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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1897)
I n The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. IX. LINXOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY May 27, 1897. NO. 2. V X I u & STATE SCHOOL MONEY. The June Apportionment of School Funds and What it Shows THE LAEOEST EVER MADE, Some Interesting Comparisons With the Proceeding Administration. The Effect of Populist Rule. ' The state of Nebraska is reaping rich harvest from its crop of populism. State warants have risen in price fully 7 per cent since the beginning -of the reiirn of DODulism. The state's credit is .finch that at the present time its war rants sell at par in,all parts of the east, If there is any discount on a warrant it consists only of the commission charged bv the broker at this end of the line for negotiating the sale. .The eastern investors pay par. . The school fund also shared in the profits of honest manage ment of the state's finances.' ' Treasurer Meserve has notified the state superintendent of public ' instruc tion that be has on hand ready ' to be distributed among the public school districts of the state as it may be appor tioned by the state superintendent the sum of (362,226.03. This is the largest sum that has ever been distributed to oublic schools of the state at a timcle ap portioDmi'nt. It is due to, the better investment of the state funds, and the better collection of interest on them for the state by the treasurer. All the in terest that Mr. Meserve has collected has been turned into the school fund, while under preceding administrations large uins of state money have been loaned without interest or at a very low rate. Either this is true or preceding state treasurers have converted the interest to their own use. A comparison of the present appor tionment with that of one year ago brings out some interesting details. The tables for the two years, with thesources from which the money is derived are given. 1 v Amount reported by the state treas urer for the June semi-annual appor tionment to school districts: From state school tax........ 7.7,829 From interest - on school lands sold....... 151,806 From interest on lands leased 43,390 From interest on United (states consols 450 From interest on state fund ing bonds 13,050 From saline lands sold and leased 2,688 From in terest on school dis-' trict bonds 703 From interest on county bonds 69,504 92 05 14 00 69 98 00 11 From amount not appor tioned injDecember, 1896, it beiug held in suspended banks 2,803, 14 Total apportionment June 1897 362,226 03 Amount reported by the state treas urer and apportioned in June 1896, the last semi-annual apportionment. uuder the republican administration ol state affairs for the mid-summer or June dis tribution was as follows: From state school tax 61,796 25 From interest on lands sold 83,617 35 From interest on lands leased 20,017 70 From interest on state de posits 8,096 61 From interest on state fund ing bonds 13,056 From interest on United States consols 300 From interest on saline lands sold and leased 2,273 Frmti interest on county bonds 74,100 From iu terest ou school dis trict bonds .. 2,153 69 00 14 80 58 Total June, 1890, ap portionment $200,410 VI As compared with the amouot distrib uted last June the figures show that there will be fl01.815.W0 more this year. The comparison with the lastIWmber apportionment, the very last that re publican state uilltte had anything to do with, shows a still larger tnargiu in favor ol tbe careful management and hont'st endeavor iu the iiitcieet of the school children of the state by those whom the republu-uns Ut fall declared they were nlraid to trust with the "hon- or or tbe state." The last t'eceutber apHtrtionmint gave to the w-hnol jut f 180,11117.7.1 less than tbe amount wbk-h will bdi vidMi by Huprint!idt Jnrkaon uitt month and paid out to tbe mtveral rimn timfrom Treantirer Jiewrre's ollloe, Tbe uearvet approarh ever made to the amount oft hi apportionment was the pMioniN.-ut made iu lw-embwr, o .U6.3U, and tbe mx law! was nad in tit June apportion. mem of that en it year, this lae Uiug :nu,3Ha.57. It !tul4 lie ohsrrvml that ia the Bret three item lathe tables given above ahowlnff tbe sourrwe lroa birh. this whool fiuoaef i oVriH, aaairiy, oUle dimii t8, tatefwet 00 ahuul laade sold ami luieieel oa vfimM Uada tawed OVer llOf.tMMI, lleehlwt SSOWiUtf that I ll,. elate U u.U ...... .... .. ... - - ' - - i- wiir m 1 rnin because the republicans were turned out, it shows that the great increase in the amount of money the school children will get the benefit of is made in these items, where the care and vigilance and business-like methods of the state officers, charged with the duty of look ing alter this money, counts for most. State (superintendent Jackson has completed the apportionment among the buuuuiee auu iiiejr win receive as lonows: Adam 8.&iW 211 Antelope 4,04Ou Banner 461 4 Maine 184 88 Boone J,9i9 41 Johnson f4.12 28 Kearney...... 8,778 80 Keith ...... Keys Paha Kimball.... 784 77 1,026 80 171 48 box HOtte 1,687 88 Boyd 1.716 HH, Kooi. 4,712 06 20.048 65 8,888 68 825 28 Lancaster. . Lincoln .... Logan Loup Madleon ... Mcl'bereon Merrick..,.. Nance.... .. Nemaha. Nuckolle ... Brown 1,29)8 81 annaio 7,386 11 Bart 4,608 86 416 71 Butler 8,886 80 6,888 88 82 22 Van 8,652 18 Cedar. 4,016 70 Chaee W)H 8? 8,046 11 2,890 88 ;neiry l.srto tl Cheyenne 1,411 s;t Clay 6,018 43 Colfax 4.688 18 Cuming 6,815 88 8,275 85 4,172 68 7,616 88 Otoe Pawnee 4,186 19 Perk In 708 78 Pbelp 3,6042 Cuiiter 7,u a? i -an nia 2,2711 oa Dawee 2,79 tin Oawaon 4,274 88 Deuel 750 85 Iion. 8,777 j rieri-e ........ z,3 zu Platte.. 6,400 88 Polk 4,058 38 Ked Willow ... 8.897 88 nicbardeon... 7,480 88 Rock 967 17 Saline 7.188 5 Sarpy 2,852 80 ooaae 7,788 81 Douirlai 87.482 62 ranr ' 4 m Fillmore 6,5(4 91 Franklla , Frontier , Banndera .... 8 498 17 8,802 05 8,171 86 Hcott'e Blotf.. 547 70 Heward 6,919 70 Hberldan...... 2,404 88 Sbermau 2,8(0 40 Fnmae .. Oacte 4.848 12 10.270 m Uarfleld .., .111 82 Sioux 659 84 Ooeper.... 1,932 01 Man ton 2.605 69 Thayer ...... 6,002 03 Tboraaa. ...... 184 07 Tbnratou....,,. 874 81 Valley .1 2.858 00 Waeblrgton . 4,888 78 Wayne 8,214 47 Uraot. lfll 09 ureeley 1.9HH 87 Hall 6,882 06 Hamilton...,,, .7 m Harlan 8,857 88 Have 1.01a !Mi Hitchcock 1.024 78 Webster 4.714 26 Wheeler,..,.. '884 82 York 8.187 18 Holt ,.. 4.087 46 Hooker........ .60 28 Howard........ i.ftos sl Jefferson 6,743 021 Total t$62,226 OS HE COULDN'T DENY A FAVOR. Bolln Explains Causa rf His Downfall Taken to Lincoln Henry Bolln, the ex-city treasurer of Omaha, was removed Tuesday after noon by Sheriff McDonald from the county jail to the penitentiary at Lin coln to begiu the service of bis nineteen year sentence in the penitentiary. In leaving Bolln bore up remarkably well. To a World-Herald reportor he said that be bad resigned himself to bis fate and that he will endure his servi tude without ttiviuif wav to despair. When a reporter offered him a few ciurars ho quietly refused to accept them, say- ng tnat he has determined to break him self of the use of tobacco, and would at tempt to lorget bis past life in seeking turn, wiiicu iHiiiguer tnan tinman lite. He asked if he would be permitted at the penitentiary to read such books as he could obtain when his work was done. and being assured that he would find no opposition to his having that much pleasure, he expressed the greatest grati fication. He said that he would do whatever work might be assigned to him to do with all possible diligence and careful ness, but hoped that he would not be given work which would be beyond his strength, as his rapidly approaching old age rendered mm less capable every day of performing rough and toilsome labor. He leaves bis family in confidence that his two boys will work for and support their mother, so that she can live with out privation, and he looks forward, though without too great a hope, that bis term may be shortened by guberna torial clemency. He said in substance that his Greatest crime was in his weakness in being un able to refuse his friends, and added that those who imposed npon bimiu bis weak ness and who receive nearly all of the money taken from the city are equally guilty with himself, if anything, more so, oecause witn mm bis soilness of heart was a constitutional defect from which he could not recover himself and they used this fact to draw him into disgrace tariff rfifmrtsMinatvr I and dishonesty He spoke bitterly of the fact that Jerome K. Coulter, his deputy, is at large, and that appearances indicate that he will not be prosecuted, although, he said, Coulter deserves punishment more than himself. He broke off this line of sneech rather abruptly, as though he was surry to have been betrayed by his feelings to drift imo an attack . on others, and thanking the reporters for the fairness with which they had treated him, he turned siowiy ana sorrowfully away. A Sad Ieath. Sir. ( has. A Bonner, a brother-in-law of Hon. Geo. W. Leidigb, died at Lancaster last Saturday. He was sixtv three v.,.-. f 1 111 , . - "'M WHIT enort nine. I'uring ins iiiuesa be was attended by Irs. I.own-y and Romlue, of this city, Tbe funeral a.-rrice was bld at Jh place of his death. The exercist were eoudur ted by elder Howe, Mr. Iinnn r whs born In rhiladetnhla in 1831 where he redded during hie life. II wa a siiraeeelnl hardware merchant and had ronin weal with hie wife to iit ttardt-n Leiden and other relative. Ilidath wn very tihe't-l. The iMMly was taken to rhiladi-lphia lor fit- teriiivot, w ardn Mdign atfumpatiiud ma eieier, ir. n. iiu. r on lb trip, t'waipenjr II Wiaa The annual competitive drill ol the! State Caivereity eadeta was held at the Slats l aivvreity laat Saturday. There are lour eiiii.atie in the batailion. A, H, C and I), l ouiitauy l, eotttwaaded ij laplata Hitttn, wee vwtornme. 11 your aihtMir n.W a sewing itiaiuiee tell r about tb ptedi4 on. bet the aJ of Ihe l.l..,. . u 1 i.: ,1 .. . . V7T . " Mncaine 10 we loaa la. K 14 leetta VVBATITKEALLY MEANS To Adopt the Morgan Eesolution Recognizing the 'Belligerent' Bights of Cuba. OPINION OF SENATOR ALLEN Something of the Horrible Barbar ity of the Spanish Soldiers. . ' Probable Delay In the Bo nee Senator Allen is recognized as a lead ing authority on international law, and one of the principal advocates of the adoption of the Morgan resolution by the United States senate his opinion as to the probable effect of its adoption is of great interest to the American people, He has given bis opinion in a letter pub lished in the World-Herald which we re produce The Morgan resolution as passed reads: "Resolved, etc. That a condition of public war exists between the govern ment of Spain and the government pro claimed and for some time maintained by force of arms by the people of Cuba, and that the United States of America shall maintain a strict neutrality be tween the contending parties, according to eacu ana an me rigms 01 oeuigerenis in the ports and territory of the United States. Senator Allen says, I have been asked by the World-Herald to answer the fol lowing questions: f irst What enect will the Morgan res olution have when signed by the presi dent, and. Second V bat privileges, if any, will it confer on the Cuban insurgents, and will citizens of the United States be permit ted to aid the Cubans? The Morgan resolution which has just passed the senate is a joint resolution, and before it can become operative must pass the house of representatives and re- mjub tuv uicoiucuv o . aiKiiavuiQ, ur 11 should fail to receive bis signature it must be passed over the executive veto by a constitutional majority of two- thirds of each house. Iu either event it would become a law. A joint resolution is a law and has all the force . of any other statute, and the Morgan resolu tion would, under such circumstances be ipso facto a recognition of belligerent rights in the Cuban insurgents. Senator Morgan's resolution was passed as a concurrent resolution a year ago. A concurrent differs from a joint resolu tion iu the fact that the former is simply an expression of the opinion of congress. It does not have the force of law beyond congressional circles and does not re quire the president's signature. The Morgan resolution may or may pot pass the bouse. In view of the fact that Mr. Reed has not appointed any committees and does not manifest a disposition to aid its passage, it is' reasonably cer tain that the resolution when it reaches the house will be permitted to rest iu a pigeon hole for an indefinite time. It ought not to be so, but it doubtless will be. If tbere was ever a tune in the his tory of Cuba when her people needed the active support of the government of the United States that time is the present. They are being driven from their homes and herded like sheep in the cities and vil lages, where they are permitted to starve and be assailed and wasted by disease. and where they are dying by thousands; and tbis cruelty does not stop with the able bodied men of Cuba.) It is not con fined to those who are in rebellion It extends to men too old for war, and boys to young, to women and children. The cruelty of Weyler cannot find a par- I I I . a. I L : 1 allel in the history of a hundred years, ihe enactment of Senator Morgan's resolution into a law would in itself be a recognition of belligerent rights in the tubau insurgents and would place them upon an equauty witn spam In our markets and ports. Thev could then buy guns, ammunition and supplies of all kinds as fi-tely and unrestrictedly as can Spain or any other country. It might be construed hy Nnnin ino causus belli.but we should be prepared for suoh an event. There ia not, however, the slightest likelihood of Spain declar. ing war agninst tbe I olted Ktnl-s It would ha tho hulurh .J ! no way prepared for hostilities. If Mor- Kan's resolution goes Uo further than the .T"VU wl" nav" d,'a"ly enect on I Wieantuh Au,1t w I . I. ft. . I . . -t'""i vr.. oaumu uuuus are at a discount; ber paper money peeees but little value; her credit is praetkally gone, and she is making a dNrat effort tocrvate a larger boudediudebted-n- and re-eetublieh her rreiln, and this resolution will of Itself make that event allllOHt IUlK)iteilil, In answering your first lhaveanswered partially tbe sm-ond queetlon. The peo ple of the I nited State should b (lef. mittetl, under suub ctrcumetantv, to trade with Cuba without reeiriction, ae 111 i h us they could with any other nation or tbe wop ol any other eouu. try. I be line ot uVmarketion lx( nrrit bell Krvut right and lull independents i very iialiiwy, u tie in the simple tact that in rae of remitfiiitioa of ludvpeu. t ' the go vera ment revogn)8e. would have right to send a luinteier to this eouolry, who would be revived at our diplomat! eourt. iu Ulligwrem y ear rw with It every other nuM that lade. pendent governuteat would, lb right ti trade with our ihhih!. to buy aadafllaad ti ommuUat with them adr the saui terw and enBdtkn I with other. The eeatiaieai 1 - , l ia faror nl Cuban inJ-oen I dewve I lrosr thaa It I la the wr, j although it is very pronounced even in this trans-Missouri country. Spanish cruelty in Cuba is inexplicable. It as sumes the worst form of barbarity; the atrocities are bom be. War is made upon women, babes, old men and young boys. Instances are given of cruelty that would make Robes pierre blush for shame. Children have been taken by the heels, in the presence of their mothers and backed to pieces by tbe deadly macbette, the mothers them selves violated and put to death, because mothers and children were Cubans, and because, perchance, they might have had a relative in the insurgent army or may bave expressed in some slight form sym patby for their country and countrymen The Morgan resolution is in substance a joint resolution, introduced a year ago last December, but upon which the senate could not be induced to act. It is to be hoped that it will pass tbe house receive executive approval, become a law and be speedily enforced. Cuba is be tween C00 and 700 miles long and has an average width of forty miles. Four- fifths of it is and has been in the posses sion of tbe Insurgents from tbe start.and In four of the provinces Cuba has an es tablished government its judiciary perfect; it levies- and collects taxes maintains the peace and order and per forms all the functions of a thoroughly established government. That Cuba will succeed I have no doubt. Her suc cess may be delayed, but it will come through the active support and sym pathy of the American people. She should receive the prompt support of the government of the United states, tbe guardian 01 liberty upon tbis continent, and tbe lass bold of a decaying nion arcby upon the western bemispbere,now upon tne island or tuba the splendid gra lying south of tbe Peninsula of t lorida and north of tbe Carribean sea- should be forever loosened. 1 William V. Allen. AN INDUSTRIOUS CONGRESSMAN R. D. Sutherland of the 5th District Home for a Vacation, Congressman Sutherland of the Fifth district was in Lincoln for a few hours one day last week. He was on his way home for a week's vacation. In a con versation with him we learned that he enjoys bis work in Washington and ex cept for the excessive heat finds it a very agreeable place to live. Ot course a pop ulist congressman cannot secure any very responsible or influential positions on committees from a man like Speaker Reed. The speaker finds little use for the members of congress except those who are members of the committee on rules. Reed insists upon tbe regular and prompt attendance of the rules commit tee and an immediate compliance with his wishes and suggestions. Under such conditions no legislation can be nut through congress except with Reed's consent. As a consequence Mr. Suther. land has found it more profitable for his district to look after special legislation in its interest and to push pension claims. He has about 300 claims of old soldiers to each of which be has given his per sonal attention and calls at the pensiou office daily to crowd them forward as fast as possible. He has secured in all 5,000 volumes of valuable government publications and has had them distrib uted among the school districts in the big fifth. These books are of a high class and considerable value. ' The school directors, teachers and scholars appreciate Mr. Sutherland's successful efforts in their behalf. He has also introduced a bill to pur- cnase ground lor a public building at Hastings, and another to provide for the free coinage of Bilver. Every bill la relation to tne currency question re ceives his careful1 consideration. For a new member Mr. Sutherland has been very successful in securing favors for bis constituents, lie expects to remain in Nebraska a week unless he hears that a vote is to be reached on the Cuban bel ligerency resolutions, in which case he will return at once to Washington as be wishes to be recorded on tbe side of the Cubans. When he goes to Washington at the session next winter he expects to takihis family with him to spend tbe winter. A MARK OP ESTEEM. The Employes of H. Herpolshelmar A Co., Show Their Oood Will The return of Henry Herpolsheiiner to the city was duly celebrated by the 150 employes of the store of Herpolsheimer X Co., who called at the borne 1241 E street, and presented the surprised host mid hostess with the follow 'ng address bandaomely engroseed: 'We, the employee of the firm of Her poUheimer Co., take advantage of your aie return from r.urope to tender to you our congratulation on havlior you with j. sincerely hop that Sou have en. joyed your Journey to the fathwlund end that you return to u with renewed health and spirits to reemne the career of udtilnt which Provident- ha d. crd that lou ehall fill in tale comniu. Bit.v. in tendering to you tbi addr we Imply vote the sent I meats id e tee in nil regard la which w kv lwy Md you and hop that yo will long rou linu to enjoy a Mo anUrokea wae and happiint a wll a h affertio of oomeUe aad of all your Irieade la l.i. eolii. tti behalf d the iniliv, "VVtt.t. II. TMOMrK, Manager," "Atrt Wanrr, luokkp." I.oaa your paper to your kelghbor, rtrhap k will suteMrib. CANNOT FIX THE RATES The United States Supreme Court Deoides Two Important Ball road Cases. DECISION FAVOES RAILROADS The Interstate Commerce Com mission Practically Pow erless. Can Only Prevent Discrimination. Tbe United States Supreme court baa decided two important railroad cases involving tbe powers of tbe interstate commerce commission. By tbe decision as rendered the commission cannot pre scribe rates for railroads. In tbe case o1 the commission against tbe Cincinnati!. New Orleans i. Texas railroads tbe ques tion involved was whether congress in tended to confer npon the interstate commerce commission power to fix rates. The opinion was given by Justice Brewer and is contained iu the following para graph: ' ' "Undor the Interstate commerce act the commission has no power to pre scribe tbe tariff of rates which shall con trol in the future and ' therefore cannot invoke a judgment ia mandamus from the courts to force any such tariff by it prescribed." Justice Brewer continued; "Has tbe commission no function to perform to respeet to tbe matter of rates? Replying to bis own question he said: "Unquestionably it has, and most im portant duties in respect to tbis matter. It is charged with the general duty of inquiring as to the management of tbe business of railroad companies, and has the right to compel full and complete iniormation as to tbe manner in which such companies are transacting their business. And with this information it is charged with the duty of seeiug that tbere is no violation of the loug and short haul clause; that there is no dis crimination between individual shippers and that nothing is done by rebate or otherwine to give preference to one against another; that no undue prefer ence is given to one place against another, but that in all things that quality of ngbt which is the great pur pose of tbe interstate commerce act. shall be secured to shippers." jrom this decision it will be seen that the only power left to tbe commission is to "prevent discrimination." If the railroads rob all th people, and rob them equally and alike there is no rem edy in law. Tbe only requirement of the statutes as construed by tbe court is that the companies do not rob one citi zen more than another under tbe same circumstances. Continuing, in the case against the Florida and Western road the court says: "It is "not to be supposed that con gress would ever authorize an adminis trative body to establish rates without inquiry and examination; to evolve, as it were, out ot its own consciousness, the satisfactory solution of the difficult problem of just and reasonable rates for all the various roads in the country And if it had intended to grant the power to establish rates it would have said so in .unmistakable terms. In tbis connection it must be borne in mind that the commission is not limited in its inquiry and action to cases in which a formal complaint has been made, but nnder section 13 it may institute an in quiry on us own motion in tbe same manner and to the same effect as though complaint had been made. Attention has also been called to tbe fact that the law grants no power even to fix a max imum or a minimum rate, and the con elusion is drawn that as "congress did not give the express power to the com mission it did not intend to secure the same result indirectly by empowering that tribunal to determlue what iu ref erence to the past was reasonabl and just, whether as maximum, minimum or absolute, and to enable it to obtain from tbe courts a pereratory order that in the future the railroad companies snouid loiiow tbe rates thus determined to have been in tbe past reasonable and just." Decision of this wilt hasten the day of government ownership a ad vocnted by the populist party. In tbe only public tnonooty owned and oper ated by tbe government, the poetal sys tem, tli rate are reasonable and ther i bo need of a cniuuiiiteion to prevent dix-riminatioa. Kveryone la treated auk and pay th same charge. i ne enine court tnat n pwi rn the two on will pa upon th mas imum rat ra, I ther aurou who thiak it would be lit!U'uli to predict wnat in opinion win ih? t'ur the Soeili Klv familie started from South Sud trt Wednesday noon, bound for ("omttionwealth Georgia. They ar mem. ber, actual aad pruajwetiv of th "Chrietiaa Commonwealth," a eoioav located oa a Ihh) mx re ui-t of land I 'l utile eat ot Columbu, Oa., gMns;a they ar ia ener4 wagoa, with ttehieg latkWtte, A pieaaaM tourney ta astr- !, le.1 by alt, T cotKpasy I onat hoe4 m 11 adwll aad la rbildrea. Tbi olot,y at t ttitttMOftwelaih m lb oa worked ip aad located by Ueorg How ard Oibao and Other. CHARGES AGAINST UOOXE. County Attorney and Attorney General Prepare the Criminal Information. The county attorney of Lancaster county and the attorney general bave prepared tbe information in tbe criminal suit against ex-Auditor Eugene Moore. Tbe charges are embezzlement and lar ceny of the state's funds, and cover tbe same grounds that were contained in th criminal complaint noon which Moor was bound over to the district court. The information will be filed soon, hnt trial will hardly be reached this term of court, as Moore's attorneys will bave many motions for delay, to quash, etc., which must be disposed of. The inrlm of tbe district court In Lancaster connty are all republicans and whether tbe case la tried soon will depend on tbe rnlinga of the judges upon these motion. The witnesses Indorsed on the inform. tion are D. 0. Wing. Ueorire L. Meiaanee. S. H. Burnham, Norman Peters, H. M. uusbneil, W. St. Bartlett, K. . Brown, J. F. Cornell. R.C. Babcock. E. H. Mar shall, Joel Piper, W. F. Porter and N. McDowell. - -' - - - RAILROADS IN NORTH DAKOTA Charge Exorbitant Freight Rates and the Commerce Commission is Powerless. Tbe producers, shippers and taxpayers of North Dakota hare the ' same trouble with tbe regulation of freight rates that exists in Nebraska. ' Tbe board of trans portation in that state ordered some re duction in freight charges. The North ern Pacific, Great Northern and Milwau kee roads applied for an injunction to prevent the enforcement of the order made by the board. Owing to tbe ill ness ot Attorney ueneral Cowan the bearing was postponed until June 7. but - It ia unofficially announced that Jndt Amidon will grant the prayer of the petitioners and that the temporary in unction will be heard before a special master appointed by tbe court. Tbi. if true, will nullify tbe present law so far as the present board is concerned, for at best no definite conclusion could be reaohed by the United Statescourt under three years. The law under which tbe board proposes to reduce freight tariffs Is almost an' exact copy of the Iowa railroad law and was passed by the last legislature. . ' Heavy Kala la Place. , In tbe southeast corner of the state about four inches ot rain tell last Weiaea day night. At Tecumseh, Table Rock, Humboldt and Fall City the streams are all overflowing. Some damage to crops in the lower lands. . All of tbe southeastern part of the state received a much needed and very refreshing rain. Most of tbe corn is planted and the rain is just in time to give excellent start. THE TARIFF DEDATE. Sir. Veit Open foe th Deeieerst M Caaaoa's Aarleultaral Anaadmeot. Washington, May ST. In the Senate yesterday Mr. Vest of Mis wurl opened for the opposition to the tariff bill Ha sdoIc of the futility of piling up taxes on aa ever-burdened people, when there was a balance of $129,000,000 in the treas ury. He criticised the schedule In de tail, declaring that some of them were designed to be prohibitive. He se verely attacked tbe increase in the lead duty, declaring it waa for the benefit ot the "cormorants" of monopoly aad against the people. In conclusion, Mr. Vast said there was no disposition to delay the con sideration of th MIL There would be ne factious opposition and no unneces sary objection. Mr. Pettlgraw presented the amend ment ef which, he had heretofore given notice, that when artiolea ar manu factured by a trust, axtieles of such character imported from abroad shall be free of duty. He said he would ask iU consideration immediately after the committee amendment. Mr. Cannon (silver Republican) of Utah Introduced aa amendment for a beunty on agricultural exports, and spoke briefly. He said the pending bill offered no protection to agricul tural staples, Th passage of the bill without any proteotlon to the farmer weuld be a rank Injustlea and would be a violation of th pledge whleh th victorious party made in its platform to th voter last year. If th bUl hall fail to give some measure of Jus tice to the farmer, then he will over throw it at th first opportunity, de clared Mr. Cannoa. Th amendment la th result of a tonferene ef silver Republicans, Pop ulists and me Dauxrass, aad may be said to rprat th Matiment ot th lmat la th ftoaat whUh put Uivr above all ethar subject of leg latalloa. Early ta the day Mr. Maltory, tht w sea Hoe from florid, was sworn ia aad taek hi t ll waa agreed at th outsat ef the roi4raUa ef th tariff bill that th formal readiaf ef la bill be dtspa4 with until II waa air4 Vy pare rP, end Ua that eowmltt sniut urwuld b toasLtared trat, ttter waUu eaah paragraph would to ft rl aaJMaV Head th adve tteemeot of Rudtfe and Mom r'urwitare Co , oa pag . Writ tor prto. Mention tbi pap.