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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1897)
4 L4. . .1 The Wealth Maimers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. IX. LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY JUNE 3, 1897. NO. 3. Ik mm GOES FREE The Judge Ordered the Jury to Re turn Verdict of "Not Guilty." HOT BEQUIRED TO ANSWER. Senate Committee no Right to In quire as to Contributions by Trusts. Other to be Tried. Washington, June 5. la the case of John E. Searles, the sugar trust wlt .um, Judffe Bradley ordered the jury to bring in a verdict of acquittal thio morning, holding: that the questions a&kod the witness by the Sonata com mittee were not pertinent, and, if so, were not within the Jurisdiction of the committee. ' The judge pointed out that Mr, JSearlea had testified specltically that no money had been contributed by the Sugar trust to the national campaign, or for the purpose of influencing leg. islatlon or the election of United States senators. Certainly, the Judge said, a simple investigation as to whether the Sugar trust had contributed to a campaign fund would be an unwarranted search into the private affairs of the company and plainly beyond the power of the (senate. The Senate committee had reported that no testimony had been produced to show that the Sugar trust had, made any contributions to any nf" Vjal campaign fund for the purpose of affecting legislation. If nione had gone for the purpose of electing members of state legis latures, who in time would elect a United States Senator, it was beyond the power of the United States Senate to go behind the elec tion of legislative members. If this were true as to etate matters how iriuch more true was it of local elec tions.: It, would , be the wildest con jecture to assume that the money so contributed in any way had gone to make up the sugar schedule. It appeared from the report of the committee that they were not in the possession of any facts upon which they could base a most remote hope of allowing an ultimate connection be tween the Sugar trust's contributions and the sugar schedule. Under these circumstances it must be held that the questions asked were not pertinent and were not construed to be perti nent " Judge Bradley, therefore, sustained the motion of the defense and ordered the jury to return a verdict of ac quittal. The jury accordingly ren dered a verdict of not guiLty and Mr. Searles was free. , The cases of E. J, Edward and John S. Shriver, the newspaper correspond ents, were postponed until next Mon day. RETURNING TO WASHINGTON Congressman Sutherland Discusses Top ics of General Interest. Congressman Sutherland was in Lin coln last Wednesday on his way to Washington. lie will join Senator Allen at Omaha and the two will travel to gether from that city to the capital. Mr. Sutherland was wn by a rpreent ative ot this paper at the Linoolu hotel. In conversation Mr. Sutherland con demned the inaction ot the present con gres. He said there had been hundreds of very important measures Introduced, many of which relate to the claims of old soldier but none of which can be taken up on account of the refusal of Speaker Reed to appoint committees and organise the House. In answer to a query Mr. Sutherland said: Will say In regard to the Cuban reeo lution that U is uiy judgment bad up on th npittion ot mmb-r privately ex. pre- that ent-h a resolution, it sun milted to a votn ol the Hou would carry, two to oh, It i frd, however, by tho who feet irixlidtv to tub aud the struggling patriot wikkiJ In a life and death flht xn thai bloodstained latum!, that the kr and hi New Inland ira-ade are mam t thtiution. Ti e r (turttim so fur it relate to Cuba i t( a r r ihuructrr, Th qui'wtioa 11I dividend ntUftt beoiMidr4 tit rotinwtio atth the tear ami prayer of ii(itris'l oma and starving tlttl tra. Tbectiataxttieon rue ul hub eom Inillr tbe Jwi4rr I the eoatfoltlig ii tt. brought la a pnil nlr it int. r hu h a wfopfta ot f Vi i" kir ilartiuj tut. r. luttm tuba tia vl '' "As it rjatr wean'Mum euii. .rtt)T a llt of ii-eUutto twlur the lue m tb tin a troinl as! as Ike eenl toot wit ( la raMbty i(vHt the fwijatiua, tu ht t M4 at hkUi4 can baut(t tW Ike fiakr Unuf rtiat lb tjloi 4 tAoanotl- iih ) rii'tf tu ts Matte, it meet id te ewttt y k,m to a Htw s4 a the titkt, kt rMi that bt suit ana ', .i. t f-ntal 41 a itoruiuit- tees, the friends of liberty and humanity are helpless." Mr, Sutherland thinks the tariff bill will pass before long and then there may be some attempt at legislation in rela tion to financial conditions. He said: "I fear that when the country has been finally saved by the passnge of a tariff law satisfactory to toe administration and the republican leaders in general, that we will have financial legislation that will not be In the interest f the producers of wealth. Secretary Gage re cently promised that legislation of that charaeter would follow. the passage of the proposed tariff law. 'Sound money' and sound financial Jegislation and the perpetuation of the gold standard." The'ultimate effect of such legislation Mr. Sutherland thought would be disas trous. He said: "It bas the sound of the sheriff's voice as he sells the mortgaged farm of the helpless husbandman. It rings with the sobs of the tearful woman as she bends over her work in the darkening hours of the uijrht in a vain attempt to keep the wolf from tbe door and to save her starving children. The ham of the voices of the workingmen, who have been disappointed and turned away from fac tory doors that refuse to open. Mr. Sutherland expressed tbe hope "that in the near future all who are yet in favor of the principles of Jefferson and Lincoln, may in one army meet those who are laboring against tbe interests of the people, and in a decisive battle at the polls, win a glorious victory for and by tbe people." In closing he added: ''Senator Allen is one of the grandest men in the senate. He is an acknow ledged leader in that body, and by word and deed, bus fought magnifi cently for our cause." STATEMENT OF PUBLIC DEBT. Expenses of Government forths Month Increase $463,315. , The monthly statement of the public debt shows that the debt less cash In tbe treasury, at the close of business on May 29, 1897, was fP0,08t,052, a decrease for the month of 91,500,080, which is principally accounted for by an increase of over 2,000,000 in cash in the treas ury. The debt, independent of the cash, was Increased during the month by 4R3,215. The debt !k recapitulated as follows: Interest-bearing bebt 847,)J65,030 Debt on which interest has ' - censed slniio maturity.. 1,348,510 Debt bearing no interest since maturity... 878,084,324 Total. 11,220, 797,804 This amount; however, does not in clude $559,359,953 in certificates and treasury notes, offset by an equal amount of cash in the- treasury. The casli in the treasury is classified as fol- Oold'...;...............;.....;.....f 181,707,391 Silver.., 519,704,957 Paper 147,894,920 Bonds disbursing officers balances, etc , 18,129,555 Total 1807,490,820 Against which there are demand linbi). ities outstanding amounting to $037, 883,013,leaving a net cash balance in the treasury of $230,118,812. True Religion. Editor Dundus of Auburn delivered a short address on Sunday evening before the Social Science club of this city and the same neither savored of spiritualism or theosophy. nor could it be classed as strictly orthodox. His subject was "True Heligion," but instead of contending for some phase of the Christian religion and classing all others as false, he took the position that almost every religion on the globe was a mixture of the true and the false. His postulate was: Mar. 'S duty to his fellow being is his only duty to his God, and whatsoever more is taught is born of priestcraft, nurtured in superstition and surrounded with pernicious results. Mr. Dundas contended that there was no religion extaut but that the adher ents thereto would point to its writteu or unwritten moral code as the essence thereof, and say that the moral code was not the redeeming feature, while al most every retiuious sect seemed to 'have it in for" other sects and spent tour times as much time, energy and money in boUtTinnp the dogma pe culiar to their sect and tearing down those peculiar to other sects, a they ex pended h teaching nms'e duty to his fellow teing Mr. Dundas says thnnmh his paper: "If 1 am uot rtirht, take space la my columns to point out We ill iit the error." t.wuklHg forTlmlMr The popalt! of the northern part of l.uucatrrounty arebruiuuiug to exam ine the available timix r lor m candidate for county cininitnMttiiier this fall, John HtitniqttUt of Itm-k t'mk wi-t h tiiHuy supporief among th old time mkuhU, ll l a Uriurr, and ha Iwa a i"'d'l ot the eittut a ud prwiiu l for ainft.wn tears. That tie ha the court dwaie ol l.ilnitidiite tMtMHtruUon la thettttt that fee a rox.l euirrieor lor Ore ytxtr, iiil tin txwa rriurt o or tor vrara, He t d .! a llinhti and t lt and fatwfaMv all urt ot the (Manly. II ta b tt a (Huitt eiurv t! oigttln un u( the pttrttt T fOMiluioe. eut tV MvKittlf to k t'al-l it th. Kutrr etK -ie ttir ex wtnt, iit ri mil the luniy nilitM to IMf m eatifa ll'. Thai l-l Witt tlitl'U p the lliai.iHMi tkk'a lk are atio4 a. aMi andiw tt hateart oa4 tlnw ethtweiK and dHaklag reeapae the Mw WtMi iietutra'r il r4 1 i!ilod."i,. SUPPRESS Seems to be the Only Mission of Speaker Reed. MASK HANNA'SPLAN. ' Would Have Cuba free if She Will Fay Spam Many Millions. The Mew Library, IlulUUiiK. Washington, D. C, May 81, 1897. The extent to which tbe republican ma jority will go to sustain Mr. Heed, and suppress the pops, is disgusting uot only to the republicans of tbe senate, but reasonable people everywhere. A populist makes a motion to correct tbe record, which states that a certain bill was referred to a committee not yet ap pointed and which bos no existence. Tbe record Is clearly wrong. , There Is no possibility that it can be right. But be cause the republican leaders do not de sire to be corrected by a populist, they annihilate the motion to correct it, and that motion will appear to the end of time by the records of the congress of the freest nation on earth, as having gone to a committee that had not yet been chosen. A populist makes several contentions for tbe principle that a quorum is neces sary for a representative body to trans act business. This does not suit the re publican leaders, and they fix op to evade it. When finally cornered and confronted with tbe fuct that their speaker was disregarding precedent, and even reversing his own public utterances, they themselves adjourn on the point of "no quorum" after several times refus ing to take the same action when tbe question was raised by a populist. Mr, Lewis, practically a populist, at a recent meeting made a contention for tbe consideration of a Cuban resolution as a priviledged question in which be had the support of parliamentary pro cedure of other nations, the decisions of speakers of United States congresses, a motion of Mr, Dingley, of Maine, and speeches from Heed himself sustaining the position taken. In addition he had a rule of the house as plain as language could be written. Not a republican spenknr could be found to answer or controvert a single one of the points made, yet on a cowardly motion to table, enough puppets, claiming to be long to the party of Lincoln were counted to sustain this infamous in justice; I have yet to talk with the first republican who does not freely admit that he la ashamed of such business, even government employes expressing themselves frnely concerning it, and 1 look for a change or an explosion, Tbe Hanna plan is to have the presi dent stand for a concession from Spain that Cuba may go free-nominally free if she will load upon tbe shoulders of her children a certain amount of debt, and class priviledge awarded to tbe sugar trust. There is a feeling quite prevalent that McKinley would take a more manly course if be bad his own way about it, but the ties are too strong and he is held in line, and tbe galleries of both house and senate continue to applaud when ever a hit is made against Spanish scoundrelisra or Reed Itules. Both Senator Allen and Congressman Sutherland are expected home in a tew days, and congressman Stark will be re lieved of a part of his extra responsibil ity. Bell, of Colorado is really tbe leader of the populists In the house, and on questions of party policy none of our members are more frequently consulted than is Judge Stark, and noni is more faithful in bis attendance upon and dis charge of congressional duties. The real secret of the passage of the exposition appropriation is leaking out in spite of the favoritism ot reporters and some folks are finding it hard to explain how Mercer is tu be credited with the passage ot that meaiur when there were more than forty populist and silver democrat votes for tbe measure, and Mercer and strode were only able to secure eight republican votes beside their own. The wonderful beauty of the new library beildimr; its luxury and wasteful magnl fierce, wring the involuntary tribute of adniiratiou, "Oh, how beautiful" from everyone, but we have yet to see the first Vbraekatt who did not who thewmii ment of Mr. Ilurr.'iatt't It pint wscked?" tHiir they ront'ludinl (heir vUit. The Idra of niplrte that coet a moderate fortune, doe not fcarirt.mijn itheiht rent enra, and the eutrM of Hamilton and York rotisty farmer who muld not pay th tr di bts, iQUALITY PKr-OKK TllKLsW, As tiiat4 in the C tf tr ki Cp man 4 f'ftsanet f ell. IVr are d.ffervtt k'OcU ! jtmtice J'-alt out from the jail if the t'tetrM t of t'olgtuta whfie tlnfct Cksptuaa (!! MihkI. ( ktpitiw k the ikb broker bM kd by tbe eagr trat ad i a t4 t the rkais wf euateuipt Mora wmtle l the t'ltel Plate eeeate. Mr. l awrmre Halt i wl kl4 i the sme jt a a wituts ia a ( dii 4iat uimi rkr witk feel t-l-u gt,t. tM'l hue foau l the too.) taHebMl by the jit tittle ile Hat. factory on account of its sameness and his ill health and asked that his two brothers might furnish him additional food. His brothers brought for him a couple of pouuds of round beef steak, some fried potatoes, some sugared buns aud two small pieces of apple pie. Tbey presented it to the jailor for examina tion and asked that they night deliver it to their brother in jail. The jailor re fused saying that it was against the rules and regulations of ths jail, and they were forced to take it home with them airain. One of the brothers was allowed 20 minutes to talk with tbe one In jail when a guard approached and stated that be had talked as long as permitted under the rules of the jail. Another brother of Ball's appeared in the after noon to see his brother and inquire as to his health but was denied the privi lege of seeing him -under the rule that a prisoner can havebnt one visitor a week. Quite different is tbe treatment of Broker Chapman who is confined In tbe same jail under the same rules and regu lations enforced by tbe same officers of tbe law. 1 Chapman selects his meals from the Arlington hotel bill which for last Wednesday was as follows: Little ttucM Clams on shell, Chlckon, a In Cliovallnr. Couitomme Oolextlns. Mwt i'leklci, I altar, Ollvoa, Uherklne. Kllot ol Cbiekon, lUllbnr, White Wine Hauoe' KroKi lu a la Creot. Cucanilicn, Haled, 1'otatoea, Maltr it Hotel, Uiilnim Kaati Id Casserole. ' Soft Crabs, Fried, Klirsro Sauce, r'llet Mlirnuti. a In Trianon, Cold I'laln Lobster, cold itoast ileef, Cold tlttef Tonffao, Hlbs of Prime Beef, Nprlna; Lamb, Mint Haace, Turkey stuffed and ronefed, Ulblet Hauce, Lettuce K nl&1, Romnlut Salad, Haricot Vert Naiad, Tomato Salad, Boiled Potatoes. Raked Yams. Mashed Pot, tues, Mew lloets, asparagus, I)utt r Hance, Ureeo Pens, Mplnaub. Bice, Mtrwed Tomatoes, lilsqne i'ttddlno;, Hrandjr Bancs, Kbttliarb i'le. Oralis Custard Pie. Itaisln 1'onnd. Cakes. Jelly Hulls. Cli ocolata i.olalrs wlib Whipped Cream. Straw . . t tierry Ice-Creatn, Strawberries with Cream, Apples. Oranwee. banana, Almonds, fil berts, Aiiiurii'an, KiiKllsh sod Uoeque- , fort. Cheese, ' black Coffee, No examination of tbe food selected by Chapman is made by the jailors. They allow him every privilege he asks. Some of which are as follows: No. 1 He is allowed to sleep later than 6:30 o'clock in the morning, the hour prescribed by the regulations when all prisoners shall be out of bed. So, 2lte ts allowed to order bis own meals, bave them cooked either in the jail or outside. ao, a He is allowed to eat his meals in the warden's private dining room. No 4 He ia allowed to spend any part or all of his time in the corridor of tbe jail. Other prisoners are permitted there only ttfteen minutes each day, JSo. 5 lie is allowed to receive visit. ors whenever he choses, as many as be chooses and to converse with them as long as he chooses. No. 6 He Is allowed, to take any one he chooses to his cell. No. 7 He is allowed to furnish bis cell with furniture and household ornaments. No. b He is allowed the nse of the stationary bath tub thus avoiding the common bath lor prisoners. yo. U lie is allowed to send letters and telegrams from the jail without a censorship, rigidly enforced in tbe case of all other prisoners. No. 10 He is allowed the use of tbe wurden's telephone. No. 11 He is allowed free access to the warden's office, tbe waiting room or any other port of the jail. ' No. 12 lie is allowed the attendance of a servant, a fellow prisoner, who acts in tne capacity 01 general man servant in and around his cell. No 13 lie is allowed a lamp in his cell by which be reads and writes at night after 8..1U o'clock, when tbe lights in all other clla must be put out. No. 14 He is allowed to sit up at night as long as be pleases. No. 15 And mostconepicuons, he has been allowed to walk the streets of Wash ington during the past two days, oeten sibty as a witness in tbe Havemeyer case, but really as a royal prisoner much in need of recreation and exercise. Of course there would be compara tively little difference in the relief af forded thepublio if 1 hapman were treated as other prisoners, but it would help to maintain respect for the laws of the land. Hucli confinement Is farmland violates tbe foundation principle ol the nation, vix: equality before the law. HAVEMEYER KELEA8ED. Tbs Millionaire Sugar King Was Pro tested by the Court. The trial of Henry 0, Havemeyer, the president of tbe sugar trust, came up In the United States court at Washington last Thursday. A jury was Impaneled aud the testimony was taken. Tbe same tact were brought out with regard to ilaremryer that were brought out ia the case against the sugar eto4 broker, hlvt-rtoo U. t'bMpiiiau.wboaaecouvirt! and eeut to juil for thirty day. The niH the refusal to answer qiee tioui ai ny the I uilI Mtate euaar in auditing roitirutltv ia 1 TJ l. Vhu the evidence hb tu and Wore the argument, lleinevr' attoratj riM a Miot.oa asking the court to ! struct the jury to brtug ta m twrdiet ne quitting lia rtnyef, Thr ejwal ev era) boat In rsmut euiMitng their mm tii hi afif whhh ntri'-t Attoruv li rv'lh'd. The rtiiirt took the iiioiioa and adMHnorot durtusi If t imisi hour aud foe aom rrawa oVM toiaetrut't th )urr to rviraee tlav 'Ihejuri eikuld d hothlag es VwlI ilV the tirdr itt the e.iurl su.l I tnii4 H rerdict orvoldlSjtj. I hi dtt' h' that the rav a)iet rWeilee 'i ee iu Kiwtar ta iu b tnlh.l. Caeeareta tiailt iivcf, IJaeyt a Bwwelei Bf eHkea.weaLea ut grias 10 TILLMAN SPEAKS Introduces Besolutions to Investi gate the Sugar Trust Methods. DONATIONS BY THE OCTOPUS Were Made to the Demoorats in 1892 to the Bepublicaus in 1896. Cuban Itesolulion I'ut Over. The republican policy of delay in re gard to the Cuban resolution continues. In tbe House last week Mr. Lewis a mem ber from Washington rose to a question of privilege," secured recognition and sent a resolution to the clerk's desk to be read. Tbe speaker permitted tbe reso lution to be read. It follows: Whereas, tbe United States sonata as sembled, bas duly, by proper form of resolution, declared for a state of neu trality, accorded to the Island of Cuba, all rights as a beligerent as -against Spain; and Whereas, It is asserted that such right of recognition exists only with tbe exec utive of tbe United States, therefore belt, liesolved, By the bouse of representa tives, That as a foreign policy of tbe United States it is the right and author ity of the senate and house of represen tatives In adopting a foreign policy of tbe United States to recognize, as con gress, the beligerancy of and declare the attitude of neutrality of the United States to the island of Cuba or any other government or country when in the sense of the bouse such ' course is de manded by existing conditions. The resolution having been read Mr, Reed promptly declared it out of order, Such a resolution can be introduced in the regular course and be referred to a committee," h uald: "Does the speaker bold that tbe reso lution should be refereed, to some com mittee that' Is yet to be appointed?," Mr. Lewis inquired. "Certainly," replied Mr, Reed tersely From this ruling Mr, Lewis appealed and Mr, Dingley's motion to table the appeal was carried, 01 to 57. , i, ' On a roll call ,t he speaker was sustained 83 to 51, present and not 17, and be announced "no quorum." . Immediately Mr. Dingley moved to adjourn and with several democrats shouting far recognition, the motion was carried by a party vote and at 12:66 p, ui. the bouse adjourned to Monday, In the senate last Friday Senator Till man created a sensation by Introducing a resolution to investigate the charges that senators had been speculating in sugar stocks in connection with the tar iff schedule. Mr. Tillman spoke plainly. He said the senate should investigate and punish tbe guilty if found. Mr. Tillman's resolution which was re ferred to tbe committee on contingent expenses quotes tbe senate resolution of 1904 authorizing the original inquiry and recites the proceedings in the Chap man and Havemeyer trials and con cludes as follows: Whereas, witbin the last three weeks sundry newspaper correspondents bave openly charged senators with speculat ing in sugar stocks while tbe auirar schedule was under discussion, and also charged that brokers in New York knew in ad vance as to what tbe senate finance committee would report as to tbe sugar schedule, all of which in vol res a ques tion of the highest privilege, towit; The right of the senate to protect its mem bers from slander and protect tbe body as a whole from these open charges of corruption, therefore be it Resolved, That a committee of Ave be appointed with power to send for persons andpapsrs, to employ a stenographer ana to adminiater oaths, to iaqulre into the truth or falsehood ot tbe charges made in May, 1804, and into tbe charge reoeutly made, and the scop ot tbe in vestigation shall cover everything em braced in the resolution of May 17, 1894, as well as the methods pursued by the American Sugar Refining company bet ter known as the sugar trust, in con trolling legislation ia its favor at tbe present time. And especially whether It bas in any wis contributed to or con trolled the election of a senator in this body at any time. In Miscount ot his remarks in sup port of bis resolution Mr, Tillman said: MW hav arrived at a time, when th enate cannot longer afford to rt under th accusation made against senator. If there are men br de bauching the itt. weahould be purged ot them. Jf theMi report are elander, the prM aallirie should b purgml, raiiunt afford to lay bat k on oar dignity au v lotigwf and ear we will ttol lnru. gat." It had tiwn i-liwl, h alt, that 'rwi,hl ( IrtoUud met ttfe siitfar niHg ante on a yard! an l iHm uwmhI th de tail ol the echtHjul if ilo then pRiliag tanrl lull, Thrr was nothing to fuel that damning -utioa u the pr. ileal, but fieaator June of Arka hd fvVHlljr lurttlelted iiiiio to the ellrt-l that th irlint told bint tne true! ebnul I hat quart- of a fwal a pi, Mini, Mr, Ji qwkUy aroso and ttel that oa tu tvton Mr I'Wvetaad bad said la him that L tlisiht tie on quartrr of -r t oaeuaar art lo nrna rRurie, al II-at i.ii ml,ih of w tr e-al would drn th rsOttef t I ( b nature, I'MMirvt'ing, Mr, V ) id it tttisjKt b thai Mr, tie tela 4 d"eifl to r ij out a bargain, and if so tbe senate onsrbtto And it out. Here Mr. Gray of Deleware, chairman of the foimer sugar investigation com mlttee, Interrupted. The statement, be saf j, that a sugar schedule had been made up on Mr. Benedict's yacht when the president was on board with offlcera of the sugar trust was not true and its falsity bad been established after tbs committee bad probed tbe statement to the bottom. - Continuing, Mr. Tillman exclaimed: "Botb parties are Involve, and one is as deep In the mud as the other is In the mire. You know of the sports against certain members of the old finance com mittee and now we have more damning accusations against tbe present com mittee." Mr. Pettus of Alabama, interrupted to ask Mr. Tillman not to deal In gen eralities, but to put a mark on the sen ators by name. "That is what I want an inquiry for to mark these men," responded Mr. Tillman. "I do not want the poor man to suffer while tbe millionaire is turned loose," . , .After the protests from Mr. Pettus that Mr. Tillman should name at least one senator accused, Mr, Tillman went on to state that when tbe former tariff bill was framed tbe finance committee bad left its committee room, and bad taken quarters at the Arlington hotel. "The senator Is grossly mitakn," in terrupted Mr. Vest of tbe finance com mittee. "The democratic members of the finance committee did not go to tbe Arlington hotel, or an t where else out side their committee room at the eapl-. tOl.",.' ' ' ' . , ., Mr. Tillman said he was glad tbe dem pcratlo party was relieved to this extent, but added: "Now no one denies that for the last two months rooms at the Ar lington bave been occupied by tbs finance committee in easy touch with the telephone to New York, and easy reach of Barents of the sugar trnst." "Why f ft?" be asked that the sugar truBt can always command a specific in stead of an ad valorem dutv? Why was It that they cleared $25,000,000 in three years? It was the democratic party who madeit possible in 1894. And now, with a disgraced and demoralized demo cratic party out of power and the repub licans in charge of affairs, we have an other damninir evidence of tbe sngar trust's power," "Let us not mix up democratic sheep with the republican goats," he said, "butMus have a fumigation." It was not a tlm when senators, should sit here, apparently silenced ty cowardiee or corruption. The republicans bad re ceived the recent campaign contribu tions from tbe "octopus" and It should be brought to the light before tbe Amer ican people. If this "gang of thieves and robbers" were to bave all they wanted, then let the American working man realize what a glorious senate rep. resented h I m fit. Wauh nvfitn fn Ahn- t - ' IW'IMIIHIVIII J WIS" elusion Mr. Tillman reiterated tbat if me senate "is rotten to the bottom" it should be proved. It tbesa charges were false, then the lies should be laid bare. If the charges were true, then, be said, tbe guilty senators should be turned out and tbe senate purged. THE MTATE PRINTING. All Bids Submited Last Week were Re jected by the Board. Last week tbe state printing board advertised for bids for printing tbe Son ate and House Journals, session laws, school laws, election laws, road laws, banking laws, and other state printing required by tbe law to be done. When it met and opened the bids all were found unsatisfactory, and were rejected by the board. Secretary of state Porter who is secretary of the board proposes tbat the printing for the state shall be properly done and tbat it shall be done at a reason able figure. With tbat in view he bad samples showing the style of printing, quality of work, and paper to be used prepared and has sent a sample to each bidder instructing him to make his bid accordingly nd tbat inferior work will b rejected. This is certainly as it should be. Tbe state bos been robbed ot thous ands of dollars each year on account of the inattention f the printing board in letting printing contract. Mr. Porter will not allow the printer to make a png of matter that ought not to make oiors than four or fiv hue, a ho frequently been thaeas la the past. No partying ediemeof the printer will b allowed. Mr, Porter baa potd himenlf and know what reaeoual prir tor th work would b aud the board ill not let the roulrart at an unreaeouabl fig ure if it take ail enaimer to gt a proiwr bid, 1 he letter containing the am4e of Ih work rwjuirwl, whnh Mr. Porter bas sent to th printer read fuiio; "At the iit tii.g of th etat printing board, hld loitay, it 4tdt to re. Wt ail bid and ak bidder tun-eubmtt. Imeiag thrtf bill oa the eht'liwrd earn pie, V eu-iitl iiul the eiti'A tor th purpiuM of ruabiioer biMrre to Ifiak tnt;ligut bids and ait umfit( bid for will b i le-l to ha their aork and totality of jilt roiiforiii to the eaaipif; all bid to U la be 'i p, ta. Saturday, Jane 5, IhJT. The billdilig Of srssHiS ! aud eeftat ai4 hone piumat to etniforni to th adrerttejeiHMSt iwrvtofiir published ta Ihetiioaba IVorid' Herald, Lii.i-oitt l'ul au4 Wtri' Tnne." rW.l ! of tea or mor ear .! ildree rpoHebi tanner Of bail- men ia yuur IsH-ejlity wko would b ; htrly to eu let-rib tof tn pif ni a m-iid tou e.ij, f d, ri. KtuaA too . ' "A lew I tuaai-lal fWu."