The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 25, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    June 25, 1896.
Xhw are the Last Words of the Gieat
Scholar, Cernuscbl.
Groat honors were paid to the memory
of Cernuschi the other day when most of
the scientists, scholars and philosophers
of Europe and America vied with each
other in paying homage to his learning
and scholarship. He was the first to
give to the recorded, uncontested facts of
historic bimetallism prior to 1873, a sci
entific theory, and to this theory in all
modern languages its appropriate name:
His last words were spoken at Mentone
on the 28th of last April, after the state
ments of the British chancellor to the
house of commons. Upon this occasion
"If I were a citizen of the United Mates,
and were convinced that Europe, by
reason of England's attitude, is fixedly
hostile to the establishment of a stable
monetary parity between gold and silver,
obstinately rejecting all ideas ol interna-
tional bimetallic agreement, tnen 1 snouiu
pmm to be an international bimetal-
list which nearlj all of my friends in the
United States are and should go over
unhesitatingly to the camp of the silver
"As a matter of fact, in this present
economic situation, the United States of
America, that great youthful nation, suf
fers much more irom tne merciless cuu
flier, that has been in progress between
o-old and silver Bince 1873.than Eugland,
a verv wealthy country, creditor of the
rest of the world, possessing resources of
everv kind and enormous financial re
serves, which enable her to endure with
comparative ease the economic compe
tition of those nations whose monetary
standard is depreciated in regard to
gold, like the countries of the far east,
Mexico, the Argentine Republic, etc.
"The United States of America, on the
contrary, are debtors to Europe for a
portion of the sums which tbey have em
ployed in tne aeveiopemenr 01 uieir in
dustrial system, aud must necessarily
liquidate their debts abroad by realizing
upon the products 01 meir boh am
their manufacturers.
"Now. as these foreign debts are, on
the one hand, contracted in gold, and as,
on the other, American products of Eu
rope have to reckon with the depressing
competition of similar products exported
by countries having a silver standard or
paper money, it follows that the appre
ciation of gold, in regard to silver, that
has taken place since 1873, has had a
twofold result for the United States-
which have remained faithful to the
single gold standard since that date
namely: (1) It has diminished by half,
on American territory, the value in gold
of all the national products which are
subject to the said competition; and (2)
it has doubled the real burden of the
debts contracted abroad in gold, since
double the quantity of American pro:
ducts is now required to discharge the
annual liabilities arising from those
"The native products of England have
evidently felt the depressing influence of
the same competition with similar pro
ducts from countries whose monetary
standard has been depreciated in regard
to gold; and in this respect English agri
culturalists and manufacturers are pre
judicially affected in the same way as the
agriculturalists and manufacturers of
the Uuited States. For this reason an
understanding between the two coun
tries lookinir to the re-establishment of
the equilibrium between the monetary
standards and the maintainance ot a
stable parity of exchange for the future,
was logical, reasonable and desirable for
the world at large.
"But if the iuterestsof English agri
culturalists and manufacturers are se
riously affected by the competition of
countries having a depreciated monetary
standard, the exterior finances of the
United Kingdom do not suffer thereby,
since Eugland has no debts contracted
abroad, and. in this respect at least, the
Ensrlish escape that particular evil from
which the finances of the United States
of A mrica suffer so cruelly.
' Furthermore, England being a large
creditor of foreiirn countries, the London
bankers can argue as Sir William Har-
court did in so categorical a manner in
his sneecu of the 17th of March last in
the house of commons that the English
capitalists recover, by the increased pur
chasing power of the cold due them from
abroad, the amount which, owing to the
fall in the gold price of products import
ed into England by debtor countries, is
lost bv the agriculturalists and manu
facturers of the United Kingdom. -
"Is that the case with the United
States of America? No, most assuredly
not. for they are debtors in gold to for
eign countries, and it is with the pro
ceeds of these same products, the gold
prices of which have been depreciated by
the competition of silver-standard or
paper money countries, they are obliged
to pay their foreign debts.
"Therefore, the present monetary sit
uation in the United States is doubly un
favorable to the economic interests of
that great nation, since, owing to the
state of affairs now obtaining, the gold
stondard countries of Europe, and par
ticularly the manufacturing countries
like England, find it enormously advan
tageous to purchase their raw materials
in those countries whose standard is de
preciated with regard to gold, like the
Asiatic countries, Russia, or the Argen
tine Republic, and, on the other hand, to
sell their manufactured products in the
American market, where they are paid
for it in gold currency. '
"Tha present monetary policy of the
United States is consequently very ad
vantageous to the interests of England,
a monometallic country, but it is utterly
ruinous as regards the foreign financial
relations of the United States, and es
pecially for its native producers. '
"This is why, inasmuch as England's
attitude presents the realization of in
ternational bimetallism, and condemns
one half of the world to gold monomet
allism, and the other half to silver mon
ometallism, I would not hesitate, were I
a citizen of the United States, to become
I, Cerunschi, the father of internation
al bimetallism, as I am everywhere called
a silver-monometalliet.
Oh! Omnipotent Tower whom men
call God! Above all doubt and incom
prehensibilities. Thou must be if Thou
........ r, f rrt
art not. Oh! rather supreme, 11 inou
didst not make this world as a cruel jest
have mercy on it, Thou seest the pitiful
condition; Thou seest the just impover
ished. and the wicked triumphant. Ihou
seest honesty profitless, and crime profit
able. Goodness grovels in tne moo,
while evil rolls id affluence. Across the
ocean Thou spest three continents groan
ing under the weight of kings, courts,
aristocracies and staad'ng armies; and
this side another continent evolving
these horrors out of the breast of liberty.
Thou seest rotten and hollow hearts in
high places aud the humble overwhelmed
with ignorance, superstition and want.
The lives Thou givest to men are wasted
contending against adverse conditions
and millions die, doubting and denying
thee. The minds of the few perceive
what is needed to be done but they are
chained down by the thoughtless and
selfish ot the multitude. Ihe crust is
small in the mouth of the toiler, while
he who toils not has a hundred times
more than he can consume.
From the inexpressible distance of lhy
central throne, Oh! Lord God Almighty,
look down with mercy on this pitilul
world given over to the domination of
ten thousand devils, iieip tne worn 01
thy own hands. Let the good thoughts
that come from Ihee bo not dreams out
deeds. Lift up the people Oh Lord! ipe
out injustice in all the World. Let Thy
kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
Help us Oh! Lord, help us! Let our
prayers rise, like screams of pain and
rouse Thee on the white throne of the
central universe. Do not make us and
then, forget us; Oh! Lord God. Amen.
If the enclosed is not suitable lor pub
lication drop it in your waste basket. I
take Christ as the true principle to gov
ern men's lives and I Would like to make
this one suggestion to all men that pray
Let Toy kingdom come on earth as it is
in heaven and then let us so conduct our
selves that we may hope to realize the
conditions prayed for. So if the brother
that suggested we pray will oner a
prayer every day at 12 o'clock I will do
the same and invite all men that fear
God to joiu us. I remain yours in Christ,
w. li. CRANE.
Wife Wanted.
Maid or widow; age about forty; a
country lady is my choice; onewithhome
and plenty and room in that home for
the husband she loves and no other; 1
have but little property; temperate, use
no tobacco; good standing in church and
society; weight 135 pounds; love wife
and home; can give the best of reference;
please don't correspond for fun. W. F.
I., Fremont, Neb.
Have all Turned
and Traitors.
The New Recruits are the Only Ones Who
are "True Populists."
r -j m 'aa 1 a m mm t
Low Special Summer Plates.
"Write For Oettalogxie, Address
Senator Job nP Jones Closed His Won
derful Speech of 1893 with These
Beautiful Words.
What an enormous stimulus to intel
lectual and moral growth to thedevel
opement and unfolding of the spiritual
nature of man, would be a civilization in
which no willing worker should ever be
idle, in which all would be assured, by
uninterrupted employment, of the com
forts of life, and which hunger and cold
would not benumb alike the body and
the soul. We may not see this imme
diately, Mr. President, but with the
growth of intelligence and strength
among the masses of the people, and in
spite of the opposition and cupidity of
the creditor classes, the result will be
achieved by an intelligent monetary sys
tem scientifically adjusted in quantity
to the increase of population and de
mand. The flow of time in its irresist
able current is carrying us rapidly to the
goal. It is for want of such a system
that the deBtiny of man is retarded, his
control over nature belated, the fruition
of his hopes postponed.
The day ot the nations bear no trace
Of all the sunshine bo far foretold;
Thetnnon speaks in the teacher's place;
The age is weary with work and gold.
And hlKh hopes wither and memories wane,
On hearths and altars the fires are dead,
But the brave faith hath not lived in vain;
And this Is all that the watcher said.
Say, brother populist editor; you who
devote most of your space in trying to
belittle and kill off leading men of our
party, did you ever stop to think what
you would accomplish could you succeed
in your effort? What benefit would it be
to you or to your party to relegate to
the rear or expel from the party such
men as lauoenecu, uavis, uonneny,
That Day of Prayer.
Steels City, Neb., June 15, 1896.
Editor Independent: I see that one
brother suggests that we set apartat day
to intercede with God in prayer for suc
cess. I offer the following prayer taken
from one of our mostl talented writers:
. I .
Allen, Kyle, Holcomb, Butler, Watson,
Leo Vincent, Brown, Ashby, Bentley,
Bradley, Edgerton, Tibbies, Rozelle, An
derson, Robb.Uoe.Cole.and others of their
views? Do you think the party would be
strengthened any thereby? Doyou really
think reform would come any sooner
without their assistance than with it?
Do you honestly believe that you would
have done the cause a good turn by hav
ing resorted to misleading argument and
cut off their influence and ability to go
on converting the politically ignorant to
a realization of what's the matter and
how to remedy it? Most of these men
whom you so persistently misquote and
misrepresent; whom you make say, do
and intend things that they would not
stoop to, are men who helped to found
the party. They have spent years in
preaching and teaching the very same
ideas, policies and principles as they
are teaching now. Tbey were in the
movement before many of their traduc
ers ever dreamed of leaving their old
party. They are just as earnest and as
consistant now as they ever were. They
are advocating the very methods the ad
vocacy of which converted you, and yet
you presume to brand them traitors and
bosses. There is no use' to deny that
you do it unjustly, for in order to
carry your point you repeatedly charge
them with saying things they never said
and when they flat-footedly contradict
you and positively assert their position
you deliberately misquote them or say
thev lie. that they favor no such thing.
Now these are facts, and we should like
to know why it is so. It cannot be that
all of vou. for there are about thirty of
you, want to be made national chairman.
We are aware that at least four of you
aspire to that position, but wherefore
account for the other twenty-six? Two
others we have spotted, but that still
leaves twenty-four unaccounted for.
Some of them are merging into radical
socialists and the radical socialists have
lost all hope of securing relief through
the ballot box. They think there can be
no change for the better until the masses
are cround down to a rrench revolution
point and then they will rise up and wipe
each other off the face of the earth in a
bloody carnage and on the rums may be
built a pure government, tor this rea'
son they favor a cold standard on the
theory that it will hasten the grinding
procesB and hurry up the bloody con
Met, and that their only mission now is
to talk and dream of the imaginary
Utopia that is to come after we are all
killed off by brute ignorance. Do you
fancy the picture, readerr Is that your
idea of reform? Don t you think 'twould
be better to make another intelligent
effort to at least secure a partial refor
mation by the ballot? Well if we are to
do this we must be politicians. Not nec
essarily corrupt, unscrupulous, spoils
seeking politicians, but at least sensible
politicians. We must make an Intelli
gent, honorable effort to get the produc
ing classes to vote together. Farmers
Tribune. )
Morton's Ninety-Eight Million Lie.
Some one must have put a plaster over
J. Sterling Morton's mouth, for he hasn't
put out an interview for five days. One
of his latest was noticed by a gentleman
in Pennsylvania who writes the Phila
delphia American as follows:
I notice in this morning's issue of the
organ of the Drexel Co., bankers, other
wise called the Public Ledger, an inter
view purporting to be given by the Hon.
J. Sterling Morton U. S. secretary of ag
riculture, and in which the following
statement is made "and right there in
San Francisco, where they have more
than a hundred millions of gold coin in
the vaults of their banks, where deposits
are paid in gold by specific contract, and
where greenbacks have never been good
enough for them, the people are crying
for 50 cent silver dollars."
As the entire amount of gold coin held
by all banks in the United States (na
tional and other,) according to the last
report of the comptroller of thecurrency,
amounted on July 11th, 1895 to only
$127,621,099, it is manifestly impossi
ble that the banks of San Francisco
could hold 100 millions. The truth is,
upon the authority of the comptroller,
that the San Francisco banks held on
September 28th, 1895 (aud they have
not materially increased the amount
since,) in gold coin $1,686,485. , The
Hon. Secretary is in error just $98,313,
515. The word of Mr. Morton might be of
value as to the number of grains of corn
upon a cob, but after making such a
ridiculously false statement he should
forever hold his peace upon the silver
question and retire to his farm.
Very truly yours,
... Gubtavus Harkness.
Pottstown, Pa., June 3d, 1896.
Crete Chautauqua.
The Crete Chautauqua, July 3d to
15th, presents attractions which should
captivate the most fastidious. A super
ior collection of teachers, lecturers, ex
positors and musicians it would be diffi
cult to find. As a pulpit and platform
orator Dr. Gunsaulus has few equals and
no superiors. Dr. Scott excels as a pul
pit orator and as a teacher and exposi
tor of modern biblical thought. Prof.
Graham Taylor, who has won universal
commendation at former assemblies,
will deliver a course of lectures on social
economics, and Mrs. Mary H. Ford, of
Chicago, who has won a reputation as
one of the most popular speakers of the
great city, lectures daily throughout the
assembly, and will give the Woman's
Club day address July 11th. Miss Myr
tis Childs Chandler, soprano soloist, who
delighted her hearers last year, returns
again, and also Miss Marian A. Treat, in
the same role. The Slayton Jubilee
Singers (colored), who sang before a
$10,000 house at the Chicago Auditor
ium, and who captivate the people wher
ever tbey go, will be at the assembly an
entire week. Prof. Favour, with his
startling electrical experiments, McDon
ald with his fun, and other eminent peo
ple will appear upon the platform.
Write for program to Geo. V. Bald
win, secretary, Crete, Neb.
Short Stories for July
Among the original contributions to
the July number of short stories is a
pretty version, by Max Steinle, of the
love etdry so quaintly pictured on willow-ware
china, while the clearness of the
illustrations by Charles Lederer add not
a little to the interest of the tale. "A
Mesmeric Feat" by W. J. Morgan is al
so a good bit of, work and tells of a
theatrical manager's discomfiture at the
hands of his company aided by a play
wright anxious for an appearance. In
the story called"The Evil Eye" FritzRoy
Dixon describes the island of Ceylon in
the days of the Portugese Colonists and
tells of the sad fate that overtook the
beautiful daughter of one of its gover
nors. Besides those already mentioned
there are entertaining stories by Fran
cois Coppee, Max Pemberton, W. W.
Jacobs, Potapenko, J. H. Rosny and
others. The Current Literature Publish
ing Company, 52-51 Lafayette Place,
New York. ,
For The National Convention Peo
ple's Party, at St. Louis,
The Wabash, the shortest and quickest
route from Omaha and Kansas City,
with its superb trains of reclining chair
cars Iree, and Pullman sleeping cars, has
been selected as the route to travel for
Nebraska delegates and their friends.
All connecting lines will sell tickets at
half fare. Parties desiring through cars
or sleeping car accommodations, can ar
range for same by addressing
J. A. Edgerton, Chairman,
F. D. Eager, Sec'y,
, State Central Committee.
G. N. Clayton,
N.W.P, Agt. Wabash R.R.,
3t5 Omaha, Nebraska.
The above cut represents without donbt
the most popular free coinage badge.
The upper or smaller piece represents a
gold dollar in color and size, the larger is
the color and exact size of a silver dol
lar. It is a quick seller. Send 25 cenrj
for sample. Agents wanted in every
county and town in Nebraska. Liberal
terms. Write at once to the Official
Badge Co. 1122 M. St., Lincoln, Neb.
Cuming County Convention.
Wisner, Neb,, June 18, 1896.
Editor Independent: Will you please
state in the Independent that the pop
ulist county covention for this, Cuming
county will be held at Beemer on Satur
day the 11th day of July 1896 at 2 p.m.
I hope you will be good enough to insert
it, for you know we have no populist pa
per in this county. e wish to have a
good, well attended convention and if
you will help us a little I think we will
succeed. 1
I take this opportunity to compliment
you on the way you are running the
state paper. As a populist editoryou are
a success and the people of this.yourhome
county, are proud of you. Keep right
at it. lour teachings together with the
lessons taught by 12 cent corn and 10
cent oats will surely open the eyes of all
those not wilfully blind, fraternally
yours, loiiis uewai.d,
Member state. Central Committee.
The Despot Reed.
Probably the people do not clearly
comprehend that the speaker of the
house does not recognize the member
who first rises to address the house, but
prepares a list and makes a promise as
to whom he will recognize before conven
ing the house. A member is often recog
nized while in his seat, with many others
upon their feet clamoring for recogni
tion. In unanimous consent legislation
he insists on examining the measure a
member proposes to bring up, and if it
does not suit his particular views he re
fuses to recognize him for any purpose
will not even ask the house 11 it will give
unanimous consent to consider such a
measure, even though the house is idle.
Enclose a stamp to any agent of the
LJfickel Plate road for an elaborately il
lustrated art souvenir, entitled "bum
mer Outings." Address J. Y. Calahan,
Gen'l Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago,
111. l-4t
Worth Having.
Read our offer on another page. "The
Modern Doctor" is a book that should
be in every home. A year's subscriptioa
to the Independent and this excellent
book for $1.75.
Summur Trips at Reduced Bates .
The Northwestern line is now selling
Jickets at reduced round trip rates to
many tourist points in the western .north
ern and northeastern states ana Canada.
Any one designing a summen trip would
do well to secure our figures before pur
chasing tickets elsewhere.
The Result of Despotism.
Czar Reed limited the discussion on the
Venezuelan boundary issue to one hour,
the bond bill one hour and forty min
utes, the tariff bill the same length of
time, the river and harbor bill, providing
for the expenditure ot $70,OUU,t)UU, lorty
minutes debate, on the plea that con-
cress was not a debating society, and
that the time could not be spared for
discussion. Reed has overthrown our
form of government, with the sauctionof
the republican party, will you vote lor
Work That Counts.
The Nebraska Independent is a
grand newspaper and the kind of work
it is doing for the populist party in Ne
braska is the kind that counts. It has
no use for Gen. Paul A anDerVoort or
any other traitor to the people's cause.
It does not spread discord nor does it
intimate that our leaders are in, the
movement of reform for revenue only.
Indianola, Courier.
Mow Stand By It.
Now, the populists are willing to con
cede to the democrats two managers of
their own selection at each box. We ask
one of our own selection. We promise
to select only men known to be intelli
gent, upright. Christian gentlemen. If
we are not allowed this, what does it
mean? It means simply that our op
ponents propose to steal the electiou,
and by the eternal 3od who created us,
we do not propose to submit to that
Tuskaloosa (Ala.) Journal,
Bicjole for Sale. -
n entirely new bicycle for sale. A
wheel that retails everywhere at $90.00.
Our price $50. Call and see it before
buying, or address the
Independent Fub. Co.,
1122 M St.. Lincoln, Neb.
Do Both.
A populist writes to the Nebraska In
dependent and suggests that "all pop
ulists go to praying for a free Bilver vic
tory this fall." Editor George Weir of
the Central City Democrat wisely amends
by suggesting that they would better
"co to voting, and make their votes
count." World-Herald.
Weaver In Idaho.
General Weaver made several speeches
in Idaho, enroute to Iowa, after the Ose
gon campaign. 1
Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges
tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,
Insoniina, nervousness, and,
it not relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Hood's
Fills stimulate the stomach,
rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con
stipation, etc. 25 cents, sold ny aiftarv)(rpists.
Tbeouly Fills to take with Hoods Sifsaparilla.
Why Kern Was Mad.
Mr. Kern of Nebraska tried for three
months to get recognition to ask the
house to consider a bill to allow the state
of Nebraska to use an old abandoned
military reservation for normal school
purposes. The speaker informed him
that he had not made up nis minu mm
any such bill should be allowed to pass,
and therefore would not permit it to be
submitted to the house. Denver News.
Changed Their Mind.
Ferhaps it has already occurred to
some of the business men of Omaha, who
in 1893 protested so vigorously against
Allen's election as senatar, that this is
a mighty good time to rejoice that their
valiant enorts were wunout. success.
Then these business men wanted "an
Omaha man." but now they have prob
nhlv concluded that Senator Allen is a
pretty good "Omaha man" himself.
World-Herald. ,
Sufferers need suffer no longer. I will
send to any one the formula for a com
plete cure of this painful disease, the in
eredients of which can be procured at
any drug store for a trfR
Send 11.00 in stamps or I O. money
order. Address. C. M. Mackintosh.
Room 4 McVickcr's Theatre Bldg.
49-13. Chicago, 111.
At H Cents a Mile
To individuals on the First Tuesday, and
to parties of seven'br more on the Third
Tuesday of each .month, to nearly all
points in the South ; and on special dates
Excursion Tickets are sold at a litile
more than One Fare for the round trip.
For full information write to
I. L HUGELY, 5. . Pass. Agent, CMcago, VL
C. P. AMOK, Gea'lPass. ah.. Louisville, U.
Write for County Map of the South to
either of the above named trentlemen,
or to P. Sid Jones, Pass. Ageat, in charge
of Immigration, Birmingham, Ala.
A Few Finanaial Facts.
This excellent book by S. S. King con
tains 60 illustrative diagrams showing
clearly the misfortunes that have come
to the people, the causes that produce
them and the remedy that will remove
them. A large number of copies have
been furnished to the Nebraska Silver
League which they will sell in order to
raise money for postage at one half the
regular price. Send 25 cents and get
two copies. Address Secretary of silvef
league, 1122 M street, Lincoln, Nebras
ka. .
Do You Want to Save Money and
Then take the new flier leaving Lincoln
daily at 3:20 p. m. via the Missouri Pa
cific when you go east. Several hours
saved to St. Louis, Washington, Cincin
nati, New York and all eastern points
and southern. Close connections made
with all lines in New St Louis Union Sta
tion, the most costly and magnificent
depot in the world. For further infor
mation call at city ticket office 120 a
street. F. D. Cornell,
C. P. & T. A. .
Cheap Bates for All Kinds of Poople.
If you want to travel cheap note the
following round trip excursions at half
rates this summer via the Northwestern
June 12 and July 3, to Hot Springs,
June 14 and 15 and July 5 and 6, to
Denver, Col.
June 15, 16, 23 and 24, to San Fran
cisco. Juiy 4, 5 and 6, to Chicago.
July 4 and 5, to Buffalo, N. E. A.
July 2, 3, 4, 5, to Washington, D. C.
July 14, 15, 16, to Milwaukee, Wis.
Get tickets at city ticket office, 117 S.
10th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Missouri Pacifio Half-rate Excursions
San Francisco June 15, 16, 23 and 24.
Washington, D. C, July 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Buffalo, N. Y., July 4 and 5.
Only one fare for round trip. Remem
ber that our new fast train leaving Lin
coln at 3:20 p. m. makes the quickest
time to all eastern points, t all intorraa
tion at city ticket office, 1201 O street.
F. D. COHNELL, C. r. & T. A.
Populist Han d Book .
We have 011 hand a few copies of Mr,
Edeerton's Populist Hand Book, for
1895, which gives an account of the
frauds in state institutions; legislative
extravagance, Governor Holcomb s mes
sage, facts on the silver question, etc..
etc. bena5 cents for single copy or 20
cents for six copies. Independent Pub
lishing Co., 1122 M street, Lincoln, Neb
Hints to Tourists Where to go and what
it Costs.
Is the subject of a little pamphlet pub
lished by the Northwestern line giving a
large amount of information regarding
the lake regions ol Minnesota and V is
consin. For a copy address city ticket
agent, 117 So. 10th St., Lincoln, Ne
It is Just Wonderful
The time the Union Pacifio "Overlaid"
rBT mail No. 3 makes to Ogdek, Salt
Lake, butto, Helena, Portland, Seattle'
Ban Francisco and Los Angeles. Tuts
Daily Meteor has the finest eqnipment
consisting of Pullman ralace and Upbol-
tered Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining
Chair Cars, and Diner. For full informa
tion call on or address . B. Slosson,
General Agent, 1044 O St, or J. T. Mas
tin, C. T. A. ,
People who wish to goto Buffalo to at
tend the N. E. A. Convention, who want
fast time, the most excellent train ser
vice and superior accomodations, will do
well to consider the Nickel Plate Road
before purchasing tickets. A fare of
f 12.00 for the round trip will apply with
f 2.00 added for membership fee. Tickets
will be on sale July 5th and 6th with
liberal return limit and with privilege of
stop-over at Chautaqua Lake. Addi
tional information cneertuiiy given oik
application to J. Y. Calahan, Gen t
Agent, 111 Adams St., tnicago. in.
' 8 S - 5s i
S 2 1 S 0 0 sit fl!k
s s a s j r: al
S S B Si-
4 a 1 h grl ia
r5 J. 6J
l2 tar w u
c 8 I IS 0
sSs-g M -
k 1 "y
"We Have The Tariff Yet.1
The g. o. p. will soon be grinding
protection on every nana organ, aJ
response it will be oppopriate to
"We Have the Tariff Yet," "That HoV
T 1 1 If i T 1 : a : ' tt v f-1
uiinui. a ruiiuumu rjere inn iW'i.
"The March of the Workers," "God Sav
the People," Etc., Etc., Etc Send t4
this office for the new popular song boot
which contains these and abont seventh
five more. See elsewhere our ad of Ail