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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1894)
THE: AMERICAN. . s Mil t IliXll It tn ( .llltl , "Kbit! 'Fin hi Hllil II 1 II WITH OEINO BEOOARS, With Duliimoiitttf lh Amfrit'iu) I H rivpntlntr ! Sp'o.'h 4 tttt Munltm I I'm! Hm I'nlillr iln'i'l Ml'tllliH' frtUIUMiflllt' 1 ll I II M w Mnittitit III. run li) Will ll)i In .ln'r I'm1. 'rin Aimbl I'liiilli-litlia 'n , nl llux- lull ,iil illt out iihii,V ll)l -li'sllng Mini Iii(iin'llvi Intel lull mum tune beep nihil llli iihuv tin Hi Hum Mm fiilln' Inn under- Mii lii'inlliitf "Furl Front Washington;" Tim !nlriii"!il nililllni In Mil Itiinilii'i' nf Tin" F,netu'o Morlo urn fm iiUliml I1 by tun1 tt lm iiiui'lil''iit of Wuhlngloil U MOWn W It ! if III' Illtll'UI. Tlmy ''wild Ih grcit'ly ittt 1 1 t Iml miv sullli'loiit, ll. Ih lii'hi'Vi'tl, in mil ilin HHclltlnll tlf plttl'loth' MH'IMlfllll plll'lln 10 I'lMUlllllMI lf tiling Hllil Illl'lU'Xt prcsldciiLhil idoi'llmi x 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 iiinko Im possible of cmil Immune, If U U nut nor- ' I'ihjIimI by Mm' present itilinlnlstriitlon or 1 1 v I'litigri', These fuel it i'n not sunt nut fur Mm M purHio of xtlrrltig up o('tlnniil strife, A. O ni' awakening purtlsun feeling, " hi rudin Hglou bigotry, InH Hint I'rolestiint noun rimy m Unit (ouutiiliii Into, a In Mm Itiily, (li'i'innny, it ml Friinuu, I u grout m'koI Hilltiiiiil iniiohlm, nnil Mint It itlllo It- imiiI nlf with liny pnrty Mint will give It Vlnii i(iwt'i', iiinl fur Mm Hum Hint xindi pur those, iy will fui'Mit'r It lnltuvix, i Ani'li Tlm gruod of publle money Inn ever WW iiimi'mimI Hnnio; nnd In every country lgi'nut where xho ha dlivetly or Indirectly rhrl' euleil Ihi hit built up her Inllut'W'u mil M liolli by pulilln fund ami hy 1 r m j )i v r -llyt' , lulling tlm inussox, with Hin well-known , mini result In miii'Ii Cuthnllu IiiihIniuMmxIi'o, He f, Itiilyiwd Fi'mion, of Imlng In 11m end ' U .t xtrlpped by government nf Imr Ill-got-llllli' Inn gain for tho puhlln good, A, 'I Tim Itoinuu Catholic have twelve pin iimi uilllloM dollur worth of property In Mm (bum, li.'nlty of vViirihlngtnn, largely secured ( Hin pin mIih'ii Urn civil wnr, Fully two-third t tln-xii 'jit HiU tvprimont oontrlliuHoii hy liohlti IViiti'sluiifx, gotten from government thlw, I clerk by ii Nystcnt of beggary, with ) const! touinre or lm of nonri'lon In It, mid from imkii )'rtlii.yovi'ruinitiil byiippi'uprhithm which jhrlstbii!,.,, regularly Hindu to ime of their ,'pnopltt w'nstllutloiiM, All of tho I'roleMiuit li' uf holding IntliU oily do not itpproneh i lii vn hut hit f of I h 4 ituioiint. 'J'IiIh lin- mmiMti cn(!niiiNM('iil pnwor lutx now UiMdniuti it tnoniiou of frlulitful nroooi" loiw, Ttmi'tt i In HiIn city oiih IVfi- ytcrhni, ofii iiHimi'mii, iwo Wplmifipul, ml milt MniJitfdlxt (jjiiyib of Jlnm ri'b oportlonK.' f lin thnre T2 tit, oim fiorigrttgutloiml Iplniiopitl (tbiiH'li, uru, but wflhoiit nrnhltontnral orriH' in, no I'lmwui for ihU piiiiclly i'l'ly of Mm ('rolitiint 'hiircbi'n unllu tho fur I, .i lit Mm VH urn montly oviirriuit'iit i'l"rl uiiill limoiui'N, Tlmro l no oily lint nountry, of oiiinl popiilullou, Ih n iniiuy vitkt uiiii blo iiuil trniulfo oinnn ChHioIIc nhiii'itlmM, of nlniont iitlln'iliiil proli'OBloim Mini prnporlfoiiN, cofcllittf from M o,imrlcr of n million lo million ililliii'B iih'Ii, Hnii, III mid hi I'i'iliiiiH hi'" i'i'fnrn to by tho ihilly of IbU city n Ilin p.ipnl Infill ion, '('lil l hy ItouilOl lliilholli nirnciiou or upprovm, or courm'. iih )iollilii yon Into tlm pi'nsti which Inm not tlm iipprovHl of Urn lloimiu (liilholhi cluircli, I hilliilh'ii, Hut oi'tfim of Mm imMifciiinU In Unmc, Inlt'i prcU tho I'diiiiptloii of Hutolll, thu phico jilvcn ( .'milium (ilbbonn mill other ItoiinuiUt pHlttcM III Iho l'iimlllon, mnl cnin (illy tlm Into I H of I'rimbh'iit CImvc IkimI lo U Xllf , h n Imlbmllon Mint Ihn Anicrfciin pooplo urn hi-i'inuiu morn fdvoritbhi to tlm llnmmi (liiiholh mory of jfovcrnmoit, n Mm Ko- 'ttri prcwK rofci'K to tlm prenoiioij of ifollf imi'H io to Mm premtneo of n conlcil piipxl c(ito, Th effort of in viitlcim to Imim r)l)tthm with iU h'publhi m no Inilcpcmliirit power, wl tlmy miiy Im uxpoctlny fh prckl dent to fmor tbl, A iDioooiiphi of Muroicitn iiii0 notlctiM Inm- thU; "UiNliDii, Hcjit, ail, -Tlm Ifmnuucor rcflpiimbint of tho (hnlnil Sunt oiiy! Tlm rcpoct in iioriflrmod Hint lb" vn'tl nmi hint tindruetod AndihUhop Hulolll lo Inbiificti (liiiliollc iiii iuhrr of con m4 In Wii-bln(ton In fitvorof Amci ten' wmlfn ii iHplouuitln rcprcnuid. live o Hin viilli'ioi,' " iovoi7iii(it ollcbiU (,, , ,1,, w,, lllnln)' 11 Ji'MUll, oiirv llhlicn ,(,(l, Mm whnlii y)V"i loiicnt il xynlcn pno Mciilly limine Ibu i.yo of Mm i,inMh prjcallionil, m, i fiinilllKr will, fm 1 1 which pliilnly convlni'o iom thnt Mm pxpiil puwer In in iioy of oiirih.'pm'timtnt hero okkkmIk ( hilt of He In' nl of Mm (i U'llilU (1,,'llMi'lvifi. Ilnvc llci Amcrlenn pnopln nny rljhl tocxnrm-n Un lr jiulgnmni, m tolhc wny In wblHi tlmlr govnrniimiit Ulcln pui-k'nri. - by ' cliuboi liilofi'i'i'iH'cy Home tin,,' hjh I hml i) I itlll wild h iiminhi r of Iho nil'l m I, III which I onlb mIIkoiIoii Iii Ihc rccnhji' monthly vb-iu of m-citlh il iiunn mi'l ulaiOK of cbiirliy, who nolhli, inoui y, luring tho binilni'i. hi,ni, fnmi mnrly nil Iho oli-rlo f iho dlm-rciit ll I v Ulonn, conl mry In I ho i-iiIcm, philiily powlcil, fo'bhbll, nil 'pi')min fnnu cnicrliilf Iho iliffci'i-nl roomii focm'b purpowH during !lotc bmic, him: "Mr, H crctwry, f mn p, i f. cily noi'llil wlHiyoo; f Hunt to klmw If you will Himwitr my iiiii'Kiom, uml f wUb (o n publicly w,(,t jmi.ny.j h It i Ihwl r I v tuxlilll Utrw limit iMtn Id" Jotc tli p.ti Inn til uml V't hilt t!iml t i t) cct'in nuil lit ltml t'U i y I k " llitii In a tli pwi litiiiiV wlthh (;ill(i ittil'li'it tl.ilhn Miltttiill.V. Tb" t'ti ilt rttf ii t t! il Iii pity Ilium') icl lt Mm Idllm llxtt l llll '" III 'lll "I llltl llttll' IhUlllM'M lllll lit' on In my tli i ni lini'iil,' "Vt'f. "mi U lim it, Ami lmw l II," I ttklicil, "i liitl Hm tit Uf flt'ili nml plUli sli'lmyi itphi'l'K l'i' il litlt'll, II it t tpiHi'tM'iu mil), Huniim 1'iiHiiilli'xy" 'My ebb'f elt rk uml prlvitit' nit ntf uniphi'i," bo itiif wci'i'tl, "iti'c 1'ioli'if ImiU," "No, till', jnni' nli iii'U I'liplmr bt l ll"' mini t'lilbolb', ti( Ih-ciiiui' kiii'Ii lnct' iiipiilutctl, nmi U In Mini poIHon for it piirpow, All you propow' iiltout it" litoviiU fnnii olllt't' I ivpoi'b'tl, mi I bill you limy bo toil In itpiiolnt Hoitinn ( 'ni bol lei in I'h'i'ltK, Mo yon not know Unit t hem it iv dorlm In your tli'iuirl omul who will lime Ibt'lr ptmltloiiN If limy it i not piiy over Mit'lr money to Mm Kuniiiu ('ulliollcxy I know n fiillbful cloi'lt who Iiinl boon hi'iv n number of yemti, uml bo noon out when Mot intuit tiiimo In, for be will not pny lummy lo Ihein, Now, I don't fuel deponed lo mention Hib dopitrtmciit, but biivo you miylliliiy to mty, or any nulhorlty, hn lo what lit done Imrc?" Tint romilt wiin Hint bn ne n tout mi order thai, thin beutflntf ultoulil bit Nlopped; but whothei' It bin been 1 do not know, Itouuht to bo, not, only In WiiNhliitflon, but nil over tlm bind, by Mtatiitu ciiiit'liimtit that In not n dcml Ictler booaiiHu nilmluhitcrod by 1 1 miiiiii ImIh or olllnlalN who fear Hm Hoitian Cuiholld vote, but, n law cnloritcil, nmi with pnii ill t H m that would multit It olToid,lvc, In tlm civil Mi'i'vlco oxmuluatiomt tlm Itoimiu (,'iitbollci nl way n lutvu tlm ml Vilnius", Tho IVoieM.iiiit ymiiiu' mon mid womoii lutvu Mid iuIviiiiIiiuo of a hlulmr hI itii 1 1 i it I of oil Mention than that of tho Komaiilitti, but Mm hitter nlwnyit niiucuciI botb'r, bccatiwi Ibcy (tan et, In ndvauco, tho iIiciiHoiim of Urn exiiiiiltio Hon, In oim (Hvhtlon nil Mm clmltn worn Iflvoli it fiirloub of it week; beforo tlm furlough wiit over it number wciviIIk mlitMcd, but no (JaHiollex, (Horlo In thU dlvlnlou iindorttland Hint It mill' InteK mcitliiHt them to bo I'rol entail b; and It It n general fact that, of the (dnrkn ilium limed, Mm I'rotcMtiniti pre pondornb!, whlloof Mot row nppolnl limnh, tho mnjor part are CiiIIioIIcn, Why hIioiiIiI Hi Ik hcV UoiiiihiImIn urn not ovor aouviiiilli of the population; Uml r voter Bra not over1 n tmitli of our voting populntloni nnd tlmlr lllltowy t'MrtllW llllt, Hit'' . Ill Motif Juxt projioi t!oii' Houm h me ro handful, prcpomioritid) in wmtnn In th bureau of trraviiiK a row wcem ao,TrrT,iV'(in promid.lom worn miolo In oim duy, nineteen of which worn of Itoinmi Ctttic idlCN, A man lottt hbt poNlflon, nud could not llnd auylhluK cine lo do. One duy hh wife, who wiot it Itomitn Catholh hhIoiiI him why he did not m Urn prh uf, lie went to him, mnl tlm prh xt told him Im could not do anything for him; but mid that If ho would Join bl church, be coulil et blm work, lie Joined Mint idou'ch, ami iilmot lor imnllalely rcctdved tt pOMlllon, Tin prht wait unco lo ctnpni't of bit niihiry when bo went for It, There are uoverfiumnt clcrki who Ibim piy rco Inrly from ten lo twenty-five per omit, of their wiitfe for tlm pnrponn of bohl' Intf their pollhm, On pay-ilny In Km poindon bureau, iu Mm clcrki receive tlmlr pay, they lllo out between two mum, who utaml on either nldo, wll h boxtm ex tended, Many of tlm clerk throw In (piaiter ami half Inline piece, At Mm lat pay-day It look two hour mid a half for all thee clerk to pa out, diirlntr which tinm tbcho mm l,ood H,er mid received Mmlr money, Tlm i'ommbilom'e of perndon aiIomiin (latbolh'i a itUo I bl flmt nbtmit, am) It may riot bo aml londd that llm ebnlrmmi of the boumi ub itommltbiM on pemdnn l of Mm amo faith, Tlm following Innliincii ha recently eonm to my notice, and I have vct llled ll, A one-leifKod Boldler ,, pcfinloil bureau hud been promoied, on merit alone, during it oele of ycm', imill be oec picl i very Important pi, ice In I be bureau; but only Mm other day ho wa reduced fi,r hundred dollar In iiMouil Hilary, and an liUh (toman ( 'ntholle, who nii but fouc month' wrvlci. In Mm army, win put In hi place, Ml government clerk In one room In Mm prnwlnu buremi, and, irangn lo r- bile, nil men, her nf n certain IVte tun I, chureh, wceo lately rcducci) In pay, from Ihree lo llva bomlrcd ibdlam eimb pi r nniiim, Klvcof thenc ar, obi oblio, Their leiliccd py wn ,, im dliilcly given to U other peeoi,, five of whom were Ifommi fitlholIcK, fn Mil particular room nine lenlh of Mm clerk aro now ItmimnUu, It wax In Ihl bureau (but ( 'imUnal (lbhon( pef. tlMienlly urged the appointment of a I Ionian 'alhollu for chief clerk, i Dm dlvlnlou In the agricultural b piirtmcnt ha been recently nlmlUI,, ,, HeVelily-elgbt per emit, of Ihe clerk worn Kooiiiu (,'uthollct. After It w abolllii i, many of the KommiNl were given other polllon, but lhl him iio Hie ciiiet with Mm I'roP'Biiini, oe It dliuallfy fur olllehil poHhui rlliwnii il iiuLii w I new a I i n)t ttltd l'nUoltil Hi , ,1, in hi U u,n t ule, I Hie 1 1 , 1 1 I N'eW M I, A let luttlify Ht'it till liiteiMl ill iott l,,i'tiil Mlltl tnte pull n( the tllic Iimii ill id itliil lift) lb id III H lillllOl ill I loll III llo ll'l IimiIImi ni ilepm Inn til Wt'Ct' Ibilllttn rlbiillif. Till li' tt llttil Ihi'iv ipiW, Ait' t Iii bull) itlM'tt'itltmv fi I'm IreUiiil)' lit Hit' btitil t'lllee Ibtlt' I bill t'lie lit f f M ill initio, iippulitli d iinib'r llitiilum, who Icliiln bi plni'i' 1 Inm hir Iii the pt'i i nl ittlmluUti iiHon, mnl be lii Itmiutii I'lilbt'lli'. til Hin liuit'au of i'Ugi'itvlit uml pi 'Inllng, Ho1 iiNlxtitiil uii'rliili'iiileul, w bo lmi mi IIvc Hoihihi I'MlbolIc, bit t'ltnlilvi'tl lo retain bit Httit tttti, like ninny tilbcr ltiMiouill In prtimliit'iil piihlHmi, uuder IhiHi limine entile uml republican iiiluilulMriiHiimt, whllo It W ii H liotlci'iibht fuel Hint all I'rolenlniit ilenioi'ralli' ollltilitl, rnnk Ing abuvi' Iho blgbi'Ml, civil ervh'u clerkhlp, were promptly illnileil ti I ion Iho repecllvi' clutnm lit ml iiiIiiIhI riti Ion, In mm iIIvIhIihi In Mm piiutlnu olllcn where there lire llfty clci k Iheiv lire forty Miunanlxl, In one room In Hot trmiwiry of eluht clerk, four urn Uo mini I'lilbollc. Why I Mil? In it biiivHii In Mio agricultural do partumut an old ami faithful ch rk, who alwayit itvolded giving to tlm nun, and who wa nuUpoknii in bli l'role'ant y ni iml b le, wn uiiinuirlly dltnle(l bn overheard it chief of illvUlon com plaining very bitterly ngalnt onm op puMltlon Hint wn being inaihi agaliiHl Itoimiu ( 'nl h il IiiIIuciicm In tlm do partumnt, ami commiitlng bl namo with It, Thu dluilHiil followed, I Ihl Iho hind of tlm rrec? If there I one of Hm leading depart ment not vlllei by Hm Nbdnr of charily, o called, I am not it warn of It. Huiim bureau cein entirely ubjoct to tlm order of prlct, (lae Illot thewo are known, There urn four member of oim family In govcenmciif employ, and one of tlm ilnughter I In one of the(t priest-controlled buri'iii), When mnim one reinarked that they mind earn n great deal of money, im ald: "No; wn have to pny a good ileal of It oyer to Hm Itoiumi Ciiiliolln chureh, In order to hold our poMMon," A lady could not give to Imr own church becaiiNo h wn (Ivlng llfty cent it month to the Itouiau ('atholht church, mid lm wa dlwmUwed, Hhu alii "Onn day when Mm collector eitiiiu I did not have anv chango with uie, ami Mil provoked tlm nun, and I gave Imr nothing the next Hum h emrii). A wk nfter I )i4 n letter tun to rolgn, long ben clerk ow many rrotfclant te.ig Hon twtntjr'Avw bun- clerk employed In Hint particular department, and bo wu pimltlvt of but Dm l'rob lnnl, Tbl I it department of tlm government that foryeiti' ha Imply been a feeding tatlon for tlm Human Caiholh! church, I'pto the 1 1 ni' when (Jcneral Hoc crmN resigned, It 'va iiolorlo,! Hint tlmcleik had to ay money regularly to Hm prleia mid nun Tlm following wn related lo me by one who know There wn a young iiiaii who wn clerk, Monographer, and chief ch-rk till Id Olie, to hluioelf appll)' ently, lie did nothing but rend the pMp"tnml trashy novel, timl draw hi pay, Tho fact leaked out through an old man whom ho employed a hi iim "figer, and bl ciue wa lnveHmiled, Aked who wa hi uperlor'' lie had none, To whom did he report? To no one, WbMteevleo did be render Hm government'' 1 1 1 an wee were cipuilly unmitlofiieloiy, and b wa rcipteici1 Ui eiid In hi resignation, At thl point lh'( Inllm nco of a car dinal wn brought Into r ipibftlon, ami tlm young uuiu w ntiilned, Tbl kind of Interference I tolrmled fe the lmplo n ioon thill vote urn believed to bo behind It, I there not wdllefen wainint for patriot rising up nil ovr Hm land, ami a one man, regard l of I'loiy alDllallon, nulling to put down all Ihl Inb'rmeddllng by foreign allied oecb latle with Mo men whom wo elect to admin'fcler our attalr? "A I well known, the I Ionian t 'at ho lie chureh maintain an Indian Human at Wahfiigioii, All of n remembee how a commit tee of IPuumi pet late en. ih avored to prevent the conllrmation by the en(!e nl a man who wn He' cliolce not kfmpfy of the prctihb'fit, hut nil who bellevid iu lidhin b'-ing i ilu ca'ed in government, tchooUand mmb' Inii'lllgoet cjtjej.,, ( i, know w hut ii ilefermf)iei etbui wn made for four yi in to prevent lh carrying out of phi'i that, wer" appioved hy ,),,unc cent and r publlcuu alike, Who sup port thl llomau l ',iHioli' liurcnu in iu contention wiili Hm Auieihan peopb-y Tlm I'nlted htiite treaiiry, ofcotire; for in'" not. hundred of Ihoiifaud of dollm' paid aiiiiually li the IPmiiinUi for their con tract M'liool - Inferior in cveiy renpecl lo governim iit ehiwd, A) not all tl,0 I'albolle p,(e,ei III Mico fcbool under a vie of poverty? Whoba their i-alm l ',' Ami tlilnk of I he follow lllg fuel, hut two out, of lililliy liiiti, w,, might adduee 1,, how how Mil chiifili work In lb" of i., lilil ion, I ti( told Ity Mm Into enmm isnlo in') n f Indian ft air lb t Ihe chief chukje porln) the fact from tlie Indian th'" parlmefit p,lne (,,inmi Cny'ie bot'eau t Ito n A ...I. I.. I. I r ... ... I butt ll, Ii ixnti il Ihi itt K Ihc I'liHi d Hi'ii,., i nmi til nn t iitii'ln td I In iitHiiiu i In Whlitt Mil' bttnl Hi id ln'i'el liliietlt I Iii Mm bitiiiN id lioiiie, Ittl ' Mil bit I lulil inn In, (iitii iiil Muiuai In Hm llitllilll li i-el I nl loll In tin' liii'nl Mill itiHtilrt, miller Hit' iMvli'btillAtl jml ttlillnll of A 1 1 liblhnt llilitll.l pi it I W tilt Wit I'll III llltt llttll It tiillU Ii tii''',Mtlit Wrtm'Oltiieiplenll) iilijecllnmible to Ihe yutei iiinenl. The Imllitil i'iiiiiiiiIh I'lll' l til t'l',1 I lllll hipll' till I I'ltlllVt tl, iiinl Iii IiiihI pimnln'il II bnub l ilniie, Not It'lltf HltelWill'il Mm Althbhop witiili'd it limn of Mm coiHiiiU'iliilier, mid lielierill Mnrgtlll It Ii iMIIphe'l Iii Ihe litillmi iiHeiil : "I hither Hi mi ml Ho on Mm lexer n l Imi','" (lending to know whether Ai'i'hhhdioi In hind hud kepi hi word, Naturally you would iipnio Hm IllJt'llt M ould have lelegl llpheil nil niiHWcr in hi i 111 in I Htiperlur, but tlm comuillouer heard nut a word until TIiiiiiiiih ( 'idler, ebali'iiiiiu of Hm ua Ihimil republican cinuinlllee, tele grnplmd (Inherit I Mure n n lo I he eltecl : Hint ll wa better not lo make any fit Itlinul Iiinl prlcht while the election wn pending, Thl iiM'ii nl that Ihe t ml In it agent had reported directly or Indirectly, to ArchbUhop Ireland, mnl Hint Ireland, who piiMCN a a republican, bad laid hi hand upon Mm lluuuiu Catholic who win running tlm republican campaign, mid be, in turn, put, hi hand upon tlm liiilliiiicoiiiiiilNdliinni .and iuIvIpciI him to leave tho unworthy pi'liml, In hi place, All friend of tlm Indian save thiwu who arc ouuiuIIm and believe with Ihein, view with growing alarm the niiiveineiit mnl rullngM of the prcucnt Inillmi couiiilloner, IIIh chief clerk, wo are told, I a Homitu Citthollc, and I really tlm power today In Indian nITali'N, Tlm court of appeal of the dUti'lcl of (,'olutnhbt, orgaiil,ed thl year, tuny he wild tube entirely compiiHi'd of Itomau Catholic, Tlm chief juntlcn, Alvey, of Marylnml, while not, atiached to any church, tlm on of ii Itomau ('alhollu mother; .ludgn Martin l1, Morel, who wnsit leading Jesuit lawyer, I mi ardent Itomaii Catholic, and Judge Hhepherd, of Toxa, I u Uo a Itoimiu Calhollc, Thl I tlm court of bud, resort In Ihl district, Hm only iippoal from lit Judg ment being to the United Hlntc su premo court, If you woul'Hke to know how Judicial it mind ,lm ha, rend hi ml drew at th emigre on "Tlm Indcpemb (fnly Hue," and then rei tlm fact hn known to evef" blory Bii(loboryne of thu wu to havit Jesuit for judgm WLgHd J'Ytil'kuLU' bbidlTTg of ArehiiA Jtn concession to plea-n Hm I loir. lie a uch - not u Aumrlcmi (dtloi, but, llV)Ject Of tho pope' Why, with it presidential olbcllon pending, did Mm asslntiint secretary of Mm treasury send it I'nlled Htiite ve. cl to meet the pope's agent, Mgr. Huloll? Himply for political elTecl! I'rcslilent Clevehind ba Cardinal (ilhbin come to tho While limine fur conference, Following thoo confer, em c, appointment were made tit chief to depart menl or bureau dlsirlbutlm large amount of money, and controlling largit IUt of cleric, (I appointment; and (rUh Itomau Catholic tvero appointed, And, more signillemil nil 1 1, ,tiee com fju'cnees were closely followed by tlm letter of Cleveland to tlm pope, and Hm offer of hi state panusto h XIII,, In a letter which nloiliibcd tlm country, Why I thl done? For political effect, Why were Komnu Catholic placed at tho diend of Mm national campaign commit !,! of both the groat political purlin In the pat presidential emm pufgn? For political effect ubum, Aro Micro not itbbi J'roiestitrit, In cither Iho democratic or republican parlle, who can bo enlrusteil with tbeso high duties? I It not about Hum ihnt president uml cabinet ami com groe were called lo strict lo'couri (for punderliig to a cluircli Hint ba been tlm aMilii of llls'ily In every land where lm ba obtained foothold? Are we to fid low the b ad of e than ten thouwand, inorlly for Ign born, eeolesl iititics, and thu part of tlm, IfrimunCufh' ollc church which Ibcy control? or are the nearly sixty million I'rotcsliinl andthelr Intelligent Catludle fnow ci,eri, who are u, one with them, a agaiiixt all Mil old world ec clcnhi'l ielmn, In be held in honor by iIjobii w ho are at, toe capital of Mm mi ll,, n, a our repreBi-nta tlves? ..... I iillo r ll'l iiiimir nil hiilnlir I'alb i FllHiel nlglil lil'sl. h' Milidl Warh Fatlie HitUAH words: "The gOVerill morn w wealth Hon I l mam nec the CoIihI Mie li iml, I 'The loj ) ( fun nor. mid Hut Am sunliiiu mnl i s' liool I he hliiuijon m,d wtilidiitwn, Hie republic n Will nppomi l I be I'ei ill, c. eboid ijilenl lot limn ( nl In ill A 1 r vji 1 irV TT linii,iifi ' A H It w tin! Hml Hit' piiipUi i miitnl I' l,i hldi Mm Hiitlinit t "tit,i,li,i tutlli mil, ll,, ili"llttelltt' li tti lilltt,' nl lliitl t lull, h ttic tin till itli'it III i ll h t mil It "tietiitiii I 'rttbulli lot line Hm e piilille mnl ti li,lllullim n( titif iiiim It ) will lite 1 1 ,t t,l i f , iii tin iu, I ii It .mi Hie (sunlit).'!' , l, -lit, Hn, ll lieeilnut t III Hn' Hit we btvrttlii ' , I ', d n e IIHIU Mil MHI IN llic l inn. Hint i Itr llniiiitiil lb rule II I nit inl Hie I hm i h, At Hm llillllnil im i llii! of llnt'kel' ISml No, itl. (I, A, If , Iii Central Turner ball hi"! iib'hi, tiiiiiiilalnl w,t iiutile by a immbnr of Ihe old xnMli i . ll wu sahl Mini at tlm Iniii'i ill nl .Inlin W i Irli'h, mi old vi lni tiii. tail Tueiliiv, Mm pi 'lest of Ml. Ijnurun'n 'tit tint lit chiiii h, on Citlliniin lrnet, reltiNi'il in lllhiw lint soldiers In til ing Ihe enllln Into the church with Hm Aumrlcmi ll n u w rapped minimi It, and tlm emblem luiii In bo removed from I hn ciedtel , Wa 7 m'ri r, lll'OKIVdl, Mr, ,1, (', Howe it m in it i imi 'm In hi pnl run Hint ho bus rcmiitnil from "ou.'l Hpruce Hircei, to ;iiiiii Mlmrinan nveinie, Use clecti'lelly, medicine ti ml tuny net I miii fur the trim system Hint cure Mm l ii iily of A 1,1 , dln'iiM', iii'titi' ami chronic, Dlscamt of women a Hpnehilty, Take Hberman aveiiuo line, Olllcn private, nud matron In charge for holies, Dll. .1, C, IIOWKH, I H lino ,'KHll Hhertnnii Aye, - - TOURIST CAM TO CALIFOHNIA, Cbnnp llrtle, Quick Trip, Tlm travel from Hut north uml north west territory, tapped by Tli HI (IKKAT Hta'K Ihi.AND IIhiitk, hit (loinandeil service of HilNcbitracter, mid beginning October nth, tourist car will leave Mluiieapoll every Thursday morning uml loin Hut regular tourist train out of CbleiiKfi every Thursday nfleriioon at Columbii , I unction, la,, a t 1 1 , in, Contrul (own uml tlm grout west slope district of that slate, ihomiml ami will recelvu a sliiilliir serv'en, and beglutiiug October Kith, It I'hlllllm Itoek Ishlfiil Kxcurslon Car will feitvit Albert l,en every Tuesday morning, and vbt l,lver more, Kt, Hodge and Angus, will arrive at He Molim Mint evening, nud Wedneduy it. m, go west on tlm "lllg Five," via Oiiuibn, Miieuln and llelht vllle, at which point It will Join tlm ecgulue Tuesday train from Chicago, Full PiirUoulur a to cheap rule ticket for thl trip, and nlo a to cost It! gUcn on application to any Oreat I to Island Jtouto Ticket Agent, or agent lit coupon station of cniuioellng Him, ,(NO, HKIIAHTIAN, (I, V. A Chicago, . Law Urlnf , Wu nuiko it specialty of brief print Ing, imd nttorney buying tbl jdfid of work should cull tin u, Wu Will be plow- u riiuku prliHt which r reit mbln, mat rintrwriton rl work, Amiy.iiioam I'i ii, Co,, iwn leuvi your wai us with jonn iKiuij, "i .... ... ,1 ,)welnr,"if),' North IDlh xtroet, Chaap Halfii lo (Jalifoenla, Tim Union I'aclle I offering greatly reduced round-trip rate to nil Cali fornia point nnd Cortland, Oregon, thl your, For full pnrlleular Impilm of voue nem'i sl ticket agen',, or addre, If, I', Hci'M,, FWH! Farnam ML, Omaha, Neb,, or K. I, l,omux, O ui'l IV, and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb, ... .. .--. A (mud lliliig In Ifi'ini'iulirr i Iiuil the llurflnglou I ton l - ha a greater mlleiige In Nebraska, than any oibee riillroiul ami Mint, nlim emm out of ten. It' Mm line to lake for local point, lincoln, York, 'iiand Island, Ibat rice, Hiuilng. Kearney, Hnwiird, Ne braska City, ll"d Cloml, lloldregn and Wymore are a few of Mm plac that arc cally arid comforiably reuebed from Ouiiilift via the Ifiirlingion Jbmio, City Ticket Oltce, 1,'L'I Farnam K) NO THOUULt TO YOU, Thxy Are fi rnonally Coodur;ol, The (Ireitt Central lOnito Weekly (!allfornla Fxcurion nru In charge of oxerleneed conductoroind n uniformed leier who iiccnmpany l,b parly to ib'stlmitioii and look after the waul ami comforl of the paenger, You will save time and exiiemm by Joining our next party, Hend for folder giving details, F K, HHKsum, Mgr., F, f, fyiMAX, llil Chirk Wlreet, 0, I', nnd T, Ag',, Chicago, Omuba, Neb, BURLINofoN ffOUTE, Low fldtc lo Ctlituroi, The lurllnit-m Ibiuli I now selling roiiml lrlp ticket from Ounibit bi Han FrmioUcn, fi Angeb, Hnn Ibago, Hmiiu lliirhma, el',, at tu low rate til t'i.'i Ml, Wide choice uf route going anil urulmr, . Call at Mm city tlekel I 'hi mi m street, and o Don f"i tt lll.lyK I V.I V l'l It It, 11,411, I H i, tl h !," i ni., ,ti,i n In II n iiunie i n l l m, I ii It, i Ami lit n no I m i, in ii.iim n, t l)tt fientt ll, ! I lltliik litiiill I i ', r , i in In t i li ' I l i I I,' I 'rt I 1 I., ll. , , , , I I ,U l,l ,,ll I !i, inline i i n 4 iih, in li,, ltt,tftfci 1 1,, i. ' 4 1 1, tali lu in i t I i' .i iw i, .mi lit, m (mi" ti , , ,,,111, il.i.ii. ni, ini t l,l llnttr A I 'i , i ' V I , i 1 1,1 I I Ii,' lull I mil, -I i i u i 1 1 I'M lrti,(l.l 'iti iilli i, I i Im l mil in, I I, Ini I tli, I mi ni tin ' in i mt h til, tlm lt 1 1 1 , i it IhiiIii Ilin u ,iii llileli lilinll "u,in i,r Miniiuitf I'irti n," i I '.,, A I inii iii itii Until. V nil lll lid l""ii itii' tur 'li tiii'l' lliitli tl 1 1 me I t bn Mini I rd 1 1 mil lint I'll In T I'll I'M tllim itin'itiiiiii it of llii'lr niii iiit. 'I'ltiilf bnilti Iiiii llni H'nl t'li'u'lltl, llii'lr Niitlltl Ilin', ihnlr nil slini t mnl llii'lr ti n nnd furl Itlutiml It llui'ly sliiiiii ii I In mil nf n it 1 1 1 14 lllilrni. 'I Int C lillnr I (I IiIIkIiI. ritwu el' it l nil Inn, Willi IiiiiuIIiuIIiiiiI li ln lllm lliiiiiinii ii In lilu kliii'it, ami In pliti nnf Hut llili k lulilli't nf Hm nlilei' plu llii'lr bnilli' inn ruvi'ii'd wiili a hmg ami llili It riiiil nf rougli luilc, Fioully Ufa In Hut Wild limn'' ipmrli'i I Iniiiniililnn slid iiiiiiihIiik, Fur I Ita llr-l, inniil Ii I ha III, Hit iiiiiliKii ii'Ihh plu ii'ii'iiil mi llii'lr innllii'i' fm' fund iiud Ink Imi liiil li n nil Imr or vision or sin li nl her, , Kai li iniitns iilinut by Itself In Hm incut Imlittiuuih'ut fnshliiii or ili'iip tlnwii to sli'i'inii llssliiimmli, wllli It b'Kii'i'lcliiiil liiillil, mil hi' fi nil uml bcliliid, Ilka It ki ling I'li'iihiiut III m I ii bit iirii. Filler, when limy luiv In bit siillslli'd Willi Hi fund pl'iividi") III tlm li'imuh, I Icy bnenm IhainuNt hiiiiisIiimi nnd luiinrluunla bag gar Iu I lia uu, Hut old snw ami buiirxdt llng Hm iikiiiiiiIii, well xiiiinrti'd hy th lllll plM. 'Hm w Iml fiiuilly sliinil up rlulit en tlmlr hind leg bin row, Ilka Imr alillii plu siiii'iiilii h i imt i,f arm, wild llii'lr fm feel huhIiimL Hm rail, nmi iimk, grunt and kviui climb tlm wlr iii'itlng fur imiii'lhulloii.lrfiudnn iXpwH lalur. A tVimt In Vioiiig Mn, (but nf tint lui'iiiii'M. ihlug a young imm can dn I In mounpnllii ilia thu ami xi, teullun of a young girl fur it year or iimr w If hunt any ili'lbiliMohJi'i t and In Hmmt clusliai of oilier gi'iilh'uii'ii, who, iiiiu Ing lilui In hum iiiiiii'liiiniiliil IiiIi'iiMiiiih, ttliscnt llinuisi'lvi' from hur xiadely, Tblx eti, "dug In Hm maiii'i'" way of pro ct'i'illng should bit illxeniinti'iuoiri'il and forbidden by all paii'iil and guaiillKii. It priivriil Hm ri'i'i'pilon of I'llulldaof fer of marrhitfi and fiotlcii iiiii tlm young holy, wlnui Hm Ai'iiunbilitni'd I tlimlly sovi'd, Hm imi nvbilihi and un liierlli'd aiii'llalou of "flirt," l,et nil yuur ih-nllm wllli wnuifn, young rmin, ba frank, houi'si, and nnlilii, Thai, many wlmsii eduriiflnu and iuslilnii In Ufa would warrant, our looking fur but er Dilute m culpably crlmliml on Hicsa point I mi 1'K'iiini! for ynur Mhurleumbig, That wuimm I ofliui Injured or wrortgwl Mirouuh lirr liollit feeling add hut A Mucker dynl'iyiurmi'iiium, Nair York l'dgi'f, Minn nl ro, t tlm verification of tba . dl( fix tlu'owu vj Im xutijeitof inoingi 'In) hvxiImiI dUnovry iml ttUKiul", lint tin. lm uriivuntloii tit lamly, 'J im iiiii uibsiau hini lrioiinitiioii ami u tm , w rmtiiiloii In xoll, air, wm'i mai ler, I lm gem-nil in HI i pot, yet roely to do lid wu not aiinrei Inl" II buporlaiii or Hudrprlv liege, Nu doubt tlm Hum will mum wlmn Hm prcviintlbln dlei' will m iriiviuild, and Hut necessity nf cur will b un'ril xd, llr, h'xUtt F, Keelny, M l,i,ii riiF'iit lonr, An rust end gimilcimoi had occasion to consult a fhroiil, M-callt Hm ni lu-r ilay. When lm entered Hm doctor' nlllcs, lm found that, worfliy putting away at Mclgn retta, After n exionliiitlnn Hmdoclof xofei'd," Vou oiok i'lioiIO', don't yu" "Y, lr," replied He puili-nt, ,fWdl, tbit' a liorribln habit m'"t liijiolou In your Ihrmii, and you'll Phvm 'Mi,i )i, lm n,'lhiO'ly," tlm doctor l hired, "Hut, tintUir, I aw you sue, king turn wlmti i amt Iu," Vefilui'i'd Hipiiinl "Alrnm," coughed Hm doctor, xligliily confuwl, "I was, hut I don't ram jjlmut my ihroni,, l,' mm Ii worsa ilnm mmiy pi'opl' wlei oum Vt m "-, I'iiisturg lispniclj, ll. lilNlit M.ii, Fmplnyi r - Wi ll, hv you found Hint Mr Hmiili whoowv Pilir Clerk No, sir, 'I her am any iiiimbnr uf Hodllm in that leu iu, and notoimxc knowh'dg" Miinudf our debtor, (Jimuf tbeui went o far a lo k l k um out, l',iuiluti'i'.-,fuiV go lo him again, I'm uur lm'i,ir umii. ,iiili,n Million, 4 lifllf ,(i,l. All F)igllb vnlrlloipilst twtmWi bai A ImudlMg, at IIiusiiiiim Hum mimicking thl eric uf n dog. A yuipaijeiia man runhi'd up ate) fcoivi (lm mini llinisMn Tlm vufiirll'"pilt suet htm for duumgf, put Hm i mm wa ic, i, Iml ag'ilust til in, on Hm jrmoi'l Hint Hiuil"! i imlupbui xetd lu good fiillh - l"iid"ii Teller T lm fun's I'srliir, Kngllsli uieciirviini, wlmaraxlway Men,, , from Hm boueheper' t'ltilll, f ri-fto l in siicr, it spoi a dim pugs par ,,,, as M ing an em ,',,, eoniiuoig up to III' ' 1,1 llOIKU lI" be in 4 X I I , N