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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1893)
1 V C- ' ..- " ' Jf 7 . . . "... ...'-. 4 . i r: .'e Alliance-Independent s the bes St ''Mr j0? iUjS -' 1 The Alliance-Independent j f - y "-iT Jff-' ' - " r fry. r- "y Advocates lift Mi ' I j ' , ., "I ft 1 n., .. 1-,' .iittratoone; II ' j V -sr. mmii "-CV t5P i" i. nfL y ( ' Q--k ' currency in the Untied . l VSySi' ' iflSgsfSa ' KSSrL' U t jrST$50 per capita; M?Ji t fiHE -SraPJJBy W5hfeiKSi"lll n T. That every debt should Vjym " jySSu 4rlfil rJ-vJiyi ' V, A . be payable in any t!d - . , -Ti)0 UyJgWl i r V---,J 'x of moneys - VOL. IV. - . LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1692. j J . : ,, NO. 82 l M . i hi .i m .in- n m ii. i, ., i . Mlii.. mi Hi ii I - ii I 1 PADDOCK and THURSTON at Oom TailW OMPW Advertisini; medium in the west It is especi ally valuable as a means of reaching the farmers. Its circulation is as large in Nebraska as the cir culation of all the "farm journals" combined. Give The Ailiance Independest a trial if you want good results, t Exposed by the Notorious Boodler, W. 0. Eolden, Now the Editor of Liberty. :i A EEMAEKABLE AITIDAYIT- A Tale of Boadling and Treachery , Without a Parallel in the His tory of Nebraska. Mighty Interestm' Headin'. The following remarkable affidavit is republished t this time because it throws light on the character of two men who are now prominent candidates for ; the plaited States senate. The story of lpdling and treachery un folded ip this affidavit has no parallel in the llLuOry of corrupt politics in the west. Neither has the chief boodler the transactions described any equal Nebraska as an unprincipled and terly characterless villain. . j We have here but one chapter in the liamous history of this man. Not only laisichapter but many others are well nown to the leadejs of the republican -n'witbr ofnoliticaimana- U and defendant only XZTX that plaintiff Nye .-ourU? Yoasay "to sec.uw ute. toWi-thl6? you stop here to 1 ,anmitution of the United jba.y, viffht wuv - - o tho u value in the coasiitution V- istates secures to every man I..t tLlLU frMJB-r -if mn-n tortilla r VjVjun ' " J . -. v, lot. riffht to a hearing r,t tot. rpwirt shall be preserved t .; fcfc. wnat is the object of tho ' o,t T Answer tnat the object ul,t"u . . ;- lit. should be to secure exact ju.w - . ,1 h 1 w J Tit SUUU1U w - ,. iMnts. Do out courts do thi. Oo . . . J i rtw in comes a with mo lmo a. iaw n a.U-io.ft: he is ignoi-aat of teen r.icalitieSoflaw;heis in trouble', he the lawyer questions and cross questions him upon his evi- Aonne ThJn he savs to himself, don'ttaketMsmau'scase, some other fellow willf I have spent my me j myself for ftho profession, and the pro fession owfes me a living;, lawyers are too thick An this town for the good oi the profession anyway, and now no bus iness can be lost." So he says: See here, m j friend, you've eot a good case, .ml w tan make it hot for the other f.nnw f Thev bring an action; he pays his lawyer, more than the amount in t.hA RuLt. Tho case is ap- ou,i. ., district court reverses the LtJ. L iro to the supreme court to defide some technicality of law that uvit u V a rigbltsofthe litigant each man has li,i"-.rnev several times the amLnt of the original claim and court itncss fees besides. wnai Si Jtnply to test the ekiu oi vuu - j - rrlanf lnv aro tried Dy im laXnl nrnfPBSiOn witn vno "V"- "" '"lllt Fv' . i t nine the case, and the rigni iiin-.,a nro finttreiy iosk 'S" LL .till another charge. The desire aA . ii i,n,oila hna nolluted t ssisj , w.imr,nT. corrupted men and troR, i cui f stalled justice, immediatelf rrible charges are these made nerGriffithTL 0tth arbiters of justice. What he remedy? When our wise men to givo us what our constitution irantees, "the right to Llfo, Lib (y and the Pursuit of Happiness," must turn to tne peopie. Vopular governments will only ad pe as the people are educated. Kd- Ln will alvrays rise with opportun- (, . ' Opportunity can come from the te alone. tt. educate our people in the law. Tiis will be done by giving them the L t.t.intlnirlT. but with a view of - . ., ahflVi the Bald defendant that the said de tendant who was then publishing ths(' Central Nebraska Press at Kearney Nebraska, should advocate the election to the United States senate, of such a man as might be thereafter designated by the said Kimball or other persona acting under the direction of thai said Union Pacific railroad manage' ment. That at that time the availability of A. S. Paddock and Albinus Nance asj candidates for United States senators was discussed by said Kimball and the defendant; That at that time this defendant in quired of the eaid Kimball whether; Paddock or Nance would be most satis-,;1 factory to the road, meaning the Union Pacific railroad management, to which Mr. Kimball replied, that Mr. Paddock had been very friendly to the road, but .might not be available as a candidate, and that Mr. Nance was a successful young man and the road might take' him as its candidate; That it was then understood and agreed between the said Kimball and this defendant that either Mr. Paddock or Mr. Nance . would be the choice of the Union Pacific rail road management for United States Senator and that defendant agreed to support either Paddock or Nance, but expressed a preference for Nance who seemed to be the preferred candidate of the road, as then express ed by Mr. Kimball; : That at this interview the said Kim ball and defendant only were present, was not present for wider developement. Lvko the raveler in the "Pi'grira l'rogrera, . .. i i,. n - we have am veil at tue iop ui m Lteci-Muatains" from which a view is obtained of, the LbeautJui x.auu v. Beulah. The hardships of tuajournuy wn rreat. the struggle has been oontinuous and bitter, but the worst is over, and the outpost? at wait nve at least been captured. now iOUUU. for the army of freedom to giro, its iou f..ihn final conflict. Mow smm cruit its ranks, strengthen its lines an ' increase its efficiency are now tne ques tions pressing upon its leadership and its rank and file for solution. Tho an Dur. rAadilv 6U22ests itself toeveryob- O w l -rv- , servant mind. With wise managemru., -wtrinMand'a truo missionary BUUUUUw... That eaid Thurston at that time said, "We do business this way for safety, you Inow. It is a sort of guaranty" That at the time defendant gave the note mentioned in plaintiff's petition, the note for three hundred dollars above mentioned was due, and that plaintiff had good reason to believe and did believe, that said Kimball never intended to press the payment of the said notes and mortgage. And said defendant charges the fact to be that said plaintiff, Fred Nye, is not the real party in interest in the prosecution of this action, and that said Thomas L. Kimball is the real party in interest. Said defendant further says that the 6aid sum of twelve hundred dollar was intended as a payment for " political ser vices in the election of a United States sen ator, and that said services Arve been ren dered in accordance with the agreement aforesaid. Said defendant further says that the sum of four hundred and forty-two dollars mentioned in plaintiff's petition wa3 agreed to be advanced by said Kimball of a political char acter, to be rendered by this, defendant in the election of a United States sen ator at the last senatorial election. That it was agreed that suid money should be applied in the payment of certain notes originally given by defen dant to Charles W. Dake and held by Nathan Campbell and EUsha C. Calk ins, his assignees for the benefit of creditors. That among said notes was one sign ed by this defendant and Alexander H. Conner and Francis G. Hamer aa his sureties; the face of said note was two hundred dollars and the interest and principal to this date amounts to two hundred and forty-three and 33-100 dollars. I That on the 16th day of October 1890 the said c Francis J. liamer had peen sent off all within a quarter oE an nour of each other in tho eveiimS- The river ti-affta wai also entirely 1 r : &"rmrm&t jnt. wnai uistumium BATTLE First Ballot for United States Senators A Long Contest Probable Jfo Caucuses Hold- THE WORK OE THE LAW-MAKERS- Committees Appofnted Bills Intro duced. Resolutions An Outline of the Week's Work. The Great Contest. The great senatorial contest of 1893 has begun. But how or when it will end nobody is wise enough to predict. Neither party has yet solected a cau candidate, and there does not appear to be much disposition to caucus until later on in the fight. Tuesday's vote was largely complimen tary, and can hardly he taken as a sure indcation of the real preference of the members. It seems quite evident from the vote that Powers would have a majority in the independent caucus if one were held now, and that Paddock would be the caucus nominee of his party. The general impression is that the contest will be loni; drawn eut; nobody seems to be cin a hurry. There must be one ballot taken every day, but there is not ikeiy to be more than that this week. The regular work of sus- euTwriles sesf, - in nut. Weaver i housa. the delegates from tuose iar wast stalei didn't 'jump any higher no rV We Will lets in the state inf. t. AnOJV "l.M. .,H- i.!.i. - Cnnrt Aaal nf cfUna . . . ... . es ,ff.i v.- v j j " , l I "r more juaiciat districts, bolt w?7 h6 Pendents lest and provides for such attorney, who r.aTD1Ctt!I,5 might succeed in shall be elected for official 1 . .1 man. ouite a number of six Tnars. auaia , besides giving him the usual fees up on conviction of criminals. It reduces the salary of county attorney in each county one-third, and with draws all fees in certain classes of cases. Yeater, of Pettis, in troduced a bill Drovidimr for nn A I OA. tion to be held on the 5th day of next September, submitting to the people the Question? "Shall o !i4.. f . mill o White Frank Martin, Griffith forW. EL An draws, Haller for Crounse, Howe for B. W. Furnas, Johnson of York forM. B. Reese, Johnston for Gaffln, . Kaup for James W. Dawes, Keckly for EL J. Halner, Kynar for Patrick O'Bannon Hawei, Leidlgh for J. Sterling Morton, Lingenfelter for J. M. Neville, Lock nar for Lorenzo Crounse, McKesson for John C, Watson, Newberry for W. L. Stark, Olson for W. II. Dech, Scholdt feldtforW. U. Thompson, Sheridan for Beach I. Hlnman, Sinclair for J. Sterling Morton. Spencer for B. 1 . Moore. Van Duyn for George H. Hast ings, Wlthnell for J. E. Boyd. ' jDarner's resolution to appoint a oonnlttee to investigate labor troubles waL tabled in the senate by the follow, ing vote: . , Yeas Bibcock, Correll. Dysart, Eg gleiton, Everett, Graham, Hahn, Hale, Lowley, Mattes, McCarty, McDonald, Miller, Moore, Pope, Scott, Tefft and Thomson 18. Nays Campbell, Dale, Darner, Gray, Harris, Johnson, Lobeck, Mul len. North, Packwood, Sanders, Smith, Stewart Young 14. Senate files from No. 1 to No. 30, in clusive, were read the iccond time and referred to committees. In the house, Mr. Sutton moved that a resolution be passed, which was seconded, that certain defects in the banking law be remedied. The same party also offered a reso lution, which was carried, to investi gate theer'a of certain school lands; i. e., the north one-fourth of section 9, township 9, range . Lancaster county. V The house then! proceeded to read (bills, the number feing increased from fl06to!22. - . V me committee .Jt empioyesrecom' A?jff jV- Senator Burks. cair'" offlce of circuit iiiorney, in all .. ., n.. ninit(! that marched spirit, toe gttumiu susaspenujol trains occas o, crtU-ETSntof it On tho way back.tliecxar wantea a cup oi owing to a sUddon jerk of the railway carriago the tea was upset. The next morning (so goes the story) uie wnoie line between St. Petersburg ana was carefully searched by numbers of men, ordered to find out wiiat nau jerked the czar's teacup! Every time the czar goes up ami iown iu tdc.. the steamers have to D3 ncoordicu, traffic is susuentled on the river, and occasionally eveu the loading of tteamcrs is stopped. to the polls on November tho 8th and corded their protest so iouuiy s""- false economic aad HWm.-a h (nprased to many miiiwni mother ffreat quadrennial election rol s .Mnincl. Observe tho eigmuowinisu f .t,A 1 i mes. Read the barniag words of Mvron Reed from his great puipn. au rinnver: Note the utterance, u atnhhan. rooorted ia this day's pipar See what is said by Judge uaiuwm the Progress club of this city, t ven ab we write, a letter is hanaou us iro.u this prominent economist which con tains the following pregnant sentence: "I believe the democrats will redeem thev have nude. If they cvoij a- 1 wtho reason wo afPearepL posst- C'bicago K-vfign- t a Hags -con and j tion without rules, and .11 o'clock ras the hour fixed. When that hour arrived the senators filed in with all their dignity. Majors was escorted to the speaker's desk, the two presiding officers shook hands, smiled and proceeded to divide tfec honors. The speaker opened the returns irum AQtuss counxy ana proceeded, to read them through. Then he dispeas- ed with formality, merely opened flie f rest of the envelopes, and declared fhe republican state officers elected. f ' The joint convention then adjourned... till 2 o'clock to hear the governor message and inaugurate the new state officers. - THE INAUG URATION. , after 2 o'clock the joint oen vehv. reassembled. The reading of Gov. Boyd's message occupier! an bonr. At its close Crounse was sworn in tj Chief Justice Maxwell, and procetded, w reaa a Bnori inaugural acaress arterl which the other state officers w-i sworn in. Thus the formalities encVi and so did the loint convention., .ti There was a laree crowd of scecta' i present, and the mefsages were list' ' to with olesfl fttteritfnn. TTl to with clcse attention. Ekewher this issue will be found the full tf both messages. O' SATURDAY. The house bepan erindine or of resolutions. The first wa3 ' Joe Burns of Lincoln. Joe:s had been so harrowed up by tl paper reports about cruelty at . tentiarythat he wanted anf, tion at once. He wanted a6p wt-' mittee appointed at once to ijV the cause of convict Power' Porter suggested that it wo - 8s well, perhaps better, toLJ5 regular penitentiary cornf1 suggestion was adopted. me secretary of state nor fctio-ut any louuur iun.i 7 , WtlA. Mil " i-u u "t v. r .rr i"tT"i . """""ra wmcn aione con- - . - 5 iiuw a uumoer OI ww'fcad gone home to spend Sun tale Saturday a number of "pairs" "jauuuuocea. a rumor was mi effect that the republi- wo lijiirvapnea all ttieir mem- were a Hi tat On Monday, inas- tions .of tno imrr-aents who had in range of their eeted back till the question: "Shall convention be caUed in this state for ! fL T n ort Scott DiOTocnat, A Bars nicated, Ithe purpose of revising nH ommji The Wavne Journal, ootkaonthe constitution?" The bill Uses the ThC , Til Mnaer ( homing such convention Pa.le,s, V! r,rt V,a,cariAu "eeiecwon of delegates thereto. W. AST. Shearer and Smith. John Martin re ceived votes Irora Senators Annstoonir. Dumbauld. Helm, noin, t ji Y! True State Chairman John W. Breid enthal a so received six votes as fol lows: , Menators Bowling, Dennkon Househo der. Reed riti1 -t:?,011' There were three scattering votes, Mr. Dillard. t.lin Pn c u y Of I On arriving! the airecto on lookinir m would requ there was a to the offici that the ban morninff. Inasmuch liable, for d stock, they the capital Neither Mod to meet thi other stoc: the deman One re Jated is f.-act fori was the c elevating them above the n-sities of ' clonal helo. This d no. xet us 'abolish the appellate jurisdiction of, ourcour's. . Then give us compulsory arbitration. The people are ready now for a com-..i.-VwWtratioulaw,Bucha law as win with aiacmy e""a tweenliUgantSupon pureiy m a jaw as m principles. do not. there rtaut rca tact-over 1,000,000 vote, twur.y-Tur m. the electoral college and after March 4, half a dozen unircu ok c.., r Populists." So wri'es .Tudgo Baldwin, who lately supoortcd Cleveland, but with tho failuro' of n",m!?l v to come to the third party. oah tjilks so are thousands and thousand of others talking who have Irown heart-sick and weary in waiting for relief from the old organizations. These men are all with us on essen tials. They think as we do, feel as we ao and, impelled by that hope defor v'."u ' oiLth the heart sick, will Iven ua Ty 7oteaswedo.. They should iL V.n,..Hillv invited into tnw rvnnant: but made thrice mn.uiw" . welcome when mej , wu.. The fruit is ripo tor the Plucking: th harvest is ready tor ine gieaur. x,. now can be heard tne novea oi pitriotic song: -W ' a coming ; I- ather Abraham, three hundred thousand more " No stumbling blocks should be pUcod in their way; no chilly Kfeeting should cool their ardor or check their enthusiasm. Make the way easy: extend .iht. hand of fellowship. Demon strate the merits of. your cause, the i-.Krtonota of vour demands, tno broaa cuinoiicxvj Haggle not on minor matter?, side is .... ntioA.inn nurelv thoorjtical Insist only on fundamental-those irreat truths wmcn auco. m iujuk man, both in the abstract and tho con crete those immutable principles which do not change with the nserid . i v,. whrtuA e.orrect amill- ia'1 OI Urwi " " , , , r 1 i catiou is indispensable to the welfare (if human society. Tho outlook is aus,nJf rwi -otl oaleulated to cheer th A Lcgond Ahout (;holr. Here is an Eastern legend that is timely: ... One day the Angel of Death visited a country ia Asia. TU king of the country asked him what plague he had brought under his sable wings. "The cholera," . answered the messenger. "And how many victims will the plague claim?" "Six thousand." Cholera raged throughout the king's domains. Twenty - five thousand people died. Some time after the king saw the tmrM of Death asaiu. Yru did not keep your word," he said; "you promised me the cholera would take but 6.000 of my subjects, I hu Inst. 25.01W." t ,iirl kpoo mv word." answered the somber enemy. "Cholera killed but 6,0tK in your kingdom. " "And tho other l'J.OOr), of what did they die?" "Of fear." offered lor saio at v a vote of 10 to 13 the Hatch n. nnn iii'iii'i ii- iv 1 i Simon, ub r' Ma reason TS. 0UL wa endorsed neets to 20 SOUin ""r . s i?irint forsalo at a bargain. UU31B llio '. - Terms to suit. Xeh C W. B1MU" ""J"'' ' Special. hoar, raday s -nip -" y ,:r west, r'reo iruuu " . was sold lor ,. xi v $40 L. H. Sutjk, NeligH, Neb. Subscribe for THE AUJANCE-lNDE- PENDKNT. S'nd u n cents in mpu to John Se baiain, Gen'l Ticket and Pass. Agt. C If I. & F. R'y- Chicago, for a pack Sf the -Hock Island" Plajing Cards. rr o, anirnowledeod the .best, ana worth five t iroes the cost. Send money !T nr rostal note for 50c, and we vt.vv, - r .... vw Tallin will fcetid hve,pacKs iy cjirrrc, r., ' UurlingtonBouteriajinK Cards. New desifins, round corners, flexible HnVn stock, .ueunanent colore, worth 50 cents. Wc lnhcm at lo cents. Good by the the T T-v - r jvwmw ucuiWUilh XOT J, Z), AloCleVftpt.v nnA VI rT of Wichita for aTwSr Lucien Baker moved to ad Jpurn xtl1 the Populists knew ThfR they wrat- Thiswasdone. i at i Kepubhcan house callad Oieroll -for a ballot, on United States senator as the clock was striking 12. Sixtv-Mr responded. Ady receiving 62 d O'Bryan 2, EM I Carroll 1, .Wldne? 2t rvp mlfr S R,n1 Rosethal voted for O Bryan Meagher for Carroll and German, Eeoublican. fm. twu.. UriPATP nK waniea to vote for John IV new bills introduced "interest: HOQATilSl1?15011 of deeds TnESE Jacks areiR to stop 1 hands high. These Ja i bieeder, and imported by him Mention this paper. -'s.subjectd to confii&er- nip cSr- promamt BELLE V 1-1x9 palled And . i inn ri of and Vl miiai1II"AA HE I I Mine VTA 1 1 KIIINh. UliiM 111 I llllllir il H L UUU IlkW State Aent quotes prices on the follong goods, Scheme to buy a few packs, might need them this winter. Eucber. whist, high five etc A. C. ZlEMUt, City Passenger Agent. MoIiamiuiMlu Jul?meut Day. The Koran, sura LXXXL, has this to say concerning the general "Judg ment Day," which nearly all religions teach in common: "wnen me uu shall bo folded up; and when the stars shall fall; and when the mountain shall be made to pass away; and when the wild beasts shall be gathered to (rother! and when the seas shall boil; 6 . . . . . i l J . . t 1 .... . . e i . - In. and when souls snau again uo ju Snlpndid location lor uusmoao uu to their bodies; and when the girl who . - kjDds in the well known hath been buried alive shall asK lor norinne. situated in the middle Hot. y and Irrigawd Fstms, Gardens H.rA in the Celebrated Beat River Valle 7 on the Main Lines oi the Union Paciiic ana ceFnai r.i. neat Coiinne and gden, Utah. A good common flour at 90 cts. per 100. White Rose flcur at 81,50 per iw. Silver Leaf " " l-"5 " " Prime Brow Sugar M.00 per 100.-. .. Beat Granulated Sugar per iw. Fino Uncolored Japan Tea Sjfcjwr lb. Good Coffee 20o per lb. . . . it- 5ni,f.s. Peuper, CSnna- A lull iiuo l '-f- ' , Ginger, Aiusuiru, mon, Cloves, Al- 1! etc.. at 20c per lb. One gallon best coal oil with glass can 40 cents. J. W. HARTLEYS Ind., Jan. 21ThelfcBcth Soda, and Butter cracker 6c pci cases. " j .. ' 40 Grain vinegar m lugs, ) r i Tmon extract 2 oz. bottles c per , Vanilla " " " '- c Finest full cream YA choes 'v" A good Overall forJj, An extra good client, thf company, dc Rockford lution. Governor forward as a dark publicans. W" Work ou Earth Burne.l. what crime she was put to death, and when the books shall be laid open; and when the heavens shall be re moved; and when hell shall burn fiercely; and when Paradise shall be brought near, then shall every som know what it hath wrought." ; I"-" f Spoke Louder Thnn Words. a ninvml man entered a Richmond fish store, came to a pile of shad, und being somewhat skeptical Nas to their freshness, he raised one to bis mce. Th dealer asked him indignantly: "What do vou mean by smelling of that fish?" "Didn't neber smei: ob de fish no how. inassu,. Only spea.dn' to ' ' . . V. . Ii ut,n Ah. inrleftd and what liu ne r - m, m of the valley od tho Central Pacific K.R. The landslof the Bear Kivcn valley are new thrown open to settlement oj im constiuction oi tpe mmwvu DJ'"' X. SrigaUoB from the Brar lake andrlver hin cf mpicit'i iy i. -"'r E at a co6tofl3,00H,C00. TWa com v.., k .rco nf thpse tint DC nnds ana owns J'--;"", ; AUCTIONEER; i.rot- I natural pressure. jue works, the largest of the U in the world, mm hnnxvl 1. The warehouse was 'Ka-c,-l fire orie-inated from Over 600 'men LIVE TOCS Makes cal'J'i--. of reiero'" ZC T5T?fe ,w ?re tnrown out of employment. Th O . zLil ! loS9 I9 estimeJ at $100,000; fully "in VjnFk mile at Teamster Indulge la a Fatal TQn.rreL Kassas City, Mo., Jan. 24. "Win Chester Rees of the Market Sguan grocery company, shot and mortalh wounded J. O. Warle. a j for tae Midland Dairy company. Tin vw mai were driving waggons an there .",. tacve t satis V4. Colonel William jay department of the li rirrrsred to soil on easy tertvs army, died yesterday of . met in a narrow alley, and tl SSTipw and ceknics. Tho clmiatc He was f.2 years of age row because Wade wouldn't f.d irricntine facilities are pit-' uncl ?' Mr Philip Sheridan, let Ree pass. unsurpassed by ccmpeunt declm the valley to be t the V Miner, Fruity Enittr. Kip xoci . schools av. s: . rd H0ttW ' 1 i I