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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1891)
T H E AMERICAN 2 ALBERT PIKE'S ANSWEK TO TIIK KSVIVMCAI. LRTTKU UVMASVt (iivpii ti Urn Wmld by Leo Xllll.) II'M, Which W Dnw tnil M iiitly k',M.A hw fflD STUDY t REFLECT! Tu wlnnti violent attack mi energetic defonxe iniiKt respond, tiond men imiMt unite and form an Immense cnnll. Hon of praver mill efforts. F,peelally tho Virgin Mary, moihiT of (1ml, must bo besought to become tlm auxiliary iiml Interpreter1 of tlm church, display ing her power against tlm sect which aro reviving the rebellion spirit, tlm Incorrigible porlldy and (ho cunning of tho devil. St. Michael, who precip itated tlm revolted angel Into hull, Hi. JoMcph, husband of tho virgin, iiml tlm groat apoHtlo HI. Peter and HI. Paul ii i ii Mt hNo bn enlisted; ami thus lha Im minent ilnngcr to tho human race nifty ho ivortod. Instruction of tlm people In religion doctrine; enlargement of tin Third Order of Franciscan; organization of nHNoniutloim of working men; gaining control of tho education of tho; mid Incessant pniyor,-thono aro to ho tho ostensible mean of nffnimo and do fotiHo, A la Ikiiiiio hourot If no more were jnoiint. Hut tho church of ltoino Iihm never boon In tho habit of making known tho real moan or Instrument which It Iihm determined to vino for thn mipproMNloit of heresy or to repres the ntrugglu of humanity to escape fror.i tho Intolnrablo bunion of opprosMlon; ami It In not likely to do It now. Tho otontatloii recital of llioso peaceful moan of antagonism doe not ngroo with tho explicit re-enactment of tho bull of Clement and Ilenedlct, Tho church ha other measure In view than teaching and prayer; and It I already imlng them in Ilitlgiiiut mid Urnzll, It ha myHteriuA.tho divulgation of which U Interdicted; conclave and comd torlo, general of tho order, nnnomblio that aru secret, a thol" decision and tho nioari and agent of execution arc. Tho adept blindly and without di euaslon obey tho Injunction of their chief, holding thonmolve alway ready, upon tho slightest notlllcatloti or hardly porccptlblo nlgii, to execute tho order given them, devotlrg thiimsolvc In advance, in case of disobedience, to tho ruivt terrlblo pnualtle and oven to death j were tho order even to bring about tlm murder of another William tho Kllent or of tho chief of ft republic Wi'.h niich a past a that of tho church of Homo I, It have been wl not to provoko comment upon it real crime by declining other of having committed Imaginary one; or exposure of tho doctrine of lint Jesuit by libel ling thoHii of Free Masonry, It I not only just and fair and red onablo, but of absolute necessity, to coneludo that any one who speak to men by Authority Intend tho oonwe fjuonce that rimy naturally, any whore, bo tho effect of hi word. It I even of absolute noeosnity, ometlme, to conclude that amblguoti phrase and dlgnlflcant uggelloii and veiled iiiitar.lng, when ueil a they aro here, are employed to Induce tho eomrolnlori of Infamle, tho explicit limitation wherounlo might turtl tho eoimclonoo of humanity. And Hil I "peclally of unavoidable liecilly Id the Intel pi -tnlloii of the tii iiidfitf of the church of Rome ngalnl whom It consider Hi enemies, rot" It ha never yel lo pudiati'd and inimliMHied Hie maxim of the hpmiMi Jcsiltn or declared Hie suppression of the truth r the Mlgge tioti of ffilMi homl, fur the lieiii-lil of the church, to bo etiiitnti'y to the fplilt of the g"pel, r eoiifeiiMii! Itielf liNlliiiut'd tor having mo long employed tho In ft rnal enginery of the lniiiMtloii. It U Infallible, can never have erred, can never chnngo. H long ago lout all right to expect tlie world to give It credit for lionenly of Intention or frank lien of expriwioii. Till new proclamation of interdict and excommunication I, U I probable, moro especially Intended a a political i)ianlfeto to the clergy and Catholic of Italy, Spam, Portugal, llelglum and lirazll, Inciting them to treimonablc plotting and combination again l, the coiiNlllutlonal govenitiieiit of thoMc coiintrle. It preache to lliem a new crimadii, the tuirpime whereof I to do Mroy thene goveiiimeiit, to depone the monarch who penult the exUteuco of Kree MiiMonry In their dominion and tho cxproHnlon of the voice of the peo ple In jmblic affair; and to place In lliono kingdom the education of tint young In the hand of tho aoldiory of Loyola, and tho powi.r of pernecutliig Free Miwonry and hereny and the favoring of liberal government In the holy olllce or lmpilltlon armed with all It old Itilmmau ami tiU'ChrlNtlaii power, agalnnt whloli tho eno of jimtloi! of tlm whole world long ago re volted. In lirazll It Incite the arch blniiop of Hlo do Janeiro and tho blwliop of lara, and all Hi" Jeult and Ultra montane clergy, to renew tho war a few year ago waged by them agalnnt Frco Mnonry, againnt the emperor and parliament nnd tho law of tho empire, acting toward tho emperor ax toward one excommunicated, repro bate and accurned. Thu it menace tho publlo peaco In thono eountrlM, Inciting revolt and In Kiirreetlon and lowannlnatlon, and make tho Jord'tf prayer the patent of an Ifxpilnltor, and the ermon on tho mount a warrant for murder. Already the general of tho Jenult and the chief Juipilnllor of tho holy nf Jleo have promulgated their order to their troop and official, commanding them to ti their utniont exertion to carry Into effect Hut mandate of tho encyclical letter. In Hpain and Port ugal ecrct aiiH-Miiotiio annoclalloii aro already being organized tinder theno order! and like organization may bo looked for In the United Htate, with roort to every other mean of warfare again! thn great principle which Free Manotiry represent, Hint can bo prudently and afely employed. It i aUo it political maulento, and more, for our neighboring republin of Mexico and tfiono of central and ou(b America, There am grand lodge and mipreuio council of Manon In mont of thenii ami In fill, Monry I free to exlnt and work undisturbed, and I powerful and Influential. In Mexico, thn ex-preldent, now president-elect of tho republic, and the actual prenl ihinf, rfro thirty-third degree, member of tho mipremo council of Mexico prettied by il, a the President Coiuon foil w a Ihiily lhlid degree, gitin-l coniinrtiider of th'it upl emu CMiiieil, and a the PieMdeiit. Juire w a M:loii, It I well kliowii Hull Hie p iptilutloii at large of the republic I iiiiedueiited and pronxly Ignorant, and dnvMdy mibni'i vleiit to the prlexlhood; nnd that It detect and lnite Prote. Iiiiiln a heretic., damned by the ana thema of the church and unlit to live. The prieHtlmod in Mexico ha alway lieen the iiiicoiupromlHlng and wily enemy of every patriotic! president, of republican government, of Free Ma nonry, of tho principle on which con Hlllutlonal government are founded, and of all the men by whono niil.llme effort and acrlllce Mexico wa made and ha been maliilaniiid a republic. It I aim well known that, In nonn ijuenco ot tho friendly relation be tween our two republic, and the ex tension of railroad in Mexico, built by tho capital of our citizen, there now are in that, country a great number of citizen of the United .Stale, many of whom have purchaned mine and land and are working and cultivating them. The letter "Iliinianiim (ieiiu" I o framed and worded a to be calculated, and uiUHt therefore be taken to bo art fully and deliberately Intended, to In cite the prlcHthood In Mexico to re newed zeal agalnnt liereny and heretic, end more pemintcnt and eonlliiuou and better organized and more auda clou effort to dentroy Fiee Manonry there and overturn republlcanlnm. If citizen of the United Ktalo, peaceably engaged there In ueful avocation, nhoiild bo annannlnaled by mob, In litigated, If not openly led, by the prlent; If Diaz and (ionzale and other Free Maon nliould bo murdered and lint church hould inaiiguritto a bloody elval war, Pope Leo Xlll. will not be able, by any peclal pleading, to avoid tho renponnlbiilty for all the fatal con umpience that may etmuo, For men havo not forgotten that Ig mttiu hoyola, founder of tho Order of Jowl, promulgated thla law; Vinuiii ct nobl In Domino nulla connlitutlone ponno obllgnlloneiii ad peeeatum viorlak vol vetilalo Induccro nM Huin'tor, (In noinino J.-C. vd In VirllllO obedieiitie,) Juhi rri," "it ha Ncemed to u lu the Lord that no count it ul loti can make It obligat ory to commit a mortal or a pardonable nln, utile the Buperior (In the name of JeUH Chrlt, or In virtue of obedi ence,) may o order," No doubt the general of the Jenult hold tho amo doctrine to-day, and I ready to apply It, If nonunion hould demand - that the uperior In the order ha the power to command an Inferior to commit ft mortal nIii. It I a fruitful arid convenient doctrine, when the mat ter In hand I to dentroy eoiiHlitutlonal government In Catholic count rle. There I tlll morn to bo connidered by tho poopb of the United Hlutc; which, when they come full to cotnpre heml tho purport of thi manlfento from tho Vatican, they wiM. connlder. The Catholic, whom ll propone to or ganize Into Italian colonic or camp here, obeying the law enacted at Home, regulating the political action by principle hostile to thone on which Republican (iovernment i founded, nnd edulouly Inculcating "I"'" tlm jotiug eutruxtml to their clmrge, me being thoroughly Informed of ii eoiilciit and meaning; for It I already being lend til nil their oliurehen. Thone, whoe pilneiple It damim a d telblo and wlekedxlll route lo the kliowledgo nf It moro nlowly, feeling, even If Free iniHon. little lutere-t In a papal bull iignlimt Free Mi "mry, nnd little In lined to read Song it piiper, and nlow lo believe tint I' ui a' luck Upon the civil limtltulii'l' ;;f td nyteiu of government under Sh hey live. Hut, they will well on and ll by mid by, mid Imve oiiii'i!ii""'" My In re- i o " gard It. It make it lo be of ilivlu" obligation for every faithful Cat hollo in the United Slate to be at heart tho mortal and iiiiooiiiproiiiMng enemy of the princi ple and Kplrlt, tin; plan and purpose, of the government under which he lives and whono cpial law pern' it liliu to plot and ooimplru agalnnt It with Im punity, ll proclaim It lo the devout believer an a truth upokon by the mouth of Cod, that Hid great axiomatic, principle, dear to tlie lover of human liberty in every age, dear especially dear beyond price or cxprennion to llio people of the United Htatcn, on which, an upon thu Immovable adamant of eternal truth, their wyntem of govern ment i hulldcd, arc false and criminal and wlckml, making the United Hlate lo be n part of the kingdom of nataii. It make It hi and her duty, there fore, to do all that it may be ponlblo to do to eradicate thenn principle and dentroy all that 1 bullded 'upon them; to gain control, no far a ponnlble, of thn education of youth and convert the young to the Catholic faith; to win or buy for the Catholio church ft power and Inlliicncelii the government of tho country. ' Alroiidy the encyclical letter I upon tiapollllcnl manifento In Ireland, Archbishop McCabc, we are told, ha written ft letter with reference to tint approaching election of Lord Mayor for Dublin. He ay ho I unable to un dirntand how Catholic could In honor and conscience cant their vote for Mr. Winnlanlcy, who I both a home ruler and it Free Mason. "A ft Free Maon he I ft member of aoclnty which aim to overthrow religion. To Free Ma onry the revolution of tho last cen tury were traceable, No one can plead iion-partlclpatloti a long a ho remain a Manoti," And Mr, VVInwtanlcy ha repudiated Free Masonry to obtain vote; and ha' been defeated. '! Hut, for which thank be unto tho (Jod of Hosts, "from whom all gloria are"! Free Masonry In mightier than the church of Rome; for it ponnenne Hie Invincible might of the pplrlt of tho age and of the conviction of civilized humanity; and ll will continue to grow in lrength and greatnen, while that church, lu love with and faithful to it old tradition, and Incapable of learning anything, will continue to de cay, Tho palsied hand of tho panaey I too feeble lo arret tho march of hu man progress. It cannot, bring back tho obsolete doctrine that King relgu by divine right. In vmIu It, will preach new criiMii'!". airaln't Free Maonry or heresy or Republicanism, It will oou Hnuo to nigh In vain for the return of the day of Philip . and Mary of land, of Loyola arid Alva and Tonpio mada, t iik ;on fiNUfto.