The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 23, 1897, Image 1

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    a - - -
The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
vol: ix.
LINCOLN, NKliK., T1IUK81MY, SKITl'MIii'If Uj, 1877'
NO. 18.
in rni at
in 1
UlJl UVl'l
A Comp.riaon With tie Rate In
Hatty European
American CitUa Far Behind la
tha Control of Cor
poration, y4r ttM lefr m Haera!.
Hon, John O'Teiaerb wakim en ef
fort to "-r a reduction la tba tele
phone rate charged by tb Sfcrk
Imm company. He baa ry enr
folly prepared bi complaint and filed it
witb the iMertrUrif of tba board of
tranaportation, A few daya tfc
aa cam up before tb board for hear
ing in Omaha. Mr. Teiaar appeared
eelfin defeneaof hi vnatfMut Hl
m attorney , well rd in tb Jaw, u
a member of the Jaet legialatar end
u 10 tb How when the act ander
whb;ubaek to compel tb telephone
company to reduce their rate wa
paid, 11 i a good epeakar aad odr
etand iik aubjeet, U the Wdtor b
fM the bt knows an tl-monopolist.
Tbecorporatfonaeonld Inrarnxbly count
00 hut oppoeitkro. Ma will fire the
board of tranaporbaUos aa opportunity
to reduce tb rat and they will un
doubtedly do to on! the company can
fear the law held unconetitetional. The
lection of Judge Job J- Holiiraa. wdk
bow nm certain, will toek it more
difficult for the company to gt b
oort to bold ta et oXMit4tUl
It would tbrfor appear tbttbrl
a potmibiUtf tor om riU4 Ut tb of'
burdiid and eorp&ratioa rlfi pobl'm
Ioald.tko to elnUnibg tbattWlaw
oiMvOMtittitbfiat bosa(M H k
Jtr of an old act wbkbitdid not
foftcall nairi, tb att'f7 for t
ouim,uj AV tb btruvitrtum of tb
board on tbf ooad tbattbat w
oul intended by tb Hcitor to np
pi to ttmmtw -Wmtrml" 4 tbat
tb taUtyUm ewipaoj do aot writ
oot and "dMtirf"il mmimntl mrl
In no jarindktioo orr it, fr, f
plainly pointed oot tb fallacy ad
notunia tbat kind of aw", li
orrfd tbat tb rental (aid b.r tMr
oner a t!pboo m a tifn cbfjf
lor "dlirrjr" of iac. H$tt4
tbat tb eomja7 did oelirer wk
not b boman nitwj bot dtne
-M1, tbat ltboPi(b a a did bw
own talking tb corporal oa'a $etrkl
urrent carried and Mirere4 tbawe
ae; that tU art of dolirer waa r'
iimtwA by lb agent of tb erpra.wn
when tli yoaog lady in t central
offlcw connect one telepfion wtb an'
other. Tbia bi "direry" in tb oere
intendwl by tbahKialatarw. Krery e--r
,f tK kmliitiiri knew tbat t4e-
pbone eiai(e are not wntlen and de
lered, but tbat ty are U!k-d orr ,
tiiewire. Tb delirery part of tnela
waa intended to npfdy to tvrpf!
Hipantea and telephone iminUj, IJolb j
b;lepbone and feb-((raph ytw( werej
pld under tle control of the loarl j
and the law pe:tflca(ly ati thai IU
loarl Mhail bare power to n ana regi
le the crifirgen lor erK:w,
Tbat tl-a ctttri(ei lor tb neo( tele--plioiiMi
in Nenratba are exorbitant w
plainly apparent wben nipred wtb
tlfacbarg tri;id lor a (iilr or bet
ter M-rr;e in loretn conntri. Tie
i:mrn- u Omaha U "-r year, ti
Linmiln I II r year, and ibere are ej
tra and additional charjf lor eab and
eirt-ry wn with a tefephona oat
of the city.
la Mtorkbolm, Kwb-,tbe charge U
4 , H . 11 d, or about iZ r year
for a hiiinea t-h'ptone( and il t, ' , H
d, 1 1 ' "r ynr for a telephone at a
riiJeiice, 'Stockholm a much larger
-ity than etth'-rO 'ia or Uwoln and
h I2,'MH Mfphone in w. Onaoa
tii4 only about In e. In the
teiephoti liltoilKni the lfllr telephone
In 11 m the grniNrr the eXe nee lor e h
telephone hir 0-Hto, mm CHfll 'phone
tfiimt be coiikw ld wttb every olhef
'phone. The liianngern of the ,jfraka
'jHiephone ( 111 puny el planed to th
oiiiniltt on telephone In the laet
hgmlamre that that wna the raon
chnrgmi aere higher In Omaha than la
L iii iilii nnd IhkIkt In Uncoln thau In
inalhr town in the mnl. ccoHmg
to the etplniiation in 'fix by the olll''f
of the tli'ln.ii company the cbargea in
Hmm kholm hould la greater lhaa In
Oninhaor Uncoln, alum an a matter
ol (nit flu charge are h than hull
liiiich. I a f liO'ugo lh charga are f I JH
e-r yenr, or neiiriy i tuw wht the
chrg nr In hlin kholm. The p"pl
Itttion of Mux kholin at t)i lat cnu
ti Vll,o'Hi. I h rfipulatton of Omaha
I about I.Vl.iKMI. The aerviia la XK V
liiilui and nil other Kiifnj-nn coiinin
i a goo I aa It I In lh I aited Hlnl,
They have all of I ha latral iMiprofeil
iii.iruMM-iiU, the it 'iality of tnalr
inl, urpaMig In durwliility and ii'b
lie lh lelephniie in Ilea iu IblaroUII'
All th loan and vl!lagalii H"l-M
bata Ixlrphiiii tyateiiit and ail ara rmc
1 tin ti ll ot r iharntira rounlry, la many
of thaamnller loant Iba eharg ara aa
Ui. a or (10 ahilliuga, (ft li 7.6'J
irynr, lb rlmrg-a tt onnerliona
ilMilierrttiea ilpnd upon tha iba
In in, 1bhrif lor a "oiiiim tmn "ni
klliiinelera (01 11, iba) distant I 'J d (1
4ftNla.) Iba ibarg mad by Iba N'
I u u
braeka Tefepbna cnpany br conneo
m tinUm) I ti tmU, The charge in
Mwedea for a cnaeciM Ut 2H)
kilotnetera la 4 d iH ceata.l f Norway
the rate ara 4 1, n , 1 1 d for a distance
of 1jtM nevtera and a, 4 d for aacfa
'Mt uminrit tUrnitjtr, A aeeoad prr
may a tbaaama betrament and bar
bi na in the tefepftona AttmUirf Iba
aarna aa any other eiWner frf 1 1 a, j
JJd 2.7't) fr year. Tba Xebraafcaj
Tefepboaw ewwipany in Mm tin cnargai
I per year Pr th asm privilege, la
Xoraar meaaage ura writ bra oat and
debrere'J to a ttmmitir. Tie
charge br tbair aerrica depewdf Upon
the distance the maaaag moat le
lirerwl 1y ttitrwt. A itm A thirty
word will be writtew oat and Wrerd
within a 6mihu of on kilometer
(alyot tbreadiftb of a aoief bf 4 d (t
cent ) A reply of tbirty wT')a will b
xmmAt back t ona-foalf iba firat
fa fortagal tie rata la from f 12 4d
U 17a W m44iux todaM
lanca, la additia to tbia bw rate the
company! re'inred to pay3percwt
of itagroa racetpta to tba goreraweat
lor if tranchmev la iiottaaa in rata m
2t'7d. la Italy in lina tie diarga
m ft 10 id, Sapte, fcCand ia Milaa at
la VMgmm t ut rat a &t la Ifarana,
in lb city of UttkieU popalatioe '&WitWt
itU&Mt tmtmttmr the charge i7t
10 faUnt WAAi) per yaar, la citiea of
atiniiar niza ) tba faitad Mtatea iba
charge raoga from V to I2') per
la lmmnf la ifcvruay pvpaiauoa l-
r,ivtWP. a loci j largar tnn im popw
btb of Chicago, tie eiage br a te.
phona ia abret '7,w par year,
la aaatria Ilea ayataw ia operated
aoa-etwbat differently, Kach w aaA-
acriljr m rvtnttmi to pay aa a4aMoa
faaof 424d to pay tM proprto'
ateoatoftb original tumtrmtumtA
tim hai ytrri, aa4 altar tat be
moat pay a rental enarga of 41 z J,
wbiciwaaadto pay the operating ei
penaea and fcaep iba line ia repair, Taa
adaoasioa bea ara ed ia eonefractoig
new liaea and ex leading tie ayatam,
Tb total eVat for tba aa of a tew'pbooa
ia Aaatria tba first year i aluoat 42,
after tbat aloat 21 par year, Kater.
prnnng cttiew ia dghne4 America
wotild do aell to pattern after mwmtA
tba Kropa ita fa lb matlar of
mosoctpaJ owner ship and control of tafc
pbooa ayatetna, Tba tevpoljet pfatbyrw
declare for winicnpaXowaeranip of pnf
lie otilitiew, Tba principle applied
ia Keropea eitiaa bara et wit ra
narkalM ,
fay iba Um of tba Writ of Iftjaoctioa
H ff Abaadooad.
Tbat amiaaat Ckicsgo j'orjst, adg
Toley replying to the qiteaiioa aa to
tba aa of tba writ of injaactioa fa tba
recent coal trik fa J'aanaylraaia nay
tbat aader the law jadga Laa o'
tbonty to a aa iniancuoa to et'.! a
Utor dpaifr erea to 'aMrt an insar
recta, Tbat paer fe-bng to the
execofira departmeat of -gorernmettt.
If 4; ,
'"Toiatlritof Injunction foda
perse aa anlawfnt aewmbUg, or to
patrol a pubJe? highway with armed deo-
nty marshals, i a aanrpatiza of power
by tfe cnria. Wbe ifr dxpu'A en
danger tba pnbK pac or ren'ler the
4etractirMi of protmrtj imminent, no
aed citin can obiect toll exrtir
XfTmufM of tb goeret nu ft "iron
band" to preet eber, but no amount I
of b-al rpobbling will sat'y tie people'
that the wnf of tuyntum ol tte lei
eral tzmtt in tle coaf bare not
leefi tmfl Mli'f User ff flee pirpfe
( ttiyt. htfiti state.1. The cmrfa in
w nsinjf the writ are asnrteng iewer
and lunctions ilerolred by both fe4erJ
andtatacnstttntbm tt(o theeiecu
tire branch of lh rp--nra gorern
meat. MK:b Use of tb ant of mj ifc
tcn by the court ia judicial tyranny,
bicn efilaiigef s not only I be riytt'd
trial by jury hut all 1 1 nght and lib
erty ol the citin."
T b (.Wag' l!x'rd, fa cmenting
on the above opinion epewk the sii
Went Of the KUPTWUI eaipla when it
"Tic opinion will b nf'M I by th
riHHWit, ete of the in whx'h
0iittm litem that th praitic whtch
nmke a a ngie judge the sol arbiter of
the merit id a eoiiiroyrey, wherein b
him- If ba establitiel by tnpincfioa a
temporary law of hi owa mwsttig, i a
dangerous unrplion of xcntir and
bfgislntive ntft.
Theritii ft- little iiouiit otiiiei'or-
re t n of Judge T uley' position, whiub
rest pntnarilr npon lh aupposifion
that the Idjiiiictioii tt iwer i a menace
wherVt tl is ao listej a l deprive eltl
lefts ol lh' ir const ilulional rigtifa, I her
nrentrenily tn la abundant rmdp.
and preventue for the kind of Ires.
ps which hava bn enjoinol In tba
riont Itleir Iroubl, 'lite work of en
forcing t bo la rt profly and
tlii.i ulir bran' b of govrnii nt, 4
liiitiiiclion will he wher lhra is no rm
edy at law or wbera the a t ol whw h
coiiiibint M tiial, I not lawles mil
If. Mbre, a In id rriu moi ra
, a rourl pnewl by Injuii' lion to
ilnlsi- wint a riiiM inny or mny not
do, and lha arbilrarily Die punish-
iiient not lor lawlessnHss, tul lor ioia
lion of lb nourt onb r, a pr'dhtof
HilitMal trrshy ba ! tabiihd
W hy nhould not a judg with epialii
Im enjoin a man Iroin committing mtir
i. r-nu oll' iiss already provided for in
laa and lbt Mm!f pniosb lhiiotu.
not for iiiiitder but hr conieinpt of
etiurl, tbrby ibpriricg butt of bi r ghl
in trial by iiT
lonartsM alntu'd U called a turn lit lb
astl MMiiiii in Ink radical alcpa to.
f ih flsing Iba power of Injunction
and autbing Ma r kka naa,
Iknathlnf of tba 0rat Pror
tba ftoatb fUa Ifcdr
ara Mafcicf.
A Land Taz, ara4aaU4 Inborn Tax
and Paatal fJarlnf
WwNvea 4 lta4 ta fata,
Wr, Alepfyrayyari4et
of Jfaw Zealand and thoroughly ac
quainted witb tba prramaat tba
Maoda and tU Caditbn of tbaria
dent aa interview yncaatf pubUUd
eacrnin( tb priarparity f lb bdawd
Tba protdeiw of providing br tba a
arapbyad la Xaw ZummtA m aboat
fAl, la fact, tba acfwofyaa ar
rftrrj few, Tien same way le atl
oftlevtraiop rpieatioa, Traaip ar fe
cmiag irf mHtw tbera ow, tkoogn
six year ago they were aa unumnmn tut
tb ara l ta I'aifad Mtatea, Tba few
remaining ara tba lacorrigifJa aaae,
Wbea they die off tba tramp will be
known ao avr ia Xw X-alad,
'Tbeaa ara bat two of tba great many
remarkabbr etanaea wrongbt I fb
fmuijff laa few year. All baa !
wroagbt by tba mMnmt'myA'mf, Tba
coaatry ia pretty far adraacad la aciab-
bmi, TV ax peri meat bara bee
tirely aatiafactory that waea tba goverin
auewt went to lheuntry witb mncb
mora advaocad vmnmiw, pAmf lat fe-
cefiler it waa w4orad by aa aaornvoa
"Tbacomwoa paotd of Jfew ZJ4
ar far i ad ranc of
tUmmmtn Urt tba raaava tbat tba
aigbt boar yta baa ba rigoronaiy
obaervad, wbkb baa provided tine bT
reading aa4 tboagbt.
"Atnke bv baea da away witb by
tba aalMitaUoa of board of eoaefliav
tia aad artatrati'a, Tba laa atakea it
obbgatory fa ail diapale batwaaw aav
fdoyar aad ampfoyaea tbat tna aule
iect of diost aball ba aabmttted to tba
board of ondbati'a, Tbat board ia
wooad of lira na, two cboa by the
ampvyea, two eboaen by tba employers,
Wbe wK oi w a pvewe Kituj ataaew
tba Clth, if either party ia diabted
with tba decKMza aa appeal may let
takes to tba board of arbitration, wbicb
eoot of tbree memlea; n chosen by
tba workigm, efcoae by tfe aaf
pfoyer, aad tba third again a judge of
tie supreme curt, Tba aecama of tie
boa4 of arbitration ia Haai, It must be
oferved. Heavy penal ne ar provided
br mtAiUtr, aad tba peaalteta ara w
brcd, to, Tba defeated party ia aa
ap(al mat pay tb co. Tb loard
are to all intent a and purpose cart of
law, T hey bare power to aammoa nt-
isec and to pnib br cn'empt, T be
m rni efbc of these brard baa bee
moat wbSen. ltpae f-vtweea n
pfr M(foyee bava be- re-
4vd to a minimum, T be weker party
wi l yiePl rather than r Iba payment
of toe cost an be baa a goof cause,
I', it tb workiarrneM ia particular are
deligbted witb te;sf-m.
,w Zealand ia aow very rojtero
compa'e to what it waa a few yers
ago. This prosperity b attributed to
the (aad tax and land policy of the gov
ernment, Tbi i not a ang' tax but
approach it in pric tde, 1 n land tax
inotalaxn Ian! but :an land
value. It ranirea Iroia a penny to lb
pound to thre pc to the pound with
an extra pnny ad 14 for afeitee.
1 he eil-rt of f ht ba bea to reluc alien
ownership, Kuropewn fandlor'l 'em
gt tired of paving l bvr tax, T Itey
v.ry ' leVo'te more than willing to
-ll oit in small parei and at low bg
ore. Tbi ha precisely tba effect ia
ett'bl il give actual Kiefs u op
iiortumty to obtmn bonie at reasoned
bte bgnre. I,tre !! ere rapi'fiy
breaking up.
MS to ft it
In a lew year Ihey will i
I should y in tin con-!
fc-tion thai actual set t lersar fw-r n,itt
to have land to lite value ol ex
empt from taXutlon, l-lde I,M we
have the graduates) wAum tax. All in'
comes nii'ler IJi,V"J ar axemM; from
I l,.Vo to t-'.ii'ei the fx i V'v r cet.
nil over 'i,fei pr r r cent lux, all
coreration and aWnte pay Hx lull
j-r tviit without exemption, Tbeae
I ao let' tak Ih plara of the old prop'
erlV tat tthfb ba been alethshed,
'j he government oMnme Urg truct
of land wbM'b ft lis" to ai IukI aellh-r
(i,f ','.i;t farm. If the eel tier la d'wrvilig
and he cannot lens lh land if h I not,
Hi government wi:l lend hint th matr
lul lo th valu ol II0H to build a hou,
then u wiN allow hint a tcrlain im per
nr for Hearing tba lund, II wii) aio
provid him not mor than Ihreadnta
o ei, lit houraeui h Willi wnik on fouds improveiiiehf, ao fht
h tan uiofl blu'aell an I lamily until
liwcnntaie crops ' h government Is
rlinbtirsi f'tr all I lua by Ih iiii re tn
Ulifl Values due t Hi! Ii-mmhJ populullon,
on wbwfi ttxollerla a lat, a I huranl
fi mtf siil d,
'lh governmeiit leitrow tlionaf in
',uro in larg aunia winch it bonis lo
Ih (aruieta, 'lh goerament tya 1
ir cat inferesl nnd t harg lh luf iiif
ft tier ih(, As a mailer of Im t Iha
farmar net A ir ri nl iter annuin. I la-r
ant of l.ii h g4 Into a sinking fund to
ran) Iha pcut inal, titer pacing f) r
tat a yar lor 7 'I; ar lb dhl btvi-
tiagaisbed. Tb pfaa baa bca aa entire
aarewo lar a it babe tril. Inter.
rat wera ba'merly very b'gb.
The government own iha tefegrapb,
tf lefejitonea and tb railroad la fcew
Zalaavf, Oie inlereating Uniurt of tb
government ownership of railroafbi
that! tie country dwtrert tvftera the
elbr are noma diafaacr from tha
acltol, the railwara aarry l)e childreu
to and from aeboof Ire of charge. It ia
inlereting to aota tbat the railroads
ar beyiAuing to pay wall nine tly
cn nn'b-r government cntrot, Mb
tbvngb tby warn unprobtalda nndr
rivata ownrbip. Tier goverant
alar managea tba parcaf delivery or
ex pre busin aa it la called in Amer
ica, A nofber aery pyypnbtr feator faJKew
ZHik4 i tie poet tanka, T bey bava
prrved imncansefy tnmtumt ppalar
tbat it baa bea bnad tnmHff to IT a
limit apoa tba aavaat wbicb may
dete-ifed ia a poetal lank, otherwise
tJ-y would crowd Iha private bank oat
Of X !, Tbabmit ial'Vb
,"omn rota fa ,w aiand, W
bava very advanced law oa tb ube(
of temperance, bava bicaf upturn
wfb tb ptvtUi'm tbat tie qmmium
must ), auhnoiled to tba refradnm
every three year, Tie aal of liviuor
caa only fa prohibited by a tbrca filth
roli oa tba Otber faal ave a aiagle
addltbaal licienaa c,a't b granted
without a tbr-(5Ub rota, iatare
dacv ma ia tba oamlavr of aabcn caa l
malbyabara majority, nJtbongb tba
aamler of aabfaa cannot ba rvluced
tnr lhaa 2& per cent,
"Tb government baa bo aatablialiad
a bfa inearance, wbicb baa ! x pop.
alar that tba government no 4oa
mora Marac bawi tbaa all tba
private cnpaiecmbewl,
"finer ara io two or three govara'
meat frn br tba a nw ployed, bat ad 1
bar already aald, tba nampbyd ara
gtt;eg pretty aaro aow. Tfoaa farm
re nx-refy ex periwevn tn,
Tb tmUtrf law are far abend of tboaa
of tbia oaatr,nd tlery ara eaforeed,
ft la oblgtry apoa atnpbyara to pro.
rid dining twmmtur tktr employee,
fcgbt tVnr and ao avora yytOtafa a
day' work, o child aadr I & year of
aga i alWwed to aork ia a factyry, Tba
Saw apply oa a farm, fa tba city, a tore ,
must b fod oa mh4j and alao a
ball a day daring tba wk. And th
half boi;dy maat ba paid br, All taan
bwa ar rigidly uitrM,
fiovernment work oa aa enoratou
aeabv bava tee-n neievfkea oa thee
opera' i rv p(aa. Tba girvara meat deaf
dirmttf witb tba a who do tb work.
And they 64 it a very eay (natter to
ge-'.biOg without tb contractor.
To aam It ail o avery owa la w .
I aad I very macb pleaaed with tba new
oovfftHMgMT fir mjucion.
Aa Opioiaa by tba Cbiaf J net tea of the
Kuprcma Court of Mioeaaota.
Tbr ara jadgea of bigb curt tbat
recogoix tba fjcava danger In tba -a-
eroaebment by tba judiciary wpoa tba
otber brajeb of government, tlftcr
of corta bka ofScera la otber deparb-
meata are aaxivoa to increua aad ax
tend tbeir atbor;lyna Mucb aa
bie, ft ia we-'l ilfotrbd by tba ia
creaaed o of the j'jdiebd unuMHt,
fa a recent interview Hon, l,br!a M,
Mtarl, ebbf aeftca of tba a lata of Mill'
nejeit, regarding tba nlrgd t tM
of voveranevnt by ini''nc4oa a fftuv
fd a t'e c ol tba J'ennIvania
trit, aaej;
"I bnv never known f a caa whr
tleert ba giv aavb a lroad -terpretatba
to it pwer ia tbi par
ticnarain tnia in tan-, If Iba la-ta
are taled, it em to oe tbat it baa
g'e t lar,
"Tbi government by injuucna i a
cnparativefy m'elrn inetitalton in
t!.i country, ahbongb tbia pwervt.
1 ia tb cairt I older tbaa tba consti
tution, coming down loo from 1 he old
f,ngleb law. To me it aeem to lei a
dmgeron ticbiey and one wbicb
should be guard! most carefully,
' It ia taking away Irom tl citizen
the ngbt id a trial by jury, and i at
any lime babbt to bud to ly rannr; nnd
iu'leotl trrnnnr ia
lb worst in the
wrrhl, be'na tbre
is no apfe-tl from
"I cannot now rcoilt
whre the court have gone to au ti
b'gib in lb us ol power of th In-
iuneiion a tin.
"Titer t no parnlbd between lit cir
f.i.i Ult'- hereall'l hte ol the fletis
r irf'llion tn f he-io. IMt and hi ltd
lower were simply inciting to riot and
m tnaily cngwged in Ireapae and other
m,l.i slul a I,
"In tin inslnniw Ih court npter
to hnv tnft rvened to prwenl Ih min
era asseiitiiling and man bloat in lh pule
he i. It look a Ibouub th courl
hud ien loo antiou lo lurtb'-r Ih In
feiesi of th corferalfou,
' In Vmis)lvania tha corpuruli'na
i ierta alrong influence In lhcoiiimun'
ty, and ill not at all tbut
that Innuetna often ltenla lo Ih
I,-1,' h and In ike it pos-il.U lor lll"l lo
1.1,1 (u Irom tli louru wiiul hi otlu r
luO Of comiiiuitllie IfHghl bed'ilileil '
" I hi, doublie, i plain why audi
an niHKUtl order wa granl ! lu I hi
Major lirahani ol l.iniolu Issued
1tiN.iUIIItlOH reiU'wtllig Ilia Clllelia of
.incoln lo W't apart klonday and 'I u'
da I' i r- pleliile-r U'landlfl lor i leanilig
lusiis, alreela and alley nnd repairing
i,ealka, preparatory to receiving Ih
'i,iii d"lgitlj to Ih hatiiinal Hrin
li,N Co II K I ess nnd 'hi' (tiles III l,llii
important con ten I ion In ba bld la
(.HisoIm during Ih ait law wka,
last try a I0lni id ( a arU, tba Aim
it bvar end bowl ig ulator w iwada.
A fpaecb Dollyxrad Ijr the Praatnt
Candidate fill Year
Mao tlocUtd If tba Corporations
Will 8rve Tnalr
Tha lr4 f Ms well wwtf
f.ig year ago. and bng before ba
dreamed of feang a candidate br
prane judge tba pr-nt candidal ol
tb people party delivered a Fourth
of July ration at Ifnday, In J'latt
fmutf, Kebraaba, Judge Kullivan la a
very careful and methodical man and
doea bt bka to ba u-' noted aad aa I
bi aaatom praparad biapa;b br tba oc
caaSoa in lpewritten brm. It I not Ibe
kind of a apeack tbat will ba rary ga.
rally printed and circulated by ffa po
litical opponent a, Tb Omaha Ilea aaya
tbat Kuflivaa bt a corporation !!, but
tba flew will not print tbia apaacb wbkb
waa defirerad aig year ago at a Fourth
ofialy aefebraUow, wba tbar waa ao
eompalgg ia progra, Hera bi what
Judge John Jf, Kulli ran aabl ou tbat oe
bn' fgnoraaw b a always been tba lounda
tbw atona of nvnar' bal govern man I.
Freedom aad education go baad fio
baad, faeaar ferad i'tumv baeaua ba
tlioMgbt aad read too muck. King
Jam diracted Governor Aadroa to ra
atraia tba printing or la tbaaoloniea
butt tba pmpfa abonld learn mora tbaa
their allegianca aa1 their doty to their
king, I, ni versa! adacatba, unlettered
thought, fre aoaecb and a free ballot ara
tb foundation upon wbicb our govern,
meat reata aad apoa wbicb, if wa ara
faithful toouraefvea, it w II ret ur
lint it iaabiiitru that eternal vigi
lance bvtba ptimuA bbarty, W'ehav
awiftly matured. Ha bar reached pre-
MiuiuMUJi mum our nisury naa ut
ronn'Jed a century. It' bava entered
upon a luxurxu age, tie aga when en
ervation, anbaerriency to weaJtu an)
pwr beget antagouwtic Iaan4
preoedea crruptbn, dgeir' and de
cay, Itw MU'leniaiia tnat ioiiiKMnaa
Itecoma a matter oi mtrnUl buina.
There bi btUa of trutk or dignity or pa.
trirtiom in it Tbaraiaao indivhlual
or parly aaiflc for tb public weal to
aaoctdy or ennolde it, ft baa degener
ate! into a lzisfxrou brawl aad vulgar
scramble br plaa and power aad put
ronag T'fev election ara decided atill
apM ieaaea tbat bava baea dead lor a
quarter of a century. At each noccned.
ing camiaiga with it uniform and
lfchhght roos.bu; witb it noisy ex
citement and blaze and blare; witb it
nimnium of buncmba, flojdwlle,
apreadeng1eim and aunburntry, the
toceiw d war ia aouuded and tie buttle
of lb rebellion ar fought again. One
mora tba Vetera ahoulder arm and
gbt witb Hooker abor tba cloud or
mwrcb witb Mhermaa to tba aa, II
leftoid again tba bo la in blue mur-
halie4 nnd'-r
the flag of freedom, (
foef again lh hero bloo!
chttfa ia bi
ibrbead and qua-ken labia vein until
the mtereat Of the hour, tlie- putriotisui
of tba reent, reel and swoon In th
prence of Iba patriotism of Ih past,
ilut wbil lb mal lh ifil have
been baeking in tha bright unbin of a
gloriou timttjry, Iba men who arin
iuMttM h a mailer of fusm have
e-n cining lieir pu'riolism into gold
and piovi'ling Iha muhinery by whkb
llecondlmn re a.t well your part,
fruit of I be people labor may ba bigally
flb be4 from them.
Ti e iwexcuable and persistent blind
lie, t)t iiinand utU;r indifference ol
an luU iiiicut peoole to th-ir own inter-
, n howu hy Iha routin ami fxr-
I lunctory exercise ol the elective Irancbi
is to m on of tit greatest marvel of
thpreeiit century. Organixation and
money nre Ih two factor I hut control
ahwjuiejy the 'lir lion of public affuir.
kl,-U ulinol 'uiie greitl will III in a
few yer by b-gilimnte meuus; but by
llh'Kilimal lo'-itn sui li r'-eiilt is Mtai,
hie. To attain their object th biisines
polilictuu muk iih giiiiiiate meuna he
gitiiuaie. In other word being gentle,
men nud trying to acpnr wealth by
rohle ry, Ihey choose lo efhet audi (rati
formationa n willennble Ihcui loroli
according lo lh lorm of law, lfu'
Ihey fill III pllhllO I'liK" Willi their
Irui kling servant uiiili rlheiiiiigui tum li
of wh'ete dt'li' ni fl'igi ra corporut lar.
ci-ny becumea h gulioxl and moral wrung
ia Irnnsmuled Into h'H'il right,
'I wo braiiHh id th atat govermiMUil
;nr now, and lh l iiM h- fwiolnrs hm
beell, MbsOIUIely lllidef III lliMillli'tlioll
of ii,r,'ifl flower wblill ruled 111
completely Willi a rod of inn naevrf
Ihbesiiierr ruieil ffatic. liaiiyiinio
i ml in high pine pr"i true to ih o
pla anil IovmI pi ha Irusl, li Mipiii kiy
milked aa a victim fur th puliinul
guillotine, III otllrinl inrie.r (iiieb
'i i i i 1 1... ... i i. .. .i. ,
I n K't'i '"" nun nii'i "
'lh rorporallou lid Iha vourl ba
rus, lo pMraphras lb hcolclt a lug",
in nnbr lo know what Ilia law lainef
must know lh JihIm a'vi Ndmliiiainr it.
a ll lull; judii iary, vir randy toimllilr
verilu'ia, nml ly ronairuii)iu, i'iiinii
lata lnlul rnuilad luroiilrul and fg
wUleritp',fil lapaiuty, i niimium Ilia
most ValUUhl g wni'le m ployed he Ih
buslin puliiuiiatia or th'ir uwu vurii h
. . . t' .. iA .. .. L .. .. ..
invili, i niir ism hkii ii waa iihiish
lliul Jmln Miwlie Ihbliiy lo lh
Mipl ill Ih slat bad rendered blm nb
U0xU, to tb tba railroad Intweata
wbicb loudly clu,ord for bi official
bead. For once, however, th people
were arouw-d Irom their hubilnal leth
argy and at their county convent ion
intruded tbeir deb-gate to relt tii
railroad demiind and vota for Maxwell.
Aa m result of tbi pnemodia Inbvreat In
pubic affair Justnw Maxwell wits nv4
ami Ihecorporution purpose temporar
ily thwarted. M. U. lieese. t.l.e g th
braveet, pnreet, and ableet jadgc tbat
ever aat on any 1encb, bud acted witb
Maxwell ami Mi.k)n. ft majority id tha
bigbewt court liifl rtoiHl bka it wall of
Iron bctweu th pnopbi and corporal
aggreiw0 j;,,., ln(B C(,ort w con-
atitubel tba flrat maaaura of rafiet
from tba railroad in tba way of
reduction ol reight rabst waa obtained;
tba ancient ytm of dia:riinination
oaint onfrienbly eointnuuitiea waa
cbwjkad; tb wbolcaal removal of rail
road cause to tb federal court waa put
omleran effectual quietu. J'r thewa
and other aet of offleiaJ fidelity, Jadg
leeeaa waa, by eorfiorata decree, ae
tea to politkal detb, Tba cionty
convention wcr bdd and tb iJebgab
to the state convention war eboaeti in
in tb uuttl way. Tb inojorily of tba
delegate war good in and true; tba
minority wruper aervkeahle railroad
undawtrapper. Tha good men yawned
laigutdly and counted tba content of
their pure whan thy thought of tb
xpans and bant d abp incident to a
trip to tb city of Hastings, Tba under,
trnpiter looked forward with pleaaur
to a fra rila and uigbt of revelry log.
unatiug; fa tba ami! of corporation
lordlings. Ho when tba atat con van.
tiog mel, tba omlaratrapera war tber
and tba proxbw of tba good men wer
rotad for tba railroad candidate for
judge who waa duly nominated and eas
ily abctad, and I'latU county did I fa full
bar toward tbia deplorable consuming.
turn both ia tba convention and at tba
poll, "J be viu of the political power
that proceed from tb peopl and wbicb
lo Influential In controlling their dea
tiuy, ia curioualy uobtreiimatad by
tliein. It doea not creata wealth it
true, but It la a wonderful potential lac.
tor in It distribution. Whan wealth la
created It declarea tba dividend god
givaa to aacti gecordiag to tba deter
mination oi tha peraooa ia poaxaioo of
tba power. W herever power louche tba
ia (areata of tiionoiofr it in in tb band
of mtmopttyg aarranuaod wiwldad for
monopoly ' good. Iti aaaf genet ab
ixation to say tbat tba men who All tb
tba high public place to-day or only
nominally tb aervaoU of th peopl.
Ofcoura tba peopl notnioatad and
elected tbein nnd aboatad tbmal vaa
boar lo tb glorification of tb vnt;
but it ia not to b doubted tbat tba
representative of apaciai intaraataia
spired tb nomination and by appro,
priata mean, opan or aaert, cauaad
tlieir ratification at tba poll.
W nitejudgebotnaa natur if w ex
pect tbat the men who owa tbeir official
exitiije and tenure of place to corpor
ate in II ileitis will not aerv tbeir bene
factors wWI, Wa abould know tbst
where bounty I irlven. trratitud will an-
wer it. Wit ahould know, too, tbat po
litical bondmen a bo would ba Ire must
tnemseir, ntrika tha blow, Political
power can b eaaily plaid and kept in
impartial band if people will act upon
tn I'l.-a Unit pohtii. I a busiue tbat
vitally louche their private affair. If
it It not preauiuptuou iu ma to give
advice, 1 want to nay to th individual
voter Ibat Ood in the plentitud ol Hi
gilt baa not bestowed upon mao a
nohh-r attribute than moral courage
and that there i nowhere a finer field
lor it diMplay iliau where would like to
any, ba iub(iudeut, but th battle of
pod tic rag- llerceat. 11 brave, be self
reliant, do your own thinking, do your
own voting. cue tbe blind and aenae
lea worship of party leuoVra. Tb"y are
notoiu-n iiismred nor not nl aura hon
est, nnd 'ti aitid they oiiietime bava
axe tbat ar dull, nml palm that itch,
and finger flexure that dotb move to
Ire, tio to the con veil lion oa a matter
of business, ink your own iduti witb
you and stiiii'l by tbein an long as you
tefiiev iiiem to on right, lou may not
do a well a some other, you may
not nave tlie experience and self cou- ,
tldeuc tbat other po, but you
cnu iu:t up to tha full measure ol th
power with which benveii and opportu
nity have endowed you. 11 youurchoi-a
as a di-h-gutc, uwpt th trust and faith
fully x m it, or deL'liu th houor on
the spot. Iu short, when poluua i in
seuaou, give it your attention a a,
mutter of bus i iiesa and the political
power I lint i now feu-verted into aa
ciigiua of oppression and wrong will
oou ix'ciiiio n goddi-M ol justice, whose
Ulll'lllerillg writle Will IIICIISUI with the
prii inlou of alisoliiUi Irui h the share ol
each iu th bounty of the earth and In
Its cri-titiou of tliu brain and bund of
Tmh list mils.
In a spirit ol utiuoat Iricndlim we
wish In coiMimuit upnu tb bu t that two
among tb gnut.-st living ibmocral
bitve recently iiernly espoused th iiu-
luii "populist vitgary"id go"'Miuiiit
mi I municipal o I p of puhlio utili-
tiea, Tb ili'iiioi rut luiv Ihwii aiuc
Ut Nuvi iiilir iuariicufat HVoran
iMu-itsioiial cry lor llryan or lrityr,
I lies two reiiiiirk ar guoil, nura iimrs.
r icelieut, but llier ar among th Ibiuk
big peoplu I line who vi'iilur In bint
itmt r-'li"! lor ihiaennutry will uevar b
ohUlloel by either ttloli or faith, MN I
w Ini even gn an lur a tu augK-st that
aU' ll UMenili"' frulll lriij'Hiil repetition
lot ii'iirn. n parrot hk u-liiy that
militates HMuiuat lln UsvluUie, H I
whiui tligli mi I f imrniejur vary th
lituiMiloiiy by rrylug out witb thlr
toiiHii and n that otlir matlsra
must be laken up by the aaw daiuiMnary,
it bill on oir aura like Hie Mtnruiug
ong id a iiiifckitg bird ai'M a pimi
Irom wlieiii'siiiilr draary rruekiima have
all night fouudJ, 1', H, It.