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About The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1891)
FAKMEITS OPINIONS. Tht Prevent Uprising. Cambridge. Jan. 28, 18.11. EPITOB ALLIANCE: I that the lion and lamb (thieves of the old demo rep. parties) have made their bed to gether as against the people, and through the regular R. R. tool Gere Tersus Lin coin Journal and their late convert the Omaha Bee are vainly trying to preju dice the people Against their representa tives in the legislature by falsely stating that any failure for redress which we are fighting for will be charged to inde pendent bull-headedness and partisan feeling of the independents. In reply to such statements as made by these papers and their curs (county papers.) I will state that the people are' getting their eyes open and all statements made by them (even if true) are looked upon by us as worthy of severe scrutiny; we have all read the advice or invitation of the spider to the fly, and they may bet that we don't propose to accept the in vitation for the simple reason that we have been there. It is with sorrow, not mixed with corn, that we remember the position of the Bee in the past and its present at titude to our people. Its editor de wended from a race who killed Christ, who was betrayed by another of the same race, he is now simply trying to betray as just and holy a cause as Christ advocated, and in lieu of the 30 pieces of silver as a bribe he receives for his services a loan to build his temple of Babalyon, which in time will fall, being unholy. . , Editor Gere, put where he now - is by the power that controlls him, owns and dictates hlseditorals; we will look upon him and his acts as of one that has no mind of his own but wears a corpora tion collar branded, this is my dog, B. AM.andtT.P. R. R. Don't blame a being though in the semblance of a man thus situated. 1 bespeak your charity for him. Don't let any Independent fear, a coward never gets what he wants. To the brave, honest and steadfast victory comes, though sometimes late. What have we as laboring men re ceived from the old parties in the way of legislation though (as in this state) the republicans have bad continuous power for 23 years and over. Have not all laws been in the interest of cliques and rings? I know these state meuu to be facts from David the tirst time, and up to the late present. Brothers look for a moment, seo the great states of New York, Ohio, Indi ana, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois and others which in the past 20 years have b9en mostly controlled by our (republican) party, up in arms against class legisla tion. Then turn your thoughts for a moment south; we see in every state an uprising more powerful than here, in the east, west and northwest against clique and corporation rule. What does this uprising mean? Can't you Bee or won't you see the condition we are in, caused by our blind and foolish parti sanship, under the names of republican ism and democracy. Can't you remem ber or don't you know that when the ra publican party was founded that its fundamental principles were "inde pendence, liberty, equal rights to all and a government by and for the whole people." Let us remember the words of Abraham Lincoln "that a wealthy class was growing up that he feared would subvert our free institutions," was he right or not? Has not all laws passed by our national and state legislatures been favorablo to that class? I defy any denial of the fsct of this statement. Open your eyes, be willing and then you can and will see the truthfulness of these statements. We have the same rights equally and all we ask Is that our children may be f: eed by us, their fath ers from this cu so (class legislation) and have a full, tne chance to breath the free air and gain au honest and comfortable living for ourselves and those to come after us. Under the old order of things these have been denied us as legislation has been in the interest of those whom we elected, to-wit: Bank ers, lawyers, party editors and other classes who lived upon the procods of our toil. We have leen in the past to blame for this as much as the rascalls, ignorant or careless men whom we voted for to represent us. Stop and think a moment, are not the statements facts? Have you laboring men been fully represented? If not then think independently and act collectively for you will never better your condition until you do so. For Gods sake don't be a block of wood, cigar store sign representing capital, usts and monopolies, but represent your selves. Wm. II. Allen. The Alliance Has Come to Stay. Jan. 20, 1891. Editor Farmers' Alliance: As a reader of your paper and a member of the institution it represents I shall be ' greatful for the privilege of communi cating, as briefly as possible through its colums, with some of our brother farm ers. I believe that a man who can so fear lessly defend our cause as has Mr. Bur rows should be informed" as to the ex tent we appreciate his efforts. He ought to know, too, with what disgust we read the editorials of the various pa pers which are trying to distroy him. The Omaha Bee for one does'nt like "Dictator Burrows," we are glad, it don't. For a man to be one of llose water's enemies must needs" possess the true attributes of integrity. When a person like Mr. R. will fervently defend a system the protection of which has, in ms own town, on last election day. brought into requisition the lowest and most cowardly degree of anarchy it indi cates true principle to be his recognized . opponent. The members of onr associ ation have had a fair chance during the last year to learn all about Rosy, so every shot he fires at Burrows only tion. The progress made by tho Independ cnt party we believe is a fair illustration of its merit3 and necessity. Many years nas iaopr groveiea at the teet oi the ol THE FARMERS' parties for relief insomuch, at least, that it might take part in the consumption of iu own products and thereby bo as sured that our American principles are not a mockery. Four years of bloody warefare, waged for the purpose of de livering toil from' the fangs of aristo cratic tvrany, has prompted the histo rian to record in his voloums that, in the Untied States, "the true Lord is the la borer and the laborer the Lord." Twenty nve years of magnified oppression has convinced the people that it is a mistake, and a continuance of such uninter rupted verbiage must inevitably paral yze American patriotism. History is repeatinsr itself. In 1S39 the house of representatives adopted a rule which was observed for ten years, that it would receive no petitions on the subject of slavery. The measure was an indication of the effort men made to ignore an issue before which they felt themselves powerless. Such a display or inability, as all Know, resuuea in me organization of a new party whii -U dem onstrated to the world that the deter mination of the masses were not to lie turned aside by the representations of such an incapacitated political institu tion. Of late years the toiler has entreated congress to free him from the more aw ful power of the money aristocracy, but the repeated rejections with which ho is being confronted has established in his mind that it is useless to appeal further to a putrined concern which, in its superanuated dotage, is so engrossed in the memory of the past that it can do nothing for him. The workingmen laid the foundation of this country, maintained iu honor with their lives, and established the free school, th renovating influence of which is rapidly - disintegrating the hereditary monopolies that tor all ages, has engrossed the God-given rights of self assertion. It is not unreasonable, therefore, to predict that in a few years, on the ruins of the old political con cerns, there shall rise up a new power having tho progressive and intrepid ability to turn aside the torrent which has deluged nations, repudiated the "golden calf and In conformity to the Divine attributes of justice, verify the belief that a government even for the people and by the people can stand. Yes. the Alliance has come to stay. Even though its principles, as our oppo nents contend, were not clearly delined, yet in them we see a change which offers nope and encouragement, while on the other hand the other fellows insist on Imposing on us the same things which has already ruined half the country. Let us stay with the Alliance boys until the last dog is hnng. WX. HORNER. Something About that looo Men. Editor Farmer's Alliance: I just thought I would drep you a line. I see old Rosey the bald-headed pirate is accusing you of calling for 1,000 men not afrade to die; and I dont know where you could find them any easier than out in Custer county. And you can get ten thousand in the western counties just as easy if you want them in behalf of right and justice. We are almost all Alliance men out here. Once in k while you find a moss-back rep ib., and again you will find a poor, God forsaken democrat and you look one of them In the face and they look just like my dog after I give him a thumping. l ou can tell that oiu pirate oi a nose water that if they do get us old sun burnt hayseeds started down that way some of the big guns had better hunt their holes, because they will think old Sitting Bull is coming with all the Indi an tribes. Our lads who have been raised on Johnny cake and sow-belly, cooked with cow chips are not going to do monkeyed with out little more it they are, hell will open. Wo are full and running over, and any time vou want 10,000 hayseeds there, all of my mind, all you have to do is to say the word. We put those legislators there and by all that is good and bad if they will stay by us wo will stay by them. If it conies to the guns we are ready. I am with you heart and soul in the war against wrong and oppression, and if necessary would take up a gun for tho cause. Honing The Alliance will live lone. and our leader Mr. Burrows live to be old and happy. I will close. I would like to hear from all the boys. J. K. hiVANS, hargent, ieb. To the Supreme Court. Union, Neb., Feb. 3, 1891. Editor Alliance: Your issue of January 31, contains many solemn facts, especially in regard to our supreme court. They have shown their political spleen and selfishness to a degree un surpassed, and yet when we consider Judge Cob's position as tho special B. & M. guardian we are not so much surprised at his efforts in their behalf, and with regard to Judge Maxwell (our sort of farmer judge) it looks as though he was under obligations to his associates who sustained his notorious Cass county contest decission. It is evident that Maxwell and the whole bench desire to stand by the rnle that ballots once in the box must be counted and the chances for contest made hope less. In the Cass county bond contest Mr. Maxwell virtualy sat as judge in a case wherein he was as much interested to sustain the bonds and build a court house in Flattsmouth as Frank Heath A. N. Sullivan or any of the gang of boodlers who organized the bond elec tion. Having now once defiled themselves they seem to be determined to continue on the same line. 1 would ask vou Judge Maxwell, candidly, do you ex pect to go to heaven? When you are confronted at the throne of a just God and the books are opened the Lass Vo. $8,000 bond case and the Boyd contest will stand tor trial, are vou prepared to answer? Let mo advise you before hand to employ vour old friend T. M. Marquet and A. X Sullivan to prepare your answer. Better not take in Strode he might give you away. By forming a combination with these eminent rail road attorneys you may get through with a dam tight squeeze. I do not think repentance or baptism will, be of any avail in your case. No ordinary Jesus can save you. Sharp law practice is the only remedy. Please, if you do not see fit to publish this letter send it to the supreme court. Yours respectfully, G.G.Todd; ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, FEB. 28, 1891. American Doctrine. Editor Aliiante: True American doctrine is all right, privileges and pro tection for all, with no discrimination against or favoritism for any person or class. No born rulers, no royal family. The boy who hoes the garden, splits rails on the farm or drives horses on tow path may become the chief ruler of the nation. And when his term of of fice has expired be and his posterity must sink back into common citizens. All class laws for or against men or women are un-American. The citizen without regard to sex should be the end of the law. Equality before the law should mean equals every time and in every relation. Children, insane people and idiots can only be cared for through the judgement and reason of others, so of course they are not re sponsible citizens. Tho. law should make the marriage re lation the nearest on earth. Nearer than parent and child, father and mother, sister or brother. Each party should be the equal of the other before the law, both in life and in death. Each should be the first heir of the other and no will of the other should be valid un less signed by both and then in no case to take effect until after the death of both. Marriage has always been a one sided covenant. Authority on one side, obediance on the other. The earnings of the wife belonged to the husband as much as the earnings of his horse; and until quite lately he has been allowed to administer whipping for disobedience. These laws are un-American and should be relegated to history. Give us per fect equality before the law. Let every American citizen have all the rights and privileges of every other citizen. One industry should not be taxed for the benefit of another industry. The man who raises corn and fattens hogs should not be taxed to pay a bounty to the man who raises beets and makes sugar. Each alike should have the free markets of the world in which to sell the product of his labor. The pork man should be permitted to buy his sugar where he can buy cheapest, and the sugar man his pork where he can buy that article cheapest. If one is paid a bounty the other should be. The farmer should receive as much above the world's market price for the pro duct of his labor as the cloth man does for his labor. The cloth man buys his wheat and meat in the cheapest market of the world, with no tariff to pay. The farmer should have the same privilege. Discrimination against any. producer is not true American doctrine. A tariff that would help the farmer as much as the mechanics wonld be all right, but to tax the farmer for the benefit of the mechanic Is all wrong. With the advance of civilization new necessities arise. The meeting of these necessities should not be sold or handed over to any one man or to any number of men by law. The necessity once arose for a general mail system, and the government did well to take charge of that matter. Since then the mail car has taken the place of the post boy and the coach. Now a more speedy method still Is required, that by elec tric telegraph. The government should . ' ' . L-l I tl I .1 ,L. con limit) iu iioiu iu iia uwu uauus me transmission of all intelligence, for it is a public necessity and no one should be allowed to fatten by reason of it. The necessity of general intelligence and learning was discovered, and the na tions that have established the public schools havo flourished best. Ignorance is no more counted bliss. Not only should the government support schools, but no child should bo allowed to grow up without knowing how to read and speak the English language. Another necessity is upon us, that of . securing cheap land transportation. As long as freight wagons and coaohes, boats and barges could do the wore there was no need of government inter vention. But with the advent of rail roads came the necessity. The meeting of this necessity should no longer be left in tho hands of corporations for the purpose of turning millionaires, made such from the earnings of the laboring mau. It is un-American ana worse thau supporting a royal family. Build or buy should be our comjng policy. J.very American should be protected, by law, in the pursuit of any vocation or calling he may wish to follow unless that pursuit works to the injury of others. The miller and the farmer, tho. merchant and miner should all have equal protection before the law. But the brewer and distiller, saloon-keeper and gambler should not have that pro tection, but should rather be outlawed, because they work injury to any com munity. They take without rendering any equivalent. H. W. Hardy. To the Nebraska Legislature. , Editor Alliance: "Wise and Con servative," This is the slogan of the g. o. p's., and some of our Independents, aye, even some of the chosen seem to be troubled with a desire to see their names in the old party papers coupled with this phrase. It is possible to be "wise and conservative," but there must be a stand ard or basis with which wisdom and conservatism is logical and consistant. A gang of horse thieves may be "wise and conservative" in their business. Plotting conspirators may be "wise and conservative" in their traitorous schemes. A bold piratical, band of vil lains and traitors have ruled this nation for 25 years, and now when individual liberty is only for those who have money; when the people must beg and plead at the feet of Shylock; when a band of merciless feudal Barons levy and collect from the commerce of the nation a tribute bounded only by the ability of labor to pay; when the re pub lie is groaning in the throas of disolu tion. those only are "wise and conserva tive" who right shy of these monsters and adopt a let alone policy. Trust not the men who in the past have been the pliant tools of this ponderous trea son, their masters expect them to lead you to your ruin. 'I he Independents hold that he i3 most conservative who sticks closest to the natural rights of man, for when unholy enactments in vade those rights a friction is created which is dangerous. The railroads are said to be poor, but they have piled up many fortunes counted by the hundreds of millions. Banking is not profitable, but it is the red mouthed despot, the mighty monarch which rules the world. And in this nation we stand indebted to tho Unking system $t,i"0.300.000. Which debt iiKxeases over $100,000,000. annually. Count on your fingers the few years it will take to turn the repub lic into an imperialism of wealth. On the other haad millions of homeless la borers wander over the land they Jare not claim. Millions of mortgage cursed farmers sweat and toil to till the coffers of this hell born crew. This is the fruit age of the present systems. The zenith of the plotters attainments. If you can shut your eyes to these and let them alone you are "wise and conservative," but if you would promptly stamp out this injustice and have justice and equality reign, you are dictorial, an anarchist, aud any name which the vile brood of curs, who do the bidding of the money power, can recall. There is not enough money in the nation today to pay what the people owe the banks, let them but demand payment and all is lost. Will the 'law makers have the nerve to interpose a "stay law" and save the homes from wreck and ruin. Shall treason, villainy and conspiracy be successful, or shall the a ake for which they have 'played be snatched from their grasp at the last moment. Which shall it be, a tramp strewn land of tenant hovels, or the land of free and happy homes? "Five million homes between the sea and sea, Have brave men bullded, and the usurers own, And all the way the earth with graves Is strewn TbegTavesof sires whose sons no more are the Nebraska legis'atnre the above is respectfully refered by II. G. S. Two Extracts on Usury. Palmyra, Neb., Feb. 14, 1891. Editor Alliance: Will you allow me space in your columns to place before your readers two distinctive ntterances by the leading journals in our state, on the control of usury. The first ap peared in the Lincoln State Journal, in the month of March, 1886, it reads as follows: "It is notorious enough that except in cases where no interest is specified the usury laws are dead letters. Whether just or not, they are not en forced in the business world, and cannot be,' because of the impossibility of law to reach Whom intelligent business men who are agreed on a certain money transaction between themselves, and who have every sort of facility to evade the law, and hide the transaction." The second appeared in the weekly Omaha Bee's issue of Feb. 11th, 1801, and reads as follows: "What the governor The alien says about the delicacy of dealing with the usury laws will meet with the approval of men of all parties. Except ing only a few professional radicals. He the alien) favors the strict enforcement of the present statues on the subject, and the enactment of new laws to wipe out notorious money sharks who loan only for 3G per cent a year, and upward." It seems to me superfluous to add one single word to these two discrepant opinions, but let your .readers note the last sentence in the Bee's article, "and upward." 'Trusting that you will in sert the above I remain Yours Truly, JohnS. Mailen. Peffer's Prediction. York, Neb., Feb. 14, 1891. Mr. Burrows: The clipping inclosed I cut out of the Giffin Tribune of Giffin, Ohio, a radical republican paper. I think it too good to go to the waste bas ket. By publishing it in your paper it will act as a big bunch of kindling to bring the Independents into rank. Chas. Fishbaugh. William A Peffer, United States Sena tor-elect from Kansas, who will succeed Senator Ingalls, and who was the i arm- ers' Alliance candidate, though not a farmer, but editor of the Kansas Farmer during the past ten years, made a speech in lopeka a lew days ago in which he said: "About three years ago it was written by a distinguished senator that before the dawn of the twentieth century the great middle classes of this country will have disappeared; but I say do; It can not be so; and if my reason must be given I say that a just God in heaven (Cries of 'Amen!' 'No, no, senator!') would not permit it. The great mid dle classes have no thought of disap pearing. Lhey are asserting themselves; they are establishing recruiting stations in all parts of the country. Next year 1892 they, will marshal the grand army of the people and prepare to take possession of the government, and by the time the nineteenth century closes in upon us these United States of Amer ica will be governed by the people that are in them." Keep out the Beats and Bums. Bradish, Neb., Feb. 2, 1891. Editor Farmers' Alliance: Great care "should be taken in Subordinate branches of the Alliance, in regard to applicants for membership. However hard it may bo to refuse any one, we must ever bear in mind our one great object the advancement of the Alliance, and to keep it pure and incorrupt. There are men getting into our ranks every day who are dangerous and even injurious to our cause. Why take them in? Is it to swell our number and make a big showing? or have we not the nerve to say "No, we don't want you." The old party leaders on both sides are coming in slowly and slowly all the time. They see that they must make the move, if they want oflice again; and oflice is all some of them do want. They humbug us with tho idea that they are in sympathy with us, and only want an opportunity to help us. Now, brothers, let hs see to this in time, and keep these old bums out. They will cause our death as surely as we have anything to do with them. Every one of our towns are very care less about this matter, and some of our best men are continually trying to get in a friend, who is not eligible to mem bership, and never look forward to the result it may have. Hoping you will see fit to give this room la your paper, i remain Yours, etc., A Member, An Open Letter to E. Rosewater. EwrxG, Neb.. Feb. 12. 1891. To E. Rosewater, or the Omaha liar: Why is it that you can't hit the truth any more? Only a few months ago you could talk anti-monopoly as loud as any body. Now you spend most of your time in abusing, slandering, lying and deceiving the people. When you ask if Burrows is in dead earnest about his call for 1,000 men not afraid to die, you know, you insignificant liar, the call has not been made. But, you low born coward, if the call was made for 10,000 men not afraid to die, they could be had without the second call, for they have now but little else to do. ' If you are a fair sample of the Ger man Jews it would be far better for Nebraska if you would retire to your native country and stay there. Hayseed. Opposed to Bonding Gosper cCounty.O Resolutions of Rock Canon Alliance. Whereas, There has been some dis cussion as to bonding Gosper county in order to buy seed and feed, and Whereas. Gosper county is already heavily in debt, and this Alliance does not deem it wise or expedient to adopt such a course; therefore be it Resolved, That this Alliance in session assembled do not favor bonding the said county and will not sign any pe tition for the same. Resolved, That a copy of this resolu tion be forwarded to Editor Burrows for publication, also to Peoples Advocate, Elwood. G. F. Scott, R. Cawthra, Secy. Pres. Legislators Endorse!. Resolutions adopted by Sargent Alli ance No. 563, Feb. 7th 1891. Whereas, We believe that our Inde pendent legislators have had a thor oughly organized manopoly ring to con tend with, and are in a place to try men's souls, therefore be it Resolved, That we heartily endorse the course taken by them in the state legislature and that we will stand by them in all things that are right; that we will lend them our. aid financially as far as we are able, and that we tolerate no traitors in camp. David Shaw, Pres. Chas. Betz, Sec. Rejected Passes. Resolutions of Prairie Alliance No. 698, of Buffalo county. Resolved, That we desire to express our renewed confidence in Bro. John Stebbins, our exjpresident, and now representative of Buffalo county in the 22d legislature, on account of his rejec tion of a pass tendered him by Jthe Mis souri Pacific railway. Resolved, That we denounce the giv ing of free passes by railway corpora tions as intended to enable them to con troll legislators, prevent the enforce ment of just laws and injure the pros perity of the people; and we warn the takers of such passes that public senti ment utterly condemns this conduct. Resolved, That we extend the band of fellowship to all labor organizations in their effort to make " the way of the transgressor hard, J. C. Standley, Augutus Hoag, Secy. Pres. Endorsing Mr. Arnold of XSage County. Hoag Neb.. Feb., 17, 1891. Resolutions passed by Blakely Alli ance, No. 1101. Whereas, this Alliance is in the pos session of the information that Edward Arnold, our representative from Gage county has so far stood firm and un shaken in the cause for which he was elected, and believing that he is doing so from a deep conviction of duty; therefore be it Resolved, That we tender him our sin cere and heart-felt thanks for the faith fulness he has shown in doing his duty to his constitutants; therefore be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to Mr. Arnold and a copy to the Farmers' Alliance tor publica tion. J. W. Carter Pres., May Rogers Sec'y. The Supreme Court and the Boyd-Demo-Repub Combine. Wtiereas, We, the members of Sar gent Alliance No. 563, believe that the supreme court has practically contra dicted itself and gone entirely beyond its power in its recent decision in regard to granting a mandamus for the declar ing of J. E. Boyd governor and then de ciding that his election can not be con tested without his approval, aud Whereas, We believe there has been, and are being, gigantic frauds perpe trated by the lioyd-demo-republican-railroad-combine for the carrying of the late election m their favor, therefore be it Resolved, That we denounce said court as a usurper of power and guilty of trea son as co-conspirators in the Boyd-demo-rebublican-raUroad-conibine, and it should be handled according to 4aw for such cnnies: and be it Resolved, That we look upon the Boyd- demo-repub-railroad-combine as being on an equal with any other high-handed criminals, and they should be recog nized as such. Passed by a unanimous vote. In favor of a Stay Law. Resolutions passed by Blackwood Alliance, No. 1923, at a regular meet ing, Feb. 10, 1891. Whereas, Owing to the almost total failure of crops in western Nebraska on account of the severe drouth and hot winds of the past season, our farmers are totally unable to pay the interest on their loans much less the principal. And Whereas, The members of this Alli ance, seeing the urgent necessity of a stay law of some kind to tide them oyer the present deplorable hard times, until our land shall again be blessed with a liberal harvest, and our farmers thereby be enabled to meet their liabili ties; and Whereas, Tho foreclosure of mort gages on real estate at this time means utter and irretrieveable ruin to hun dreds of families in Nebraska, which, as we believe could be averted by the pas sage of a just and equitabe stay law of some kind, that would protect alike the mortgagor and tne mortgagee; and. Whereas, We believe such a law has lieen introduced in the senate by State Senator Howe, taken from a Minnesota law that has been in force for several years in that state with satisfactory re sultswill best serve their purpose, therefore be it Resolved, By Blackwood Alliance, No. 1923, that we favor the passage of the above mentioned bill, and that we earn estly request the Independent members of our present legislature to work and vote lor toe passage oi this tmi. ue u further Resolved. That a copy of these resolu tions be forwarded to Senator A. J. Koontz, and Representative L. G. Rng- fles, and a copy each be furnished the armers' Alliance, Thurston Register and Stratton News for publication. Committee on RESOLrmoxs. From Kearney County. Resolutions passed by the Stover School house Alliance No. 861, at a regular meeting, Feb. 12, 1891. Whereas, It has been brought to our attention by a communication from the K. of L. in Kearney that the clerk of the district court is not a salaried officer and that he receives an enormous com pensation for his services in the way of fees collected, and Whereas, From an examination of the records we find there has been paid to the clerk of the court in our county upwards of 14 000, outside of witness fees paid in that have not been called for, therefore be it Resolved, That we ask the present legislature to pass a law making tho district clerk a salaried officer, and that his salary be no higher than $1,500 per year, and that he be required to keep a record of all fees paid in and turn the same over to the general fund of the county. Resolved, That our corresponding committee be instructed to forward a copy of these resolutions to our senator and representatives, and also to the Farmers' Alliance Pub. Co. S. S. Smith, R. J. Hubble. Committee. Resolutions. . Proceedings of the connty commis sioners of Red Willow 1 county Neb., Jan. 13,1891. Application of Geo. W. Roper, county clerk, asking for. deputy and assistant for 1891, and on motion by a unani mous vote of the county commissioners allowing one deputy at $700 and one assistant at $600 per annum. The county clerk salary is $1,500. Total $2,800 per annum. Resolutions adopted by the South Di vide Alliance No. 792, Red Willow Co. Neb., Feb. 8, 1891. Resolved, That we denounce. the ac tion of the county commissioners grant ing the county clerk a deputy at $700 and an assistant at $600, for the year 1891. Resolved, That the expenses of the county should be decreased under the present condition of the people, and the taxes reduced as much as possible. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the conuty Alliance . of Red Willow county,, and Farmer's Alliance at Lincoln for publication. Edward Hall, Pres, . L. D. Gockley, Sec. ill! . From Howard Co. Farmers' Alliance. St. Paul, Feb. 7, 1891. To our Representative the Hon. H. C. Parker: At the regular meeting of this Alli ance, held la St. Paul, Feb. 7th, 1891, tb following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted and the sec retary instructed to send you a memo rial embodying the action of said meet ing, Whereas, There have been several bills introduced in the legislature, ask ing for an appropriation of funds for the relief and aid of the western drouth stricken farmers, and Whereas, Our county bears her pro portionate share of the burden of taxes of the state and Whereas, We, the members of this Alliance, are aware of the fact; that there is a number of farmers in our county that has been rendered destitute througa ' the effects of said drouth, prevailing, m a large portion of our state last season; therefore be it Resolved, That we ask of you your best endeavors to try to secure for 0115 county a just share of said relief appro priation. A. W. Munster, Vice Pres. A. V. Sooboda, Sec. Government Ownership of Railroads. Feb. 6, 1891, ' Resolutions passed by Prairie Alliance No. 698. Whereas, We the members of Prai rie Alliance No. 698, of Buffalo Co. Neb., are informed through the public press that there is a movement in our present congress on the part of certain mem bers to extend the time of the indebted ness of the U. P Railroad to the U. S. government, and in this extension of time proposa to release the government's present security on said debt and sub stitute therefor inferior and unsafe se curity and at the same time make the payment of said debt at a lower rate of interest; therefore be it Resolved, That we are in favor of the immediate foreclosure of the mortgage debt held by the government against the U. P. road, and that the government operate the same at cost for the benefit of the people; Resolved, That we hold that it is the sworn duty of the attorney general of the United States to take immediate action to declare the charter of the U. P. road void on the ground of violation. Und enforce against its officers the vio lated acts of 1873 and 1878, and we tneretore petition the said attorney general to take immediate actios on the same in accordance with his duty. Resolved, That we request our repre sentatives in our legislature to give their official confirmation of the above resolution by memorializing the at torney general of the United States to take immediate action in accordance with his duty to foreclose the govern ment lien against the U. P. railroad. Bbo. Burrows: The following reso lutions were adopted at a special meet ing of the Boon Co. Alliance, Feb. 7th. 1891. ' Resolved, That we do most imphati eally oppose any amendment to our state laws allowing counties and tawns to vote aid for assisting in building beet sugar factories on the corporation plan. J. T. Anderson, Theo. Stevens, D. K. Calkins. Com. Meeting of Saline Co. Alliance. ., The regular quarterly meeting of Sa line county Alliance will be held in Dor chester, Friday, March 6, 1891, at 1 p. m. Alliances will please send delegates aud quarterly reports. Wilber Savage, Co. Pres. Chas. M. Turner, Ex. Co. Sec. J. H. McMurtry, real estate and loans, abstract and notary. McMurtry block, adjoining Alliance headquarters corner Eleventh and M streets.