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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1892)
14 THE ALLIANCE-IND PENDENT. I,' In Little Folks' Eyei. Ilow strange it would be if the pixies came down, And set up a shop in the midst of our town; And sold to us spectacles, through which the guise Of all things, would seem as in little folks' eyes. In little folks' eyes, O, what dreams will come true! Howlong is a lifetime 1 What things one will dot How wealthy one is with a purse of small size; For pennies are dollars in little folks' eyes. Ilow easy it is from all danger to flee To a harbor of safety, on somebody's knee! How quickly soft kisses and low lullabies Will clear away troubles in little folks' eyes. Such wee clouds of darkness make everywhere night; Such wee glints of sunshine make everything bright; And birthdays come slowly, for time seldom flies But crawls toward the future, in little folks' eyes. What a great world of singers we'd have bo fone long If these magical glasses were Bold for a song! O, clowns are so funny, and sages so wise, And hearts are so honest in little folks' eyes . Walter Norrls in tho Youth's Companion. Who Owned the Pew. 1 'If you had come and asked me for them, you might have had all you wanted, and welcome." This, if story tellers are to be t trusted, is what farri ers always say when they find had hoys robbing1 their orchards. And it is true, beyond question, that people in general like to have their rights as proprietors respected, even in the most trifling matters. So it was with an Irishman of whom a reporter for the Chicago Post tells a little story. There was a special celebration of some kind in the church where he owned a pew. The building was crowded, and just as the service began this proprietor made his way down the aislo to the door of the pew, which was only two seats from the front. In it were two or three ladies, strangers to him. There was still abundance of room near the head of the seat, but he stopped at the door, laid one hand upon the back of the pew next in front, and with an impressive wave of the other said, in a voice large enough to be heard over half the church: -Come out of that now !" The ladies, surprised and greatly confused, obeyed with all haste, but no sooner was the last one out in the aisle than the man waved his hand graciously. "Now in wid yez again," he re marked, louder than before, "an' make yerselves ter home. Oi only wanted yez tew know who owned the pew." His tone and gesture and smile were so polite and reassuring that the ladies resumed their seats, and the priest went on with the service. A Washington Rear-Hunt. . Early one morning in May a black ooy, going to his work, was passing along the Pierce's Mill road, near Washington. Paying little attention to what was before him, he suddenly found himself confronted by a large as fast as his legs could carry him. Luckilv. the bear did not follow, and he reached a house and g.ive an alarm. The news 6oon spread that a grizzly bear had escaped from the Zoological carden. It would be hard to tell now the news got abroad, because every one was afraid to sro out of doors. People barricaded their doors and win dows, and kept their children in the house. The schools m the neighbor hood were without pupils. The superintendent of the Zoological crarden heard, at any rate, that his lost bear had been seen on the Pierce's Mill road, and accompanied by several well-armed volunteers, he started in pursuit of the animal. Thev came upon him not far from the place where the boy had seen him. The bear regarded his pursuers indif ferently. The superintendent was lea to hope that he might be captured alive. 'Let's surround him," said the chief of the hunters. Thev proceeded to form a ring about the orizzlv. This proceeding infuriated him at once, and he made a ferocious attack upon one of the hunters. But before he could reach the man, all the other hunters rushed bravely to the assistance of their threatened comrade., whereupon the grizzly, seeing himself outnumbered, turned tail with a growl, and ran to a tree near by. Once more the crowd crept upon the bear, and then the animal rushed valiantly at them all. This time several men fired at once, and the young bear's brief period of liberty was brought to an end. 1M In One Word. A few words are sometimes more tellinsr than a long harangue. So thought Miss Phcmy Grey, who often remarked that, "for her part, she couldn't see how folks felt t' throw away their words, no more'n they would their clothes or their garding sass." She and her brother Liphlet, with whom she lived, were indeed a saving pair. Liphlet, however, was r wise in his economies, while Miss Pherny knew just where to save and where to spend. Liphlet's "bargains" were seldom regarded as such by her, awd she was frequently obliged to "keep a tight rein on her tongue," lest she should say something to anger him. On one occasion Liphlet bought a load of wood "cheap," from a man who had the reputation of being rather sharp. It proved as Miss Phemy fore warned her brother that it would most unsatisfactory; but having said her say once, she'was not a person to reiterate it. One cold day Liphlet came into the living room and found Miss Phemy seated in front of the fireplace, in which some of the logs of his purchase were cheerlessly spluttering. There was no such steady, comfortable blaze as he had been accustomed to see. "Well, Phemy," said he, with an at tempt at gaiety, "so you're settin' in front of the fire. How does th' wood seem t' burn, on the whole?" "Well, Liphlet," said Miss Phemy, drawing her shawl a little closer about her, "it consumes!" There was nothing more to be said, and Liphlet beat a retreat. When He "Knew It All." Some old people who have strong and decided views as to the intense egotism of youth, arc open to the charcre of possessing a good supply of that quality which years do not always eliminate. One old gentleman who is well past the "three-score years and ten" allot ted tp mortal man was reasoning, not long ago, with a youthful friend who has yet to sec vwen ty -fl th .year, The "young friend" is said to b THE globe) T A" Grade 35. "A" Grade S40. Have You Seen Our New Catalogue for 1892? ItmnlAim mnro vnlimhln in-! formation to the page than any catalogue you ever saw. We can't begin to tell you about it in mall own nsi Citnst vrfcim ALLIANCE " GRANGE name and P. O. address and UNION. PATHON5. LEAGUE get one frec You wiU 1)6 SUr" F' M B'Jk get. We're Headquarters for everything on Wheels : BUGGIES, WAGONS, SURRIES, ROAD CARTS HARNESS, SADDLES. SALESROOMS AND FACTORY: m I A 1 .. a mAR sjveamore ana uanai ow.. "a" Gruda S7Zu ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO.. CINCINNATI, OHIO W TlE QIxOBE IS WQ- USES NO OIL. HAS ROLLER BEARINGS. HAS CHILLED IRON BOXES. REQUIRES NO ATTENTION. HAS A SOLID WHEEL. THE CLODE IB AN ALL STEEL ANDIRON MILL, AND HAS THE LEAST NUMBER OF WEARING TARTS. THE GLOBE HAS MORE POWER THAN ANY WHEEL OF ITS SIZE IN THE MARKET, AND CAN BE BUILT ON A SOLID TOWER, AND WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND WHERE TLACED. THE CLODE IS THE LIGHEST, SAFEST AND EASIEST RUNNING MILL WHEEL IN THE MARKET, AND DOES NOT MAKE THREE REVO LUTIONS TO GET ONE STROKE OF THE PUMP. THE GOLBE IS THE IDEAL MILL FOR THE FARMER, THE STOCKMAN AND THE IRRIGATOR. BUY ONLY THB GLOBB. GEO W. HOFFSi ADT State Agent, 707 O Street, Lincoln. Neb. Please Mention This Paper. Omaha Commercial Goilege. FALL TERM opens S apt. 1st. Thorough courses in SHort Hand and Type Writing, Commercial, English and Normil branches. Over 800 students en rolled this i ear. In anew building, plenty of teachers and every facility. BOARD for three hcurs work per day. School all the year. Short Hand taught by mail. Catalogue and beautiful specimen of penmanship free for 25 names of young people, a monthly journal one year frec. Investigate this college and you will attend no other. For information address: Rodrbougii Bro's , Omaha, Nebraska. lYATT-BULLARD LUMBER CO., Writ us for bill of LUMBER fer your house and pktn, delivered at your station. By iff- 1 T-.- -r'f TT.t.-y .jjrA.i 1K tip, or, "WHOLESALE DEALERS OMAHA, NEB.