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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1891)
AMERICAN, VQLUMl I. OMAHA, NtH . THUH3DAY, SU'UMUtK 1 W), NUMMI H 70 THE I1 f ft I. VATItOUVS t'litsr. Tlm Hon, Joint Ilimli will have liU hand full killing till' llm American Protective Amiu'IiiIIiui ninl explaining Why lilt Ktlltl "Wt Hl'tt ('nlliol'ltit HUNT mill eltlaen nflttrwnrtl," mul with tint church itt Home nt hi it buck will hit finally nt'coinplih tin t n W t Von re member probnhly when John made tlNrt Of lllllt Cliolfllt HIMlllllllOII, It WHU when II117 were laying tint corner slnim of Hi. John' church, on tlx) 271 li tiny of J ti nn, 1 hk7, lirfoi'ti a large audience, It wntt publUlioit In llm Omaha Him of cviti date, from whluli wo Uko llm fol lolng Npccchi Hlitlil, Unvi'i'i'iiil IIInIhii O'CiiiiiHiri Mny II, ili'ltn your IuI(1nIiIi, Hx IIiIn In llm IIi'nI, linrtunlly In it llfeilinc In which no I ii i'ii unit Ki'iini'iil it number of I'iiIIiiiIIcn of MiIn city mul illni'imti lut vt KHtlit't'iiil liii'lli"r, I Imivk Im "fit iliiiiliil In ihiii'knn In ynii tin r lieurl felt plettNiirn mul Hint, Mitt Inrui'l Ion wc fuel In UMinlliitf ynil tu-ilny nn no iuihiIi'Iiiiin mi nc cunIdii li irlncn of llm church of Und niic I'niiinli'il liy IiIn lnyiil, NilHliml niiIiJccU, Wt cm ii mil, lei Mil iiimii'I unity iiinn wli li mit, piilill'iy i' ih'I'mInk mil' f mi II y In yon mill to Mm I'liiii'rli of which ynii are llm vInIIiIc lieud In IIiIn dlnecNii. Although there tuny Im defeeHoiiN In Mm riinliN In nilii'i' iilni'i'N, mul tililiiiimli iirldc iiiity uiilu llm iiNi'iiiiili'iii'y over Nome, IIiiin iiiiikliiii tlii'in li'iii'lii'iNiif fiilNtutnil diintterniiN IIikih'Ii'n I'linili'iniii'il liy iiuihorlly mul lillmlly iii'nInIIiik In I liil'1 evil enurNC, even In llm tulri'inliy of 1',','iii'i'liitf ctioniiiiuiiiilciiHiiii, Vtl, we wInIi In iiNNiii'M ynii Unit, our loyally mid devotion In Mother Clnil'i'li mul to you, her vInIIiIh head In IIiIn dinette, remain nn nIiIihkii, ti'iiii"inii Nlni'i'i'ti, Wit would fiilu lot vn yum' Ioi'iInIiIi rciill.n that, In ille of out' fi'itllili'N. Mm worry mul mnilely of life till! Ill lll'l' III I lOIIIII'I'OIIM II(!'IICN Wllll'll mil llm nI iiinlllhu Murk In Mm elii'lNtliiii' pathway, wt are In heart, mul In iiVaollce CATIlMMt'H I IIIHT mul cIMxeiiNWterftitrtl, NoW, UN yilll IlltVH, lit IlKCNIIIlfll IllCOIlVt'll- fence, kindly come publicly miioiut yrtur Mplrlttuil children (ill Hit ii'i'iinIiiii wIioni Im pnrlitiicit Indiii'i'N no many of Iheiii to K'lMier l otfnl liil', I'i'Nl Iinniii'im) Hi il l, II, In oh i- eui'iiCNl, prayer that, the A InilKhty 1'nilirr, Mm Klver of H 1 1 km id HillOK will B en nl, yoil lotiK I If". Iii'itltli mul lniiiliii'"N, mul wlii'ti Mm Mum nIiiiII have count for yon lo timid, your Heavenly Father, nt Met cWmi of It llfit de voted lo I hit Kood of (iMii'i'N, wn'I riiNl, Mutt wti, your fiillliful mid di'voti'd n lilldnoi iiitiNiuil., will luivti ciniNi'd you nn (trulidy, Jiul, I'ltllmr liitvo lici'ii it, t'oiiNoliiMon mid it juy to you, 'I'IiIn m Mm hiiinlilii irytr of llm CiiiIiiiIIcn of Mm illociiNrt of (iiiiiilut, i Tim rttporhr who wrotn llm blowout up tuivm "Joint HimIi on'linlnilf of tlitt litlty jii'tntttiit rttml the fllnlvo ittlili'imi bftfnrtt lilt InriUliIji liinl Hunt to Itmvtt liln (tiirrl(t." Thin Hutu l iiili'lolltin 'J'liU In llitt jirlm-IttNH linoii for whltih Ihti HuulUnmn who mllu tint Hotilh Omuliit Tl'lliiiiu In llj(lilliij(-l,lifi rliflil to iiif n ('nlliolio Urxt ninl (tllltni itfinrwiii'il, Wo tli ii li It Almllit (loil Hint tint A, l A. (Ioiik not iiHtt NiicliitNi.niitui'iliif loyally, W r jiroml Hint w urn Arnnrltmii clilttnn rniNT, untl wlutliivtii (tlt'cunii Nliinni't, mul our (!itiiii(iic(i iiiitknn im nfltirwiti'il, If lo lift ti Oitlliollti (lli't mnl n cltl.ttii nfittrwriM U loyitliy to our (iniiiilry, then wtt urn rnlinU; tlnni U tint hlllliiNnttt, tint howiiiili, whfoh tlm wlltor of tlin 'iVliiiinw I vomiting upon iluctnit, r)it(flnl lo (iillnint li. mirvtult If It l not, tlntn lint Nnontir lint gntitlmiimi MiiliNliltM lint imilcr olf will llm llmniiii oiiipoi'titloii Im, 'I'hurA will not long tut room In thU tionniry for a cIiinn of puopln who hoHNt of Niipttrlor Nlltiglinii t to Honiidliliig olhttr Until tint giivcrnriifiiit iitnW whtdh Umy llvtt mid fucrttUtt tint itlntitlvtt fritfidliUti, If rnttit who cJiilm tyttrythlng )n ubwvlnt to llirlr hIIi'jjIi'mimi to llm ttminlry nrt nrnt itt llit' Imllol Inm by lluiHtt who own nllt((liiiiu to 111 it t'lnnt'h Hi'nI ninl tlm fiinniry nfii'rwHi'tl, Thoittt who lii'llcvii I lull way will Intvtt to (lottvi'it tint iiii'IiiIiitn of tint A. I'. A. mul nil other I'l'otoNiiintii or (hoy will lot vti to tt nMliltllnilfiiUit lilttiitif fmilty toiointithliigothtr ihmt tint goviti niitioit timli'i' whltih limy llvtt, mnl Immnuit full IlI'llllllU'N III 1 1) If Ctl'tMKlltl M'ltlllNt till! Knniitn iniiohliitt which tiuioliim tlm youth 1 hut thtty owtt nllt'glmnm to tint church Unit ami tlm govurnnittiit nfti'f wnrtl. Tlm Houlh Oniiihn Trllmnn liriimU nil Ihia Tiik Amiciiican uny a pitok of llttK, ninl Mutim lluil Uin tulitor protliitiiiM nothing to Niihttiuillitlii IiIn itNNurllonn, Tlm Trlliuntt initn U inU liiktin, Wo Intvtt mnl (tun provo every woril wn Intvtt nhIiI. liy tint wnnU which pi'ottiiitilitil out of John Riin!i mouth, wit Im vit (toiivlctctl llm Itnmiiu (!nlliolli) litlty of Ihit .iliocitNii of Oniiihn of owing iilltt"ltiiicit IIi'Ht to lint church, mnl of giving to llm country lint Htutoml pined In their liiiitrU, Nttt, A (WOI) A I) Vltll T1HKMKNT. k Kx'dov. Unlit W. Fiinin, of Ilrown. vlllc, Nccrctitry tf thtt Nntirimku Htatc Hurlinultuml Hoololy, Inu kindly fur iiihIkkI mi it complimentary ticket, lo tlm NchritNkit Htattt Fair which in held In Iliinolu, Heil. 4lht t ll'th, Inclmtlvc, NiiliritNkii'M aiiniiitl enhllilt of , agri cultural ninl lioilKuilliiral product linn tltm much to inlvertUn Intr greitt fttr tlllty mnl reMouroc. WK WATJSllWOllh'H, An cx-cmployfl of tint watnrworkii company ttayN It tloett not (liNiirlmmaln HgitliiNt Amitrl.jami or J'rotiiMtnritn. Ho wan mm of llm men laid ott'. FORM YOUR OWN OPINION, (!oriNlllutl')iiN gunnl tint rlghloof per Nonal Huciirlly, perttonal lllmrty, prlvitttt property mnl of rcllglnuK profttNHlon ami womhlp." Kent'n ('omonintarlen, Vol, I, I'agtiKl?, I do further tin I will iino my ItitNt eiiilitiivom to promote civil and religion liberty rrom tint (Mlh KumlNhed Amerf can noclntliiN by Koiiiuii Hympit Milurn. claid lint tlodlrino of tint church of Kug land, of tint (Jitlvmi lift, lliiguenolit and other rroiettiini, to be damnable, I will help, iiNttlNt mid nilvltta all or any of hU IioIIiicnn' agent, in siiy diicti where, 'iver I Mltitll bit mnl to do my utmoNt to cxtirpato thfl herell. oal I'rotottant doc Irlnc.MeNlroy their power.ri'gal or oth erwlNtt, ,liiullonlli. GO TO 322 North Sixteenth Street, SAflQENT'S For h no Boots and Shoes, - llivtt your frlinid add hi nmim to our wibKcriplton IIhI, Hitrgmif, 322 North Hlxleerilh utrnftt, - Hiilntcilbfl for Tiir, Amuik aw, JOliX IW81I IS A A'A'II' JlOt.t!, Mninliiy nfleriionii Iwn gtnitlemen went itlaiitlliig upon lint corner of Klfli'ciith mul Fitrnmit HlrentN, lulklitg pi'llticN mnl IiiihIiicnm, when itloiig ciium .Joint KiinIi, city trentturt r of Oimthrt, who, being iicipnilnted with llm men, piiNM-d tint time of tiny mnl. nfter n few pcrltmli.nry remarkit, invited tltciti In to In kit a cigar. Kew men ever rnfiiKit to accept nn Invitation to takn "Kottm thing," mnl thcNtt gei.llenmu wcrtt of llm grcnt mitjorlty, Ouo .wan a tleiu ocrat mnl lint oilier nn Independent, no, when they had tint fragrant weed between their teeth, the Independent inquired i "Well, Mr. UunIi, what will you bo up for thin fnllP" "1 mn looking for nothing," that woiihy replied "I linvo Noiim very Important work to look nfter, mnl It will require AM. my time!" 'I that no: what I llm mil urn of your workP" "I vo got to break up that I I gang- tint A. 1', A. oulllt find it will take urn all fall to do It. Hut I'm going to break It; I'm tint only man In Omaha that can do It, nml 1 propone to nctt that It U done," "Hut," npoko up tlm democrat, "don't you four a fight on tlm A, I', A, would rettult In driving many men Into llm order, who would go In to fight for their friend nml tint primtl pin thof advocate. Jf I were you, John, I vouIt let It ftlotm, It will gradually die out If you keep nIIII, but If you ntlr up ft fun It will bo tturfl to grow," t "No It won't, I can ntop It, filer IT Wf,f, TAKK MM AM, MM., mill that I why 1 won't bo a candidate for liny often thU time." Wn ngren with John HiinIi, It will takn him nil fall- and even then Im may not get through, llo may have to call In hU friend, tint JcniiiIn, mnl even they may find It enough of n Job to Keep them buy nil fall, ft may even be neceary to ('rononln ft few of tint loader of tint A, I', A,, for which purpoNit he can call In Km Roman mulliij yet It may be Unit even Mil will not top the growth of (he order that Itt a thorn In the ld of nil traitor to the coimtltutloii of tlm United Htate nml It form of govern ment. InthatCiioft diNplay of bay oiiei by tint Hibernian rllle may ac coniplikh the nun It, that tin man Uuh thl man who In the preence of ft vat multitude, declared, on behalf of the Uoman (!alhollo laity of the itiocum of Omahft that, ''WK A Mi CATNOffdH FIUST, ntid citizen afterward"--o much ((tlro. If it doe not, (iod only know what will. Surely no one at all acquainted with the A- 1', A, mid It plan of campaign, will envy John Kit nil hi ltuatlon, In OnmU the A, P, A, I In oim repM'1 like It enemy, It I llkn ft sword with one mighty bundle mnl thouandof blade Mattered throughout the oily, ami no man know when he ee or talk to one, If John Uiih can cope ucce fully with the A. I'. A, then will we call him great) ftr"l I' 1'" fu'U t,,fl church of Hniint Im fitllml, for htt I hacking him. And how tine thtt chtttch of lloinii light P Nlitinler, vlliirperiitlon, nbtiNit, bulldoJug, liitltiiiilatlnii, pidjitry mo her weapon) nil themt, or any of thorn nIui wilt finiilli her loyal oii, If Im but uy they nrtt net eNiry for lint dtt feat of the A. l A, Hit may not mmtl any of theiii) he may not allow Intr to cluniNit hi. weapon, but we nhnll nee, John UunIi ha declared that ho can nml will break up tint American Fro Ifi'llvn Aitclalioii. To him then will henceforth be nttribiileil all that may be ttitld detitmcntfit to tint loyal men who have lint courage lo openly mnl Nceiclly wage a war galut thl tnot Inlqultou, pcrnlcluu nml dliloyal ndlglo-politlcal iuoiitroiiy known a the It hiiiiii (lalholln church, lo him will all crttdil be (lint if Omaha allow her public M'lionW to drop to the lan tlitnl of tint Uoniitn parutdilat chool li him will bit line ti.; cretlll, If tint ol der come from Home, for Human InIk to rt'fiiNtt to pity their ehool ln mid cnd a bullet through the heart of tint Lux collector, of having lntlguatei the outrage. Hut thl will not happen. John HhnIi will find that he I ft mall potato, There I no un for tint lloman fo kick again! the prick. They have made their bed mnl niut lie In ll. No man can utter the nentl meet which John UunIi did June 27, H7, nml claim p rt or parcel In lint government of hi country. Thera I m Niich thing provided for by the core dilution or the law n John Kuh declare all llomanUL In Ihe dlocce of Ooialnt fo be, (hat I (iathollc rtimr nml citizen nftt rward," That I Ihe claim of every ltomanll,o sgaln vf 1 1 we agree with Mr, Huh, ThU I whaf we have preached from Lh flrnt lmt of TtfK Awcno'A), and John UunIi ha furtiltthed the evldenco Lo prove our erilon to be frue, Now, fellow vSWwm of Omaha, what, do you think of tint A, I', AP I It no! tlm frue FrofcKttni were organlJfig, when a public olllclal will Nltnd up before n large crowd and openly, publicly de clare "we me (ialhollc flrt nml (tlt Izeiift nflcrwardP" Vou wurely will need nothing furl her to convince you Ihe movement l fiery Hoot mnl Mhoe, the bet make, nt Hrjent', 'A'i'i North Hliteenlh nlreet, dOMMITTIUCMICN You oftti ave both time and money by getting your Invitation mnl I'rogram printed nt (hi office, All our Job typ direct from the fypo foundry mul of tint very lattt yle, Te,lphon No, 1271, MX HUl'lUttNTKNIilWT, Th?t tharge ha been repeatedly md that Mr, Fil(arlcK,uperintind ettf of Nehool, I a Homanlf't, In or der to forever Nettle thl o'etlon wo requeNt no Mfir lo Lhl qiniNtlon! Are yon Uoman (;lbollo, Mr, K It- Patrick r m North Mlxfeenlh, TourlNt, travel vU W, A M. .4.., I. 'I X- a -