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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1896)
1 , , , , Pi W The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1896. vrr VOL. VII. OUR ALLEN OBJECTS He Deems it Unwise to use his Name as a Presidential Candidate. WILL FIGHT IN THE BANKS. V . Take an Older Man with More Ex perience and Leave Him Where He is. The Populists will Control the Govern- ' ment but he AVants to Stay in the Senate. Senator Allen sent to Governor Hol comb the following letter which the gov ernor very reluctantly gives out to the press. It will be read with unbounded regret by every populist in this state. It & trn that Senator Allen has never Vvanted to be a candidate for the presi dency, but the question arises is he at liberty to decline a nomination which seems to be the desire of the whole party, and which the interests of the common people of the wholenation demands that he shall accept. There are greater inter ests at stake now than there were in 1860. We drafted men then. We have a right to draft them now. Washington, D. C, March 24, 1896. Hon. Silas A. Holcomb, Lincoln, Neb. My Dear Governor: I have just been reading the very pleasant things said of me in connection with the populist nora inatfon for the presidency, in your re cent interview published in the press dis patches, for which please accept my thanks. The favorable mention of my ' name with the high office of president of the United States by the chief executive PI my OWU BlUie, HUU If uiiuboii avio aiuu fijwell qualified by education.temperament, ' J'bnd experience, to fill the exalted po Y si don possesses double value and is truly gratifying. I have not been unconscious, for sev eral months, that a strong sentiment ex isted in the populist party throughout the nation favorable to my nomination, and I will not disguise from you that it I ' has given me much pleasure to know (namy services in. the United States senate have been instrumental in ) prompting the use of my name in that connection. I have also observed quite an extensive discussion of the matter in F X the public press, and I have ben the re ' ''' cipient of hundreds of letters asking me if I would be a candidate for the nomi f nation, or accept It if tendered me. , ! Fully realizing that ordinarily it is to be considered indelicate to either accept or decline a nomination that has not been tendered, still I feel that the time F has come when in the interest of the party, I should speak openly and frankly, ; as I desire above all things to promote y the interest of the populist party, and by N that means the interest of my country. '( Deeply conscious that it would be a dis ' tinguished honor to be the standard Cbearer of a great political party, founded ' )on the principles of eternal justice and 'right, a party that must, in my judge ' ment, soon succeed to the adminis- ' fratinn nf nnr national government. I 1 never-the-less deem it unwise to permit my name to be used as a caudiaate. . T think etrerv true citizen should, at this time, consult the interests of the country and not his own personal desire. : I do not feel that my experience has been such as to warrant me in being a I candidate for the nomination, or tin ac ' cepting it if it should be tendered me. There are many older and abler men in ,ho rtart v than I am. highly well ouali- i fled to make the race, and I feel confl- Aar.t that Iran rln the cause greater good by remaining where I am and fight ing in the rants ior success, mini uy ac cepting the nomination if it should be an.-Jorod The welfare of the party, and therefore the welfare of the country, is to 9-Pon8Ulted at all times; principles bint for everything, and men for notn g, in our struggle. Permit me also to say in this connec nn hot. there are nprsonnl reasons uivu - j- why I should not be a candidate, among 1 ' -1 s I. : . tnn4. fkaf T have W111UU IB tim IIIIIUl tauu ICIVjI iui . y a family , of children whose education mint ho Innkfid after at this time, and who need my personal supervision more now than they have ever needed itbefore, rvr will ever need it again, and I must not nermit myself to imperil their inter ests for my own promotion. Profoundly grateful to my fellow citi zens of the state and nation for the flat orinir mention of mv name in connec tion with the highest office on earth, I ainperelv trust that hereafter attention will not be centered on me, out on some gentleman better qualified to discharge the duties of the position in the event of an election, and that wisdom will char acterize the formation of our platform and the nomination we may make. I have the honor to be, Very truly your frind, Wm. V. Allen The World-Herald makes the following editorial comment on Senator Allen's letter: "In another column will be found a letter from Senator Allen to Governor Holcomb, in which the former announces that he ia not a candidate Ior the pres idencv. The letter is characteristic of .Senator Allen and is just such a letter na would be expected by those best ac quainted with him. He properly meas ilrPH the importance of the high office ad modestly distrusts his ability to fill it.) He does not ask his state to instruct foil him nor does he desire bis friends throughout the union to enter into a contest in his behalf. He regards the orinciples involved of vastly more im portance than the man who may for a brief time exercise authority. The letter does not remove .him from the list of presidential possibilities, be cause circumstances might arise which would make the acceptance of the nomi nation a paramount dnty, but it does take him out of the list of avowed can didates. The letter does more than that: it sets an example which will be influen tial in deterring others from making an aggressive campaign for the nomination. "The republican party would be in better shape if its leaders took the same view of the presidency as that presented by Senator Alien. iui insieau 01 iruai inir tn their merits the renublican lead ers are engaged in a life and death strug gle for supremacy. The republican con vention win De a war oeiween nvm hnnrla- the nnrtnlist convention, thanks to Senator Allen's manly example, will be an assemblage 01 men intent uxbi up on securing certain remedial legislation. ..w . ... . L i 1. "it win be easy ior a Douy 01 earuesi, mpn to AivrM nnon a standard bearer. and that standard bearer may yet be Nebraska's senior senator." FROM FRYING PAN TO FIRE. ONE PARTY SO HOT THAT RE LIEF IS SOUGHT FROM THE OTHER. But at Every Jump The Fire Gets Hotter. Jumping out of the frying pan into the fire and back again into the roaster has been the exercise of the people at each presidential election for the last twenty years. Each party has been able to make the misery of the people unen durable, and forced them to seek the other party for relief, with no exception, since the political manipulators of Ohio elected Rutherford B. Hayes by cunning and strategy, the dazzling splendor of which confounded the opposition. Since that memorable campaign the party in power has been sufficiently wicked to furnish the other party unanswerable campaign arguments for a change. Cleveland was elected in 1884 because re publican rule had become intolerable. Horritmn whh ejected in 1888 because floTToinnH Hoinnprflpv was intolerable. Clea viand was again elected in 1892 be cause ot tne glaring; iniquities 01 narn- son s administration. MCKiniey is run-nino-in IHftft nn the conspicuous rotten ness of Cleveland's administration. The republican managers assume that thft wickedness ot Ueveiana is so great mat the nonnlo will return to the McKinlev bill again as a dog returneth to his vomit. The McKinley Din was passea m 1890, and immediately thereafter a new Hnnao nf Renreflentatives was elected in which there were only eighty-seven re publicans. The republicans iosi Con necticut, Illinois, Indiana, massacnusetts, Minhirrnn Nebraska. Oregon. ithOQe is land, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. They carried Kansas, Minnesota, iowa, onilYthin htr a inencrre maioritV. In New York they elected only seven republican representatives as against eighteen in the 'preceding election. In Ohio they elected only seven republican congress men in stand of sixteen. The McKinlev bill was the issue in the campaign of 1892. It- and the administration of ivhinh it. wan a nart. was SO odlOUS that the people returned to the man of Buf falo whom they had letc in disgust iour years before to get rid of Harrison and Rnt.hop.hild has full faith that he has made Cleveland's admistration sufficiently odious to make the people accept the twice rejected jvicts-iniey um, mith the anoptnpiilnr rone dancer thrown in. Rothschild's policy of making every one of his administrations so hot that the people will seek relief in the other is nrnrthir nf the oreftt financier who rules on both sides of the Atlantic. The ques- . . . . l f 111 J.U tion of the American people is, win uie infamy of Cleveland's administration force them to embrace uotnscniid s tooi from Ohio, from whom they have twice turned in loathing and disgust. Silver Knight. It Was Charles F. Crisp. Who kept the free silver bill from com ing to a vote, t in 1892, when its friends were in the majority l Charles F. Crisp. Who ignored the petitions which the alliance poured in upon him, praying that he bring the bill to a vote, as he had promised Mr. JJiano to oor I'herleci H I .Plan Whn mna it. that. Mr. Bland accused through thenewspapersof havingtncked him nff the flnnr. and nf thus tlAving de feated the free silver bill which only needed a nnai vote in order to become a law? Phnrlea F. Crisn. Who was it that packed the finance committee with enemies to iree silver in 1893? f'hnrlpa V (Yisn. Who was it that rushed the repeal of the Sherman apt, thrnnch the house. Un der Reed's Cloture Rule, in 1893, and thereby everlastingly closed the mints to silver; Charles F. Crisp. People's Party Pa per. Free Silver and Reciprocity. The Free Press moves that the Inde. pendent party declare for free silver and reciprocity. A reciprocity treaty is the only just and satisfactory method in dealing with foreign nations. It means an equal exchange, and an equal or even exchange is no robbery. It is better than free trade because it leaves a proviso of self protection. It is also better than protection because experience has taught that to impose a duty on some foreign product only means in return an imposed duty on some home product, despite the fact that the consumer pays tne ireigut Free Press. J A Harmonous Convention and a Full Ticket Nominated. UNITING THE REFORM FORCES. The Republicans Split and Fight Like Cats and Dogs. Weaver Storming the State and Every pop Enthusiastic. The delegates of the people's party of Oragon met at Salem, Thursday, March 26, and adopted the following platform: Wo reaffirm the fundamental principles at the Omaha platform and instruct our delegates to the national convention to readjust any details, if possible, in such form that all reform elements can unite on one platform and one national ticket. We favor changing our national con stitution so as to provide some form of direct legislation, and the early submis sion of important national questions to the people. We reccomraend that our national convention devise some plan for the effec tive protection of American labor from the ruinous competition of Asiatic and European cheap labor, including rigid restrictions, and exclusion, if necessary, of foreign immigration. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 without waiting for the con sent of any other nation. The ticket nominated was: For supreme Judge, Joseph Gaston; For con gress first congressional district W. 8. Vander- tmrg; For congress second congressional district Martin Quinn. Gen. Weaver was present. The con vention adjourned to hear him speak, and the largest crowd that ever assem bled in Salem listened to bim Ior two hours, except the time they spent in cheering. The campaign is on in Oregon. Weaver is speaking every night. Other men of national reputation will soon join him. The populists out there mean business. The party in Oregon is now harmouious and burning with enthusi asm. The condition of the enemy is shown in the following dispatch: Portland. Ore.. April 4. The republi can city and county convention ended today in a spilt. In the primaries Thurs day the faction known as the Mmon lac tion. elected seventy-five out of the 124 delegates to the convention, but tne minority, lead by district Attorney Hume, endeavored to seat their dele gates and obtain control of the conven tion. After a wrangle ot three hours the Hume delegation left the hall, and will hold another convention Monday. State senator Joseph Simon, chairman of the county committee, endeavored to call the convention to order. The oppo sition carried Judge C. H. Carey to the platform, and in an instant the conven tion was in an uproar. Judg Simon was nominated as temporary chairman, and in the veil that followed was declared elected. Theu there was a rush and Simon was knocked off the stage. Judge Carey then attempted to preside, and was taken by the collar and whirled backward. A free fight followed. Canes were waved in the air and brought down on the heads of the struggling men Blows were exchanged wherever elbow- room could be obtained to deliver them, For over ten minutes the battling, per- soirine crowd surged up and down and down and across the stage, shrieking and howling. They would listen to no words of compromise, and finally the at tempt to organize was abandoned and a recess declared. The opposing leaders held a conference, but it came to naught. At the conciu sion of the conference the Hume delegates adjourned to meet Monday and left the ball. The Simon delegates then organ ized by electing Mr. Simon chairman and oroceeded with the business of the con vention. D. Solis Cohen was nominated for mayor. Nine candidates for repre sentatives in the legislature were nomi nated. The legislative ticket is opposed to the election of Senator J. H. Mitchell who is a freesilvermantosucceed himself in the United States senate. On Monday the populists will norai nate ex-Uovernor Pennoyer for mayor, He then will he the nominee of the demo- crats and Taxpayers league while there will undoubtedly be two republican can didates. High School Lads and Lasses. Hastings, Neb., April 7, 189G. The 8th Central Nebraska High School declamatory contest took place at the Kerr opera house last Friday evening, There were thirteen contestants; three in the nrntnrinl. nine in the dramatic and one in the humorous. Markings wefe as follows: Pronunciation 10; articulation, 15; carriage and gesture, 25; expression, The opera house was crowded. The Hastings military band rendered very e-rpellent. munir "Napoleon at St. Helena," by Robert Orev of Ord. was well rendered. Miss Mary Hammond of Minden won the ad miration of all in the rendition of lion. f ThnrHt.nn'a noted sneech in the U. S. senate on the Monroe doctrine, and she was applauded to the echo. "Power of Free Idea," was the subject by Elisha . r urn i .. Tit 1 Jackson ot ioric; -isiRter ana i- Dy Vfiaa Mnhol llnmev nf Kearnev: Dncla mation entitled "Nell" by Miss Lena Gunner, Lexington, Nebraska; "My Lit tle Newsboy, by Miss Blanche Hill, Cen tral City. All showed careful study and good training. THE OREGON P0PC1 Miss Cora Neff of Grand Island won admirers in her portrayal of "Swan and Gazelle," and at once became a strong opponent of Miss Mabel Dorsey of Kenr ney for first honors. "A ride Against Time," was well delivered by Miss Water man of Carleton. Willie Dixon of Au rora bad no competition iu the humor ous class, and carried off highest honors in the rendition of "Mr. Brown gets his Hair cut." Iu the oratorical class 1st place was awarded Elisha Jackson of York. 2d, Robert Grey of Ord. Dramatic, medal to Miss Cora Neff of Grand Island, 2d place to Miss Maggfe Waterman of I'arle non. - As above stated, the Aurora boy had no opponent in humorous class but well merited first honors. How the Ooldbugs Lied. Denver Chamber of Commerce and ) Board op Trade, Denver, Colora- do, Maucu 17, 1896. ) To the people of the United States: We must remind you that not a single promise or prediction of the gold stand ard advocate has been verified by the loiric of time. In 1878 you were warnod that government coiuage of silver would debauch our currency and drive out gold. While the practicecontmued, money was stable and plentiful, and gold flowed to our shores in abundance. In 1890 you heard the same things, but perceived no monetary disturbances until the treas ury department was induced to deflue "coin to mean eold and "pauty" deg redation. In 1893 you were told that the repeal of the purchasing clause alone stood between you and reviving dubi ness; in 1894 the greenback must be re tired before you could hope for improve ment, and then only if the country would abdicate its note-issuing powers to the bankers of the land. "Agitation" is now assigned as the curse of progress, and that, too, must cease or the cause of a self-styled honest money may be de feated. M. C Jackson. . Henry P. Steele, Secretary. President. Prices in Mexico. Judge Clark of North Carolina who has recently returned from Mexico, says in the Bimetallist that cotton brings 14 to 19 cents per pound, and corn and wheat SI to z lAU per bushel, as for merly, according to locality. I saw many cotton mill owners and they told that Mexico not producing a sufficiency of cotton the deficiency was supplied by purchasing in New Orleans at an aver age of 13 cents for a series of years, the price (to them) being about the same, one y 'ar with another, the difference be ing that formerly their 13 cents was equal to our 13 cents, bub with the con stant'enhancement of the value of our stanu'-rd their 13 cents was now only equal to 7 cents in our money. Thus our tarmers, out ior tne legislation ar bitrarily increasing the value of the dol lar, would be paying their debts with 13 cent cotton and f 1 wheat and corn, as is the case in the countries south of us. How Republicans Steal. Ever since congress met there has been exhibited a passion for the creation ot new offices in which to install the "old stagers," who have come to look upon public employment as a vested right. One of the ' latest appointments to special" places is a good illustration of the recklessness with which public money is expended. The committee decided that it could not afford to rely upon the figures of democratic officials, and that it must appoint an "expert" of its own to compile reliable figures. W. E. Curtis, a protege of Blaine, was appointed and paid$l,oUU to do the wont, inengures wanted were all at the Bureau of Amer ican Republics, and Curtis walked down there where he was informed that they would be printed in a few days. He'll get the printed slips, take them up to the committee and draw his $1,500. It will only take 3,750 bushels of wheat to pay him for that little job. Ilarton County Populists. The meeting of the Barton county peoples central committee at Grand Army hall in Lamar last Saturday was well attended, nearly all of the townships being represented and quite, a large crowd of enthusiastic workers were pres ent. Sickness compelled the absence of Chairman Wm. Burnett, P, CJ. Uray be inir chosen to act in bis place. Barton county has a host of good, willing work ers who are rapidly advancing the cause of populism. Industrial Leader. You are Right. After a careful view of the conditions of our industrial classes, we are led to believe that the question of tariff is not an issue in the politics of our country to any great extent. An honest and con servative canvass of the situation leads us to this opinion. We already begin to see in republican papers the cry oi "pro tection to American labor" and "lighting the fires in American furnaces." Pre- onmnhlv n imlitifftl warwhonn for Mr Kinley.' The democratic papers are pre- ... . J ( . L . scriDing tarui in smauer uunen ior ui maladv. which all confess our body poli tic has somehow contracted. The edi tor of The Sentinel has decided and posi tive views on this question views which he thinks he can maintain in public speech or private argument. But believ ing it to be but a secondary question, this paper will contain but little Editor ial matter concerning it. People's Senti nel. Maine Looming Up. The populists swept the town of Nor way by an overwhelming majority in their special election. Two years ago we had twenty six votes in that town. We are still looking for a report of the matter in the columns of our esteemed neighbor, theLewiston Journal. Maine Populist. '0 mriD WRONG MAN But a Very Difficult Problem to Meet in the Near future. OLD PARTIES BREAKING UP. Upon What Principles Will the new Alignment be Made. The Independent Will never no Democratic Verdurette, Nob., March 31, 1896. Editor Independent: I was some what surprised to find your comments on my short article fn March 26, issue of your paper. Surprised because I had never thought of danger that I would be misunderstood, and provoke criticism. But I am not displeased at all at your comments. Nay I am glad you said it, and I hope you will be extensively copied both in the state and beyond it. You hit the right thing, but iucidently punched the wrong man. Long before any peo ple's party existed I learned that "a house divided against itself cannot stand." There is neithergood sense, nor good honor in hastily and suspiciously criticising our fellow laborers in this holy cause. ' You would never have found any ("im plication" in my article if you had given more heed to the words "We are to meet in St. Louis July 22," The whole thing depends upon the two letters (we). Who then are we? I had supposed that all the world expected a large amount of "we" fn ha there hesidn the POPUlist. I Still adhere to that application of the little word of two letters. Nothing was far ther from my thoughts than unkind sus picion and innuendo. But your comments force me to sub mit to the conclusion that I did not write so sensible men could understand ma anil an T must ntate the case more fully. Before the 22d of July two na tional conventions are to De neiu. ine democrats may divide on the silver ques tion just as they divided at Baltimore in 1860. In that case the free silver dem ocrats will be the democratic party for the goldites will be the bolters, just as Breckenridge and slavery were in 1860. Of course the free saver men win then nominate their men just as Douglas n.tat at Baltimore. Beioff kindly disposed toward all other free silver men they win appoint a iraiemui delegation to come to St. Louis on the 22d and extend the right hand of fellow ship to the populist. Meanwhile Carter, Teller et. al. will have their arrangements niitii the mannfantiirers consumma ted and protection and free silver or a bolt will be the terms to the republican convention. A bolt will! be the result, and the bolters will meet us with the right hand of fellowship. The populist will be one of three, ah see, and an agree, that, nnthintr short of getting the offices and possesion of the government will do r i m n a. the country any gooo. oo ior tne muss exalted reason there will be an effort to arrange matters so as to get the offices. The situation will then be a democratic party with free silver and tariff reform a republican bolt with free silver and pro tectionthe populist with the Omaha platform, with fractions of prohibition, socialism etc. A committee of conference ia nniV in nrrier. A renort 18 made. The democrats drop tariff reform, but hold tofreeBUver ana tae name ana iickgc marl a at ChWACrn. Carter. Teller et. al. Amn rirntaet.inn and nncent free silver. -r- The populist win De expected w urop uu except free silver, moctodoitis urns ion ana iauure 10 eieui. iu uu niu. probably, carry the , solid south and more or less of the west, anu may eiecs a president, but there is no certainity of it. Many free silver repuDiicans wm reiuse to be known as democrats. Some pop ulist will mourn for the Omaha platform aud refuse to vote. The populist at St. Louis will be confronted with the nec essity of adjourning without nomin ating a ticket, or else assuming the responsibility of defeat and failure.. It will be a most embarrassing situation for every one of them. The result, I think, is likely to be no peoples ticket in the field all democrat and free silver. All this is now in sight as possible, if indeed, it is not probable. But suppose the democrat part of it is only a bolt, and not a national party and ticket. Then the elements of difference remain, and are just the same as before. A new plat form and new name will then be needed. In the light of these facts are my words "trim and compromise" offensive? I think not. The circumstances are a controlling power in such a case. The lines broke, the team ran away, the carriage upset and hurt some of the passengers, and killed a few. That is about the situation. I do not really fancy being known as a democrat,but to save my country I think I could stand it. The democrat party swallowed Horace Greely wholly boots and all. So I have a highly respectable t t. least. Rut here is vour dose gentlemen. Everything trimmed off only free silver, silent on all other things. In Nebraska the World Herald our oracle, and Bryan for generalissimo. Holcomb, Allen, Tibbies et. al. gone democrat. Well a great Savior once came out of Nazareth, and Nazareth had a very bad reputation too. Possibly a great Savior might come out of South Carolina, and that would be a parall case to some extent. Well be it so "The Lord reigns" and let the wicked be darned and the righteoui saved" even if gravitation turns the other way." Amen and amen. J, M. Snyder., There will be a straight populis. ticket nomiuated at St. Louis, and Hoi comb, Allen, Tibbies et. al. will not go democratic, not by a well not by a good deal, and we will fight like Bengal tigers to elect it. If we don't eucced we will keep on fighting as long as the tip of the Kilkenny cat's tail has three hairs left on it. Don't you fear Brother Snyder. The government lives, the Lord reigns and the populists will right the wrongs of the great common people or die fighting on the field of battle, and when that day conies, they won't be the only corpses on that field either. The populist national convention will not adjourn without nominating a ticket. There is no party and no set of men de manding "free silver only." If any set of men ever had an organization au thorized to speak for them, the free sil ver men have such in the Bimetallic League. More than two years ago the League refused to make a fight for "free silver only" with only one dissenting vote. Gen. Warner, its president, de clared that if such a resolution was passed he would walk out, lock the door and never come back. The situation is not at all as you view it, Brother Snyder. Honest men of all parties and all sections are going to get together at St Louis, a populist convention will formulate a platform and nominate a ticket. When that event takes place a shout of joy will break forth from a hundred thousand throats that will rend the very skies and be echoed back from every hamlet and village in this land of ours, and we ex pect to see Brother Snyder standing there with the tears rolling down his face and saying, "Amen and amen" Editor Independent. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION- An Enthusiastic Meeting Addressed by' Ohanoellor McLean and Others- Hastings, Neb., April 7, 1896. The opening session of the Central Ne braska Teachers' association took place on Thursday in the court house at 1 p. m. The court house presented a very attractive appearance, having previous-' ly been decorated andornamented for the occasion. Quite a large number of vis iting teachers were present at the open ing. Several interesting papers were read and discussed at some length. The association adjourned for one hour to ' give the teachers an opportunity to visit the high school and examine the school work on exhibition there. At 4 o'clock the association was called to order and proceeded to carry out the afternoon program, then adjourned for supper. In the evening a large audience of teachers and citizens gathered in the Presbyterian church to greet Chancellor McLean of the State University, who was speaker of the evening. President Stableton introduced the speaker who, after a few preliminary remarks an nounced his subject "Americanism vs Jingoism," which proved to be both novel and interesting as well as instruct ive and patriotic. A vote of thanks was extended to the chancellor after which the visiting teachers were tendered a re ception in the parlors of the Bostwick hotel by the Hastings teachers, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Dillon. It was a delight ful evening and everything blended in harmony with the occasion refresh ments daintily served, and ajl went home to their little beds to dream ot the good things they had enjoyed. Friday rooming the association con vened at 9 o'clock in the court house. After the usual preliminaries Professor F. M. Fling of Lincoln, gave a short ad dress on history and teaching the same. The remainder of the forenoon was occu pied in the interest of history and civics. At 11:45 the association adjourned for dinner. The afternoon meeting opened with a business meeting at which the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, G. I. Kelly, Ord; Vice-President, A. O. Thomas, St. Paul; Secretary, E. S. Randall, Aurora. During the morning a telegram was received from Wm. Hawley Smith, an nouncing his illness and inability to be here to address the association. About 2:30 p. m. Chancellor McLean was intro duced and spoke for about two hours to a large and appreciative audience. ' He explained his viewsin aclear and forcible manner upon the school system of our state from the primary grades to the final culmination in the State University. I am sorry space will not permit me to give this address in full. At the close o the chancellors address, the report of the convention on resolutions was presented and adopted. Among other resolutions I noticed one in particular which I think is a good one, and it was adopted, favor ing the establishment of a court of arbi tration for the settlement of interna tional disputes. A vote of thanks was extended to the teachers and people of Hastings for their generous hospitality. The association adjourned toj meet next year, time and place to be determined by the executive committee. Crops and Weather. The week opened with a windstorm on the 3lst, accompanied in the northern part of the state with rain, turning to snow, which developed into the worst storm of the winter, delaying farm work generally. During the latter part of the week the weather has been favorable for the rapid progress of plowing and seed ing. The soil is generally mellow and moist and in excelleut condition for put ting in the seed. r