The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 07, 1893, Image 6

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    ' mf ! t ,
etlbag by Measareiaent-rartaale wlae
NMWtw Cress Commercial
rradaet Wlad Power Tar in Mat
M4 Horn. tUats.
Haw to Measure Hay.
In answer to a number of inquiries
the Orange Judd Farmer again pub
lishes a few simple rules for deter
mining the amount of bay in stack
er mow, when it I not convenient to
weigh it Selling by measurement is
ot always the most satisfactory
snethod, but it sometimes is most
Sellers are disposed to insist that
a cubo of seen foet is a ton. This
Is entirely too sfnail and will not
weigh out How many cubic feet
will make a ton depends on so many
conditions that no certain rule can
bo given.
St depends on the kind of bay,
ether timothy, alfalfa or prairie,
n the character of the hay, whether
Ino or coarre, on the condition in
which it was put in the stack, and
particularly on the size, especially
the depth of the stack or mow.
- In a very large mow, well settled,
403 cub'.o foet of alfalfa or timothy
may average a ton, but on top ot the
mow or in a small stack, it requires
600 to 12 cubic feet j sometimes even
Jt is not ssfe for the buyer to
figure on less than 6 Wcublu feet; but
to a well filled mow. in selling we
would rather weigh than sell at that
measurement ,
To find the number of tons in
barn mow or hay shed multiply the
length, depth and breadth together
and divide by the number of euble
feet you think, considering the qual
ity of hay and the condition in w.ilch
It was nut up, will make a ton.
To measure a cone-shaped stack,
Ind tho area' of the base by multiply
iaa the 6a u are of the circumference
in foet by the decimal .07958 and
multiply the product tluis obtained
by one-third of the height in foet.and
then divide as before, cutting off five
right hand figures.
The correctness of this will depend
, somewhat' on the approximation of
the stack to a regular cone, and if
the ataek bulges out it makes the
product too small The better way
is to estimate the area of stack up to
point of tapering in ana apply above
rule to cone shaped top.
The best way Is tof veigb. The ex
perience of weighing a few wtacks will
enable any one to judge quite ac
curately. Another approximate rule
for measuring a round stack is this:
Select a place which is near as pos
sible to what the average sue would
bo if the stack were of uniform dlara
tor from the ground to tho top
point. Measure around this to get
tho circumference. Add four ciphers
tOOOO to tho circumference at the
sight and divide tho whole by 81.669
to get the diameter. Now multiply
half ot the diameter by half of the
circumference and you have the foet
of tho circular area. Multiply by tho
number of feet the stack is high, and
you will have the solid or cublo foot
in the whole. Then divide bv 600 to
612, according to its size andcom
paotness and this will give tho nam
Uor ot tons in the stack.
Then allow just enough, spring
water to run over it to Keep h coot
and wet It does not require run
ning water, simply near a spring
branch. Cress plants large enouga
to trsmDlant can be grown as soon
as yon caa grow cabbage plants.
To correct wnat mo books say, i
will notice that the plants should be
set at the edge of running spring
water, not in water eightinches deep.
Clay is better than graveL I have
onu gravel spot in my patch and it
causes me lots of troubles it leaks; I
can't hold the water when I want it
I have two kinds ot cress, brown
leafed" or black cress, as I call it,
and the gren leaf. No sale for black
cress. Th green leaf variety is the
best and 1 am working hard to get
rid of black cress.
To write a full statemont ot plant
ing, care and management of a cress
pond would make a lengthy article.
I sell about f tw worm a year irum
my one-fourth acre. I find ,it a big
job to take care ot it in winter.
I'slng l'liU Power, f
C)y light and some not very light
jtjfri about the house and barn may
be porformed by wind powor. in our
boyhood a neighboring farmer's boys
rigged up a good -sized windmill and
used the power from it to turn the
crank of a grindstone and to turn
other cranks that worked the straight
up and down dash churns. in this
way their ingenuity saved thim labor
that other boys as well as ourselves
had to perform when wo had other
and to us oleaaantor uses for our
time, In Holland wind power is
largely used. We think it is coming
to be here, and especially when cheap
means are devised for storing the
wind Dower as electricity where it
may be more available. More wind
mills are flndlnff a market now than
ever before American Cultivator.
Portable fewlue Pan.
Goorgo Wylle, a well-known swlno
breeder, use j portable swine pons.
Ho correctly says that when tho
ground around the pen becomes foul
by continued occupation, these pens
are easily moved to a fresh location,
and the ground previously occupied
by them plowed up anl a crop or two
raised from It, thereby purifying the
soil After two or three yours it can
be again seeded to grass and the
pons returned to their original loca
tion. A rotation of hog pens once In
two or three years goes farther in
tho direction of maintaining fertility
than anything Mr. Wyllo nays he has
ever tried. With this kind ot pen,
or as many pens of this kind as may
be necessary for the number of hogs
Kept, the original outlay lor pens is
neU need to a mere nothing in com
parison with the large hog bouse.
They will pay for tbgmJ,r 'every
year they are used. With this
system, less than halt the labor
will keep the pens clean; they are
warmer, the air is purer, the young
tigs are healthier, and large num
ber at any season are prevented
trow piling up together. At farrow
lag time each brood sow is isolated
from the others thereby being re
moved from anything liable to make
them irritable end restless. The es
sential, to b secured are health,
osnlori, warmth and cleanliness and
any oatlay of money that foes be
oo4 this mast be regarded ia about
the same light as a prominent
irdr regarded hi expansive 30i
0 hog house. Keld he; It' not
such account for swlae, but its
asiful aloe l show to visitors."
tUwaa'a Kural World.
Farm Note.
If sheep are to bo sold they should
be fattened
A small nostril in sheep is said to
show a lack of. vigor.
It pays to keep the good ewes even
if butchors do offer tempting prices.
Nothing is runro important on the
farm thon to stack the hay properly.
Timothy hay is more nutritious
and pulatable If cut before getting
quito ripe. ,
Aluratnura horse shoos are gredu
allv cominsr Into use. I hoy are
Ught and durable.
The roots of corn will occupy tho
wholo cround betweesi tho rows if
they are not plowed oil.
An experienced orcharaist says
that no orchard, whether young or
old, should bo allowod to grow heavy
crops of grass every yoar to be taken
off. Growing clover ana leeamg it
off with pigs is a much better plan.
There are two sides to the matter
ot Western farmers burning corn tor
tueL If coal and wood are scarce
and high, and corn the cheaper fuel,
why not burn HP There is no com
plaint thlt it is not ,, ael,'says a
writer. - . .
Some one has said that the observ
ant fruit grower never has any heavy
pruning to do. The growth of each
tree is carefully noted, and any ex
cesslve freaks that the troes indicate
as being started are literally nipped
In tho bud.
An exchange says that the best
and easiest way to oil harness Is to
use crude petroleum. Put a little
lamp-black In it and apply it without
washing the loather. The oil will
take the dirt off, and go into the
leather keeping it soft.
To make butter separate from the
cream, a dairyman says he adds a
quart of water In which a tcaspoon
f ul of salt has been dissolved, to each
four quarts of cream at 64 degrees,
when the churning Is ready to begin.
He says it redueod the time of churn
ing from throe hours to twenty min
The inhabitants ot Eap island, in
the FaciSc, have pink hair.
A calf "having seven legs" is the
latest monstrosity reported from New
Brunswick, N. J.
A married eouple at Raleigh, JJ. C
are aged ninety-nine and ninety-three
years, respectively.
According to Canon Farrar about
4,000 clergymen of the church of Eng
land are out of employment
Paris now gets its water supply
from- six great springs; it travels
throngh eighty-three miles of aque
There are 173,000,000 Mohammedans
in the world already and 400 mission
aries are sent out from Cairo every
year to make fresh convert. ,
Telephonemeter is the new Instru
ment that registers the time of each
conversation at the telephone from tho
time of ringing up the exchange to
the .ringing off signal.
Miss Kate Levan of Bucks county,
Pennsylvania, a girl of M, drives' the
mail stage between Princeton and
Fleetwood, and can manage a four-
horse team with as much skill as any
man in the county.
During the last Paraguayan war It
was noticed that the men who had
been without salt for three months,
and who had been wounded, however
slight, died of the wounds because
they would not heal.
In Russian temperance societies the
pledge is taken for one year. The
first time a member breaks the pledge
he receives nineteen with a birch rod,
and with each succeeding offense the
punishment is doubled.
The often repeated statement that
all tho old soldiers ot the first French
empire are dead Is untrue, ns the last
military budget shows that eleven are
still living. These eleven enjoy a
pension of 250 francs each, and are the
proud possessors of bt. Helena medals.
Not far from Boston a well known
merchant has a cemetery lot in which,
side bv side, rest two wives. On one
headstone there Is a touching latnen
tatlon. "My beloved Lily," and on the
other. "My cherished Violet." He is
now living happily with wife number
three. '
The Egyptians must have studied
the art of distilling perfumes to per
fection. Some of their ointment pre
served in an alabaster vase in the
museum at Alnwick is said to still re
tain a powerful aromatic odor, though
it is believed to be between 8,000 and
3,000 years old.
Two hotel cars to be run from tho
East to Chicago, have been fin
ished at Wilmington, Del., at a cost
of 830.000 each. . They are new In
desien and unusually largo. Each
car has Blxteen passenger compart
meats, fitted up after the fashion of
the most luxurious hotel rooirn. A
space twenty-five feet long in the ccn
ter of each car is occupied by a com
plete kitchen and beneath each Idteh
en is a larare place for storage. Gas
tanks supply fuel and light
VMwtnii at eaaiste ratal r'awaet.
Wild iir ir shipped from the
estera part tf the slat tu CbU
baa found Hsb realy sale at fair
raUis that It l likely to b grown
fur i-arko! hiMVs vwndltUw are
favorable. An llliaeb man UlU the
Uiln I armor how he tttrtei
t hr 4 tljfbt ).-' esporU -
Uh a on f .Mtih ar fts .. pt4
and will ante what! kaaw Um
Ranting live J The 4tn4
stuMU U a Iwve) pat, a f IU4. near
a p(n WftflvH, hM atf-fao
W.r wiUrenuxirtl !valW M
nt bv featl; prkuf Into th iu4
WUH IH tHt'b tt a (its. I hi.
tt k ta tr imm.I tt ib rt
hni rfa will HUdi. x iu
Iloma Hint.
Rondcrod beef fat makes an excel
lent pie crust used with butter.
Tour diluted carbolic acid at onoe
upon every part ot a poisonous
wound; afterward give internal stim
Chickens, " Sucks, turkeys, geese
and pigeons should have the heads
taken o!j close to tho bodies. The
of the necks should bo loft long
enough to turn down upon the backs
for in inch or Iwi. When the bird It
trussed its pinions will keep the skin
secure, or it may be fastened by a
needle and thread.
Tho secret of scrambled tggt if
not to beat them before cooking, to
have a hot skillet, awt to take them
oft while they are yet very toft; they
cook a half minute after they are
taken off, which many cooks do not
allow for, A dah of lemon juice
Just as they are going to the tabU
in a hot diah is aa addition.
To keep gotwelwrrlea for tarts:
When the weather is dry pick tha
gouM harries that are full grown but
o ripe, remove tho top and tails,
and put them into open-mouthed bot
.!; fatly cork them with quite
new corks, and set them Into a warm
oven; lot Ih.nn. stand until suruaksa
Quarter parts then Uke thm out
f the ova and t!nmd!tly health
corks la tight; tut fl th top ami
rtwtn ttasn tl.-htly do, tot U a
dry plai',
A ltitkiift t os alio at'M has ba
hI fur rraAvloj Uk from rottua,
Ut ov tft fii-r,bul U ti attnda
Uh tha daiwar of ij4rta; ttstiUs
and th sktiv V uii,-!v sfr tn4 fct
tar tr,wmvnt f Uit uf ru,j Uin
eonlta t two f W of uJrd
t'rvain ot lrUr an t pattuf anly
1h lr4 iva!ii aoUl ktak up lU
nrntiieni wu ttur aa l apply
powJcr wt'r a dryrsiiathi
aiin4 at:. W Un ita pot kai
s)llpur4 VaJ'i!. Uvtry
w.U ,.ht '
, i .
To hate Is the same thing as to kill.
An evil thought is the mother of an
evil act ,
Youth looks at the possible, age at
Condemning other people will not
justify us. ' ?
Don't go whore you would not be
willing to die.
Don't go to sleep until you can for
give everybody.
Don't neglect an opportunity to per
form a kind action.
When you try to be good try to be
good for something.
People who borrow trouble never
have to go far to fiud it
Don't go where you, would not have
your children to follow you.
There is no bigger coward than the
man who is afraid to de rightly.
There is nothing easier to believe
than a pleasing lie about ourselves. ,
Don't step over one duty to perform
another. Take thera, pj tp como.
Don't forget that no matter whero
you are somebody Is looking at you.
Conscience NP Te oI .n8 90Vi
the passions are the voice ot the body.
Whatever sin has caused in the hu
man race, it will cause in you it not
given up.
The man who deprives his brother
of a right is no bettsr than the odq
who robs his house. ,
When the soul m4ves to perform
every duty, immediately It is conscious
of the presence of God,
Russia poM's4s at IraH on luxury
ia a bre4 of dogs which are said to
be naturally quit unable tu bar k.
I a Northern New York, a Hia sat
daring a thuadrr-showvr iu a chala
swlnt la a barn. Lightning ran down
th chain and ripped t man'a boots
oil without injuring him.
A IamIL X J. farutar, wUd had hit
hors stolen from him last month,
rvvar4 th aatwsl by rtognUlag
lis neigh. Whan th farmer ap
prMh4 th Uir, "It ln4 to
mt frtntit lallgbt'
A tlay )phat, 1 yrt old, thirty
sit lnkh)i)b, I Ut long aa4 weigh
tnr t piunl. Is ou tshtbtttoa in
Brflin. lh dwarf pKtmim is
fr t(iniir. Jtsnof mlki wlh4
at th tu tf fnvMt thr tot thrs
and n UW U.
Jwn tVswltr, i werUwan nar Way
rw' tla , rf kt la a thaadrr
t, It -lup ta a largo lr n4
4lrvHiM4 u UL tlialur, A tattl
tiuk ,.. W4 k raitt, ftlghUa4
ata't 4 hi, who, i4 n prwlp
tut ftrvti In M!aut tb tr
was ibattr.t ty n llgktalnf atnVi
wliUT wwuU (mt pit4 fll t4
tVwiy vmln4 Hw-i' th trvjp
Ilandrcdi f Tnif Mas and ffcm
at Carepaaa Vaivariltta.
A recent . statement from Berlin
shows to what an Increasing extent.
in these days, young Americans, es
pecially graduates of our colleges,
after finishing their home education,
go abroad to study; remarks a writer
in the Youth s Companion.
At Berlin University alone, it is
stated, there are 208 American stu
dents pursuing the regular university
courses. Besides tnese tnere are many
other young Americans in Berlin en
gaged in special studies, for which
Germany's high state of advancement
in science and the arts affords particu
lar facilities.
Some are busy Investigating Dr.
Koch's supposed cure for comsumptlon;
some are studying muitle under emi
nent German masters; some are learn
ing the German language; somo are
being taught painting., drawing and
sculpture. .
Our larger colleges such us Har
vard, Yale, Princetoa Cornell and
Johns Hopkins are most numerously
represented; and there are more med
ical students among the Americans
than students of any other branch.
Next coma those who are studying
philosophy and political science, his
tory and physics. The fame "of Ger
man professors in each branch of
earning has attracted many of our
young men, wno desire to become
eventually professors and teaohers,
and so study abroad with a view to
obtaining special elllciency In the
various departments.
At Berlin, moreover, there : are
many American divinity students who
listen to the lectures of celebrated
professors like Haermack and Pffeid
erer. . , -
Most of the American musical
students are young women who are
finishing off their home musical edu
cation and intend to become either
teachers or public singers or perform
era. The number of young Ameri
cans who attend the famous Berlin
philharmonic concerts has been re
peatedly remarked.
But, or course, Berlin Is by no
means the only European educational
and art centre where young Ameri
cans congregate tor instruction
There is a considerable colony of them
at Heidelberg and also at Bonn, and a
few are scattered at Gottingeh and
other uerman universities, each one
of which is famous iu some special
Paris, too, claims a large number
of American scholars, who go to the
"siren of clues" for throe purposes
especially to learn urt, music and
medicine. ' . .
Scattered through the Paris schools
and "pensions, are to be found very
many American girls, who have gone
thither to learn the ' 'language of
courts," and to receive the polish j
which is supposed to finish off a young
girl's education, and to impart to her
exceptional grace and good manners.'
At Dresden and Munich, at Florence
and Home are gatherod many young
Americans, attracted by the musical
advantages and art treasures of those
historic cities. H would be interest
ing if a census could be taken of all
the American young people who are
now engaged in learning something In
Europe. Probably it would be found
that they number several thousand.
It" is gratifying at least to learn,
from the Berlin statement referred to.
that . 'American students of every
branch are greatly respected by the
instructors for their earnestness and
. There are doubtless many advant
ages to young Americans in thus'pur
sulng a larger education at the ancient
centres of learning in Europe. But in
the case of our young girls who go
abroad to 6tudy, at least every care
should be taken by their friends that
they are placod among good influences
and surroundings while they sojourn
In foreign cities. ,
0 v
. " ,i.
tVfwt foe
w.-rif ttta
Schenectady, N.Y.
aaaBrockvllle. Oat,
cucc jl rn v-.' bm Bids
Pour vrxr't NMritiKt ns rxaminer in tha U, 8.
Patent office. Advice free, no lee until the patent
Hair Death
Instantly removes and forever lentrrys j
nhlffl Innabla hair, whether unon the I
bauds, faca, a-ros or neck, without dU-
r eoloration or lnJurv to tha moat delicate
I skiu, it wat law titty ymr ike r.t f
1 foimnia ar icra.mua Tii.m,ncunewi
I edged by pbjrKlRlan as the hlhrst an
l tbortty aad mom eminent drm itologlot
n and hair peclalUt that ever ilveJ. Jur
I lng bis private pr.tctlce of a life time
7 araoue the nobility and a iotocracy of
X Kurope he preecrltwd ihla recte. e-rloa
4 an by m 11, secuis y pacuca. uorrea
7l poDdonce contideDtial. Hole Agents (or
Amerlc:. Address
Di pt. It . 61 South rif th Ave , New Vark.
Sflaf I V is a H i sWi I r
1 J VJl
"t Biali. fit. o arnni inula.
IjOr,k tbaaa beasUfat ebl
cf and low pnora. Yeucaal
Bay 'a rrom year Meat aeatnr
far double the money. Write
Tor our law aiar catalogue, me
flDMt ever po hlithad. OverbW
tuylee. Vektefea sw aad aa-
Want 100
farmer Igents In Eebraska
For 1898.
The tnott eoi plete line v
wood and tteel pumping and
geared ilU and geared null
machinery In u. Pricet
reliable ad durable in u- J
Agent wanted who hvtV F V
been permanent resicenl
nd ir known to be relia
ble. II you or any a your.
neighbor want any uoii 01
windmills tbia year, write
now ana aecure e igem.i
Condi S. D.. March tj.
Goodhue Wind Kngine
V larl.. Ill: I am
grinding feed for 39 horses
and 0 bead of cattle and to
sheep. It stands Idl e a good
deal of the time, I would not
be without it for anything:
noi if I had to get anew one
rerv vear. I can srrind ts
bushels an hour with it la a 5-iy
..wut nA U, ni0hhnr '2i;l
Sir. Hasktl!. likes h s mill
outfit, same as mine, and f. "
thinks there Is nothing Ukt it T
His son says thevcau grind a bushel nl torn Mtwo
mmutes with it. Mr. and Mrs. Haskel say It is the
best thing they eve; invested anv money in aa she
place. Yours truly.
Fbbd Wiison.
Goodhuo Engine Co.
St. Cbarles, IU.
m j
a TiJ'VtHm
Use Northwestern lino to Chicago
IjOw rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
OSt. ,
1 EfslS
Organ Fully Tyarrantefl for Five Years !
Price, 49. T 5.
rT3vAgents Wanted for the Kimball Pianos and Organs
A. HOSPE, Jr.. OiTiahaj Meb.
What ti the eondltton of yowil X your hair dry, harsh,
brittle t Doei it tplit at th ends? JJn$ it a lifeless appearance t
Does it fall out when combed or brushed t It it full of dandruff 't
Dots your scalp itch f Is it dry or in a heated condition t Ifthest
are soma of your symptoms he warned in time or you will beeomi
bald. .
li what Ton neod. It production la not an accident, bat the result of solentlflo re
search. KuowledKe of the diseases of the hair and scalp led to the discovery of how
to treat them. " Skookum " contains neither minerals nor oils. It la not a Dye, but
a delightfully cooling and refreshing Tonic. By stimulating the follicles, it stops
falling hair, aires dandruff and orovis hair on bnid heeds.
IVKeep the scalpoleaa.healthyand free from Irrltatlnc eruptions, by the ose
U aeswoys jurui tiMeeM, vmvx j vn wa iwwvi
not aonnlr Ton. tend direct to ns, and wa will forward
propnld, on receipt of price. Grower, SUN per Dottles tior fu-w. ooup, sucpas
jar 1 1
Of tikookum Uttin Soap,
if yonr nrugitisi eannoc aunpiy yon. aena aireex to ns, tnu w wm lurwara
6 lor fi&i.
K7 5outh Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
John Hi a Hi Own Idea of Appropriate
lood for Dlffer-nt Setca.
For Barns, Bridges. Roofs, Fences, Etc. 85 PEK CENT. IRON. Adopted
by Union Pacific Railroad as their Standard freight car paint. Best Paiat in
the world. Protects iron from rust, wood from decay. Sold ready for the brusb..
in five gallon cans at 60 cents per gallon. In barrels 50 cents per gallon.
Manufactured by National Oil Paint CO., Omaha, Neb. (
j It Is a well-known fact that China-
raoii maice excellent house servants,
but they alto have certain peculiarities
which are a little odd at first to Amer
icans brought up in the Ewtern sec
tion oi tho country. An Eastern iady,
now living in California, tell the fol
lowing, story of her first experience
wfth one of tho Mongolians, ftluftrat
In? thdr gifat powen of Imltatloqj i
c-he started one day to ho tha
new servant bow to make a cake. She
told him to watch her make one and
then to make the others ilke Ik la
preparing the eggs she broke two 14
a cun. and the third not suiting her
she threw it out at the window. When
John's turn came, true to (he letter.
If not the Spirit of his Instructions, be
broke two egg ia ft rub and threw a
thM mtt of the window, '
V4 way the laJy'a husband ha4 64'
caaliMl o reprimand bU serf aal vary
sharply, el'the got sulky, and when
UUr iu the &if bis mlatresa told him
fet kill a rhh-kr-q W dinner, she beirtt
hint mutter la hliuU;
Me kill rhlrkwn for ralalrwsa, but
rne kill pni fur maalor."
It aa ha)end that the tavly owaei
rti baadaoae puppl, and fawr4
the alnwad y4 haaihatt would carry
out h!a thrswiU She vauld aot aliew
htr huttiaad w, vat hi dinaar unlit she
ne t aaauriM mat none
laia. t Traveler.
Tka tttleaae Wa
l ite I all VtiUr it,iuUtti )1
ye I'Ufite, bore's a llu;e sutle t wish,
"tkt J-wiiaty r.tlUrt'iUiti, iai
am: lt wm have li
"Hvsr ,air VtaUtir (rwdl-The
emb etig agemetiiel Mrs. tuHh Jtti
ltnTVn I iuiu laivnartla QwlW
eml, I atiwHiac4 "the farnf4
ii te lir.. - lawy V ta,
Wahv -IHttsAwrat lUtUetla.
v y
and all Other Slaeasea of thsBeotumcurad by firs. Thornton Minor, Kansas)
City, Mo., without Jsnt!;, Kg4ora or caUcs-no money to be paid until patient Is cared. We
AUu ffl- Sr-wJiauTy Ollfmwtm ot Women and Diseases of tha Skin. Beware of all dorto"
who waut any part of their fee in advance, even a new i a we eua yon wm .uu.
sire luiurtea. Seart for circular gtvtn names of hundreds who have been i cured Mjh,
bow to avoid ahanra and quacks. Offlce. No. 100 Wast Ninth Street. Boom183 S3 Bunker U Mg
When in
C. 2I1MCX,
Che reav?
Tkla a4ataaMa k aa tesata4 If CkMiia W a4 iar Mraliaaaij
am aut, y a mssaain datkw, ekeas tisraaWa rVWtua.,
fAflTf fllOM MUMAWArt
At hm lis Lsbla t. rua. uul LulJ tw Jala
W 1' Ua ae Wia avl stilUm 4nm mm
mm wm14 '4 Mi ltb Ue ail Mt ta bill.
for UluiraM wm.hW- ronulnlng Jt
sWMwab fM alt Parts ti( tha wl,l. arxt xiM
S4TII nil ITT ETT Ml tu itlaWn iuii kmxi
it SulatuiMf I he auuat iHsnaaa a4 Coulrullla tliu truMt alakkail a,altas
. . - ww wwaawww r astvawM wnrsi
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