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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1892)
THE ALLANCE-INDEPENDENT. 13 i mm Joint Debate at' Milford Dabates Ar ranged for in the Fourth and Sixth Congressional Districts. County Conventions in Gage, Nuckolls, Phelps, Johnson, and Other dd'Jaties Meetings and tallies in All Pjfts of the State. Good Men Renominated. The Independents of Nuckolls county had a great convention at Superior, September 5th. On motion of Senator Dysart, Hon G. A. Felton was renomina ted f r ropresentitivo. No betfer nomination cod have been made. M. G. MeNaughton nominated for countv attorney, R. D Sutherland, who has so ably filled the office for two years past. His nomination was made unani mous". After nominations a number of rousing speeches were made. IN VALLEY COUNTY. The independents of Valley county met in Ord. September 5th and nomin ated H. F. Rhodes for representative JohnsoD, the present representative, was defeated. Chas. A. Munn, the present county attorney, was renomin ated. The ticket is considered a good One, and is likely to be a winner by a large majority. IN PHELPS COUNTY. The independents held their county convention at Holdrego September 10. All parts pf the county wero well rep resented. Representative Soderman was renominated by acclamation; also A. J. Shafer for county attorney. Both haVe served the people faithfully dur ing the past two years, and there is no doubt of thpir re-election by over whelming majorities. IN YORK COUNTY. The independent counly convention met at York September 10, and nomin ate 1 W. G. Eastman, and John Price for representatives J. P. D. Smalls, a member of the present state committee was indorsed for stato senator. York is all right for a good majority. J. STERLING MORTON can easi' y stand defeat this fall. He is used to it He has run for governor of Nebraska four times, and for congress three times, being badly worsted every time. KEM AND WHITEHEAD. The following is a l'st of the joint meetings arranged between Kem and Whitehead in the 6th district: Kearney, Sept. 16, at 8 p. m. Chadron, Sept 21, at 2 p. m. Valentine, Sept. 22, at 2 p. m. Ainsworth, Sept. 23, at 2 p. m. CNeiU, Sept. 24, at 2 p. m. Lexington, Sept. 26, at 2 p. m. North Piatt, Sept. 27, at 1 p. m. Ogallala, Sept. 29, at 2 p. m. Sidney, Spt. 29. St Paul, Oct. 3, at 2 p. m. Ord, Oct. 3, at 8 p. m. Loup City, Oct. 4, at 8 p.m. Alliance," Oct. 9, at 2 p. m. Broken Bow, Oct. 8, at 2 p. m. - The first meeting to be opened by Hon. Jas. Whitehead, and each party to open and c'ose debate ai'ernately thereafter, tbe pirty opening to have one hour to open in, the other party to have one hour and fifteen minutes to reply, and tho party opening to have fifteen minutes to close. IN DOUULAS COUNTY. The independents will hold theii county convention on September 14th, in Omaha. The primaries &re set for September 12. DEMOCRATS IN THE BIG SIXTH. The democratic onventi'm of the Sixth district met at B'oken Bow September 7, and nominated J. J. Mc intosh of Cheyenne county for congress Morton and Wolbach were both present and ppoko to a small crowd in the evening. In Nuckolls County. The independent county convention held in Superior last Monday evening was one of the most enthusiastic gathering ever held in this county. ILm. G. W. Felton was renominated for representative, R. D. Sutherland renominated for county attorney and Mayor Cotton of Superior for commis sioner. There was an immenso crowd, and they paraded I ho streets singing calami'y songs which the old party people enjoyed hugely. An enthusiastic meeting was also h-ld at Oak on last Saturday evening. The house was crowded Messrs. Pol hemus, Sutherland and Felton were the speakers The crowd was further cnterta ned by two good bands Oak was alive wl h ' calamity shnekers and tho meeting did not a journ until a latfj hour. Perhaps the mst amusing event which has occurred during Mils cam paign happened in Nelson on Saturday evening. A repuoncm rally was ad vertised with a speaker from Superior, including tho republican nominees for countv attorney and representative The attornev was in town during the day but sneaked off along toward evon ing. The other Superior (f) speaker failed to put in an appearance. The drum corps pounded and hammered away for about an hour and a hall to draw a crowd and there were twenty- three people came actual count some of whom were independents who went to see tho fun. The meeting was called to order and he nominee for representative was called upon to speak out ho declined. Several prominent lawyers were ca'led upon but they had nothing to say, and the meeting adjourned. "How are the mighty fallen." Mrs. L. M. Kemmerer. Nelson, Neb., Sept. 11, '92 In Polk County. OSCEOLA, Neb Sept. 10, 1892. Alliance-Independent, Lincoln, Ne braska: At tho county convention held today at Oiceola, Polk county, the Hon. George Horst was unanimously nom inated for represen'ativo and H. M. Marquis for county attorney. Mr. tlorst elicited great applause in deciar ncr himself in faiTor of Hon. John II. Power., Polk county's choice for United States senator. Mr. Horst is an old resident of Polk county; has represented this coun'y in t ie legislature before, and is a strong advocate of our principles. He will be elected by a large majority. Respectfully yours, W. E. Hurst. Stanton Heard From. Stan to y, Neb., Sept. 12, 1892. We are hard at work in the good cause There will be a picnic here on September 20th, given by the K. of L. and the alliances of this county. We expect to have a good time and a large crowd if tho weataer is good. We will have speaking by several noted speakers. We invito everybody to come and enjoy one day and hear what the speakers have to gay. F. S. Carrier. mm. ul mu PROPERTY FOR SALE. Johnson County, Tecumseh, Neb , Sept 10, '92. The independents held their county convention here today. They resolved to keep in the middle of the road, and have no fusion. Mr. E. P. Ingersoll was nominated for tho legislature. He is a very strong man, aiid an old-time alliance worker Lawyer Calhoun wai nominated for county attorney and made a good speech of accep'anco. Everybody is feeling hopeful of suc ce?s in November John D. Hopkins. Special rates given members of the People's party at the Jennings hotel, Omaha, Neb., Ninth and Harney Sta, 13tf fSfflrrSWW IIP MAIN BUILDING SiGo FEET FRONT. ' This famous college is located in the beautiful healthy suburb of Haw thorne, and there are forty houses now being built, just out come, ana i;mlt8 giving city advant ages, with country taxes. From Fifty to One Hundred Houses GUarai)tee the. Rental the Rate of $48 a Roojji for the First Year. And the owners of houses to receive pay for fuel and light extra. No tetter place than Hawthorne to build houses for investment. Prop erty will double in value within twelve rnonths, and now is the time to invest. 1,200 STUDENTS ARE. NOW ENROLLED. The association has a large donation of lands which they have platted -in lots and have put them on tbe market at very low figures for the next ninety, days. Prices of Lots From J50 to $550. Take the Lincoln Street Railway corner O and Ninth streets to Haw thorne. $300,000 to $500,000 will be put in buildings before January, 1, 1893. Any parties buying lots can double their investment in a short time. Bargains in City and Farm Always on Hani Lots on Easy Payments. For Any Infonnaticfa Call on or Address ". i r owier earner a. Mr J. B. Romine has been invited i