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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1894)
f X. THE AMERICAN. V Iw fiH.Mt (if m aa I ltil Miaa W Ml It I. I, a. 4 lit.! till IU a.. Ml Mt.1 . 1 t la a H .., . .. I . I I at t. ti ( b I I I Cio .1,1,1 ,,,,, , t,. j N -"' ll b. , 111 ' "1 I t.t,' will jrt I. j Ifsl") I la ,kt, ..I,,,, t,,, ,t,, , ,, , ' till what H Ihe hi nt. " Nfivt I ''.' -1't li-n . 1.1 Hoc Uai: ll.n I iiuiul.mmn la I. ' ' rnn.ld Mli. lt!, .u,,1, mi. Uii.f i.i . I I inn f,.f ), ia tt ,,,( , ! v , , ,P he " mikia a I. (. k nUiul il ' ... hil.ii Mil grow la and l l) II i lull l(.llin l p Hlidl I.k wit wl, ,1 lip until n';v Ininii wi'h h's I.i loan I,, a i ,! i Mm I hvllh"sn . ii. I, ii it, i (..i ti,,. tii I I Hf III I l.,,tia l ll. I. Ii I.. I ) T flllllj III I l,Jlll hi , 1,1, l tllea llll fltilil. (i-i III. in ata n Jiiuim oiiihii hi iiMUii ,. i ii. i,. ih,i .l,i Mini f u ll hi- i iMM i.i In r imnii H-ilr. i. I rMiH. tit muKln III,. tl,tit,kti Hfcin'U- man's itmiiiK r'nii impn i,ii.., - Slid Ilia (, ,1, -I a 1 I li at illlillii, i 1. f In et(lilial H Mtlil .f Hal 1 hf mail lul l built hi. I, .in,. nit m i,,i,i,,,ii i, rm llf m pll, llmv liml lm.i ii., t for renlni l", end men a ) car Ibe ,..u. x..iU of Ibe lu.iil..iiliiu estates iii.iivli.'.t across Iila nuu ami tii til M,ot. and liiroouh til house in order l li.ii ln kliniil l rntiii'iiil r I linl I In' rtul.l .f way still ex Istcil, Hie Has nil t xi i-cdlnuly shy and well l.inl jiiiinti h iini hii.I i.f n l iinlly ijilltM na ill, I ii I In' lit M of n , lint ll n;i patent t ill. I nut alilkc li. r llteil fclui n rnilii In Humping 1 1, hi It n atriiiikter's bullae, or In, hn I linl hu wiii il. il nu; any lliliitf hut n public duly. Ami llu'lnlir eat Inn nilnt nf tur story to inn ivik Hint tlii KntilUli liiiiiMlniliIri, Iii.IiihI of k1 i llli n Im lii'sii i himI ili ivluit Hid yuiiiiK lri'nmt.a nf of Ida Iiiwii, kIhmiIiI haw lull n full mi iiiiri liii Imi nf i heir rlulit to t in liia rilit tlml lui hlinply l.ii liia liMt inul rein to In iv nlioiit It. 'J'lmiu hum mi IikIhiimii In l lin Kiuiit' Miinly who 1 1 fl in ii niiihII (iittiiun on mi Mlnui mill wlio wna in the liutiit of ciukk fiite from it to HiioiliiT tlimiittli llmiiiiii' way of a very ilUilnuuihluil nml unlilf Kiililli'limn, Ilit hint tlonn thia for 'Itt yenra, Hinl whi'ii tlm nnlilo icut l'i)tn unm into aonm mora money nml Iiiiiik two Aim Iron nu IhiIwlh'ii the xmtg thi Irlah liilmriT took crowlmr Hint lunki' tlm hlngi-a on whirli they Iiiiiik nml trHmpeil over them on his way. Iluwiin put in JhII for thia for a month, Ht Ilia end of whli h linm h went lifter hia rrowlmr and lore tha gHtea down Hyiiin. When he hiut wii in jni I Uvu tiinea in alx niontlm, tha ))8 round alwut took up hia cne, and tha rllit of way wit declured a just oiim, and tha gau-a cHina down forever. Tha I'jiKliisliniiiii will go further thmi thia Ia will not only light for hia I'IkIUm, hut ha will fluht for aoino other innii'a righia Ha will go out nf Iila road to tramp through gentlenmn'a proH-rty ainiily hucauaa tha peopla in tha neighborhood ar disputing for right of wiiy with him. 1 heard of threa young ImrriHiera when I una in l)iidoii who went on a wnlkiug tour, and who laid out their route entire y with tha purposa in view of Inking In all tha dispuU'd right of wiiy in the, conn tie through which they piowed, and who t'liwrfitll Hclili(!wl theiuaelvea for the g'M)d of other by forcing their way Info house and acro privala ground and by tearing down hedges, Harper' Weekly. Palladium. Palladium Isona of tha least known but moat useful of uiinenils, and the uae Ui Whl'lllt Is imt would niakvan lutmwaMijA liory, k iMJior ga w ino piaunuiu group n4 ;f';uu-1 with thHtinhiernl In tha Ural mountains, Mraxil, I'eru and in tha Jlurin mountain. It was first introduced by a chemist named Cox, It is simihir in color U) platiuumaud is very unilleuhlu Ihiciiiihu of it (legibility. It is a greut absorber of hydrogen gus, but Is principally used in tha production of alloys. It is unci! in a thin film to protect silvered surface. A vary i:los liiKpeetlou of most silverwaro will rev iiil a thin coming of It on the ar tide, which protect them to it large ex twit from milling. Mirror hava leeii ba'kei) with it. H gives an alloy with Mm!, nickel and tin, Palladium and ail ver form an alloy which is iiHcd by den tisU In liliing teeth. An alloy of pallit dlum, gold, silver and copper I used to mska Iwariiigs for tlm works or watclies In that usu, ouu part palladium, three part gold, two pari silver and four part nopiwr form a oouy wnn n prouuees nws friction for tha working pari or a watcii than tha gem which ara mora commonly used do, 'alladiMiu and steel ara com blued to makathumostdelieatuof surgical Instrument. It can bauiill.ed more coin preliemiivi'ly with good resuli than any other mineral known. Brooklyn. Kagla. (onmi tha Authurlty. A fond mother went Into a book store down town and walked up and down the Isles (.lonely scanning tha title or the book. At last ha found tha titlo dealred and took down tha book. "I 'bis a good book I" ' she demanded of tha clerk. . "It I an excellent book, madam, and tha only copy we have left," replied the dark a b namud tha price and wrapped It up. "How fortunate I am to have secured It then I" tha delighted woman exclaimed. "Myaon I just crazy over that game and I wanted to get a good aut hority on It so that ha could learn to play it properly." A sickly, faraway light wa In tha sales man' aye a ha handed hi customer her copy of Charla Dicken' "Cricket on the Hearth," New Voik Herald. Ma Nsda tli Itialiop Sit Down. Prompted by the feeling that H wa hi duty, tha bishop remonstrated with one of hia clergy for attending a local hunt. "Well, your lordship," replied tha of fender, "I really do not ana that thero I any mora barm in hunting than in going to a ball." "I presume," answered the bishop,"that you refer to having een my name down among those who attended liidy Somer Wile' ball. Hut I assure yon that through out tha whole evening I was not once in the same room as the dancers." "That, my lord, I exactly how I mand. was never in thu (-111111) Held with the bounds." Then tha bishop sat down. Pearson' Weekly Irving and Mis Terry's Dress. They are telling the story in Han KrHii osun, where Mr. IrviiiK and Miss Terry had unusual social at lent Ion, that ata dinner given in their honor by Mr. and Mrs le Voting Mis Terry wbh tumble to he present on account of her iii'iiralnlu This Mr Irving kindly explained. "Hut. assure you," murmured Mr. Irving to hi bosies, ".Mia Terry is most disap pointed, and she had a new dress, too, for Ihu occasion." Then a happy thought irui k him "Hut here is thedrexa. Stand op, KJiib, and show them all your moth r's ni brocade." New York Bun. COUNTY ttUMr RULIS, IK MW, lri 1 I . s I i ; W B, . - ' . . ' -'- .i I . 1 1 i H m .1 am I a. t. ii -iik ! I . . t I 1.4 H I. rt, H l. . lH.iw I t S .1 ! ..-. Ifr ixS 1 llht- 1 h 1 Iv .IM.I lln . f ill. ,1 l lV ,.! II.. l la.i in ! .. ! e t UI ti.-l v,l I i inn) v 1. n ,l r i. t i ii ! I ii t I, All -- t W m I t,l In nn Mho .i.i ti i., .iii, t. ! ".u nm.t ia mil. ,al. ,Mt .. ',ll U- Ml Kin! m ! .Ill I IM lih H"0'"' '' V" ii,"v. llii' I'Milu. atfii' mMi iliiiir ii l N-n- l i alli .l, m t.H ii I '. It KMII khall ltllt OllUtUt"!' litMil C ill l m tut Hie i.i.imlt.i, l.r till 1 liv .iiii , Ii tA U tiMi Hn h.v l im In :ui 1 1n- ii i tiu, hiHir ill U- fiMti. ' . .ii Hi ii i. a. in 1 In' Lull iiiitii li.titi ill W' Ut Wt , Wl i iti'i H.tiiv. iti iniii ii'i .i, ninl il fault imm m-I f.r I. t !,. uii.l i 1 o ii ui i. mm n i. oii.t .1. l.uill i'iims lil. Ii ,. preu.iiinly i'w l in li iluy ami Haitclit-ilim lliecal- Hull t In Hill- till) , Mil After caw, a iiiol Hm it iti'iimtivr iiiin (iiinmiI I In' nim fur liuii H Nm-i. 11 oau n il In i illicit uti 1 1 1 1 1 1 n iiiniUm l tiled nml liicki li il I'J lime i.f lie I'liuil. nml such no tice In (In- iiiulle pimy ait lb.' couit limy iiuir l ilie linie leM' Is clxeii In lilellie unit Ion. Ulll. llilMlir.- si t fur certnin llmo. i'u iii 1 1 l,o 1 1 miKti rii'il to minilii r ilny or hour, iiiiim tlic li uiisfer onicr Is miiiti'Mt tlie hour i lie iniiiii'i Is sol fur Iu'uiiii. I'Mvpi uiiilcr Kute 1(1, liilli. Knell diiy id ll:IKlu. in.. Hie business of l,u hour will lie chIKhI. Illh. The unit lers wilt be tii'Hrii tu llieor aer In which they are entered ou tliei'almider unless all Jinnies present uud Interested eou ent to a dlllerem nrriiiiKeineiit, or In ens oi uim'iil iieceKslly. ' TKIAI. OK CASKS Tt-lAV. l.'tli. The trial of eases will comnicm-P at ltl:IRI o'cliH'k, u. in., and continue until 5:laJ o'clock u. in., with a recess tiuiii . hi., until lillin. in. Kuril ease is entitled to bo culled hi Ilie time set. or within ten mluutes lliereitfter: either to he priH-eeiled with, or a further order to Imi made. For this purpose uo party will he required Ui wall longer t han iiiliiiites for the opposite party or other business, except tor uriicut reasons. The trial of a case will lie auspemlcti at any llmo for this purpime. In ease the court ttnusthat any ule iiereln will work an unforeseen hardship, t.he court reserves the rluht to suspend the i-ulo for the sneiiiil case. Sheriff's Sale. In pursuance and by virtue of a Judg ment and il, 'cive of the dlstilel court, for I lunulas county, stuteof Nebraska, rendered on t Infill h day of Juno, A. I) IS'.W. In a cer tain action wherein The American National bun 1 of Omaha was plaint lit', ami Frank A. hmlHi, the I'ut rick band Company ami others were defendants, ami of an order of sale Is sued Ihereon out of said district court lii'iiriiiK date the IHIb day of Decnuiber. A. I. Ifc'.'.l, and to me directed, I will, on l he ld day of January, A. I. tHW, atllio'clock a. m. of said day at I he Kast front door of l ho county courthouse, In the city of Omaha, liouxlas coiinly, Nebraska, sell at, public aiiclloii lo Hie blKhesl. bidder for casli, tlm following described lands and tenement, all sliuateil In the county of laiuttlas, In the si ule of Nebraska, to-wlt: All of lot llfuien lift) In block one hundred and twenty four (134) In Dundee Place., an ad dition to ilia city of Omaha, us surveyed, plaited and recorded, all In loiiliiscounty. siate or.ieni'Hska, emu properly lo ue sotu tosatlsry The Amnrlcau National Hank of Omaha Hie sum of five hundred, llfty-elght and lis-IOll dollars ttV'hVl.llNi Judgment within terest t hereon at rate of ilnhl (Hi iiit cent per annum from May lst,tHi,'l;to satisfy (ieotie A. Iloaitlaml the sum of elKht hundred seven leen and IM-lntl dollars (s",(i Jiiiluineiit Willi Interest thereon at rale of .even (?) per cent per annum from tictober till It. Is.O. uml live mid til-inn dollars i.tai costs tliercou until palil, and fort y-eluhl ami NS-liNiilollars (Clh.hSi costs, with Interest llicreiui from Hie sl, day of May, A. ll. 1MU. toKi'lher with neei iilim costs acciirdim; lo a J nil im ii t remleri'd by t be illsirlct rum t of said HiiiikIiin ii)i) nt y at Us May tcini, A.D. h'.i;i, In a certnin acllou Iheu ami there iiiiiilllin, wlieieln 'Ihe Amerlciin NiiHumtl llnnk of Dmiilia, was pliiintiir and 1'i aiik A. Sinllli, Hie Patrick blind Company and oth ers weii defeiidiilils. Omaha, Nebraska, December '.'1st, s'.i;i, liKOHUH A. HKNNKTT, hhet llt ol' DoukIiis l oiiiii v. Neb, Howard 11. Hmllh, allotui y. I'.'--fi Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by vlrt.tieof anotder of sale on decreeof foi eclosiire of moi l mine Issued out of the district, court, for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on Hie lil day of January, A. I). Isnl, lit I o'clock p. in. of said ilny, at, Hie north from door of the county court house, In Hie city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell ni, public auction, to Hie highest, bidder for cash, the property described In s'llil order of sale as follows, to-wlt ; I ne west iiurty-tnree cm reel or Ilie v oue-humlrcil PK) reel, of In) IwiiiJi In ) k elglil.een ( IM) In 8, K, llogers' addition the clly of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, as surveyed, planed ami recorded. Huh! property lo be sold lo satisfy Anna l(. Kalrchlld the hiiiii of Klghteen hundred and leu ami im iiKi (flNliMMt) dollars with Interest on flr,iKI dollars thereof at seven (7) per cent per minimi and on tlfly and IM)-lis) dollars t hereof at (en HOI percent per annum all from September ISHi, Isn.l; in satisfy Hie New York lllsciill Ciiiiiiiitnv. i,Il'Ii1 v-t'iii.i,i, inul 411-HID dollars (fcilMW with Inlereit thereon at. seven (,) per cent per annum from July 1st. ISWI j to satisfy Hie Carpenter Paper Coiunaiiv the sum of Ninety-six ami IT-lim dollars ('.KI.17) Willi Interest thereon at seven (71 per cent per annum from July 71 It. IH'.U; to sat Is fy the sum of Ha..'H costs Iiereln with Inter esl thereon from the INlh duv of Heiiteuibei'. Is'.ill.together wit Ii accruing costs according to a juiigiiieni icniii'ieii ny ilie nisi net court or said Douglas county, at Its September term. A. D. lstlll, In acertaln ltd Inn I lien ami there pending, wherein Anna Ii. 1'alrchlld was iihiliillll' and Thomas 11. Taylor, Jeltle K, Tnylor, Aliasoerus J, t.ivlslgard and ot tiers were defemlants. Omaha, Nebraska, December il, IHH;, K, C, I'AliK. Hpeclal Master Coiniiilsslom.r. II. I1'. Thomas, in torney. IS-'Ji-A ('alrchlld vs. Taylor Doc. :ih; No, Si, Sheriffs Sale. In pursuiince and by virtue of a judgment and decree of the district court fur Douglas county, slnle of Nebraska, rendered on the Isili day of I'ebriimy, A. D. IHUi, In a certain iictlou wherein Charles II, Ktton was plain tilt' and Klhelda A. balscli. John II. batch ami others were dc fcmlnnls, ami of an order of sale Issued thereon nut of said district, court, hearing date the lIHih day of November A. D. IHlHI, and to me directed. I will on the 1Mb day of January, A. D. P!i4. ui It'll o'clock a. m. of said day, nt Hie KAST fronl door of the county court linu.e. In Hie city of Omaha, lloiiuln. county, Ne braska, sell at nubile auction, lo I he hluhest bidder fur ensh, Hie fulloivlng ilescrlbed liimls and tenements, all situated In the county of Douglas, and state of Nebraska, I,, -nil : l.ol numbered twelve ll'!', In block Hum- ben d sl Meeii dm, of Cent nil Park, an mlill Hun In Hie city of Omahn, as surveyed, plat ted and recunleil. all In Dnuulns I'liu'nly. state of Nebraska, said properly to be sold lo satisfy Chillies II. Khun the sum of one , liiiii.aml, two hundred. I went v-t line nml :i:i Inn d.ill.irs iSI.'J'.M, It'll, luilgnient. Willi Inter est thereon nt rate of eight. Si per cenl. per aiiiium fi'om I'l'lii'iini'V illh, ls.i:i. until paid, ami tlfly anil aM-pHI dollars n eiwts. will) Inleresl. Iliereoii froin t lie lit b day of I' ii I y. A.I). IK'.I'I, logelher wil ll accruing cn.ts according lo a lililmnrlit lemlereil ,y Hie distiict court of said I ou las count v, at its 1' eliriri ry term, A. D. Is'.i.l. in n certain ndlnu t lien anil t In n pending whereiii I haiies II. I'.llon was pliilul III and I'.llielila A. I.atseli. John II. I.iiisi h mid otlii rs were defenilauis. Omaha. Neb., December 7th. Is'.' l liKOKUK A. HKNNKTT. 12-8-5 Mierltl of I Ioiil' Count v. Neb. Montgomery, I hartlon iV Hull, attorneys. c lk. I', mm.n.nmir Sal ''ll '11 ,J . H,IH l - . i . , , n I i ; a. V , . t 4 ii-1 V ll ,a .iii 1 I I ! . -. .( H V . f , . li . IUtH ll, l.i te.!,l. a--! 1.1,1,1 i-l - . I ,t -ll !.. H, n . t Is . ,.!. i.t M .. -. I a t . I.. ".! I ' ii i, ti ,, i, a a 1-, 4 l fin-l ft ll.i' ll. i ill f lli , .. a . tl at l' ln , t.i .,. I,. i tl'li ! .i i . 1 1 Iv til . i -I, . V I V, . I' . s . i ' -4 .. aii,l I , all I , (, i-wiiii i t v.i,,i. aixl ii- u.ii t,' l In l.i a t. I f I il' ' In . , l ,; ,m-t . il 11. ill " i !' Ik 111 ,.! ,.1 1.1,1.1,1 l'..iit a frirtilai'i t ; t.,.i I. -ut n Sumi laintm unal ami r J i. .,! a.i i a a im I ,i illh nf a l la.v 1 i'l 11,l at it Ihlll li I,"' I"' ' it. , ill, ' t 11 r a!l. anil Ilie illh lit,' Iluiilii'l n. l !,lil III I'll, k llttllllf- i 1 1 i . , il . i i f i 'n.ih.a all hi Ivi.ifU. 1N.M1.U .in t i I ia.k in .ii i-fy ni.t mil I'ttlia saiil i f ll,.- .ale it ll'i' a"t 'l ! tm t. i.i i f.ti.i"i 'I' I" l'l. k mie ! I, mi.iMt ,n.,l Hutu win I r In ll.e clly of i',,lli liaMIHI a fH.lilat.1' i.f tuny fulll 'II' " fia i .i. I ,.11,111., t t I ami i xli inlin back a 1. i,i I, lit. lit ln' l.lllllllvit HII.I lIllllV- , i at , ,' fMt tn ll.e Hi.ith I uw of Hie alley. , hi IkMiaiU" iihiiiI v. nil n. a!ie ilwrllail : 11k- Nmilia in Mtilual l ife lniu ne e 1 I ,. 1'iiiv Ilie .inn i'f lliiHV iilie llmiisiinil. ii lii l.ini.liiil ami uiniiy dollar.!anii will, mi -I Ihr miii til I ale nf sli ' l'l . ii nl . r tiiiimi'i fiiu M leiiiiH r I'Ub. I''.1: I ti ,il i-f y lite ,in lielei n Mutual l ife In- .iii.iii. i- i'iu.niiv Hi. f miller mm of llilny 'tun' Hum. nml u-l,l Immlivil nml ninety j li.ll.ii. i. ',,, Willi Inlcre.l llicii'iui ill rule ft .!. i is I 'i lil ar nullum fmin M'i- Ii in1, i l:n Ii. iMr.1: InsiiiKfy Hie I list .Nil j It. lull Paiik .f ii..ilia Hie sum of Iwciitv i tuui iln.iiMiiiii. i'it;lil IiiiiiiIiviI ami seventy ji'ltlil nml :i H. ilollar-i iS'.'l.n.! ;.ti. with ' inu ii .i ihriei.n ill rule of .even i'.i per cent li r milium fnm ii.teiiilicr li'lh, iw.'i m s.ili.ty ll.e N. In .i-ii,i N 1 1 ii nml Haul Hie sum uf seen lliiui.aml, live liumlrcil. seveniy ami ,l ti ilolliir. ?:ill..i:i'. with Inleii'st H.eri'on ut rule uf .even i?i per cent per an iium frmu fcplcinlier I'.'lli. Is'.1.', unlil paid, ami tine bmultnl. tifty ami M-liM dolhira .'vii cost.. lib interest llierinn from Hie I Ii ilny of S'litvmliei. A. I. Vi. tuether nli ae'ciiiim. cn.ts uccorillim lo a .ludirineiit remleivil by me district court of sal.l lliiut la. count v. at Its .September term, A. 1. I WW. In a rerialii ad Ion then ami there peudlnit. whcii'iii Hie Kir.l Nmiuiml Hank, of Omaha, was pliiintiir. uud Meyer llellman and nthcts wen iletemlants. Oninlia. Neb.. Occemher Jid, tiKtI.HK A. HKNNKTT, SM'Clal Muster t'ommlssloner. Wharton & llainl. atlorneys. Sheriff's Sale. In pursuance and by virtue of a Judgment and decreeof the District court for Douglas county, slate of Nebraska, rendered on tlm Hith day of December, A. D. lHlili, In a certain action wherein Home Kire Insurance Com pany was plaintiff and David D. Hmenton mid others were defendants, and nf an order of sale Issued thereon out. ot said District Court, bearing date the 21st day of Decem ber. A. D. lMW. and lo me directed. I will on the Jntli day of January, A. D. ism, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at. the EAXT front door of the County Court House, In the City of Omaha. Douglas County. Nebraska, sell at. public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following desenneu lands ana ten ements, all situated in the county of Douglas, and state of Nebraska, to-wlt : Iiot number four 4, in block number three hundred and tlfty-i Ight GiW). South Omaha, all In Douglas ouniy. state of Nebraska; said properly to be sold to satisfy Home Kire Insurance Comuanv Hie sum of one thous and, eight Ii u nil red. live and 2.VM0 dollars iJl.stKVin Judgment, wit h Interest Ihereon at rate of nine mi per cent per annum from I'Vhruary 1st, 1SD2, until paid, and twenty three and .Ml-ldO dollars costs, with Interest ihereon from the 1st day of Kebiu- ary, A. D. 1W2, together with accruing costs according lo a lodgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its I ehrunry term, A. l. isiu, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Home Kire Insurance Company was plaintiff, and David I), Smealon and other were defendant! Omaha, Nebraska, December 3H. 18HH. 12--H-5 UKOHUK A. BENNETT. Sheriff of lhiuglas County, Nob. J. Kaweett, attorney. Notice of Probate of Will. Douiilus Count v. In the county court of Douglas countv. .icnrnsHii: In the matter of the estate of Frederick Prhncll, deceased. Kva Kranp, Frederick Schnell. Isabella Felx. Martha llucliiiiil, Mathilda Kccil, tieotge Schiii'll. Albert, Schnell. Charles Schnell ami allot her persons lute rested In said matter are hereby not Itled that, on the isih of day December. IsH'l, Kobeti I'rels, tiled In Hie county court a petition, alleging among other things Hint Frederick SchucH died ou Hie lltli day of December. ls(i;, leaving a last will and testament, and possessedof real and personal estate valued at "fiintum and that, the above named eonstlt ule the persona In terested in Hie estate of said il, 'I'e., sell, and praying for Hie probate of said will, and for administration of said esiate. Vou are hereby untitled that if you fall to lippenr at said court on the 211 Ii day uf January. WU, at in o'clock a. in. to contest the proliale uf said will. Hie court may allow and probate said will and giant administra tion of said estate to the said Robert I'rels. or some other suitable person, and proceed to a sett lenient thereof. , Witness my hand and olllclal seal this bah day of December, Isna. J. W. ELI. Fit. IskAl. l 13-22-4 County Judge, Notice of Final Settlement. Statu y Nkiuuska, ' Hoiiglns Comity, f ' In Hie County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the esiate of I.yinan II. Tower, deceased : Amelia Dent Tower and all ol her persons interested In said mutter are hereby nolilled I tint, (tit I lie Jm Ii ilnyof November. IHi;i,Atiii'llii Denl Tower tiled a pel It Ion In said county court, praying Hint, her Una! administra tion account llled herein be set I led ami allowed; that proofs of heirships be taken uud decrees rendered thereon; thai a decree distributing and assigning Hie residue of said esiate be entered ; and Hint such other ami furl her orders and proceedings maybe had In t he premises as may be required by the statutes In such cases made and pro vided, to tlm end that said estate and all things pertaining thereto may be dually sell led and determined, and the said Amelia Dent. Timer, Executrix, discharged. Vou are hereby notified that. If you fall to appear heroic Nam court on Hie IHinilayof January, Is'.'l. at III o'clock A. M. and coolest said petition, the court, uiiiy grant the prayer of said pel .lion and make such other and further orders, allowances, and decrees, as lo this court may seem proper, to the end that, all matters pertaining lo said estate maybe Dually sullied mid determined, and the said Executrix discharged. Witness my hand ami olllclal seal this 27th day of Nov 'iiber, Islill. Iskai.. .1. W. EI.l.Elt, 12-I.V4 County Judge. Sheriffs Sale. In pursHancn and by virtue nf a Judgment and decree ot the district court for Douglas county, stale of Nebraska, rendi red on the mil day of October, A. D. IH'.U. In it certain action wherein Josephine Kofka by her next friend James Knfka was plaintiff' and John Kosieky, administrator of the esiate of John Snllluek, deceased, et al was defendant, and of an order of sale Issued Ihereon out of said District court, hearing date Hie 21st (lay of December, A. I). 1HI. and to me directed. I will on Hie IHilh day of January, A. D. ism. nt Pi o'clock a', m. of said day, at the EAST front door of tin. county court bouse In the clly of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell nt public unction, 10 the highest bidder for cash Ihe following described lands and tenements, all situated In the county of Douglas, and slate nf Ne braska, to-wlt.' The east one-half iF. 'ilof lol four i4) In block elevenill , nl.o the east one-half iK. ',1 of Hie west half iW. '', of lot four ill III block eleven illl all In S. E. lingers' addition to I In city of Omaha, county of Douglas mid slate r M' said property lo be so d lo satisfy Ihe defendant II, 11111111 Tom brink Hie sum of seven buiidreu fort y-one a lid (tit- lim dollars it. I'n liiik'nieiil , and one hundred ten ami 7.1-Inn dollars tl lu.'.;,i cod., with Interest, Ihereon nt raleof eight and one-half ,s.) per cenl. fiom the Im I, day of Februiu v, A. I). IS'.ni. together ivitb accruing costs according to 11 Judgment rendered by Ihe dlslrlcl court of said Douglas coiiniy'at 11. September lerm, A. I). Is'.m. in a certain lictlnn then mid there pending, wherein Josephine Kofka by her next friend James Ivolliit was plainlill and Joi n lioslekv. ail- mlnlslralol of the cntte of John Siiliii.eL'. deceased, el nl defendant-. Omaha, Nebraska. I li ceinlier ."t h. s'r; liFOHCK A. HENNETT. Sheriff of Douglas Countv. Nebraska. Swiule' .V Mcintosh, attorneys, 1 ' s.i-:1 s'lrr-M Sal ...Hi i. .'m, t V i a . a I I' i.i. i 1 1 t. . I.iii 1 il ,'i It. i 1 ,ili t. t l il l ,. f i, ih I i 1 1. ,i.i , ,1, I 1 i. . a a t I hi a .1. 1. 1 i 'ii, i,u i 1 I I a anil l ii . t I .... . I ''! Iit.ii,i .ml ,.il,.i-, ,, I - l. vtl, .It'll I ,i il.i i ...i i t,i ,.f at, i .. Ul lt, lii .11 ,.t n Is II 111 nilil I.i I,, I , i i , I.I l, i.t I , II , , l . ... a a Li i.f ..til al 1,1 ,,f ll., ,,.,,,,11 ,,,1111 il ef iii.,la 11111 I-i. 1 1. nun .i .il , iil.ii, ae I-iu 1i II,. i l i ' .li ll.e t.iDi.ama Ui . lii.llll.lli.l l!., , .,lii4 i 111 t Is.iitiln. ami .laie il Ni" I 1 .1 ll. V .1 I- , 11,, I 1 tl, .,... , i I at I, ,i h ,l.. l l., , i ... .1 I in. I. Il- i l-ia.aa ..' ll,,f Id I ...nil i. IT in bl, knur I..111.I111I ami .!.. i iiii,,lii plan, an addition In Hi i li el i iit a. .in li et. .lleil all t tv, ot. i it, ,i, it, iKitttbt. itittttii. .lti of Ne I ,1-k .1 , .mil ptvpi tt V I. Ie a, ,,l In aitll.f Ilie in ill. an HI loll ll H.tllk 11 1 llietlis ll.e .inn i.f m i ii l.ui, ,H, , I I.iiii ami ii ,n ,li, Urn. I.'i ti-, !iitii ii , i, aim n,l n .i l I.i t '. ti al l.ile ,t . 1 1 it ". 1 ii r eiiil m i autniiii ftm, Mil 11. . . Ii, lienige A llnaglatul Ihe .nt,, ,,f it'lii hiiiiilit'tt M'leiitei'ii ami .'I i" di'li.ii- s'. i'l' tmttiiiif in lib liileii .l tin ii. ill ,tl 1 1 la i.t seleli ui pel ei-nl. per aiiiMim ft. ni, i H lui., r Im It. Is'i'. nml Hit ami i in im Ill, ll.ll. f ilm ,,.l. ihereon lllllli paid. .Hid folly .eiu bt nml .11 I ll dnlliil. ,. ,. eo-lfc. with lui n l ilu ri'iiii fiom the I-I ibiv of May, A D Isiu. tmether wild ii.-crututi cum iiccniiliiig tu a Imlg- ' mi i,l teiiib n il by Hie district court of .aid Doiu:!.!- eiuiniy, al i. May leiiu, A l l.'i.l. Ill it , l ll llli it, II,, ll then nml Hiele iiemlluj. w In it'in The Aiin rlcitu Nalloiinl Hank of i "i ..ila n. 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 :1 . nml T. H.iiker, Join .. The l iiiiii k I, nml Ci.iiipiiny and ot wen defendants, oiii.ilin. Nebia-ka December 21.1, I sin. i.KoHiil.; A. HFNNI Tf. Sherirt of I loutl.isl .nun y, .Nebiiiska 1 How in. I II Sinllli .attoi ney. 1 2-22 -A Sheriff's Sale. j In pur.miuce mid by v liiue of a jililnineiil i a ml i tee tee or Hie il i.t r let court for Douglas count y. .late of Neln askii. renil, red on Hie 2iiih da. i of June, A. D. Is:i.l. In a certain action herein The A mei lean National Hank of Omaha wa. plmulllf nml T. Hai ker Jones : The Patrick band Company and nthem were defemlants. and of mi order of sale Issued Hiereon out of said district court, bearing date the liilli day of December. A, D. IS'.i;i, mid lo me directed. I will ou Hie 2ard (lay of January, A. ll, Isnl. nt ten o'clock a. m. of said day. at Hm EAST front door of the counly court house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at, public n net ion. to the highest bidder for cash, the following dese llieii lands and tene ments, all sit im ted 1 1 Hie count y of Douglas, and state of Nebraska, to-wlt : All of lot llfteen I l.'n In block one hundred ami six null In Dundee Place, an addition lo thecliy of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all in Douglas county, state of Nebraska; said properly to be sold to satisfy The American National Hank of Omaha the sum of seven hundred four and til-Urn dollars 'fTUt.-lill Judgment with Interest thereon at rate nf seven (7) per cent, per Vtiiium from May 1st, lHti.1; to satisfy lieoige . Ilongland the sum of eight hundred seventeen and H4-KK) dollars (M7.IMi Judgment with Interest thereon al, rate of seveu (7) per cent., per annum from October lsii'2. and live and 4.1-lon dollars (j.4fi) costs thereon until paid, and forty-eight and s;i-lno dol'ars (I4S.H.I) costs, with Interest, thereon from the 1st day of May, A. D. I HIM, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment, rendered by the dist rict, court of said Douglas counl y. at lis May term, A. D. lklill, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein The Ameri can National hank of Omaha was plaintiff and T. barker Jones, The Patrick band Company and others were defendants. Omaha, Neb., December 21st. INIU. (iEOKOE A. HENNETT, Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska, Howard 11. Smith, at torney. 12-22-H Notice to Creditors, Htatk ok Nk.iimaska, I uu Douglas Count y, f ""' In the County Court, of Douglas County, Nebraska, December lilli, A. D. Imw.I. In the matter of the estate of Nellie A. Parker. The creditor of said estate and all other persons Interested in said matter will take notice that thecredltors of said estate will ap pear before tlilscourton the Klstday of Jan uary, 181)4, on the 81st day of March JKWx.Qn Uie .mill da oi June isttlJiUP una a . M,. each day, for the purpose of Dmcii.) their claims fur examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for thecredltors to present, their claims and one year for the administrator to seltle said es tate, from the tilth day of Decern be r.lMW; Ibis mil Ice will be published In TtiK Amkiiican for four weeks successively, prior to the ;ilst day of January, IHHI. All claims not. llled on or before tlm I lit Ii (lay of June. Mi4, will bn forever barred from consideration In the lllllli set I lenient of said estate. Witness my hand and olllchil seal this day of December, lwr.l. Iskai.,1 J. W, EM, Fit. 12-22-4 Counly Judge Notice for Appointment of Adminis trator. State ok Nkiiiiahk a. I uu Douglas Countv. I In Hie Counly Court of Douglas Counly. Nebraska, In the mailer of the esiate of Albert L. Lllllbery. deceased: Peter J Lunbery, Christine Lunbeiy, S1111 ford O, Lunbery, Charlie Lunbery. Allan Lunbery. Edward Lunbery and all other persons Interested in said mailer are hereby not llled thai on Hie jrd day of October, In;i;i, I'eler J. Lunbery tiled a petition In sain county court alleging among oilier things that Albert L. Lllllbery died on Ihe I2lb day of October. IWKI. leaving no Inst will and testament, ami 1 nssessed nf real and personal esiate valued at II 12.1 HO and Hint the above mi d const i! lllo Hie per.,, lis Interested In the estate of said deceased, ami praying for administration thereof Vou are hereby not llled 1 hat If vou full to appear al. snld court, on ihe Isih day of January, lid, at llio'clock A. M and contest, snld pet ition. Hie court, will appoint the said Peter J. Lunbery or some oilier suitable person administrator, ami proceed lo a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and olllcl il seal Ibis 21st. (lay of November, ISM. Iskai,.) J. W, ELLF.K. I2-1.V4 County Judge, Notice to Creditors. Htatk ok Nkiuuska I Douglas County, f In the County Court of Douglas County, Nn- uritsKa, iiecemner 911.11, A, ll.. is'.i.l. In Hie matter of Hie esiate of Tlinolliy J. Collin-. The creditors nf said estate and all oilier persons Interested In said mailer will take notice that the creditors of said estate will appear before this court, on the 27th day of Februarv.lst14.on the 271 li day of April, IsnJ. and on the 27th day of June, ls4. at II. o'clock a. m each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance, six months are allowed for Hie creditors lo present, their claims and one year for Hie administrator to settle said estate, from the 27th day of December. Is'. a This notice will be published In 'I'll K Amkhican for four weeks successively prior to Hie 27th day of February, ls!H. All claims nol llled on or before the 27lh day of June. Is'.i4. will be forever barred from consideration In Die dual settlement of said est nte. Witness my hand ami olllclal seal this 201 li day of Di niber, ls'.i;i. Iskai.) J, W. EI.LEIi. 12-22-4 County Judge. Notice of Probate of Will. Statu ok Nk.iimaska, I Douglas County. Is In the county court of Douglas counly, Nebraska. In Hie matter of Ihe estate of Nels P. Laurelsen. deceased: Millie Petersen. Katrina Hansen. Anne Marie l.aurel.en and Chrisioua Knag, and all other persons interested In .aid matter, lire hereby no'ltled that on the 21nl day of No vember, 1 y.i:,. Marie Petersen filed In Hie county court a pellilon. alleging among other thing, that N'els P. Laurelsen died ou 1 be Fit b day of November. I .!' !. lea v i 11 a last w ill and 1 1 stain,. ut, and pi ..'. .nil of real and personal e-tale allied at nun that t he above tunned const it ute the person. In lere.ted In the e.';tie of said ; ami praying fin Hie prohi'te of ..aid will ninl for ail in 1 n i.t nil Son ,f sal I e.l ate. Idii are hereby not ilied that If you fail lo appear at said eourl on the 17th ilav of Jnn iiaty. s!4. at In o'eli.'.-k a. tn.. to ci.'ut, .t Hie probate of .a id w 111. the court may a I low and probate said will ami grant a, I m ju I.t la I ion of .aid esiate to Marie or .time other suitable pe.son, and proceed lo a set t lenient Hieieof Witness my hand and olli.'lal seal this 2.1 Ii day of November, l.u J. IV. ELL Fit. IsKai.I 12-22-4 County Judge. ' Nlin .11 a Halt it.. I i i, i in ., I.. . ..I , i ; i-i i I., i .ui, i . f I. , I. . I N. I l,i. . I '''I. I ! N, I.U'ti a i i mi,l l mil , a I. I., I, , .1 ,. 11,. 11 ,, loiii'i, a , ,, q,i ,l ,.,, .1 l( ,, k 1l-.'l,l,1 ,,, l III, I I'll, I", It 1 , ill ", ,ii , . .,, . I... I H.. .1,. i. -Im t I 1,-lii.l ii, -I .f mi i.iili t t.f, t., , ll.,l.., ,. .,.( t,-.,i, ,,',11 l..l,,,;' ilti il,, h il, il i) ,.H ', ,) i I) I-". s, , i..i ,lii. I,. I a ii ,, ii,, ,,, ,',, ,,f In, ,,.il i I !' mI nil ii , , t, v ,,f at i ,tl It,, . fi,., ),,.,! ,,f ,,i I'liumi i,, ml lii,ii-i' in il-i- toy ,,f ii,,..l,. IS'ilv-U in.. Ill ll'l..l.a "all .1, tt.. 1 1, in liilli bit' be. I til. I, , t f., i , .. I , t,i f,,t, in ma lie, i ils'tl liiitii. uud I, it, ,, i,i,. all In Ibi loiiiiiy of i,tt'l'i and .1 ,iii i, I Ni l. i k a I. a il lb n i. unit i. nl a i,iiii tin tutii.litil ninl aialv lii ,",. fill mull, i.f in, not 1 1, a e.l ennu i otlib. k Hilii 1,1,11,1, , , :,,,, , , i , ,, ,llliil Hie ,ll y of I in., tint n, '.ui, in, a ,, it,, I. tap of lii'oti;i I' In mi. tioiitiiit: il,i in , llulllt nlie tlllllilll il unit I an ,1"'. fei I . Iltitiie e. I an loni.ln .l nml nl, , '.. fn i llii lice a,i.llli I ,. I,',l,,ll ,1 !,, I , !( f,., llti'H-H Wi.l inn' bumlieit ami iloiiv tan ,1 l'i feel . llit'liee millli one tiiiuill ,',l it it, Ino till', fel l, Hiem e Wl',-1 imi- lilllnlli il unit llllliy laii ,11.'' feel lo pi, tee id I,, t; lunliiM . .til, net In Ilie lltlit of any of ll,, I i,i,,i, I'neltlc luillany I iinipiiuy. lotfelbii anlt all the appiltli lliilice. Ibeielit I I titig I n( . ,,ald lili.pel I V to Is hiIiI l .III Kt y 1 III' A hil l li II It N it I imm I Itllllk i,f I luitlha. Nebla.1,11 the .lit, i tin. il. ami four hundred .e enl v -ei.n slid .'I he , I, ,11. H. iel,.", In, It'i., em Willi litleti'.t Hiereon al inie of eluhl 1S1 p. i eeui pel ii ii mi 111 from M.iv Ll. Is'l imiil 1 1 1 11 tiuil twenty Hie mnl Is ii il,,llis I', is costs with liiiiii".! Ihereon finiii lb, l-l day of May. A D. Isn.l. totieiln i with n. eiii Imi i'i.I iieeoldlug to a JiiiIiiiiii nt n mli n d by I lie ill'. 1 1 1, I court of said Duiutbi- i , ,11111 v , ni lis May term, A. D Is'il. In a eei tuui 11, iniii Hie 11 and I here pendimi w herein i he A im't 1 ean National Hank uf Oniabii. Neln ,e., a was planum 11 1 1 1 1 The l'iyinl Ice ami 1 011I Coiiipniiy di-femlnnt. Omnba, Nebraska. I )eeeuibei ;.. l'i:i I.I DHi.l: A. HEN Ml I'. Sheriff of I long Ins I 01111I v. Neliin.ka llnwmil H. 1 smith, nttniiiey. i; ;.' 1 Sherifrs Sale. In pursuance and by virtue of 11 Judunienl and decree of Hie district emu I for lom;las count y, si ate of Nebraska, reiuleied mi Ihe il h day of Jniiuary, A. D. Istiii, In .1 certain net Ion w Iiereln I. ydln 11. Waters, nee Huns liroiigli, was 111 11 nil 1 11. ami ,101111 it. .itac Kenle, Mary l MacKenle and olheis were ilefembiuls. ami of an order of sale Issued thereon out of Maid district court, beiniiig dale the 2iilh day of D tuber. A. 1. Ism, ami to me directed. I will on Ihe ;tnili day of January. A. D. Isti-l, at ten o'clock a. 111. of said day, at the EAST front door of im county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell al, public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, Die following described binds and tenemeiiiH. all situated in the county of Douglas, mid state of Nebraska, to-wlt : but llfteen lift). Ill block twent y-four (24). of Walnut Hill, an addition to Hm city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all In Douglas county, stain of Nebraska; said ptoperty to be sold subject to a certain mortgage In the sum of one thou. and eluht hundred dollars I,SIXMI0I In favor of Ihe Mutual Investment Company, dated May 14th, IsH'.l, subject also to one other certain mortgage In the sum of three hundred dol lars (fcmO.liO) In favor of the Mutual Invest ment, Company, dated May Illh. I Hsu, mnl to satisfy bydlu O. Waters, nee llansliroiinli. the sum of live hundred, twenty-six and III IIjO dollars (T2tl. lib Judgment, Willi inleresl. thereon at rate of eight H per cent, per an num from September IHIb, IN1I2, until paid, and twenty-four and IIM-KK) dollars (:4 ilsi costs, with interest t hereon from t he I'.llh day of September, A. D. IMII2, togel her with accru ing costs according to a Judgment, ren dered by thu dist rict court of wild Douglas county, lit Its September term, A. D. Ihii, Iiih certain action then ami there pending, wherein Lydla li. Waters, nee Man. trough, wrs plaintiff and John K. Mac Ken .In, Mary li. Mitcc.en.m anil diners were (leiemiaiiis. Omaha, Nebraska, December -lull. INIi;l, HEOKliK A. HENNETT. Sheriff of Douglas County, Neb. William O. Doane, attorney. I2-2U-fi Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of t hedlstrt-t court for Douglas county, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on the 2;inl dav of Jnnuaiv. A, D. 1MI4. at 1 o'clock f. M. of said dav. at the north fr luloiir of the cAIHUy com I IloUhAT ttl IflU tiif y df Uhinn71.''t Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at puhlli'V auction to the highest bidder for cash, the proiierly described In said order of stile as follows, to-wlt; Lot live 15) In block seveu t7l In .fetter's ml dltion to I lui clly of South Omiilia. Doiigliis County. Nebraska, as surveyed, platted ami rei orded. Said properly to be sold lo satisfy Anna M. ,T. Hellamy the sum of t welve hiimlreil and sevenly-one and 40-lhO (i27l.4H) dolbirs with Interest on 12mi thereof at. the rale of seven 7 per cent per annum, mid on $71.40 thereof at the rale of ten 1IO1 per cent per annum, nil from September IMih. Issill; to satisfy Hie sum of twenty-seven and liH-l'Kl i27.Us) costs here in with Interest. Ihereon from the Isih day of September. A. I)., ISlill, togel her with accruing costs 11, 'curding ton Judgment, rendered by Hie dlslrlcl court of said Douglas counly, al ItsHeptember term, A.D. IH!i;i. In a cerliilti act Ion Hu ll and there pending, wherein An na M. J. Bellamy was pialntill, and Dora llo ileck. August Koileck and olhers were de femlants. Omaha. Nebraska, December 22nd, IsH'l. E, I '. PAIIK. Special Master ( 'oiiimls. loner. H. F. Thnmas, atUirney Hellamy vs. Itodeck. et. al. Doc. IIH-;i7S. Sheriff's Sale. In pursuiince and by virtue of a Judgment, and decree of the district court fur Douglas counly. slate of Nebraska, rendered ou the Illh (lay of March. A D. !s!i:i. In a certain ac tion wherein Heiirgn E. Haiker was plaintiff, and Michael O. Maul executor of Ihe esiate of A. II, Snowden, deceased, and others were defendants, and of an order of sale Issued thereon out of said (llsl rlct court, bearing date the l!Mh day of December, A. D. Inl'-I. and to me directed. I will on the MM 1 1 day of January, A. D. Is!i4. al HI o'clock A. M. of said (lay. al, the EAST front iliHirof llic.coiiiity court, house, In the clly of Omaha, Douglas counly, Nebraska, sell at public nudum, to the highest, bidder for ensh, the following described lands and ten e men I., all situated in I he county of Douglas, and slate of .Nebraska, to wit : The eaat one hundred feet (east. IK) feet) nf lot number t wo 2) Hal t lol i 's add 1 1 Ion lo I he ell y of Omaha except t he south I wenly-llve feellsoiith 2.1 feeti thereof, all In Douglas counly, slate of Nebraska. Said properly to be sold lo satisfy Ooorgi E. Marker the sum of seven bundle, I mid seventy-three dollars ufnil.tmi Judgment wild Inleresl Ihereon al rale of eight. (S) per cent per annum from February tlth, lsn:i, until paid, and forly-three and (1:1-loo dollars i,l.lni costs, with Interest Ihereon from Ihe llth day of Febiuary. A. D. Isli;. together Willi ac cruing cos is a, 'fording 10 a Judgment ren dered by tin. district court of snld Douglas county, at lis February lerm A. D. ISI'.I, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein (icorge E. Ilnrker was plaintiff, mid Michael O. Maul, executor of the estate of A. H. Snowden. deceased, and others were defemlants, Omaha, Nebraska. December 21H b, su;l. liF.OliliE A. HENNETT, Sheriff nf Douglas ( ouniy, Nebraska. II, W. Hoberlsou, alloriiey. 12-2ti-ft Sheriff's Sale. t inier and by vlrttleof 1111 execution Issued by Frank E. Misires, elerk of the (list net court within mid for Douglas county, Ne brnska, on the 201)1 day of December. A. D. ls'ij. upon a Judgment rendered In snld court al ils February term A. II. I sift. In favnr of Mutual Loan and Trust Company, ami against Fred C. Angood, Will II. Vandervert. C. II. Tiincray. II. II. Horsey nml A. W. Ilald win, I did on Ihe 2l.t ilny of September. lsi. for w ant of good and chat tel.. levy upon I he follow lug lauds mid leiiements as the prop erty of tin- .aid II. II. Dorsey, tn-wlt; ,o si x lie In I, lock one hundred and eighteen , I si In the city of South Omaha, as surveyed, nbitled and recorded In Douglas counly. Nebraska, nml I will on I be ilntb (lav of January, A. 1) si. at in o'clock a. hi of .aid nay. at tin east fron' door of the eoiiiuy court bouse. In the clly of Omalm. Douglas, county, Nebraska, sell said property ut pub he miction to tin-highest bhuiei f,,r , ib to satisfy ,ald execution, the iimonml due t hereon fl diia two 1 hoii-and. Huee hundred. Ihirty-sii .mil :.'. pm doii-us ..,.:ti.2-i ami I went y -iir,,e ami Is-1 no did lac. costs w 11 Ii In- ' t ere. I on .aid mummta at rate of eight is' percent per annum from Hie Cub day of February. A. 1'. I.'.U. together with accruing CO.ts. Omaha. Neb., I leeember 2!'lb. I.'i:; j (.Koliiii; A. HEN N I TT sliei ill i f Douglas 1 'mint v. Neb. Joel W, We.t. allien, v. f i.-, We are t'litlmlics It rat. and I'it'.zi'lis j aftcrwtn il. i'(.)o) (,'ihiioir. I RAILWAY TIM!! CM0 OH IIVMIA, NI M, VI H ,t VI , Am 1 , I i H a pn 1 ii. .1 a I s . .1 IS ., I I ..' I l. l'i' I, , ,,l I ., . I - 1 I" I 1 ,,... I I ,,ll . , !,' I -l, ll, I 1 I I . , f,l ..111 t -,t 1 I" I', an ll'.a 1, H " ,u. I ., 1 in, l.a H V a-, ' .', (,i , Ail il.. ..Ma) , f, , . a . I It Is .'l Pali and M-i..i i 4 I fl I pi. an, 1 1,1- ami j 11,, mil t 1 1 I I, I, I.LIII t' I pll I 1,1, III,, ,,. I 1 . 1 1 it ,1 1 1 V 1 1 '. "' pie II IV Sle I I1 M ! I i,,alia IV a 111 1 1 ll, I. ean a I I, ,.., I, a a nl on f, a 1, IMI h i ft 1 m ,il pah ami .a. I l H1.111 l Ain I In, a M I 1 '", I 111 .' lll 111, ah : I '', pi ! I 1' ., ' I 1 . pl to am i I" im 1 5 -i am j I ", in I f i am I" 'm an I ! n pm ; .1 jm S pi pm I 11 pm 1 1 1 1 i-a 1 luiaha I w pm I fi ti nm j Arrives ' numb it l'i pm K nil 1 II V I l'i t I 1 ni, h N la,-lit I Oil II I Mon Pit II It l liloll la s, I pull unit Mali letllr I- l.,l . I IniMeit, dully la nn t I n-t M id II HAS I 1 ,11, 1 pi St,,,, I'a.iH,' I'.ipl' .a 1 '' sn, ' I". m, SI pu, 4 n pi, 1 1 '. pill 1 I'l .4 III I 'I' lilt, k I" illl,! Sill n I" an, ,1 ,, pm t, pm I" pill! I'l I ' pill I .en e ; t in nihil I Hi pi, I; II . ami Lean-. 1 in, ui, 11 I'' In ,nn I , , pn, Conn, l HI11II. t o. al I ' M A I' P Depol pnli mi, I Man y "is ... I 1,1. im. 1 . luilli it . I hleiltlil t ipie.a , CAN W .Via I P ri Mllllille l.lple... dally I a.lelll la.",i'IILi I. llil li y I lilriigo I, tinned, daily . . I' r, pm ft 11 am ; 1 . pm tl pm A 1 1 1 Tint 1 iiiinha t II., M,l pill 1 Hi. :ih 1 Mall, dally d 1 an, Ml..,,iirt alley Foeal. dally I, ell lea c.. si. P.MAo liepol I iih ami Webster Sla I llllllllll H n am I 1', pm fl 1 1 in, 1 in pm henves Hloux city Ai'.'iiiii imiil ui Imi 1 M n't pm . S C. En press ii'vcepl Sim) l '! l'i im . St. Paul Express 1 V 2.1 am tlaklaiid'iil lexeepl Sum a 41 am F E. A Mo. V A i.i. I V, Depot l it I) mid Welislei SlH. ..... tleltilwonit F.vpnsM I En. Hall Wyu. F,i.iFx. Mutu I remiml Ex. iFicept Sun. I St. Paul Eapress Lincoln En. in. Siiudayi Airlvea Omaha 4 VI pm I U pm III 2.1 an. I) 21 am in :!fl am Omaha H ."rfl 11 m s 511 mil ft :iil pm ft 4:". pm K.MI nni Leaves I HloHX CU'V A PACII'lt) lArrlvea Depot tilth Mnrcy Sts. I Omaha ...Hloux Clly Paasiinger.... IM pm St. Paul Express am Omnba I ll 4' ami a.ftft 1 1 1 . 1 1 Leaves j ...ClIICAHO, It. I. A I'. Via ll. P. Transfer. ArrlTaa t iinaha Omnha I KaMT Allanllc Express, dally .. Vestibule l.linlted. dally . ..Night. Express, dally ln.:m am 4 im pm 7. Ill pm IK) pm 2 im pm f.M am ft M am :i 4H am D ili) am P) mil ex. Moil) O. T. EX. (ex. HUH H.:i!i ion ft.WI pm am 2 HI pm a.4.1 am M.11.1 air ...Lincoln A Co. lllulTs ... Chicago Express WKHT Via II P. Transfer. ex. Hum O. T. Ex, (ex. Mon 13 I'l am H M) pm U 11 am 4. ftil pin Arrive! Omaha ti nn am 4 2ft pm H 41) am Chicago and Denver... ...Co. HluiTs and Lincoln.. Lincoln Express ..... M ISSi It' ill pAi'iFh:. Depot im.h and Mason His. Ht. Louis Ex. dally. .. "It. louls Ex dully. ... Nebraska Local eaves I Omaha I bum pint 12.211 pm ft. 40 pin I Leaves j tlmalia I'ipm I WAHAsll. (Via 11. P, Transfer) , Ht. Louis lOx., dally . lArrivea I Omaha Tijjjhpm I BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA KANSAS CITY, FOR ST. LOUIS IZSL SOUTH and SOUTHEAST. Tlrtit III'!,,, I. );. Iirnir Illl h ml htlnm Hi. "THE MAN who li is po Mtt'iic ht Mi Soul, ' ii il "serving tif sympathy, hut h it in ire so, than HIE MAN who is without (''mot tin tntti'1iiimi, New Style. Driving Vuliides of SiridiMR & Co, C" One f flto nexveaf mid Itio' nfa 1 1 r.ii'i 1 a 1 11 icai; or, rf3 J T coiioi;)l. :il lr none (inrnt ! j )f tli .ti:iall!y iV IVorloiio'ialilp 1 throii'lioul; liie.xpeiialv ciiml Iti ;"r':'!l tlcrij-ilidi Send f it ( tifi 11 ml Hcscr Ip;)ot:n .. SECHLER 4C0.,ClfJCi;riAT1,O. vvvvV' V-VVVVVa-VaVVVV' INTnUNATlONAt, DICTION Alt V ftilcota'Tr nf Ilia "I iialirliisnl." Ten years etit In revising, Pm edltera I'tiiplnvi'd, imirc tlmn g.KKi.iaai expeinltnl. k Grsnd tdurslnr Abraaxt of the TIipm A Llbmry In lliclf lvallal.n 111 1 it, m hiiuaehnlil, mill fit Ilie f tenelicr. prefesil ".'d I111111, self t'thii liter Askyuur lhmktcttrr tit nlww It fo.l nt. flll'lllll. lT 0.,r.)irt!RI AM I'O .Sriiist.itnn.M ,:,f a. I forftis rreip'.'ttia rei'iniiilitg ni'iiiiitt, ;..i. 1. IlillalrHtl.'ll'., te.tio.omala. I-H-. I JTl,e net li-ty 1 eprifita nf nimlPitt r littniti tap) llhnllB L -I r 1 33t (miH