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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1898)
THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT WHO SHOULD DATE? This department !a opened for the for governor at the oomlug election. Free speech and open diHCUlon of every public quoetioo ha always been one of the principal tenets of the pnpullHt party. It Is better for the party, bottor for the state, bettor for the candidate, that the oubllo should know the ood aualltlea and bad nualitle of a man before he ia nominated, than to proceed to a nomination and take chancoa Id finding out Lie character and qualification afterward. no worthy candidate. It may prevent the if there be any, The public baa a right to by public du.culon. When thoroughly acquuiutud with tlie facts, the people can be truated to do right. Communications upon this matter should not be long, and in every inatanoa must bo aigned by the author. Any article for spiteful pur pone, wilt not be published. What la the beat course for the welfure of the atate and the good of the poople? FAVORABLY nnv n rr.r.vf DHAVEIt nnv t 11 HiiMlMTKN' HON. JAMF.H I-:. HAftltlH HON. HI LAM A. IIOl.COM II JllliNK WIIXIAM NKVILLK UnM JOHN H. ltOHINHON HON. C. I HMYTII KX-MAVOU A. II. WKIll K.roinmttuil Dainoerat, Editor Independent! Denr Sir: As I am a constant read er (although not a subHcrlber) of your valuable paper I have noticed a great many name suggested or tha pros pective governor of your atate. 1 see one man ey, "(live us W. J. Hryan." Whilo we would bo very glad to have him, it would be an Injustice ia all other atate, a they want him for president In 11)00, and they are going to have him Just un aure ua death, if lie will aeeept the nomination. There la no power on earth that can keep bim from being elected if ho run. Governor Ilolcomb ia ua good a gov ernor aa the atate baa ever bad (and that 1m not much to blow about) hut he probaby would not accept a third term. Now I am a democrat, and I have BUpported the populist and free allver purtiea every time I could und if a pop or free allver republican la nominated for governor thin time the democrat will stand by them till the luat, and we expect tho same from them. If we don t do tlila the raxcals will get on board and do jiiat ua they have ulwaya. I would beg to ofTer the name of lion, Kdgar Howard ( without aaklng hi pcrmlHalon), totter known aa Howard of Burpy, In tlio ata-te leg islature. I believe I am right when I Bay that he la probably the only man ever elected to the Mate lcgiala ture who curried out hi promlseca that he mode before election, and even tho Stat Journal, one of the run ken t of republican paper in the state (barr ing the Omaha lice and the Aahland Gazette) odmlta it. He ia at present probata judge at I'n pillion, Net)., and editor of the Papllllon Time. In hia rapacity a judge- be deal out juatlce according to evidence and law. He know no friend, no foe when he alt on hia aeat of justice. What a credit to the great atate of Nebraska to have a man whom they court trout to do juat what he agreed to do before election. If you populiHta and free silver republican will only let hh democrat put the name of Hon. Kd gar Howard of Kurpy on the ticket for governor we. will guarantee that he will a usual fulfil hi pledge to the letter, and you people can put all the rent of the name on the ticket and you will have the aupport of every democrat in Nebraska. M. J. WELCH. Gretna, Neb., March 11. Favor Ir. Itamarell. Editor Independent; Aa a member of the rank and tile of the independent parly and a reader of your wiluublc paper, 1 accept with plensure. your kind invitation to ex presa my wishes to wliom should to our next eaiulidata for governor of Nebntska U the indeiciidciit ticket, t believe, that If the present tnt-uin-tout, Hon. Kilim A. Holeomh, would accept the nomination for a third term Ida election would to certain and the M Kln would make no mUtake, but, if on the other hand. Governor Ilolcomb would not accept another nomination we. shnuM and ought to line good jtidirmeiit In delecting a ane eetuior ht would continue thn re form mo well togun by timenuir Hoi iViuli, A llil geiitliMiinn 1 would mention tit linnie of our ueighlMtr, Ir. llotort Muiuervll, a true and lion et man, an merge! ie worker, a irl scholar and an aide champion of ft form prlnctplea. Hi ttttm at the head of lha tirkrt would to a tote winner a the dmtor has a bout of friend. Now a to the toUnc of the fat ticket litu.l i ooiMillilnte the aider force If we e-c to win, t'ntteil ww tand, ilUl.lett we full. In union Iheew la alree-a-th. And I do raroeally ar ami tolirm that aa en operation ha liren a bim" In Ne brnjika far, w should, aa far a iHvutblw, unit our strength ami elect rffv a""' able noinlnew mil ef e(tl.r if tha threw lmrtie. 1 ii Mi ll Mf an keeiilnar ttea an euilw In IrrlUv BtMrNuifulr rnnnol loil nelji iul gito t other tUte a (St enta IS tdv ay to Vwi nllnl bliti4lli. al froitt fr I . It..fb ia W dtium J, ttryan will i vUlent, tl HotTIIIM. te. llood, Mrra t. THEY RIDICULE IT. Masy ) RMIul la 144 of AtMlMt Cr far Djrp 1 l4 Itamaeli TtUl. alonvkra lrwntla ar m eomnwn an4 In many raaea M ntwUnatn t tkal iwoida ar arl V with an. fWnna mm aay ra.!j vUtaalaf t U BE THE CANDI public diHcnsnlon of the available candidate! Open discuwilOD will injure the chance of nomination of an unworthy candidate know. Their only way of knowing, la abuHlve aud purely alanderoua, written MENTIONED. OMA If A LKXINOTON ;Vn7;JftL'M,AV,t' zNWhW l(Jl NORTH I'LAI I h MADIHON rUiVX'.'ii LINCOLN a radical, iicrmanent cure for dypcp iu and IndigcHtloii. Many audi pride tlicnmelvca on never being humbugged CMoccliilly on medicine. Thl fear of being humbugged nmy bo curried too far; no far, In fuct, that many pcrxon ull'cr for veal with weak dlgutlon, rutlicr than rink a littlo time and money in fulthfully teMtlng the cluima of a prep aration ho reliable und uiilvcrwilly tiMcd a Ktuart'a l)ypepia Tablebt, Now Stuart'a Dyaixspaia Tablet' are vaatly difTcrent in one important re apect from ordinary proprietary mcdl- cinea for the rcaaon that they are not a aecret patent mediclno, no wicrct i made, of their Ingredient, but analy hIm mIiowm them to conralu the natural digeatlve ferment, pure aaeptlo pep alu, the digetlve ucid, Golden Heal,, hydruHtl and mix. They are not cathartic, neither do they act pow erfully on aiy organ, but they cure Indigent loii 0), u, eomrnon aene plan of digeatlng the food eaten promptly, thoroughly before it bua time to fer ment, aour and cuuau the inlwchlcf, Thia la the only ccret of their auc- CCH. Cathartic pill never have and never can cure IndigcHtion and atomocb trouble becoime they iu:tentirely iifwui the bowel, wherea the whole trouble I really In the atomach. Ktuart'a DypepHla Tablet', taken after ineul, dlgcnt the food. That i all there la to it. Food not dlgeatcd la poiaon, ua it create gna, ucidity, heiulache, ilpltaUon of tho heart, Ioh of IIcnIi and appetite, and many other trouble which are often called by aome other name. They are Bold by drugglta every where at 60 cent per package. Ad drc Stuart Co., Marahul, Mich., for lKKk on atomach dlwunc or ak your druggiHt for it. WilHonville, Neb., March 11, 1898. Editor Independent: A a memlicr of the old Farmer' Alliance 1 want to give honor where honor I due. I have been a citizen, of Nebraska for nine teen year and Governor Ilolcomb hnti been tho Ix'Ht governor Nebraska ha ever hud. If he can Ins induced to ac eept a third term he will hI1 more vote than any other man unit could be named. Judge William Neville ahould be the candidate for lieutenant governor. Gentlemen, you need not mention Mr. Hryuii'a name, or the name of any other democrat, iim a candidate for governor. I mnv in one of the articlcH in thi paper where one of the writer asked. Why not all Join together in the populiat parly? When the Farmera' Alliance wiih nud turtcil the n-foi in pi lnclplcH they burled their old party iiiiiiich nud took the mime of the people' independent party, and in tend to my we. are that irnrty venter- day, today ami forever. A oon a the reform partlcH do that then we will le one party, the Nople' Independ ent party. It 1 the only party with principle that will bring our govern ment where It wa and where we want It. 1 know it will take all the reform force to do il, but we don't proHc. lo let Uie oilier (In (he uoiuiiiatinir and we follow uloiitf Udiiitd and help elect them. I wiy to every Independent toirr Mima nrm ami ethicate niul dun t worry nlmut It. Fducute the young voter nud e tlml we are nil at the poll nud lake other with u. I. r , 1'l.l'M. MiirtUnd, Nl.mli It, (mm. CajMrrla tiiuulate ller. kULtev and UwrU; urrr icken, wrnken r IfrU'e, lia. What the People of Lancaster County Owe IhiHn lb Ut lhre we. Ii w K (utlikMl iKe amMunt of Ui.ll iltdeltellie4 if iulrr lotinlv I" n iMvount .. lh l..l,i mitotint id aiitoiMl liirft and un -Uier lubr ihaUoh viihUI liit In rv f -r- rw U h kiuVluf fund, l.unlntf lht IttawHl i.f I.Mida wmtkl fl .!.. ,J.IVt mm hixl ,Umirr , tu wlf mill) W Mil H ImmkI Cl won. inn r in initfplliif (, U iHeta i.f I Minuter count In iHtniito with ih tukiuir tau.1 tnm w4 on kid Jm.rv 4. It-ts Ha trtfr' rr, ( in Ian ainkinf fumt. Ihiitnf hm y il )r Uilf Uk front Jirv. iar m lrM elv tv tu lag lun.1 urw at mill, naWK k prlM'l aUtui Itt.niHi A id M klt amount t tmlnnen on kM JiHrT a, lf, and wa at a loUl nf aUml linataav I t,.t amntl ol trt at. on U.h dU .f ),9 ronnly h Ua all year wwwkl t about $17C,000, the $176,000 from the $200,000 there would be left $84,000 in. the Hinking luna January 1, 1898. The treasurer' rej)Oi-t dated .Innuarv 15. 1898. plvea a balance la the ttinlilmr fund of $3:3.115.94, while the alKve tigurea which we believe to be correct, make the balance on hand January 5, 1898, $01,884.00 more than the treasurer' report cull for. A tho debt paying power of every com munity Ik limited, we think the peo ple of every acliojoi oiHtrici, cn-y coun ty and Ktute, ough Ui know how much they are in. debt and keep poatd on tho aubjeet und we aim II endeavor In the future to keen our render poHted on the condition of tho variou fund ua well aa the bonded debt of the, County The living people outaide of the city In hnnciiHter county are indi rectly interested in the intereat lour ing debt of the city, becauao If the debt become ao great, a to oin cournge a large number of taxpayer and caiiHo them to riuit paying their taxe and iiko every iiicun to get around navliiif their taxea, then tin luxpiiyeiK outaide of Lincoln will have to make up any tdiortuge in the county taxe that may lie cuiimco by the dellmiueiit In Lincoln. Jn order that our reader may know iut how much bonded or Intereat Iwarlnir indeldlneaa of all kind In Lancaster county, wo will give ' the amount In the county, city, precinct, villuircM und w-hoolrtlntrlotn. Tho coun ty baa a bonded debt of $590,000. The citv of Lincoln ha a large bonded debt and coiialdcrnblo limiting debt which 1 bearing 7 per cent Intereat. The city bonded debt proper amount to $1,109,100. TIichc bond have been voted by the peoplo and mint l paid by the whole city. Itcaldc thl debt that cover tho whole city there are outstanding diatrlct paving- bonda to the. amount of $428,1.52.07. Then bond are guaranteed by the city and niiJHt be paid by the city if the, di' trlct iigainat which they are lued full to tin V them. There arc about 20 tiavlnir tJiatrleta in thi City. The above amount, $428,152.97 I to be col lected from the varlon dlatricta. The floating debt wo place at $150,000, which bear 7 per cent interet, Thl I a large amount, but we are quite aure that we have not placed It too high. The achool diatrlct in which thl city I located I diatrlct No. 1, and I about co-cxtemlve with, the cllv ii nd therefore wi; trfuCe it In de(fednea with that of the city aa practically the antne, Taxpayer have to pay tlio achool diatrlct debt that rmiMt nnv the city debt. The achool diatrlct bonded indebted neaa amount to $75,000 and tho outatAnding war rant which are unpaid and are draw ing 7 per cent intereat amount to alKut $100,000. The total amount of bonded and Intereat bearing indebted ncHB nirainat the city and achool rll- trict combined ia about $1,022,252. The intereat on till combined debt amount to over $100,000 a year. Unl vernitv I'lace ha a bonded debt of $19,000. Thl money wan moatly ucd to build water worka ffr that village. Havehxk bn a lKMided debt of $10,- 000, whidi wn Incurred for the pur- tMiKo of building water work. I he village of Firth ha a bonded debt of $1,000. There are no other village In Lancaater county that have a mmded debt. Midland precinct hna a bond ed debt of $5,000. Capital precinct bIho la lionded for $.1,000, Theao bond were voted to aid the Union Pad He railroad to build a branch into Lin- clon and they become due January 1, 1900. There are twenty achool dia trlct in Lancaater county which hove outatanding bond unpaid a fol low: School diatrlct No. 2. $4,500 Kchool diatrlct No. 3, $050. School district No. .1. $000. Kchool diatrlct No. 47, $000. Kchool diatrlct No. 50. $9,700. School diatrlct No. 52, $500. School district No. 71. $400. School diHtrict No. 73, $390. School diatrlct No. 78, $050. School district No. 79, $nno. School district No. 82, $200. School district. No. 83, $2,000. School district No. 85, $1,000. School district No. 87, $24,500. Kchool district No. 91. $100. Kchool district No. 113, $1,000. School district No. 122, $300. School district No. 135. $500. School district No. 137. $5,000. School district No. 138, $500 Total amount of school district ImuiiI unpaid. $53,990. The most of these ImhiiI nre drawing 7 per Cent In terest. A summary of the total would be about n follow: Lancaster county liouded debt, $590,- 000; Havelock, $10,00!); University I'lace, $IO,(HMij Firth, $t,ono: two pre cinct, Midland and Capital, $0,INI0; twenty Reboot dUtrict out aide- of Lin coln, fM.tmo. city of Lincoln and school district No. I. $l.t2-J,353. 'I'll cm' amount when added make Brand total of $a,nmi,;rj. The total annual intercut on the nlsoe tubulat ed Indebtedness I about IIVUmmi a tear. There is supiss-d to l nlstut ?.1,0t iteople In l-nticitster county. II that I Ihn number then the eol lor each man, woman aud child would h ; irr year. Many People Cannot Drink ofh al !. II tntla tbair i--I- Vea ran driut Uraia( ; im and ii bka a tup. For lirnla-U d.wa lotattmalatei It aourUk, alifar and twxi. Yt It took aa4 taataa Itkalaa twt ttiflMK For ton roaa. yottag Ci.pU and kildrva Grnia O U tka r liirtak, llaltrww .r (f alaa, Wt a )- tr yuur groa I inlay, Try It la Uae ui !!, aad ilJo. im t a Ai, l'iad iUma mUI wiy tf ffl'uUi iuatnr tbn tld tuty tl Hi Ut u kua anl laia nf Uwrga VBtttUt.U af k It tttWt!, 4mni llf Atnu-Nii, (aa taa ! aalp -aVtlaa a ma Lmgof k mtakt ra ltd l( tb au lf ktw l tW4 ktht t 4ata.tkUavi Ttlknaa . Mm a. "Tn" takl tka y aag aaaa, M fir4 p ia tar tit." nt,M mi4 tU ya voanaa, 'I Uakt a m at lv)4 ia tall i$ a(atluhMalM 'I m, 1 and tkU atl ma4 it my fl itmtta." wata. taa Kiai, A Tolhiog Type , Only lately have Philadelphia be gun to realize and reflect upon the dis appearance, of tho Quakers a we knew tbcm; only lately baa it been brought home to us that a gradual obliteration of the old uuconipromiHing orthodoxy ha set iu which muans the ultimate absorption of the sect. Even now, rare a i the old garb on the atroet where it wa Nuca a common night not ao many years ago, tha assertion that the society i diminishing would meet with doubt and hesitation. Wo are bo famil iar with the tjuukcr, be la ao noccbsary and potent a typo in Philadelphia, tbut wo would not accept the warrant even of BtntiaticM, yet, now tbut the vhrible limit ha been readied, what can we do but awuke to tho change? We see few broad brimmed hat and drab bonnet whore we once saw many. Of tboue who wtiur them, tho moat are old and trembling. If there aro young Quaker, how are wo to rucognlD them? Not by their drc, ut uny rate, except iu ao fur a pluinncK of cut and sobriety of color still rulo tho tuste of Friend, whether wealthy or In moderate ciruuniMtunooa. Tlio distinctive oostumo ia being luid uaide, with many of tho dintiuotivo cus tom. And why? Hucuuau tho society is losing it control over its younger mem bers? Uccuuso it rigid rules no longer sufllce to bold in check tho human spir it, with its uuconqucrublo love of free dom? Thia is the common explanation, and the one desired by those who love romance. Thomas Wharton in Lippin cott's. FOIt BOYS AND GIRLS. GOOD READINO FOR JUNIOR AMERICAN REPUBLIC. The Tro rictnr of llr Told by tha Vr In CtMatiUncn Mom CbrUtlan ThouKlit tot Our Mttla Itaadar -Poor Who Suoooad, 1112 boy stood on the burning deck, Whence all but he had fled; The flame that lit the battls's wreck Shone round him o'r the dead. Yet beautiful and bright he stood, As born to rule tho storm; A creature of heroic blood, A proud, though child-like, form. rhe flames rolled on; be would not go Without bis father's word; That father, faint In death below, lilt voice no longer beard. He called aloud: "Say, father, say, If yet my task Is done!" He knew not that the chieftain lay Unconscious of bis son. "Speak, father!" once again be cried, "If I may yet be gone!" And but the booming shots replied, And fast the flames rolled on. Upon hi brow he felt their breath, And in his waving hair, And looked from that lone poBt of death In still yet brave despair. And abouted but once more aloud: "My father! rnut I atay?" While o'er him fast, through sail and shroud, The wreuthlng Are made way. They wrapt the ahip In splendor wild, They caught the flag on high, And streamed above tho gallant child, Like banners in the aky. there came a burat of thunder Bound The boy oh. where was he? Ask of the wind that far around With fragment strewed the en. With mast, and helm, and pennon fair, That well had borne their part; But the bravest thing that perished thera Waa that young faithful heart. AMONG ROYALTIES. Kx-FmpreM FuKf-uie will lie 73 thl prlnti and has bern a widow twenty- four era. King Omar of Hwedeii, who racent relehratvJ the twenty-nfth anlwr ry of arielou. U a kmh iortuniu. i tha Island of liven ha ambl Urge shooting uirU fur big gitum, nJ, by rul, nn ail tporUuien tui ills their nm r at, lh money going In ii a bo 'r (n hvneal of tha poor, tha Julia id Portland. Uutt VU- torU'a maattr uf itta aorta, ht ni4 lAeanl itatilr an bl l4t. Well Una Akby, fik4p lk finval In lh world Tgr I a tiding huua il (l long ltd lia bl. and in huutlng ttahle ieoniMHll Iwl Tna gl rtof4 aoaJ In waua tha kara ar nl4 tlatly U nearly I.Jon fvl luaf Tha tivrman tniparnr. U aiug of gatoar a4 Filn.n (Worg uf Maioai hti andarfnl ti 4nrlag Ikair k.nd In Ik ril L'' oa iMfcrww Uk, rtl Knaiganaikanaa, Ik party nt k gna katlag bllM III r4nkt, fetalJ a l nta r ma, la a 4y Tha N tkni fur naty la a4 a half hanra, m an haur aa4 t Valt ka np with Inavhana. aknH r4 la a Uai. vtrfthtaf Mlag hrtghl a.ra U Wka i ataaat Uuarh whWI aa kmr rUv h4 a4 lha aimr In Ua aa f ap""- Tha pr 4 ita i"t 4i4 hi Ik Ikhlnaa at i tlMt aa4 at tkay lf sptal trait fr fiarlia. Th nesslan blouse as an outdoor garment ia very much worn, but not In fur, hlon will be too evan escent -t. The tklrts are worn bo very long, both before and behind, that they are now carried over the arm, displaying to great advantage magnificent silk pet ticoats. Black and white is a perfect rage, and I very expensive, as white chiffon and satin bodice soil mot easily, es pecially as they are worn under Jackets and cloak. White f'ovea are still very fashion able, but they are not ao universal a last season. With gray costumes gray gloves are worn and with green gowns tan gloves are seen. With black dresses brocade petti coats laden with lace ore the latest mode. The streets of Pari are ho much cleaner than ours that all this silken luxuriance Is possible. The hair in Paris I now worn quite smoothly brushed up at the buck, like the ugly fashion of twenty-five years ago. It I not quite so bare, as the storm collars reach above the ear. The dress collars, too, are enormously high, and are frequently finished with a plaited bow in front. Constipation Causes fully half tb nlokjionn In the world. It retain tlio digested food too loan lu tho bowels ami produce hlliuusuc, torjdd liver, UiUU scullon, utile, cuaUd PTS aj toiiKiift, sick huailuche, in- I Q loiimla, etfl. Hood's I'll! 1 1 I S cure constipation and all It "T results, easily and MioroitKlily. 2M, AlldniKKlst. Prepared by C, I. Hood & Co,, Ixwell, Mass. Tha only I'llls to take with Hood's Barsaparllla. Dr. Hertzman, flft Year In Omaha. PRIVATE DISEASES OMAHA. NEB. DR. 0. C. REYNOLDS, Residence Phone 655. Office Phone 656. Surgeon and Consulting Physician Roome 17, 18 k 19, Bnrr Block, LINCOLN, NEBR. Office hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday hours: 3 to 5 p.m. (4 TELEGRAPHY o Are you Interested In teleg raphy? Young ladies and gentlemen can prepare them selves in comparatively short time. The work is pleasant aa well aa profitable. An experi enced operator in charge of thia department. Students aHMistod In securing poHitiona when competent. Addreaa, Lincoln Business College. Lincoln, Nebraska. Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Company, LUMBER. WHOLEHAMC AND BCTAIL. Offloa 20th and hard St. Pbon 478 Writ for Prioea. OMAHA. jilt WEB. DR. McCREW ia Ta oLf PIO I ALIST wan TiMva a ii. Private Disease! MEN ONLY ,.i v ... , - frmk r t iB"lla- lh rraa. ina, w 14lk aU Tvum It. UMAUA kll. mm wo. mvt Ml' Ml IkeMwwtaH I'aall tlf ikllti kt tw rw 4 Iraai 1 t0 1 U slra H Na. I uai 41 etraat. iai tBiMila. WhaUaf aalatl lk al aatot raU ay way 191. alMkaala, ar tka?wlaa4 mala via Diaa, Pkagaay, IWpaf itiar, Tak ' Iralrvaall a faail atll aatkaikallaa. TaaHwUtaakt Waaisaa Piiiwif, la iaaiiia wtih Ua U Hu,m lUa4M'-ilaa4Hy ,U Ik rati aa4 ff alar rwal t Ha ) raaaw, Iiaa4. Taawaaa fealti 1 laaytai ia aa4 Im rale ka n ! Hat raaaew aaa Imam la faMlaa. rtaiaa al Ikraa rwatM Urw' U Hawk 4 Ua al aailal(wff lalMwafM, Wrtaa t f, a. Waia-a, ll. r. A . Kail Ula f n 4 Ma4ik M4 ftfTOia . . ... VwfWjk . a specialty. 516 North 16th St w : CHICKEN MITE ; t EXTERMINATOR i ,M nrp lifii I FR j al.&. mmmm i A. lire, miles, fli-ns .to., on l-oaliry and Hto k. Dii awsy wltbtb. I.lior ol dnatloif, gr.a Intr, dlpptrifT or bwiiUlua of foot try. Siinplr pitloi ih roo.t pulM and DMt b(-.nd Mlt. Kstrml nator (In, the rr.t, Nn miia will troo 1. Mltlnic Hen. wb.a MM Elirilnalr If Df.d bufora wtttiiK tb. ii.n, Hun J for areolar tliii tll. all ahoot It. Half (si los 0cj on. gallon 76c, 4 4 D L A V L n will - " " " " ' W Dr. Ketchum Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat -and Catarrh pMtoel Curufull Kltud. All Itti rtatonabla Office 4tb floor Richards Block, Llncola riME WATCH WEPAIRINC E. S. KING, SCIENTIFIC REFRACTING OPTICIAN. Weak and Strained Eye Success fully Fitted. .... No Atropine, no lost time. 1800 0 St, LINCOLN, NEB. Klondike. What does it cost to get there? Wats and how ahould oua go? What ahould one take? Where are the mine? How much have they produced? Ia work plentiful? What wug are paid? I living expensive? What are on' chance ol "making a trik?" Complete and aatlfuctory replies to the abovo queatloria will be found in the Burlington Uoute' "Klondike Folder' now ready for distribution. Sixtoea page of practical information and aa up-to-date map of Alaska and the Klon dike; Free at Burlington Route ticket office, or went on receipt of four centa In ataraya by J. Francis, (leo'l I'aaaenger agent, Burlington Itoute, Omaha, Neb. To Foa;at Soond aod Alaska PolaU. The Northweatern Dnlon Pacific Is tb direct route to tha Paget Sound and Alaska points. Morning and afternoon traina make direct connection at Fre mont with through tourist sleepers and free reclining chair cars to Portland. For correct information call on A. H. Fielding, city ticket agent, 117 aontb 10th at., Lincoln, Neb. The New- Union . ELEVATED IS NOW OPK1T. It runs on Van Baron St,. Directly in front of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific STATION. Paaaentrera arriving in Chicago can, by the new Union Elevated Loop, reach any part of the city; or, for a five-cent fare, can be taken immediately to any of tha large tore in the down town district. All Elevated Train will stop at tha "Rock Inland" Station. Train every minute. These facilities can only be of fered by the ''Great Rock Island Route." If you will Mend a ii-cent stamp for postage we will mail you at once a new bird's eya view of Chicago, Just issued in five colors, which ebowa you luat what yon want to know about Chicago and tha new Loop and Klevated Kyatem. This map yon ahould have, whether yon live out of the city aod Mpect to com to It, or whether yon nowllv in Chicago aod you or your frienda contemplate making a trip. Addreaa John tit-a-tun, a. r. A., Chicago, lir. KiiiiikIm. Ir. .1. I'. Koinliie, turn of J. II. I:, mine of thi city, Im I.huI.nI at W- mrr, .NHL, ( iiiiimliia county. Ir. lUuniun hh Imiiii in und niirn-d mi a rurm In tlila atate Imt t (hleK. In UJ kimI U'L-mi .ui.iv tf iimliciiie at tb lUaiiiaiiiaiui mwli- al ei.llire from which i ifnuluulc.l in hu.V He Ihrn l.i.k a com mi at the .National ninth tt college an. I vrmlnut- e Uiui lit ls'iii n. r h bit it h cuiiie Imu'Ii to N i-ln uU ami kk am.inrr cMire at th l.ii,.,!,. litMlUal ami a:riMtiial,- al Ur term of 'VtW'tlJ, Ha tl.rii l,.k hia t-rriillealw tu prmlira In thia aUtu ami m.iitlv ha atml al lUcm, r. lr. lUuiiiua la a ug man of mora than ordinary ric ergv and .mU imm rmau Iu tlta rtiiMM. of hia iMrallcal a., Inriiia lh lour )am' .imi ra Im rv(lir. only lilt In i,rtM, j aid, Wolkintf hia Wa aa iiltrl.1 .Uk in Itt.lrl. ami an. I ImmMii,- h,,,i. for hU Uirt tlmiiiir irHIIM hl w, arl,iit, ami woialiiK at aui iKlt.rf ha iuI.I art f,.r im,i,r. lu t-. hi ImHU.m bii.I Ua.ka ami vUIim. lie ia a wa e aolwr ami lml,i,(,M ami uf fiaal Mtotai ami ... U .Umlti.rf ami hia ffWn.U .ilt, i fr him a hriiltaul vararr In tha proaat u. "f h'a pr.lMtiia whe.atar Im taf m haalal. Maaalasj , Aiwn a Ua. Maaaia 1 1 ia It. 1b..ii Li k aa aUtk i uk aiN.1 t" taMwaat alaalaiaaaaj all kiaAa al Wal awMaaat aitaa4w U Haruy aa aaa rally,