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About The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1891)
1 1 THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE. LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, MAR. 14, 1891. FARMER'S OPINIONS. Answer to "Uncle Jake." Feb. 24, 195)1. 1ko. Jat Bcssows: I see your re quest for sa answer to Uncle Jake's question in The Alliance of Feb. 21st. It ia not at all certain that I ran glre an exhaustive answer, nor jet the correct answer, but I feel quite sure I can partly answer it. He suppose a class of peo ple entirely out of work, and no work to be had anywhere Of course such peo ple can earn nothing. A million of them could not earn a dollar in a year. The case never had a parallel In history. But conditions have existed that were analagous, and we are rapidly ap proaching a point where it will so longer be a supposed case. When one looks at England with a million of pau pers at this moment on her hands, con jecture at once becomes a probability. The power of steam, electricity and dis coveries In chemistry taken with ever improving machinery and we are mov Ing very rapidly to the very point sup posed. When we get there then what ? That's the question. Let us look at it NEGATIVELY, ' ' 1st. They irill not die so long as they tan avoid it. Life is a divine gift. The love of life extends to all sentient existence, and pervades water, air and land and all in habitants of either cling to life. This . is an index linger ever pointing to the Divine source of life, to its sacredness and to its right to be. Human reason is not needed to affirm it. Instinct does that. Then men can never become so ignorant,, so degraded, or so brutish , that they will not aflirm it and insist pou it. Cut off from the means of earning the ecessitics for sustaining life, the weaker elements in this class will beg r look to charity in any form. Failing in that, many will perish with want. The stronger will look to more vigor ous measures. , 2nd. They will net cease to reproduce. With or without marriage, reproduc tion will go oq. Most likely increase from this source alone will take place. ' If not, their ranks will constantly in crease la number by drawing new re cruits frem the ranks next above them. But increase from both sources means an ever increasing danger to society and all the interests of civilized life. . 3d. They Kill not cease to tote! The Proletarel of Rome did not cease to vote, and this class will be our pro letarei. They were decerned from citizen parentage, se will ours be the children of citizens. They were hun dreds of years away from the four and even acre farms of their fathers. So will ours be far away from the pilgrim fathers, from Washington's soldiers as ancestors, but all the same they will be citizens. In Rome they had votes for sale, only votes and nothing else. So they will have votes for sale here in these United States. Demagogues needed them in Rome, and used them too with a vengeance. So demagogues will need them here, and se them too. Nay, they do it now, and the day is not yet como. In the next place I'OSITIVKLY, If they will not die as long as subsist ence can be obtained if they will in crease in numbers, and will vote, what then will become of them? 1st. Necessity knows no law. The condition of such a class will be necessity. The voluntary power and voluntary conditions are gone. A man in the water may be said to have a choice. He can consent, possibly choose to drown, rather than swim or try to swim. But this is far fetched. The general fact in his case is one of ne cessity. So a man without food or weans to earn it affirms his right to live, just as the man in the water affirms his right to swim and save his life. Of necessity or choice, if choice may be, he seizes the most available means at hand, it may be beggary, an almshouse, theft, counterfeiting money, forgery, perjury, highway robbery, piracy, sell ing his vote, selling a child, bartering his wifeor daughterfor money or bread, and murder if it is that or starve. He feels nothing but necessity that excuses anything and everything to him. His right to live he never doubts. He cannot be ignorant of the wealth and luxury of others If ho wished to bo. Ho feels that he is God's creature as realy as a mlllionare. The veriest slave feels that. How ho has been robbed, by whom and by what means he may never he able to till, but he sees that he is cut off trom all Gods arrargmeuts to support life. His right to have his share cf Gods mercy is too plain a case to be doubted. There Is no way to get H only to take it. So he seizes it in the way and by the means which his inteligenee a til nun to be the most likely to furnish him the most enjoyment, and risk the least. 2d. Conscience dies. All experience shows that long famili arity with want totally debauches men. What disposition God will make of thorn inally Is not now tba question. The chmUou is what r will do with them. We may aad Oo mock them with a re ligion without a brotherhood or a soul W ith liberty in name shadow but no miUtanr. Religion and liberty are the most hypocritical words ho ever hears. How siiall such creatures feel a eouncienc, moral obligation, honor, truth, patriotism, love f home or any noble impulse Jtoclcty. statute, courts, social tMUraeisai have made him a hu wan tiger, hyena, sloth anything but a suaa. Now society tnut endure him or kill him. If endured, Igaoraacc In rfwaats, trim Inert- in all Its forms, h Kks art burned for ftH, art va, the slate staggera, fails, and eitiUiation dies. Kill h)u and ft U m Mtrr, that hru tinrc the eeto4onr aud callc dawn tfte writ cf a jul God. Such U the and as U aceius to m. ! there a remedy Y ). yesin God and nature eaa runs. lt awa put la, back where the All Fa'-her put it la LetlUetel lew hit gmrstuftl iwa the highway, make sales of land im possible except in cities and incorpo rated townsdestroy forcible collec tions for debt except taxes and labor, and we are safe civilization then is safe. We have rone wrong so long that it may take fifty years to reach it, but we can begin now. lay we lounuauon wisely, prudently, and atop the con stantly increasing abuses. From that we can build safelv. I cannot extend further in this article. Details cover much ground, and must be postponed to the future. J. M. SNYDER. Verdarette, Sherman Co. Neb., An Interesting Letter from Bro. L. Henry of Oregon. HoodKiveb, Waeo Co , Ore., . Feb. 28, 1891. Editor Farmers' Alliance: I will send you a few lines, and if you see proper to give them space In our most excellent paper do so, if not all right. This place is 64 miles east of Portland, Oregon, on the0. R. & N. V. R. R. Said road runs along the bank of the Columbia river. The town has a popu lation of 200. This is neither a farmitig or stock country, but a great place for fruit, and claimed to be the healthiest part of Oregon. A person can live here fully as cheap as in Nebraska. While some articles are very high others are very cheap compared with prices In Nebraska. There Is another feature of this part of the state that I will mention, that is the timber. Most of this range of mountains are covered with a heavy body of fir wich is being sawed into lumber wnich is mostly shipped east. I arrived here Nov. 30, 1890, and the coldest weather yet was 17 above .ero, and the deepest snow 7 inches. Have had plenty of rain. I find that there is hard times here as well as in other places, and great discontent among the people. Some think one thing is the cause of hard times and some think something else is the cause, but from the action of the farmers I believe they have found out whats the matter. There was a County Alliance organized the other day in this county. We havo a state organizer commissioned by August Post, of Iowa. There were 40 delegates In attendance at the meeting. You can depend on there being a State Alliance formed by the 1st of June. The county Alliance adopted the Nebraska state constitution, and also adopted a secret work with the understanding that as soon as they have a State Alliance, they will adopt the ritual as adopted by the Nebraska Alliance at its last meeting. Our state organizers name is B. F. lion ny. P. O., Wamic, Oregon. I have not been able to do much in the cause of the Alliance from the fact that I was taken sick the 10th of Dec. and was In bed 8. weeks, and have not been able yet to get away from home; just able to be out and around some. I am well pleased with the way you con duct our paper. I read it and then hand it to some one else to read, and they are all well pleased with the papor. If you print blanks callingfor signatures to a national convention please send me some and h will see that they are put in circulation. Trusting that God will spare you that you may battle for the right until you may see our labors crowned with success. I remain yours truly, L. Henry. Relief Swearing. ; Craweord, Neb., Feb. 20, 1801. Editor Farmers' Alliance: We notice by the Lincoln papers that the State Relief Committee have reached the investigating stage, some one away out west is getting aid that don't deserve it, and well some good large bills for expenses of investigating will be the re sult. That some are getting aid that don't need it is certain; that when it was decided that the aid must pass throngh the political mutual admiration circle which exists in every county, that there would be cause for investigation. But in our humble opinion we should read this "careful investigation" busi ness between the lines. It is so much easier to see fraud 500 miles away tnan close by. Our attention was recently called to a box of goods from a clothier, shipped through a committee, said box contained a large and varied assortment of paper collars, cuffs, white shirts, lace (old, yes, very old) and such other warm and needful clothing. There were no Hies on these goods, . but judging from appearances there had been. Now it is not to be supposed that these things are not needed for we are having some very severe weather ont here and no one will dispute the fact that paper collars are just the thing for a blizzard; and then the lace, jnst the thing! A farmer's wife can wrap up her feet in gunny sacks, and enshroud her self in lace and enjoy some solid comfort, and there is no doubt but what many people are getting suck aid that don't need It. Yes, investigate 'em, Now the " sued grain " business is go ing to be handled different, these "snift less, lazy and improvident farmers" who have not given away more than one half of all their increase in wealth for years to the support of the state and county organizations, without which life would be impossible, they must hold up their hands and sit ear that they are pauocri. Yes, we havo heard con siderable swearing dona about this al ready', but then they don't understand the situation. They don't know that it Is only bankers, money lenders and cor porations hlch are entitled to the bene fits and emoluments of government. The farmers couldn't live without THEM, (so savs the senate resolutions of Feb. 0.) itut suppose we require some one else to do some swearing. Sui we have the merchants who are wiling thews good swear to their bills, also arar t what percent they are giving the member or members vf the relief committee; alwj have the com mlttim sworn as to how big a bonus they arc getting front the merchant. Yes let them all be aworn or tle let us know why the mau who support theut ail must swear. II. U. mkwamt. Hoik, The regular quarterly meeting of the Hutler Count AUianve will be held at iUvldCUy.on Thursday, March Ittth, M 10 o'clock a. nt. rata lecturer O. Hull U expected to be prenl and ad drts the AULaaee, A full aUradance desired, D. L. Km am. See. HutUr County AlUant. Current Political Notes. Editor Alliance: It is pleasing to a man who published about the first Alliance paper in the state of Nebraska, away back in "82, to note the progress the Alliance has made there. Ia connection herewith we are re minded that some papers are likening the growth of the Independent party to that of a mushroom and stating that the movement is but six months old. Bet the writer herewith knows better than that. He was an Independent in "76; in '78 established about the first green back paper published in Illinois, and in '82 established about the first Alliance paper published in Nebraska. There fore he feels that he has a right to feel proud of the growth of the Alliance in Nebraska, and he ateo hopes and confi dently expects that the "boys" will "on with the tight" till there are no more rascals to turn out. Our bonds are all right; they are even at a premium. We dont see why the bondholders haven't insisted upon the bonds being made ef gold, 25 8-10 grains in weight for every dollar of the face value of the bond. There is just as much reason for making the bonds of valuable material as there is lor malt ing money of valuable material. Money is designed as a measure of values as a measure of the value f commodities. It is designed as a medi um of exchange as a medium for facili tating the exchange of commodities. Thus, if a man has 1,000 bushels of wheat he "sells" it for $500; he does that because it is more convenient. He don't have to trade his wheat for something he don't need, nor hunt up men who have clothing, lumber, hardware, gro ceries, etc., and then barter his wheat for any or all of these things that he may need. Some who have clothing, lumber, hardware or groceries may not want wheat, but they want meat, coal, corn, etc. Those who have wheat to sell, sell it for money, spending all or part of it for such commodities as they may at the time need. People who have commodities for sale are always willing to sell for money, but they are not always willing to exchange their commodities- for other commodities. They are willing to sell for money for they know that tho money is an evi dence that they have parted with that measure (amount) of work or commodi ties and that by dbmmon agreement the evidence (money) will be taken by any one having anything to sell that the holder may desire. Fancy a man coming to Chicago and driving around town, bartering four bushels of wheat at one store for a hat, thirty bushels at another store for a suit of clothes, ten bushels at another store for some groceries, one bushel at an other for a plug of tobacco, and then fancy each of these store keepers trott ing around trying to trade off their wheat! Money is valued not for what it is intrinsically, but for what it will do and what it will do is governed by the fiat behind it. In some countries silver money is the only legal tender; gold is at a discount. Some countries have used iron money, tin money, copper money, shell money, etc., etc. The old English pound sterl ing was an actual pound weight of sliver. When people got it into their heads that money is a measure of value (the same as a yard stick is of length, or a bushel or gallon of bulk) and to adn ata the exchange of commodities, then will they see the absurdity of its being a commodity itself. V ' ii We haven't heard t word aboif ?over production" for a long time, aud bad about forgotton all about the old-time bug-a-boo till just now we were trying to think of the direct cause of nine tenths of all the poverty and misery in this country and now we have it! There's been an over production of dam phools who have been voting the re publican or democratic ticket for a quar ter of a century for no other reason than that their fathers voted the "old ticket" a quarter of a century ago. They don't even know, to this day, that the war of the rebellion is over; that the emancipation proclamation was signed by Lincoln; the negroes freed; and that Lincoln is dead. We sometimes feel like saying that such people should not have the right of suffrage for they use their franchise to not only enslave them selves but others who would like to be free. They don't do it intentionally, thats true, but thev de so nevertheless. It makes one laugh to read the "argu ments" of the old party press to the effect that a third party is unnecessary in order to bring about the reforms so much needed. It's too late, you old pirates! You have both had a hand in making reform necessary, and as you have gotten things into their present condition it is not at all likely that you will do anything to reform the things you yourselves have brought about. But aside from this, you are both in the control of monopoly, and monopoly will light against reform till its last breath is gone. Reform is the death-knell of monopoly, and monopoly realizes it too. And where, pray, would the old parties be If It were not for monopoly's contri butions to blocks -of five funds? Reform reform nothing, you cess pools of corruption, you! Rotten eggs caunot be made pure; neither can you. Wsnted, A New Nation. Lilly Dale, Chatauqna Co., N. Y., Feb., 21. tHUl. Wherein dwelleth righteousness. To aecomullsn this a new party Is needed. New York city has long been ruled by the;d(ni(wntie party., No where Is there la so much deU-wdiuaa and woman hood. More evictions of families from their miserable teuemeuts have occur red during the ml year than In the whole of Ireland. Two huudred and thirty two mtaerable person suicided, Tim city rul the Ktnte. It I common to read limits like the following from I he rural districts; CtAKnu K. N. Y.. Feb, I -The body of John Lon;r, a well known farmer liv ing ftear Iht tillage, wm found hanging to beam lit his lura Sunday, Mental deprMloa raiiMHl by hard lines. which fraer are experiencing. Is supihmkh to hate led to the couiunsioa u u,8 act For year the Republicans have la iraed Uutlun, q Modr4 the peo ples money and lands, doubled salaries created servants of more than useless oCicers to harass and eat the substance of the industrious. There is nothing to be hoped for from cither of the old par ties. Miss Francis E. Willard ia a speech at Washington said that in the epoch on which we have entered, labor will doubtless come to be the only potentate. For man added to nature, is all the cap ital there is on earth: and "the best any mortal hath is that which every mortal shares." But nature belongs equally to ail men: hence the only genuine capital and changeless medium of exchange, always op to par value, is labor itself, and there will eventually be no more antagonism between capital and labor than between the right hand and the left. Labor Li the intelligent and be neficent reaction of man upon nature. This reaction sets force enongh in mo tion to float him in all waters and carry him across all continents. His daily labor . then, is the natural equivalent he furnishes for food and clothing, fuel and shelter, and it is the supreme inter est of the state to prepare the individual in head, hand and heart to put forth his highest power. Carried to its legiti mate conclusion, this is the socialism of CJrfist; the golden rule in action: the basis of that golden age which shall suc ceed this age of gold. In this glorious enterprise Kansas and Nebraska leads the van as they did for the freedom of black 6laves. Mil lions are lookipg to them for redemp tion from a slavery more heartiest and galling than negro slavery. G. F. Lewis. From Otoe Connty. Ruhr, Otoe Co., Feb. 18, 1891. Eliob Farmers' Alliance: It was with the greatest sorrow I read your account of the treachery of our trusted champions in the legislature, but it is what we all expected. There always was, and always will be Judas Iscarriot's, thanks be to Uod there was no more. The treachery and pertiaity of the few, only makes the luster and brightness of the many shine the more. When will the trusted learn the simple fact (taught by Shakespear) "that corruption wins not more than honesty." Is it not strange that of these men, some of them, do not see and feel the immense trust and confidence reposed in them, and the immensity of their responsibili ty to their country, to us, to the people and to their family for generations to come. Do they not see they could even as county representatives or senators hand down to their children a bright and glorious name as the first pioneers, the advance guard of a great and glo rious reform instead of curses both loud and deep; with the brand of Cain and Judas, all for filthy lucre trash. Too much condemnation caanot be heaped upon them, or thanks and gratitude to the faithful. But let them remember that virtue always brings the best re ward. Now Brother Burrows a word to you and all of our free and unfettered press. Follow on that line, denounce treachery in loud tones and big letters and do not forget to fearlessly critisize our party movements every where, and condemn what you consider wrong. It is your duty, it is mine, it is everybody's, our object is equality, honesty, fairness, iustice, justice even to our oppressors, ionor those attributes wherever we find them, and fearlessly denounce any departure from that line, in spite of adverse criticisms. Yours respectfully, James Webber. What will be the En I? Editor Farmers' Alliance-. What is to be tho final outcorao of the extra ordinary action of the senate in regard to the contest? - When the devil is loose, and in the present mood of the two old parties, we may expect anything but virtue. What is to prevent Jas. E. Boyd, from sign ing all bills up to the expiration of this session and then admitting the fact that he is an alien? Would we have a single legal enactment from this legislature? If this winter's experience does not open the eyes of the entire people of Neb. to the fact that our liberties are in jeo perdy and a united effort is necessary to back the law defying oligarchy in our state, I cannot conceive of anything that ever will. Fraternally Yours. C. H. Kino. Divide. Neb. The Omaha Declaration. Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1891. J. Borrows: I received a Kansas paper containing a call for a national conference to meet in Cincinnati next May. My name is forged as a slgnee of said call. 1 have no doubt that the whole thing la a scheme of traitors within or enemies without, who thereby nope to mate cnaos come aeain and prevent a union of the new political forces. The move will help satisfy honest reformers that the plan of cam paign adopted at Omaha, by the Na tional Farmers' Alliance, Is the inly wan out of the woods. 1 hanks for copies of the declaration. It the Nebraska Farmers Alliance has provided for the issue of the declara tions in that way I would bo glad to have you send me lUU copies, i he peo- !le are ready for independent action. The only lack is organization on an anti fusion basis. Yours truly, Geo. C. Rkecher. From th President of Logan County Alliance. I.OUAX, Neb., Feb. 20, 1801, Ekitok Farmers' Alliancr: I have just received your valuable paper In which Is announced the defeat of the contest, t heartily second what you state relative to the three contemptible fraud. that helped to defeat the meas ure. And for feur their condemnation should atop here I take this opportuni ty to write, requeatlug you to kej their names bfor thi iwopl la eouopfeuous type a the Thru t'reudi from their re spective rouniWt. I think, it is the duty of every Alllanec man' and Inde pendent to render those fellow's stay oa earth ao uncomfortable that they will be obligint to yt out and give place to men who caanot be bought and will carry Oft lie will of their constituents. Your for justice V ILLAKuOtKM, Pres. An Open Letter to the Farmers of Ne braska Alliance. Tecum seu. Neb. Feb. 26. 1 991 . Editor Farmers' Alliance: Will yon kindly permit me to address a few lines to you in all affection aad respect, on the present situation as it appears to me. Yea have recently "been awakened out of your political sleep, and like Sampson have demonstrated your abili ty to break the bands of the Philistines, and if needs be to remove gates and posts. Our chief danger lies in our again going to sleep. Already our ene mies are saying, "you carried the elec tion by enthusiasm, you cannot do it again." We axe willing to admit that a great many were enthusiastic to an extent almost without a parallel, but it was the enthusiasm of intelligent con viction, of injustice and oppression of the masses by a few, of approaching serfdom and scornful and domineering aristocracy. It is the enthusiasm of old which said, "Give me liberty or give me death." The hope of the republic is in our fraternity as the ground work, like, he Englishjyeomanry inJCromweh's ti-ne, we must preserve the liberty and independence of the American people. Already thousands of our working people are virtually disfranchised and dare not defend themselves by the only weapon allowed. Who is there that does not blush when he thinks of this, " in the home of the free."- Men com pelled to forge their own chains. Now while no reform movement nas ever been started without enthusiasm, (and some few natives seem to maintain it in definitely) yet with a good many it is mental tension and is followed by are turn of the normal ttate when the ex citing cause like a stimulant has lost its moving power. Yet after the exciting period comes the solid work, and this is the point we wish to call your attention to. ' It is possible, nay probable, that your meetings are not as well attended as on the start. Let meask whatis the cause? It may be not decreased interest. Jt may be the body is over worked and the mind has to sympathise with it. Most farmers rise early and work hard, and when night comes go to bed' early, and if they are out late several nights in a week they feel dull until they have re covered some of their lost sleep. Our meetings should be so arranged that we will not as a rule be out two or three nights in succession, and when you are to attend a meeting at night do not work too hard or too late on that day so that you may be mentally fresh. We must do more and better mental work in the future if we would emanci pate ourselves. Now is the time our political, constitutional and financial education must be pushed to be equal to. the occasion when the crisis which is approaching shall come. How much better to realize the danger and get others to see as we do, that it is much better to right this by the ballot than to let it go on until there is no remedy. Let us understand and realize that the same unjust taxation, class privilegeg,cenlralization of wealth, deafness to the cry of the oppressed whioh brought on the French revolution with its horrors, will if not righted by the ballot lead to the same result. How dark and gloomy the out look for the farmer under the present condition of things, but let us not be discouraged, but let us each be prepared to be where duty or danger calls us. Let us lie will ing to deny ourselves of money, comfort and time as our la ners did for us in the past, to secure for ourselves and our children that which we once inheri ted. Let us work systematically and thoroughly, let us have county and sub ordinate libraries, urge the taking of our own papers as educators, visit one another in Alliances. See if there are not some unoccupied fields where good can be dono in your county. We must be aggressive or else fall back ward, we must push on or else like Stanley's rear guard we will die of enuni or dissertion. Let me beseech you by the thousand anxious hearts and faces who are con tinually drooping and succumbing to the pressure, and who are realizing the tremendious significance there is in those words, "no home" that you stand together as one man. that you let not trifles devide you; remember that this is for your liberty of which Patrick Henry said, " Give me liberty or give death." By being locked together in organization is our only safety, as it was to the twenty strong men who went down into the Addington viaduct some time ago, a disagreeable place to work in, a great tube of wet bricks. Taoy knew that there were thousands cf tons of water pressing against tne gate, and it seemed tbey had been down a very long time when a little water was seen trickling down the bottom. The boss, a little man, watched it a while aud found it was increasing in How, and he said, " be quick men, leave off your work we must be moving.- One of them threw down his hammer and would have run, and several more strode off in the direction of the man hole The boss stopped them telling them that if they harkened unto him they might all bo saved, if not, all would be drowned. Then he command ed them to lock anus and form two rows; then they set out, keeping step. The water reached their waist, and oc casionally one of the lightest staggered, but his neighbor pulled hi in up again, ! and in that way with water breast high they were all enabled to reach the man-hole and be saved. John Williams. An old Citiseq of England Expresses His Disgust at tho Politics c? this Country, Shelby Neb., Feb. 23, 181. Editor Alliakck; A an endwhtle citizen o! England who has often heard the system cf government of his native land mUrepresented and decried, aad made a dark background on which to paint la gloitlof colors the transcend ent beauties of the political system aad method of thla country, I feci Im pelled to express ny Indignation and dUgusl at the brazen fraud, shameless corruption, and audacious villainy re vealed at the late election, and la th uiueqeeat proceeding of cur state lifUlaturc. 1 am aiasied, that In i country which flaunt its freedom in the face of the worldT men who vaingloriously pro claim themselves the "sons of liberty", can view witn apathy and unconcern nay ev3 applaud, the most infamous political crimes that have ever dis graced a representative government the wholesale corruption of the electivo franchise and the rape of the highest state offices by the political hirelings of corporations and capitalists the gross est perversion of constitutional law by senate and supreme court. England with all her faults would relegate to political oblivion and social ostracism the men who would dare to 6o dishonor her public offices and political sen-ice. ' Let us cease for the present our loud swelling boasts of freedom, and bend to the herculean task of cleansing our political augean stables of the accumu lated foulness of thirty years of old party occupation. The Independent party haseutered upon a gigantic strug gle. The enemies of popular govern ment are massing their forces. Capital aided and abetted by the corrupt old political organizations and a subsidized press will fight hard to maintain its despotic power, and keep labor en slaved. But let them beware! The Sampson Labor has slept in the lap of the old party Delilah and been de livered shorn into the hands of the Philistine capitalists who have bound him with fetters and made him to grind in their mills. But his hair is beginning to grow, and let them beware as they make holiday sport of his distress, lest in his blind fury he grasp the very pil lars of government and bending him self with all his might reduco to ruins the desecrated edifice. Such things have been and such may be again. Where wrong is rampant and where tyrants reign. Alliance Independent. Mutual Insurance. According to the last report of the auditor of state there was paid out for insurance in the year 1889 over $1,890, 000, and for losses a little over $1109,000, or about 32 per cent of the actual cost to policy holders and the 63 per cent has left for parts unknown. We are told by stock companie's agents that mutuafs are short lived, let us see: Iowa has one hundred and sixteen companies, four of which were organ ized during the 60's. Michigan has sixty-three, nineteen of which were running before 1805. Pennsylvania has two hundred and tweEty-five companies, fifty-five of which were full fledged in 1860. Iowa's nineteen stock companies re ceived for premiums $1,545,000, Iowa's one hundred and sixteen mutual com- tanies received for premiums $125,000, owa's stock companies paid losses $514, 000 or 34 per cent of premiums received. Iowa's mutual companies paid losses $88,000 or 72 per cent of premiums re ceived. I am certain that if you will carefully examine the above you will see that we are in duty bound to insure ourselves. More anon. J. Y. M. Swioart. Cedar County Alliance Meeting. . St. Jamer, Neb., Feb. 23. 1891. Cedar County Alliance meets at Hart ington Nebr., March 24tb., in the G. A. R. Hall at 10 o'clock sharp, in the fore noon. I earnestly desire that all of the Subordinate Alliances in this county send their delegates to this meeting, al so all other members who ate not dele gates desiring to learn the principles and purposes of the order are cordially invited to be present. ' . S. M. Stafford, County Sec'y. Lancaster County Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of Lan caster County Alliance will be held at K. of L. hall, at 1 p. m., Friday, March 20th. A full deligation is desired as important business will come before the meeting. On tho same day at 11 a. m. at K. of L. hall there will be a meet ing of the Independent Central com mittee. All central committee men are requested to be present. I. N. Leonard. Vice-Pres. A Hall County Alliance Approves of the Repeal of the Sugar Bounty. Wood River, Neb., Feb., 21, 1891. At a regular meeting of the Wood River Farmers' Alliance No. 985 the fol lawing resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we hereby tender to our members of the legislature our sin cere thanks for their efforts to repeal the bounty on sugar, as we know by ex perience that it has in no way benefited the farmer, consequently we consider it meet and just that it should be immedi ately repealed and the man voting for fts repeal shall have our entiri confi dence and thanks. Rfisohert. That the twovftarv ha in- strucred to havo these resolutions pub- nsnen in j he jjarmeus' Alliance and the Grand Island Journal and send a copy to each one of our legislators. j James Cannon K. Kuknz. . M. D. Sullivan. Important lutoriuatlon, Look hero. This piece of meat don't suit me. It's from the back of the an imal's nock," suid un Austin man to a German butcher. "Mine frlen', ull dot beuf vat I soils is back of dot neck. Dsi-e van nodding but born In front ut dot ne4-k." Mr. Flat had (a ho hits lon singing for an hour mid a cmmtfr) "My friends all bill roe. Mlwt Tiredout, thus 1 ouuht to go on thi nU Now, ' whrw do you think I ouht to g On the concert .Ui(fe or the oHi-alic?" Mis Tlrwlout "Oh, 1 don't care which, so you only go." "I urn going to be your hub," td tho iouiijf carriage-builder faun IVmUm. as they hkh! U'fum tho altar, Yee." said hi blufthln brlds who In tended always lit have the Wl word, and I will supply the jHtkcm," "And I." w.wtnd tip the clergyman, a he lolw: 1 thdrhnnd. ant t'.in tUfr-r." J. H. McMurtry, md ett and1 loans, ahdract and noury. MoMimr block, adhtlnlcg Alliance headquarters corner Eleventh and M streets. "So you iiaitgttje the nx. worta win be much like this onF" "Why. y. Them will be lot of red hot poUUclae. tlium. lajBtinv," J , 4