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About The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1891)
J SI I, C , j VOL. II. LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, MAR 21, 1891. NO. 40. ( NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. wTiO!m: At th alet and oheapet Meant of notifying ubMrlbnr of th uat of their eipiralloa w will mark tbla nolle with a blue or red pencil.on the data at wblok tbetr ubecrlptton expire. W will tend th paper two week after eiplratloo. If not re- oen-ed by that time it will k diacontlnued THE MARKETS. Cblcage Oral a aad Frvlien. CHICAOO, March 17, WHEAT May, $1.02; July, CORN- Mar. 4We; July, SlJa POHK-Mey, flUffM; July. SILT. LAKO May, July, !.. SHOUT H IBtt-May, .A; Ji May, rA; July. Chicago Live Stack. UxioW Htock Yakm, I chicaoo, xuvn u. i CATTLE -Fatl mi ted renalpta, S,W bead, lfetivee, R'l.ftfcA,Vil&; cowl and bulla, I2.Uk.a Tezana. al.Ekfo.iak. Market etruoff. HOUS - Eatiiaated receipt. ), bead. Heavy, U.Vx4u; mixed, aVJ.tajV; ligbt, SJ fill5Ll (HI. Mmrkat atroutf. HEKP-Ntlva. S4.uwj4.73; weatara, 4.; Texan, aa.woa.3st. anna City Ue Stark. EaxsA Crrr, March 17. Unmeuta, 2.7IW bead. Htaera, W tl" W; niwn, 2.4.UU; ebx.-kera and feeder, tVi.UUl.UU. Market stronv to hlirbxr. HXJti KutimaUxi rlpt, ,000 tMd! blp menta, JOU bead. All grades, f.i.uj).. Mar cm strong ana niguwr. Omaha Lira Mtock. Uaios Stock Yad, I Omaha. March 7. I CATTLE-Eatimated receitrta. 1.IU0 hiuT Prim heavy, l&tft 45; updiura heavy, S.74 4.3U; ojmmuo, tMJit&i.7if; ebole fancy cow and neiror. sx.uujpj.ijif, common to medium cows, .Uii3.l;;(x.niu)rs, kl.WrA2.10: bulla, fl.75 S)2.M. beat meeted tender, Mtocker, 2.ait3S.UU; teak bjjeve f 4.i Market etrong 00 maere ana ur oiguei eu oowe. HtKiM-fcimatail neviuta. S.fiOO head. T.iirht. Vi.gjCplw; mixed, t.vfiu a; neavy, aj).i. Market op Larket onenea no aud uioma tut: uiirner. BH BEF-KatimaUd reoeiula, tKM bead. Mar- kat atroug. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEF8. Chancellor Von Capri r I of Oerraao da . aiea that be baa offeml to reitiiru. It In aaltl tbat Kmporer William will shortly make a tour of Almace-Ixirraine. A number of Chinamen are to l Intro duced into Mexico a agricultural colon ta. F. R. Wood Sc Co., priTst banker at AViniamsport, i'a cioaea tueir axr. ' The rifntnt of lit. .lompb ut St. Paul will build a wininarjr at a txmt of upward of Ex-Gorernor Luciua Roblnaion of New York is dangeroualy ill at Kluiira. He til year old. Four hundred puddUr in Pottrtown, Pa., have accepted a reduction in wage witnottt atnitiug. Fire in Cincinnati damased the Samuel Weddler & LUt. flour and feed mill to tlif extent of fcTj.OOO. Many negroes decoyed from Texas to Oklahoma by falH uromiaes and repre sentations are going dack noma. The Southern Kansas Methodist confer' ence at tifrard has voted, 06 to in, in favor of admitting women a delegates to tb general conterence. Following the example of London and Paris, Home has etrtablitthed a bureau to marry impoverished but proud noblemen on to neiresoes, American preierrea. Horace Hedge, a stock dealer living near St. JoHeph, wait probably fatally beaten and robbed by footpad. No clu to the niiftcreants. The new Brazilian constitution provide tnat tne congress ot tne republic shall not -declare war against any nut ion until arbi tration has been attempted, without suc cess. Alois Voiht. an ased tailor of Milwau kee, accaxed bis son. Joseob. aired 25. of tapping the till, aud in a subsequent quar rel siauDeu tne young man tnncs iauuiy with a pair of shear. Secretary of the Treasury Foster wa 'the company president and one of the chiel owners or tbetalctned window glass fan tory at Fostoria, O., which burned. Low, bju.uuv; insurance, no.uuu. President Harrisou's trip west will be- tern between April S and 10. Mrs. Harri son will accompany him. The Drexideiit -will be absent from Washington about six -weeks. On the way to California iopf win dc maae at Atlanta, ua., ata Aevr or- neans, prooabiy one day each. WILL TRY TO BREAK HIS WILL. A Granddaughter Wants Soma of the Late nUhop Ames' Money. BALTIMORE. Md.. Mamh 17 Eleven year after the death of Bishop Edward K. Ames of the Methodist Episcopal church, his will is to be contested by Mrs. Eiuina Louise Weik. wife of Otto JB. Weik and the daughter of the late ruwaru n. Amos, jr., tne WsUop only aon, who for some time lefore his death was insane. The estate is estimated at f400.(MKi aud includes two valuable lot in Chicago and over 73.00O worth of ground just outside that city. The bitthOD. With til excetitinn of unnntHoa to his wife aud an invalid daughter, left "i" eutire estate 10 jars. Annie Ainea Hint, another daughter, the father of the petitioner not lming mentioned in the will. The granddaughter charges fraud nu unuue uinurm-e over tne butkop, nd declarea that at the time the will Was executed his rendition waa nl to render him incapable of resUtiitg the niiuriH-im urougnt to near uin nnn. The petitioner would have had appealed - -- couria ueiore uui waa under age, She is now 31 yean old. Hreak la a Lave. Nkw Onlkak. March '.T.-A verv erioui crevasse wturred jut oppoalu mm oii esptMiiion, it broke at i o'clock p. m. and 1 seventy-live tt wide and very deep. 1Mb. the Tela l'at-ino and the HotuUi-rn t'avino rk.U will b topMH, .Mm h cultivated land will be ariuualy damaged. Men are at work eaiaaveruig to ttpi4 the break, eaal Teat Wilkeat Majarlly, VltsxA, MafiU U.-Cvmil Tafea4 hi cabinrt are carrying ttit the lavern. went of Austria without a parltatuen. Ury majority, lb aegutiattaua Uitw)i 7vandtlw Ueruiga Liberal aav falUn through. NaafaaadUaa) MU nek, UtiH, March IT.-TUe hlne Iwih Ustwd Nf.mndUn4 (nmtalniao de. lallatalrea4y,bUt, an t m lude UhtU atceoiaave of tlte arbltrslor. AFTERTHESCALPERS A Determined Effort Beinjj lladeto Drive Them to the Wall. WAE ON EAST-BOUND BATES TkeWeak Mae Kagagad la WbolesaU Maalpulatlea The JakaeavlII aad gatkaUra Treabl W eel era freight Meeting feetpeaed. Chicaoo, March 17. A determined move on the part of all the atrong line in the United States is being made to drive scalpers out of business. A nearly a can be learned the movement baa been placed in the hands of the variou associations with instructions to drive the scalpers to the wall. There is an apparent unanimity on the part of all the lines, bat it i noticeable that in all case the place ha been fought and nrged by the strong line. One of the leaden of the movement showed, ae among it first fruit, a telegram from North Carolina. It said that a law had just been signed by the governor and made effective, forbidding anyone to barter in railroad tickets except that he were an authorized representative of the company whoee ticket he sold. The same law has almost paased in Minne sota, and within the next two years will be pushed before every state legislature, Tne movement toward anoiiHning nn limited tickets, and which is in a fair way to become effective through the New York meeting, is a part of the gen eral plan. A conservative estimate places the yearly loss to railroads on ac count or tne scalping business at f d, 0W,WW, , , Weak Line Catting Bates Chicaoo, March 17. The strong east- bound lines have had their patience stretched to the breaking point. This week's statement of east-bonnd tonnage. they claim, shows conclusively that the weak line are catting rates right and left ana It Has rescued a point wnere it must stop. The total tonnage last week waa 77.U1M against VU,So4 a year ago. The cut rate are shown clearly in the central traffic statement of flour, grain and provisions, amounting to 44,131 tons. The percentage last week and a year ago nnder stable rates are as fol lows; Grand Trunk. 27 against I'd Nickel Plate. 83 airainst 8: Michiiran Central, 19 against 17; Lake tihore, 13 against 18; rort Wayne, V against 14 Baltimore and Ohio. 9 atminst 20 and Panhandle, 3 against 0. The large Bal timore and Ohio shipms nts a year ago were legitimate owing to an increase of export corn business, ilie matter will be fully ventilated an the coming New York meeting. A Two Cant Rat. Chicaoo, Ills., March 17. The Jack sonville and Southeastern road has not yet fnrnished the Alton with a state ment of its outstanding mileacre. Con sequentlr the Alton notified Chairman Fiuleythat an immediate ruling wa? wanted on application for authority to make a 2 cent, rate on mileage tickets, The ruling will be given out this morn ing. It will be in the Alton's favor. authorizing it to put into effect a 2 cent rate on mileage tickets. This authority. of course, extends to all lines in the Western Passenger association, and there may be a general war of rates. A prominent railroad man said here that he feared the tickets in question would not be redeemed unless tne Atchison puts no the money, and therefore a war ot rates seems more tnan probable. Welera Freight Association. Chicago, Ills., March 17. Chairman Midgely has postponed for one week the April meeting of the Western Freight association. 1 his was done on the writ ten requests of Presidents Miller.IIughitt and Cable, and vice-fresidents Harris and Springer to avoid a conflict with the quarterly meeting of tne Western Traffic association. The story waa im mediately started that this reqnest bad the contemplated movement to break up the Western Freight association and merge it into the Western Traffic. The signers who are in the city deny this story and declare there is not a point of disagreement between the member of the two associations now that the Bur lington and Kansas City have agreed to waive tueir contests regarmug rules. la lb Dakota. Pierre, S. D., March 17. Three men arrived from Rapid City with informa tion that the contract had leen let for bridge atmrnachea at Pierre bv the Bur- lington and Missouri. Rapid City guar antee to raise iiou,uou to aid tn con struction, provided llerr heljel. Work begins on lue uulutn, I'lerre and Ulat k Hill at this end of the line within two week. A ineetinir of cititrn has been called, when aid will be voted the rail road. It i certain that th railroad will rro from Pierre to the Ulatk 11 ill thl stNtaon, Mil rietwee Hal tiutare aud l urepe. Bil.TlMoak. March 17,-The Nether. land Kteanukin Naybtation comnanv. which for yar pa! has ma a line t steamer between New York and AuikUrdaut, completed arrana-emenU tor a eW lib between Lalllnutn and fcurope. Tb firal steamer will ev Amsterdam for this port April IX Vim ateaiuahltt ll) Iumium,! 1 fortnightly trip, until a-Llitl-mal Veaael can I procared. whan weekly lrlw wit) m mad. All will ftirnkh tt la lMaaaxt-r mi ltult 4m ice. SEVENTH DAY AOVENTISTS. Ereearaglag- RnpertfRelre4 fraat Aae- tralla and Seath Africa. Battle Qxkxk, Mich., March 17. At the meeting of the Adventists confer ence report were presented from the International Tract society. The read ing matter distributed under the man agement of this organization has in formed many of the teachings of the denomination and so made! many con vert. In New Zealand alone $1,200 worth of books are sold monthly and reports from Australia were not less encouraging. The general foreign book agent wrote from South Africa that his supply of printed matter waa far too small, wun wnat doom ne naa dis tributed innch good had been wrought, and he urged that more be sent him, A consolidation of publishing interest was recommended, as by that means larger field could be covered and the work of distribution be more harmon ious. In the afternoon another meet ing of the International Health and Temperance association was called Dr. J. II. Kellogg, the president, i enthusiastic in the work of the associa tion, and it is to his efforts largely that tne good work accompllsnea 1 due. A MONEY-MAKING EXECUTION. Trouble Brewing for Hlierln Perl Mm derer Crawford Burled. DecATtR. Ills., March 17. The body of W. H. Crawford, the murderer, hanged Friday, was finally buried at noon at the Hpangler graveyard in this county. 1 here were no services. Old man Crawford is much afraid the grave will be robbed and publicly stated that dynamite cartridge were placed in it and it win be guardod. Sheriff Perl is bitterly denounced by tne people generally because lie permit ted the turnkeys before and after the execution to charge the crowd ten cent each to see the gallows. It is known that a foot of the hanging rope was sold for a dollar, ae it had blood on it. An effort will be made to have the sheriff indicted or removed from office. A pe tition win be circulated. All Three Are Doomed. New Bedford, Mass., March 17. The revenue cutters Gallatin of Boston and Dexter of New York arrrived here, The stern of the Triana is complete! out of the water, while her bows are al most submerged. Unless the wind abates the vessel cannot hold together long. Only a glimpse of the Galena waa obtained. Nothing can save her. The Galena was almost hidden from sight by the immense waves that were making a clean break over tier. Only her masta could be seen through the mist. The officers of the Dexter are of the opinion that all three of the vessel are doomed. stuff. n Ottawa, Ont., March 17. The Ot tawa correspondent of The World says be hears the government is being urged to ank Lord Salisbury to station in Can ada five to ten British regiments, quar tering them in Halifax, UueDoc, Mon treal. Toronto, Winnipeg and Van couver. 'It is argued." says the corres pondent, "that the presence of these regiments in Canada would do more to put down the annexation gang and put a check to their conspiracy than any thing else. Tb Bottle Manufacturer. Fixdlav, O., March 17. At a meet ing of the Western Flint Bottle associa tion, at which thirty-four out of thirty- seven factories in this part of the coun try were represented, it was decided to close down June 1 instead of July 1. aa heretofore, and to remain inactive for three months mstead of two. . This is for the purpose of maintaining price and defeating the efforts of western job- v u it, ' 1 v 1 1:1- j WII5,W1IU, It IS BM1U, UKT UUVU10 Uefllgn against tne association, TnppeV Will Represent Canada. Ottawa, Ont., March 17. The gov ernment organ here, speaking with au thority, says that Sir Charles Topper wiu represent Canada at the approach ing negotiations at Washingtou, while with him will be associated Sir Wm. Whitewav on behalf of Newfoundland aud the Hon. Joseph Chamberlain at the representative of the British gov ernment. The California Seaatorihla. Sacramento, Cel.. March 17. The ballot for United States senator resulted. Estee, 87; De Young, 24; Felton, 14 Y1- ,. .. -J ... TV !..- . . . . . uwiituiru, n; itrain. is wet more. 1 Thia is a net ta In of l tnr V-t TK. gain of 1 for De Young and 1 for Felton is oulv apparent, being due to increased aueniianue. imzi imina-rkU nrauni . 1 . t , I voivu ior juiiu r. iruu. The Maetjaeary Caaa. CutvitMND. March 17. The eocle! astical jury in the trial of Rev. Howard McQuearr met in this cttr. Two ana. aifllia of the court wr liel.l Imt final agreement was reached. It I said that of the five miniater upon the jury three find MatOuearv imilrv tit hr. and two diaarnt. The member are not quit satiaiied a to the vutiUhuient. Ik r4elrla. New Yobi, March 17. -The score of the walking match at 1 a. w. waa; tnghee, M; lUgelmil. 131: Uowarth. 1: Curler, llSi Mlr, IWi kuntt, l.vuiiemo, 103: Nortn. livi Ur.!iM ankuown, loa; Mire, Uj ,,rUa, V I w, rtdf YerrtM t lirae liracA. V V f ..t. it a IPO VAkk, aal M, a proiuineiit cl linen furmr uperviaor. wa aneated thai and ra.l awn, vn in anniaTii ot girlawbo aire ranged frvm II to )ar. He pUl not auilly au4 wa sit n r tuta4 rr ifwinaAiuti. A Y Oil AI! I H THE CASE Lirelr Tolitieal Skirmish Over Kansas CENSUS BUREAU BULLETIN. ttatlatlea aa Track Garaealeg ia tb Vn It t 4 ktatee Xekraba and lewn Pen-leaa-Hrecklarlag Only ailghtly Ul-Brarlllaa Beelarlty. Washinotox, March 17. A woman i it the bottom of rather a lively political ikirmish how going on here over a post office in Kansas. It i getting so warm that Governor Osborne of that state came on to take a hand in the fight. come time ago a mmn joiinson was ap pointed postmistrees at Silver Lake, Kan,, on the recommendation of Repre sentative Kelly and a number of citi zens of the place, but it no w turns out that Miss Johnson's brothers and ancles and male relatives generally were among those Farmer' Alliance people of Kansas who brought about , the po litical upheaval and retired Senator In galls. That they khonld now be re garded even in so minor a way aa the appointment of their sister as post mistress is a thing which the Kansas Republican cannot understand and do not like. Governor Osborne comes to plead with the president to aid the Re publicans of tbat state by the appoint ment of a straight-out Republican. On the other hand, the Alliance people in siat tbat they have demonstrated suffi cient strength to be entitled to nil some or tneonlces. a he controversy prom ises to tie an interesting one. - Nebraska and low Pension. Wabiuxotom, March 17. Pension were granted to the following Nebras kans Original: John W. Murrell, John S. Crnme, James W. Sternum', . Conntun tine Hoss, Charles . L. Hurpster, Hugh Martin, Lyman W. Copelin, J. M. 1 mith, Milton u. upoic, John Mlnderscn.Tuouuu O. SlaWery, James Perkins. Nathaniel Kims, M. August Mervls, Alex. V. Mc Dougall, Lucius Mullen, Jacksou Tot ten, John P. Totten, John F. Porter, James It. Norman. Jonathan P. Han cock, Joseph Richart, Marcus M. Staples, John Simpson, Clark N. Simpson. In crease: Phillip J, lieser. Reissue and increase: Nelson Sampson. Iowa Original: Milo T. Smith. Ben jamin D. Frame, David H. Robinson, William Uali, Peter J. Harston, Marion Peace, N. B. Channesse, Wm. Kierns, Johnston J. Watts, Jacob Goder, John UibbltU, Harney Wilson, Henry J. Smith, Milton K. Walker. Francis N Sherrer, Freeman W. Troop, James Harris, John Beldin, George R. Sheets, Israel Boyd, George W. Scoville, Fred erick Shaffer, James Evans, John C, Wilson. William Teon. Michael Betz. Additional: Parren Shaub. Orignal widows: Nancy, widow of Andrew Carl; minor of Francis K. Davis; Mary A. Rogers, formally widow Alexander Hughes; Merium, ww Wm, Howard, m A Special Nolletln. WAeniNOTOX, Marcu 17. t ne censui bureau issued a special bulletin on truck gardening in the United States, entirely distinct from market gardening. Up wards of $100,000,000 are invested in thia industry, the annual product . , t - . . . .. . reacmng ine vaiue or fi0.0l7.uoy on farms after paying freights and commis sions, it being realized upon 034,440 acres of land. There are employed in this industry 216,705 men, 9,254 women and 14,874 children, aided by 7506 horses and mules and i8.971.000 worth of implements. Nearly 75 per cent, of the truck produced in the United State comes from the belt of counties along the Atlantic coast, from southern Georgia and Alabama alonir the north and south lines of railroad in the Mississippi vallev. from the irulf to Chi cago and from the celery districts of juicrugan anu unio. The Bureau of Immigration, Washington, March 17. The treas ury department officials have discov ered tbat congress, while it created bureau of immigration in the treasury department, did not make an appropria tion to carry out its intention. The act recites a superintendent of immigra tion, uauiea the number of clerks to be attached to the bureau, with the r sev eral grades, nnd defines the duties of th bureau. 1 hi work ia now done by dif rerent bureau. Atant Hocretarv Spauldingia looking into the matter and it will probably be referred to tin comptroller of the treaiury for a legal construction before a final deciainn ii reached a to whether the bureau can b established without the money tonai lie vwviuyr. ....... 1 - - WAHiusoros, March I7.-The trial ol Charlea E. Kiiuald for thtietieg Repre sentative Taultwe of Kentucky wa ailed. Counsel for the defene naked for a continuance, owing- to the a La tut of material wiine. The court granted a iMtttnonetnerit until 1 n. in. to enable in deietti to prepare affidavit ka"." "I.,."." in tavor ot i.otpnn-uiin. Uati ,r th day the runrt adjottruwd, wtoen theaf Adavita wilt be i.r-nted and furthet at lion takru uu a wutluo to puatpcu for a wmk, WAMiMini."Mn U IT.-Tif depart mnt tf t.te taWu iafarni thai the rumor that the HuiUun guwru awtat diM rMl Hm to carry out thi rt risilnrt liy agimant with lh uaiiiHi rtiate u uk tniiW i.v tu m Ima of the aulhoritkoa at llui da Jau.1h In Uamng tiutruetiun Ii nrhctaU throuiuout th wmtiiry i-oattiing Hit free kdiutMioa .f wfvhitadle truui tit Vautd Matt, THE MAFIA AFFAIR. Vfc Caafeeelam mt Oa mf tk Ma4 rabll. New Orleans, March ; 7. After am, aping lynching OB Saturday, Joasfh rrwenzano, whom the Mas ha?) wanted to get out of the way for time, makes a publio confeaaiosj ntade to mm by Jim Caruso, killed by tne mo of Saturday. Caruso waa lnit ated mto the Mafia by Matranza, who quitted by the jury, and released from prison. Caruso said he only intended one meeting; that he went in, and Mat ranza held up a skull in his left and swore him to abide by the dedeion of the order. He aaid he was informed after taking the obligation tbat the ob ject was to kill flume who were against the Mafia gang. The way it was done was to select the victim and invite him to dinner and afterwards do him up. Caruno aaid afterwards that he did not like to commit murder, but waa willing to rob, so he went to the Italian chnreh and swore before the altar that he would have nothing more to do with the Maiia. a iter wards,' kowever. he was frightened back, with the result of Inning hi life. Caruso also aaid that Rocci and Politz belonged to the order. Many Italians who were nnder the Mafia ban are delighted at Saturday's nprixing and say that the Mafia will now be broken up. Even tlie Italian consul received a letter threatening him in case he did not amdst in getting the accused off. The dintriet attorney I in vestigating the jury liriliery charges. - A Maul ted by Italian. Chicaoo, March 17. Frank T. Hoga lon. of No. S2 Campbell avenue, will be sareful in the future how he talks about the Mafia. At 2:30 a. in. he stood wait Ing for a State streetcar. Three Ital ians were near him. Hogadon talked f the New Orleans affair, and said svery member of the Mafia should be banged. The words had hardly been ottered when the Italian drew knives and attacked him. He was severely cut about the body, and would have been killed outright had not his cries brought several men to his assistance. The Ital ians ran away, and no description of them is known. Hogadon was assisted to the Harrison street stat ion, where his wounds were dresed and found not to be serious. The spot where the assault is said to have taken place is near the centre of the Italian colony. Chief of Police Marsh takes no stock in the Mafia part of the story. The victim, he says, Is a piano player in a low resort, and probably got into a broil with the men. THE INCINERATED LUNATICS. Tb LUt of Da4 Lengtkeaea to Klavea aad On Patient Caacooanted far. Nabhvijxe, Tenn., March 17. Hun dreds and perhaps thousands of people drove out to see the devastation wrought it the Central Tennessee insane asylum. Strict orders had been issued to deny admittance to all except those who were connected with the press of the city. The smell of burning flesh permeated the atmosphere, but only one body was visible and it was imixMsible to Identify it, as only a pbarred mass of flesh ana bone could be seen. The list of the dead has been length ended to eleven. Aside from those known tobedeadj there ia only one patient mbisliig from the asylum James Bur ton. As he is known to have made several attempts to throw himself into the fire, it is feared that he, too, is among those who found firry grave. Fatal Tenement Fire. PrrrsBCRO, March 17 Fire, attended with serious consequences, occurred in Wasser's row of tenement houses, in Eden alley, Lawrenceville, about mid night. David Kupperuian, aged 47, was burned about the arms and face. His condition ia critical. Mrs. Rachael Kup- gerinan, aged 87, was fatally burned, imon Kupperuian. aired 17. will die. Tricy Kupperman, aged. 2, is in a crit ical condition. An infant child 4 weeks old, will die. The residence was al most completely overspread in flames when the firemen arrived, the occu pants not having awakened and were unaware of the danger. But for the cry of an infant overheard by the fire men all wru2 jjave rwn cremated. Parkeraoa' Warning. New Ouleams. March IX W. 8. Parkenton has received the following note, purporting to come from a mem ber of the Mafia aoeiet vi "Yuri are 1 i 1 m a a 1 . uoouieu man, ana uoa Almighty can not save you. We have it sworn. Our comrade you murdered, and we will kill yon aud your family. You will be polaoned. The stilleto will do for th rest." Neither Mr. Parkeraon nor his mends are at all concerned about tb tnretU. Lampr-Jawea Cattle. Dm Moimkh, Ia., March 17. Th state board of health received alettet from a prominent physician at West Union, saying that "lump-jaw' was prevailing to an alarming degre among tnet-atii in mat section, and that 1 large number had died. Notwithiitand- ing this, the fanners were fattrtuna their cattle f.r market and dupoaiag of tam a rapiuty a possible. , Hallaa Agtlalea, lkTO, l!arcM 17. The Italians of Hotan have been aru4 by the fata e4 their rouAtryaien ia New Orleans and Meeting was Md fur th purp of or- fianiilng a larg mtnuiiiu and ot tall ag the IkMtoM Italian colon Mo a imta ineoting fur a protest aiiut ton N-jw Orleans, Ther wa great ablatio, but th rumftng will undoubtedly to conducted ilk order aud d.gtitur, A llkel 114 heietlaeUa. r0V:ni;; 1 I., Mafth 17. -Tb Republican tst iwntt! roniwute ha nominated Henry A. hle-wrus of Llnewla 1 lieutenant gviiar in pi. of l.y. awi II. Gl. tw d,l a4. THE FOREIGII VORLD Ai Aaatrlan Armj Ofiicer Vurderi Bis Fiancee and Tken Suicides. IN LOBDS AND 0011110X3. i The Pertagaeee JastlSad la Their SelaaM f tb Brltlh Steaaaer Cnle f Carnarvaa Fa-tlaal Aalaaaeltf ia Irelaad Tb HaAearet Caa. , I , , . , LoifDOS, March 17. A tragedy has been enacted at Toplits which has caused a most profound seusatlon among aristocratic sojourner at that famous watering place. Lieutenant Reinisch, an officer of high stand lug in the Aus trian army, had succeasfallr wooed young Baroness Schanau, buff 4a' some reason as yet unknown to thf) public the) parents of the young lady refused to give consent to the match. The lien tenant nrged upon his fiancee to marry him clandestinely, but she refused. The officer called upon the baroness and ta s final interview renewed his ploa for aa elopement. Finding that her respect for parental mandates was greater than her desire to accede to bis wiahes, the lieutenant, mad with disappointment and grief, drew a revolver and shot th baroness through the heart. The mother of the unfortunate lady, hearing ta shot, rushed into the room just as the lieutenant fired the second shot into his own breast and fell dead beside the body ef his victim. Uladaton. Londox, March 17. An enormoa crowd assembled ia aud around the Charing Cross station to see Glad tone off for Hastings, where it is expected he will outline the programme of the Lib-' eral party. As noon as Gladstone was discovered making hi way from too carriage to the tram, cheer aftor cheer went up and hats and handkerchief were wildly waved. The crowd surzed around the railway carriaarti. some getting on the roof of the car. Glad stone was presented with an address by tne executive committee or th xtadtcal association. As the train started a sud den jar threw a number of thorn on the roofs of the railway cars down on the platform and traeka. Several were se verely injured. The demonstration was) an extraordinary one. Ia tarda an4 Cewimena. Losdox, March 17. Smith, govern ment leader in the commons, annouacsd that the government has com) to a de cision that no woman representMlives of labor organizations could be placed upon the labor commission. Ferguson, political secretarr of tha foreign office, said the government had been advised indirectly of the seizure of the British South African coimiaiiy's steamer. Countess of Carnarvon, by the Portugals. In the house of lords Lord Salisbury said it appeared from the printed report inac tne steamer waa landing arms tn Portuiniene ten! tor v. "if. this ia a fact" said Lord 8alhlmry , 'the Portuguese had a right wfzo theauSr." Mr. JackrkuaPr'l. . London, March 17.-ThV'court of queens bench sitting at Clitheroe, has refused to grant the writ of habeas cor pus petitioned for by the relatives of Mrs. Jackson, who was forcibly carried away by her husband a week ago last Sunday. The court says there is no evi dence of cruelty committed by the hus band, and it is consequently unable to interfere. A frf ad of Mrs. Jackson has bad an in rview with her at Blackburn, and eays she seemed to be cheerful and contented, although un reconciled with her abductor, who, while restraining her of her liberty, baa treated her with studied politeness and respect. He may win her yet. Want Heelji.c E,lied. 'i London, March 17. Flaming placards have appeared throughout Clare, Ire land, appealing to 'Men of Clare" set to allow themselves to be made slaves by traitors ainoua- their former leadara. Tits appeal urges the citizens to riae up in their wrath by thousand and expel Healyites at the first meeting tbat they dare to hold. Feeling in Clare between the factions has been bitter, and th belligerent placards have not improved the situation any. Factional animosity is also marked at Bodyke. whrMr, Healy is to speak soon, and fighting is couiderl inevitable or that octaaioa. The Beeteret Cat. Lo.ibON, March IT.-The trial of the bat-caret case will probably be of short duration. It Is stated that a ting ia ronaeqnencs of th wish of th price ef Wale ther will be uo woes-examis. tion and to attempt to prove In al legation. An ample apology will he tendered iu tourt and the jury wul simply aaaeas damages which Sir Will iam Gordon Cuiuiuing ae fit to a pt, Tweaty.Tw Urawaed. Loxo., March 17, A serious mari time disaster is rvporUd. The ahip Itoiburah collided with tb ship Uritiah 1W, ell Caitniiia, far 1 ondou, I J snlk) southweat of the ttellly Ulanda. Th Roxburg mrIi and lwtty lr of a crew of twtly-fwr were drowned, hm tat and ana aMUUAa Win rescu!. Th otfcr khlp was ahw badly Utmajvdv AlUlell' Alle4lv. Atmsss, Msrvh 17.-Dr, Waldsttin, the American n heol,ufU, ivferrtH to tae rpwits of the dUicovsry of th grave ef Artiiw, y that farther verUU sttu I H(uuy befur pant. tire suRuav'uivnt vsa U iu4s.