The alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1889, July 10, 1889, Image 1

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    .-Vl?Vi f -j W
Editorial Notes and Clippings.
Clubbing Rates.
To those of our readers who might
wish to take a Daily newspaper one
whose opinions are its own, fearless
and outspoken, we would say that we
have made arrangements witn the pub
lishers of the Daily Call, of this city,
whereby we can- furnish their Daily
and Tins Alliance at $6 per year.
Or, The Alliance and Weekly Call,
one year for $1,50. The weekly Call
is a 6 col. quarto well tilled with good
family reading. This is an excellent
chance to get two papers for nearly the
price of one. Sample copies of Daily
or Weekly, Call will be sent upon ap
plication. $700 REWARD.
Cambridge, July 8. Four Points
of Industry Alliance, No. 515, offers
a reward 01 $100 for the capture and
conviction of the murderer of Bro. J.
H. Plummer. This makes a total of
$yco. Yours fraternally,
Wm. Waite, Jr., Sec.
The organization among the farm
ers goes grandly on.
The great independent press which
is rising all over the country today
means something.
Read our Hansen letter carefully
this week. It shows what V the farm
ers can do when organized.
See market reports on inside pages
.These markets are corrected right up
o the hour of going to press.
This fall and winter bids fair to be
an era of organization among the
farmers, the like of which was never
known before. -
There never was a more earnest and
determined set of men engaged in a
work than those of the Farmers' Alh
ance of Nebraska.- They are bound
Our caper is not up to the usual
standard this week. This is owing to
a press of job work and the editor
somewhat under the weather. We
will try and improve with our next is
sue if all goes well.
A large number ot communica
tions are still on the hook as we are
rea d y for the press crowded " out.
We ask the kind indulgence of our
friends, and we will try and get
around in due time.
. Mr. J. M. Robinson, of Kenesaw,
Neb., a prominent breeder of Poland
China hogs, dropped in to see us this
week. He was in attendance at the
Expert Swine Breeders meeting held
at the college farm, here, this week.
We wish we had room in our" pa
per to give a detailed account of the
2"rogress of Alliance work in the
southern states. It is simply
grand, and the benefits accruing to
the members are almost incomputa
ble, -c
- We certainly have every reason to
Jeel grateful to our many kind friends
throughout the state who have taken
such an active interest in helping
along the paper. We shall bend our
every energy to try and merit these
esteemed favors.
Even Walt Mason has apparently
become disgusted with the poor old
Journal. Slowly but surely the Call
is extracting what little good there is
in the great B. & M. apologist. Soon
there will not be enough left of it to
make a respectable collapse.
North Dakota sent a thrill of the
horrors coursing through the veins of
the politicians and corporation hench-
men last week, by electing a stalwart
member of the Farmers' Alliance
president of their constitutional con
vention. This means a peoples gov
ernment in North Dakota.
W. T. Allen, of Ashland, called
on us this week. Mr. Allen is an or
ganizer for a new organization called
the "Line Board Association," which
' he says is similar to the "Wheel."
- It is new to us, but Mr. Allen says it
is spreading rapidly throughout the
United States.
said a prorament business man to
us a short time ago: "I know times
are somewhat close: money a little
scarce, but we cannot expect to al
ways have flourishing times: there
must be periods of depression accord
ing to the natural laws of business.
Nobody however are seriously grum-
u""a uu- me iarmers. jliiey are
es, my business iriend, above you
the picking starts and down down' it
comes until it and then
you reacn alter the farmer. Who
does he reach after? Down he digs
deep again into old mother earth for
his recourse, and takes his chances
with chinch bugs, drouth., hail storms
and on dodging the elements generally.
No, there is no occasion for any of the
other fellows to kick. The farmers
however propose to reverse the pres
ent order of things. They propose to
slap the fellow next to them and let
him pass it up. Then who'll kick?
Any one receiving copies of this
paper can" take them out of the post
office without any fear of being
stuck" for the same. . At the end
of the time a subscriber has paid for,
his paper will be stopped unless oth
wise ordered. .We do not wish to
force our paper onto any one.
"Sunny Hillside" Alliance Ahead.
Cambidge, Neb., July 2nd. Edi
tor alliance: 1 took our paper
The Alliance No. 2, to the last
meeting of Sunny Hillside Alliance
No. 542, and presented its merits to
our members with the following re
sult: Twelve subscribers out of thir
teen members present. Who beats
this? Enclosed please find list of
names with directions and check for
same. May your efforts be a success.
Frntprnall v.
C. B. Bachelder:
This beats the record Bro. Bachel
der, and if every Alliance in the state
would go off like that The Alliance
would take its place at the head of
the class as a state paper. Our heart
iest thanks to yourself and the
worthy members of Sunny Hillside
Stock shipped to Allen Root, care
of Bell, Collins & McCoy, Omaha, by
members of the Alliance, will realize
from $4 to 5 more per car for their
stock. Give the agent notice when
shipped. Mr. Root is state agent for
the Alliance. W. R. Bennett & Co.,
will sell groceries etc. , to Alliances at
jobbers rates: Send all orders to Al
len Root. Shipments of vegetables
fruits or poultry, should, be billed to
Mr. Root, care of Bowman, Williams
& Howe's, Omaha, Neb.
Our President on the Wing.
Fairfield, Neb., June 28. -Editor
Allianxe: I left home early last
Monday morning to visit some of the
farmers in the middle south of the
state. Found the corn crop in good
condition all along the valley of the
Republican The small grain does
not generally give promise of a very
heavy yield on account.of a peculiar
blight, or rust, which affected it early
in the season and thinned out the
stand, from superior 1 passed up
through Nuckolls county to Angus,
little town situated near the northern
line of the county. Although the
corn in this county looks no better
than that further west, the small grain
! is much better, in fact is as good as
ever saw. .But now. like the rest of
the farmers, I am taking promise for
realization. There are so many
things that may happen to grain yet,
mat no note snouid be given now
with the assurance that it will be paid
with tke next crop.
I met with the Alliince at Angus on
Monday night and initiated twenty
five members. There seemed to be a
quiet feeling of determination among
the members to persevere in main
taining their interests, in spite of a
spirit of strong opposition manifested
by some of the business men of the
place. These men have yet to learn
the fact that thej members of the Alli
ance are not disposed to interfere
with any honest industry or profes
sion that does not unnecessarily inter
fere with their prosperity. But when,
in some of these little towns, four or
five business men are transacting an
amount of business that could just as
well be conducted by one man, and
insist on a living profit, by which they
mean a,profit that will support all
their families in good style, it is a
serious question whether the farmers
had not better try to conduct their
own business on a more economical
plan. I know it is claimed that such
a course would tend to discourage
building up small towns which fur
nish such conveniences for farmers for
near marketing and purchasing, but I
believe it can be demonstrated, that a
town with few inhabitants, -who all
get their living by honest labor, would
be worth far more to a community
than, a town of twice the population a
large portion ofvhich are sustained
as parasites on the labors of others.
On Tuesday evening I addressed a
meeting of farmers near Oak, in the
same county, but on account of a se
vere thunder storm it was thought ex-
pedient to postpone an organization
until another evening. I commis
sioned Mr, Geo. A. Felton as deputy
for Nuckolls county.
On Wednesday I went up into Clay
county and soon found kind friends
who were willing to render me all the
assistance in their power in the work
ui urgduiwuun m meir county, un
Thursday evening I met with the
Fairfield Alliance and gave them the
secret wonc. iney nave a strong: Al-
t rr i . . I
liance and a good prospect of great
- w 1
useiuiness ana success in tne luture.
TT . "W MM t . ' MTV 11
1 omgnt 1 expect to speait at iay
centre, m tnis county. 1 ne crops in
this county I think look the best of
any l have yet seen in tne state.
Cornell, iseb., July 4. On Mon-
day July 1st, I visited Hamilton Co.
First called on Mr. D. L. Hackett
near Bromfield, with whom I took din-
ner. He and his estimable wife
made my brief visit very pleasant,
Mr. Hackett has a fine farm and is
trying, by ass iduous , labor on the
same, to t answer tne question will
farming pay?" in the affirmative. It
he doesn't succeed I do not think it
will be his fault, nor that of his farm
either. In the afternoon we went to
interview . some of the Alliance
friends who had met in the forenoon
to witness the trial of- a binding
twine which had been widely adver
tised and recommended by a local
dealer as being iust as good as the
best (pure Manilla) and was offered
by him at a price considerably less
than that recommended by the Alii-
ance agent. we tound tne result
had been a total failure of the cheap
jute twine, in tne evening, went
jT. T . .1. Ml
witn -our emcient deputy, jvir. l.. .
T-i t . nr 1 .1
i-ioyo, to organize an finance aDOut
11 miles irom nis nome. iad a
pieasanc time wun ine uretnren ana
1 1 .? ll 1 il 1
effected an organization. Mr.
Floyd's methods seem to be excellent
and his advice to the new Alliance
was such as could not tail to have a
good influence and if heeded will in-
sure their success in making their Al-
1 1 3 n n rtnvcfr fnr crrrA in tViPir
.w. t
00 " Tuesday, taking
leave pi mr. r ioya s intelligent ana
family, I accompanied
him to Aurora,
is a flourishing
a county seat. It
iown, arid well it
mignt be, tor it is surrounded by as
good farms as the state affords, and
they are tilled by .farmers as intelli
gent and prosperous as any I have
yet seen. We then visited some of
the friends toward the northern part
of the county, and took dinner with
Bro. O. B. Shankland. After a
pleasant interview with him and his
family, and a conference on the
state of the Order in Hamilton coun
ty, we proceeded to Marquette where
I took leave of Bro. Floyd and
wended my way northward.
Hamilton county seems to be striv
ing for the place of banner Alliance
county in the state.
Mr. Floyd's
plan, ably seconded by the other
workers as they rapidly fall in, seems
to be, to compactly organize the
county as they go along, and the or
ganization, commencing on the west,
has been steadily carried on toward
the. east, until in less than two-thirds
of the county there are, I believe,
eighteen Alliances,
I arrived in Madison county
Wednesday morning. After consid-
erable inquiry I found Bro. G. B.
Kelley, secretary of Union Alliance.
Found they were quite discouraged,
mostly on account, I think, df the
maImm i '
iact tnat lortne want or an organizer
they had not been able to get the se-
. 1 --. , r
cret worK. Alter partaking ot a
bountiful dinner with Mr. Kelley, I-
went in the afternoon to visit the offi
cers of Walnut Grove Alliance No.
566. Commissioned Bro. Warren
Forsaith as deputy organizer for
Madison county. Found their Alli
ance consisting of twenty seven male
members in a wide awake and flour
ishing condition. Spent the night
with the Sec'y Bro. A. B. Bender,
who with his pleasant family made
me feel that I was among friends.
Spent the Fourth in crossing the
country with Bro. Biggs to Warner-
ville, and trying to bring up my lag
ing correspondence. '
T . . . T .11 .1
expect to go to iNonoiic tnis even
ing and to reach fierce county some
time tomorrow. J. H. Powers.
We call attention to ad of T. M.
Robinson, of Kenesaw, this week.
Having personally known Mr. R. for
a number of years we can assure all
parties having dealings with him,
fair and honorable treatment.
G. D. Coleman Becomes Tainted With
The Farmers' Alliance and Incurs
The Ire of the Great Scab Route.
No Man Can Serve Two Masters, Ete.
Mr. G. D. Coleman, foreman of
thl- nffir met witll an ravatin
d humiliating circumstance while
rrnrn vpw he
u ij 1113 nay aawiaa AviivuwTi v 40
piace jast Week.
tw. unft-- .rtnnrt wltK thii
paper he was managing editor. of the
Kenesaw Cvclone. ' and contracted
and paid fo in ; adyertisj,, a miie.
age boov with the j & w railroad-
1 nis ne presentea tor his tare as us-
ual last week,-but ! under an order
from the general passenger agent the
conductor took it up, and ,by the
help of the train men dragged Mr.
C. from the train, in spite of his ten
dering them the money for his fare
when he saw they were determined to
put him off. V: .
Upon arriving here Attorney-Gen
eral Leese was consulted and Mr.
Coleman this week began suit in the
district court of Lancaster county
against the B. & M. for $5,000, dam
ages, with Gen 1 Leese and Stewart
& Rose as his attorneys.
Now then, the question arises, does
the B. & M. issue I these mileage
books, as they claim) to newspapers
on advertising? If so, what power
have they to take them up and de-
mand fare any time afterward? There
is only one way they could do this,
as SDecified in in the'eontract signed
by the publisher, and that would be
in case he transfered the mileage to
some one ew Arai hv should
the B. &. M. simrle out Mr. Coleman
. 0 V
as a special subiect for their displeas-
I , -
ure? Is it becauselfie is like Poor
.1 J CL. .. AAA LJCllA -rWail LUll X A
mg to the self-righteous judgment of
this arbitrary bull-dozing corpora
tion? ; -X : . . '.
If the B. & M. do not issue these
miieage books on advertising account
. ic .
to newspapers, wnat do tney, issue
them for? It is iiotithinthe proy
ince of their magnanimity to lavish
their stock in trade awav for nothing
Oh no, there never can be a jury em
panelled in this state but what would
pronounce them 'fnot guilty" of that
charge. However, Mr. Coleman, like
the rest of us, will now be compelled
to pay cash fare or walk, and, in the
meantime, it tnere is any otner way
the B. & M. can evince their supreme
disgust towards papers of this kind,
we invite them to "Lay on McDuff,"
etc. .
The Philosophy of Price.
xne pnnosopny 01 price is little un
derstood. . The margin of reward to
the producers consist of the surplus
prod acts which remains in their pos
session after the needs of subsistence
have been satisfied. It is obvious
therefore, that their income is deter
mined by the pi ices these products
bear. Another fact, viz: that in times
01 nign prices tne people are prosper
ous and labor generally employed, and
in times of low prices all industries
are depressed and labor largely idle
militates greatly in favor of high
prices. Of course an exception, mus
be made against high prices which are
artificial and are produced by combi
nations or by the monopoly of pro
ducts. Low prices are most injurious
to laborers and producers, and most
beneficial to the fixed-income classes
And yet the former are the very ones
who are continually clamoring for
lower prices. I heard John M. Thurs
ton say a good thing in his Chicago
speech in Armory D. He said he
wished it was against the law for any
man to wear a "biled shirt"' until he
knew that the woman who made it had
been paid a dollar for her work. I
said,: Ainenl AmenI Mr. Thurston,
unwittingly perhaps, declared a yery
valuable and important principle. I
will analyze some low prices and fol
low, them hompi, and if you have hearts
they will swell, and if the fountains
are not dried your eyes will fill. For
finishing shirts women are paid in
Chicago from seven to ten cents a doz
en, and for this pittance they, have to
put on each garment four stays or gus
sets, at least three buttons and one
ticket. That is, for seven cents they
have to sew in forty-eight stays, and
sew on thirty-six buttons and twelve
cards. These workers receive sixty
cents a dozen far ladies calico sacques,
articles which they themselves have to
cut out, and which have nine seams
each and a hem all around, with collar
and cuffs in addition, and some eight
buttons and button-holes. Five cents
apiece! just think "of it! for all this
"Xow shall we follow them home?
Home! Has the word a meaning for
such toilers as these? ; Says Geo. C.
Lorimer, describing one ot these homes
in New York: -
"The 1 00m was possibly ten feet
square, me ceiling was low and
slanting the only light a
small gable window tnrougu the roof.
In these cramped quarters were six
women and four sewing machines.
The air was stifling -
up 111 tne nineties ana odoriferous
with sewer gases. ine women
were wrqking as if driven by some un
seen power, but when I learned that
they were able to earn but fifty cents
for sixteen hours work, it needed no
further, investigation to convince me
that the 4 unseen power was the neces
sity for breed for their own and their
children's mouths."
Shall 1 follow this analysis of price a
little further? It will take us to the
streets at night, and to places where I
never go. $ut there are 40,000 women
in New York working ' for barely
enough to keep them from starvation
on account of low prices.
Within five minutes' walk of this
rookery described by Mr. Lorimer
could be found numerous men and
families with princely incomes rang
ing from $500,000 to $2,000,000 a year!
The prices which depress one enrich
the other.
Analyze low prices in any line of
production, whether shirt-making or
wheat-growing, and you find at the
final analysis that it is the laborer and
producer who suffer, and not the man
ufacturer, the jobber or the retailer.
Capital, in all the transmutations of
labor, takes good care of itself. The
laborer stands the brunt.
The same cause which produces a
shrinkage in the value of property
causes a decline of prices. This cause
is a contraction of the money, volume
relative to production. On February
27,1868, before the presidential bee had
demoralized him, when speaking of
contracting the currency .John Sherman
said: "It is not possible to take this
voyage (meaning the contraction of
the currency to appreciate ita value)
without the sorest distre-s. It
is a period of loss, danger, lassitude of
trade, fall of wage,s, suspension of en
terprise, bankruptcy and disaster."
No truer words were ever uttered.
This process has been going on and
on; values and prices have been going
down and down, and the bottom is not
yet reached. The wealth of the na
tion is being garnered through interest
by the capitalists, and the people are
becoming poorer day by day. It is
only by a radical revolution of our
financial system that these periodical
depressions can be arrested. They are
the natural outgrowth of the specie
basis and the restriction of our money
volume to an amount insufficient for
the business of the country. When
will the people see it? B.
, Yes, Light is Dawning.'
Neligij, Neb., July 5. Have re
ceived several copies of TnE Alli
ance! It has the right jingle. . We
are taking the Economist, but will add
TnE Alliance at the ?arliest possi
ble opportunity to our Order. Glad to
gee the work going on. God bless it.
We are bound to win. Monopoly and
all its mighty forces begin to tumble,
and well it might. Their cry is peace,
peace, but there is no peace for the
wicked. Fraternally,
L. B. Hendrick,
Sec. Elgin Tp. Alliance No. 401.
"English Lords Own Over a Mil
lion Acres of Land in This State and
We Have No Homes.
Denver, Colo., July 4. Today I
have witnessed the grandest celebra
tion I ever saw. W. T. Sherman was
here and the crowd was immense.
The different Trades Unions were rep
resented in the procession, which was
the largest I ever saw. The stone
cutters presented the most imposing
spectacle, there being about 300 of
them, and they were as fine a set . of
men as one ever looked at. Among
the many banners which they carried
was one upon .which was inscribed,
"The English lords own over a mil
lion acres of land in this state and we
have no homes." Xo one who did not
see this fine set of laboring men can
ever form any idea of the impression
this simple banner made. They had
on white shirts. ' were in their shirt
sleeves, and had 0:1 white aprons, had
the finest band in the procession and a
large dray on which" five or six stone
cutters were at work chiseling a large
slab of marble. The rest marched by
twos. - The city is decorated from the
humblest cottage to the court house.
At every crossing are electric wires
cf osswavs of the street and on these
are red white and blue lights as thick
as they can stick. , The artilery from
Ft Denver assisted in the celebration,
and as I write the city is illuminated
bright as day and one cannot hear him
self think for the noise. No use try
ing to describe the celebration, but it
was simply immense.
C. F. Feiinow.
Under this head we solicit short articles
from the people upon any and all subjects
of interest. . We cannot undertake to be re
sponsible however for any matter appearing
under this head the design being to allow
the greatest freedom to writers whereby
they can discuss, and thus take an interest
in the great questions of the day which are
so materlaUy affecting the people. Write plain
but never mind your spelling, grammar, or
anything of that sort, we'll attend to that.
Sign what you choose to your articles, but
send us your name always.
Roseland,Neb,, July 8. -We had a
glorious old time on the 4th of July
at this place. Our speaker paid a
glowing tribute to the .patriotism of
the American people, aud went on
to say that anarchy was dealt with in
a fitting manner, and that alone
showed the patriotism of the Ameri
can people. . The gentleman did not
say one word about what made an
archists, or who they were, but I
think we will have more than can be
got along with in peace if there is
not some change made socn. There
was no one competent to act as chair
man but a banker, and I think if the
speaker had just turned his-eye to the
right he would have seen some of the
outgrowth of our present systems
which make anarchists bv the hun
dreds. But, under our' systems we
cannot get along without them, and,
if the present continues, I think it
would pay to sell all we have and
start in the banking, business. But,
you will ask, who will borrow of you?
Well, may be the people would then
get the market overstocked. Then
money would be cheap and grain
high. That would suit these poor
worthless farmers. Then they might
be able to pay their taxes .and other
debts. ,
Mrv Editor, do you think the
farmers of Nebraska will ever accom
plish anything? For my part I
wonld say no, not as long as they
can be fed on soft corn, for, as a
rule, they are afraid that their neigh
bor iarmers cannot represent their
interests as well as a banker or law
yer. So the majority in this county
said when the M. P. "R. R. wanted
bonds. But I think some of them
would just as soon they had not voted
and submitted like little men to the
will of the railroad company. Talk
t f organization, but let one of these
slick corporation rascals come
around and the organization is gone
where the woodbine twineth and the
whangdoodle mourneth. If you
think you have space, all right.
A Clod Hopper.
Our correspondent is evidently
measuring the future by what is al
most too true of the past, and has got
the blues. Cheer up, Aleck, as
farmeis we are beginning to size up
alongside of these slick fellows you
speak of like man when it was said of
him: "He has become as wise as
one, of us gods." There are great
changes coming in the near ahead
my weary brother.
Our Far Alaskan Citizen.
A writer familiar with the uncivil
ized Esquimaux of far-off Northern
Alaska say that they are the most
abjeet beings he ever . saw. They
neither wash nor comb their hair, and
they wear dirty, filthy garments year
in and year out. Esquimau means
"raw fish eator;" their diet is chiefly
fish and game, kept until it is in a
state of .putrefaction, when to them it
is most delicious. Raw blubber of tho
whale is a great delicacy. Their man
ner of eating is dog-like. Fixing their
teeth in a piece of blubber, with a dull
knife they saw off the portion which
the mouth will not admit. The men
hunt and fish, while all other work is
done by the women. They know noth
ing of marriage vows; they cohabit,
separate and take partners at pleasure,
one man often having a succession of
wives. The old-time custom of tu tooting-
the face, arms and breast is still
practiced. The women wear ivory
stud3 in the lower lip, in which is in
serted their sewing needle for conven
ience when not ia use. The men also
have these apertures with bone or
ivory studs in their ears, in which
rings are inserted. Tho same f;.shioa
prevails largely In Southeastern
Alaska. "Out of the fashion, out of
the world," is as true of them as of us.
There is much caste among them, and
it would be hard to find a more con
servative and conventional people
Sitka Alaskan.
A Law Abider.
"I don't want to break the law,"
he said, as he stood in tho presance of
Capt Starkweather at polica head
quarters tho other day.
"You are very kind," replied the
captain. , :
'What is your case?"
"My wife has skipped."
Yes, skipped out two days ago. As
I said, I don't want to break the law.
What is the customary rule in such
"Let her skip."
"I am not expected to pursue het
and shoot somebody?"
"Thanks. She has skipped. Let
her skip. If she returns, I overlook
and forglvef If she does not I marry
tho hised girl. Perfectly satisfactorily,
sir, all around, I thank you for your
kindness." Detroit Free Press.
Ocean Steamships.
An order for a new ship of the qlaat
required to compete in the modern
passenger service of the Atlantic Is not
by any means a matter to be determ
ined on without grave consideration.
f,ed is costly, and as you increaso it
l.'is generally necessary to also incrcaso
the tonnage. This forces upon youi
consideration tides, channels, harbo
bars and dock accomodations, all o
Which impose limitations upon yo.
And then the, cost ot the ship herself Is
not a matter which even tho wealthiest
of corporations can provide for at u
moment's notice; it is not one hundred
thousand dollars, nor five hundred
thousand dollars that the work calls
for, but about five timed the latter sum, is safe to say that a vessel supcri
ior to the City of New York "or tho
Etruria could not be built for less than
two million and a half of dollars.
Sometimes the shipbuilders are willing
to become part owners of the projected
vessel; sometimes they take as part
payment for the work somo old
er vessels of the line, which
they refit, re-engine, modernize
and sell again. The ability of tho
builders, to make an arrangement
of this kind, of course, iniiuenooa
the placing of the contract, in a meas
ure, but they must also be able to giv
certain guarantees. They must enter
into an engagement that the projected
ship shall be able to carry so many
passengers and so many tons of cargo
and to attain a specific speed on a
given consumption of coal per day.
Let us say, for instance, that the
stipulations are those: ..Accommo
dations for 600 saloon passengers,
intermediate passengers' and 1.500
steerage passengers; registered ton
nage, 6,000; speed, 19 knots on a con
sumption of 300 tons per day. If tho
ship fails to fulfill these conditions tho
builders agree to forfeit a part of tho
amount they would otherwise receive
for her, or they may bo compelled to
take her back altogether. This was
the case with the City of Roino, which
was built for the Inman' line by tho
Barrow Shipbuilding Company.
ThsR R. Conluc or.
In former days the rallroal conduc
tor was quite an important pa.onago.
He enjoyed privilege! and mot with
consideration that tho r. c. knows
nothing about in th3o days of "spot
ters and no deadhoalln. It he, lived
at a hotel he had little or nothing to
pay, because he coald influence cus
tom Ton the road and "pas-" the lanu-
lord's family whon they dosired to
travel. Everybody wanted to bo tho
friend of the conductor. It was con
sidered quite an honor to get a nod
from him as he passed through the
car collecting his fares, mid tho man
or woman that he sat down and chatted
with in his moments of leisure, excited
the envy of all the other , p.issongors.
There were people who would rather
have been put off tho train by tho
early conductor than not to be noticed
by him at all. Women flirted with him
along the road, und if single the girls
considered him a great catch.
Then what consideration ho got
When he spent his little vacation in
some town along the line. Tho local
paper would say, "Col. Lee, the genial
and popular conductor of the S. C. It.
& T. Railroad, is In town for a few
days, looking handsomer and more
smiling than ever. IIo has promised
to 'chalk1 our hat whenever ho
catches us on his line, and the Colonel
is a man of his word."
But all this has passed hy. Tho
modern conductor can chalk hats no
more, and if he were caught dead
heading a friend he would probably bo
bounced. As for flirtations a good
looking brake man has as good a show
as any conductor on the line. Puffs
for tho conductor have dropped out of
the newspapers. On some roads they
are known by their numbers chiefly,
and it wovdd read absurdly "Conduc
tor No. 174, of the X. & Y. R. It.; is
spending a few days in twn." Texas
Thsy Both Understood Him.
Fenderson Ha! what's this? "Tho
posterior third of the Inferior convolu
tion of tho left frontal lobe Is diseased
In aph isis." Now, this Is really start
ling. Pil tell th it to Mr. Stickle; he's
always interested in such matters.
Oh, here he is now. I say, Stickle,
were you awaro th;it the posterior con
vention of tho aphasia Is diseased in
the left third of the inferior lobe?
And then Stickle knew just as much
about it as Fendcrson did; but it was
an interesting mutter, and both gentle
men stuck their hands in their pockets
and felt it would be a cerriblo set back
to tho earth should they ba taken out
pf it.
Particualr About Stylo.
Mrs. IVim (stylish boarding-house
keeper) "It cannot bo delayed any
longCi. We must have a new set of
Daughter "Yes, ma; tho old set v,u
very handsome in its day, but it's all
out of fashion now."
"Well, rnyfdeai', go to Rrickaback &
Co's, and selsct a new dinner service;
take nothing but Royal Windsor china
or Dresden ware, no matter what tlio
"Yes, ma."
"And, by the way, on your return
step into the market and order twen
ty pounds of corn beef and forty pounds
of liver." Now York Weekly.