mi1 rieisun, whs nil lolllU(l 10 ill' Imh WNVS HMll llll'MMN fol' I'l dlH'Iflg III" eienillliile of Ilio InHtlil so far as iodbIiii, The s erelMi'y was oiih'i'eil lo draw ft wiiri ant for fii, Hot aiiinuut oilgiiiHlly Hppl'Opl'bllMil III fllHd' of Ilio M.cMO gi'Mphi f employed by thn Mneld od lie Vesllgallllrf eoiuiillllef'r Tho slmiie gi'aphor's bill Is I J.t ft , iiniMhur.i Is an estimated furl her ciimii ugaliisltlio liolltd of t'i1i fn' WillH'tS fee. TheH claims weiilovei' lollinliniit lueellngi Tho Inlmi'oiV pay roll for Iho miomI.Ii llci'i inlior waspiisteil Mid tho socrelMi'y td'ilered lo di'fiw WiiiTiiMn for Ilio chilius, TliM president nuiiumim d Iho following ttaiiilliuj coiiiiiiHteest Kliiiineo--.. TliomiiM, Halieunk, Kiiodi ll, down, lliMiillniiier, Ti'Mehei'g and KmuuliiMloiM Akin, Tukey, Tliomiis, lnli!(M!l(, KhiiHilo, Text Hooks Mid (toiiisis of Mtudy JiOWP, (lllwoti, lliihcoeki lliil'lrt'KS, lltuid' hiliicr, Jliilldlngsiiiid I'ropiii'ly' TiilK'yi''"!" lies, J'Jerson, Kiiodoil, Jom, Miippllos.lHyiUH, Hhoiides, Hiil'geMs, Wgllttel', IliUiilhltiO'l'i Heating mid VeiMlittloii I'lornni, TiiMoy.AMln, Illgli Nchool lliicyoii, Thoinas, f.l giitler, Kliodell, filbson, rlpeclnl liili'iiel.(oii(illmoii, Jnyms, Mleiitlef, Ithoiides, I'lecwm, Claims mid Auditing- Ithoades, lHi son, 1'let'sini, JiidlotM'y I'llgultoi', TIioiiiiin, l(OWn, Hides, If'ni'iiismid I'l-liitliifr - Hiii", Ihiryea, Al In, aliii'les -Kiiodell, AMi), TiiM'y lloiiiidiirles "HaiidhMier, Jiiynes,iit yea, )liidetrten-Htt(siM,Kiryw,niir gess. i - tlll(l.l tlllltJI IHl.tllT, WHO PAY8 THE TAXE8? 1 ! Cliui'uli nf IImiih CrUln!y Dwi N.d, A i'iriii lit llin Hlh lnl Mieulng ni.hli It Malic In (ha Ureal Mule nf iHiln, Tim following M lido Is woclhy of poi'iisiili ( looi h iif lint Ni'tv .ImiiinmIi iii I llllllll l llplll I'll'nliyllO lMM I lllll M'-li'l im 'I t ili'i'ilil i liiinii Alnli.ll MlllioillOt lillli , In I mil II I I' I tuna 'HOI, Hill. Vied jif IK, Aim lh ii I'liil nf N, Aiimili'ii , A jiiiiiliilli' lilmiiMiiiiiii i Ihiii'Ii In. Im mull Mi iiimiiiMh i lo, ill) , ,,,, MtomiillHK lli'i'llih ii In H, i I'll ,,,,,, Illl lllll Hill llllll,Hl. I.IMI I H Hi, jllt llllHIl III' IiiiiiIiiiii,, iI'iokiii.IhiI Wl".l'IIM Ml'lllinllnt idllll'l'll , nili',i'Mili'io i'Iooi in ill riiiltii, in I IiiImIIiiii I mini , . ,,,,,, , IlllllKHIlMl l ( llllllll lit jfllHIlt bill' In- liny MMlMlw ... . , ,. Ileiii'liil S.'iiimI lililtii'i'iii , ,, lu ll, Ililllll'll l.lllliHliili rlmiW, ,, Kiniiiilieii I'liiifi'ieiiiiii t,v. I,iiilii',iii eloii'i'li ,,. .. ,,, rfllllll Slllll III llldo l.llliliMIII ,,,,,,, f"l si'Mlioi I,iiiIiiiiiii rliuu li ,.. lo muni Aiiie.liiiit! voi.i, l.niliMiiii (iiijioiiini'l srnnil, builini'sii , IiiiIi'ih i iiiikh'jji i inn I, mill, no, j'l fn liiml I'liilli-li AlHiO'li'ik I iilliil l'ii'iiyliiliii ttiilviiiloii Al in , Ann ul rioMluii I'lniii li ,,,,,,.,,, ?e"llll llfiy HiiplMs.,,, ,,..,,,,,,, Iieilili'li IdMiHsl,,,,, ,,,, .,,,., Woinvliiii i lilin li ., Il.oiiiiill l iillmlli' eliiO'i'li ... ,,, MllllllOllIlt! I'lllO'l li ,,..,,,,,,,. I I I Mi'iiMiiiiliim .,, , , ,,, In fi'iii'ni us Mniiiiiiiilii ,,,,,,,,, Aflnui . ! eliiirrli ,,,,, I Mlrli lit Hint ,,,, , Nll'lnl I fit hlmitrn ,, fm li'lf nf Si immiIIkIh.,,, ,, , ,,,, ( 'lllfOIHOlI'lllll Kdi'll'lll'S ,., , . , . ii, Inn, ,i il t Imirl, m ilm ', s I liMsiuia Id foi died I'looi'li,,, , , . Hiilio'lm ifi'slsli i Him, ,,, ,, ,, In fmiiiwl ,nwi.. l nut ,, , . , ,,, S's'imy nl ril'iii'l"'i'h'sloi , ttiii'ltiltl lil hU'liiln lllll linllii,,,,, , siwdidn of I (li'liil'i iWlllierllni .... niiii il I'limilivli ilii n i UilH'm i A lilt maortiilii i liiiii I, ut H, A (i fiiliiii il 1'i'KnliylSf lii,ll I'lHlli'll H 'lilMlinJInli. ',, .i.ui,li, K'nimii'i nil i' hiii'Ii in USA,, i-ii i itifioiiiOMi sieiiioiom. unio'i-ri iitfoi? ini tin WIM ill nil Sill. II III i in mm r " in I 'Jmi II i H a Mi I'll mi i Hi WSWI 1 1 1 . Ml 1 1 III ill ,iim tMi I'M, I'm "fi.ii-l SM !. I II mill tll.Sllll 'iil'01 I '.turn S Ml imf,'!! '!, IMI IIMl'l II I'I'I II. ('CI MK'-i tn (II IKI h im lilsaw Hhil titti Him H (Ml f,ls fin fl MCI mim li m 4 d Jill I .'I m.iui lit (in") hi, li II mm II .U) It tiro that wo hold n I In y llrjnlca (in sll; Hi Ilm KIkHImi tttu ('ittlilllWlrf(1ilifiiifi. NtiM'UKAtti t)M, 23 "TIn 'ib Ciiniidlmt f'Miinllf finrnt of r,fonlteiti mid Quebec Is vry t'fthn)sf hi over Ihii eh'ctlofl of John Hiiplilmi, thfi Hiilliiille inator of Chlciigo, J'l'iinifif t ut IV"Ucli Hiiiidliiim Id l'hi.'"i It '('' ; ...... 1 M tl. , t. I .'. f1 . 'it. .1 I: .j . HTiy rt 111,), MM ' 1 I f, f , l, l I'll'Jl'l laiilOili 9 il,l.l till' hill) Wi I II"! 'I III" I I I w H "S'.N An I'll Wi. Ilmdi.i,n lol .,,,,,,,,,,, .,, , I t ( ioiwiinniiii'i iii'isMrtiiKiiiooiifiliiii -, m A fifii'ifiilli'id 'l'lli(!S M tei,K,ll ( rmoi'ImI lofi . , illlllt('lIOI'l,,,; ,,, i idnOlllMl,, ,i,,it j Ciliiiiil I'liurtHi ,,,, ,,!, r lillltf I'lllO'CIl MullllllilHl f' I i,lli,Kiili MMII mllit Mi'iliiiili'ii rliiii-i'li 4fl fin Ic III Olllt cllllO',11 lllOCll, "ulii'i t no'iilal Ml-l' i )ljsp I tl'tO li rJcj'l 1 a few ' ng tt ercj for any foreign priC'V ' - ,' V king, emperor, li. (;ttU,(,(!'on or foreign power, e tl(jp ))Mhj, t()1 ir fiLnrwicn. Itesolved, ferther, that WO bol' mental reservation for any other but the "star nd stripes" of Amerlesin union. Iteolvi'd, further, that we believe, In only ono kind of an educational fimtitn tlon In America, and that Is tho "free public school system." Rosolved, further, that nny attempt by a foreign power, either civil or t-c cfoslastlo to gain ft foothold oft our shores cither directly or Indirectly for the purpose of shackling the human mind w'.th the fetters of mntal dark nogs for thfl purpose id1 stealing from us the Inheritance of liberty given to us bv the heroisiU of Washington, tho groat civil father of our country, and i do ihcy Hir v , sli uiu I ii i nd I m V ht iff b. . It i 'liSt'l if;i;i j.. ... . ... w ..t ti4,yoi' f'f Vhb i iivtilm.) to I hat of I'loliwMMll, (iiliw'ilii, im lOi.iiHt, rem K li Mid i.vMiHelit jtiliwtiiiaaiy nmtvnn , , t , , , n , . , i , i n ' l-lilveMilM I'lHlli'll,,,. ,, I liiillM-llf"ll ,, A li Wim M, fc, Mull cliio'i'h 'is Will Iliiiite'U.,.,.. Ill, I Oii,)' Mi-i'MiiiOl ll(i I llllll llllH lit lltlll III t lllilh lli iniltip ni c li' 1 1 1 1 'Vol i iii, . I'.'' it, ... le.i.i). t. , ,,,. i 'if 'it il ilnei ' iiimil ii, i o, i ,i iilln i il In I ii i 't I. I H.'l "'i'i lit- iiniii in .. ' I I,.-, il ill hi l ' ilf.i niwii In Mi i ds , VHIIHIii,, Miehiy of Nhiikei's, tin Miielnty nf MepitiiillttU, a ml Hoi llefotimd ehuieh Id A MM i li ft, III faelYhe liiiiliillieliill'eli has muni I'l'iiperly In ( Milu limn slsly fnui'of lliw seveuly llvu ilelifiuiliMilinns repoi leil, Tim holillngM of tliimn sUly four iloiiiimliiillliuis only MO ruga tu HWmI'M, Hlillotlot IhImI hol,nWMf thn chinch of Homo roach llm nor- Minis llgut'ii of t)!lli,llil, llflltoten remaining ili iioiiiliia,loMs Ilm ijliiiirh of I liiiini Is piiMOBiH'il of inoi'ii pi'iipoi'ty I him one half of llo'iii comliliii'd, To lo plain, Ilm chtireh of Hnimi owns 7,,'lli,ty!n win I h of properly ami IM of Iho I'eiuiilnlng di'iniiuliiMlloiis own but 1'f,-lu7,l7 worili, shn has inorti I linn Ihl'e (if Ilm llvw relUlllllllig lleiiomlllll' Hons mid l.'IH, 111 worth luoro llnui niin half of thn cnuibliii'd holdings of Ilm I'eimitnliig two di'iioiiiliiiilloiis, am) Is enrolled hy hut niin, In Ilm fiiHii of tlieso figures what tumi mini will contend I hut Ho m Is iiniliiii" gor In tlin country If tho hoiirdln(fof Ilm Hofiiuu ('hIIioIIih'IiiiicIi Isiillowed In go on iiuclieelied, In fact, If wn cum liiiini to pity her it premium to ttcciimii lute Mid hold vnt nml vnluiihlo Irmits of IiiiiiI? Tim vi'iiUi'f doimiuliiiilliiMs will not objii'it lo their properly being assessed, but Homo will light for lid luiinlly from liisal-loii to thn Mid, slut will rnsort to anything: In order todc feat mini who iniiy ho iioiuliiiiiii'l for ofllco who fitvor thn tanallon of nhineli properly, Him will Imvo Imr re pun l ore, and ballot In i sluftnrs ci inly, mid If uy full, then shn will hrlntf out her hoodlo, her dUri(,(ila'olo woiueii Mid her libertines to smluco will turii ftM 1h wind and tho unwary Aninrlcnns whom yon muy lotvi been niifortiiiiwte hough to eh et, Iftlnso fall, sin will try lo cori'iipl,' to buy, Jmlgi s or J'his In order lo hiivn any oiiiieiment Inning Church propM'ly ihitdarnd tiWlt and void, Knowing: this W lw ' w'lllttyi lhr Is Hangup in this Bvnmimiilfttfon of shuroh iiropcrly In tint Jntiirts of tb bikini ! ho;w. wiblshoMl csrd) mils, for tint ostensihte io nf lh nUumh of Wim, but renlly lop tim in rhsliffiMit of mm who uMiim in l above and ovr all rulers Mid who hopes wmiii day lit riilti tin world, iiotwloim In spiritual hut iilo In temporal innt' tors. mil mi , ;i!ii WI 4t I'i i'i , l n 41 W ilft I fl M? , . M.mti t-- $ ' ',"n)iy to ft f'll t -l!,Sli d Of (htt i ,, ... ' ll,i'mt.lsV4'fftt s'nmM b i' i j'l He' Iilf1,i'yf n-fry f'rolrnf It'll )l,,l t,i f tin moiMm fi-ooi f In. Ic flinch o i wh .1,...,,. . j. .. i !... .t.i . ,i.,i.i(,.,e'i..ii',iis i r."i'Kf 1 ' ' ' ' .V- J , -'IteisnoittMllib! m prlMid In 1 1 ' ,'.,inf. oi'Sf too,-, nil" ' ' ' '. V ' week's mu a,,,,.!,;,,,, I.ti.,i.,i .';.rt,,rrjf.t, iii 'a'-' ' I i v b ai.t t'lls (eiLl', ' Huns, nciiH discuss nuf dlftoinlic as friends, ami If fija Itnnma Csiholli ritflgloii tian tat pn (isgsM iimong list hy fin nil tif supc'lttr srguiiiHiil, audi iioliiMf itfforls for t in I'omui'iii good. Ihi H so, To this Ml Aiu.rl.Mi Hill nhjocl, Hilt I Mti wt'Mlntf thtisn fi ller to you, Mnuslguiir, us (til ArHorleini clllon to it imlllleiii smlssary, 'Im Itistnmiftit of jesiiltlsm tnsuhnri'lliUte i nrciiilru gov fCillllMll (if JrtS'ilt, ripi'iiiiiiiiiy In tlieso slates, Vnti urn -urd, Ifiey keel out of J whluws' fimmos' ii Mid lis'rtl 'treiisiu hols and hiHiitV Ism, liiivin aim to uiiiiim' Jii'i'rAi,!), t Telegram, h-1 in letter In Moiislg) iln this illuming, Iho piilillu sehooh' ahlegalu for what M his purly In AniMil vi'gns "laii oi iii waiulny tu gnat nun ngiililnt fortilgii Inil'iei thn Mlory of tho Alilo.Vi iiirsiiinhd tho Trojans to' religions nifichliiu lull of' tho result, that Ilm chy liiimls nf thn (iroeks, - Tt likens Mouslgiioi' Nil tol It In H snys that thn iihlogiito III lidvln oull down mil' great bulwark, moil school, Mid accept Ills urn stead, MiMai'M clear llutt what w In tils on n oli. Is t in " o ist Hiinn conliinf In MlieohMn, and odiicnlh cordiiiff to Mntellf, With Him MoiinliiKo, Menlmi, Mouth Ai'ierlmt beforn ,hu ablegij nycs, tH'iiiiroiicli lo his ideas of mil tlon thiitsimills to Indtven, tint Ml j xstofiWind that thn ubli'tfittn sliol wniiist in WashlriKtoti Ut build nfl MBlve-Avt,(i U'lieh Iho United Hill" V h do s not Co wh- loJ thai' tii'A bSV school' Mieleshil tiik? oui Ml, lIS Mil i Y'hlt , ' i ,in orlulii ,,S iun t ji()4) jii,! Ing In to at tho undying valor of the cltiwirt sol diers and statomrn of 171( will bo looked tiKin as an unfriend"' set, Udd wo pledge ourselves to the govtiri"ietit of the United Htates of America to up arms to resist a foreign ittvash'fb whether Mttioniil or otherwise, Kesolved, further, that, the secretary send Iteprom ntafivo Weadiajfe tt copy of the Declaration of Ane rlcsn Inde pendence, alw a copy of the United Slates constitution wipp"d up in an American flag, together with a copy of these resolutions, and Inform that g n tleman that these are our principles and the ones In whoso behalf we are ever ready to take np arms, llesolved, further, that we sympatic l.e with our beloved friends in Mich Igan, and that wo. will he to them In the coming conflict what tho twelvn states were to Massachusetts In tho ls ginning of tho American Itevoliitlon, and that we will stand by them closer than a brother. Uosolvud further, that a copy of these resolutions be transmitted hi the 11'nkii Mminliiirt Amrrlrnn, Denver. Col.; Tub Amkuicam, Omaha, Neb,! Hi'tmtors Morgan, ol Alabama, and Higgins, of Delaware; Heprewntstlw Hopkins, of Illinois, and (,'offeeli, of Wyoming. The present Ijoiird of educit tlon Is the Is stand most businesslike Omaha has had for years, ft (net on Monday night ond re-elected Clinton i. 1'oweJl as president, I i. K Thomas was clectsd tice pre-tldenf, f 'resident Powell thanked tho members Mid pro ceeded to call the regular order of business. Col, Akin offered a resold tlon authorizing the secretary Ui eoc ploy an assistant for a period of two or three months at a salary not to exceed 10 per month, Mr, Tnkey offered three resolutions, which were adopted, calling on the secretary to furnish a list of all fb employes of the board, except teSefn'M and Janitors, with the amount nl salary of each! that the custodian of the np ply house bo required Ui file with th" board by the next regular meeting A complete report of all supplies rweefywd and Nsmd since August I, MidsidV laib-d report of the supplies Mi hscl .fnnuaf rXlle alw fittipnfil thstflo arch ' lil new i' w in! (MSWi, sMng ilm nds m$,MWH) awiwiiy, thM whnte nf (!aiptd, lhMp, Itst'rliMddldtMich iaihnllcs their dd slmmof ntcli Mill rMintlm lo b dd 1st H mistake lo helluvn ilteti HUte In tele rant Catholics, Tiny Merely em in lis oi natron oii, ii s is It jl.e eVlt,,,,. ...,i uin i;mo,,nilie that tint I'MVHW !-tthllcs Id the. United Mute im4 wntmliiKlo rnprn' mutative irt t,w CIvmIhi cahliief, fhmigli It nwrs jw Mxtim U iin'iih We nm far Imnfag (f th nplnlmi ol his lordship, 'kg?, wh Im lauds fhe tufted 8'fttM us Mug tit I" plu utlrtfui uiipmw M-d tditlstlmi ulylll,;!,,,,) fu ttvery tlimt that imi Bp'i'itsirs will break i)an the bitrrltifs of prejudfcfl (tnd iMltttt! thn sxampltt if the Uatholb.snf Miyitnl, wn will ab way be hsppy lo upprecfatn limit Un prnvetneut, nn W4 ny jiopu thutat tint A distant date it new ctft wIIMnwh ftn our co-rellghmlsl mi Uiu nthM' side of the border," ( uss'irU IniikIiIc' Cm1 Indies, CuinmnK !, 'Il,-Th' (,'ologno ZrilltriiJ publishes full dcfall of lh l tack upon the CMbnlbi church at Krosche, In the govrnonl si Kvno, by the (VsmcNs last mniilM, Tblswo ctnmt of (be maemicre fully confirms th rejsirl originally sent nut, and whhh sft-rward was nfljefiilly d"nh d, The corresjiondehl of th fttilliiiiiHltl that the Ittmmu Its were gdlKy of In credible imtimiUjf sic cruelty, 'flcy lanced Mid hiiimU'd Iho d'fen'des i4niii wiinm they drove Imiii th churches, Wuuwii u wdl ss nc n were Included uiimitt! lblr victims, The deiid Mid MMllsted bodies Winn thrown Intia lim pit m r th ilimi ii, Tim s'red ui until" nl w tbti from f he cd)lc4( sod te'okcn iuui dw , 'l int Cotsaess, Miter this s''rh'g, weral' lowed to pbmdcr the ylllag", iltrt)i, Hwnt, lh the ll'tiiiHiil'iUliiiliit H,1ilu IHii' iir Iskcdiflnh), IMU Hilt, fi, we find the loHiiwihtf Hole; "fhin;iiit py be ponlhed Mnd snppM"' d, mc) muy, mn ought by publM miiiniilv, tilfnp fdrltdsl nriU MporsI, lit if vlmiMi it miU-6, At IM, Mf "t'l ho lies shnold hot tfmm Ihelr a it mimil, il lietefles' At tell, V, 7.1 "TO lti(lteM nf ilm f'tui-tiitul Hitin icirfht bo i,hti't4 In lhed plhn hell' At ttt, -15 VI Us "lbI Urn Miaul nl 'roi ii' s ui. i inU i ih id, mil nl koi, in m lit mi h bho-l III I hi' V', II ll hA Mid Mb' f )!,!.. lnvUH, U fte-y y itf hb h, by i:KI!)IIHt)ltun ' A I in III m, 'I liS lllti't'l (yhlo, Mi'' "S iMiiopleie iMtflhl'ttJ ,.l,... I. ....... . , ll..,i i.., mnif jii proiu i,y in io somh, vmmimr with Its vsl nation, Thstotsl dinoiifit nf propei ty, tm shown by that rejairt, which useaprs tssiitlou, s 11,1,27, What Mi enormous sum! Ho many laborer wmdd hitv to bunch their property to inpiul that figure If emdi one was worlli Wtiii'f Sim will he sur prlsol at the iiiimiit't', We find It would the holdings of W,W,il (nhorliig me n, Think of It! Weicly J,'lb'l, If ciuli stiitu mi im I led the Ohio record fhiu'u would im nearly IMid,' mx,tiHl worth of unfa-nod church prop el ty In the Unlt"d Mliti-i , which would eiual Him hold lugs of more than 1,11, lliiii inlniiiiiK imii lil liiinii thud iVdi'iiM nii-rchMils or nf More than iHlJllill Uil'liii'V, While soiM of the slates uiu linli so unfortunate, some of Ilium urn nvnii worse off, Mid from the tttovo figures W believe the (" Oplo Will soon have lo i'iit shout for Moody ot awaken soum day and find th country In Iho um coldlllon l',ngfnd was St iiiin till)", in Ilm hhiiiii pri'diettment that Mibio wnd ''ranee were and In the wiim position fcyery country im found Ifself which fins granted chureh prop ivrty lonmnlty from IsnMlon, hi such count) " the church grew inin and the people UlUI'i f OMIl Ui government found II h"ci"isry to conflscsie the holding nl the church In order Ui ,w fmluuU or lengthen lis own enlshnee, 'Vom the trouble In thoso fount t les Was duo fofhe lnMhM gr ed of t'i Jtemaii CatholM chmchi snd you msy sy there s no iiiiniMlinUi danger from that church In this cmoitry, 'rohshly there in iml, but we hold to iiiiilitirj iifiiliinii, h i, us invtew the table puh- fjsfdid in the Alllul Ami'fimti, We find Oci'M Hi'n sevenlysU t1 iiuiiAiinlUttm inlim slate of (liiinlmiii inn kil,t,m,V,1 wirth ofproeity, and thstlhe It'iinim Cstholhi church hod limiu liiHii omislMb lil liiu whole HlMHIit. In lit imp mnH Hi" Id 'Iii Mil Cslholte church holds 7,;i'ifyil' or muiH It, mi Hm iiiiiiiHhiu i Mynod llrnlir Man, tho Veshyte'fisn b-n h (in Hii Hm iiiHiii'lii, It, ii Kilvstion Army, the rtcventh lUy HepH, the foWf gisn Kvangi Ih w) iMIiiipii, th I iilliiiiUm flli, fbe 'rliiiHve f4uliiti'il( the tefomd ,f wish, the ,'hlsiin ' ntlsis, le Hi iumti Ait)tiii tijfiimi thtH,ijitii)t unit lh $ni',tmi ih-worn if uti ill llo's'comliie.f, (he lUiihHi) ten"b own iJhh pioiiy HMi tb ' i) Mi liitlUt, Ilm IU 11111)1114 iil llittS jMDlt' il, l,'' t HI gl" gailoes cb)iys, Iho IVoleetent i 0-iiu i I, t!,M Jlfiif,odit I'f'fcl csten'lV'fv ' ll l hod it, (he A, M " 'J V' I. II... Utuu M.III Hal P-T ii lley prsw so hrg"fiiy will ?m u mere TS, reeolleetion, Ulherty will he delmtd, niitttiiiMim religions Uiinmi Unt will ho iiii'iimiinii by the lnifiinj and fre piiiiiult will tnetiu "(hut whhili the church aulhorliOis," Would this sell yiiii'l ft would iiui'f Then yiMi" duly Is plain, Take care of your blrf hrlghl, Ho Mi AmerlcMi, Vole for Amerinans, Mid save Amerind., ? imv mm, vi mu HMvut, I'ltiiiiii HiIihiiIh Hie itldVrf nf AimiUpf h'ilpf in Hip MitrimU', lii;rriAMt, tl V,, I Me, ,'b Hiehop (,'one has Just miide pohlle inother lute U-r, the third addiessed by liim in Monslgnor sinilll, The iMb'r, wliir.ii Is under the date of fiiwiiiln r M, pens as follows! "To the Most ltV, MonidgMU' Mil tell f, Ablegate, ete ete,'Monfnor' The Allll'lit'Htl people PHI iHHillllillll Ui nnde'tand that you reprewinf, a court and not a religion, and that lh" vmtii ui the Vatican I ruled, not by the pious 1 4 it, hut hy the Most formidable political fu'u'hine that ever disturbed the pence nf Mil Inns -the ftoch fy of fyyola, which It Is m sort il sscrllegu tocall the 'eilyof ,is,' wh", grMp Ing' lh mllilsry system of the i,Mi Hon, turned II, from Ik orfjlMtl design InteM sndety nf comtpfritiors for ohbilning Miiversal dominion over the itmiihi'iiliU' nl P'tfin)", Mi thfs my he tm'l in the blsterfe! works of f je iMin I'm hoi jes, Millions nf whom hsve httfitniiil this soeiify a cpalfy fhe niwiiijf lit naiion and nf the fztefsh itiiiiiuiiiiii'iit, whhh they n v r mimIm, cncepl s far m Ihcy can govern ((, "It W reserved for f XU.-ifbe Mutuiiil, AMtlfthle, but '"k M'el elpfoss potentate, fi hihUiPh Ui l.iii'ili all fhelr glgsntle f,o . (!'.,. fiuvi r, n'timt HH, were they aimed wilh such lnniMnUin fsngs s no, 0m b Is ih so ') nf Which you Mill the itlHIHD'lii., 'I lilii'iylt your nomiesf H!iiimt4' HoycsN'OM (ml fh ti,ltn Hamuli '.piwvs'e ,d pitesfhond, sod liinniuii tli'iii U whom biteHte sod Mb " nf VO'- i , Whom W pmudt fMet"ih our fn'ef ilg'-'i A M'-ch "ii f''opij, 'b M nf poerJ Is thns piM'd ) fhe 1.ibi e the jdl, Mid they have ! nigh e-v.d phiy wllh iis" fclfteM wi'h slv.t esrcji nln-iij We tee fhelr hi .- "Th '4o-My' of .ilt l hots bun h, e m r Mitpft-nv', VH Hds enettdrs'-y l j.ii,ilted b Mtlil fh" d sfct t igU if hint lit am, h'r ' l h tin p- e nt i,i'i)t'Hifi m go.d wtgii' Inn UipA imitthg lis- Mivf H,M) t" 4 4 nr )' Il il,M whim 'tt !)' si,'l c1 dwell tej'tii'-rss Mini t.'hlis' o 1 Is 111 Vr JlspMsl ' (bh tin -'. till Mli arct and ltUif l 0 fOt Mtiel eiass iooas pr'uT ()hU"tts, HIHIIliliK MnJe j nf printing and even s,l loWMticti. ''hi eonslitui' ji(hei nml mi abuse which suppress lijf MuxiiiK lii'in liny the Monopoly nf cl we MI'S nlll' d to luiiiun ll'li same iiron t a prleo nidi greater lbn the wuoinerclal We have the firm hoist that -nun iiand will not bn rejeded by you, i thai you will 1st the friend nf Just! 1 nml e'fiilty by proio'nelnrf In nur favor, Kignd by th ni"inbr nf the com teitiee; f, ffaidlmtl, 'resident d 1tUiUilH fe , Ho'tpedt, IVesbb'Mt 41 CtillAU, - - " fsllisr f lilnhpif mm IfeiiiaiilsiM In Hie a) ted tsfstes, father Cbtebjuy sy; " have been a pi h-st of ftemo for twi idy five years, snd M cltlmi of the lnil"d HmUm tiiu n fn'M, fi oietf thsltimw I hv h ctuM In more than Wfi tA your largest teaii tn,H mI te, sud hni bad ! npior fiml'ji, n' b'dng f'H'H'mUvl with th o,1,l1.,i.,..'.'ts wit h I , Hinogh tley r kpt si-fd .-crt by tosny near .t'cir fiiHHt iiHii wi'h (he b'i l(j,Jl,i.J,iMt aJM.'ii'till,S. ( nio e thsil hsif i lui, hit are no WiV, H'itee, y, Chicago, ItH. feii.l r's, IS- ', ffKW Ol'l My hm tijf mi the ipmHUihH lit titiiiiif, li 1 liiiilii y, V)Hi their b o,f,Ui j Mil .) ev i y year Um fhund nf thn ft I' UhiM" in "i't Hit wl'4tio 1omJs of 'otestent young wo- o,llf poo of the p'')e', who inkH, lpir', si' I'l l Mi lr Memiy for Unitmi h'' ii," - J bvl Aui-'t-h 4H wi I ohj "'t b tl, pflie'iplf ed p uI'ih ih i'i Hit n noon ' I'l,.. 1 t VSf ArS CHOI, llllf III ) el nc n h but 'it the nl- fit ' .,., ,,i i ('), ' -t '.;e"'d A. ', A .ViiW ny ni's'lMiiii M'Nf, Jly1)l lii"K J r rit tt)