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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1892)
4 THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT MIETING3 EVERY WHERE. Appointment for Independent Speakers In all Parts of Nebraska. Tho campaign will bo formally opened with five great meetings in five of the congressional districts on September 14. These meetings will be held at the fol lowing places: First District, Tecumseh. Thlr I " Albion. Fourth " Beatrice. MMi Ked Cloud. Sixth " St. Paul. Several prominent Fpeaker have Iron provided for each of these meet ii'gs. : Vn Wyck-Crounsc Debates. Beatrice, September 27th, Tuesday, 3 . m. Lincoln, September 2Uth, Thursday, 2 i in. Columbus, October 1st, Saturday, 2 p. m. , York. October 4 h. Tuesday. 2 n. m Kearney, Octoler 8th, Saturday, 2 p. m. Broken Bow, Oetcber 11th, Tuesday, 2 n m. Hastings, October 13th, Thursday, 2 p. iu. Fremont, Octolxrl5tb, Saturday, 2 p. m. MctCeighan's Dates. Minden. Sept., 10, Hasting, 44 17, Grand Rally. Open, ; " 10, 2 p. m. Doniphan, " 20, Horvard, 21, " Hastings' " 22, 8 p. m. Joint Debate. Superior, ' 23, 2 p. m, Edgar, 24, " Open, " 26. Sutton, " 27, "Joint Do bate. Kenesaw, " 28, McCook; " 2U, 8 p. in.' Joint Debate. Culbertsbn, " 30, Benkleman, October 1, 2 p. m. Open, " 3, 14 Grant, " 4, " Joint De bate. Open, 5, Minden, , 6, 8 p. m. Joint Debate. Nelson, " 11, 2 p. m. Joint Debate. Grand Island, " 13, 8 p. m. Joint Debate. Holdrege " 18,2 p.m. Joint Debate. Red Cloud. Debate. 20, 2 p. m. Joint Van Wyck's Dates. Seward, Sept. 17, 2 p. m. Holdrege, Sept. 19, 2 p. m. Trenton, Sept. 20, 2 p. m. Imperial, Sept. 21, 2 p. m. McCook Sept. 22, 2 r. ni. Indianola, Sept. 22, 8 p. m. Arapahoe. Sept. 23, 2 pm. Oxford, Sept. 23, 8p.m. ' Alma, Sept,J24, 2 p. m. In the First District. Hon. Jerome Shamp, eandidato for congress on the independent ticket, and Hon. W. L. Cundiff of Lincoln will speak at the following places and dates named: Syracuse, 8 p. m., September 16. Emerald, " 17. Eagle, " " " 19. Wabash, " 20. Weeping Water " 21. Union, 22. Nebraska City, 23. Syracuse, . " 24 Waverly, " " " 26. Greenwood " u ' 27. Ashland, " " " 28. South Bend. " " 29. Louisville, ' " 30 Vlattsmouth October 1 Princeton, " ' 3 Fieth ' " " 4. Crab Orchard " " 5. Tecumseh, M " " 0. -Table Rock " " " 7 Pawnee City " " 8. Reform papers of the First district will please copy. - - , - : lit:. ' . V. O. Stickler's Appointments Altlon. o fept. It I'awne rjty, Humphrey. Humboldt. Central City, M 16 Aubnm, " Reward. Wymore, 17 rook. IV Lincoln, J. V. Wolfe's Appointments. Red Cloud, SoDt 14 Pawnee City Superior, J5 Humbjldt. Hebron. " irt Auburn, dell. " 17 Cook, Wymore, 19 Lincoln, Shiader's Appointments Valley. SfDl 15 Stranr " oOmah IB HelVidcro Crctna 17 Kb rburv Crete i) Nelson Dewltt 50 20 2! ;3 2fl J. W. Kdgertonks Appointmmts. Itfd Cloud foit it Fuporior " Hebron m O-lell " W mure ' i 1'awneo " tlurnliol.1t ,l 2i Auhuin " anbury - 'si Lincoln " R K. I rtvellick's Appointments. rVf-umfteri Feet U Whnn frciuorie IK T k sun ati lUnerott " 19 DakoaCty " 1'onca 21 WHVi.e M Madison 21 Norfolk M 21 IS J7 20 -J2 21 15 17 'A) 2-J W II . Dech's Appointments. Mlirord brnt 13 David Utv ia KeHtnce it Seward " 17 ucHver cro8: wg Hepc io Powers and Mc Reynolds' Dates. Sept. 19. Cowles. Sept 20, Nelson. " zi. ppr.nKKanca " 2 J, Geneva. " 8. Falrbury. " 2, Hebron. " 25. opwii dato. " v, Beatrice. " 27. VVilbcr. " 2rt, I'awneo City. " Tt cumpcb. 3J Falla City. Poynter and Meiklejohn Will nuet in joint debate at tho follow ing places in tho Third district: Pon?a, September 20. Albion, September 22. Neligh, September 23. Norfolk, Soiteraber 29. Stanton, October 8. Pierco, during fair. Central City, October 11. Silver Creek, October 13. Grand Rally at SaUoria. Near the little village of Sartoria in the northern part of Buffalo county, September 6. occured one of the ffreat meetings of tho campaign. Two oxen were roasted to leed the people. There wero not less than 2,000 present. Gen. Van Wyck spDko an hour and a half and aroused the createst en thusiasm. J. W. Edsrerton followed giving the people facts and eloquence or nearly two nours. After tho meeting, a number of old ine icpublicans orjenlv started that thev would vote the neonl's tinkp.t. in November. The People's Tarty in New Jersey. Tho f tato convention of tho people's party in New Jersey met in Trenton September 6. J. R. Buchanan of New ark presided, and John W. Hays, general secretary of the K. of L. acted as secretary. A full electoral ticket was named, and a state ticket with Benjamin liird for governor. The platfcrm endorses tho Omaha platform and tnats of the grievances of laboring men referring to the Home stead affair, and other recent labor troubles. The new party will have considerable support in New Jersey. Kansas all Right. TorEKA, Kan., Sept. 10. It will sur prise tho Republicans when the Popu list leaders make public their first poll of the state. It will place the majority for the fusion electorial ticket at 50,000 and for the state ticket at 35,000 to 40, 000. In the increased vote for a presi dential year tho Republicans are con ceded a gain of 5,000 over the vote of two 3'ears ago, and the Populists claim 8,000. Rocky Mountain News. To Independents. My appointments are left in the hands of Mr. O. H. Pirtle, Secretary of the state committee, and all letters should be addressed to him, at Lincoln. Respectfully, J. B. ROMINE. Among our exchanges When General Weaver a few wtoW ago said that Harrison was out of tl e race, a great many people were dipos ed to believe that tfco Ponulfet nr..i dential candidate was stretching his imagination, but since the Republicans have heard from Nevada ami th crats from South Carolir a, they are giving Uencral Wearer the credit of i t . ... . . ... nmnrr Rninnininir tit n rAriw.t m., r Industrial Union. Tho suspicious raniditv with wln'nh Manager Frick got well after being siaoDea an over ana shot all to pieces leads many of our friends of tho reform presi, wo notice, to regird the attempt ed as-assination story as a fake Tho Vanguard. Virtually Mr. Crounso savs vou h ive uujHmi,ci principes, you p or fool, you're mad because you didu' raise a crop; you'll be all right this year. l no Judge will whistle a different tune after i lection. He will ihid that this movement won't down by patting tne larmer on tne back and telling him he's the happiest and wealthiest person on earth. rontier County Faber. But Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln are dead. The men controlling the parties tney neiped to build tip are still demanding tho musty and time worn issues of the historic past. The people ire demanding but they will not heed the demand They ask for just and equal laws governing finance, land and transportation and tho upstarts who occupy the places once so nobly filh d oy tnose now dead, answer bv scorning and insult to the just demands of a , I - 1 A II? . -r-r -i -i suveruifcn pcupie. viuance iieiaia, Nelson. Rosewater on Majors. Mr. Majors' record as contigpnt con gressman and lieutenant governor would subject him to an attack that could not be defended. Mr. Maiors' was indirectly, it not. directlv, implicated in the conspiracy wnicn resulted in the abduction of Senator Taylor from this state while the legislature was in sess on in 1891. Mr. Majors' campaign has developed the fact that his randidacy is in tho interest of the railroads, to whom ho has rendered service in his official capacity. At Sprague. Hon. Jerome Shamp, and J. Romino will address a meeting Sprague, Oct. 15. B. at The nrosDects for the Lincoln N University grow brighter every hour. P h o n1nn(iSn cl-rnnf nn n. U T U .u uivkuw ouvti u, VTUIUU JIUW 1UUS io the campus, brines students by the core. Profs. Savior. Shp.knn T,wia and other members of tho faculty are busy classifying students, and classes were organized this mominir wiih n enrollment which surprises every one interested in the institution. Students are more than delighted with the hand soino new building and elegant furniture Woik has beerun in earnt st and nvprv one is interested in the futu e of this great institution. AUCTIONEERS. F. M. WOODS, Fine Stock Auctioneer, Lincoln. Neb. Refer VOU to Ihn hrst hnxuloro n 4I.. WeBt. fOr WhOm I dl hllRinna raaonn. able and COrrGnnnrlnnpo nrnmniu or. nkfu,.. fu I ly answered. S. C. BROWN LEGHORNS Ihoicest Pen OF horoughbreds In the western Stat03. Kgss per setting of 15. Ji.50. : Ex press charges pre paid when two set tings are ordered. i i chicks 4 to 8 days old a lichtcaee with hen. fc Ki . W.HIUKUA, Alma. Neb. ia i S Eye, Est, Nose and Throat Disease Are very common in this climate. The general all around doctor, is not pre pared to treat these cases. If ho is in t jrt stei in his patients, as he should be, hs weuld advise them to consult a spcia!ist in this line of work. Among those who treat all forms of catarrhal diseases of the eyes, enrs, nose and throat, none are more successful than -Org. Rloore and Dennis. Catarrh cinlists of Lincoln Neb. Graduates the best medical colleges in America they are thoroughly prepared to treat all cases of polypus of the nose, obstructed breathing, deafness, sore tves. chronic cold of the head, hay fever, asthma and bronchial and lung troubles, all results of nasal catarrh. Conic and see us. A consultation will cost you nothing. Several hundred people have been suc cessfully treated in Lincoln during ihe past year, ah classes, trades and pro- cestui!, lttuu nun ciiiiuiea are reixre- s .... . x m ' sentcu oy tnoeo who i ave been, or Dus. Moore & Dennis Oihco Cor. O & 10th Sts. Homes and Irrigated Farms. Garden and Orchards in the Celebrated Bea River Valle on the Main Lines ot tb Union Pacilic and Central Pacific R. near Corinne and gden, Utah. Splendid loeation for bnrtitirisH anH 1 dustries of all kinds in the well know city of Corinne, situated in the midd of the valley on the Central Pacific R. m i t m . 1 . ine ianas or tno isear riivcr valley a now thrown onen to settlement bv tl construction of tho mammoth system ( irriirafcioa from fhfi Kor lot-o nnAvitmi O w wuw V.. & UUUtiTVI just completed by the Bear ttivcr Can! o., ai a cost oi 3.uui.uoo. tsi eon pany controls 100,000 acres of these fiitf anas ana owns manv lots s.-.-d hnainn Iccatuns in tho city of Corinne, and aow prepared to sell on easy terms settlers and colonies. The climate, so and irrig-ting facilities are pronouacf unsurpassea oy competent Judges w uvuxmo tiiu vouuv iu ue iuu l arauise tne warmer, jbru.t Grower and Sto liaiser. Nice soc!alsirrsundiners. ro -1 l j -i . o. . seaoois ana cnurcte at uonnne Oil ind Home Markets exist for evorv ki of farm and garden produce in t neighboring cities of Ogden and S fobs. nv.J ft. 1 i. uaioi auKi in iu irreat uiminz cam Lands will bo shown from the local See of the Company at Corinne. 15tf Pure Bred Poultry. White Plvf outh Rock. White Games Partridi Cochins: Toulouse Geese, White Hd iana lurkeys, White Guineas, Fek jjucks. iiiggs in season. Prices lo Fremont, Neb W. A. Bates, Jr., 36 tfl BISCHEL BROS. FOR SALE. Long deep bodied U.S. P.' PICS. Good color, short legs, broad back, good feel and head. Alliancif prices, satisfaction guaranteed 13!f Kearn y, Neb r Furnas Co SI BIG BERKST J Y c ThorOUrhbr"d PTolnatvoW All nroe It sex. Sows hred. Sfm-t Bfmt;u. rricesnsnt. Mention this Turner. U.S. WILLIAMSON, l'rop'. J. M. ROBINSOI KESESAW, ADAMS CO., EB Breeder and ship per or recorded land China Choice b stock for sale Write for wan Mention Alliance and ship orded Po- if l Hogs. r e e d i n g tie. Cl its. f CK. V L. H. SUTER Neligh, Neb, Breeder of fancy Po land China swine and P. R. fowls. Ma- joiitv of niea sired by h ree Trades Best, remainder by PaddTs and Lytles Dandy. Free Trades Best ia siri Free Trade, the great show hog that wai i t 8 v t e 1 a si h tl cc ta to