The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, November 17, 1892, Page 15, Image 15

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    1 .,
A i
action greatly helps In the quick
decomposition as well as in the devel
i opment of the nitrogen germ in the
mass. These germs increase with
amadng rapidity as soon as the fer
mentation begins, and the moderate
heat increases in the compost And
as the increase goes on. of course the
desired and expected action takes
place in proportionate rapidity and
t extent
All Ibis goes to show the wisdom
pf the old farmers who were in the
habit of making big compost heaps,
and clearing up their farms of all tne
accumulating rubb sh. weeds, trash
and mud which gathered in the ditches
and low places, and turning these
disagreeable nuisances into valuable
manure for the crops. And we can
not afford to neglect the same energy
and enterprise. N. Y. Times.
oil bakes easily the
necessity for frequent
Farm Xot.
, ' Sow nothing but good, clean wheat
; or strong vitality.
Iff -V Nothing is saved by postponing
work that should be dona
r Cut straw is valuable for bedding
because it absorbs the liquid manures.
On many farms more grass and less
, grain means less labor and more
Keep an eye on local conditions in
determining what will be used in
When the
greater the
In all stock forming the manure if
properly handled, will pay tbe cost of
care and labor.
Sow wheat that makes good flour
and get something in return that will
top the market
Breeding stock, before it has be
come well matured has a tendency to
weaken the constitutional vigor.
One reason that small farms pav
a.--the best is that the small leaks can
JS,more readily seen and stopped.
J kfWhen the soil is allowed to remain
?yOo long without being worked, the
ijloil becomes baked and every rain
.'packs it harder.
i The soil can be kept in a good tilth
!;Vith less labor on the men and teams
,:than to allow it to get hard and then
have to be worked up.
, It
, f-jf Home Hints.
A little borax or soda in the dish
water makes brighter tinware and is
better than soap.
Hot water used in making a sponge
cake will make it much whiter. Cold
water produces a yellow cake.
L V; The juice of half a lemon in a tea-
f, cup of strong black coffee, without
sugar, will often cure a sick headache.
M bait and vinegar applied hot are
good for cleaning brasa which should
afterward be polished with fine ashes.
Tubs will not warp or crack open
if the precaution is taken to put a
pail of water into each directly after
An optician warns people against
-polishing eye glasses with a handker-
chief of 6ilk. A piece of old cotton
jJ or linen is very much better.
jf A peck or more of lime left in a
ft r cellar in an ODen ke? will ahonrh n.n
'immense amount of moisture, which
ptherwise might form in mold on the
. lhe bluish color on the piano is
caused by the action of damn air on
i the polish. A bit of chamois leather.
. with a drop or two of sweet oil is a
f- cood polisher.
" " if To can jrranes niolr thorn xoiu
m l f ' wmvia oiuiijr
from tb9 6tems, taking care not to
tear the skin much; put them in
a porcelain kettle with a little water;
stir them carafullv and nnW anrrU
. - y J "vuSu
1i to make sure that they are well
u heated through, then put them in the
cans. The pulp will then be whole,
r and the sauce not all seeds and skins.
l $ Jennings' hotel of Omaha is the onlv
1 "People's party hoteL" Remember
Concentration of Wealth.
The following interesting statistics
were gathered by John Bright Pro
fessor Allen and others, and will show
the enormous amount of wealth in the
hands of a few. while the great mass
of humanity is only privileged to live
upon the payment of rent and interest.
In France there are 300.000
thatched cabins without a window.
1. 500. 000 with one window, and J. -600.000
with two windows. Out of
7, 5.0. 000 houses, more than 4, 500. 000
have less than five openings, including
doors, and are thatched cottages, in
which live nearly two-thirds of the
In England and Wales 100 persons
owned 4. 00J. 000 acres. In England,
in 1887, one thirteenth of the people
owned two-thirds of the national
Seventy persons owned one-half of
Scotland; 1, 70J own nine-tenths and
twelve persons own 4 346,000 acres.
In Ireland less than eight hundred
persons own one-half of the land; 402
members of the House of Lords own
14. 240. 012 acres, which rent for $57, -865,
639. The total number of tenant
farmers in England. Scotland and
Wales is 1.069. 127. and of these. Ire
land furnishes 574. 252 and England
England's war debt is $3. 600. 000. -000.
and the English bondholders fat
ten on an interest of $312,004,360
annually drawn from the industrial
population of that country.
In London relief was given to
88, 164 paupers in one week. It takes
14,000 policeman to guard London's
It the United States seventy persons
are worth $2, 700. 000,000; and less
than fifty of these control the
currency and commerce of the
country at a day's notice. One
hundred are worth 18,000.000,000
and 25,000 own half the total wealth.
The census shows that the railroads
of tbe country own 281,000,000 acres
of land, and foreign and domestic
syndicates own 84. 000. 000 acres
making a total of 865. 000. 000. The
total number of farms in the United
States is 4, 225, 955, and of these
1,024,701 are rented; of this number
702 2 tare compelled to share their
crops with their landlorda while the
greatest share asked of the British
farmers is one-fourth.
In New York City 10.000 of the
2.000.000 inhabitants own nearly the
whole city, and only 13,000 own any
real estate.
In Chicago population 1,200.000
less than 2 per cent own all the
real estate,
The total number of mortgages in
this country, according to Census
Superintendent Porter, is 9, 000. 0J0;
or one to every seventy inhabitants.
Total number of millionaires. :0, 000.
Total number of people out of work,
over 1,000.000. Tramps number
nearly 500.000. Ex-Union soldiers
in poor houses. 50.000: bondholders,
none. It is estimated that 10, 000
children die annually in this country
from lack of food. In 1880 there
were 57.000 homeless children in the
United States.
In New York 40. 0 00 working women
are so poorly paid that they must ac
cept charity, sell their bodies or
starve. In one precinct twenty-seven
murdered babies were picked up, six
in vaults.' New York has 1,0 JO millionaires.
A Michigan Woman's Invention.
A Michigan woman has patented a
device for securing glass in the doors
of stoves and furnaces, in order that
the process of baking may be watched
without opening the doors, and also to
save fuel by decreasing draughts.
American KnterprUe.
A wealthy American has established
a sanitarium in a valley of the Jordan,
near the Dead sea. This valley is the
most marked depression on the face of
the earth, being 1 ,?QQ feet below gga
WiWi 1!fi sP
mm m . - sir
it n vfc w h . i m -i j b - -w m -----
U. 0.0 q,- r
a . jt in
13 U
;, Tom
f 2 South 1 4th at.,
liipcolp, eb.
Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest, neatest and best
up-town hotel. Eighty new rooms just completed, including large committee
rooms, making 150 rooms in all. tf A. L. HOOVER & SON, Prop'rs.
The way to do this is to ship your Butter, Poultry, Eggs, Veal, Hay, Craln,
Wo I, Hides, Beans, Proom Corn, Green and Dried Fruits, Vegetables, or
anythiDgyou have to us. The fact that you may have been Belling these articles t home
for years ia no reason that yon should continue to do eo if you can find a better market. We
make a specialty of receiving: shipments direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCER8,
and prebably have the largest tradw in this way of aay louse In this market. Whilst you
are looking around for the cheapest market in which to buy your goods, and thus economiz
ing in that way,lt will certainly pay you to give some attention to the beat and moat profit
able way of dippesing of your preduce. We Invite correapordence from INDIVIDUALS,
ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all erganizatiooa who desire to ship their produce direct te
this market. If requested, we will send you free of eharge our daily market report, ship
ping directions and such information as will be of service to you, if yeu contemplate ship
ping. When so requested proceeds for shipments will be deposited to tbe credit of the ship-,
per with any wholesale bouse in Chicago. Let as hear from you, 47-8t
Summers Morrison & Co.,
COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 South Water Street, Chicago.
Reference: Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago.
ALLEN ROOT. Stock Agent, Nebraska State
Farmers' Alliance. Office and Financial M'gr.
South Omaha, Neb., Room 34 Exchange Building.
Before You Ship Send for the Market.
Re7ERKncks: First National Bank of Omaha: Packers National Bank. Oiaahn: Rnmmrnlil
National Bank, Omaha; Nebraska Savings and A-xchanee Bank. Omaha: Central Citr Bank. Central
City, Nebraska.
pbhippers can draw sight draft on us for 90 per cent of cost, bill of lading attached.
General Produce Merchants.
Legal representatives of Kansas
State Alliance and well known in Nebraska. Our specialty . Car Loads Of
Potatoes, Onions, Apples, Cabbage. Hay and Oats. We also
have a heavy grain trade in Nebraska and Wyoming. We have an established
trade for all the above mentioned artices, and by shipping direct to us you will
get all the value there is in the goods. Write for prices and shipping instruc
tions. Reference: ' Metropolitan National Bank, Kansas City, Mo.