The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 08, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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August 8, 190:i
... t
hzlp tut tist ralnl does have
c:ne Ittl lauzt ca matter even at
rotLi4?rUe ditanc. kcov that
rclci ras & lutl Sl?t. True,
there t , nit-crap a connection, but
they tlrls tow without a" wire
-4 why e&c't the mind t I-graph
with tit the nerves? It is cot unrea
onaLU to roc r lade that when a mil
lion of jsii-i all concentrate upon one
thing they woald Late more or lest ef
fect. Tor one we teller fa a special
power iff xnlad upoa matter.
The readers of this paper . will be
pSead to learn thai there Is at least
a 4r44 disrate tLat science has
Wa i' to cur la all It stag? and
thst U Cu rr it. Hall's Catarrh Cam
la th only positive rare bow known
to the rs.21rJ frt-raity. Catarrh be
l&g a constitutional diea. requires
a constitutional treatment- Hall's
Catarrh C-r U taken internally, act
leg d:wtly upoa the t!oo4 and mucoua
arfarra cf the sytn. thereby de
stroying the f oundatioa of the dis
a ed giving the patient atrength
my building sp the constitution and'.n- cat ere la doing it work.
The proprietors hve so much filth
la Us curative powers, that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any caae
that It fsf.s to car. Send for list of
teatlrnoniala. Addrea. -F.
J. CHCNCV it Co Toledo. O.
KoM by druggists. ISc
Hall a Family li!s are the test.
Outing for the Poor.
It la cot eicre the rich and the well-to-do
who are planning to go Into the
country tils lasnfr. The poor are
going, too bend re-ds of them, More
over, they are not to be taken la char
ity. t-t la &ifbborI!.ess. la other
words, tte aettlementa are to take
. Time was. net so very many years
ago, w tea the poor of this city had no
tho art t cf a ac tamer outing. If, by
any r nance, such a favor was extend
ed to th-m through the kindness of
crse benevolent person, It bore thee
obvlocs arpect cf charity. With the
InsUVstHsn f the settlements, how
ever, there has come about a new con
dition. It la not a change which the
c-htase can easily understand, for It Is
a spiritual rather than a material dif
ference. It Iks h-re: The rummer
outings glTn to tLe poor of Chicago
this sassier will he extended as hos
pitality from fiinds to friends, and
those who receive this hospitality are
placed upon the same footing as ai!
other r jis and eipted to gire cf
their loyalty and rf-xl will, their tal
ents and sen ices, just as the members
of a horns party would do.
For example, the Chicago commons
will establish Camp Good Kill at Irv
ing, 111-, as la former years. As soon
as the heat of the tantsr has made
Itself fjtmtur thirty hoys will be
taken to tie camp for a fortnight. At
the eoscltMloa cf -that period another
decachraent of thirty hoys will be in
vited, and, after three detachments of
boys hate each enjoyed their two
wks viit thirty girls will be taken.
The camp will he kept open for twelve
weeks, and the boys and girls who
rlsit there will each pay fifty cents for
their vacation. They will also, help
with the housework and will . be ex
pected to assist la amusing each other
and to look after any who are not
strong or who are shy or unused to
the Earliih tongue. By such reciproc
ity ! this bcpitality placed on a high
er and more neighborly plane than the
old way of extending perfunctory char
ity. The givers are now expected to
giTe of themselves aa well as of their
taoscy, and the beneficiaries are ex
pected to giTe of themselves also.
About seventy-fire older fizl of the
commons have rented a cottage at
Glenco. I1L, where they will spend
their vacation. The expenses of the
cottage will be partly defrayed bysthe
romcoci. hat the girls hope to re
Quira bet little of this assistance, and
they will decorate the cottage la as
-Jolly" a fiihloa as they can, and, of
eocrse, do co-operative housekeeping.
Miss McDowell of the University of
Chicago settlement has gone abroad,
'and will visit - England and Scotland.
France and Switzerland. In her ab
sence Miss Bass. Jones. Ilohlitt and
Blumra will read act the work. The
playground will t one of the factors
111., that 'Idyllic Tillage made famous
by the colony of artiits which has
gathered there. A Jarge eld. stone house
oa the river bank has ben contributed
for this use by a gentleman Interested
not only la Hull House, but also In
making Oregon a place of many fine
and humane interests, The children of
Hull' House will hare many excur
sions and short vacations, the settle
ment co-operating with 'other, organi
zations for this purpose.
June 20 is to be a great day for the
poor children, by the way. Hundreds
of them are to be treated to a feast at
Washington Park, This is to be given
under the auspices of the Volunteers
of America, with Brigadier General
Fielding In charge. Colonel Moriarlty
has placed 'the Seventh regiment ar
mory at the disposal of the Volunteers
as a place of meeting. The hour of
meeting will be 8 o'clock, and by procr
lamatlon of the mayor Brigadier Gen
eral Fielding will bo director general
of the day.
Think of going to a picnic that has
been distinguished by a proclamation!
Ella W. PeatUe, la Chicago Ameri
can.' "
at this settlement. It will be ocea
continually to the children, and one J important testimony.
Tfc Crama4r Brooklr H Few
WrU to Say Tht CUir up Matter
Now that a naval beard Investiga
tion is to be had new points In the
Schley affair are coming to light
through a relaxation of the reticence
some of the navy officers had pre
served." -.."''
Captain Cook of the Brooklyn kept
silence during the storm of detraction
that beat about his chief, but The
abuslveness of Maclay's book and the
tacit. If not open, indorsements of its
statements by Admiral Sampson, has
impelled him to speak. In reference to
the much discussed "loop" made by the
Brooklyn during the engagement off
Santiago, Captain Cook gave an ex
planation not hitherto offered, and no
one Is more competent to speak by au
thority. He said:
The Spanish fleet stood out of the
harbor about southwest, and it did not
turn at once. We feared very much
that it was heading in between the
Brooklyn and the Texa3.
-I said to the commodore, 'We may
get a crossfire here.. It looked very
much to us as if we would. The situa
tion was delicate in the extreme.
"But then the Brooklyn made a
beautiful turn, and we were able to fire
directly into the bows of the leading
ship of the enemy. . Our helm was put
aport to head off the Spanish fleet
and the Brooklyn turned rapidly and
"I remember distinctly giving the
order to the quartermaster, "You see
clearly the head of the leading ship,'
I said to him. "The idea is to get di
rectly ahead of her. I
I thought we might sacrifice our
ship, but I believed we -would hold the
flet for our battleships.
"The Spanish fleet turned to the
westward; the Brooklyn's helm was
put hard aport. She was swinging
beautifully and she turned until she
straightened upon her course exactly
parallel to the Spanish, ships, keeping
up all the time a continuous fire from
her port battery till the starboard
battery could be brought into use.
"The statement has been made that
the Brooklyn In turning ran two miles
south. This Is outrageously Incorrect.
The Brooklyn turned as rapidly as
possible, and was after the enemy as
fast as any ship could have been. The
Oregon, when she joined the Brook
lyn, steamed between the ' Iowa and
the Texas, and must have gained dis
tance to the north that Is in the direc
tion of the enemy and still was not
more tnan ww yaras rrom me west
ward course of the Brooklyn, showing
conclusively that the Brooklyn could
not have gpne to the southward.
.This is the first time that Captain
Cook has said anything in public con
cerning the much discussed "loop"
for which Schley has been so fiercely
berated. It is noteworthy that coin
cident with the appearance of this
statement the commander of the Span
ish warship Viscaya, In reply to ques
tions put to him. expressed his ap
eroval of the loop" movement as good
tactics on the part of the Brooklyn.
On another point Captain Cook gave
Mention nav
evening each week It is expected
ramie will be furnUied by the Univer
sity cf Chicago hand sad members cf
the Stock Yards land. The summer
hot: at Lake Genera is already open
and four cf the neighbors all women
-ave toJay for the freedom' and
frolic cf ttii t-eautiful place.
There will alto be a series of picnics
to cear-ty points from the University
cf Cfclcao settlement.
The North w:ern University Set-t!e-cett
will save mere outings this
summer thaa ever before la its his
tory. TLre ara to be separate vaca
tions for ctiliren. for women and for
men. Th young; womea have been
planning far a cottage at Si. Joseph.
34kh where they will go la relays.
Th arrangements for the mea have
nut been eotr;.iti, but Mrs. Henry
Ward Rogers, the president of the
ecmacil of administration of the Settle
ment association. Is most anxious that
this feature shall not b neglected.
Th ettlesfst Is to give weekly out
ings to the kindergarten classes, and
the plsce cf outing is to change every
was feared when Mrs. Henry Ward
Roger, the aort ardent friend of the
Northwestern University settlement,
went e-surt that the settlement would
s-ifTr in ccruMuencebut in spite of
the great dUtaace between New Haven
and Chicago. Mrs. Rogers is frequently
here, and the subscriptions she has ob
tained for the building fund have been
very gratifying Indeed.
The tenth year of the summer school
seperf steaded by Hull House will he
held as xjual at Rockford college, IIl
this summer. The residents of Hull
Hocmi will continue their Instruction
there along the same linea oa which
they are conducted at Hall House dur
ing the winter. Rockford college-gives
t es cf its bail dings, dormitories,
refectory and scientific equipment in-
clcded; but otherwise the. school is
entirely if-cpporting. 13 per week
being charged each student,. There
ar -osaally a hundred, in attendance.
Tr girl of the tetlleraent are to
ha a deliglsTful ouurg at Oregon,
lng been made c! the surprise of Cap
tain Kvtns and CaDtaln Jicuaiia at
finding Admiral Sampson had not giv
en Schley or Cook Information regard
ing the signal arrangements with the
Insurgents near Cienfuegos, wnicn naa
been given to all the other captains In
the fleet. Captain Cook said:
-The Brooklyn was not put In pos
session of the code of signals that had
been arranged for use by the. Insur
gents and the ships of our navy, and
on account of our lack of knowledge
of them we were very much mystified
by -certain signs that we observed on
the beach at Cienfttegos.
"We saw one night, the date of
which I cannot give without my notes.
three horizontal lanterns on the beach
at Cienfuegos. As we afterwards
learned, they were a sign from the
Insurgents that they wished to com
municate with us. but we, having no
knowledge whatever of their import,
thought the lanterns a trap of some
sort, and we acted accordingly.
"At that time we had no knowledge
whatever of the whereabouts of Cer-
vera, and the commander-in-chief be
lieved the lights indicated the pres
ence of the Spanish shtps there. The
second night we again observed three
horizontal lights on the shore. It was
not till the second day, when Captain
McCalla came up, that we learned that
any sisnals had been prearranged."
In view of these positive statements
by Captain Evans and Captain Cook
concerning the Cienfuegos affair,
which has been made so much of in
condemning Schley. It would seem that
some one will have serious explain
lng to do before the board of Inquiry
next September. Cleveland Plain
Dealer. -'; ,
Genuine stamped CCC Never sold In bulk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to sc3
, "Hofnethine; Jtut is .good.
Progress of Irrigation In Re-
claiming Arizona Deserts.
- . -v . . . - , . . . ,
lBred Vain of Lanai la Far In
Cxoeii ot the ' Coat , of D lag; tuff.
Diteltee ana Supplrlusr Water Ex
periment "With Artesian WUa.
Coet of Dailalntr Dltchea.
Irrigation in Arizona has been the
subject of an Investigation conducted
by the government, the results of which
are now available, says a special dis
patch from Washington to the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat. The work was
done under the direction of the census
bureau and was largely directed by Mr.
B. F. Newell, chief hydrographer of the
United States geological survey, And
Mr. Clarence J. Blanchard. Although
the reports are thus far confined to the
territory of Arizona, it Is expected they
will attract general attention Jn view of
the drought in the southwest and the
movement for a general Irrigation sys-
temtinder the patronage of the govern
ment. The report says In part: ! ,
"The importance of Irrigation Is dem
onstrated by the fact that Irrigated
land outside of the Indian reservations
has an acreage of 183,806, or 81.4 per
cent of the corresponding Improved
land. The progress of agriculture durr
lng the decade ending with 1900 Is at
tributable to the successful application
of irrigation to the growing of hay and
forage, cereals, vegetables, fruits and
other crops. ' . - ' . . -
"Within the ten years from 1890 to
1900 545 miles of canals and ditches
were constructed at a cost of $1,508,-
400. Out of this total $512,000 was ex
pended In ditches into which no water
had been turned before June 1, 1900.
Aside from this amount $250,000 It rep
resented In canals which were complet
ed within the last few years and would
utilize only a small quantity of the wa-
,ter appropriated for them. The acre
ages under these ditches which In the
near future will be brought under cul
tivation will undoubtedly be much lar
ger than the area now Irrigated by all
the ditches constructed since 1889.
In 1890 the acres irrigated outside of
the reservations numbered 65,821; In
1900 they numbered 185,390. By the
opening of new ditches and-canals be
tween 1890 and 1900 20.29T acres were
Added to the irrigated area. By the en
largement of the canals previously con-
Otructed and as the result of more In
telligent methods of water distribution
93,278 acres were added to the produc
tive area of the territory. The total In
crease In Irrigated land in ten years
was 119,575 acres. Most of this land
was public domain In 1890. f At a low
estimate Its present average value Is
$30 per acre, or $3,587,250. Irrigation
has added this large amount to the
farm wealth of the territory.
"The total number of acres of Irrigat
ed crops, as given above, is 137,233,
while the total number of acres of land
irrigated 13,185,390. The difference of
48,163 acres represents approximately
the area of pasture land irrigated. It is
probable that a portion of the area up-,
on which crops were reported as grown
without irrigation was really irrigated
at some time during the year. - r ,' .
'In addition to surface water obtain
ed from rivers Arizona possesses con
siderable quantities of ground water,
or so called underflow, with depths va
rying from 40 to 1,500 feet Seventy-
seven farms were wholly or in part
supplied with this ground water by
pumping from wells. In this way 974
acres were Irrigated. The use of wells
to augment the supply of water in the
ditches or by pumping the water di
rectly upon the land Is becoming more
general each year, and in sections
where an artesian supply is abundant a
considerable area of land above the
line of the ditch ultimately will be re
claimed and rendered productive and
valuable. ' -
"The ditches furnished with suffl
cient water supply properly adminis
tered are able to increase the cultivable
area in nearly that proportion. The av
erage cost of constructing the ditches
was about $2,954 per mile, $5 per acre
of land under ditch and $24 per acre
for the land actually irrigated In the
rear 1895.
"Not all the investments In Irrigation
ditches have been profitable,-and not
all have been wisely made. The disap
pointments which have followed many
notable attemptsfto reclaim large areas
of arid land have nearly always been
due to the failure on the part of those
concerned to give proper consideration
to the subject of water supply. Such
fatlures are reflected in the high aver
age cost of Irrigation canals per acre of
Irrigated land, and the average is made
to aoDear much ereater than it actually
is. For ditches wisely planned and eco
nomically constructed the average cost
per irrigated acre does not vary much
from the average cost of water rights.
$9.50. r-
"The average value of arable land
under ditch, but not yet prepared for
irrigation. Is $7.73 per acre, while that
of good irrigated land is $43.50. The
difference, $35.77, is the. average value
per acre added by irrigation. There
has been a large profit over the cost of
ditch construction. $24 per Irrigated
acre. This profit would have been much
larger and the cost per irrigated ; acre
materially less If the ditches had been
instructed only after due considera
tion, of the factors Involved."
Fotmi by Jamea I.
Several- hitherto unknown poems by
King James I have been discovered in
the Bodleian library at Oxford. Tbey
will be edited for the Clarendon Press
by Mr. Rait, a Scotchman.
It Is not our purpose herein to reit
erate the claim of "BEST" made by
our hundred comnetitors without
proof of the claim, or to claim super-
oritv by reason of a half centurv of
existence without explaining why, we
have not made money enough to re-
tire on, but wish to convey to the mind
of the reader some idea of the facts
now existing in relation td Grain Drills
now made and for sale.
The "EMPIRE", was the first drill
made with runners. An established
fact. ,
Its popularity forced others to makje
drills like it. An apparent fact.
There are more of them Bold now an
nually than drills of any other make.
An unquestionable fact. '
There are more of them now used
than all other makes combined,
isfactory fact to us. ' , t
A sat-
It is the greatest success In the his
tory of grain seeding machinery. A
fact-acknowledged by all save com
petitors. ,
ERS AN INCREASED YIELDS t ' - -. - . . . . , '
Our 20-Shoe Grain Drill:
,-'-'":-- 'li:
aT ww ' W -assssssssr- asasa sssajBaaa
n o o "8 o Q o o ooaoeeoo
(l fi J? 0 D Q n n h a n a A1 uA SD9R " I
ThV lightest in draft. of. all seeding
machinery. ' . ,
Presses the Jbottom of - th furrow,
causing the taoistur? to rise and germ
inate the seed., v ;;'.
Does n6t clog with: stubble, weeds
or trash, but presses them into the
ground and passes over; Draws stead
lly through the ; soil and deposits the
seed at a uniform depth. '
The EMPIRE Shoe Is the' result of
many, years experience and careful
stud to obtain the most perfect' de
vise for forming drill furrows. It is a
The above cut shows the 20-shoe
drill with chain. This Is the staple
size for three-horse drill With chain
coverers it is of the same draft as a
fifteen-hoe : drill in sowing grain at
the same depth. Made with two poles,
four-inch tire,, double neck-yoke, two
truss-rods and well braced frame.
Shipped with four horse evener and
neck-yoke which can readily he
changed for three-horses.
Below we give you a few reasons
why the EMPIRE drill is the best
Come in and see this drill and we will
show you superior points the EMPIRE
DRILL has over all others. Can show
you much more than we can say. V
It has tapered axles and the ame
gathering of the wheels at the bot
tom and front as a wagon, making it
the lljOjtest draft drill made and re
ducing the draft fully twenty-five per
cent oyer drills that have straight
axles. The axles never bend nor
twist are held solid and firm the game
as axies on wagons.-, its wneeis wm
never wear in and rub, the box with
our taper a.xle.1 like drills will when
their wheels are on straight axles. We
furnish : either galvanized or rubber
tubing and It Is the only drill in the
world that will sow the same amount
of wheat oats, barley or rye per acre
with the same gear in equally the same
time without making any change. It
does not discriminate between differ
ent grains,, but, only requires a change
for different quantities. Its motion is
continuous and positive, Its feeding
channel unalterable, its capacity cov
ering the range of- all requirements on
the farm, its construction simple, its
accuracy of distribution unerring, and
its reliability lasting and permanent.
This idea . has been the hobby for
over fifty years and the work of the
EMPIRE drill proves that : it ap
proaches closely if it Is not a realiza
tion of the thought It must be un-,
derstood and comprehended that it
does hot sow by weight, a bushel of
wheat and a bushel of oats, rye or
barley, vary in this respect, but they
occupy the same space and so far as
measurement goes are alike, and the
peculiar feature of the EMPIRE is
that it does not discriminate between
those four grains, which vary so great
ly in constitution and weight, but
measures them out of the drill box as
accurately i as if done with a sealed
half bushel - measure by a skilled
V)It is this peculiarity which distin
guishes It from all other drills and
makes it a FORCED FEED. The vital
principle of a grain d.rill is its feeding
device. This element In the EMPIRE
is strictly scientific and the more it is
studied and understood, the more its
advantages are apgreciated. It is the
full realization of the force feed idea
and needs no argument to sustain the
claim.. - - ';.;..-; '.
It is reliable because there is no
guess work about it. Of all work on
the farm the planting of seed should,
be the most carefully watched and ac
curately done. ; . . .
IT IS AS POSITIVE and as accur
ate as the sealed half bushel as it con
trols and measures the grain.
It sows the same quantity going up
hill, on the level or down hill.
ITS MOTION IS SLOW, wear slight
repair costs small, and will do as
good work after long service aa when
new. , ,. , .
' IT SOWS wheat, rye, barley, oats,
flax, peas, beans, corn, clover, timothy,
millet, pumpkin and beet seedfor any
other seed ever sown.,
IS : IT WISE to buy a complicated
drlh when one that is simpld can be
had and do the work better ? '
HOPPER BOTTOM. The bottom of
the grain box is made of triangular
Tilocks placed between each of the feed
runs. This helps in sowing and is a
benefit when seeding Is finished and
the drill has to be cleaned out.
CUT-OFF -VALVES for each run are
placed inside of the box ready for use
when wanted and out of the way when
not needed.
THE ZIG-ZAG is operated by a lever
easily reached from; either end and
the shoes can be set even or zig-zagged
from three to six inches, which Is a
big advantage - in trashy ground, as
should the shoes occasionally gather
trash under them,, instead of raising
up the shoes, take hold of your zig
zag lever throwing the shoes either
forward or back, causing them to pass
over the obstruction When the drill is
in motion. ,
perfect trash, rider lighter in draft
than a 'hoe drill or broadcast seeder,
something : which works perfectly In
wet as well as dry ground; cuts intq
the sod. and deposits the seed where
nothing ' else will work at all. In dry
ground it secures a better . yield ; by
pressing the bottoms of the furrows
which j forms a perfect, seed bed.
Pressure of the ground below the seed
RMuirAa for the erraln all of the three
7 . wen a a tr -1
Important iactors ttwAi, ah v. uu
MOISTURE; And with even distribu
tion and not too great depth, the best
possible Tesults Will be obtained'from
the soli according to its State, of fertility.-
... ' "
ABLE, being formed by two plates of
steel welded at the lower edge with a
third" plated of steel between, wh'ch
makes a solid shoe 1-inch up from
A single Empire
5hoe with Spring
Attachment for
lifting and Forc-
lng It into the
Ground. .
the lower edge, giving it ' sufficient
width to allow seed to fall to the, bot
tom ot the furrow and supplying re
serve material to draw out when the
shoe requires ' sharpening. These
shOes are tempered plow-share steel,
will wear longer and scour better thafi
the soft shoes In Use on most other
drills. .. ' :;-;., .-
The EMPIRE has either chain or
pressure wheels for coverers.
Empire Pressure Wheels always fol
low the shoes In a .vertical position.
They have no side play and never wear
In the. hub. The , wheel is Indepen
dent of the shoe; raising and falling
of the wheel does not effect the pres
sure" on the shoe. Forty, pounds pres
sure can be thrown on each wheel.
The Spring Pressure Device
The pressure spring is one of the
most important features in a shoe
drill. Upon it depends to ai great ex
tent the, depth at which the grain is
planted, the surmounting of obstruc
tions by the shoes and the alllgnment
of the rows.
. A purchaser cannot be too particular
In examining the spring pressure de
vice in purchasing a drill. Should the
spring' be too weak or too strong, lia
ble to break, difficult to repair or in
capable of adjustment, the drill Is apt
to cause worry and trouble to the
dealer and farmer.
Shoe Drills i i to 20 5hoe, 5, 6 and y Inches apart.
Prices .
12-shoe ....$ 65.00 '
14-shoe ......................75.00 '
, 16-shOe 85.00 '
v r l8-shoe .100.00
20-shoe 1 110.00
Formerly Farmers Supply Assn.
128130132 North 13th St.. Lincoln
We sell everything. Send 10 cents to pay part postage on OUR LARGE, NEW CATALOGUE, which will beready
to mail about September 1st. '
Platform of Progressive Democracy.
Oil the Slst of July, a number of
Ohio democrats who resented the fail
ure of the regular convention to- reaf
firm the Kansas City platform met at
Columbus, Hon. George A. Groot pre
siding, adopted a platform' and placed
a state ticket In the field, ; :
; Besides reaffirming the Kansas City
platform and making complimentary
reference to Mr. Bryan, the' platform
contained the following planks:
:V'We demand that all public utilities
be owned and operated by the public.
"We demand that all money that is
manufactured to be used in this coun
try as a medium of exchange, whether
it be gold, silver or paper, shall be
coined by the government and distrib
uted 1 among the people without the
intervention of banks, and that every
dollar of it shall be a legal tender for
all debts, public and private.
'As long as the money volume Is
controlled by the money trust which
Is the parent of all trusts, just so long
will other trusts flourish, and,, there
fore, we are in favor of the destruction
of the money trust which can only be
done by the proper Increase of;the vol
ume of money. We do not lose sight
of , the Importance of the question of
Imperialism, as we regard that as be
ing involved In the money question, for
without a money aristocracy . to sup
port it there can be no imperialism.
"We demand that laws be passed by
the state and nation for the purpose of
destroying commercial trusts and com
binations Of capital organized for the
purpose of controlling prices, and, if
necessary to accomplish this end, that
the government take charge of their
franchises for the benefit of the people.
"We recognize that there is a move
ment on foot in this country among
men who claim to be democrats, but
who supported McKinley for president
and approve of the policy of the re
publican party upon the money ques
tion, to get control of the democratic
party. In order that they may control
the organization and secure at the next
democratic national convention the
adoption of a platform which shall be
in favOr of the gold standard, and
thereby attempt to eliminate the dis
cussion of the money question as a
political issue; and we denounce all
such persons as traitors to the best in
terests of the people, and declare them
to be republicans, and advise that
they stay with the republican party,
with which they have affiliated during
the past five years."
Threatened Curate Famine.
, The future of the Church of Eng
land does not look very rosy, threat
ened as it is with something like a
curate famine. According to what the
Reverend Paul Petit, secretary of the
ordination and candidates fund, says,
there has been a very serious diminu
tion in the number admitted to holy
orders, this In face of the rapid growth
of population
This condition of affairs is largely
owing to the decrease In values of
benefices, which has resulted from the
fall in the price of corn, and conse
quently in the rent of land. Thus,
parents hesitate In recommending their
sons to Study for the Church.
Young men may readily obtain cur
acies, but they may grow ; old with
out Obtaining preferment, and the old
er they get the less their value as cur
ates. Thus men who begin Ufa full
of hope may find themselves in pain
fully precarious positions In their de
clining days. v t . : ; :. . v
Furthermore, many clergymen who
would gladly- send their sons to the
universities to be trained for the
church are unable to do so owing to
the reduction of therr Incomes.
Those who are well acquainted with
the subject say the only way to check
the threatened dearth of curates is by
the legalization of old age pensions.
An instance of this state of affairs
was noted at the Trinity ordination
the other day, when the number of
candidates was the smallest ' known,
only one deacon and three prfests be
ing admitted to holy orders. Truly
the whole matter is very serious.
St. Louis Republic.
Alphabetical Abuse.
The prosecuting attorney in a law
suit had waxed especially Indignant
at the defendant whom he character
ized as an "abandoned, baneful, cyni
cal, diabolic, execrable, felonious,
greedy, hateful, Irresponsible, jaun
diced, knavish, lazy, meddlesome, nox
ious, outrageous and profligate Towdy."
The learned counsel on the other
side," said the attorney for the defen
dantwhen he rose to reply, "should
have put his adjectives in a hat and
shaken them up a little before using.
You must have noticed, gentlemen of
the Jury, that they were In regular
alphabetical order. This shows that
he selected them from a dictionary,
beginning with 'a. He stopped at
p. but In his manner of reproducing
them he has given us the 'cue' as to
how he, got them."
Thla turned the laugh against the
other lawyer and he lost the case.-
London Tld Bits.
' Density of Population
MY. Schooling gives the following ta
ble comparing the density o! popula
tion of ten nations and showing that
only the three great countries at the
head of the list have plenty of room
left for the future expansion of their
respective populations:
No. Persons to
1 Sq. Mile Land.
Russia ....................... 15
United States 21
China 95
Spain ' &6
France ......186
Germany ..... .............. T.263
Italy ....................239
United Kingdom .339
Holland ...411
Belgium. ....;............. .572
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