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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1892)
o TlfE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. 8 V iTTTirnumnpnmnm; Nehraska Farmers' Alliance. J. H. Powers, President, Cornell. WWT A t ft 1. 1 1 & rUTNT.U, v lte-x rcB , AiDlOu, I J. M. Thompson, State 8eo'y, Lincoln. j W. H. Dech, Lecturer, Wahoo. n j . h. u. rAiRCHiLD, 1st abb t lecturer, ua J,W. F. Wiuorrr.M ABB't Lecturer, Bethany T ,3fc"F. Allen, Chairman, Ex. Com., Wabash I, our In the beauty of the liliics Christ was born acrosi the sea, With a glory in his besom That transfigures you and rre. Ab he troye to make men holy Let us strive to make them frco, Sioce God is marching on. Julia Ward Howe. This department will bo under the direction of. I. M. Thompson, state sccretaiy. Short rrom Alliances on matters of general forest, questions when disputes have arisen. any news Dearsii upon me great worn or organization will be welcomed by the editor. Write plainly, on one side ot the paper only, and address "Alliance Depart ment" Alliance-Independent, Lincoln, Neb We would be glad to get items from every county ia the state n condition of tne Alli ance work. A number of alliances have responded to my request for reports and I trust every alliance in the state will report promptly by the first of next month. Remember that on this report is based your representation in the state alliance .at next annual meeting. President Powers will make an ac tive canvas in behalf of our ciuie dur ing the coming week. A complete route has been mapped out for him, the dates being given in another column. We hope our people will give him a t cordial reception everywhere. In de- votioi to the principles of the alliance he , has never wavered, and few men connected with the movement U moie highly respected or loved than our worthy president. In renewing for The Alliance-In dependent Bro. Brown of Genoa writes: "I can't get a'ong without your paper although I get plenty of others such as the Use, Blade, an l Tribune free. I only take such papers from the olhco to keep others from having them for I see that they do our cause no harm after they get into my hands." er Vv W. F. Wright, assistant state lectur is putting in some good missionary ork in southeastern counties this month. He last week held successful meetings in Nemaha and Johnson counties, this in Richardson and the last week in September will be given to Gasre county. He is making a school house campaign. Pine Needle Work. r . T l m T i , i ivirs. uaris iockg oi Luncoin naa cn &uiibition at the state fair the finest exhibited in the state, all of which was the work of her own hand1. On table clotn and napkins, on Roman embroidery, tray cloth, sideboard scarf and skirt work, and other articles in that class she took seven first, and ten second premiums. She refused two hundred dollars for the table set alone. The collection is the finest we have ever had the pleasure of examining and reacts great credit upon the ingenuity and artistic tate of the author. Mrs. Rocke id exceptional in her de signs in pattern work and is a lady of .P r t i ii. . i . (high culture ana education, tne aescen 4 dent of a high German parentage under rvivtiose guardianship she graduated in the art and science of crotchet and needle work. - This lady is justly proud of her fine collection of premium articles, and takes erreat pleasure in showing them Lincoln, Nebraska. &n O'o School in a occmon. v Main Building. 265 Feet Front. 25 DEPARTMENTS. THIRTY TEIGFEF JION-SECTAmWi BUT THOROUGHLY CH FTTTH 171 THE LARGEST NOBQAL SCHOOL III THE WEST FORMERLY LOCATED AT SHENANDOAH. IOWA. BEAUTIFUL, healthy, sightly location, 20-acro campus, electricjstreet-car'line, magnificent buildings (main building, dining hall to seatGOO, power house, water supply system), fino equipments, superior accommodations, strong faculty, experienced management, comprehensive curriculum, thorough work, Ligh moral and Christian influence, and low expenses for students; make this a Great Scliool. pepartajierjls ai)d Colirsess Preparatory, Roview,. Normal, Pedagogic, Special Pedagogic, State Certificate, Model School, Kindergarten, Scientific, Classic Literary, Military, Elo cutionary, Civil Engineering. Electrical Engineering, Commercial (including Banking, Etc.) Pen. Art, Public School, Penman ship atd'Drawing, Designing and Illustratiug, Shorthand and Typewritting. Musical (including band and orchestra,) Fine Art, Telegraphy, and Physical Training (inclnding Dalsarte and Swedish Systems ) You Can Enteral Any Time and Find JusKSuch Classes as YOu Desire. A Practical Education Without Waste ol Time. Money or Energy Is Our Aim. YOUR GAR FARE PAID. In order that all may test the merits of the Western Normal College, and see our superior advantages in the way of buildings, equipments and faculty, wo have decided to pay the railroad faro of all students from their home to Lincoln, provided they are present cn the opening day of the fall term. WRITE FQR PARTICULARS FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT., 13,1892. Catalogues and Circulars Free. Writens. WM. M. CROAN, Pres , or W. J. KINSLEY, Sec'y- and Treas. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE, Lincoln, Nobrasha to her many friends and all who call on