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About The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1891)
THE FARMERS' LLIANOE. LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, JAN. 10, 1891. 1 THE STORE. V desire to say to ths allianeo people of this great staU that our stock m on of the largest and , moat oom pieto general stocks in tha whole csttrtry, and we an in the market to aU fcooda. Wa want your trade, and if good rood at right prioe and sjuaro deal erery time will get a por tSa we are bound to hare it Ou? aim is to aaU ererrtiinj; ow motto is "Cler than anybody. And we . rtcoaato Cht it ont under this ban ner if we hare to eeU all the goods in tlsoountry. Our mail order depatt mat is in excellent rnnniag order and tU iaqsiriss as well as orders receive prompt attention. Honey eheerfnlly rsfandad if goods sjs not satisfactory. A trial order solicited and satisfaction ruraateed. Eespeetfullr, 1IAXWIXL, EHARPE & BOSS CO. TEtSFTOHl MO. 41. niTXTHL, tZXZTZ it ECSCO., 1K3 tl-SSS Eat O 81, Uaooia. THE OTORE. Crt5try EipartaaaL Coutera graadUad sugar will sell Ux o 1-ao per pound. Eastern grano ltil arar, XL ft E., 6Jo per pound. Crania extra 0. 6 per pound. Cat ztl sa;ar, 80 per pound. Powdered ir yr, 8 cents per pound. All package c are gl 24e par pound. Agen liaaUotla and Jara stiU 8O0 per pound. Eew York hand picked navy betes, per pound 6c. Oerman hand r'ciUary beans, par pound etc L'sw Carolina rioe, per pound 7a. New Japan rioe, 60. Boiled oats per pound 4 easts. Colled Bye, 4 cents. EnowSake hominy, per pound 60. New York state buckwheat par pound c Big Biscuit baking powder, per ponnd lUo. Bombay bak Z&S powder, IOj. PrioeS aad B yal baling powder, per poundage. Choioe le&f lard, par pound 80. ' New layer tz, ptr pjuad 2yc New London lay er rauizs, per pound 19s. New Mas oatl raLias, in boxes, per pound lie New Muscatel raisins, in bags, per pound 9c Nw Leghorn citron, per pound 80c. Genuine Ohio maple syrop, per gallon 80c Star tobacco, per pound, 89b. Horshoe tobacco, per pound 89 a. , Climax tobaoco, per pound 8o. Spearhead, per pound, Mo. Quantity and Quality, per pound Side. Joker, pes pound, 29c A genu ine kiln dried smoking tobacco for 19 oestfl per pound. Frenoh peas, per can 15c, worth SOo. Frenoh mush rooms, per can 18o, worth 20c New Plattartouth corn, par can 9fo, worth Its. New Ealliaore tomatoes, per can 8o, worth 12o. New early June peas, par can 12 to, worth 20c New strinstlesa beans, per can 9o. werth 12c New 8 pound Cauornia peaches, per can S2te, worth 80c nsw 8 pound California pears, per can 22c, worth 80c New 8 pound California cherries, pr can 220, l worth 89c New 8 Dousi Cslifortia snrioots. car can 29c wcr!c. ZTew 8 pound California trr, per cza 17 o, worth 25c New Tt iri' XllltnAA 1LJ lulUulO ilLLUlilU, rUIUSBID WEEKLY A.T ccr:ra hth and m streets, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. EtaAHQED AKD IMPROVED. J. BURROWS. Editor. J. M. THOlirSON, Business Ma'gr. VyNV greet our readers this week with Tna Aluancb enlarged to nearly double Its former stse. We Intend to add to its value editorial! as much a we have to Itnlxo. We hope to be able further to enlarge It to a seven column quarto, and will do so as soon as our patronage Justtflea it. " We realize fully that Tns Aixiivcc has won the piaoe it holds by Us FEARLESS NESS AMD TRUTH. It will not be ohanged In those particulars. We have voluntarily rejected a valuable In come from corporation advertising, for the reason that that patronage is bestowed to control the press. We ask our friends to aaake this up teus In increased subscriptions. Our largely Increased expenses have com pelled us to slightly inorease our price, ... ' v; TKRM3: ' Single subscriptions... ....1125 Vive subscribers in one order one year.. 5 00 Persons sending olubs oan add single sub seripUons at the same rate. These ..terms will bo rls-ldly adhered to. PREMIUMS. The Alliance one year and Looking Backward post paid . . . .tl 50 Ditto and Labor and Capital by Kellogg. 1 40 Ditto and Cassar'a Column ........ 1 50 " ' 0r Republican Mon- . archy by Venier Voldo , ; . 1 40 The above books for sale at this office or sent post paid as follows; Looking Backward. 50cts. Caesar's Column....... ...50cts. Labor and Capital 20cts. Our Republican Monarchy 25cts. . - Address. .. Aluavce Pub. Co., Lincoln Neb. Wanted. Corn, etc.. In Exchange For Fuel, Posts etc. Belmont, Neb., Dec. 29th, 1890. Ed. Alliance-. Would rou please to , state in your paper for the benefit of the Alliance In this part, that if any of our Bro. organizations alone the lino of the B. A M. U. R. who hare to bay t heir fuel will address us, it mar be we can furnish it as cheap as they can get it, net ft would be a great benefit to us if , we could arrange a -medium of exchange a crops were utmost n failure here. We would be triad to get anything in the lrne of grafn for wood or fence posts or . money. Br request of Alliance No. 1013. Eeference, H. G. Stewart., Address Z. T. Smith. Belmont, Dawea Co., Neb. 3 pound California plums, per can 10c, worth 25c New 8 pound Standard California, per can 23c, worth 25c. New 3 pound Standard Califor nia poaches, per can 16c worth 20c. New 3 pound California Pie peaches, per can 12 ic worth 15, New 2 pound Standard Baltimore gooseberries, per can 10s, worth 16c New 2 pound Standard Baltimore blackberries, per can 10c worth 15c New 2 pound Standard Baltimore raspberries, per can 12 Jo, worth 20c New 2 pound Diaadara Baltimore DirawGcmea, per lain, worth 20c New 2 sound Alaska Salmon, per can 12, worth 20c New rack imp. sarcuaes, per can 60, worth 15c New packed mustard sardines, per can 80, worth 10c. - Span isk Queen olires, per bottle 24c, worth 43c Halford's sauoe, Urge, per bot tle, 83c, worth 40c Halford's sauce, small, per bottle. 19o, worth 25c Crease ft Blackwell pickles, per bottle 83c, worth 40c Crosse & Blackwell jams, per bottle 24 cents. English tvla ntrklM. ner bottle 24c worth 80 cents. Schimmel's catsup, pints, per bottle 10c, wonn wo. o oa. Dotue lemon extract, per bottle 25c, worth 50c 8 oa. bottle Vanilla extract, per botile 25c, worth 60c Imported mac- 4 J - at AA. aroni, per pacxage 10, wna sue Imported Vermicelli, per package 14c worth 25c A good broom for 15c worth 20c A good washboard for 15c, werth 25c A good water pail for 16e, worth 20c A good blnoking brush for 10c worth 25c sxe still sell in anr 89a taa for B0a a nound and a good Japan tea eif tings for 17c. Choice country butter, auo per pouna. ie member we sell groceries cheaper than anybody. TXLKFHOSl NO. 471. .; IIAXWrLL,S2AP3 & ECSI CO., 1m8-m-ss ss cat o fn., liiaeoin. Kill unfcrt prsmptlj ttD(ted to. ' THE STORE. Furniture Department. A few chilly facte Notwithstanding the fact that our holiday trade was un usually large, we hare a full and com plete assortment of Furniture bought at remarkably low figures, and will be disposed of at prices that cannot be beaten by anybody. We will quote you prices on a few staple artioles, and guarantee anything in this department can be bonght at correspondingly low prices. Wood seat chairs, 8 spindles, at 45c. Wood seat chairs, 4 spindles, at 60c, Perforated seat ohairs at 75c Perforated seat and back ohairs at 80c A nice cane seat chair at $1. A nice wood-seat rocker at 75c, A nice per forated seat rocker at 11. A large Boston rooker at $2. A cane seat and back nurse rocker at $1.75. A scroll arm oane seat and back rooker at $2.25. High ohairs, with and without table, from 85o up. Children's rockers from 75o up. Children's cradles from $1.50 up. Bedsteads from $2,60 up. Stand ard woven wire rprings at $1.24. Cot ton top : mattresses at $2.75. Wool mattresses at $4.25. Part wool mat tresses,.oxtra carded, $5.92. Hair mat tresses as low as $9.85. We still have a few of those solid oak chamber suites The Victory Peed Hill Til ::! CI li ttj Y.':r! j For arlndlnir Cora with or without the shuck, and a)l kinds f small (rain. Capacity . U to 60 bushels per hour, Made in three sizes, four, eight and twelr horse power. ?m Afiress, TKSS. R3EE1ITS, Sgrlssfls!., 0. nHREESSD plants! full assortment of Forest and Fruit Trees, Plants, vines, Etc, or Hardiest sorts for Nabraika. Sneelal nrleea to Alllanoe societies. Send for price list to North Bend Nursery, North Bend, Dodge Vo Neb. Kstaniiiaed ihbs. j . w. stsvbnson, 8m 30 Proprietor. Keep It Before The People. The Lincoln Shirt Factory, estab lished in 1880 is the oldest one and in fact the only shirt factory in the city. wethereiore warn the public against any other firm or person pretending to bo in a similar business in Lincoln. We are strictly a home industry, em ploying home tabor and patronizing other home industries, and hare there fore more claim upon home patronage than any foreign hrra represented here sometimes by traveling agents. Besides we can gire prompter and better satis faction than any. foreign firm, for we are always right here and ever anxious to please. Orders are respectfully solicited and first class workmanship and perfect fits are guaranteed. t: . Members of the legislature, some of whom hare already left, their orders, are cordially invited to trive us a call. Parties desiring shirts to order that are sure to please will remember to call at 1008, O St. . 4t30 A, Katzekstein, Sr. TO THE LAW MAKERS OF NEB. On your arrival in Lincoln, and dur ing your stay in the city, it will doubt- J less occur to your mind, where is the best piaoe to ouysome doming . or. fur nishing goods. We would suggest go to the Ewing Clothing Co., because they are the only first class American house in the city. They carry the finest and Dest Dranas oi goous. xney are thor oughly reliable in every sense of the word. They are strictly one price, thus hare they established the confidence of the trading public and they enjoy the largest and finest traVle In the city, 30tf . at $18.75. A silk tapestry parlor suite a l a. for $3S.DO. Higa cac cane nee cnairs each $1.25. Hiph back oane seat rook ers each $2.15. We have a few articles that were bought especially for the holiday trade that can be bought at ex ceedingly low figures. Parties con templating the famishing of rooms for the legislature will do us a faror by calling and looking orer our stock and getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. We will sere you from 15 to 25 per cent on what you purchase. Bcmembtr that we sell Furniture cheaper than anybody. TSLEPHD5B HO. fit. HAXT7ZLL, SHABF3 ft CCC3 CO. 1MJ-84-3B-S8 East O St. LaooU. MatlccdaafnitfljatiauMta. . THEBTORE. Dry Goods Department. 40 inch black Mohair, great bargain, 50c, worth 75c 42 inch black ttohair at COo, worth 90. 44' inch black Mo hair at 85c worth $1.25. 46 inch black Mohair at $1, worth $1.50. 40 inoh black all wool Henrietta at 50c, worth C3c 40 inoh black all wool Henrietta at 60o, worth 78s. 40 inch blaok Surah twill at 70c, worth $1. 40 inoh black silk warp Henrietta at $1, worth $1.50. 40 inch black silk warp Henrietta at $1.25, worth $1.75. 48 inch black silk warp Henrietta, special, - at $1.80, worth $1.98. 42 inctt black silk warp Henriettaat$1.60,worth$2.25. 48 inch black Taffeta si $140, worth $2. 44 inch black twCl with Mohair stripe at $1.85, worth $1.90. 40 inch all wool Henrietta, all shad as, at48j, worth 68a, 48 inoh all wool Henrietta, all colors and black, at 73c worth $1. 48 inch all wool Henrietta, all colors and black, at 08c worth $1.50. We hares nioe line of erening shades at 683, 73o and 98c - A choice line of Plaids will be sold at 25o, 39c 42c 60c 59j, 69o and 90c one-third less than their ralue. 86 inoh English Henriettas, all shades and black, 25c, worth 85c 88 inoh English Henriettas, all shades and blaok, 85c worth 48a. All our best 10c Ginghams will be sold at 6f 0, A lot of Ginghams, fast colors, will go at 4Jc Erery piece of our best Prints we will sll for 4jo, worth 7c. Our own LL 4-4 Muslin at Cj, worth 8 i. Lonsdale 4-4 bleaotied at 7fc, worth 10c Linens, Flannels, imnkets, Yarns, Hosiery, Underwear, Notions, etc, at proportionate low prices. Re member we sell Dry Goods cheaper than anybody. West entrance, nrst floor. TELEPHONE NO. 479. MAXWELL, SHAEPE ft E033 CO. UTOM-M 88 E iSt O 8i, L'.ucola. 1UU otdan promptly attended to. THE STORE. Shoe Department. We have about $6,000 worth of bank rupt stock left, which we are selling at less than cost of leather. The goods are of the rery best make and erery pair guaranteed or money refunded. Below we gire you a few of our prices and inrite you to inspect our stock. Ladies best Dongola H. T., $2.75, for. A.HURLBUT &. GO. bsAixssri Clothing and Furnishing Goods. i)FEicr.cFFTarr2utFTntuu:x. ti-tf Cor. P and 10th RTJDGE & OVtSnOdNDSMDSIZCS A TMtKNUME 0S $10.00 TO $75.00 A JIUEJWTMITSADMISL BUDGE & 1IOKRIS, 1122N.St, Lincoln, Neb. HQ UW 1109,0 STREET. CHEAP STOEE m We wish to impress ALLIANCE We will sell them than any store, in Lincoln. All we ask of you is to COMPARE OUR PRIOES. GET OTJB PRICES ON Ginghams; muslins, sheetings, dress goods. Linens, Hosiery and underwear. Write us for samples we will assure you prompt attention. J. W. WINGER & CO. 1109 O Street- Lincoln, Neb. mer price $4. Ladies' Cur. Kid. opera and common sense, $2.50, former price $3.75. Ladies' Bright Dongola at $2, former price $3.25. Ladies' Dongola, opera and common sense, at $1.50. for- . - ri rn T nin linftrtn ai lonner pru j..w. uu . a. n m : 1 en T n A t' Dongola Bntton at 7e, former pnoe $1.50. Ladies' fine Calf Button at $1.75. former prioe $3. Ladies' Calf Button at $1.50, former price fz.&u. Misses' ' Dongola, high cut heel and spring heel, at $1.35, former price $2.25. Misses' Oil Goat, heel and iring heel, $1.20, former price fi. isees' School Shoes at $1, former prioe $1.65. Misses' Goat Tip at $1, former pnoa f l.ou. cnuas ocnooi Shoes, button, at 08c former prie $1.35. Child's solar tip Oil Grain at 77c, former prioe $1.25. Infanta' shoes at 10c 25c 40o and 50c Men's French Calf H. ft S. at $5, former prioe $7.60. Men's French Calf H. W. at $3.50, for mer price $5. Men's Calf II. W. at $3, former prioe $4.50. Men's Waukenphas H. W. at $2.20, former price $3.75. Men's Genuine Calf, all solid, $2, for mer prioe $3.25. Men's Button, Laoe and Congress, $1.29, former prioe $2.25. Boy's high out Calf Button $1.75, for mer prioe $2.75. Bora' Calf, all solid, at $1.25, former price $2.25. Boys' Button and Congress at $1, former price $1.85. Men's Kip boots at $1.95, former prioe 13.50, Men's Oil Grain boots at $1.75, former price $3. Boys' Kip boots at $1.19, former prioe $2.25. Boys' Oil Gram boots at $1.35, former price $2.60. Boys' Flesh Split, solid as a rock, at 99c, former price $1.75. Ladies' first quality Arctics at 78 a, for mer price $1. ' Ladies' warm lined Alsakas at 75c, former prioe 90c Misses' Arctics at C80, former price 90c Children's ArctioS at 58o, former price 75c Children's Bobbers at 15c, former price 35c Men's Pure Gum Boots at f2.25, former prioe C3.&U. Men's felt boot at 89o, former price $L Men's Arctics at 98o, former prioe $1.85. . Men's rubbers at 50c, formor price 80c Boys' rubber boots at $1.78, former prioe $2.50. Bembember that we sell Boots and Shoes oheaper than anybody. TEI.BPH0SEK0.4T9. MAXWELL, SHARPS ft LOSS CO. Wl 3S E si O RL, Ltnooln. Ua'.l onlen promptly attended to. THE STORE. Crockery Lepattment. In this department the same low prices prevail and we are snre a visit will re sult in one or more purchases. Tha department embraces a complete line of chiaa, glassware, crockery and stone ware, lamps and lamp goods, etc. Bead these prices: Teacups, 5o; with han dle, Cjo; ooiTee oupc 6 l-4s; with ban die, 7io; tea saucers, 5c, coffee saucers, 6 1-43 6-inch plates. Co. 6-inch plates, 6io: 7-inch plates. 7ic: 8 inch plates. 8fc; 7-inch soup plates, 8c; 8 inch soup plates, 9c; 8-inch platters, 19c; 9-inch putters, 24c; 10-inch platters, 2ita; 11 inch platters, 33a; 12-inch platters,39o ; 14-inoh platters, 44c: small bowls (36), Ho; medinm bowls (30), 14c; large bowls (24), 17o ; 0-inch round scolloped Sts., Lincoln, Neb. MORRIS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Table and Pocket Cutlrey, Shears and Scissors. SKATES AND SLEDS. Decorated Tea and Coff 3 3 Pots The largest stock of Hardware Holiday goods in the city. 3 this on the minds of the FAMILIES. dry goods cheaper & vopfttihla diaha. 14c: 6-inch round scolloped regetable dUhes, 19o; 7-inch mnnrl nnllowv1 rrtret &.ht disLai. 21c: 8-inch round scolloped regetible dish, 29c; 9-incn round scouopea regewiDie dishes, 33e; 10-inch round scolloped TvAtabU dishea. 33o: fine oral pickle dishes, 16o; 7-iuch corered tureen. 54e; 8-inch corered tareen, wo; no. m in ey shape pitcher, holds 1 pmt,14c; No. ?h fanff ahanA nitaher. holds one quart, 19o; No. 24 fancy shaped pitch er, holds 3 pints, zo; no. n iucj shaped pitcher, holds 2 quarts, 33c; No. 6 fancy shaped pitcher, holds 1 gallon, 48c; plain dessert dishes, 4s; sugar bowls, 33c; grary boat, 24c; soup trays. 12c; corered butter dishes, 45c; large wash bowls. S9o; large wash pitchers, 39c This is the celebrated J. and G. Meakins' ware, and is the beat white ironstone china made on this earth. We hare in stock some rare patterns of Harelin's decorated dinner and tea sets at right prices. We show a few rery handsome designs in deooiated porcelain ware that we can sell as com pie to dinner or tea sets or by the single piece. This is a rery de sirable thing to buy. as you can hare as large or small a set as you please to begin with and add to it as your purse allows or your circumstances demand. Be sure you see this when you come in. Our stock is complete in all depart ments and prices are guaranteed. We sell dishes cheaper than anybody. Third floor, east aide. TE1XPHOKI NO. ili. JXAXWELL, SHAEPE ft E0S3 CO., US3-M-S6-38 East O 8b Liuoula. C Kill orvlan pnanptl; Ux)ed to. THE STORE. Hardware Department. Tha moat cruel cut of all, but fortu nately at a time when it will do every body some good and Help to round out the corners 01 tne old year, xne nrst thing that came in our war in this de partment was Heating Stores, and we hare trimmed them of erery vestige of profit and now offer any Heating store oa our floors at absolute cost. We mean this and don't propose to tie up money in Heating Stores by holding them for a profit until next winter. Cut No. 2 is an even 25 per cent off on all Silverware in plush oases and chil dren's sets (knife, fork and spoon). Cut No. 3 w 40 per cent off on a line line of Pocket Knives, the largest liie in the city. Cat No. 4 is on Skates and this will catch a great many. Cut No. 5, which is a rery important one as it embraces our entire Tinware de partment, which we hare on an aver age cut square in half. This ought to catch the housekeepers. Cut No. 6 takes in our sun department. Now, here is the finest layout of guns in the state outside of Omaha, We hare quite a number of fine double suns, such as Pieper, Bichards, Bedman, Columbia and a number of other makes, worth from $55 to $65. These guns hare been used a few times only, you can hare your choice of the lot for 32.50. We hare also a number of guns that would be cheap at $35 and on account of haring hired them out a few times AT CHEAP Best Bacon 8c. Shoulders 6c Boiling Beef 3 and 4 c Sausage 7c Roast Pork 6 and 7 c . We will pay the highest price for hides Successor to 816 P Street. 9S4 P Qt ITortll Of O Centrally located and newly furnished throughout. Tablt flnt-olaw. LARGE AND ELEGANT Tern Sl-25 to $1.50 Per day. UKDERWEAE We hare just completed arrangements by which we can offer Ladies', Men's and Children's underwear at exactly case prices, and sell you any quantity you wish. The goods offered are all strictly first-class. READ THE LIST. Men's red trtsed t wool shirts and drawers, each. $ 37 Men's brown mixed i woool shirts and drawers, each. 87$ Men's red and white striped shirts and drawers, each. 87 Men's brown and white striped shirts and drawers, each 37 Men's heary scotch mixed shirts and drawers, each. 37 Men's heary gray all wool shirts and drawers, each . 80 Men's heary gray all. wool double breasted shirts... , 1.00 Children's underwear at proportionate prices. In ordering please make second choice as what you want closed out before your order is received. 27tf , J. W. HARTLEY, State Agent, Lincoln, Neb. 7 FALL AND Everything You Ect. Wear and Uco KIOTO" JRTfTATVg, v You cannot afford to be without it; even if you don't send orders to us, it will sure you money as a guide to prices you should pay at horn. w. furnish tha book free. Bend 6 H. R. EAGLE Ct CO., ublc:cl3 Fcnr-cro' 63 Wabash Avf CHICAGO. we will sell them at $22. 50 for your rlioiee. We are exclusive acents in this city for Sterens' Bifles, the rery . best known target rifles. On any kind of a gun we will ' duplicate eastern prices and save" you iie freight. Bring in your list and discounts. Cut No. 7 is . where our catting quali ties show up. It comprises our line of shearj and scissors. The st ck is large and complete aad includes a number of the best makes. On these mnndAd nft 25 tier cent. Out No. 8 interests the men only. No beard less yooths nor young laaiea neea ap ply, as this is on razors only, and most erery one has some favorite maker. See if this list includes yours : There is Wade ft Butcher's, Bengali, Elec tric, Twin Brothers', Queen, North field and the new HorneL This last razor you want to aee, as it is ground - : ; 1 . . . . on m new napie ana is a nummer. The discount on these goods is 12 1 per cent. Cat No. nine is in scales. We hare just put in a new stock, but we must sell, and offer the marble, slab butcher's scale at $11.75, worth $15,00; Butcher's pan scales at $3,75, worth $5.f)0; Spring balances, 15e to $1.50 each ; Tea scales, rery fine, $2.98 each, north $4.50. Anything in the Scale line, from a postal scale to a railroad track scale, to order. Cut No. ten will be felt more by tha horses, boss and cattle, as it is on barbed wire We have three carloads in our waroroom. bought at the rery moment that tha prices reached the bottom. Oar oak price is so low that it is simply "out of sight." If you want wire call or write for prices. After cat No. 10 we had kind o' got our hand in and declared a general out on the entire hardware de partment, which mskos our store the spot for hardware. We sell it oheaper than anybody. First floor, east aide. MAXWELL, tiHAEPE ft E0S3 CO., xi 00 m V E dU law. u . Hail crden promptly attended to" THESTORE. Cloak Department Slaughter! Slaughter!! "Our Wg knite has done its work." Thousands of dollars will absolutely be given away in the next two weeks. ; The greatest ot all bargain sales. Once in a life time is such an opportunity of fered. Yoa can buy of us at reta 1 prices for less than regular factory prices. All our cloaks must go is the command. Carry nothing orer is our motto. One thousand cloaks, cloth jackets, walking coats, Newmar- kets, plush sacqnes and jackets reduced 40 per, cent. You sure ly can be suited. A $6 jacket for $3.60, au (8 Jacket for $4.80. the $10 Jackets and Newmarkets for $6. All $15 Jackets and Newmarkets for $9, The $27.50 Plush Sacqnes for $16.50. Oar $40 Plush Saoques for $24. All $60 Plush Sacqnes for $36. This discount of 40 per cent applies to everything in ihis department. Re member we sell Cloaks cheaper than anybody. Second floor, west side, take elerator.' TELEPHONE KO. 41. MAXWELL, SHAEPE ft E0S3 CO. 1583 84-W 88 Ks O 8., Llaosln. Hail octet prouiKty attndad to. EEF THE 9 FOB CASH, Roast Beef 6c Pork Steak 7c Beef Stew 63 Cal. Hams 5o 30-it v- and poultry. For live turkeys 8 to 9c. Hanger Bros. Sie !P Street. , MHSS KoHAFFlj Prcyr Mens' extra heary all wool shirts and drawers, each. $ 95 Ladies' jersey rests medium weight each.... s........ 19 Ladies' fine merino rest and draw ers, ea6h. ............. i ... a . 87 Ladies' fine all wool scarlet rests and drawers, each 70 Ladies' extra fine all wool scarlet vests and drawers, each........ 80 Ladies' XXX scarlet all wool rests ' - and drawers, each. ............. 1 00 Ladies' XXX scarlet all wool jer sey vests and drawers, each. . . , 80 WIHTEl? EDITION. GENERAL CATALOGUE. cents to pay the postage oa it. Supply Ilcaso, , A "1; i