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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1898)
THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT February 3, 1898 T JOf ' I If JJ 1,11 tl wl M ' Hi H U 1 NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT ilidtttot it "TUB WEALTH MAKERS" al "LUOOLI IIDmiDEMT," rUBUSHRD KVIKV THURSDAY IfV Ctj 3n&penbnt publff t)tng 0. ilSOMftTKKKT, Tblicmoni, 038. 12,00 PEHYEAE IN ADVANCE, Addriw H enimsirntoiif to, nJ umkaall Vattt, ordar, U pajrsbl to Til JOKI'KIII;K)tr I'UH, CO,,, tM, H"nJ lit your "widow' mite" to aid b Cuban sufferer. ssasasisssTBRasisK.'srsK Ktftt Treasurer Muerv will pay cash (or any warrant oropwly Issued by th state of Nebraska, aveaaasaavaBSiaBHTiBss Tli press ho again demonstrated Hi P'wr. Judge Keyeor hu been man polled to withdraw tho contempt ease Against Kdltor Hitchcock of tbo World- lleruld, . Money In creut Ion of law, Tbo stamp fth government and not metal funks momy. Who would tnk a wm of un coined silver or a piece of uncoined gold la payment of a debt or mm tlm prl of us commodity In current business? W reut, the law moke money, There I no such tiling aw Internal ion Hi money. United State money will not tats current l Knglnnd, nor will Lug lish money pay a grocery bill In Urn United State, Kucb being tli fact, what good would tfio kind of money th ((old men want b to th laborer, pro ducer uud farmer in this country? A Lincoln JCvenlng pnper recently made charge that J. If, Kdmistoii and GoorgeW, lllak changed th marking of alurg number of ballot during the recount lust winter, Tb article wo based on mer ertion. No evidence or even suspicious circumstance wa bown, Until th republican paper can provld mtm evidence, or At lwit wliow KUNploioM elrouumtnncoN w nIiuII not tak uum to rily to tlilr villuliioun charntm, v , .. -j Tli war of xtirtnintion contlnui In Cuba. It limy m to mntinut Mlong'oi grM'd rule t,b rivilixod iia tlorm of tlm world, Wnll tri't ban pro tiiUd fttlimt any futrfiirnii by (bin govrniiifnt In Ulmlf of U10 trwiUn (JubttttN. Iiilrforiiivi wight prix'lpitatn ft "pnnlfl on "nUiutgu" mid tli rulua of Uh:U and bondu would go down. Our lawfwikr, and tlndr itriNtiMTittlo advin t ruf ii th dnlliir iiiorvtliau tlny raluu butnnn lif or lilmrly. Th (Mitton iiiannf'iitoriiM ar Koinir on tli. It I cbiarly uliown by ur rmtnnlly rIvuii out by tint Kovtirnor of North Cnroliuit, In 1HHK North Carolina Imi! 80 cotton mill; In JHl7lt bad 1,010, Iu 1M0 It bud 4,071 loom, In 1807 Itbiwl 1,517 Iooiiih. In lHHflitbitdKVJ.t.'l.'liipludli'N. Now itbnl,041,HrN.imlliM. North Cirollioi Ik only oimof Hih cot-ton-Krowliig n tn I MM in which tint piim. Inff and wi'ttving IndiiHlry w liicnmHing at tltl ratH. Tim ot hiTu nru not fur bind, ftinl miino of tliiui uliow an vmi grmli'T liivriiiiiM), With abundant watur pernor, with cliKiip coal, with extraordinary clump labor, uud with tlm cotton Hold itt thitir wy door, thn Moiithcrn cotton mill will Miirtlly "taku tlm buiiic," Th triklii WHavcr may o outh and ib'vulop tlm iiuiitry In that local ity, rvrMt tlm pruMMit Mituation ami ioniM' Nhw KiikIhimIit to buy tlmir clot hiiiK from tho mmth. Th "Omniv ormi Wwt" an. I (Iih "(Irowiiijt South" innyyct provn morn than it mutch for Urn "fcffiit north mtt." rtM I I' tOK llll INK A. An Diauiinatioii of tlu finnl of tlm tatu auditor' olltco Iiom that a laru ptiiulM r f l!uronn lnuiniicHMiiiaii lw ar iKiiiik w llourUhliitf tiuim4 In Nliraka, Many ol tlinm ar pntrtm l'l liUrally by S l,riikit mi,Ik, Thfrv r at tlm prwnt lim thirty 0110 Hiiro. wan luturauin ftimpaiiic tlmt hnv i wii and chart. r o (rinuai t Ihuiii.. la (hi Thy iuut riN i patron ago (hut pay a km. pMttt or thry would not ctintiiiim In ImiIum In tU tat. fivrry yvr limy takuutolttm tnt mi, acrtMHi lb Allnntm ou it tiry ninth larger unt of Mumry than thJ pay oul la tlii ttttt or ttmutry, Aftord lig to th btl lalviitwiil mli luh by tk ut aH.lmir tU t.iir. ait hooihu- r.ill.Utd I J.IT.tit'W M In thM tta and paid out lt llm ihiu ffiitftti id Hum toil 1 f itt.iHI lt'4 hiiwiHH that alnit ll.'.n.iMhi hii wu t pi-l am4 lkH (rum t ut than pli Milt WHl.lH It blifiWr, 1 III U ut It thutttd Im TIi r many r irly i(oil.! Ntl.r.ka iiuuratic imiw.ii.-, boib old bu and mutual, doMtf U kitriua ul all Nv .rWt tVitainly no mm k b kpro t.trit u pinotlm will gi Wyoa I lb lutidr l llm I ullid (Malt Itturii, AhMrmaa roHipauU Hit a ( wud tbvir raiM art I.14 m l l.urtiptHia omp4tny, I irl, ".Uud up Iwr Nt tak,H at aay raU "i.tud up lor AuM'tUa" wad truiM Aamritt limtltutuiu, CIVILIZATION IW OHIO. Th dwslln In publlo moral in Mark Henna' tat I lllutratd by tlm aontl- mcnt rolcod by th proaidinif officer 0! th Ohio Mquor Umw, who, in calliutf th lengue to ordw, wado a romarkabl jHweb In which b aid: "It will aoncir from th fact. gn tlciimn, that th tuccn of our bimlint I (lfanilnt largiiiy Upon tnvcrvauiiii f ui.iuit.liu for drink. Mn who drink llriuor, Ilk otlmr, will dlo, and If tbw In no nw appotit crattid our couuuir will b empty, a will b our eoflor. Our childnm will go hungry or w muat chitiiifo our bualniia to that of om ilhnr OKiro miilli imrntlve. lb opiu fluid for th creation of thi pptit I among th boy, Aftor mn hav grown .....1 11, 1., .i.i,- ,. u l,.r,l tlmtf ruriilv. If wvi.r. chaiitfo iu thf roirnrd It will Im iiimkIIiiI. t Imrnfore. that mlionary work bdonamonir th boy, and J muk th nuggiiNtiou, gimtlmiMiii, that nlcklc kiimiikIikI 111 trimf to th boy now will r!urn Iu dollar to your till aftnr th aniM'tit bn bcnn formitd, Abovo all thlngH, crcut apiMititH," Till pwch I In kwtplng with public tund'iijcjii iu Ohio, It I lliinnuiam in a nw ouurtiir, VlHlmlz th boy th noun 01 loving motiiitr ana promi . . . . . t fiithr--to th awful bablt of liitnipir- aii(, drugtlmin down In their trong young mnii hood to driveling, dibouord drunkard und bulg th coffer of the win merchant with tho prlc of their wham and ruin, W'lien the people of a great common wealth likOblo bav becom o cul louMed a to tolurat tlm public utterance of mioIi Mtartling, ghouliHh neiitlmunt a thowi xpri'ed in thi Npcech, w no longer marvel at th political nuecc of men Ilk Ifanna In that Mint. Huch untlinent ar appalling, Tlm man ut trlng them I a veritable demon, and a a meaurof public unfitly b hould b put to death, A cominuiilty that will allow any man to openly ad vocalo tb ytomatla cultivation of drunkimne among lm young men I lucking in all rejc:t tlm attribute of a civilized jx'ople, Huch a community I un-Ainerl cun, and w need oxpect nothing tbut nvor of Americnnim from It. JtKMI'KCT rolt Nil, IHIVAN' IKTIIOI There have been but vry fiw great noWMpapnr or magaxinei or great politi cul leader who bav oxpreed a doubt a to Mr, Jtryan' incerity of pnrpo or devotion to tlm cau for which be bit been chonen luudwr. I'lio who bav been bitter in their oppoltion of tho principle for which Mr, Hryan contond, bav almot without exception adwilt tod that bo I an Ideal leader, a typical and patriotic American, Tbu A umricuu Ileviow f Ueview, a gold Ntundard inuguzlne, in an urtiul entitled "Tlm I'rogre of tho World," take th pimition that "llryaiilui" and Mr, Itrynn political method even with fro uilver are preferable to "Crokerlain" and the gold tandurd with Mr. broker' political method In control. It uy: "Mr, Croker and Mr. Itrynn renreent diametrical extreme In our political method, The Tammany loader afford tlm moNt Mtriklug exumplo of bone and machine method that our recent ten dencies have yet evolved; while Mr, Jtry an, who i an orator uud a trim loader, represent tlm conviction ami tho 1111 thuiam ol great multitude of men and the triumph of principle over party machinery ami campaign fund, Iu the great pending Mtnigghi botwotm Croker and Mryan for the control of the demo cratic party, Mr. Croker may happen to represent a aler public policy In the mut ter of Hnunce than i repreaciited by Mr. ISryun. Hut it 1 to be hoped that there are In thi countrv it urea t many thoiiniitl of llrm believer in tlm gold Mtnudaril who would rather eo po litical power wielded In the government of thi nation by it Ireo mlvcr man of Mr. Kryan' tyii than by a wound mon ey man of .Nlr. Croker'. There are wo re tiling to be leaied than the diit terofa miMakcn (Innin lal policy, al though we do not iiinhrrato the uravity of uch diHiiMler. Mr. Hryan'e only hoiof uiii'i in the elrugglo for future eaderhii Iu the democrat ia party mut, In our judgment, ileieiid Upon hilriH doin from complicity lathe method ol Much political lender n llu hard Croker." It i ulmoHt wilhont a parullrl Iu hi tory where a man o proiniuent In a o lltical etriiKglit (ought out with euch earuiiitiieM and much bit term , ba Ih ii able to comiiiaiid tlm rfMtit of both hi frliud and oppuiienl. iiltlaU AN M Kilt I It II ever n Nibrka n priitalive In coiigrtMui can Mil the blimh ul ham to liiaiitlu the brow nl hi count il uciila, U wan CoiifreaitiMi M.nir w Inn be aroee lat nak Iu llm bou and In a lu-ih manner told ball it dm. u of the 111 tl luvr uiti-rvd outaide the rvalum ol booi-hlai k raillery, Tlielloii. Mr, Mrrtb about bow the lusiouUu "iitr prMuld Mbi ul Ibvir (HiliiHal l.titk" nhi-ii hi u.i.d.H meaiior ..r liti. rrl, and lht lb republican bed uinate(ly huun l Ihiiwi id tlotir pari 1 bu tliie. any ib piMilma u M,i n.iruy Irom h ,4tl ol hi'ii..r end lii.i,.iy, M (ni,n.i, l ho Up N t'M hrr dll..MMl populMi ti. ..M uupuiiibd, be vallvj atieati.m ,i "p.puht ki kd mid lrHnHrUllon luraNili. feint by I'm and w bn m a til ruMb Urn, ilim kaw th I ao lurihiii lrnt.ttliiw In HtditMunle, Hkew Ike lrMpilatiHi Mrr4 lt wa kl luai.t, , turvi. . a ppulmi by N l rital party bad eitiphtjed Ml Iu lrl in th Ulf ol bt buiue, Alirr Ikui dirwifb f Jil liltl lie Ib lloti, Mrvt reil bavk wad lMhliif Uiu la , iaii it td nl bntbalpMf aah euuld rtt Jo. rv HiaM.r rHt in itm ti, . btwuka, II I fend time, brr mpulm id- Iflclfil bav either been embezzler or have been abort In their account, and wherever popullet county attorney were In office they never proaecuted a case. Why didn't the Hon. Mr. Mercer imd enough time to at loaet cite on cae7 When bi tlm I o preclou itaooin ad that b ihould want It In reciting euch a ridiculously Inapplicable Incident a an employ lulling the transportation fur nlhed him by bl employer, a private citizen, to how bow the tat wim being looted by th popullete unpunlhod populist. Ill caee wu a weak one, but thi citation of a private matter under the pretext thut It wu In any way connected with tho etate wu a poor way to prop up a lllmy acrtion and it wa truly diegrawiful for a congroHsman to toop to euch a little, degrading He. Merner' lament over the activity of republican in proeecutlng their default er I a tlrring piece of earcasm, Hi talk about "tho popullnt embezzler he could cite In Nebruku If be bud time" I elmply a piece of chlldlslincs which bi own people am ushumed of, A til AMOK OK JTHONT, Iu dlcUHlng the Teller bond resolu tion the Nebraka Ktute Journul admit the error of all it bu everaid on the money problem, In along and weari some editorial It tell Just what tho gov ernment ehould do in paying It credit or and eel It opinion out with the ft Murunceuud arrogance poeed only by the egotlt. Hut the following para graph la the Journal' editorial In grout ly at variance with It oft repented claim Ihat "value cannot bo legislated Into money: that a dollar I worth a dollar only becaiiNO the muterlal from which It I made I worth a dollur;" "Tlm government may uy in the Ian guuge ol the Teller and tho Vest to it creditor, 'You agreed to take coin did you not, and I not eilver dollur coin?' but if the government by Ha own net make a silver dollur which wu worth u dollur tho world over when the debt wu contracted, worth only 40 cent, and then pretend that It I discharging the dollur debt honestly In accordance with lh contract by tho tender of the 40 cent coin, it I In no way euperior in vir tue to the commonest counterfeiter." Ifore tho Journal frankly admit that the government, "by it own act" by law cun lessen or Increase the purchas ing power of a dollur, If It ba Increased the purchasing power of the gold dollar which no reasonable man cun deny- why should tho toiler bo compelled to earn tho dour gold dollur to pay a debt contracted when "the forty-cent dollur" wu recognized a fully able to clean up a hundred cent debt "the world over," Most of our debt, in fact approximately all our foreign obligation, were assumed under the double standard, and tho gov ernment had no right to demonetize half our currency and comd the toiler to earn the scarce and hnrd-to got dollar with which to pay a debt contracted when dollur were more plentiful and le dear. The government that double the debts of It people by law without their consent i 110 better than a common high way 111 a 11. Itr.MKK Kill (THAN St IKK UK Hi. The Cuban Iteliel Commission has eeut out the following appeal to the citizen of Nebraska for aid for tho suffering Cuban: To the people of Nebraska: A lew year ago, owing to a continued and unprecedented drouth, our slate euf- lered severely Irom the failure of crops; and such suffering for the necessities of life threatened our people. We tenderly remember the sympathy uud material help received from other states. Thou sand ol our people were clincrcd and sup ported ny communion of money, food, uud clothing. The remembrance will never be effaced Irom the uruMul heart of Nebriisknu. Last year our excellent governor woe the lirst o( the chief magistrate of all the statiM, to appeal iu behalf of the Htarvlug millions ol India. So gcucrou- ly diil our people respond that hundred ot car-load oi corn, ami thousand of dollar ut money .-resent to the laud of suffering mid death, So abundant wer iliiiialniiiM, that the lieticf t oiiimi- int wu finally compelled to decline re ceiving mure. A mini tlm wail ol fuiinne. the cries o Mfllictioim, the moaimiif sick m and dm I ease, ah' heard Irom almost n neiglibor- lug ioiiiinuiiily i uba. I'reinliiil link ie it the horrible cruelliee til war 111 that tiiilortunnle islitml, throuuli the work ol llm mm hels the bullet, and tlm bay on. I. lull where they liavw killed llioumintl ol outier iu arm: luiuiue, iIim-ii.-, epelein- MU. oiiii-r iiainei. imrror liave lain lelisol IhollKilIld ! nl I lliea wild help' I. wtMiu-n, ul 1 hlldrvii and biitn. Thi li nrlul iiiruival ot iift,riiig, luiiiiins end death I on Hie incri-aw; mid will cmu luiue so uiiUm xiiue spirit id huinaiiily, pity, aud help inltrvwitm In luillgale llm 4tstlUf il.llll..Ui ft r I. bed u, 1' m M Kiiily ha ni ptiintod a I Vuiral It tu 1 1 iiiiimin.., t.i,aiil In Nw trk. In itTKnau ttiititiii id rete l. And liU etw-lli'in , u.ivtrnir llhoih, p-'U In ll.w nlu . id Nelifn-t. to iHM.pvral in Die pi,i ul h piv.i, In sit l Hitturt,itid)'la, IihuI. nad llollillirf In l, aUlUI'il -.(-Ui l u tut. AU aiiutntntiioii mnI In Mr, U, , N.', iv4urvr, UniaKa, Sli., ut , AdpiUMt'tixanal, I', II, IWty, r tnry, l ia- ula, S.I. lUrry feat aval out Mtr t Ik wiyir id tlisd'll. roall.ian In Ik I S ribu4 nimn Ikxiw In eMpefnii la M eoetnbntinu U km b-t lf, ba Mil, Utiitdinn; .i k ftjtirwt i tildxha.! in tk I ul It4nn, llof nr no t .S I J rHina In aiiinia rlaMr- MiUii - nkt ate nlwHunMr nihtnl KanttrM, I i n Nov, ittl, i'J?, n fend rwt,. i feut, Hil It.tA'i kad iba rd, m ol a horn and dnt Hwmi aia.i H.vttHtl.vd n nnnl. II I km (nun thrra nrw In Iha mmm pinviu lte liil,IKHI iwiaona, tt nhilin a'ltl are women, and 24,000 are children, ac tually atarvlng. Ol tbeee, It I declurea by the physician, that a majority will urely ale of the disease induced by (amino, The sarao authority add, that iu all the province, fully 200,000 non combatant bav already diod of bun ger, and an equally large number mut mlneruoiy penan irom the am cause, unles relief I Mpeedily afforded." II uggeet the appointment of local Cuban Itolief Committloe and oomplete plan of orgunization to proe cuto th work vigorously, We trust that Nebraska citizen will respond lib erully to t hi cull for old, ItKI'lfTATIONOOODIN Tl IK RANT, Kecontly Btato TreuMtirur Meerv Issued a general fund warrant for f 164, 715 payable to tho W, II. Thomu Co. of Philadelphia in payment for eupplle furnished to Nebraska Institution. Ho mulled the warrant to the main office of the company in I'hiladolphlu with memorandum attached etatlog to tho company that if they desired cush on tho warrant they could bavo cash by endorsing It and Mending it to the treu urer officii. Amhooii u tho warrant wu issued icverul broker wroto to the W. II Thomu Co. and offered varlon proml urn for the wurrunt. Thocompuny re- fiiNcd tho offer of tho broker and ent tho warrant to TrouHuror Momirvo with tho following letter; W, II, Thomu & Company, Importer and Jobbers 111 Institution Hpeciultie yu Marxec mreot. riiii,AiKM'JiM,i'u., Jun. 2,'1808 Mute ireiiHurer, Uncolii. Nebraska, lieurHIr; WodepoNlted In our bunk for collection your wurrunt II 18000 lor 108,70, We hud several offer of nine tenth to one per cent premium, but a our business is with the etato wo are (Mirfeotly satisfied with face of our bill uud if there I any advantage to th elate we are glad to benefit tho elate We are not Npoculutor but dealer. We aro pleased to note prosperou condi tlon ol yourstute, and hope for you all coutinumi proMperlt v, Very truly your, WM, JI, THOMA Co. TreiiMurer Merer ve cuehod tho wurrunt and registered it for tho permanent school fund. IIVt'OMI'AUINON. Tho Nebraska legislature meet in reg- ulur session each two year, One of the lucldentul result of thi meeting lathe publication of tho proceeding of the c' eion, Tho proceeding ure published In two volume, the proceeding of the lluime forming the Houe Journul nm the proiMNtding of the senate ure culled the Heiiute Jourul, The legislature pro vide an appropriation to pay for pre paring tho copy for the printer and the printing of tho book. It ha generally been the rule of the legislature to deeig unto the clerk of the House and hi assis tant to prepare tho copy for the IIouhu Journal aud tho secretary of tho minute and hi usslstunt to prepare the copy for the Henato Journul. rhoMtato printing board award the contract for printing the Journal which i entirely separuto from the prep nration of tho copy for tho printer. Tho contrail for printing i awarded at a price per page the number of pages to be determined after tho book are print ed. It will readily be seen that by collu sion between tho clerk who prepare the copy and the printers, it would be 1111 easy mutter to put, in a largo amount of iinnecoHHitry mutter, to have only u lew line 011 u page and a few word in a line u possible aud greatly Increase the size ol the book and tho number of page that t he state must pay for. Thi ha been done by republican olfl- cials iu the past. The following black line ahow the relative thickness in the volume ol the House und Semite Jour mil for the year indicated: HKNATK J 1)1 ' It N A I. IIOI'NK JOtlltNAI. V i ? f i i ! ? 1 l l4 tk am - p nnj.y id the llnnae Journal WM ,U In ) Ik nM. r Vidnnm naUVl, in 1807, when it was prepared by populist and democratic clerk, the av erage coet per volume was only 60 cts. In 1889 the average cost per copy for the Senate Journal wo 92.40; in lbi)5 the cost per copy waa 2.'!8; in 1807; when it was prepared by democratic and populist clerks, the average cost per copy wo 48 cent. Do you think it pays to have the "bog in the parlor?" A MOTH Kit RIME. - State warrant have taken another rise, Tboy now sell for one and one- eighth premium, the highest ever known to be paid In this state for general fund warrant drawing only five per cunt in teres t. The following postal card wu ent to Hon. 1). Clem Doaver, steward at at the Institution for the deuf aud dumb at Oinuhu: Olllc of C. II. Imboff, 182 North 11th street. Lincoln Neb.. Jan. 28, 1808, Wanted General fund tute wurrunt. price, 1.01 for warrant ffiOor over, price subject to change without notice. Wurrunt should bo properly endowed and eut direct to me for remittance In New York or Lincoln exchange, C. H. Imiiokk. Mr, Imboff la a well known and thor oughly responsible broker In thi city, Ho will pay the price he has offered. It ha been a long timo since the State Journul bu repeated tlm statement that if the pop were In power the atate'M credit would be ruined," Nebrasku' credit wus never so good u it I at the present time, Six of tho state ofllcer are populist and one I u silver dum ocrat. 1 he now Union ruclllc management took possession of tho road at midnight January !J1, One of it very first act wu the filing of u mortgiiKO of $100, 000,000 upon tho profierty. Heebie this the new oompuny hus Issued $1.10,000,, 000 of stock. A the property cost the new organization a total of f 1)0,000,000 t will be a mutter of some pardonable curiosity to the population of Nebraska living along the lino of the Union 1'uciflo to know what tlmt odd 146,O0O,O00 ha to do with their business. Of course it would Dover have done for the United States to have paid off tho first mort gage and taken possession of the roadi HARDY'S COLUMN, Notice Antisculping Hill -City Investi gation Dave Hill Speaks Hawaii Still HangH-Lincolii V. M. State Fairs Changing the Money Stand ard Hryan's Visit to Mexico Our Cundidute for Governor Farm Poul try. Perhaps it hud better be understood by the reader of the Iniikpicndknt that the editor is in no way responsible for what appear in thi column. The writer alone is responsible. There will no party muzzle even be put upon his pen He writes hi own opinion according to the light he ha. We are satisfied that more than half of tho editors do not dare to publish their own honest opin ion for leur of injuring their purty. We respect any man's candid opinion whether we agree with him or not. Hut lew know tho object und effect of the unti-sculping bill now before congress. J ho Now York Central end tho Pensylvaniu Central are the only ronds fighting for the bill. Tho object is to stop ticket brokers from selling tick et undr regular rute. The two main lines would get nearly all the through travel, could they stop soul per from selling ticket under price over other roads? They propose to nut a man in prison who sell or buy u ticket outside ol railroad depot. It is tlm big fish atiug tlm little if tlm law pusses. A strumro phenomena i exhibited in our republican city oltlecr investi gating other republican l it v ofllee. It look a thoilull the repnblic in Htealinu lisease, like lie lueasli-s, liiiil irot to run llirouuh the whole family before it would He out. lUV Mill, llm ...w tork senator l. made the gold bug swh iu the Chicttgo iiiiiycuimiu tin. other day thai he voted fur Hrynu and wa still on llm Cliicagu pUtlorui. Iiaiidhas n nn out 01 water lor more than a vrnr III lllll Y lltva tha l.rv.hlelilinl in I.U bound ugain. bat mi iiiau otat til tiin.i ran lm WiH-te.1 prt-Midwit an am iu many yearn tntsiuie. llnnali still hang in I ha .ukt. it la ittit errlaia Iknt nuy ulliar uatiuatm aarla Mould lump nl lha l hu, I ha 'hIIh Mal.-a un h i. bea our I'a .(! iHiuiai.n ha Un iuullliUd t, m hundrvt) n II will I in nfty yrara, n hall way station md Itun U u...iof ,4 u,,v. ill than it u so. I da tiaaann ril r.M ia nd war I'u.ilto ra mi Imrt Ion.', aid fvounw kuq.losla of I'a rittealvaiii ahiim in .rrv tt- ira-U n-n Ait mil Inivrai Aaaviaiuiu ill rnlly tsaaai lt naiiis nplw. ll ni iwaro Iknl Nnto AlVn ka I Khi tain Itwr li'tutitsn sp lb npiHuni- invalid l4kiM-ll u Ik ,'Mr ul p, , loaaiar in t.iuuln. lis sian I. hark4 Hitd ...fiviu4 Mt.invy ul V(4y t ..I ts tr iiiaiiisrf Mnniy iraatrf, i pttvn km Hia. I waalo-l In n. ( a Mtimalar nl ihm a n4 toittd t I Uoln tiifto tny TksttataUir kun'-l W iwnuananllv l.a aUd Mn ! ! lara na Sa m MianwMdSk lkn II aknutd tw niwn and fvax II hat IK lnl Niuliil-aiai ran b nad b prvtaium, 1kn lkc wiilU ni taa toy kira rnclssT, asliiH4 laarf vllis. I nrwam ntil4 $5.00 Senius $5.00 ty draft, ex press or money order and we will ship you the following bill of goods-Every article warranted or money returned: SPECIAL COMBINATION NO. 87 40 tbi bant riinlatn Kturiir 11.00 a l.nri ifooil Lsniidr, y Hop... kla'a Caff! 1 00 .W .50 ,f.O .60 M .39 ,n " : r. - . i Coffi-,.,,,, a 1 1.. VnDttt KrHiioratKil l'ai-bi-... III c-ntia) boat link Inn 1'owUvr 1 lit bst nnoolorail taa.. Ib l'nii)nr ().. 4 tin choice Hlea H lb Mustiiro ... 8 packSKM lt Vaiwt cakal 15.00 All the above packed secure ly and delivered to R. R. station here for $5.00. The Farmers Grocery Co., 226-234 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Nebraska getlmr to help eoch other and much good would bo accomplished. A It Is now the matter is taken out of thehnndsof the farmers and hit I turned Into a money making machine. There are four railroads running along ft few rod from the farm und the farmer could run tho fuir without help of the city chap. If there is any one thing tbut should remain unchanged, it Is money. What wus sound wheat, and corn aud cotton slxt y yenrs ugo is sound today and Ib ought to be so with money, In Jack sou' duy silver and gold were both eound money but now tho republlenn plutocrul have discovered that gold alone Is sound. In a few year more another jump will bo made but every timotowurd tho pockets of tho money lenders. Wo expect Hrynnism to stop this nonsenso. If we bod any guaran tee that moneyed men would be satisfied with the present gold dollur we could rest more peacefully, e e e No stranger visiting Mexico ever re ceived the attention or national honor that W, J, Hryan did a few days ugo. If Mr. Hryan should visit Fnglund next week, he would be snubbed by every royal cab driver, spit upon by every lord and hung by the bunkers of Lurn bard St. Let Cleveland or McKinley visit Knglund and they would bo Invited to dine with the queen and tho banker would kiss the ground at their feet, but let them visit Mexico and they would be jostled with a cold shoulder. That 1 just the difference iu men. e W. J. Hryan is our candidate for gov ernor next full, then put on J. H. Meservo for treasurer and we can carry the stale by fifty thousund majority, That will bo a long step toward the white house ' for Mr. Hryan. McKinley, Cleveland anil' several others have stepped from a kov emors chair to the presidential chair and he will bo able to do it without any of Hunna's twenty millions. The com mon peoplo must stand up for Nebraska. V The gold bug have not nuito cheek enough, yet to deny that silver I coin. Neither do they rtouy that all our gov ernment bonds rend payable in coin. President Cleveland notified conttrcss that they could save sixteen millions if they would mnke the bond that he is sued read payable in gold, but congros would not do it. Now we paid that sixteen millions for the option of puviim- silver or gold and can it be dishonest or dishonorable (or u to take onr choice what kind of coin we will pay? If 1 give my note payable iu one ton of cheese or sixteen tens of hay I have a legal and moral right to pay either cheese or liny. lew tons oi silver win quiet unv run on our trenmiry and everything would go on smoothly again. Hut according to tho presidents last stMi-ch, before tho millionaires huimuct, we must unv In the biggest und best dollar known any w here in the world without regard to tho bargalus. So if Hnirland should to day double the size of her gold coin wu would Is under obligations to llll V double gold dollar on our bond. All I ask, ull any honest man will iisk, is tho lllflllllieut to the letter of the contract, and it appear that the seim think so too, ut least they voted 47 to .'Pi that way. Now let the house vote down the senate r. solution if they dure, next full we will elect a house that will overcount ' eveii the veto power. We want, to call Dm atl.-ntiou of farm I'M, tH.Js.-,ty tlmt f ,(,v- ttU, t(lr-i in i ne puiiitrr iiiiiustry. The annual ee harvest will soon U riie. The chicken and egg product last year in Ne braskn, without Including turkrva, geea and dink, would . for not b than i),imo,!mki, h h-qulreai no bnnl work, iuat n link rare, first rata chorea for laiy ami not. Itiitemlwr that ntusarw prim for mnrkat. a tMiu u thay an. dropped, Mud t hs ku ar proiia si lft end ill thr. or four month. Ytm J.m't bavs to luaa n year a ynn tin ml It a crop ul corn or i.(,r ltm testa a ilhi-olta and I'ulvea. To atari withd.m I rtinclude lh4 ym luaal kavw huh .ti.w, b,it. ban. Ik.m m .ii tilth it'Rervnv In !, not a ijuarier a unn h a Iu txiaa. n rarv mre tha t tilnttd Ilia! t.ritttin Urn Mra. Ih U-nHorn la ai..l tt.r,a.i.I..Ml Miser L i. I. r it, ajinier, bal lb ht ..ii.ia-rr known, 1t plaitn t.a k, I and Praitha arlegn, alu ,i lu tlurw, put m ktmlt Hk aitli.r and you get th Ut btjvra .a aailk, lH.n l mint lat ynn iuai bai nn jt,aiaknlion.. Il itm knianadon I M yur kvn rwi im it ikd 8'l id ll-rd aad ui,l. k . I ln'.iarani..ra koaliKy. lUMMts eln HS'lrr nn HI a skad mill m r I'm li t I '. Si Jf . hral.D lK Ika aa tm ba I nt nny !.. or i tr liltia nr nutkm U u tnkt.nld l ftiinm iak aHr d lit kt ltm, 1 H taliHU.w a'-! Is ,t onaanj a h n.t nl Ik lf, N lk "i, Ilvlia ia iHraliug I JT, ktsf f DmI akuuM k nuhitl w in lait i' Ikrvaj okila tlns 4' i kattlMi, .f lfkr a,!, .y kia o'y -fnl ynr nan n-arsmg In ikar ns. fHin.'in.n itsml bat. bl i k.