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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1896)
THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT January 16, 189 y JOHN SHERMAN'S CUNNING How the Sly Old Deceiver Manipa Uted the English Lanufce- It was often remarked on the floor of tit senate during the silver session that any financial proposition, from the un limited issue of paper money to the de struction of aii legal tender money, could bs proved to be "sound finance" by extracts from the speeches of John Sher man. He made a speech of that charac ter ta the senate the other day. Hon. EL F. Bartine makes a running comment 00 one sentence in that speech which is picy reading. After quoting the sen tence in full, he quotes it again, inter Jocting a few remarks as he goes along, Iter the following fashion: '' "Our system, when cured of a few de lects," (What defects?) "developed by time," (how?) "founded upon the bime tallic coinage of gold and silver," (what does be mean by bimetallic coinage?) maintained at par with each other, (how?) "with free national banks estab lished in every city or town of import ance in the United States," (What does be mean by "free?" Does he mean exempt from taxation?) "issuing their notes, se cured beyond doubt by United States bonds or some equivalent security," (Where are they to get the bonds, and what would be equivalent security?) "re deemable on demand in United States notes," (What kind of notes?) "and the issue of an amount of United States notes and treasury notes equal to the amouut outstanding," (What distinc tion does he make between future issues of United States notes and treasury notes? Does he mean to add to what we have, an equal amount, or does he merely in tend to keep them at the present limit?) "with provision for a ratable increase with the increase of population," (How? Is he really getting on the Peoples' Party platform, or is he just talking?) "always redeemable in coin," (What kind of coin?) "supported by an ample reserve of coin in the treasury," What kind of coin and bow is the reserve to be provided?) : "such a system" (what sys tem?) "would make our money current in commercial circles in every land and clime," (that is rhetorical, but bow does he expect to get our paper into circula tion abroad?) "better than the best that now exists in Europe," (What does he meau by "better"? Does he mean dearer of greater purchasing power? He has believe that the always protested to "dearest" money is t y is the "best,' ) "better than that of Great Britain, which now holds the purse strings of the world." Aud it may be added very largely by Mr. Sherman's help. But what does the om nibus proposition mean? That is the question. No Delphian oracle ever uttered a pro phesy more uncertain and ambiguous than the financial philosophy which thus fell from the lips of the great monetary leader of the republican party. No mat ter what he may do during the next five years, Mr. Sherman can point to that passage in justification. , Our aim from now until February, 1st . shall be not totnuke but to get money. We will therefore sell Suits & Coats at un ' precedented low prices. Agriculturalists visiting Lincoln the coining week will, we believe, save money by trading with us. Paine, Warfel & Bumstead. Send us In a list of names to whom we may send sample copies of this paper. A SONQ FOR THE NEW YEAR THAT GREAT WAVE It ' Overtakes Another Large Firm In Lincoln Tuesday of this week the largest furni ture house in Lincoln was closed up un der chattel mortgage by the First Na tional Bank. The firm was Greutter & Joers, who had been in business for a long time and had always been consid ered one of the strongest and most re liable firms in the city. A few years ago they invested in a train load of furuiture, made a grand parade through the streets, and began business in their own elegant building, which is as nice as any in the city, six stories high, 75x90 feet. When men with the financial standing and public confidence that these men en Joyed cannot make a Buccess in business there must be something radically wrong with the financial condition of the country. J. V. Wolfe & Son's great winter "hrood sow" sale comes off Januarj 80th. Bear in mind the date and send to them for catalogue. II This paper and The Sliver Knight both for one year for $1.15 in advance. Now is the time to buy Shoes, The tnnt TVirm Store 121 3 O Street. Are saving their 25 per cent discount Sale. 75 cents will buy $1.00 worth of Shoes at The Foot Form Store, 1213 0 Street. Nor moos Bor atarbsam the gloom to light t Hour after hour go lowly by Under tb Mm cold leaden aky . Night I With ahadee of horror And aound of frlvht Th weak art trodden down la th throng. Cry, 0 prophet, Bow long how long? Night! Bold Wrong la victor o'er feeble Right, Brother meet brother In mortal fray. Watchman, aeeat thou bo eigne of day? Night! Ob for the morning oh for the light, For the etretcbed-ont Arm and might; Hand I Alas, for tbe thick darkueea It o'er tbe land I Dawn! Behold, in the far oB eaat le born A faint, faint glimmer, distant gleam, And earth le waking aa from a dream Dawn I Like a golden flow'r on eapphlre lawn One large etar float la the opening ekles. Be itrong, ad heart I Be glad, sad eyet Dawn I Weary of battle, wounded and torn, 81 ok of tyranny, pride and greed. May the day teach man a holler creed I Dawn! Tbe bead of gold for tbe feet of clay, Cry, 0 prophets, God reign above I Blng, 0 rescued, Ills Name Is Love! A Criminal Libel. Wednesday morning the State Journal printed the following outrageous para graph: "Molly King, who runs a house in the reservation, cume to the police station last night aud applied for a warrant against J. 11. Jones and William Decb. She charged them with kicking in her door and otherwise destroying her prop erty and peace of mind." The matter was brought to attention of the Independent just as it was going to press. Mr. Jones said over the tele phone that he was not in the city on that niRht, and the story was manufac tured out of whole cloth. It will be noticed that the only foundation for the story is the unsupposed word of a noto rious prostitute, whose oath has been refused time and again in the courts of Lincoln. The Merchants Hotel Restaurent at the corner of P & 12th st, some time since advertised ten cent meals. Within a few days new tables have to be put in once more, waiters hired, for every one that comes once, comes ugain when they saw the clean table linens, white napkins, and abundant food, all for ten cents. There never was such a meal with such service put up for ten cents before. Mr. N. 0. Alberts of Sarenville, Clay County, was in the City, this week, lie called at this office and renewed his sub scription for 1 year in advance. HAVE YOU FIVE OR MORE COWS! If so a " Baby " Cream Separator will earn Its cost for tou every Tear. Why continue an Inferior system another year at so (Treat a loss f Dairying Is now the only profitable feature oi Agriculture, properly con ducted It always pays well, and must pay you. Tou need a Separator, and you need the BEST, tbe " Baby." All styles and capacities. Prices, $76.00 upward. Bend lor new low catalogue. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO., BiMch Meets ELGIN, ILL. Qtntral Offlcstt 74 OORTUNDT ST.. NEW YORK. Notloe to Part no Coast Travelers The new fast service inaugurated by the Northwestern-Union Pacific line to points as abo ve, enables us to offer you the best through car service and a good many hours faster time from Lincoln. Please call on us for lull information. I. A. Moshbr. General Agent. A. S. Fielding, City Ticket Agt. 117 So 10 8t Clubbing List. 1895-96. The Nebraska Independent clubbing list for this season has been carefully culled, and only the beat publications are need Our reader can make considerable saving Dy rderlng all of their reading matter for the com ing year, through us. Cash must accompany all order; and remit, tance must be made by Bank Draft, Poatofflc Money Order, or Kxpre Order. Where check upon local Bank are aent, there must be 10 cents added lor exenange. lylhe prioei Quoted below one year's subscription to Th Nebraska Independent. Address all orders to . . TBE INDEPENDENT PUB. CO., Lincoln, Neb. NiMi or Pafeb. 1 40 1 90 1 45 3 70 11 10 2 60 S TO 8 85 4 SO 4 10 4 80 2 00 1 60 8 10 1 85 1 M 8 60 8 85 2 85 1 25 5 10 We place on sale Several hundred MEN'S, BOYS', and CHILDREN'S Suits and Overcoats AT SPECIAL PRICES. Men's Suits at $4.50, $6.00, $7.50 and $10, worth from $7.50 to $15. Boys' Suits $3.50 to $7.50, worth $6.00 to $12.50. Children's Suits $2.00 to $5.00, worth $4.00 to $8.50, and many other goods equally cut in price. You will be well repaid. Call in and see for your selves. All are invited. Come sure. Browning, King & Co. More Prosperous Than Ever CAN BE TRULY SAID OF Lincoln Normal University. so PER CENT MORE STUDENTS ENROLLED THIS YEAR THAN FOR THE CORRESPONDING PERIOD LAST YEAR. We have the BEST TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS In Nebraska, or the West for that matter. We have the only well equipped Business College In Nebraska. If yon doubt this statement come to see for yourself, "Seeing is believing." We prepare students to enter the State University of Nebraska, and grades made with ns an recognised there. Our faculty of 19 experienced men and women Is the strongest to be found In any Normal. Business, or Preparatory School in the State. We assist all worthy graduates to positions. We have school the year round and yon can enter at any time and take up such studies aa you desire. - Nobody disputes the statement that we have tho best equipped Business College In Nebraska- Its graduates are found In good positions throughout the West. More than 150 positions in the best school of Nebraska are filled by the last year's students of Lincoln Normal University. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IS SPECIALLY EMPHASIZED. WE GIVE THE BACK WARD STUDENT A CHANCE. We have the largest and finest laboratories to be found In any unendowed Normal school west of Chicago. For Catalogue address. mLL M BLL M gf preg Normal, Lincoln, Neb. THE BEST IS SURE TO WIN! Galvanized Steel Tanks. JSTALX. SIZES AHD FOB Alt FTJBFOSES. Shipped ready for use, or knocked down to save freight. Very easy to set up. We have prac tical, durable tanks. Just what you want. AMERICAN STEEL TANK COMPANY, Mishawaka, Ind. Old subscribers may take advantage of these offers as well as new subscribers, by paying up back subscription. It behind, and the club rate for the year to come. Price, Including one year's subscription to The N. I. Nonconformist, Indianapolis w l w Advocate, Topeka " J Bouthern Mercury, Dallas J ? Anneal To Reason. Kansas City, w i Comlug Nation, Tennessee City w I n Prairie Farmer, Chicago w J Missouri World, Chllllcothe w J Farm, Field Fireside, Chicago w 1 60 Representative (Donnelly's paper)St.Paul w 1 60 Farmers' Tribune, Des Moines vr 1 60 Advance, Chicago 8S American Agricultui allst. New Tork w 1 w American Bee Journal, t;nicago " American Gardening, Chicago w 1 W American Poultry Journal. Chicago m 1 American Swineherd, Chicago m 1 S in.rWn Khun Rrmder. Chicago m 1 80 Arkansaw Traveler, Little Bock & Chicago m Babyhood, New York m Babyland, Boston Christian Work, New York...,.-...............-' Cosmopolitan, New Tork m nmnpMt.'i Mnfi-nEina. new x ors.............ui Family Story Paper w s iw Viriil rnmnanion. New York w 3 S Forum, New York " Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, N. Y m t M nieaulnira In Be Culture. Medina. Ohlo.S-m 1 85 Good Housekeeping, Springfield, Mass m Golden Days, Philadelphia................. w Harper's Basaar, New York w Harper's Manalne, New York m Harper's Weekly, New York w Hoard's Dairyman, Ft. Atklnton. Wis w Hansekeeper, Minneapolis, Minn s-m H nruiniin Thicairo W Judge, New York... ................w H 10 Life, New Yor k .w o o Ltppincott'l Magailne, Philadelphia ..m 10 McClure' Magailne, New York m 1 M National Stockman and Farmer .....w 3 M North American Review. New York m S 10 Our Little Men and Women, Boston m Our Little Ooae and The Nursery.Boston m Outlook, New York w Outing, New York m Phrenological Journal, New York m Poultry Chum, De Kalb, 111 ...m Vin k. New York w Ram's Horn, Chicago ..w S 10 Review of Reviews, New York m 3 10 St. Nicholas, New York.- m S 60 Scientific American, New York w S 60 Scritmer'a Magazine, New York m S 60 Swine Breeder's Journal,Indianapolis,Ind , s-m 1 60 Texaii sifting,' New York w S 60 The Kingdom, Minneapolis - w 1 90 The Arena, Boston m 0 Witness, New York ....-........w 1 90 Youth's Companion, Boston ....................w 2 50 silver KniKht. Washington. D. C.. w 1 15 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report. Royal ggg. ABSOLUTELY PURE. SHIP YOUR GRAIN TO W. S. McCrea & Co, General Commission Merchants, ft J !l J nil i riRtir 50LD ON EASY TERMS. SCOTT HAY PRtSS IX 810 ttX 6Qv SV Kwau viilo.a Rooms 41 and 49 Board of Trade, CHICAOO. Rooms 30 and 31 Chamber of Commerce, MILWAUKEE, Wis. Address all Correspondence to Chicago. ftsTIn all cases where advances an made against consignments, we reserve a discretionary power oi sale. W. S. McCREA, When shipping please mention the Independent. W. B. WATERS, -Successors to H. S. McCrea & Co. THE SOLDIERS' COLONY, SWAN, GA. for In It are located the largest Peach orchards In the world, while Pears. Apples, Grapes, and Melons do equally well. The soil Is easily cultivated and produces fine crops of Corn, Oats, Rye, Barley, Cotton, Sugar Cane, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Peas, and a general variety of vegetables. Tbe climate is mild and healthful. Lands conveniently located to shipping points can be procured for from fa to $10 per acre, on liberal terms. For illustrated pamphlet, map, land lists. Urn tables, etc, write to G. A. MAC DONALD, W. L, GLESSNER, Is located In that section of Georgia traversed by the GEORGIA SOUTHERN & FLORIDA RAILWAY, which is the only direct through route to the capital of tbe colony, connecting at TUton witn tbe Tlfton ft Nortn Eastern Halroad for swan ( Fitzgerald.) By this route, parties from Chicago. Indianapolis. Detroit, Cleveland and Cincin nati can secure sleepers with only one change (In depot at Nashville) to Tifton, and from St. Loois direct without change. The section in which this colony is located na Deen well named The Great Fruit Belt of the South. General Passenger Agent, Macor, Ga. Commissioner of Immigration, Macon, Ga. If you want a sure relief for pains in the back, side, chest, or I limbs, use an jj Allcock's Porous Plaster..... a . BEAR IN MIND Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita- g tions is as good as the genuine. . 1 mm m i u nmii rrimniii muri i im i rim frn:i QtniTm rauiiiimtwnMtDMi u i u i imi mot neu m rvn Established 1850. ;1 f. jelke & so:i, lUUVj n.t Walnut CASH ADVANCES MADE ON ALL CONSIGNMENTS. REFER TO ANY CINCINNATI BANK. WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. . 53 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, O. Commission Merchants and ' laalen in Broom Corn and all klndi of Broom Materials A Machinery. SEEDS ALFALFA SEED A SPECIALTY. Can and MlUet Seed. Kaffir, Jerusalem and Mllo Mail. Corn Success and Bailees Barley, Seed Oats. All crop of 18KS Writ tor oar -How to Sow Alfalfa. and price on eda. MeBETH K.1NN1SON, Garden City. Hannah. Be Alliance Store, 1008 P STKEET, Is having a big sale of Lexington Patent Flour at $1.60 per 100. (This is as good a Flour as can be found any where. The Favorite brand at 60c. per sack. 5 cans Sugar Corn for - - - .25 Battle Ax Tobacco, per lb., - . .20 . Even change, 20 cents 30 lbs. Dried Apples for - - - $1.00 and all GROCERIES CHEAP at 1008 P STREET. Results prove conclusively that by the use of fertilizers rich in potash the crops of Wheat and Rye and all winter crops are largely increased and the soil is positively enriched. We will cheerfully mail our pamphlets on Potash, its Use and Abuse on the Farm, free iff cost. They will cost you nothing to read, and will save you dollars, . GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. Homes for a ' Million People I NO CROP FAILURES rBesuUsAbsoiu Irrigated Lands of the Pecos Valley, in New Mexico. A country of Magnificent resources, unexcelled climate and wondrful healthfulnesS; well adapted to general farming, fruit growing, and stock raising; Easy terms and other sunerlnr to those desiring permanent homes. For accurate information In regard to prices of lands, terms of sale, location of lands, maps railway rates, etc., write to or call on F. E. KOESLER, ' Land Commissioner Pecos Irrigation and Improvement Co., Office in Texas 4 Pacific Ticket Office, r 1 1 m Trust Company Building, 155 Main Street, " ld.lld.I 13X3,5. T Famous Texas Coast Lands. 300,000 acres in tracts of twenty acres and upwards. Thirty miles frontage on Coast. Healthful climate. Five vineyards aud vegetable farms on the land. 1000 acres Just sold to a Vineyard Company. Prices low One-flfth cash, balance long time. Special Inducements to colonies. 1 35 AGENCIES IN 24 STATES., -Proposed colonies seeking locations write for informanee to 6 Alamo Insurance Building. JAMER ANDERSON, San Antonio, Texas. ni JD uu FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, VINES, ROSES, ORNAMENTALS, Crates & Baskets. LORENTZ PEACH. NEW FKUITS a specially- Don't pay double prices. Illns. Catalogue Free. " They SURPASS all others," says E. 8. CARMAN, K. N. Y., end H. E. VAN DEMAN, U. S. Dept. Buy direct. ELDORADO BLACKBERRY. REID'S NURSERIES, Bridgeport-Ohio. TAKE NOTICE! Book and Job Printing In all its branches. County Printing and Supplies Lithographing . . . . Book Binding Engraving From the simplest style to the most elaborate. Of all kinds. Blank Books In every style. Legal Blanks The Red Line Series, the handsomest Blank in the country, printed on Bond Paper at less expense than other houses furnish them on ordinary flat paper. Stereotyping From superior hard metal. Printers' Rollers Made by an expert from the best and most durable material. Country Printers Having county or other work, which they cannot themselves handle, would make money by writing us for terms. The ndependent Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. ( There Is No Doubt oul MERIT of It cut both ways, does not crush. One rlln aud the horn are off close. Write for circular. A, C. BROSIU Tin: KKY3TOSf''! FORMING KNirr. hranvllle. pa. ? WHY? loneyonr sow and pl(r at farrowln(r! TTwmy new forceps and sare them. Will no vou naiuple tc Introduce them at wholesale price. BOOK about plgi 1'KEE. i. N. Relimra, 1187 H.nt. Ia.venport,Ia. J