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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1891)
THE AMERICAN PAPACY AND EDUCATION In litis dUnuitnti the papacy U ill tinguMicri from tho Hontntt Cut hull church. Tim fonurr U tlio governing power; Hi IntiT In lint governed hotly toinpncri of nil the f ilthftil who have been bittll.eri, piiifoMM tint name doctrine hihI nro mthjocl to one vlmlilu head, the ioiii, With lint laity (if llii) H.iitiiiu church, who ulinply obey the order of their olllcml lender, wo have hero nothing to do; hit In tunny of It m mm method nml teaching tint Papacy In believed to lin tirichlovoUM, tyrannical Ami Autl-Chrltlnn. TWO AUtagOIIINtlO tolllloliole luvo exited In tlin llomnn church for eontu rlox In regard to the power of thn Hun of Homo. TI10 (Inllloan view make the church thn tilUnmlo Nouren of nu thorlty, nml roNlrlel the pope' Juri diction to Kpliltuiil thing. Tim oppo hIiu or iiUi'aiiiouIaiio view, regard llm popo n tho vloitr of ChrUt on earth and, a mich, I ho Noureo of all power both npirltuiil nml temporal. When tint decree of piipul Infallibility wit pdMHml liy tint vhIIchii council In IM70 tiltriinioiitnnlNin wiim given it permanent ANconrionoy, mnl it U on IliU lino Unit tint Itimntn church I now working out It ilimllny, It U thn purpoMo of thn I'ltjmny to Noouro titilverNal NUprcmaey; nrnl It U IliU fact thnt render It a otilfttit monitoo mnl danger to CxiNt- lllg lllHlltlltlOIIK, Tho organisation of thy Human Ctthollo church U exceedingly compact. 'J'hfl litlty Am bound to obey tint prliml tho pr!ut, tho bihop; find tho blhop, tho popo, Thin graduatlonil arrAngo wont in supported by iloctrlnrt, oaIIin, mnl, In flint, In designed to glvo thn popo control of tho clergy find lulty throughout tho world. J 11 tho ringmitlio decree of tho Vatican council of H70, It In Niihl thnt "nil tlm faithful of ChrU mut bellovo tint holy npoNlollo en mnl tho Koiiimii pout III poNNiiNNim Hot prlniricy over tint wholn world," A careful reading of thoo rieorooN In tho light of hltory fully Ju tlllitN Mr, (llAritono' Judgment, thnt they "In tho ntrlctowl onn ofahllli for thn popo Niipremu coniuimnl over loyal nml civil duly." Oathollo Inynmti, whether they real IO It or not, urn bound In nil thing to yield obedience to tint popo; !lilr bid lotN nml education of tlm children nro At IiIn dlNpoNiil, The clergy itro bound to tho Kotniui pontlu" by a oomprehen nIvooiiIJi; nml no prelate of foreign birth cmi bo naturalized an mi Amorl- ciin olll,cn without perjury or rilloy ftllf to hli eeolelAlleal howl. Tint !oiil,ltiilloti of tho Ifnllori Hint mid tint principle of papacy cminot bit, Tint rioelrlno mu) IIolpllnn of tho Koinan church nro nuirvidloinily ftditplixl to in.ilntitlri lint Nujircoiitcy of tlm pfipiioy, A lilnriicliy in imlnb. Iinliml between (hit lulty mid Ooil-n hler-irchy through which an n (dimiuel milviilion in coniuiunloiited, lly the Nrtcrlflco of tho iiiiihn tho prlimt mukiiN mi ofl'iirlnif to (Jod for thn nIiin of tho living unit tho dmid, Accord' Ing to tho doctrluo of Indulgence, tho popo enn drnw upon tho treiouiry of Niiperogntory merit to Niijiply tlm ileflclenclitN of needy ineiuberN, Tliroitgh MitiiMihr tonfiKiliii tint ptient oblnliiN pu(ilon of tho In. itntHt miriM of ImllvlilimlN nml fmnl lien, In the rno of iIInoImmIIi'iii'i', the church InipoAi' mvi'i' MMinllbR, cul minuting tit IhnI, whens It U free to lint i tt'i ntil force, In the Make, With mi rli n nyitcm, U It tint Ntrnngn Hint Itonnui ccclemimticN hnvtt nlnioNt. unlliii li(il power ovr iho billy. In tint light of tint foregoing eoiupeudloim Mtitte lueiitN, Ni'veiiil polulN, directly or Indl rcclly relitted to populiir education, cn peclally In HiIn country, imi now to be coiiHlilcred: I, -Tint liluft of tcmponil power In Inherent In tlm tiltrmtionlamt con ceplion of tho piipuey. An the repre Nentntlvn of (iod In thn world, the popo U Hiiperlor to civil rulei'N. In tho fiinioiiN bull, "Uniun Hiincliint," of Monlfnco Vllf, It iNdecliired that "The uplrltiml Hword In to be UNed by the church but the carnl worl fur the church. Thn one In the huiuU of the prleM, tint other In the limulN of klngN mid Noldlet'N, but at the will mid pleiiN urn of the prlcHt, It In right that the temporal Nword mid aulliorlty be Mill Ject to the Nplrllual power, 1 moreover, wo declare, nay, ilcllun nm pronounce that every human being Nhoiild boNiiiilectto tho Hommi pontiff.' 'iho papacy at the proNcnt day Iiin not reeeded from iIn cIiiIiiin during the mlddlo ngcN, The papal HyllnbiiN of Krrorn In IHIH, which iiiunI now bo re garded an an Infallible and Irreform- Able declaration of principle. con demna the following propoNlllotiNi Tho church h an not tho power of Availing hei'NcIf of force, or Any direct or Indirect temporal power; S7. The infnlNtorii of the church And tho Ho- man pontlll' ought to bo AbNolutely ex- eluded from nil charge and dominion over temporal iifl'uir; 42, In tint ciino of conflicting law between tho two poworN tho civil law ought to prevail," It In a mlNtake t NiippoNit that the papacy I11 been Influenced In (In cn- Niintlal prlnclplim by modern progreN, l,ullei by thU Imllef wo have become Nomewhat IndlflWmit to the Nchenie ami cll'ortN of ll reprcNenlatlve, In the HyllabiiN of Kiror tho proportion In explicitly comlemneil that "the ito man ponllfr ought to reconcile hlmolf to, mnl Agree with, progreN, Ifberal lui an lately introduced." lly thl declaration tho popo mIiown hlniNelf out of Nympathy with modern cllll.a- tlon, And oppoed to ll broad mid tol era nt Nplrll, I In place hlmelf at t he head of a reactionary bodv that Neck to et up again tint doxpotlo reign of the dark Age, 2 Tlm pApacy Npeclllcully repudl' At on rellgloiiN freedom, 'J'IiIn In con- !lent with I In fundamental claim; for, a tho Infallible ource of nil religion truth, it In necearlly Intolerant. The ylbibiui Already minted condemn the following proportion! '77, In tho iroNont day, it In no longer expedient that tho Catholic religion xliull bo held a tint only religion of tho Male, to tho exclusion of all other morion of worhlp; 7H, Wheneo It hftN been wbicly provid ed by law, In xomo counlrlet called (,'athollo, that perxoiiN coming t ) reldo therein hall enjoy tho publlo exerclo of tho Ntato, to tho exclusion of All other modiiN of vorshlp," Tho rieIro and aim of tho papacy In to ctabllli the Unman t'nilmlle ridlglmi In every country, to exclude every other form of wnrnlilp, unit, If 1 'kkni y. to I111 poNO ll faith by fnree upon nil men, won, mi ami children, The Sytlabu ileulcN that every man I free to em brace nml profe the religion he hIiiiII believe true, guided by Hut light of reiiNuu," Iti'llgioiiN liberty In tolerated by tint papacy only where It cannot be ucccnfully ninInIoA The papacy ha lint relaxed In It bllterueNN toward I'ruleAtantUai. rrotetant nro de clared to bo expired to Hut pain of eternal damnation, nml every prelate In Nworn to oppime nml per(icule them. Tint papal bull, in "Ooenft Domini," clearly nt forth tint attitude of tint Hommi Hee toward heretic mid in frln gem of It privilege, Although ll minual publication hu been dieou tinned mIiicii 1770, from conlderallou of nxpedleiicy, It principle nrn Mill binding on tho papacy, "In thn mime "of (iod Almighty, Father, Hon, itml Holy Hhot, and by the authority of tho IiIcnmmI npoHllcM, Peter and Paul, and by our own, we ex communicate, ami nnathcmafUe all IIiiltcN, Wyclllllfe, liiitheraiiN, Zwlng llaiiH, lJalvaiilt, IliiguenolN, Auabap- IInIn, and other apofatoN from the fallhj mid all other heretic, by what- oever liamo they aro called, or of whatever ec they may be, And alo their AdliereiitN, receiver, favoror. mid generally Any defender of them; with All who, without our Authority, or that of tho apoMlollo ee, knowingly read or retain, or In any way or from miy cauNe, publicly or privately, or from any pretext, defend their book con taining herey or treating of religion; an aIho NohhouatlcN, and thon who withdraw thcmelveii, or recede olmll. nately from obedience to u or tho ox nlJng Horn n 11 pon 1 1 11'," , The Hambler, a (,athollo paper of fioridon, In merely conltent mid out Kpoken In the frdlowing exfraof: 'K. Ilgloii liberty, In the oiino of a llbcrtr poMNCMNcri by every man to chooit hi religion, U one of the mot wicked do IiinIoiin ever folHleri upon thl ngo by tho father of all deceit, The very c 2924 Leavenworth Street, TELEPHONEQ, In now ready to receive orricrN for Ice, In any rpiantlty, None nleer or clearer than WEEPINQ WATER ICE. An a Nide-JIno, In urnuier, I Soft Coal, Hay, Feed, &e Which I will deliver lo miy part of tho city, J. M. WINSHIP, Painter, Paperhanger AND DECORATOR, 1400 NORTH TWENTY-FOURTH OTREET. B It a me of liberty keept In the niie of It pel Million to do eei lalu dellullit net-ought to be hatiMtcil from lint ilomlltloii of lellglou, it In neither more nor leu than a faUehood. No man ha a right to choon IiU religion. None but nil nthel! can uphold thn principle of religion liberty, Shall I foxier that damnable doctrine that Hocliiuhnu, nml ('alviinUn, nml Angll cnnboti, and JudaUm, nro mil every one of them mortal tdn, like murder nml nriultcryP Nhali I hold out hope to my erring I'rolcMtaut brother that I will not meddle with hi creed If ho will not meddle with mlueP Hhall I tempt ti f 111 to forget that he hint 110 more right to hi religion view than he ha to my pure, to my boiie, or lo my life hlooriP No. CafhollclHiii In the niuMt Intolerant of crcCri. ll I Intolerance clf; for ll I I null Itself. Iloman (?alhollc In thl country have predicted that men now liv ing would ec thn majority of tint people of the Hulled (Stale pa il!; that (!athollcliu I dent mud to become the Nlaln religion; mid that plaiiN aro In operation for gaining a complete victory over l'roleliintlui, Thonapaoy doe not tolerate Intellect ual freedom." fOONTINIIKIi. FOR a ALE. A Hlugle lluggy nml llannm for 'M if taken at once, , I lumen, nluiot new, Apply to Mr, It. T, 00k, Clifton Hill. TIUPHONE t,H, H. L. BURK ET, N, K. Cor, 21th mid Cuoiliig, Funeral Director anfl Einbalmcr, rirot Door N. titiee Hank JAMES COSQRO 0 I KA IMI IK 0 Claars.Tobacco&Statloneru 511 N. 10 STREET. American And Their Friend Invited, Dn, W II, LANYON, I'll Y ft KUAN AND HltlKIKON M, W, Cor, loth and Chicago. OFFICE HOURS, 3 to 5 and 7 tc 8 p.m. Telephone 747; lteldence 271 1 Clmrln WH ITE 1317 AND OQ2.lfr which ho will furnlh regular (!iilomer carry a full lino of tho bet