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About The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1891)
6 r JrV WW vol. n. notice to Subscribers. ExratiTioss. Aa tk eaal eat and eteaMM bimum of tying-ubacribers of IbadaM of their exptra Sou we will mark this nolle with a bio or nd ooncil.on the date at which their obaorls Hon axpirea. We will tend th paper tw weeks after explratlea, it not nmim j l tune it wiu be diMonttanwd. NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE. Twenty-Second Session. J cart 8, 18fll. Forenoon. wi Convention. Anorder has been issued excluding the people from the galleries and from tne house; memoers, report ers and other privileged persons alone ' being admitted, baring ueir creaen tiafs O KM bv the proper authorities. The war of rcsterday bids fair to be -continued. Speaker Elder and the frlttjr iittle Lieutenant-Governor Mel lejohn both being in the speaker's place and engaged apparently in argu ment. Ho wo of Nemaha and others of the railroad crowd trying to get the speak' er to vacate, and thus enable the fern ing of the declaration of Jim Boyd'a -eleotion. ' J. D. Moore of Lincoln stepped upon the edge of tne platform and refused to vacate on ihe order of the sergeant-at-arms, and at this writing they are still wrangling with a prospect of a black eye for somebody. It is reported that a committee con - sisting of a delegation from each of the three parties to reach an agreement bo .as to avoid trouble has been, appointed and Is at present out. , ' NEAB 13 u. The house was culled to order and - Howe of Nemaha moved that we now take a recess nntil 3 o'clock. It was moved that resolutions be adopted declaring that the joint con vention has no rules for Us govern ment. The speaker pnt the motion on the .resolutions and Meiklejohn put the mo tion for a recess. Meiklejohn declared the motion for a recess carried, and El der declared tne resolution adopted. Meiklejohn, at the head of the' demo republican crowd, left the chamber. . The roll call was then taken and a quorum was found to be present. - Senator Stevens of Linco'n Co.,moved the following which was adopted: I move you Mr. Speaker that tbe joint rules governing the senate and house -of representatives of the session of 1889, be adopted with the exception of rule (15) which shall be amended to read as follows: ' ' . "When there shall be a joint conven tion of the senate and the house tbe proceedings, shall bo entered , at length on the journals of each. The speaker of the house shall -preside over such con vention and the secretary of the senate shall act as chief clerk, assisted by the chief clerk of the house." Adopted. Ay es 54. Jiie speaker announced that ' Attorney-General Lee se wa present and would state the law in his opinion in re gard to the proceedings at this time. ' Moved and sustained that the attor ney general would give his opinion. v The attorney-general advised the convention to canvass the vote in ac cordance with the writ issued by the supreme court. He said that he would do so undei protest, however, and that he under stood that the supreme court had also ruled that the speaker of the house should preside ever the deliberations of the joint convention. Resolutions were presented by - Sen ator Stevens of Lincoln, adopting the rules of 1889 in regard to joint conven tions, with the exception of rule 15, which was to be amended so as to allow tbe speaker to preside, and providing that the minutes should be taken by the clerk of the senate assisted by the clerk of tbe house, and that the proceedings should be entered on both journals. . ; Recess until 2:30 p. m. JANUARY, 8, 1891. AFTKBNOON. Joint Convention. . Roll called quorum present. ' Meiklejohn and the Demo-Rcpubs again on deck. " Prayer by the chaplain. Meiklejohn read a writ of mandamus from the supreme court commanding the speaker to open and publish the re turns. Speech by Watson repeating his po sition of yesterday. Letter from Leese rescinding his opin ion of this morning in regard to the po sition of the supreme court on the presi dency of the joint convention. -- Committee to get the returns from the secretary of state. l Elder appointed Taylor of Johnson. Meiklejohn appointed McKesson. Taylor wished to be excused as he be lieved Meiklejohn was usurping his place and all the proceedings were illegal. McReynolds was appointed in his place. . :' : . 'jt " The returns were brought in and Teceived by the speaker from the secre tary of state. The speaker announced that the re turns would now be opened. M ved that the doors be opened. Put by Elder and carried. The mohxushed in yelling and falling over seats in their haste. Moved by Taylor of Johnson to take a recess till six o'clock. t Meiklejohn said that the motion was out of order andthat an appeal from his decision would not be entertained. Watson made as he said his last effort in behalf of peace. Howe made an appeal to canvass. - Wilson said he was in favor of pro ceeding with the count. Also Grains (R) and some Independents. The count was begun when it was : moved by Shrader of Logan that the re turns be accepted as tabulated by the secretary of state and that the declara tion be made according to the footings of that report. .Put and lost. -This move wai etaited by Howe and Watson. Question raised by Switzler if the at torneys lor contestants miehtiavith pro priety confer with the clerks while in the discharge of their duty. This was aimed ' at Lamb who had spoken to jonnson. The method of procedure was changed from the reading of the returns by the speaker to the taking of the returns by the clerk without reading, except to announce names of counties. The count was finished and the re suits declared. Mr. Sbrader offered the following resolution: Whereas, The supreme court of the state of Nebraska has issued a peremp tory writ of mandamus directed to the speaker of the bouse of representatives. who by virtue of his office is chairman of the joint convention of the senate and house of represtatives, convened under and by virtue of Sec. 4 of article 5 of the constitution of the state of Ne braska, commanding the speaker forth with to proceed to open and publish the returns of the election held on the 4th day of Nor. 1890, regardless of the con tests pending before tnis joint conven tion for the office of governor and the several executive state officers. And regardless of the authority rested in this joint convention by the constitution of too state of .Nebraska. Resolved, That notwithstanding the. opening and publishing of said returns by tne Bpeaker of tne bouse of repre sentatives in pursuance to the mandate of the supreme court this joint con vention hereby exprossley declares that no person is elected or snail m re garded as elected to any of the execu tive offices of the state of Nebraska by virtue of said opening and publishing of the returns, for which office a contest is pending, until the results of such con test shall be determined by the action of the senate and house of reresenta- tives in joint convention assembled for the purpose as provided by tne const! tution of the state of Nebraska. And Resolved, t urther that it is tne sense of the joint convention that the senate and house of representatives should, in their legislative capacity, refuse to rec ognize any person as elected to any of tne executive oraces of tne state oi Ne braska, for which office a contest is pending, until the result of such con test snail be determined in tne manner provided by law. Moved and seconded to adjourn. Meiklejohn ruled that the motion to adjourn had precedence, flatly contra dicting the fact. noil call on adjournment. Receipt of contest papers announced by the speaker. - Motion to adjourn lost. . Moved and aeconded to adopt the resolution. Moved and seconded to adjourn. Roll call ordered. Starbuck was voting with the In dependents. Collins of Gage didn't vote. Adjournment lost. Mored to lay resolution on table. Roll calL Lost. - Shrader moved the adoption of the resolutions with tnat part reflecting on the supreme court struck out. Previous question moved and sec onded. Moved to adjourn and the chair ruled that the motion took pre cedence, which was another outrage. Motion to adjourn withdrawn. Motion recurred on the resolution as amended by Shrader. Switzler tried to explain himself after the previous question was called for. Shrader objected and Switzler shut up. Koll call on tne previous question as amended without debate. Switzler explained his vote in a long winded speech against the resolutions. He said that if the Independents thought his influence was bad they should stop him. (Laughter.) Another asked him if he intended his remarks as an argument on the contest. (Caeers and laughter by tbe Indepen dents.) i lavlor of Johnson called attention to the fact that a gas jet was open and not lighted, and he was afraid so much gas would escape that spontaneous , com bustion would take place. Stevens of Lincoln explained his vote. Gale of Brown refused to vote. Roll call proceeded with on the reso lution. Whole vote 129. Affirmative 70; negative 59. The final vote to adopt stood as fol lows: - Representatives. Ayes, Messrs. Ar nold, Bartholomew, Brederson, Carpen ter, Curtis. Dickerson, Dobson, Dunn, Feichtinger. Felton, Fulton. Gaffin.Gale, Goddard, Gunnett, Hennick, Herman, Henry, Johnson, Jones, Krick, Kruse, Lomax. McCntchen. McReynolds, Mo- die, Mullen, Newberry, Nichols, Olson, Parker, Porter, Purnell, Riley, Rohan, Kuggles, bchelp, schrader, ocott, smith, Soderman, Stebbins, Stevens of Fill more, Stevens of Furnas, Stevens of Platte ami Pierce. Stewart, Storms, Taylor of Butler, Taylor of Johnson, Vorhes, Walriron, Williams of frank lin, Wilson, Mr. Speaker. Total 54. Nays. Albert. Alden. Ames, Bert- rand, Breen, Brennan. Capek, Clapp,, Cornish, Cramb, Deckers-Faxon, Fee, Felker, Flemme, Ford, Frost, Gardner, Gerdes, Gilford, Gillilan, Hall, Heath, Hiukle, Howe, Huse, Johnston, Lamp, Matheson. McKesson, Moan, Nelson, Oakley, Fohlman, Ritchie, Schappel, Schlotfeldt. Severin. Shipley, Shryock. Sternsdorff. Vandeventer, Watson, Warner. White, Williams of Gage. Total, 40. . Senators. Ayes, Messrs. Beck. Col lins, Coulter. Day, Dvsart, Hill, Horn, Kountz, Michener, Poynter. Randall. Sanders, Smith. Stevens, Taylor, Turner, Warner. Williams. Total, 18. Nays, Messrs. Brown. Christoffeifoa, Eggleston. Keiper, Mattes, Moore, Schram. Shea, Shiimway, Starbuck, Switzler, Thomas, Yanhousen, Wilson, Woods. Total, 15. Moved to adjourn. Carried. LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, JAN. 17, 1891. Lincoln, Jan. 12. The senate was called to order with President Fro Tern Poynter in the chair. The journal of Saturday was read and approved. On motion of Senator ' Stevens the senate then took a recess until 4 o'clock p. m. The senate was called to order at 4 p. m. with Lieutenant Governor Majors in the chair. , Senator Stevens oF Lincoln county offered the following memorial, which was read the first time. To the Honorable Congress of the United States of ' America: Your me morialists, the senate and house of rep resentatives of the state of Nebraska, in session assembled, respectfully rep resent, that. the present condition of a large number of the citizens of a vast area of our state, to-wit: Twenty eight counties In the eastern part of tbe state, viz: Lincoln, Dawson, Lo gan, Custer, Thomas, Hooker, Grant, Arthur, McPberson, Scots Bluff, Ban ner, Kimball, Deuel, Cheyenne, Keith, Perkins, Chase, Dundy, Hayes, Hitch cock, Frontier, Harlan, Kearney and Franklin, and containing a population approximating 160,000 persons, is such as to elicit public benevolence, and de serve national consideration. This vast area of country contains within its soil all the elements neces sary to the requirements of an agricul tural district, it is populated with an intelligent, industrious and economical class of our citizens, and several years of practical tests have amply demon strated practical proof that the climatic conditions are uniformly favorable to agricultural pursuits, but tho climatic conditions relating to humidity during the past season nave been unfavorable to the agricultural pursuits of the peo ple, there having been an almost total failure of crops, thus rendering the condition of these settlers absolutely alarming. A reliable estimate based upon re turns shows that an expenditure ap proximating $1,000,000 will be neces sary to supply the varieties of seed for planting, and a limited supply of grain as feed for teams when in use. To meet this latter demand, your mem orialists earnestly and respectfully ask that congress make such early provis ion as the exigencies of the situation may demand, and the business of your august body may permit. - Senator Taylor of Loup mored that Loup county be included. There being no objection this was done. The senate then adjourned to tho usual hour, Tuesday, January 13. Lincoln, Jan. 12. The house was called to order at 4:20 by Speaker El der. Howe moved that the roll call show all present. Carried. Speaker Llder announced the follow ing committees: Rules Mr. Speaker, Schrader, Car penter of Butler, Griffln.Howj McRey nolds and Brennsar. - Engrossed and Enrolled bills John son of Valley, Soderman, Newberry, Dobson, Mullen, Williams of Gage, Schappel, Schryock and Gardner. Under the head of petitions and me morials. Gale of Brown offered a reso lution from the commissioners of Rock county, the object of which is the es tablishment of public depositories in which county funds may be deposited, the funds to draw interest which shall be placed to the credit of the various counties so depositing. The resolu tion was referred to tbe proper com mittee..-::".'-;:- Bills on first reading were taken up and the following were introduced : H. R. No. 11. by Fee To provide seed for needy farmers In drought stricken districts and making an ap propriation for the same. The sum of $200,000, or as much more as is neces sary, is mentioned in this bill. v H. R.No. 12, by Newberry To rear- ulate railroads, to classify freights and to fix reasonable rates, etc. This bill provides for a maximum freight rate patterned after the Iowa charges. H.. R. No. 18, by Howe To provide for the publication, sale and use of books used in the common schools of the state. . , , . - IL R. No. 14, by Felton To amend section 6, chapter 41, compiled statutes entitled "Instruments negotiable." This bill provides that action may be had against a third party to recover money paid on indorsed paper. H. H. No. 17, by McKesson An act assenting on behalf of the state of Ne braska to the grants, purposes, terms and conditions of an act of congress, entitled, ,an act to apply a portion of the proceeds of the public lands to the more complete endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agri culture and the mechanic arts, estab lished under the provision of an act of congress approved July, 1862," and to carry into effect the said act of con gress in the state of Nebraska, . v H. R. No. 18, by Howe To prohibit any person or persons not citizens of the stato, exceptmg United States troops or federal authorities, from ex ercising police powers. H. R. No. 19, by Sternsdorff To amend article 119, chapter 77, entitled "Revenue," compiled statutes. This bill provides that county treasurers shall notify holders of tax certificates whn uh taxes are redeemed. . 11. K. Ho. 21, by Lomax To nrn. hibit the distribution of anonymous palters on election day. ao. zo, oy jvruse to pro- WW Ma the destruction of Russian 11. tt. Ko. 28, by Scott To amend section 2. article 1. chapter 77. com plied statutes, entitle!, 'Property ex empt." This bill provides that $500 worth of personal property to each nousefcolder shall be exempt from tax- auon. ' i Speaker Elder announced the follow ing committee to draft a bill making an appropriation for drought sufferers: Representatives Modie,Watson,Steb- Dins. Oakley, Felton, Hall, Purnell, niftin ana uoauard. - The house then adjourned. , , Lincoln, Jan. 13. The senate was eaued to ordor -yesterday at 10:30 o'clock by Lieutenant Governor Ma jors. .-. Under the order of tho introduction of resolutions the senator from Uayoa offered tho following resolution. . Sesolred, That tho president of tho senate be authorized to appoint a com mtttce of one. to act with a committee of two from the house, to attend an ir rigation meeting to be hold at McCook January 28, 1891. ' ' Resolution adopted, and Senator Kuntz was appointed as such commit- Senator Switzor "of Douglas offered the following, resolution and: moved its adoption: Resolved, That it is the sense oi tho senate that Immediate action should be taken to provide out of the stato funds relief for our people who are suffering from failure of crops. Resolution adopted by unanimous vote. . ' - , Among the bills introduced were the following: S. F. No. 8, by Wilson A bill for an act entitled an act to apportion the stato of Nebraska into judicial districts and for the apportionment and election of oCcers thereof, and to repeal an act entitled an a :t to apportion the stato into judicial districts and for the ap pointment and election of officers there of and approved March 1, 1887, and to repeal an act entitled an act to amend sections 1 and 3 of an act entitled an act to apportion tho state into judicial districts and for the appointment and election of , officers thereof, approved March 22, 1889. S: F. No. 9, by Coulter Entitled a o bill for aa act to repeal section 1, chapter 75, session laws of 1889, pro v'lrr f:J" the repeal of a bounty for t&e manufacture of sugar. -' ,-.- Lincoln, Jan. 13. Tho house wat called to order at 10:20. Speaker Elder announced that h was about to sign the concurrent elec tion contest resolution. Thereupon he signed the document.' f Tbe following bills were introduced: H. R. No. 30, by Wilson of Webster To amend section 293, code of civil proceedure. Id actions to ' recover money the juror shall render a general verdict only.; ; "v?r- H. R. No. 81, by Gale To amend sections 1 and 4 of chapter 41, com piled statutes, entitled "Instruments Negotiable." H. R. No. 32, by Bredeson Giving a stay of execution for three years from and after judgment or decree, f- H. R. No. 33, by Faxon Sale of mortgaged premises shall be stayed twelve months from and after decree. H. R. No. 84, by Williams of Gage To regulate stock yards and to fix commissions for selling. H, R. No. 35, by Hinkle counties not having more than 70,000 inhabit, ante shall be divided into , three dis tricts and those having more than that number shall be divided into five ' dis tricts from each of which a county commissioner shall bo elected. H. R. No. 36, by Gardner Requir ing railroads to equip all engines (and cars with automatic couplers 'and brakes. H. R. No. 87, by Waldron Fixing juror's fees and allowing mileage for one round trip homo each week. H. R. No. 42, by Smith To compel railroads to build passage-ways under tracks which are five feet or more in height. : ; H. R. No. 43, by Faxon Conferring upon women the right to vote at city and village elections.1 : , H. R. No. 44, by Waldron To amend section 7. chapter 26, Compiled statutes of 1889, entitled "Elections." II. R. No. 48 To amend section 1, article 1, chapter 54, compiled statutes of 1889, entitled "An act to provide a lien for labor performed and material furnished for the erection of houses." H. R. No. 49, by Sterdsdorff To re peal an act entitled - 'An act to provide for the encouragement of tho manufac ture of sugar and paying a bounty therefore." H. R. No. 51. by Capek To facili ato voting by employes, i This bill makes it a misdemeanor for an em ployer to refuse leave of absence to an employe for the purpose of casting his ballot. ' In the afternoon the speaker was presented with a gavel from the citi zens of Lone Tree. : r ' v Stevens of Furnas olTered a resolution instructing the secretary of state to furnishiach -member daily five i cent wrappers, five daily newspapers and ten 2 cent postage stamps. Adopted. II. R. No. 67, by Gillilan Every corporation hercoithr formed shall give notice by publication in a newspaper. r. n. ride for thistles. eBmle " A PEACEFUL OUTLOOK ALL THE INDIANS CLOSE TO THS AGENCY. General Miles Will Keep Them Sur rounded Until He Dtoarma Theni He Preaenta Them With Two Wagon Iioada ofTobacod. Pink Riixje Aoenct, S. D. (via Rushville, Nob.). Jan IS. Tho Indians are in camp two miles from this place. No trouble has occurred up to this hour, 7 o'clock, and all is quiet. The Indians number about 3,500. None are allowed in the agency. Pine Ridgk Aoenct, S.D.fviaRush- ville.Nob.), Jan. 13. Early this morn ing General Miles sent out Frank Glr ard tad four Indian scouts to the hos tile' camp, near the mission. They were directed to inform the hos tiles they could choose- their camp near Red Cloud's house on Wolfe creek, one mile to the east of the agency. But they were no, to come into the agency limits under any circumstances, except a few chiefs and by , special order of General Miles. One of the requirements when they surrender will be the immediate sur render of the murderers of Lieutenant Casey and the poor herder Miller, both being murdered in cold blood. Gener al Miles sent a wagon loud of tobacco out to them yesterday as a present to put them in good Tvumor, if possible All the friondly Indians yostorday at this place held a couhcil as to now they should proceed lu the present cri sis. They resolved to gather up their tepees in as compact a circle as possi ble, dig rifle pits around them and if any hostiles come into their camp to at once disarm and arrest them. If tho hostiles fired a gun they would kill them on the spot. Thoy foar thoy may attempt to come among them, incite them by shooting guns and thus draw ing tho fire of the cannons of tho sol diers that are so placed as to ovorlook their camp. .They are determined to avert any possible cuuso for sending shell among them, which would cause dreadful havoc in the closely huddled tepees. It is not thought the hosulos will be disarmed for a day or two at least. ;::: '.vi'y) The Indians behind the advance guard are keeping tip a rapid fire;: shooting their own , horses and dogs and venting their spleen toward the friendlies among them by the firing of guns over their heads. The Brule and other young men are haranguing about tho affair at Wounded Knee and the fate of Big Foot's band, which has the effect of terrifying the women and children and making the men suspicious and very oxel table. All this may be seen from , the hill tops. Half-breeds are coming in from the camp and reporting to Miles that these Indians will all fight to the death if any attempt is made to disarm them now, ' or atny timo. They are very defiant and trouble may ,bo expected. It is not yet known in what way this result will be brought about, as General Miles is very retlcont whenever ap proached upon this subject. Shot by H la Comrade. GnnnoN. Neb. j, Ian. 13. Company K regrets an accident that caused the death of one of its members. George Willhow, while ou guard duty, ex tended his march over tbe boat of Percy, and, on being challenged, on altercation ocurretL in a pleasant way, which resulted lu the death of Will how, who was shot through the breast, the bullet escaping through tho shoul der blade. The cause of Willhow's death was purely accidental and is much regretted by the boys. Hoopor is completely distracted and says ho ould much prefer It were no. A Startling Statement. Chicago, Jan. 13. -At tho meeting of the Baptist ministers this morning the startling statement was made by Dr. Gordon of Boston that tno work of missions was about to be abandoned in thfiCons-o country for lack of funds. The speaker moralized on the indiscre tion displayed by churches in expend ing funds. , "We have churches in Boston," no said, "which soend $2,000 a year for sinking and give comparatively noth ing to mission work." Dr. Gordon said this apathy was not shared by foreign churches. Quay Introduce an Election Dill. .Washington, - Jan. 13. Senator Quay today introduced a bill entitled "An act to prevent force and fraud in federal elections and the more lawful and peaceful conduct thereof ." Tho principal point of difference between this and the Hoar bill is the last sec tion, which is as follows: "When it shall appear to the satisfaction of the president of the United States that in any locality, the provisions of the taw cannot otherwise be executed it shall be his duty and he is hereby authorized to suspend therewith the habeas corpus and to employ an armed force of United States naval and military for i a en forcement and for the protection of the officers whose duties are here! a pro vided for. r , ! NO. 31. The Hupremn Court's Dectaion. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 13. On eott-' veiling this morning the supreme court announced lu decision allowing the quo warranto proceedings against Gov ernor Boyd to go on file and the sum mons to issue. The ruling was by Chief Justice Cobb and was oral. Fol lowing Is a stenograph; report: "Last Friday morning application was made to file an information in the nature of quo warranto by John M. Thayer agait James E. - Boyd. We have been given an opportunity of past ing, and as these matters are of great importance to the parties In court aa well as to the people generally, we have concluded, as a mere matter of form and proceeding, and as a matter of notice as well as of jurisdiction, to indicate that a summons may be issued returnable according to the statute governing the issuance of summons la the district court here; and we hare determined in consultation that I should say that if it should appear at any time in the course of these pro&edini that- tbe person elected lieutenant governor at the last election should de sire 104 intervene in this proceeding, ia view of a decision in a certain "ray as to the eligibility of the present incum bent of the executive office, that tbe court will allow such intervention and furthermore, while it may jeem some what out of place that what I am about to say should come from this place, yet we have deemed it advisable that It should bo said that during the pen dency of these proceedings, so for a the matter may ever be directed ty this court, unless we should be advicsi differently from what we now re,tiut the relator will lose nothing by a quiet and orderly submission to the present order of things growing out of the recognition of James E. Boyd as the legal governor, as now recognized by this court and all departments of the state government " si: The hearing may be postponed five weeks. " The summons is return&t'a cn the second Monday after issue tl tie defendant hat until the third lloaiij , thereafter to answer. V easels Collide and Twelve Trowac Z. London. Jan. 13. The stimcr Brittania, from Lelth, ctae Into col lision with the steamer L'zsr, fron - Grangemouth, in the Frl2i cf FottX Scotland, at an early hour tils morn- ing. TheEe&rs&ii L- 1: cly ilzI twelre of tie crew wcra lcri tv ct'sy beta? rescue! ty & DrftinlVs tr;i. Afcsr Ce cc1::cb r..:,lL was tzily fizauced, trtrr'r J It 450 passesgsrt to tie tt;i. :r Ttitr.: " and was then taken ia tew ty tLzX re sel. The hawser oonnocz j tie res-. els soon snapped asunder and ti-'co another line could be oarrtsd to tie damaged vessel she gave plurs axi sank beneath the wares. Fortunately the crew had put on life belts and all with the exception of the chief engin eer managed to keep afloat until picked up by boats from the steamer Thames. A Monument to Ex-Preeldent Arthwv Washington, Jan. 13. The friends of the late President Arthur intend to erect a bronze statute in his honor. either in front of the custom-house ' or in one of the parks of New Yprk, or in the city of Washington. They will do this with the money that was left unexpended from the funds subscribed for the erection of a monument over his grave in the cemetery at Albany. It is a rather curious fact that while few funds have been raised for the pro posed statutes to Generals Logan, Han cock and Sheridan, and while the peo ' pie of New York will find such . great difficulty in getting the money for a monument to Grant, the monument for President Arthur, was erected accord-, ing to the original plans and $25,000 remains unexpended after ' paying oil the bills. . The Deadly Current. Boston, Mass., Jan. .13. At 234 . Congress street yesterday afternoon John Tierney, a workman employed there, attempted to replace a globe on an incandescent light which had be come broken, and in doing so he took hold of the brass ring at the small end. instead of the glass and - received a shock which killed him instantly. In his fall he carried the globe and wire with him to the floor, the former so tightly grasped that the wire had to be cut before he could be removed. Tier ney was thirty-one years old and un married. ) A Brutal Husband. Sioux Crrr, la., Jan. 13i W. F. Morse yesterday deserted his wife, tak ing with him an unmarried woman named Sarah Smith. He gave a chat tel mortgage for $700 on the furniture pf his wife' 8 boarding house, loaded , some things into his wagon, and knocked her down when she attempted to stop him. He drove away with hie paramour, leaving Mrs. Morse, an es timable woman, utterly penniless with three children. . , ' Killed by an Avalanche, y Vienna, Jan. 13. Dispatches from the capital of Bosnia state that an av alanche occurred near Lyons, burring a number of houses and crushing th inmates in the ruins. So far rescuer have recovered the bodies of seven teen persons and a number of others injured. 4 l :