The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 03, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    October 3t 1901.
The Latest Hctcbkiss One
Pounder Automatic Gun.
Vie Vftg.) ilmtl 374 fde am4
riee av frlMU WthvtaT Oat
Tnm4 Wills Mut Velocity (
1,040 Fawst CMeSete - mt
Tlrtft - fart.
.Tbe 4ts peua4rr astomatie machine
fs3 l ltsI os tbe same prtDc'.ple at
tLt cf tbe vr-U known lictchklts rie
caEbfr carbine gun. bet the detail
cT tte cwhaclsa tare been greatly
co;ifd la order to simplify the con
tnrtijo ! trecrthea tb fcreeca
clot err. ayt tbe New York Sua. Tbe
tn9 cotit f tblrty-thrfe component
parte, cf which ftrn comprise the op
rating oechacl rx la them latter are
cc.Btain4 no crews cr pin and only
ttree f;-rinx. cf which tne alone la
cesUl ta tli wcrkicg of the gun.
A3 tb motions the mechanism are
parallel to tbe axis cf tbe gun, ao4
tberefort tb accuracy of fire la cot
affected by tb Tlbraticca. Tbe entire
tnebn!t3 may te Jlramsteil or as
smb4 la about thirty second with
ct tbe . cf tools aaJ baa been so
Sea1jr&eJ and simplified tbat It may te
Germination of a Loy3 Affair.
ly there seems no doubt of the effect
fveness of either serum as applied to
animals. How would it affect the hu-
BT GCXON P. WILS3N. man belngsr
(Copyright, WK by Daily Story Pub. Co.) "The last lingering doubt is re
ft have Just come to a knowledge of I mOTed! Circumstances made it pos-
certaia facu which I deem it my. im- gible for me to secure a small quantity
peratiTe duty to make public for two of the blood of Miss M. (in this, as
reasons first, because they clear up la all other Instances, the names are
tbe mys tery of the disappearance of suppressed for reasons even more ob-
tnat great and original la rest! gator, vlous than In the case of the Profes-
my friend. Professor X. whose many sor himself) in which I made a cul-
frlends will, after perusing what is iure of the microbe of love. With
here set down, easily recognize him this I inoculated myself, and now, im-
wtthout the mention of his name,' possible as it would seem to mv
which, made la so public a manner, friends, I find myself madly in love
would. I know, be highly oensive to with her. I might counteract this by
him), and. second, because I hope they an Inoculation of the opposite germ,
wilj cause Some other scientist of but I . cannot bring myself to do it.
prominence to follow up the unique Evidently I am very, very much in
and, I conceive, eminently Important love!"
line of investigation Initiated by Pro- "I have made a horrible discovery.
f essor X.
i say that I have just come to a
knowledge of these facts. This is the
exact truth, although the bald facts
have been in my possession for the
Miss M. does not and says she can
never love me! Further, though she
also says that she will never marry.
I am convinced that J. loves her al
most as madly as I do! And he has
before the Professor disappeared so
completely I received through the mail
a note from him with a sealed en
closure which his note requested me
to open and read three months after
St reached me. This I have just done.
The enclosure I found to be the Pro
fessor's nots upon the progress of a
most remarkable and unusual series of
experiments founded upon the germ
theory. In this connection I wish to
say that while, la commoa with his
other frieads, I of course knew of the
Professor kwn intfrM:t In this the-
jtrsted and rsml for by any man cf ory. I had had not the slightest hint
ordinary fnulKjr-nce. that he had struck out so boldly In
Tbe Zrizs r-ar is arranged for firing the field of original research. .
sLtgie .bets cr c-ostlBoousIy at win. tbe 80 radical has been the Professor's
t tv .tt.iBir- i departure in these experiments from
, . the beaten track that I have thought
u"aic' " It it tn r1v- , .lmn.t ert rnro-
kde4 by rseass of fee4 strips holding j ductIou of the notes in my possession,
!gbt or ua rotrals or by lelts of mereiy editing them and eliminating,
twenty -five or fifty fwmoda, Tbe rate as far as possible, the phraseology of
of tre Ss tb earre for both methods cf the scientist that would be In large
l&sdlre. iVxh mrtzm and be!u are t measure unintelllgble to the layman.
t-a.j whollT cf mild steel and may be ? I the notes la the order la which
- i-,ATtuir mr,tni r farm-1 they appear in the book containing
, j T
Sxg atd. beisg eotlrt-iy metallic, are
tA. aJTectr4 ty wster and climatic
ccsdltkis. Tbe feed njecbacltia is la- j
past three months. To be plain. Just j youth, wit, fortune, comeliness every
attribute that could attract a woman
while I"
"Why should I hesitate? I might, it
Is true, cease to love her, but I could
neter forget that I had loved. Fate
It can have been nothing else has
placed In my hands a'sufflclent quan-
them. They were evidently jotted
down at different times, but none are
dated, though the last was manifestly
written Immediately before the Pro-
leyeodrt i f.vay and 1. not infiu-j '
X fatica cr Jri'rrt,lon of i -I am fascinated. Forsad
Forxsdme time I
have been studying those two strong
est cf human passions love and hate
M tkclr ni-io-ln Tmi 11 r A inteTtmt- I tit rf T 'a Y1nrA trr mv numncQ and
Trc.Iy rre h- .abjtea to ex- j ,cs to the lnTestigator if for no other with it I have made a culture of the
trCJKStUre 13 ra-e tlie nriSg -t all vntH mtfrnKo nt lellVo wltVi mv nwn
wtiSi gun loaoeo. iw , lea &t deftance instances are plenty, heart's blood I am preparing the se
I is tttrd m:ih a radiator which , . .v ., , , tr.,. ,w
tbe tVce.
Tbe rart ridges are not fed Into tbe
cbsct-er catU tbe iisststit of Cricg and
1 j
irrei nnea w:ia wcu of the manifestation of love where the
vekTd by tbe wdr and obviates tbe j CAilrd Uwg of natar appear. The
teee:ty of a water Jacket. papers recenUy noted that a large and
iij:Picoaxny liaie 1 TBomou, snake had killed a setting
brief y thus: A f irt Is driaed into ; bea and tben caruHy hatched and
il isr.i ox tLe gun a jew cuir. rwed her chickl. The killing of .their
rrsa t tsinrzw a;.a iticS iae uore i OWQ offeprIng by animals of many
1st rostr-esieatioo wit a a cyi.noer , v!, rnTT,mnn. The sentiments of
I saw J enter.
rum of affection. Heaven send an early
opportunity to inoculate my darling
with them both! I have been under
a terrible mental strain and am phys
lcally scarcely able to handle my
"The opportunity has come! I have
applied both the preparations to my
darling liberally lavishly! Unless all
rra!i to asd beneath it. Withia tbe j p4JeaU toward their children and vice my science is at fault I shall shortly
cjvTAr ti a 1 4ioa. tw weo ou u ; T(.ra ar all too often at variance
JSbsrre f the gsa tbe prejectUe wlth the How are these facta to
pswke, bvyvti J tbe gs jvrt tbe Jr j accounted forr
g esters tbe eyiiMer a&4 throws tb
j.tstc-a tbe resr. Tbe rearward mo- !
tioa of tbe p!in eia;Tefces tbe mala
jrlsg. d lb!. when not prevented j
ty tbe tracer. liamlLauly returns tbe j
.itoo it original joltioa. Tbe re-
XLAlcleg of tle raecbsniini are
"As far back as we can trace, love
and hate have been known by common
consent as matters of the heart. Such
things very often have a foundation
in fact why may not this have? And
if there is any real connection, may
it not, since the heart is merely the
actuated ty this recl;irtting pttton j force pump of the blood, lie in. the life
atd pt-rfsma tbe o:-ratWn of opening j fluid itself? And, this granted, might
and g tbe bn-ech. extraction and j we not go a step further and Imagine
JcWa cf tbe rcjir eartrldge case, that there exist germs of the two mas-
feeditg. losdi&g aud Crtiig. 1 ter passions?"
XLe geii. we!5!sg hitmi 74 poanai, j Here follow numerous entries of so
tit a r of I 43 lncbe and fires a j technical a nature that they are quite
Icieetile ecbitg one rxmnd with a i tey0nd my understaadlcg. They are
mtsz iU-c'.r of l.f40 foot seeooda. j evidently notes of the succeeding steps
Tb amrwjres are normally oadeu i in a Tery lengthy seri of experi
with a rbarre of farty grams of French menU. However interesting they may
jokie ponder with aa igniter cf j prove hereafter to a scientist, they
twograca. need not be inserted here. The latter
Tb Eum!ut:-ff are of vrlou form ', notes, however, tell' of a successful out-
be a. happy man. Poor J.! I feel
genuinely sorry for him, yet I cannot
reproach myself."
'Something has gone wrong.
called upon Miss M. tonight and vras
received most frigidly.' Indeed, she
Intimated rather broadly that she ex
pected another guest. Of course, ',
took the hint and left. From across
the 6treet I saw J. enter!"
"Gracious Heaven, what a blunder!
I have convinced myself of the cause
of it all. In preparing the two cul
tures with which to inoculate Miss M.,
in some inexplicable manner I got my
microbes mixed! "'
"As soon as I have counteracted my
own unfortunate inoculation I leave
to study the mosquitoes of the Klon
dike region. Cards are out for the
marriage of Miss M. and J. in June."
" ' -.' -.1 .t - .', r A '. j . j -
The Birth of a New Joke The Keallatte
School A Common Mnt Not Ex
MUr What She Wanted Per U of the
From the Boston Journal: No po
liceman was in sight, of course. That
was because he was wanted. V
"Hit himV Muggsy!"
"Soak him, Swipes!" . J J-
"Now youse got him!" """
"Put it on ther smellerl" '
When it becomes necessary to
sit up in bed to get your breath;
when the least' exertion such as
wklking,4 sweeping, singing,
talking or going up and down
stairs, causes shortness of
breath, fluttering or palpitation;
rrten it- ?c timet tn rfr snmrhincr
, ji . & These and many other edifying ejac-
to brace Up and. Strengthen uiations were r hurled at two small
your failinff heart. Take Dr. bootblacks who were earnestly en
Miles' Heart Cure. It IS best Ua&ed ln BPc411ng each other's faces
! "I could not rest at night and
often had to sit up In bed to
breathe. The least exertion would
make my heart palpitate dread
fully. Our doctor prescribed Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure and it com
pletely restored me to health."
Mrs. E. CL McKelvby, .
Palin, Tenn.
Dr. Miles'
Heact Cute
with their . fists, while a big crowd
stood in a circle about them, in front
of the postoffice. ;"'. ' .
It was going badly for the larger of
the two boys when a member of ths
Boston Peace, Society, or one of its
branches, stepped In and separated the
boys. For a wonder both seemed will
ing to Stop. The peacemaker said:
"Well, what are you fighting about?"
Then an amusing explanation fol-
j lowed and a new idiotic joke was
j started on its journey , through the
town, for every man and boy In the
crowd that heard the explanation
started of to "spring" the Joke on the
Stimulates the digestion, in- first acquaintance he should meet, and
creases tne circulation ana l.:r i r
t -l nunc engagement, xne ooy saia:
makes weak hearts Strong. "Th bloke comes ud ter me and sez.
Sold by druggists on guarantee. 'Say, what's ther next to ther last
ieuer m tner ainnyoeti
'T,' sea I.
" 'Cos I wants to know,' sex he. and
he laughs and swipes me on ther back.
en ther others they all laugh too.
don't see no joke in it, 8Q I hits him
on ther peeper. Do youse see
He stopped short; a grin spread all
over his dirty and bruised face. He
looked sheepish and then laughed outright.
'Hully gee, I see it now. You're all
right, Muggsy. Shake! Why, Y, sure.
Its a good one, and I'll spring it on me
They shook hands and went off to
gether. The" crowd laughed and each
one' hastened to spread the plague a
new joke.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
WANTED Several persons of char
acter and good reputation in each state
to represent and. advertise. old estab
lished wealthy business house of solid
financial standing. Salary $10 weekly
with expenses additional, all payable
In cash each Wednesday direct from
head offices. Horse and carriages fur
nished, when necessary. Jteferences.
Enclose self-addressed stamped envel
ope. Manager, 316 Caxton bldg., Chi-
Home Visitors Excursions
The Chicago, Rock. Island & Pacific
railway will sell low rate excursion
tickets to points In Indiana, Kentucky
and Ohio on Sept. 16, 23rd and 30th and
Oct. 7th, good for thirty days for the
return. For further inforfation ' and
rates address."
1045 O St., Lincoln, Neb.
xou never can tea. ro one -sus
pected for a moment. But you never
can , tell.' The old . gentleman was so
dignified. When he passed down Olive
street in the mornings they used to
say of him: "I wonder who that
wealthy, banker is?" or, "I wonder
what brokerage firm he is connected
with?" . .
tie was so dignified. He was so
immaculate. - So precise. . .
But the germ is In the air. You
breathe and you swallow it.
ftrmn Vl tv hann tA AhearvA svn OIIva
rlun I IINU OAIN JUat OUALL. ctraet thA M mntlomtn waa Iabb Air
What did he mean by rump-
We will trade anything In the house
for a good driving horse.
WANTED A womap. for general
housework; good wages. Mrs. Harry
rorter, Lincoln. - -
fr aattl tVrk. buat. xcaftbeai. land
Jr?. teld. Irbette a ad caseniate. In
fietj opera ties tbe nle cf tbe one
pctaidr gxa is 1st ertaed late between
tbtt tf te'J artillery and machine
gtE&a, Fr tbl recn an equipment of
great ta3biiJ?y U require! together
wl;b rrovUiwa for carrying a large
2iactlty of atamusttWa.
Tb r!ctt tebind tbe gun tef a la
22 p-ssd. arid ttat cf tbe calon
fsSy eatfi-l is ZAi fwunda. Tbe
lir.te earriea rS pounds and tbe cais
av. L7L
It' rerreens tbe lrtest itn-
jectpri:-st la ga roTitructloa and is
a tt;r tf it asiotrjiikr gun of medium
I-'r L aU St t)-cbjilim perfect
ed to tte j reat atate cf our knowl
edge of tbe aet'-ct.
"I verily believe that I have it last
Xtaerlee Vata GaUliiK.
"Tbe Arerk-eu stcbtasker la slow
ly fwrglng iu4 cf tbe Swt." aaid
Tbedre flard. junior member of
tb Ik-ward Jewelry aud watch man
i.faurii.g fna in Lucerne, Switzer
land, tbe etb-r day to a rrtrter of
tbe New Tork Tnbuae. Mr. Iloasard
la now !a New Tvrt city, baring com
pleted a year cf att!y and inreatlga
tk?a tf tbe erect watch factories of
tbe United fcta'e. Contiauiog. Mr.
2kaard aaU:
It i tvt t-aay years ago tbat tbe
i.iw fl " '
Sometlvlag haa gone wrong.
succeeded in isolating the germs of
love and hate!" Then is set forth at
length the scientific descriptions ot
these germs, the nuaber of which
present in any case, according to the
Jewelry atsrea f Switzerland were f Professor, governs the defxee of the
sentiment. The notes continue
"Given a culture of the germ of love
In tbe blood of one animal tjad another
animal Inoculated with tbat culture,
the animal so Inoculated will love the
one whose blood furnished the culture
medium. The same is true of the
germ of hate. I believe that I have
eliminated every possibility of error.
tld each surnsicr with American
travelers who wanted to buy Swiss
watches. Tbere was a!o a large ex
pert la this line cf manufac
tcrtrg. At tbe present time tbe de
cand fcr fcwUa watches by American
totaltts b grestly decreased and on
ly continues la tbe sale of old Swiss
clock, which are mote prited for their
earvtsx tlaa their machinery. The ex
pert trade, too. baa considerably
shrv&k. doe. we betleve. to aa increase
Sa tb American product-
Ifetar Cr4a.
Tbe Greek gtivt-rnraect tas secured a
rxopo!y cf tbe picture otaI card
talnea. It taa Juct laaued cards wth
atfrty-for different view f famous
does and ctber set net.
Imprmtd by Magnificence. (
Now the splendor of New York
reaches its appropriate pinnacle in the
Walkofl-Hysteria, and the Walkoff-
Hysteria is lovely. Seventy-three para-
gangs in circumference twenty-seven
miles high, glowing with soft vermil
ion outside, the resplendent within
with gold and silver and precious
stones, the Walkoff-Hysteria becomes
at once the most dazzling and the most
characteristic of all metropolitan in
stitutions dazzling because metro
politan, characteristic because daz
zling. And the people inside? I found
them absolutely the most admirable
examples of our civilization modest,
domestic, moral and sane. Ihis you
could tell by their dress. They were
persons of taste. The Walkoff-Hysteria
for them; refinement demands har
mony In all things, and they must
needs seek a suitable background for
their many tinted fine feathers. I con
fess, however, that I appreciated their
cultivation only by somewhat gradual
degreis; but at last I came out the
right door, convincing myself that here
were no pretenders or nouveaux riches
or wealthy pawnbrokers or painted
frauds. No; they were the most estim
able persons one and all an so re
fined. And yet I was somewhat amused
when I heard the pretty story of a rus
tic couple who put up in this daintily
appointed metropolitan hostelry
"why didn't yew tuck yer boots auot
side the door for the porter tew
black?" "Gawsh!" cried Reuben
Was afeerd
he'd gild 'em." Boston
Peculiarities of the Black Sea.
Sir John Murray recently showed
how remarkably the Black Sea differed
from other seas and oceans. A surface
but I shall, of course, put my conclu j current flows continuously from the
Black sea Into the Mediterranean, and
an under current from the Mediterran
sions tp further testi."
"A cat in a cage at my elbow . is
cursing carefully a litter of Uny mice,
orphaned by tabby herself. She ate
their mother. I have a hawk rearing
a brood of chickens. Her motherly af
fection for them Is touching and pro
nounced. Two dogs, brothers and
hitherto the, best of friends and mer
riest of playmates, have, In the past
few days, become the .bitterest, of
snarling, snapping enemies CarULa-
ean into the Black Sea. The latter cur
rent la salt, and being heavier than
the fresh water above, it remains stag
nant at the bottom. Being saturated
with sulphuretted hydrogen, this water
will not maintain life, and so the Black
Sea contains no living inhabitants be
low the . depth of about 100 fathoms
The deeper water, when brought to the
.surface, smells exactly like rotten eggs.
ling letters he took from his pockets
and making them into little spheres?
And then his cane! The funny way
he began to manipulate it!
Up goes the paper sphere! Biff goes
the cane! Bang! goes the paper
Every day the same old story. Biff!
Method of Applying- a. Government
Preparation Found to Be TJaeful.
A number of inquiries have come to
the Arnold arboretum in Boston, as
the chief center of tree study in the
United States, as to the best methods
of getting rid of the San Jose scale.
Fortunately the arboretum seems to be
free from the pest, and the director, then Bang!
Professor Charles S. Sargent, says that Mental aberration?
It has not been necessary for his as
sistants to study it with the care that
has been devoted to its habits at sever
al of the state agricultural stations. Mr,
Jackson Dawson, however, the super
intendent and head gardener of the ar
boretum, has recently given some ad
vice as to the best method of applying
one of the standard government prepa-
Nothing of the
kind. v -'
Simply baseball mania.
He bats away -all his correspondence
in this manner. He also maintains a
batting average. Every miss is
"time at bat;'.' and striking the paper
sphere is a base hit. He is his own
official scorer. He Is impartial. The
old gentleman really has a "good eye.V
rations for exterminating the scale and hei ,s ba.ttIne ow wel1 over tbe
which seems likelv to be eenerallv use- auw mam,
ei ' This is a confession. Mention It to
The nrenaration referred tn 1 that the old gentleman if you like, but I
recommended for an uncertain climate he kicks you don't complain to the
UnhlA to rnlns nnrl shnwpro onrl 1c no POllCe. bt. 1XJU1S FOSt-LUSpatCn.
follows: "Whale oil or fish oil soap,
preferably made with potash lye, Is dis
solved in water by boiling at the rate
of two pounds of soap to a gallon of
water. It is applied hot, and on a
moderately, warm day in winter it can
be put on the trees with an ordinary
spray pump.
Mr. Dawson suggests February and
March as the best months for this soap
treatment and as the most thorough
means of applying it an ordinary flat
paint brush, with which every part of
the infected tree should be gone over.
The brush, Mr. Dawson says, is usual
ly more effective than the spray In all
similar applications, but it should be
-followed later, perhaps Just before the
budding of the tree, by a thorough
syringing with the same wash made up
in about half the usual strength. In
midsummer a still more diluted wash.
pernaps ten gallons of water to a
pound of soap, may be serviceable
against the scale and by the addition
of a tea spoonful of paris green to a gal
lon of water be made an effective gen
eral Insecticide. .
It has been announced tbat an at
tempt is being made to find a parasite
of the scale in Japan for use in infect
ed districts in this country, and It la
Interesting In this connection to learn
that the American scientists who have
gone there with this idea in mind have
Farmer Hayrlx (in department
store) "I wunder what them thai
gals air allers yellin cash fer?"
Mrs. Hayrix "I reckon mebby It i
tewlet folks know they don't trust
nobody." :
Capital and Sarplat $738,801.45. "
R-lnuraee Raaerr $101,956.02.
1 Insures City and Farm Property against -
I We have special facilities for writing -all'-, kinds of Insurance, .
f : including Surety, Indemnity,- Court And Contract ' BONDS ;
' Being Resident Officer? we can execute and deliver in our own
office' Bonds of the Union Surety and Guaranty Company, of ;
Pennsylvania without any unnecessary delay. v i
Collecting "Corpea Klnya." : -'
The Dublin Freeman's Journal calls
attention to a very novel and some
what grewsome .development of the
collecting fad. A ..Ballysbannon man
has,' It states, made a collection of
sailors' "corpse rings." Seafaring
men of most nations possess in com
mon the habit of wearing a thick sil
ver ring on the little finger Thess
rings are 'engraved inside with the
owner's name and port, shd serve to
Identify his body-In the event of death
by drowning. The collection of "corpse
rings" is a fairly large one, and every
ring has, it is stated, been obtained
from the relations "or comrades of the
drowned sailor; - The fad ot a well
known statesman, no longer living, for
the collection of false teeth is beaten
In its singularity by this phase of the
collecting fever."
Tha Bea( They . Cn to.
The French cannot "kick" a man.
The best they can do la to give him
a hit with the foot." "A Portuguess
cannot "wink" - at a girl He must
lengthen It i out - into "closing and
opening of tne eyes." Most of the In
dian languages are stated to have no
word to express the idea of "stealing."
and one ot the early missionaries' who
translated ' the Bible into the . Algon
quin speech, finding they have no word
to express "love," was forced to in
vent one. "
The people of South Dekoti; through
their representatives in ' the legisla
ture, have formally declared their de
sire for an amendment to the const!
tution providing for- the election of
United States senators by direct vote
of the electors. The .Joint resolution
to the effect has passed both houses
and will be transmitted to congress by
the secretary of state.
CnrloaUle of Criminal Law. '
Among the curiosities ot criminal
law brought to light by the discussion
ot the Cudahy kidnaping is the fact
that in Tennessee the punishment for
stealing a horse Is irnprisbnment for
not less than 'three nor more than ten
years, while for stealing a child it is
only from one to -five years. : A hill
has- been Introduced ir the legislature
which : corrects this by making r kid
naplng a crime punishable by death.
Char Wealth In Animal. ,
In this country last year there waa
one horse for , every five Inhabitants
(men, women. and children), one milch
cow for every four Inhabitants, one or
for every three lnnabitatits and oiw
eneep for every one and two-thirds in
habitants. Including swine with those
already mentioned there was a value
of farm animals of $300 for every man,
T"man and child in the country.
... The Siulro,a Wotlce. . , . .
The following waa posted up in a
small country village; "Notice is here
by given that the 'squire (on account
of the backwardness of the harvest)
will not shoot himself or any of hla
tenants till the 14th of September."
London TIt-Blts. J '
. ..........
A-ea of. the Sooth,
The SouLh Includes one-fourth of
the total area and one-third of th
population of the United States. Ita
cotton and cottonseed atom gave it an
Income last year of $545,000,000 the
largest value of any single crop in th
world. It3 corn and its lumber product
brought it the snug sum of $300,000,-
000. Moreover, the South raises 80
pr cent of all ' American tobacco,
mines" 20 per cent of all Its coal, pro
duces 1 per cent of its iron, has 30
per cent of its total railroad mileage,
and a steadily Increasing percentage ol
Its manufacturing.
Two Federal Departments.
Two federal departments disburse al
most exactly the same amount in sal
aries, the treasury department and the
Interior department, in Washington
$5,000,000 each. But the treasury de
partment . has 40 more employes thai
the interior department, the average
rate of compensation in the treasury
service, In which there are many worn?
en employed, being less than in the
other. r ' ' ;
t .a CanSy In Hot Weather.
"It Is very difficult In hot weather t
please women who are confirmed candj
eaters," says a manufacturer. "Wit
chocolates and caramels, particularly;
we have to itand a pretty large pecunl-?
ary loss when the thermometer ap
proaches the 90 mark. . Chocolates be
gin to persjdre .badly then, and a very
short exposure givee them an actual
case of sunstroke. They have to b
made fresh : every, da in' order to n
sent out of the store at all."
rr c- .
............ . ... ?
. , Reading Aloud.
People with 1 chest complaints are
recommended by medical men to read
aloud, as this rtrengthens throat, lungt
and chest muscles alike. The reading
should be deliberate, without being al
lowed to drag, and tbe . enunciation
Iclear, the body being held in an easy,
unstrained, :'?bt position, so that
the chest have free play. The
breath ingJH uld be natural and as
deep as .ble without undue effort
. . .Our Commonplace Face. ,
A gentleman who has made a study
of the subject ha3 come to the con
clusion that the American face Is not
distinctive in any sense of the word.
Or if it has" any distinctive feature it
Is In the fact that there is no strong
characterislc that would differentiate
it from other faces of superior races.
There is nothing that will call it up in
the mind from the world's group ot
Caucasian faces. - , :
To Honor Empreia, Not Madman.
Some Austrians " living in Genevs
conceived the project of placing a me
morial tablet In the Qua! du Leman,
where the Empress Elizabeth was as
sassinated. The authorities, however,
refused their permission on the ground
that it would be improper to commem
orate the deed of a madman and help
to preserve his name. , In place of th
tablet it is now proposed to erect
chape) In honor of the empress.
Sprockett "It's a hard world. 1
found the Japanese using the brush in have hardly made myself the mastei
Just the same way as has been recom- of bicycle vocabulary -so that I can
mended by Mr. Dawson.
Your Lifeaway I
xou can oecureaor any lorm oi tobacco uslnr
easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of
new ure and vigor by tatiag MO'TO'DAO.
mat makes weak men strong. Manv train
ten pounds in ten daya. -Over BOO.OOO
cured.. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book
let and advice FREE. Address STERLING
ivr.fltftux W4 cucago or New York. 437
talk wheel glibly, when the wheel Is
almost out of fashion, and nobody will
listen If I talk about It."
Niblick "Why don't you study goll
Sprockett "Because my mind isn't
equal to it. It would drive me crazy."
"Niblick "Very likely; but it
wouldn't be noticed on the links, you
know." Boston Transcript, r
Dr. J. M. Peables, the Grand Old Man of Battle Craek, Michigan, Cures Soealled
Incurable or Hopeless Casea Through the Woaders of Psycblo Science
Dr. Peebles, the grand old man ef Battle
Creak, in whose brain originated PSYCHIC
TREATMENT, has so perfected his method
that it has revolutionized tha art of healing.
and it can almost be said there are so nope
lessor incurable diseases. - This system of
treatment haa brought thousands upon
thousands back to health after they had
ks&f J'htoX
r A'v- ,. a.. . i j . i v rB .
. ineie wonaeriuiu - IK-'? A
tbrousrh a. systems o v1r.t iLJ NT -by
Dr. Peebles him-fc ,Wt V rZ 1
on Psychic Phe 1?ivyr ' j
binatiou of mildR V t,';5V'I ' J
been pronounced hopelessly 111 by the best
lnnal nhrsieian. His cures hara been pro
claimed PHENOMENAL by the many thou
sands who hate had a chance to watch th
near neighbor, friend or relative pronounced
at Death's door by tha local doctor, brought
back to perfect maunooa
doctor ana nis associatea
cures ate brought about
of treatment oriffinated 1
self, tha great authority
nnmini. which is a con
magnatie remedies and Psychia Power, mak
ing the strongest healing eombination
known to science. This method has been
to perfected by the doctor tbat anyone may
use it in their own home without detention
from business or the knowledge of anyone.
Mrs. J. W. Anderson, St. Johns, Washing
ton, suffered for years with pain in the
ovaries and uteriae weakness j she was en
tirely cured by this treatment. Mrs. C. Har
ris, of Marionrille, Pa., says she cannot ex-'
press too much gratitude for the results re
ceived from Dr. Peebles1 treatment for fail
ing of tbe womb and general exhaustion.
Gtorge H. Weeks of Cleveland, Ohio, sends
liatflt tliBnka tar restoration to health
ttr nftrinir from nervous nrostration and insomnia for vears: be says lie now enjoys ex
cellent health and restful sleep every night. . G. D. Young, of Wimer, Oregon, says: For
years I bora about my body the piteous spectacle of disease and death stared me in the
face. I now thank Heaven I am a well man, and I owe this great victory over disease to
Dr. Peebles and hiseorpa of assistants." Mrs. Bell B.Bond, of Dunkirk, N. Y. who wai
cured ot asthma, dropsy heart trouble and femala weakness in a vary few months,
writes that she recommends Dr. Peebles'. treatment to all her sick friends add relatives
in fact, to U suffering humanity. . '- "
No matter what the disease it or how despondent you may feel because you have been
told there is no help for you, there is still hope. Hundreds of women suffering, have been
cured by Dr. Peebles' methods, after being told there was no help for them unless an opera
tion was resorted to. The aame may be said of men who are debilitated from excesses and
early indiscretions. Indigestion, stomach and bowel troubles, catarrh, Uver trouble, rheu
matism, kidney trouble, heart trouble, luag and bronchial trouble dropsy in fact any
and all diseases yield to this wonderful System. If you are unfamiliar with this treatme nt,
which is annually curing thousands of those pronounced incurable, do not fail to send at
onee for literature giving full information concerning this grand treatment, it costs noth
ing whatever, and the information gained will be worth much to you even though you do
not take treatment. If yon are siok aud discouraged do not fail to have the doctors diag
...... -nn mrA tll inn vnur Mtirl condition. Just write them a niain. truthful letter
abobt your ease; they will confidentially consider the same, send you at once a complete
diagnosis oi your condition, ana aiso literature ou uis g-raau Hwin ui mb tiuau, wmvuer
with Dr, Peebles' emr, "The Psyehie Science in tha Cure of Disease." All this is seat ab
eolutelj free. If suffering, write today. Address
DR. PEEBLES' INSTITUTE OF HEALTH, Dept. ioi. Battle Creek. Mich.