The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, July 21, 1892, Image 7

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tno give you a few hints as to your
1 i
treatment of him:
I;irst of all, my dear, don't let him
get an idea that your one object in life
is to gt all you cfln out of him.
"Laugh a' Little Kit."
Here's a motto, just your fit:
"L.rJgh a little bit."
When you think you're troublo-hit,
"Laugh a little Lit.'.'
. Look Misfortune in the face,
Brave tho beldam's rude grimace;
Ten to one 't will yield its place
If you have the frrlt and wit
Just to laugh a liltlo tit.
Keep your f.icc with sunshine lit;
"Largo, a litllo bit
Gloomy BltaVuvs oT will flit
If you have V o it and grit
Just to laugh ;v little bit.
Cherish this as sacred writ:
"Lauch a little bit."
Keep it with you, sample it;
"Laugh a little bit."
Little ills will sure betide you,
Fortune may not sit beside you
Menmay m6ck and Fame deride you,
But you'll mind them not a whit
If you laugh a little bit
The Woman's Dormitory Association of
the Columblun Exposition.
The members of Board of Lady
Managers residing in Chicago, having
undertaken to construct several dormi
tories for the accommodation of indus
trial women, and wage-earners visiting
the w6rld's fair, feel that the widest
publicity must at once be given to the
project, that such persons may be able
to avail themselves of the benefits pro
Its capital stock is now 9150,000.
Each share is $10 and entitles the
holder to lodging at 40c a day for
twenty-fivo days at dormitory of the
association, provided suitable notice
has been given of the lime when joins
are desired, and it will be received for
its face value in payment of bills in
curred forsuch lodging.
The shares are mado transferable so
that the holder need not stay tho full
twenty-five days, but can transfer the
unused stock to another, or by mutual
agreement, two persons can use the one
share at the same time for half the
twenty -five days. In other words, a
paid up share is equivalent to a pre
paid roora or lodging this does not
include board.
It is contemplated that soveral thou
sand women wiH be housed every day
of the exposition in these dormitories,
and anyone who stops to think, must
see that some definite arrangement be
forehand is necessary in order to secure
to the stockholders the rooms required,
hence the rule which has been made
that alljmrchasers shall indicate, when
sending: for stock, the month in which
tho rooms will be required. Non-holders
of stock will' be furnished lodging
whenever vacancies exist, but the man
agement cannot guarantee the same at
the rate which holders of stock will
pay, namely 40 cents per day.
Tho natural anxiety and dread of
venturing upon a trip to a city where
all are strangers, not even
knowing where to look for a roof
to coyer ones head, the fear of extor
tionate charges, or danger of not se
curing safe and respectable quarters,
all these hindrances to the greatest in
dustrial exposition that the world has
ever seen, will be clminated by the
thoughtful consideration of these Chi
cago women who give their time and
energies gratuitously to this work.
Don't let him believe that you think
so lightly of yourself that whenever he
has an idle moment -he can fine you
ready and willing to listen to him.
Don't let him think that you arc go
ing to the dance or tho frolic with him;
you are going with your brother, or
else you are going to make up a party
which will all go together.
Don't let him spend his money on
you; when he goes away he may bring
you a box of sweets, a book, or some
music; but don't make him feel that
you expect anything but courteous at
Don't let him call you by your first
nuiro, at least not till you are engaged
to him, and then only when you are by
yourselves. iJ
Don't let him put his arm around
you and kiss you; when he put the
pretty ring on your finger that meant
that you were to be his wifo soon, ho
gained a few rights, but not the one of
indiscriminate caressing. When he
placed it there ho was right to put a
kiss on your lips it was tho seal of
your love; but if you give your kisses
too freely they will prove of little
Steel Harvesters and .
When D. M. Osborne built the first all steel Harvester nnri ltinw tn ma u
- - - - - - - iu iirau it
marked a new departure that left all our competitors far in tho roar. Thoy have
The New Osborne olaced unon tho market thin vnnr fa iln a inm of i-
advance that places us at tho head and proclaims us tho leaders in all that per
tains to cutting and binding grain.
Lightest Strongest and Simplest Machine Made.
How to Treat a Sweetheart.
From an old New England scrap
book: When he comes to see yeu let
How to Use Old Kid Gloves.
By no means throw away old kid
gloves. Cut off the hands, and save
the long Sucae arms of your soiled,
worn ball gloves. Use tho for polish
ing silver mirrors, cut:glass and jew
els, bew two of the long pieces into
irregularly shaped bags for carrying
tho pieces of silver toilet set when
traveling. It preserves the silver from
scratching and tarnishing. Out of old
tan or gray gloves you can- make
charmine bags for carrying your opera
glasses in. Cut the kid in the same
pattern as is used for these silk and
velvet bags, line, it with China silk.
and traco in water coloi's or silk vyour
initials on the outside.
Knvtiiig for Girls.
If I knew a girl who was dull, hi ivy
footed and heavier thoughted, with a
blotched and muddy colored skin, who
semetimes thought she wanted to bo
as well as another girl, but did not do
anything to reach it, nor knew how, 1
should put her in a row boat in a shal
low pond, place the oars in her hands
and tell her to take care of herself,
writes Ellen Le Garde in a practical
article on this healthful exercise in the
July Ladies' Home Journal. Unkind?
I think not. I should have a long rope,
you know, attached to the boat,
one end in my hand. This position
might frighten her a little at first
but the natural instinct to help
herself would come to her aid, and
then, too, rowing is not difficult to
t n j i a
learn. o most girls it comes as
naturally as walking. They creep
along the water, not far off shore, first
with one oar, then trying two, keep
ing stroke for stroke, up and down.
"catching crabs" occasionally, old
Nep's protest at being conquered by
such a courageous piece of prettiness,
and in the three or four attempts may
be the delightful sport is theirs. So
this girl with the torpid liver and the
lethargic feeling,must be the gainer,
for she has to think faster, she must
move and breathe quicker in that uni
son of time kept by her fast impelled
oar3. How can such a cirl Jons' re
main ill or stupid?
If a person weighs himself at bed
time, and again in tho morning on
rising, he will find that he has lost
half a pound in weight, What has be
come of the half pound? It has gone
off from his body and been distributed
through the bed-clothing and the air
of the room. Burn an ounce of old
woolen rags, the air becomes so im
pregnated with the smoke that it is
scarcely endurable.
l.TfcilkE. .i ' IJ'iriW!lM)F I H'iIi.W if il'.'Ui'l. i Hi ii V-'i. "Ml " ,, ' J,: lf .11
RF.nATTSTE Ha fromo a oil maAn n, . 1 .. .. ...
u m xf ua,uui nugiu Biueijauii put logetncr with steel
bolts. No round or square iron pipe about it.
BECAUSE it has the steepest deck, thai insuring a quick delivery to the
packers, and avoiding all trouble from packing and choking
BECAUSE it has tho widest drivA whrtnl hninar mron 1 0 L-
thus avoiding all danger of sliding in dry or sinking in wet weathar.
BECAUSE you don't have to elevate the grain so high.
BECAUSE u JSP18. aLre sJeel and malleable iron, thus insuring four times
the strength at half tho weight of cast iron. V""""
dlreSf yfcStmouSS CUt Md P'ltmU apply th3ir pov '
BECAUSE, it is tho easiest adjusted, easiest handled, and ht hnilt m'M,.
on earth. Don't buv a machine until
horses can handle it. Its use on a farm i3 proof of an intelligent farmer.
1 fjjjl
rr- yr ,,..- . I
Osborne N4.
No. 4 MO
The Number Four Mower?; 4J, 5 and 6 feet cut stands at the head of the list.
ask any one ot lis nunured thousand users and tha imi rnnlv will Ua mo Tf f
, t r w .j i w uitmu. xi
is guou tuougn ior m .
AN ALL STEEL RAKE can onlv he hmiorht. nf n OcKAmo o rronf . I'moM
41,., l.i : l r' - ,
iuu uuai xs uuuv tuu gjuu iui you. ;
WE ARE NOW fighting tho Harrow trust on your behalf. -BINDING
TWINE. Wo offer von nil ih w
fair Duces, and are not in anv wiv interpstrd in tho rraf Tmino
is tr; ing to squeezo the last cent from the already overburdened farmer.
1 or terms, prices, etc., address
CEO. YULE, Lincoln, Neb.
T. J. ROSS, Omiha, Neb.
D. M. OSBORNE CO., Chicago, Illinois